ISSN 2414-0562 (Print) ISSN 2617-2224 (Online)



№ 2 (22) — March 2020

Collection is trained in scientific partnership with the Ukrainian Technological Academy

Kyiv 2020 Редакція Editorial Головний редактор Editorial in Chief Романенко Євген Олександрович, Yevgen Oleksandrovych Romanenko, доктор наук з державного управління, Doctor of sciences in Public Administration, Professor, професор, академік Української Технологічної Academician of the Ukrainian Technological Academy, Академії, Міжнародної Кадрової Академії International Personnel Academy and Academy та Академії наук публічного управління, of Sciences of Public Administration, Honored Lawyer заслужений юрист України of Ukraine Заступник головного редактора Deputy Editor Жукова Ірина Віталіївна, Iryna Vitaliivna Zhukova, кандидат наук з державного управління, доцент PhD in Public Administration, assistant professor

Публічне урядування Public management Свідоцтво КВ 21596-11496 Р Certificate КВ 21596-11496 Р Видається з листопада 2015 року Published from november 2015 Періодичність: 1 раз на квартал + 1 на рік Pereodisity: 4 times on a year + one Друкується за рішенням Вченої ради Published by the decision of Academic council of Міжрегіональної Академії управління персоналом Interregional Academy of Personnel Management (Протокол № 2 від 26.02.2020) (Protocol № 2 from February 26, 2020) Видання є таким, що реферується в міжнародних Сollection is included to the international and та вітчизняних наукометричних базах: domestic scientometrics databases Index Index Copernicus, РИНЦ, ResearchBib, Copernicus International, ResearchBib, Turkish Turkish Education Index, Polish Scholarly Education Index, Polish Scholarly Bibliography, Bibliography, КиберЛенинка, Google Scholar, РИНЦ, КиберЛенинка, Google Scholar, “Україніка “Україніка наукова”, “Джерело”. наукова”, “Джерело”. Згідно Наказу Міністерства освіти і науки According to the Order of the Ministry of Education України від 07.11.2018 № 1218 збірник and Science of Ukraine dated November 7, 2018, “Публічне урядування” внесено до Списку № 1218, the collection “Public management” друкованих періодичних видань, що включаються is included in the List of printed periodicals, which are до Переліку наукових фахових видань України, included in the List of scientific professional editions яким присвоєно категорію “Б”. of Ukraine, which have been assigned the category “B”. Відповідальність за зміст, достовірність фактів, The authors are responsible for the content, цитат, цифр несуть автори матеріалів. Редакція accuracy of the facts, quotes, numbers. The editors залишає за собою право на незначне редагування reserves the right for a little change and reduction і скорочення (зі збереженням авторського стилю та (with preservation of the author’s style and main головних висновків). Редакція не завжди поділяє conclusions). Editors can not share the world думки авторів та не несе відповідальність за надану views of the authors and are not responsible for the ними інформацію. Матеріали подано information provided. Materials filed в авторській редакції. in the author’s edition. Передрук — тільки з дозволу редакції. Reprinting — with the editorial’s permission strictly. Адреса редакційної колегії: Андріївський узвіз, Address of the editorial board: 11, Andriyivskyy буд. 11, оф. 68, м. Київ, Україна, 04070 Descent, office 68, Kyiv, Ukraine, 04070 Е-mail: [email protected] Е-mail: [email protected] Адреса видавництва: Addres of the editorial: ПрАТ “ВНЗ “Міжрегіональна Академія Interregional Academy управління персоналом” of Personnel Management вул. Фрометівська, 2, Str. Frometivska, 2, Київ, Україна, 03039 Kyiv, Ukraine, 03039

Public management : collection. — № 2 (22). — March 2020. — Kyiv : Interregional Academy of Personnel Management, 2020. — 236 p.

2 Головний редактор — Романенко Євген Олександрович, Проректор Міжрегіональної Академії управління персоналом, доктор наук з державного управління, професор, академік Української Технологічної Академії, Міжнародної Кадрової Академії та Академії наук публічного управління, заслужений юрист України. Заступник головного редактора — Жукова Ірина Віталіївна, кандидат наук з державного управління, доцент, завідувач кафедри професійної освіти та управління навчальним закладом Міжрегіональної Академії управління персоналом. Редакційна колегія 1. Акімова Людмила Миколаївна — док- професор кафедри державного управління та тор наук з державного управління, кандидат місцевого самоврядування Івано-Франків- економічних наук, доцент, Заслужений пра- ського національного технічного університе- цівник освіти України, професор кафедри ту нафти і газу. фінансів та економіки природокористування 9. Валевський Олексій Леонідович — Національного університет водного госпо- доктор наук з державного управління, стар- дарства та природокористування. ший науковий співробітник, провідний нау- 2. Андрущенко Тетяна Вікторівна — док- ковий співробітник Національного інституту тор політичних наук, професор, провідний стратегічних досліджень. науковий співробітник Інституту вищої осві- 10. Ващенко Костянтин Олександро- ти Національної академії педагогічних наук вич — доктор політичних наук, Голова Націо- України. нального агентства України з питань держав- 3. Афонін Едуард Андрійович — док- ної служби, член-кореспондент Національної тор соціологічних наук, професор, академік академії педагогічних наук України, заслуже- Української технологічної академії, заслуже- ний економіст України. ний діяч науки і техніки України, професор 11. Вендт Ян Анджей — доктор хабіліто- кафедри публічної політики та політичної ваний наук про Землю у сфері географії, про- аналітики Національної академії державного фесор, заступник директора з питань науки управління при Президентові України. та розвитку Інституту океанографії та геогра- 4. Балашов Анатолій Миколайович — фії Гданського університету (Польща). доктор наук з державного управління, про- 12. Гаєвська Лариса Анатоліївна — док- фесор, професор кафедри публічного ад- тор наук з державного управління, доцент, міністрування Міжрегіональної Академії заступник начальника управління з навчаль- управління персоналом, президент Всеукра- ної роботи — начальник відділу менеджмен- їнської академії наук публічного управління. ту знань Національної академії державного 5. Бова Тетяна В’ячеславівна — доктор управління при Президентові України, про- наук з державного управління, доцент, Хер- фесор кафедри управління освітою. сонський національний технічний універси- 13. Гвожьджєвіч Сильвія — кандидат тет, професор кафедри державного управлін- наук, кафедра адміністрації та національ- ня і місцевого самоврядування. ної безпеки Державної професійної вищої 6. Бодров Володимир Григорович — док- школи ім. Якуба з Парадижа в Гожуві-Ве- тор економічних наук, професор, завідувач ликопольcькому (Гожув-Великопольський, кафедри управління національним господар- Польща). ством та економічної політики Національної 14. Гечбайя Бадри Нодарович — доктор академії державного управління при Прези- економічних наук, асоційований професор, дентові України. Батумський державний університет ім. Шота 7. Бульба Володимир Григорович — док- Руставелі, факультет економіки і бізнесу. тор наук з державного управління, професор, Керуючий департаментом управління бізне- декан факультету підготовки магістрів дер- сом (Грузія). жавного управління Харківського регіональ- 15. Гурковський Володимир Ігорович — ного інституту державного управління На- доктор наук з державного управління, пер- ціональної академії державного управління ший заступник директора ВГО “Центр до- при Президентові України. слідження проблем публічного управління”. 8. Бутирська Тетяна Олександрівна — 16. Дацій Надія Василівна — доктор наук доктор наук з державного управління, доцент, з державного управління, доцент, завідувач

3 кафедри менеджменту і маркетингу Київ- та психології Національної академії педаго- ського національного лінгвістичного універ- гічних наук України. ситету. 27. Кіслов Денис Васильович — док- 17. Девадзе Анзор Хемидович — кан- тор наук з державного управління, доцент, дидат економічних наук, доктор економіки, член-кореспондент Української Академії. професор, Батумський державний універси- Наук, професор кафедри публічного адміні- тет ім. Шота Руставелі, факультет туризму стрування Міжрегіональної Академії управ- (Грузія). ління персоналом. 18. Денисюк Світлана Георгіївна — док- 28. Козаков Володимир Миколайович — тор політичних наук, професор кафедри су- доктор наук з державного управління, профе- спільно-політичних наук Вінницького на- сор, професор кафедри державної політики ціонального технічного університету. та суспільного розвитку Національної акаде- 19. Довгань Валерій Іванович — доктор мії державного управління при Президентові наук з державного управління, доцент, про- України. фесор кафедри державного управління та 29. Корнієвський Олександр Анатолі- місцевого самоврядування Хмельницького йович — доктор політичних наук, професор, університету управління та права. головний науковий співробітник Національ- 20. Драган Іван Олександрович — доктор ного інституту стратегічних досліджень. наук з державного управління, старший нау- 30. Кринична Ірина Петрівна — доктор ковий співробітник, професор кафедри еко- наук з державного управління, доцент, про- номічної безпеки, публічного управління та фесор кафедри державного управління та адміністрування Житомирського державного місцевого самоврядування Дніпропетров- технологічного університету. ського регіонального інституту державного 21. Драгомирецька Наталія Михайлів- управління Національної академії держав- на — доктор наук з державного управління, ного управління при Президентові України. професор кафедри філософських та соціаль- 31. Крюков Олексій Ігорович — доктор но-політичних наук Одеського регіонально- наук з державного управління, професор ка- го інституту державного управління Націо- федри політології та філософії Харківського нальної академії державного управління при регіонального інституту державного управ- Президентові України. ління Національної академії державного 22. Жулева Гергана — Доктор PhD, вико- управління при Президентові України. навчий директор болгарської урядової “Про- 32. Литвин Юрій Олексійович — доктор грами доступу до інформації” (Болгарія). наук з державного управління, професор, за- 23. Іваницька Ольга Михайлівна — док- відувач кафедри державного управління та тор наук з державного управління, професор, місцевого самоврядування Академії муніци- професор кафедри теорії та практики управ- пального управління. ління Національного технічного університе- 33. Лопушинський Іван Петрович — док- ту України “Київський політехнічний інсти- тор наук з державного управління, профе- тут ім. Ігоря Сікорського”. сор, Херсонський національний технічний 24. Ірвін Студін — Доктор PhD, профе- університет, завідувач кафедри державного сор Школи державної політики та управ- управління і місцевого самоврядування. ління Університету Торонто, Президент 34. Мамічев Олексій Юрійович — доктор Інституту питань ХХІ століття, головний політичних наук, доцент, завідувач кафедри редактор і видавець журналу Global Brief теорії та історії російського та зарубіжного (Канада). права Владивостоцького державного універ- 25. Кайдашев Роман Петрович — доктор ситету економіки і сервісу (Росія). юридичних наук, доцент, професор кафедри 35. Миколайчук Микола Миколайо- публічного адміністрування Міжрегіональ- вич — доктор наук з державного управління, ної Академії управління персоналом. професор, Одеський регіональний інститут 26. Карташов Євген Григорович — док- державного управління Національної акаде- тор наук з державного управління, завідувач мії державного управління при Президентові кафедри управління проектами та загально- України, професор кафедри економічної та фахових дисциплін, Інститут менеджменту фінансової політики.

4 36. Мікеладзе Едуард Важаєвич — кан- ального відділення Антимонопольного комі- дидат економічних наук, професор, Хіча- тету України. урський навчальний університет ім. святої 46. Пархоменко-Куцевіл Оксана Ігорів- Тбел Абусерідзе, факультет економіки та на — доктор наук з державного управління, бізнесу (Грузія). завідувач кафедри публічного адміністру- 37. Мішель Маффесолі — професор вання Міжрегіональної Академії управління університету ім. Рене Декарта/Сорбонна — персоналом. Париж V (Париж, Французька республіка). 47. Пивоваров Костянтин Володими- 38. Молодцов Олександр Володимиро- рович — доктор наук з державного управлін- вич — доктор наук з державного управлін- ня, професор кафедри публічного адміністру- ня, доцент, професор кафедри державного вання Міжрегіональної Академії управління управління та місцевого самоврядування персоналом. Івано-Франківського національного техніч- 48. Пірен Марія Іванівна — доктор соці- ного університету нафти та газу. ологічних наук, професор, Чернівецький на- 39. Мотренко Тимофій Валентино- ціональний університет імені Юрія Федько- вич — професор кафедри публічного адміні- вича, завідувач кафедри. стрування Міжрегіональної Академії управ- 49. Плющ Руслан Миколайович — док- ління персоналом, доктор філософських тор наук з державного управління, доцент, наук, професор, Академік Національної ака- професор кафедри державного управління і демії педагогічних наук України. місцевого самоврядування Херсонського на- 40. Науменко Раїса Андріївна — доктор ціонального технічного університету. наук з державного управління, професор, 50. Половцев Олег Валентинович — док- професор кафедри публічного управління та тор наук з державного управління, професор адміністрування Київського національного кафедри державного управління і місцевого торговельно-економічного університету. самоврядування Херсонського національно- 41. Наумкіна Світлана Михайлівна — го технічного університету. доктор політичних наук, професор Дер- 51. Радченко Олександр Віталійович — жавного закладу “Південноукраїнський на- доктор наук з державного управління, про- ціональний педагогічний університет фесор, професор Університету Яна Длугоша ім. К. Д. Ушинського” (м. Одеса). в Ченстохові (Польща). 42. Непомнящий Олександр Михайло- 52. Ромат Євгеній Вікторович — доктор вич — доктор наук з державного управління, наук з державного управління, професор, професор, академік Академії будівництва завідувач кафедри маркетингу та реклами України, професор кафедри публічного ад- Київського національного торговельно-еко- міністрування Міжрегіональної Академії номічного університету. управління персоналом, Заслужений буді- 53. Руденко Ольга Мстиславівна — док- вельник України. тор наук з державного управління, доцент, 43. Новак-Каляєва Лариса Миколаїв- директор Науково-дослідного інституту пу- на — доктор наук з державного управління, блічного адміністрування та менеджменту доцент, професор кафедри державного управ- Чернігівського національного технологічно- ління Львівського регіонального інституту го університету. державного управління Національної акаде- 54. Ручка Анатолій Олександрович — мії державного управління при Президентові доктор соціологічних наук, професор, Інсти- України. тут соціології НАН України, головний науко- 44. Новаченко Тетяна Василівна — док- вий співробітник. тор наук з державного управління, доцент, 55. Саханєнко Сергій Єгорович — док- професор кафедри парламентаризму та полі- тор наук з державного управління, професор тичного менеджменту Національної академії кафедри державного управління і місцевого державного управління при Президентові самоврядування Одеського регіонального України. інституту державного управління НАДУ при 45. Олуйко Віталій Миколайович — док- Президентові України. тор наук з державного управління, професор, 56. Сіцінська Майя Володимирівна — голова Хмельницького обласного територі- доктор наук з державного управління, профе-

5 сор кафедри філософії та політології Націо- нізацій та зовнішньоекономічної діяльності нального університету державної податкової Волинського інституту економіки та менедж- служби України. менту. 57. Слінько Олександр Анатолійович — 64. Філіпенко Тетяна В’ячеславівна — доктор політичних наук, професор, завідувач доктор наук з державного управління, про- кафедри політології та політичного управ- фесор Міжрегіональної Академії управління ління Воронезької філії Російської академії персоналом. народного господарства та державної служ- 65. Жукова Ірина Віталіївна — кандидат би при Президентові Російської Федерації наук з державного управління, доцент ка- (Росія). федри публічного адміністрування Міжре- 58. Соболєва Наталя Іванівна — доктор гіональної Академії управління персоналом. соціологічних наук, старший науковий спів- 66. Червякова Ольга Володимирівна — робітник, Інститут соціології НАН України, доктор наук з державного управління. провідний науковий співробітник. 67. Чернишов Юрій Георгійович — док- 59. Сурай Інна Геннадіївна — доктор наук тор політичних наук, професор, завідувач з державного управління, доцент, професор кафедри Алтайського державного універси- кафедри публічного управління та публічної тету, директор Алтайської школи політичних служби Національної академії державного досліджень (Росія). управління при Президентові України. 68. Шайгородський Юрій Жанович — 60. Суший Олена Володимирівна — док- доктор політичних наук, доцент, головний тор наук з державного управління, доцент, науковий співробітник Інституту політичних Інститут соціальної та політичної психології і етнонаціональних досліджень ім. І. Ф. Кура- НАПН України, завідувач лабораторії. са НАН України. 61. Тадеуш Троціковскі — доктор наук 69. Шпак Юрій Валерійович — доктор про управління, професор, член-кореспон- наук з державного управління, професор ка- дент Регіональної Академії Менеджменту, федри економіки підприємства Східноєвро- Голова Правління Регіонального Центру Єв- пейського університету економіки і менедж- ропейської Інтеграції (Польща). менту. 62. Усаченко Лариса Михайлівна — док- 70. Якимчук Аліна Юріївна — доктор еко- тор наук з державного управління, професор, номічних наук, професор, професор кафедри професор кафедри публічного адміністру- державного управління, документознавства вання Міжрегіональної Академії управління та інформаційної діяльності Національного персоналом, Заслужений діяч науки і техніки університету водного господарства та приро- України. докористування. 63. Халецька Аліна Анатоліївна — 71. Яутріте Бріеде — доктор юридичних доктор наук з державного управління, про- наук, професор, Латвійський університет, фесор, завідувач кафедри менеджменту орга- юридичний факультет (Латвія).

6 Editor in Chief — Yevhen Oleksandrovych Romanenko, Vice-Rector of Interregional Academy of Personnel Management, Doctor of sciences in Public Administration, Professor, Academician of the Ukrainian Technological Academy, International Personnel Academy and Academy of Sci- ences of Public Administration, Honored Lawyer of Ukraine. Deputy Editor — Iryna Vitaliivna Zhukova, PhD in Public Administration, assistant professor.

Editorial board 1. Lyudmila Nikolayevna Akimova — Doc- the Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical Uni- tor of Science in Public Administration, Ph.D. versity of Oil and Gas. in Economics, Associate Professor, Honored 9. Oleksii Leonidovych Valevskyi — Doc- Worker of Education of Ukraine, Professor of tor of science in Public Administration, Senior Finance and Economics of Nature Management Researcher, Senior Research of the National In- Department, National University of Water and stitute for Strategic Studies. Environmental Engineering, Rivne, Ukraine. 10. Kostiantyn Oleksandrovych Vash- 2. Tetiana Viktorivna Andrushchenko — chenko — Doctor of Political Sciences, Head Doctor of Political Science, Professor, leading of the National Agency of Ukraine on Civil researcher of the Institute of Higher Education Service, member-correspondent of the National of National Academy of Educational Sciences of Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine, Ukraine. Honored Economist of Ukraine. 3. Eduard Andriyovych Afonin — Doc- 11. Andrzej Jan Wendt — Habilitovanyy tor of sociological science, Professor, Professor doctor of Earth Sciences in the field of geogra- of the Department of Political Analysis and phy, professor, Deputy Director from questions Forecasting of the National Academy for Public of Science and Development of Institute of the Admi­nistration under the President of Ukraine. Oceanography and Geography of the Gdansk 4. Anatolii Mykolaiovych Balashov — University (Poland). Doctor of science in Public Administration, 12. Larysa Anatoliivna Haievska — Doctor Professor, Professor of the Department of Pub- of science in Public Administration, Associate lic Administration of the Interregional Academy Professor, chief of Management from Educa- of Personnel Management, President of the tional Work is a Chief of Department of Mana- Ukrainian Academy of Science of Public Ad- gement of Knowledge of the National Academy ministration. of State Administration at President of Ukraine, 5. Tetiana Viacheslavivna Bova — Doctor Professor of Department of Management Edu- of science in Public Administration, Associate cation. Professor of the Dept. of Public Administration 13. Sylvia Hvozhdzhyevich — Candidate and Local Self-Government of the Kherson Na- of Science, Dept. of Administration and the tional Technical University. National Security of State Higher Professional 6. Volodymyr Hryhorovych Bodrov — School. named Jakub from Paradyzhu in Lub- Doctor of economic science, Professor, Head of lin-Velykopolckomu (Gorzow Wielkopolski, the Dept. of administration of National Econo- Poland). my and Economic Policy of the National Aca­ 14. Badry Nodarovych Hechbayya — Doc- demy of Public Administration under the Presi- tor of Economics, Professor Asotsiirovanyy, dent of Ukraine. Batumi State University of Shota Rustaveli. 7. Volodymyr Hryhorovych Bulba — Doc- Faculty of Economics and Business. Managing tor of Science in Public Administration, Profes- of the Dept. of business management (Georgia). sor, Dean of the Faculty of Masters Prepara- 15. Volodymyr Ihorovych Hurkovskyi — tion of Public Administration of the Kharkov Doctor of science in Public Administration, Regional Institute of Public Administration of First Deputy Director of the NGO “Center of the National Academy of Public Administration studies of problems of public administration”. under the President of Ukraine. 16. Dadiy Nadezhda Vasilivna — Doctor 8. Tetiana Oleksandrivna Butyrska — of Sciences in Public Administration, Associate Doctor of science in Public Administration, Professor, Head of the Department of Manage- Associate Professor of the Dept. of Public ment and Marketing of the Kyiv National Lin- Administration and Local Self-government of guistic University.

7 17. Anzor Hemydovych Devadze — Candi- 27. Kislov Denis Vasilievich — Doctor date of economic science, Doctor of Economics, of Sciences in Public Administration, Associ- professor, Sh. Rustaveli Batumi State Univer- ate Professor, Corresponding Member of the sity, Dept. of Tourism (Georgia). Ukrainian Academy of Sciences, Professor of the 18. Svitlana Heorhiivna Denysiuk — Doc- Department of Public Administration of the In- tor of Political Science, Professor of the Dept. terregional Academy of Personnel Management. Sociopolitical Sciences of the Vinnitsa National 28. Volodymyr Mykolaiovych Kozakov — Technical University. Doctor of science in Public Administration, Pro- 19. Valerii Ivanovych Dovhan — Doctor of fessor of public policy and social development of science in Public Administration, Associate Pro- the National Academy of Public Administra- fessor of the Dept. of Public Administration and tion under the President of Ukraine. Local Self — government of Khmelnytsky Uni- 29. Oleksandr Anatoliiovych Kornievs- versity of Management and Law. kyy — Doctor of Political Science, Associate 20. Dragan Ivan Alexandrovich — Doc- professor, Chief Scientist of the National Insti- tor of Science in Public Administration, Se- tute for Strategic Studies (NISS). nior Researcher, Professor of the Department of 30. Iryna Petrіvna Krynychna — Doctor Economic Security, Public Administration and of science in Public Administration, Associ- Administration of Zhytomyr State Technologi- ate Professor, Professor Department of Public cal University. Administration and Local Self-Government of 21. Natalіia Mykhailivna Drahomiret- the Dnepropetrovsk Regional Institute of Pub- ska — Doctor of science in Public Administra- lic Administration of the National Academy of tion, Professor of the Dept. of Philosophy and Public Administration under the President of Social and Political Sciences of the Odessa Re- Ukraine. gional Institute of Public Administration of the 31. Oleksii Igorevych Kryukov — Doctor National Academy of Public Administration un- of science in Public Administration, Professor der the President of Ukraine. of the Dept. of Political Science and Philosophy 22. Gargana Zhuleva — Doctor PhD, of the Kharkiv Regional Institute of Public Ad- Executive Director of the Bulgarian govern- ministration of the National Academy of Public ment’s “Program of access to information” (Bul- Administration under the President of Ukraine. garia). 32. Yurii Oleksiyovych Lytvyn — Doctor 23. Ivanitskaya Olga Mikhailovna — Doc- of science in Public Administration, Professor, tor of Science in Public Administration, Profes- Head of the Dept. of Public Administration and sor, Professor of the Department of Theory and Local government of the Academy of Municipal Practice of Management of the National Tech- Management. nical University of Ukraine “Kyiv Polytechnic 33. Ivan Petrovych Lopushynskyi — Doc- Institute named after M. Sc. Igor Sikorsky”. tor of science in Public Administration, Profes- 24. Irvin Studin — PhD, Professor in the sor, Head of the Dept. of public administration School of Public Policy and Governance of the and local government of the Kherson National University of Toronto, President of the Institute Technical University. for ХХІ Century Questions, and also Editor-in- 34. Oleksii Yuriyovich Mamichev — Doc- Chief and Publisher of Global Brief magazine tor of Political Science, Associate professor, (Canada). Head of the Department of Theory and history 25. Roman Petrovych Kaidashev — Doctor of Russian and international law of the Vladiv- of juridical science, Associate professor, Profes- ostok State University of Economics and Ser- sor of the Department of public administration vice (Russia). of the Interregional Academy of Personnel Ma­ 35. Mykola Mykolaiovych Mykolai- nagement. chuk — Doctor of science in Public Administra- 26. Evgeny Grigoryevich Kartashov — tion, Professor of the Dept. of economic and fi- Doctor of science in Public Administration, nancial policy of the Odessa Regional Institute Head of the Department of Project Manage- of Public Administration of the National Aca­ ment and General Professional Disciplines, In- demy of Public Administration under the Presi- stitute of Management and Psychology of the dent of Ukraine. National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of 36. Edward Vazhayevych Mikeladze — Ukraine. Candidate of Economic Science, Professor, Tbel

8 Abuseridze Hichaurskiy University. Faculty of tration, Head of the Department of Public Economics and Business (Georgia). Administration of the Interregional Academy of 37. Michel Maffesoli — Professor of the Personnel Management. Paris Descartes University/Paris V (Paris, the 47. Konstantin Vladimirovich Pivova- French Republic). rov — Doctor of Science in Public Adminis- 38. Oleksandr Volodymyrovych Molodt- tration, Professor of the Department of Public sov — Doctor of science in Public Admini­ Administration of the Interregional Academy of stration, Professor of the Dept. of Public Human Resources Management. Administration and Local Self-government of 48. Maria Ivanivna Piren — Doctor of So- the Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical Uni- cial Sciences, Professor, Head of the Dept. of the versity of Oil and Gas. Chernivtsi National University. 39. Tymofiy Valentinovich Motorenko — 49. Ruslan Mykolaiovych Pliushch — Doc- Professor of the Department of Public Adminis- tor of science in Public Administration, Associ- tration of the Interregional Academy of Person- ate Professor of the Dept. of Public Administra- nel Management, Doctor of Philosophy, Profes- tion and Local Self-government of the Kherson sor, Academician of the National Academy of National Technical University. Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine. 50. Oleh Valentynovych Polovtsev — Doc- 40. Raisa Andrіivna Naumenko — tor of science in Public Administration, Profes- Doctor of Science in Public Administration, sor of the Dept. of Public Administration and Professor, Professor of the Department of Local Self-government of the Kherson National Public Administration and Administration Technical University. of Kyiv National Trade and Economics Univer- 51. Oleksandr Vitaliiovych Radchenko — sity. Doctor of science in Public Administration, 41. Svіtlana Mykhailivna Naumkina — Professor of the University of Jan Dluosha in Doctor of Political Science, Professor of the Częstochowa (Poland). South Ukrainian National Pedagogical Univer- 52. Yevhenii Viktorovych Romat — Doctor sity named after K. D. Ushynsky. of science in Public Administration, Professor, 42. Oleksandr Mykhailovych Nepomni- Head of the Dept. of marketing and advertising ashchyi — Doctor of science in Public Admini­ of the Kyiv National University of Trade and stration, Professor, Academician of Academy Economics. of building of Ukraine, Professor of the De- 53. Olha Mstyslavivna Rudenko — Doctor partment of Public Administration of the Inter- of science in Public Administration, Associate regional Academy of Personnel Management, Professor, Director of the Research Institute of Honored Builder of Ukraine. Public Administration and Management of the 43. Larysa Mykolaivna Novak-Kaliaie- Chernihiv National Technological University. va — Doctor of science in Public Administra- 54. Anatolii Oleksandrovych Ruchka — tion, Associate Professor, Professor of the Dept. Doctor of Social Sciences, Professor, Chief of Public Administration of the Lviv Regional researcher of the Institute of Sociology of Na- Institute of Public Administration of the Na- tional Academy of Science of Ukraine. tional Academy of Public Administration under 55. Serhii Yehorovych Sahanienko — Doc- the President of Ukraine. tor of science in Public Administration, Profes- 44. Tetiana Vasylivna Novachenko — Doc- sor of the Dept. of public administration and lo- tor of science in Public Administration, Associ- cal government of the Odessa Regional Institute ate Professor of the Dept. of parliamentary and of Public Administration under the President of political management of the National Academy Ukraine of the National of Public Administra- of Public Administration under the President of tion under the President of Ukraine. Ukraine. 56. Maiia Volodymyrivna Sitsinska — Doc- 45. Vitalii Mykolaiovych Oluiko — tor of science in Public Administration, Profes- Doctor of science in Public Administration, sor of the Dept. of Philosophy and Political Sci- Professor, Head of Khmelnitsky regional terri- ence of the National University of the State Tax torial office of the Antimonopoly Committee of Service of Ukraine. Ukraine. 57. Alexander Anatoliiovych Slinko — 46. Oksana Ihorivna Parkhomenko- Doctor of Political Science, Professor, Head of Kutsevil — Doctor of science in Public Adminis- the Department of political science and political

9 administration of the Voronezh branch of the 64. Tetiana Viacheslavіvna Filipenko — Russian Academy of National Economy and Doctor of science in Public Administration, Public Service under the President of the Rus- Professor of the Interregional Academy of Per- sian Federation (Russia). sonnel Management. 58. Natalia Ivanivna Sobolieva — Doc- 65. Iryna Vіtalіivna Zhukova — Ph.D. in tor of Social Sciences, senior researcher, lead- Public Administration, Associate Professor, ing researcher of the Institute of Sociology of Head of the Department of Professional Educa- National Academy of Science of Ukraine. tion and Management of the Educational Insti- 59. Inna Hennadіivna Suraі — Doctor of tution of the Interregional Academy of Person- science in Public Administration, Associate nel Management. Professor of the Department of Public Admini- 66. Olha Volodymyrivna Chervyakova — stration and Public Service of the National of Doctor of science in Public Administration. Public Administration under the President of 67. Yurii Heorhiiovych Chernyshev — Ukraine. Doctor of Political Science, Professor, Head 60. Olena Volodymyrivna Sushyi — Doctor of the Department of Altai State University, of science in Public Administration, Associate Director of the Altai School of Political Studies Professor, head of the laboratory of the Institute (Russia). of Social and Political Psychology of the Na- 68. Yurii Zhanovych Shaigorodskyi — tional Academy of Political Science of Ukraine. Doctor of Political Science, Associate professor, 61. Tadeusz Trocikowski — Doctor of Ma- Chief Research Scientist of the I. F. Kuras Insti- nagement Sciences, professor, corresponding tute of Political and Ethnic Studies of the NAS member of the Regional Academy of Manage- of Ukraine. ment, Chairman of the Regional Centre for Eu- 69. Yurii Valeriiovych Shpak — Doctor of ropean Integration (Poland). science in Public Administration, Professor of 62. Larysa Mykhailivna Usachenko — the Dept. of Economics of the enterprise of the Doctor of science in Public Administration, East European University of economics and Professor of the Department of Public Adminis- management. tration of the Interregional Academy of Person- 70. Alina Yuriivna Yakymchuk — Doctor nel Management, Honored Worker of Science of Economic Sciences, Professor, Professor of and Technology of Ukraine. the Dept. of public administration, documenta- 63. Alina Anatoliivna Khaletska — Doctor tion and information activities of the National of science in Public Administration, Professor, University of Water Household and Environ- Head of the Dept. of Management of Organiza- ment. tions and Foreign Activity of the Volyn Institute 71. Jautrite Briede — Doctor of Law, Profes- of Economics and Management. sor, University of Latvia, Faculty.


Bogdanenko A. I. Bielska T. V., Lashkina M. H., Anti-corruption activities Yurii Nesteriak and the importance of anti-corruption Information policy and information education ...... 15 security of the state as psychical Vahanova L. V., Rodionova I. V. and social phenomenon: problems Implementent bases and prospects ...... 116 of trade-marketing activities Lopushynskyi I. P., Bykov R. Y. of Municipal Pharmacy ...... 24 Gender oriented budgeting Vysochanskiy M. R. as a tool for achieving Analysis of the definitions Gender equality ...... 130 of public administration Panchenko O. A. and regulation and their importance Public request for information in the practice of application security...... 141 of Ukraine ...... 39 Parkhomenko-Kutsevil O. I. Durman M. O., Drozhyn D. Y. Conceptual principles forming Growing and functions o anti-corruption institutions f the State Regulatory Service in the system of bodies of Ukraine as the main subject of the government authorities: of formation and realization Ukrainian and world experience ...... 150 of the State Regulatory Policy ...... 48 Petrenko O. M. Klymenko O. V. Theoretical and methodological Peculiarities of development principles of state regulation of the state system regulation of activities of urban passenger of the insurance market transport ...... 162 of Ukraine ...... 64 Pikh N. S. Kovalyova T. V. Providing social (public) security Political and legal aspects in the American continent ...... 172 of state language policy formation: Czech experience for Ukraine ...... 76 Porayko U. N. Cooperation of international Kovach V. O. financial organizations State population Employment Policy with candidates for the European in the conditions of the labor Union membershi ...... 180 market ...... 91 Romanenko Y. O., Zhukova I. V. Kolesnyk V. A. Peculiarities of cooperation Subject of the authority powers of the European Union as a party of the public-legal disputes: in the framework of partnership civil public-administrative aspect ...... 102 society development programs ...... 191

11 Samofalov D. A. of authority between Contemporary foreign practice government and local of communicative activities self-government ...... 215 in healthcare ...... 202 Shoyko V. A. Shinkovich A. V. Characteristic features of the content The principle of subsidiarity of the concept of public administration as a foundation for separation mechanisms in the field of civil of power and distribution protection ...... 223


Please accept sincere congratula- tions with the release of the № 2 (22) — March 2020 of collection “Public ma- nagement”! Today, when our lives are filled with information, it is difficult to overesti- mate the impact of the printed word on public-governmental processes occur- ring in society. The pages of the next issue of the paper analyze ways of using artificial intelligence to establish the state’s security criteria. In particular, optimization and simulation methods are considered, which allow, due to a certain number of iterations, to obtain an approximate value of the studied parameters. Interesting information about ways of improving the functio- ning of state-public authorities, im- I take this opportunity to thank the proving the sphere of governance in editorial staff for their tireless work, for the direction of socio-economic and their truthful and timely coverage of political modernization of modern theoretical and practical issues in vari- Ukraine is given. Approaches to the ous spheres of public administration. development and implementation of I hope in the future for mutually ben- innovative technologies in the con- eficial cooperation and partnerships text of the activity of public admin- with the publication. istration bodies in relation to ensur- I congratulate all your team and ing an acceptable level of safety of sincerely wish you further success, new aviation in emergency situations are creative achievements, optimism and shown. pep.

Regards, Director of the Institute of Public Administration of the Peter Mohyla Black Sea National University, Doctor of Science in Public Administration, Professor Vladimir Yemelyanov


Authors. The collection has become a real school of scientific excellence for many government officials. The issue of the collection explores the main methodological approaches to the provision of an information-ana- lytical system of public administration, which should take into account the di- versity of decision-making processes and the specific activities of civil serv- ants of all categories at different stages of the decision-making process. The questions of modern manage- ment technologies and activity of the management apparatus in the labor market are analyzed. The importance of development of strategy and meth- odology in the process of personnel management is shown. The criteria of I congratulate you and the whole balancing labor market needs at na- staff of the collection “Public manage- tional and regional levels are consid- ment” with the release of its next issue. ered. The problems of functioning of Today, like almost five years ago, public-public communication in the the collection is a respected and au- sphere of consumer rights protection thoritative publication. are revealed and practical recommen- The pages of the collection always dations are given on their overcoming have a place for different points of view on the basis of democratic governance and free discussion on the most impor- in Ukraine. Examples of qualitative tant problems of modern government. changes in reducing the workload of Such popularity and social significance teachers, prohibiting the combination of the publication is due to its founders: of administrative positions at univer- the Interregional Academy of Person- sities, increasing the transparency of nel Management and the All-Ukrai- higher education institutions and in- nian Assembly of Doctors of Public creasing the rights of student self-gov- Administration, Editorial Board and ernment are formulated.

Sincerely, Editor-in-Chief, Doctor of Science in Public Administration, Professor, Honored Lawyer of Ukraine Е. О. Romanenko

14 UDC: 328.185 2020-2(22)-15-23 Bogdanenko Anatoliy Ivanovych, Ph.D. in public administration, Doctor of Science in Economics, Associate Professor of Public Administration Department, Interre- gional Academy of Personnel Management, 2, Str. Frometivska, 03039, Kyiv, phone: (044) 264-52-54, e-mail: Anatoliy_Bog- [email protected], https// 0003-0758-5809 Богданенко Анатолій Іванович, кандидат наук з державного управлін- ня, доктор економічних наук, доцент кафедри публічного адміністрування, Міжрегіональна Академія управлін- ня персоналом, 03039, м. Київ, вул. Фрометівська, 2, тел.: (044) 264-52-54, e-mail: [email protected], https// Богданенко Анатолий Иванович, кандидат наук в сфере государственного управления, доктор экономических наук, до- цент кафедры публичного администрирования, Межрегиональная Академия управ- ления персоналом, 03039, г. Киев, ул. Фрометовская, 2, тел.: (044) 264-52-54, e-mail: [email protected], https//

ANTI-CORRUPTION ACTIVITIES AND THE IMPORTANCE OF ANTI-CORRUPTION EDUCATION Annotation. The main destructive consequences of the prosperity of corrup- tion in the state are such negative developments as violations of the principle of the rule-of-law; lack of public confidence in the State authorities; corruption in public institutions, which nullifies economic reforms and causes lower foreign investments, violates the principles of equality and social justice, etc. In Ukraine, there are many problems regarding such a phenomenon as corruption, because Ukrainian legislation is more declarative. That is why the development and im- plementation of anti-corruption measures should be a top priority on the way to becoming Ukraine as a rule-of-law state. The current state of this anti-social phenomenon in the country is such that the sphere of corruption becomes a competitor of the state in the management of society, and the current organizational norms and social effect of corruption pose a threat to the national security of the country. In the absence of an ef-

15 fective system of control at different levels, loss of effective state leadership, corruption threatens the national sovereignty and territorial integrity of our state. World practice shows that the combination of an effective system of combat- ing corruption at the national and international levels, combined with regulatory support, has the greatest effect on the fight against corruption. Considering corruption as one of the most serious obstacles to the country’s economic and political development, the realization that it poses a threat to na- tional security raises the need to create an anti-corruption education system as a separate component of the education system. Education and upbringing of the formation of anti-corruption outlook among citizens is part of the anti-corrup- tion state policy to eliminate the causes and conditions that generate and nurture corruption in different spheres of life. An important component in shaping the anti-corruption worldview is to use the potential of educational work in educational institutions. Given that the main purpose of anti-corruption education is the formation of civic conscious- ness, social disciplines are most favorable for its integration: social sciences, his- tory, political science, ethics, etc. The expected result of anti-corruption education is a person with knowledge of the dangers that corruption poses to the well-being of society and the security of the state, which does not tolerate corruption and is capable of eliminating this phenomenon. Keywords: corruption, anti-corruption, anti-corruption activities, anti-cor- ruption education, anti-corruption awareness, anti-corruption policy. АНТИКОРУПЦІЙНА ДІЯЛЬНІСТЬ ТА ВАЖЛИВІСТЬ АНТИКОРУПЦІЙНОГО ВИХОВАННЯ Анотація. Головними деструктивними наслідками процвітання ко- рупції в державі є такі негативні явища як порушення принципу вер- ховенства права; недовіра суспільства до влади; корупція в інституціях публічної влади, яка зводить до нуля економічні реформи і є причиною зменшення притоку іноземних інвестицій, порушує принципи рівності та соціальної справедливості тощо. В Україні існує багато проблем стосов- но такого явища як корупція, адже українське законодавство має більш декларативний характер. Саме тому розробка та впровадження заходів антикорупційного спрямування має стати першочерговим завданням на шляху до становлення України як правової держави. Сьогоднішній стан цього антисоціального явища у державі є такий, що сфера корупції стає конкурентом держави у здійсненні управління суспільством, а сучасні організаційні норми і соціальний ефект коруп- ції створюють загрозу національній безпеці країни. За умов відсутності ефективної системи контролю на різних рівнях, втрати результативного державного керівництва, корупція загрожує національному суверенітету і територіальній цілісності нашої держави.

16 Світова практика свідчить, що найбільшого ефекту боротьби з коруп- ційними діями дає поєднання ефективної системи протидії корупції на державному і міжнародному рівнях у поєднанні з нормативно-правовим забезпеченням. Розгляд корупції як одного з найсерйозніших перешкод для економіч- ного та політичного розвитку країни, усвідомлення того факту, що вона являє собою загрозу національній безпеці, породжує необхідність ство- рення системи антикорупційного виховання як окремого компонента сис- теми виховання. Просвітництво і виховна робота з формування у грома- дян антикорупційного світогляду є частиною антикорупційної державної політики щодо усунення причин і умов, що породжують і живлять коруп- цію в різних сферах життя. Важливою складовою у формуванні антикорупційного світогляду є ви- користання потенціалу виховної роботи в закладах освіти. З огляду на те, що основною метою антикорупційного виховання є формування грома- дянської свідомості, то найбільш сприятливим для його інтеграції середо- вищем є соціальні дисципліни: суспільствознавство, історія, політологія, етика і ін. Очікуваний результат антикорупційного виховання — це особистість, наділена знаннями про небезпеку, яку представляє собою корупція для добробуту суспільства і безпеки держави, яка не мириться з проявами ко- рупції та здатна і бажає усунути це явище. Ключові слова: корупція, протидія корупції, антикорупційна діяльність, антикорупційне виховання, антикорупційна свідомість, антикорупційна по- літика. АНТИКОРРУПЦИОННАЯ ДЕЯТЕЛЬНОСТЬ И ВАЖНОСТЬ АНТИКОРРУПЦИОННОГО ВОСПИТАНИЯ Аннотация. Главными деструктивными последствиями процветания коррупции в государстве есть такие явления как нарушение принципа вер- ховенства права; недоверие общества к власти; коррупция в институтах пу- бличной власти, которая сводит к нулю экономические реформы и явля- ется причиной уменьшения притока иностранных инвестиций, нарушает принципы равенства и социальной справедливости, и так далее. В Украи- не существует много проблем относительно такого явления как коррупция, ведь украинское законодательство имеет больше декларативный характер. Именно поэтому разработка и внедрение мероприятий антикоррупционного направления должно стать первоочередной задачей на пути к становлению Украины как правового государства. Сегодняшнее состояние этого антисоциального явления в государстве та- кой, что сфера коррупции становится конкурентом государства в осущест- влении управления обществом, а современные организационные нормы и социальный эффект коррупции создают угрозу национальной безопасности страны. В условиях отсутствия эффективной системы контроля на различ-

17 ных уровнях, потери результативного государственного руководства, кор- рупция угрожает национальному суверенитету и территориальной целост- ности нашего государства. Мировая практика показывает, что наибольшего эффекта борьбы с кор- рупционными действиями дает сочетание эффективной системы противо- действия коррупции на государственном и международном уровнях в соче- тании с нормативно-правовым обеспечением. Определение коррупции как одного из самых серьезных препятствий для экономического и политического развития страны, осознание того факта, что она представляет собой угрозу национальной безопасности, порождает необходимость создания системы антикоррупционного воспитания как от- дельного компонента системы воспитания. Просвещение и воспитательная работа по формированию у граждан антикоррупционного мировоззрения является частью антикоррупционной государственной политики по устра- нению причин и условий, порождающих и питающих коррупцию в разных сферах жизни. Важной составляющей в формировании антикоррупционного мировоз- зрения является использование потенциала воспитательной работы в учеб- ных заведениях. Учитывая то, что основной целью антикоррупционного воспитания является формирование гражданского сознания, то наиболее благоприятной средой для его интегрирования являются социальные дис- циплины: обществоведение, история, политология, этика и др. Ожидаемый результат антикоррупционного воспитания — это личность, наделенная знаниями об опасности, которую представляет собой коррупция для благосостояния общества и безопасности государства, которая не мирит- ся с проявлениями коррупции и способна и желает устранить это явление. Ключевые слова: коррупция, противодействие коррупции, антикорруп- ционная деятельность, антикоррупционное воспитание, антикоррупцион- ное сознание, антикоррупционная политика.

Problem statement. Ukraine has outburst of mass civil protests known suffered from systemic corruption for as the Revolution of Dignity. many years since its independence Following these events, Ukraine in 1991. The ruling elite was very re- has made an impressive breakthrough luctant to introduce the necessary in the fight against corruption by anti-corruption changes, and their im- launching a smart anti-corruption re- plementation was largely sabotaged. form. A new institutional framework Widespread corruption reached its has been created to independently in- height during the presidency of Vik- vestigate cases of high-profile politi- tor Yanukovych when the government cal corruption, and new mechanisms turned into a corruption pyramid. for detecting and preventing corrup- Eventually, this situation triggered an tion have been put in place, which laid

18 the foundation for a successful fight 3. Elimination of consequences of against corruption. These new institu- corruption offences. tions face increasing resistance from Therefore, anti-corruption activi- the country's political and business ties are closely related to the concept elites, regardless of their formal politi- of “corruption offence”. cal affiliation, and the practical imple- Corruption offence is an act that mentation of new anti-corruption in- contains signs of corruption and is com- struments is compounded by the lack mitted by a subject to whom the Law of anti-corruption education of young of Ukraine “On Prevention of Corrup- people. tion” applies. Also, criminal, discipli- Analysis of recent publications nary or/and civil liability should be on research issues. Problems of cor- imposed for this act [1]. ruption in Ukraine and methods of Thus, it is important to determine anti-corruption education were re- what corruption is. vealed in their works by V. V. Nonik, According to the legislation of T. S. Hzhybovska, P. I. Haman, Ukraine, corruption is the use by a sub- A. M. Novak, Yu. O. Smirnova, ject covered by the Law of Ukraine “On O. V. Volianska, O. V. Shkuropat, Prevention of Corruption”, of related A. M. Novak, N. V. Smetanina and official powers or opportunities to ob- others. tain or accept an undue benefit, offer/ Purpose of the article. The pur- promise of that benefit to itself or other pose of the article is to study the theo- persons or making an offer/promise retical and practical aspects of anti- to give undue benefit to the subject corruption activities in Ukraine and of the relevant law or at its request to the basics of the formation of the anti- other legal or natural persons in order corruption education system as a tool to persuade the subject to unlawful use of the anti-corruption strategy of the of the given powers or opportunities state. [1]. Presenting the main material of re- So, it is clearly stated that for the search. Theoretical and methodologi- use of the term “corruption”, at least cal aspects of anti-corruption activi- one of the persons involved in the act ties are defined by the Law of Ukraine must have official powers or opportu- “On Prevention of Corruption”. The nities related to them, and therefore law establishes the organizational and the corruption offence is related pri- legal bases for the functioning of the marily to the use of powers to perform anti-corruption system in Ukraine, the the functions of the state or over state- nature and methodology of preventive owned enterprises or state property anti-corruption activities, the rules for [2, p. 86]. eliminating the consequences of cor- Anti-corruption activities in ruption. Ukraine are carried out by the follow- Anti-corruption activities are car- ing specially authorized entities: prose- ried out in three directions: cuting authorities, the National Police, 1. Prevention of corruption offences. the National Anti-Corruption Agency 2. Detection of corruption offences. and the National Anti-Corruption Bu-

19 reau of Ukraine. Let’s consider the pe- 6) ensure the personal safety of the culiarities of NABU activity. employees of the National Bureau and On October 14, 2014, the Verk- other persons defined by law, protec- hovna Rada of Ukraine adopted the tion against unlawful encroachment Law № 1698-VII “On the National on persons involved in criminal pro- Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine”. ceedings; On April 16, 2015, the President of 7) ensure, based on confidentiality Ukraine signed Decree № 217/2015 and voluntariness, cooperation with “On Establishment of the National persons who report on corruption of- Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine” fences; [3]. From that moment the creation of 8) inform society about the results a new state body began. of its work; According to the Law, NABU has to: 9) pursue international cooperation 1) carry out operative-investigative within its competence. measures with the purpose of preven- As of November 30, 2019, NABU tion, detection, termination and dis- opened 836 proceedings, made 221 closure of criminal offences attributed reports of suspicion, 418 persons were by the law to its jurisdiction, as well indicted, 237 cases were brought to as in operative-investigative cases de- court, 37 of which were sentenced. manded from other law enforcement During the first half of 2019, as a agencies; result of the activities of NABU detec- 2) carry out the pre-trial investiga- tives, UAH 173,87 million losses were tion of criminal offences referred by compensated, theft for UAH 8,28 bil- law to its jurisdiction, and conduct a lion was prevented [4]. pre-trial investigation of other crimi- NABU is also active in handling ap- nal offences; plications from citizens [5]. 3) take measures for the search and The activities of the authorities seizure of funds and other property in the fight against corruption bring that may be the subject of confiscation about results. According to the Cor- or special confiscation in criminal of- ruption Perceptions Index, Ukraine fences attributable to the jurisdiction has gained some points and improved of the National Bureau, carries out its performance in 2018 — 32 points, activities for the storage of funds and that is 130 place out of 180 count- other property subject to seizure; ries. 4) interact with other government Transparency International bodies, local self-governments and Ukraine, an accredited representative other entities to fulfill their responsi- of the global movement Transparency bilities; International, a non-governmental in- 5) carry out information and ana- ternational organization for combat- lytical work in order to identify and ing corruption and investigating its eliminate the causes and conditions level, noted the fact that most of the conducive to the commission of crimi- organization’s recommendations were nal offences attributed to the jurisdic- only partially implemented and ig- tion of the National Bureau; nored in 2018.

20 Namely, there was no strengthen- As the experience of many developed ing of the National Anti-Corruption countries shows, the main prerequisite Bureau of Ukraine. NABU detectives for the detection of corruption offences were not granted the right to their own and the effectiveness of anti-corruption listening devices, the so-called “wire- measures is the activity of citizens who taps”. Instead, changes to the legisla- are really interested in combating cor- tion have made it difficult to conduct ruption. Awareness of corruption as criminal investigations. The uncon- one of the most serious obstacles to the structive public confrontation between economic and political development of law enforcement has intensified. a country, as a threat to national securi- It is worth noting the continued ty, requires the creation of an anti-cor- pressure on activists and journalists, ruption education system as a separate the horrific example of which was the component of the education system and murder of Kateryna Handziuk. its incorporation into the anti-corrup- Discarded in previous years, the Na- tion strategy of the state. tional Agency for Corruption Preven- The purpose of anti-corruption ed- tion is still unable to effectively fulfill ucation is to form an anti-corruption its role in anti-corruption infrastruc- outlook, strong moral foundations and ture due to the lack of conditions for values of personality, civic position its reboot. and stable skills of anti-corruption be- The NACP did not become the havior, increase the level of legal con- technical administrator of the e-dec- sciousness and a sense of patriotism, larations register because it did not especially among young people — that gain access to some state registers, so is, to form the competence of anti-cor- the announced automatic verification ruption. of electronic declarations makes no The result of such education should practical sense. Also, the tender for the be a person endowed with knowledge Agency’s audit was held with legisla- about the dangers of corruption for a tive violations. society, who does not want to put up The Security Service of Ukraine with its manifestations and actively and the National Police had to transfer participates in eliminating the causes the functions of combating economic and conditions of corruption [7]. crimes to the Financial Investiga- The anti-corruption education pro- tion Service. This did not happen, the gram should be started in the elemen- FIS has not yet been created, so the tary classes through the implementa- pressure from these law enforcement tion of programs aimed at forming the agencies on the business remains sig- moral foundations of the individual, nificant. the foundations of legal culture and It is evident that the progress made citizenship. The study can be provided in recent years has been largely driven in the form of lessons and classroom by reforms initiated back in 2014. Lack hours, competitions and games, elec- of political will remains one of the main tives, discussions and trainings. deterrents to anti-corruption progress In the middle and upper grades of [6]. secondary school students can be in-

21 cluded in the system of anti-corrup- holding civic and youth forums on tion education through general educa- combating corruption, developing com- tion subjects, participation in school puter information and legal programs, self-government, socially significant creating projects of social importance, design, civic actions, etc. conducting civil actions on anti-cor- The integration of anti-corruption ruption, print production, film making, education into the educational pro- sociological research, online question- cess requires a thematic context since naires. This way of introducing anticor- the problem of corruption cannot be ruption education is quite effective and realized without consideration of the does not require big expenses.Informa- appointment of the civil service, ethi- tion on the goals of anti-corruption ed- cal and legal requirements for civil ucation is provided through promotion servants. Concepts and values that are activities, conferences, meetings with important in shaping anti-corruption law enforcement officials and more. attitudes may also convey other topics. Conclusion and prospects for fur- There are different ways to inte- ther research. It should be understood grate. In the course of anti-corruption that the effect of any measures will education in the secondary education not be noticeable immediately since area, additions that are directly related the formation of anti-corruption con- to corruption should be introduced in- sciousness takes time. Only through to the program. This approach is wide- systematic and purposeful work, the ly used in high school programs where corruption intolerant generation can social disciplines such as social studies, be educated. history, economics, ethics are taught. It can be confidently said that the Another approach involves analyzing country’s law enforcement system the core values and concepts that are does not cope with the task of combat- associated with the phenomenon of ing corruption. Criminal prosecution corruption, as well as expanding exist- alone is not able to shake off large-scale ing subject programs, thus highlighting corruption; the fight against corrup- aspects that have received insufficient tion is not a criminal but a systemic attention. problem. The quality of the work of Anti-corruption education in higher law enforcement agencies is low and education institutions is carried out they are undermined by corruption through the inclusion of special courses and the professional level of employees and specific disciplines of anti-corrup- in the general mass does not meet the tion orientation in the curriculum, and complexity of the problems. The law also provides for non-formal anti-cor- enforcement system cannot cope with ruption education that can be carried the task of combating corruption on its out outside the educational process. own, it must be solved jointly by the Within the framework of the informal state and society. approach, the anti-corruption educa- REFERENCES tion program is implemented through seminars, trainings, business games, 1. Zakon Ukrainy “Pro zapobihannia ko- writing competition works, projects, ruptsii” [The Law of Ukraine “On Pre-

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23 UDC: 658.8.009.12 2020-2(22)-24-38 Vahanova Liudmyla Vasylivna, PhD in Economics, Associate professor, As- sociate Professor Department of Econom- ics and Management His Beatitude Metro- politan Volodymyr of Kyiv and All Ukraine Khmelnitsky Institute of PJSC “HEI “Inter- regional Academy of Personnel Manage- ment”, Deputy сhief of planning of activity and strategic cites enterprises development department of the Khmelnitsky town coun- cil, 29000, Khmelnytskyi, Myry ave., 101а 0675875536, е-mail: milascincevaganova@, https// 5812-4597 Ваганова Людмила Василівна, кандидат економічних наук, доцент, до- цент кафедри економіки та управління Хмельницького інституту імені Бла- женнішого Володимира, Митрополита Київського і всієї України ПрАТ “ВНЗ “Міжрегіональна академія управління персоналом”, 29000, м. Хмельницький, Проспект Миру, 101а, заступник на- чальника відділу планування діяльності та стратегічного розвитку підприємств міста Хмельницької міської ради, тел.: 0675875536, e-mail: milascincevaganova@, https// 5812-4597 Ваганова Людмила Васильевна, кандидат экономических наук, доцент, доцент кафедры экономики и управле- ния Хмельницкого института имени Блаженнейшего Владимира, Митропо- лита Киевского и всея Украины ЧАО “ВУЗ “Межрегиональная академия управления персоналом”, 29000, м. Хмель- ницкий, Проспект Мира, 101а, замести- тель начальника отдела планирование деятельности и стратегического развития предприятий города Хмельницкого го- родского совета, тел.: 0675875536, e-mail: [email protected], https//orcid. org/0000-0002-5812-4597

24 Rodionova Iryna Volodymyrivna, PhD in Economics, Senior staff scientist of Scientific research part Khmelnytskyi National University, 29000, Khmelnytskyi, Instytutska Str., 11, 09777713135, е-mail: irynarodiono- [email protected], https// Родіонова Ірина Володимирівна, кандидат економічних наук, cтарший науковий співробітник науково-дослідної части- ни Хмельницького національного університету, 29000, м. Хмельницький, Інститут- ська, 11, тел.: 09777713135, е-mail: [email protected], https// 0003-4805-8175 Родионова Ирина Владимировна, кандидат экономических наук, cтарший научный сотрудник научно-исследователь- ской части Хмельницкого национального университета, 29000, м. Хмельницький, Институтская, тел.: 09777713135, е-mail: [email protected], https//orcid. org/0000-0003-4805-8175


Abstracts. The purpose of this article is to study the experience of using trade- marketing activities at the Community Pharmacy “Viola” and the existing global trends in the pharmaceutical business with their subsequent use in determining the priority directions of the pharmacy development. The following questions are analyzed: 1) global trends in the pharmaceutical business (taking into account the needs of consumers and their positioning as valuable partners; using modern technologies of IT-companies for consumer ori- entation; developing and producing drugs from rare (orphan) diseases; increasing the number of M&A transactions); 2) proposals were made for the implementa- tion of electronic recipes by the Community Pharmacy “Viola” (control of du- plication of prescribed drugs; incompatibility of medicines; clear identification of persons with the same name; provision of sufficient capacity of cloud storage for processing millions of electronic recipes per year); 4) the method of improv- ing the financial condition of the pharmacy through the production of medicines from orphan diseases is determined; 5) analyzed the use of a communal pharmacy trade-marketing activities (loyalty programs, the program “Living with Diabetes” projects “Marking”, “Pulse”, the application of discounts for cancerdrugs and pref- erential supply of drugs for palliative care for Khmelnytsky, patients with cancer disease-patients; discounts on the funds used incardiosurgery; outdoor advertis- ing on the facades of the pharmacy; POS materials in pharmacies and visualization of drugs on shelves; training of staff); 6) the priority directions of the pharmacy development are determined. The authors confirm that the global trends of the pharmaceutical industry de- velopment are crucial for the further development of pharmacies at the regional

25 level, and the communal pharmacy that became the subject of the study, continu- ing the installation period, has some achievements in the use of trade-marketing activities. Keywords: trade-marketing activity, consumer, product innovation, techno- logical innovation, organizational innovation, electronic recipe, orphan disease, generic drug. ІМПЛЕМЕНТАЦІЙНІ ОСНОВИ ТРЕЙД-МАРКЕТИНГОВИХ АКТИВНОСТЕЙ КОМУНАЛЬНОЇ АПТЕКИ Анотація. Метою даної статті є дослідження досвіду використан- ня трейд-маркетингових активностей на комунальній аптеці “Віола” та існуючих глобальних трендів у фармацевтичному бізнесі з подальшим їх використанням при визначенні пріоритетних напрямків розвитку аптеки. У статті проаналізовані наступні питання: 1) глобальні тренди у фар- мацевтичному бізнесі (врахування потреб споживачів та їх позиціювання як цінних партнерів; використання сучасних технологій ІТ-компаній для орієнтації на споживача; розробка та виробництво лікарських засобів від рідкісних (орфанних) хвороб; зростання кількості M&A угод); 2) надано пропозиції у впровадженні електронних рецептів комунальною аптекою “Віола” (контроль дублювання препаратів, що призначаються; несуміс- ність лікарських засобів; чітка ідентифікація осіб з однаковим прізвищем; забезпечення достатньої потужності хмарного сховища для обробки міль- йонів електронних рецептів на рік); 3) проаналізовано досвід співпраці ко- мунальної аптеки “Віола” із закладами охорони здоров’я щодо можливості забезпечення їх лікувальними препаратами; 4) визначено спосіб покращен- ня фінансового стану аптеки за рахунок виробництва ліків від орфанних хвороб; 5) проаналізовано використання комунальною аптекою трейд-мар- кетингових активностей (програми лояльності, програма “Життя з діабе- том”, проекти “Опіка”, “Пульс”, застосування знижок на онко-препарати та пільговий відпуск наркотичних засобів для паліативного лікування для хмельничан, хворих із онкологічними захворювання-пацієнтами; зниж- ки на засоби, що застосувються в кардіохірургії; зовнішня реклама на фасадах аптеки; POS-матеріали в аптеках та візуалізація препаратів на по- лицях; навчання персоналу); 6) визначено пріоритетні напрямки розвитку аптеки. Авторами підтверджено, що світові тренди розвитку фармацевтичної га- лузі є визначальними і для подальшого розвитку аптек на регіональному рівні, а комунальна аптека, що стала предметом дослідження, продовж пе- ріоду встановлення, має певні здобутки у використанні трейд-маркетинго- вих активностей. Ключові слова: трейд-маркетингові активність, споживач, продуктова інновація, технологічна інновація, організаційна інновація, електронний ре- цепт, орфанна хвороба, генеричний лікарський засіб.

26 ИМПЛЕМЕНТАЦИОННЫЕ ОСНОВЫ ТРЕЙД-МАРКЕТИНГОВОЙ АКТИВНОСТЕЙ КОММУНАЛЬНОЙ АПТЕКИ Аннотация. Целью данной статьи является исследование опыта ис- пользования трейд-маркетинговых активностей на коммунальной аптеке “Виола” и существующих глобальных трендов в фармацевтическом бизнесе с последующим их использованием при определении приоритетных направ- лений развития аптеки. В статье проанализированы следующие вопросы: 1) глобальные тренды в фармацевтическом бизнесе (учет потребностей потребителей и их позицио- нирование как ценных партнеров, использование современных технологий ИТ-компаний для ориентации на потребителя, разработка и производство лекарственных средств от редких (орфанных) заболеваний, рост количества M & A сделок); 2) даны предложения по внедрению электронных рецептов коммунальной аптекой “Виола” (контроль дублирования препаратов, назна- чаемых; несовместимость лекарственных средств; четкая идентификация лиц с одинаковой фамилией, обеспечение достаточной мощности облачного хранилища для обработки миллионов электронных рецептов в год) 3) про- анализирован опыт сотрудничества коммунальной аптеки “Виола” с учре- ждениями здравоохранения о возможности обеспечения их лечебными пре- паратами 4) определены способ улучшения финансового состояния аптеки за счет производства лекарств от орфанных болезней; 5) проанализировано использование коммунальной аптекой трейд-маркетинговых активностей (программы лояльности, программа “Жизнь с диабетом”, проекты “Опека”, “Пульс”, применение скидок на онко-препараты и льготный отпуск нарко- тических средств для паллиативного лечения для жителей Хмельницкого, больных с онкологическими заболевания-пациентами; скидки на средст- ва, застосувються в кардиохирургии; наружная реклама на фасадах аптеки POS-материалы в аптеках и визуализация препаратов на полках, обучение персонала); 6) определены приоритетные направления развития аптеки. Авторами подтверждено, что мировые тренды развития фармацевтиче- ской отрасли являются определяющими и для дальнейшего развития аптек на региональном уровне, а коммунальная аптека, которая стала предметом исследования, течение периода установления, имеет определенные дости- жения в использовании трейд-маркетинговых активностей. Ключевые слова: трейд-маркетинговая активность, потребитель, про- дуктовая инновация, технологическая инновация, организационная инно- вация, электронный рецепт, орфанные болезни, генерическое лекарственное средство.

Thesis statement. The modern high growth rates of production and pharmaceutical market is complex, sales. In Ukraine, the production of multifunctional and multi-level with pharmaceutical products is currently

27 carried out by about 135 domestic en- Their main goal is to achieve economic terprises, in particular: PJSC “Pharma- and social results and profit (according ceutical firm “Darnitsa”, PJSC “Far- to statutory documents). Therefore, it mak”, PJSC Training and Production is logical that, with the globalization Center “Borschagovsky chemical and of the economy and the pronounced pharmaceutical factory”, corpora- global trends in the pharmaceutical tion “Arterium”, Group of companies business, it is necessary to pay atten- “Lekhim” and others. Approximately tion to trade-marketing activities and 50 % of medicines in the pharmaceuti- community pharmacies. cals market belongs to domestic enter- Analysis of recent research. Many prises (with the simultaneous predomi- works are devoted to improving the ef- nance of outdated, clinically ineffective ficiency of production, product qual- drugs). However, imported medicines ity, logistics management in the phar- in the pharmaceutical market remain maceutical industry. The mechanism quite significant. of increasing the socialization of the According to SMD’s data, the sectoral innovation process in Ukraine highest relative growth for 2017 was was defined by O. A. Meh [2], theo- demonstrated by the Cherkasy plant retical positions of marketing and fea- “Yuriya Farm”. He got production tures of pharmaceutical marketing capacities abroad and rose from the were developed by Z. M. Mnushko [3], 17th place to the 15th and showed the O. V. Posilkin [4]. Features of mar- highest growth rate (+ 29 %). Three keting activity in Ukraine at the pre- Ukrainian companies remained in the sent stage are investigated by the fol- ranking of distributors by the volume lowing scientists: Yu. E. Bondarenko, of sales of all goods categories in the M. V. Moklyak and O. V. Fedorenko pharmacy basket in monetary terms: [5] examined the basic modern mar- PJSC “Farmak”, corporation “Arteri- keting concepts and defined the role of um”, PJSC “Farmak”, PJSC “Pharma- Ukraine in the context of the develop- ceutical firm “Darnitsa”. About 60 % ment of marketing theory and practice. of the retail sales of the last company The objective of the study is re- are medium- and high-cost drugs. This search of global trends in the pharma- situation arises due to the renewal of ceutical business and the experience of the product portfolio by bringing out using trade-marketing activities at the new high-tech and original products in municipal pharmacy “Viola” and their the field of cardiology and neurology. subsequent use in determining the pri- As a result, it allowed the company to ority directions of the pharmacy deve- introduce 25 ready-made medicines in lopment. production, 12 of the most successful Results. Today in the pharmaceu- lunches provided the company with tical market of the world and Ukraine 212 million USD secondary sales [1]. there are several main tendencies: ref- It should be noted that along with ormation services of provision in the such pharmaceutical giants in Ukraine field of health care; state support in there are utility pharmacies belonging the development of new drugs; using to the territorial community of cities. of new legal instruments; protection of

28 personal patients’ data. Accordingly, This pilot project allowed the col- among the most common global trends lection of analytical data (which was in the pharmaceutical business can be: prescribed by the doctor, the patient 1. consideration the needs of consum- acquired, the history of treatment, the ers and their positioning as valuable comparison of the effectiveness of ana- partners; 2. use of modern technolo- logues, etc.). gies of IT companies for the consumer’ An electronic recipe is a medical orientation; 3. development and pro- document created by a doctor with the duction of medicinal products from help of specialized software. Its advan- rare (orphan) diseases; 4. production tages are integrity (the entire history of generic drugs; 5. increase quantity of of appointments is kept in one base); M&A agreements. accessibility (appointment informa- The first brightest global trend in tion available to a doctor, pharmacist the pharmaceutical business is con- and patient); analytical (it is possible sideration the needs of consumers and to output statistics based on the his- their positioning as valuable partners. tory of appointments); reporting (im- World pharmaceutical companies are portant for the implementation of state gradually moving from an approach reimbursement programs). to increasing sales as a single goal to The sequence of work in the pilot take into account the process and pa- project “Electronic Recipe” is as fol- tient treatment results. Pharmaceuti- lows: cal companies understand the benefits 1) the doctor forms an electronic of feedback from patients. It focuses recipe with all necessary requisites and on the processing of a large informa- data about the patient and makes the tion’s amount and its compliance with appointment; the treatment process requirements of 2) the created electronic recipe falls clinical protocols and their effective- into a protected cloud storage, which ness. integrates with the software product of According to the decision of the the pharmacy network; Ukraine Ministry of Public Health, 3) information about the availabil- the pilot project “Electronic Recipe” ity of the order received by the phar- has already been launched in 5 cities macy comes to the patient in the form of Ukraine: Vinnytsia, Dnipro, Ivano- of a sms-message [6]. Frankivsk, Cherkasy and Bakhmut Consequently, taking into account (Donetsk region), and by the end of the decision of the Ukraine Ministry 2018 it is planned to be implement- of Public Health, the municipal phar- ed throughout Ukraine. Within the macy “Viola” in 2018 should join the framework of this project, the patient pilot project “Electronic Recipe”. Ac- received access to information on the cordingly, the communal pharmacy availability of drugs in pharmacies and may have the following tasks: the possibility to reserve necessary • participation in public discussions medicines in any convenient pharmacy at the state level on the need for a sin- network through the mobile applica- gle classifier of medicines (it will be tion of the pharmacy network “D.S.”. integrated into the program product of

29 medical institutions with subsequent Taking into account the high le- systematic automatic updates); vel of development of IT industry in • participation in public discussions Ukraine, coordination and interaction at the state level on the definition of between pharmaceutical companies the standard of electronic recipe. and IT companies can become an im- The municipal pharmacy “Viola”, portant direction in the activity of the based on the existing practice of intro- domestic pharmaceutical industry. ducing electronic recipes in the world, At the same time, in the process of must take into account such nuances gathering information on the state of as: 1) control over duplication of pre- individuals health by pharmaceuti- scribed drugs; 2) incompatibility of cal companies and the use of modern medicinal products, that is to take into technologies, the legal registration is- account the basis of clinical pharmacy; sue of obtaining such information is 3) clear identification of persons with especially important. Since it contains the same surname; 4) provide enough “sensitive” personal data is information cloud storage capacity to handle mil- about the health of a person under the lions of electronic recipes per year. special protection of Ukrainian legisla- In the context of consumer orien- tion, the current European Union Di- tation, the second global trend can be rective № 95/46 / EC, the EU Regula- noted as the use of modern technolo- tion on personal data protection, which gies of IT companies. It allows you to will come into force on 25.05.2018 [6]. develop mobile applications for: estab- One of the modern pharmaceuti- lishing contact with patients, identify- cal market trends is the shifting of at- ing their symptoms, reminders about tention to the development and pro- the timetable for taking medications, duction of drugs from rare (orphan) and developing new technologies for diseases. They threaten human life or research and manufacturing of medi- are progressing chronically, lead to a cines. reduction in life expectancy or to a dis- An example is Google’s collabora- ability whose prevalence among the tion with “GSK” and “Sanofi”, “IBM” population is no more than 1 : 2000. with “Teva” on bio-electronic medi- There are also certain benefits in cine developments. In 2017 Company Ukraine, but for the most part they “Novartis” conducted its first clinical relate to the producers who have reg- study based on the use of smartphones. istered orphan medicines abroad. For Company “Otsuka” has received per- example, the examination of materials mission from the US Food and Drug is carried out for a shorter period of 45 Administration for the production of days for the following drugs: electronic pills. They contain chips that • licensed by the European Medi- allow you to receive information about: cines Agency under the centralized the time of taking pills; transfer data to procedure; mobile application and web portal in • original (innovative) medicines real time. Using this approach allows that have been registered in coun- you to take the courses of treatment for tries whose regulatory bodies apply people with severe mental illness. high quality standards that meet the

30 standards recommended by the World Property Rights. Ukraine has under- Health Organization (USA, Japan, taken to fulfill additional reserva- Australia, , UK, EU coun- tions not expressly provided for by the tries). Laboratory tests at the time of agreement. Thus, the Law of Ukraine registration of such drugs are not car- “On Medicines” brought provisions for ried out, which significantly acceler- the establishment of so-called “exclu- ates and reduces the cost of registra- sive” period of 5 years to protect the tion. information contained in the dossier The production of generic drugs is companies registered original products one of the priority areas in the activi- in Ukraine. During this period, even ties of pharmaceutical companies. In- after the expiry of the patent can not dia, as one of the largest pharmaceuti- be registered drug that has the same cal manufacturers, has a share of 20 % active ingredient than specified by law. of global exports of generics and bio- At the same time, on January 23, simillars in the world due to the exist- 2017 the amendments to the Agreement ing legal regulation. In Ukraine, taking entered into force. Ukraine signed the into account the material condition of Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects the population, state funding of gener- of Intellectual Property Rights, which ics under the reimbursement program provides for a mechanism for compul- and insufficient support for the deve- sory licensing of patented pharmaceu- lopment of original (innovative) medi- tical products, which allows countries cines, there is a tendency towards the to ensure the availability of the nec- production of such drugs. essary generic medicines produced in The Order of the Ukraine Minis- other countries. try of Public Health № 426 of August The production of generic drugs is 26, 2005 gives the definition of a ge- a global trend that is becoming wide- neric medicinal product as having a spread in Ukraine. The production similar quantitative and qualitative of generic drugs, subject to improved composition of the active substances regulatory and regulatory regulation, and the same pharmaceutical form may become a promising direction as the original (innovative) prepara- for the development of the municipal tion. Interchangeability with such a pharmacy “Viola” as their producer, drug is proved on the basis of relevant while generics are more accessible to research. In fact, the production of the population. generics is possible after the expira- According to paragraph 2.2 The tion of patents on the original drugs. Regulations municipal pharmacy However, today legal regulation in the “Viola” (by 09/21/2016) among the sphere of patenting in Ukraine in some subjects of economic enterprise activ- way restricts domestic producers in the ity are medication production, retail production of generic medicines. sale of medicines (pharmaceutical pro- At the same time, Ukraine, as a duction in pharmacy conditions). member of the World Trade Organi- Municipal pharmacy “Viola” con- zation, has signed an Agreement on stantly strengthens cooperation with Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual health facilities as to the possibility

31 of providing their therapeutic drugs. es of gram-positive bacterial cells, with The pharmacy has concluded contracts mucopolysaccharides and proteins, with: Khmelnytsky City Hospital for with the formation of insoluble and the supply of medicines for the amount slowly ionizing complexes. of 730.0 thousand UAH. (antibiotics) Table 1 provides information on the and 299.061 thousand UAH. (antisep- financial results of the municipal phar- tics), 826.0 thousand UAH. (general macy “Viola” in 2017 in the scattering group drugs); Khmelnytsky City Chil- of 13 structural pharmacies and the dren’s Hospital for the amount of 220.0 prescription department and the de- thousand UAH. (vitamins, cardiologi- partment for the production of finished cal preparations); Khmelnytsky city medicines. perinatal center for the sum of 360.0 According to the results of the anal- thousand UAH. (narcotic drugs and ysis, the financial results of the main anesthetics); Khmelnytsky regional activities of the municipal pharmacy children’s hospital for 145.0 thousand «Viola» are profitable in comparison UAH. (means for anesthesia), 886.0 with the loss-making prescription de- thousand UAH. (general group drugs). partment (loss from the main activity Since April 2017, after the intro- is 589.2 thousand UAH) and the de- duction of the Government’s program partment for the production of finished “Available medicines” Municipal phar- medicines (the loss from the main ac- macy “Viola” has released drugs worth tivity is 404,2 thousand UAH). over 1,5 million UAH. From July 2017 In the organizational structure of Municipal pharmacy “Viola” became a the institution, the prescription de- participant in the state program “Insur- partment carries out important tasks ing the cost of insulin through pharma- and functions for the medical provision cies”. By the end of 2017, insulin was of the population, namely: sold at over UAH 2.0 million. Khmel- 1) reception of recipes from ambu- nitsky residents have been released latory patients (in the absence of in- medicines for over UAH 4.6 million dependent departments of the stock, free of charge and to the detriment of the department accepts invoices the Khmelnytsky’s residents. Citizens from medical and prophylactic disea- who suffered as a result of the Cher- ses); nobyl accident disbursed drugs free of 2) manufacturing of medicines ac- charge for 340,0 thousand UAH. Over cording to recipes and requirements; the program “Health of Khmelnytsi- 3) control of the quality of the man- ans” more than 270.0 thousand UAH ufactured leeches; were released. 4) the dispensation of doctors ac- In addition, today the municipal cording. pharmacy “Viola” produces: antiseptic At the same time, the activity re- and disinfectants and methylene blue lated to the serial release of medicines (antiseptic-dye). The mechanism of in the form of semi-finished products the antiseptic action of methylene blue and intraperitoneal preforms, as well as is based on its ability to react with cer- on request (requirements) of medical tain acidic or basic groups of substanc- and prophylactic diseases is provided

32 Таble 1 Formation of a financial result by the municipal pharmacy “Viola” in 2017 in the context of structural pharmacy points thousand UAH The indicator Cost of Income Pharmacy products, Financial Total from General point goods, Overhead result revenue the main expenses works before tax activity (services) № 1 5747,4 5737,1 5332,2 4876,5 268,4 146,8 № 2 665,9 664,7 675,4 504,9 31,1 -9,5 № 3 3416,8 3410,7 3277,7 2899,1 159,6 139,1 № 4 6298,7 6287,4 6004,6 5344,3 293,1 294,1 № 5 12858,7 12835,6 12473,8 10910,3 600,5 384,9 № 6 2699,8 2694,9 2639,5 2290,7 126,1 60,3 № 7 3909,8 39022,8 3799,7 3317,4 182,9 110,1 № 8 1775,5 1772,3 1692,2 1506,4 82,9 83,3 № 9 647,9 646,8 659,4 518,8 30,3 -11,4 № 10 3034,1 3028,6 2959,6 2574,3 141,7 74,5 № 11 1811,1 1807,8 1764,5 1536,7 84,6 46,5 № 12 4833,5 4824,8 4871,5 4101,1 225,7 -7,9 № 13 1756,9 1753,8 1754,1 1470,1 82,1 2,8 Prescription 1084,1 1082,1 1673,3 917,8 50,6 -589,2 Department Department 4256,7 4232,5 4660,9 3580,7 198,8 -404,2 for the production of finished medicines Total 54796,7 89801,9 54238,4 46349,1 2558,4 320,2 Generalized by the author based on the municipal pharmacy “Viola” data. by the department for the production Another trend in the field of phar- of finished medicines maceuticals and biotechnology is the It should be noted that improving increase in the number of M&A agree- the financial position of the unprofita- ments. Pharmaceutical companies are ble departments of the municipal phar- striving to take a leading position in macy “Viola” is possible in the develop- the production of both already known ment and production of drugs against and new medicines for them, as well as rare diseases, based on the promise of significantly reduce costs by consolida- such a direction in the global pharma- tion. In addition, there is a practice of ceutical business. M&A agreements between pharmaceu-

33 tical companies and biotech companies care. Accordingly, independent com- that combine advances in these indus- panies will aim at reducing the cost of tries. Most M&A agreements deals developing and manufacturing phar- concern companies involved in the maceuticals and providing health ser- development of drugs from oncological vices. diseases, as well as infectious diseases, Global trends will stimulate partici- diseases of the central nervous system, pants in the pharmaceutical market to endocrine and metabolic disorders. use modern technologies and specific Also, to accelerate the development legal mechanisms, as well as to attract of medicinal products, the specific le- appropriate funding for the develop- gal mechanisms that are inherent in ment of original medicines. the pharmaceutical industry are used, The development of the pharma- namely: in-licensing (acquisition of ceutical market directly depends on intellectual property objects, mainly the success of Ukraine's implementa- registration dossiers, on the finished tion of public health policy and the medicinal product from another phar- implementation of global trends by the maceutical developer/manufacturer, pharmaceutical market participants for the purpose registering this drug in their activities. So, considering the and putting it on the market with main trends that are observed in the its own efforts) and out-licensing (sell- pharmaceutical industry of the world, ing rights to such facilities for mar- it is necessary to focus on marketing ket entry by a third-party company’s and marketing activities. efforts). In the opinion of N. Zherdiyev [7], Thus, a new trend is the transition the main purpose of trade-marketing from concluding M&A agreements at is an ensuring the firm position of the the stage of obtaining permits from trademark in the market, «pushing» regulatory authorities until they are the goods through the trading network concluded at the initial stages of de- (channels) to the consumer. Indeed, velopment of medicinal products (pre- trade-marketing is one of the market- clinical and clinical research). ing areas that allows you to increase In addition, today, in the healthcare sales through the influence on the market, large international corpora- product chain from the manufacturer tions are beginning to create independ- to the end user, maximizing the choice ent healthcare companies. They aim to of the uttermost. provide employees of individual corpo- Consider the degree of using Viola’s rations with free access to health care. community pharmacy marketing and Among the latest examples of such an marketing activities: alliance of corporations is Amazon, • promotional offers: during 2017, Berkshire Hathaway and JPMorgan they were not implemented at all; Chase. It should be noted that the ef- • loyalty programs: a permanent fectiveness of such alliances will have a customer card is issued for a discount significant impact on the pharmaceuti- of 3 % for medicines and medical prod- cal market, since the goal of independ- ucts (in order to increase and maintain ent companies is availability of health customers).

34 It should be noted that the commu- son, working with “categorical”. Em- nal pharmacy in 2017 participated in ployees of pharmacy items № 1, № 3, two projects: № 5 took part in a seminar with know- • “Opika” — discounts on onco- ledge of the drugs “Sanofi-Aventis”, drugs and preferential release of nar- “Bayer”, “Berlin-Chemie”; cotic drugs for palliative treatment • The program “Life with diabe- for Khmelnytsky, patients with cancer tes” was conducted on the basis of the patients Khmelnitsky Regional Onco- social pharmacy № 1. This is a free logy Dispensary (purchasers of phar- seminar for drugstore visitors on the macy item number 4); topic “Prevention of complications in • “Pulse” — discounts on the funds diabetes mellitus”. With the assistance used in cardiac surgery for honeybees of the domestic manufacturer “Viola” with cardiovascular diseases, patients an event was taken with a free meas- with cardiac surgery in the Khmel- urement of the level of glucose in the nytsky regional hospital (shoppers of blood. This event was aimed at cre- pharmacy number 5) and cardiology ating the strength and loyalty of the department of the Khmelnitsky city “Viola” brand by increasing its aware- hospital (shoppers of pharmacy num- ness. ber 12); It should be noted that at the mo- • outdoor advertising on the facades ment, the municipal pharmacy “Viola” of the pharmacy — additional signs carries out individual trade-marketing and banners in pharmacies are placed; activities, however, for their greater updated signboard at the pharmacy effectiveness, other actions are neces- “Social” № 1; sary: 1) the approval of the market- • POS-materials in pharmacies and ing plan for the year according to the visualization of preparations on shel- company’s tricks (taking into account ves — the presentation of medicines the season, the media activity of the and medical preparations is constantly drug); 2) creating a bonus calculation; being carried out; 3) reinforcement of the sale of the fo- • staff training. cal point by competent counselling by It should be noted that in the 2017 pharmaceutical specialists; 4) inform- year, the municipal pharmacy “Viola” ing customers about their own activi- implemented measures to improve the ties (SMS-mailing, publication in so- quality of service to visitors, including cial networks); 5) further development by involving staff in participation in of its own site for attracting new buy- the training: ers; 6) the creation of a business mar- • 9 specialists were trained in the keting department; 7) accounting and first half of 2017, 2 of them were award- analysis of results on the use of effec- ed the highest qualification category tive marketing and marketing activi- and 2 were confirmed by the highest ties. category. Specialists constantly un- At the same time, the well-known dergo trainings, seminars, in particu- main directions of innovation deve- lar, conducted a training on the topic lopment by pharmaceutical companies “Ethics and deontology of the first-per- remain:

35 I. Production (1.1 development of innovations development in the phar- priority innovative medicines, 1.2 ob- maceutical industry and trends on the taining new chemical substances, 1.3 world scale the municipal pharmacy creation of new pharmaceutical forms “Viola” has the priority directions for with improved pharmacological prop- development, namely: erties, 1.4 use of new carriers of drugs, • participation in the electronic rec- 1.5 creation of new combinations of ipe (for taking into account the needs existing chemical substances, 1.6 deve- of consumers); lopment biotechnology); • cooperation with charitable foun- II. Technological (2.1 introduction dations and health facilities (for the to the production of new resource-sav- development and production of rare ing technologies, 2.2 development of (orphan) diseases); new technological and biotechnologi- • cooperation with health facilities cal processes, 2.3 updating of produc- (for the production of generic medi- tion equipment, 2.4 modernization and cines). expansion of production capacities, Conclusion and prospects for fur- 2.5 transition of production in accord- ther research. Thus, the following ance with GMP rules); conclusions can be drawn from the re- ІІІ. Organizational (3.1 use of search: the system of balanced indicators, • world trends in the pharmaceuti- 3.2 implementation of the system of cal industry are crucial for the further CRM-systems, 3.3 customer loyalty development of pharmacies at the re- formation, 3.4 implementation of elec- gional level; tronic forms of information collection • the communal pharmacy that be- and processing, 3.5 development of came the subject of the study, continu- Internet marketing, on-line commu- ing the installation period (23 years in nications, 3.6 creation of marketing the Khmelnytsky market), has some information systems, 3.7 branding of achievements in the use of market- medical products). trading activities; Taking into account existing world • due to the symbiosis of the mac- trends of pharmaceutical business de- ropharacteristics of the global phar- velopment and directions of innovations maceutical market’s development of development by pharmaceutical compa- with the existing achievements of the nies, we give suggestions on the priority regional communal pharmacy, the most directions of the municipal pharmacy important directions of its development “Viola” development (Table 2). are determined. This will further enable So, the municipal pharmacy “Viola” not only to improve the income from has now: 1) a loss-making direction in core activities but also to expand new the production of its own medicines; jobs and enter the national market as a 2) long-term cooperation with protec- manufacturer of medicines and medi- tion institutions for the provision of cal products for patients with rare (or- their therapeutic drugs; 3) good indi- phan) diseases and to be recognized as a cators of trade-marketing activities. brand for patients with a lower income Taking into account the right set of level (production of generic drugs)

36 Таble 2 Determination of the priority directions of the municipal pharmacy “Viola” development on the basis of trend manifestations of the world pharmaceutical industry

A set Degree of achievement of directions The name The name for the of a possible trend- of the trend development Achievement Priority marketing activity of innovation Consideration 1.4, 2.1, 3.1, Electronic recipe informing customers needs of the 3.2, 3.3, (participating in about their own ac- consumer 3.4,3.5,3.6, the creation of tivities (SMS-mailing, 3.7 a single classi- publication in social fier of medicines networks) about: 1) and the definition the results of con- of the standard trol over duplication of the electronic of prescribed drugs; recipe) with a 2) incompatibility of clear identifica- medicinal products; tion of persons 3) Provide enough with the same cloud cloud storage name. Possibility capacity to handle of feedback with millions of electronic the patient recipes per year

Development 1.1, 1.2, 1.4, Collaboration Development of and produc- 1.5, 1.6, 2.1, with charitable loyalty programs with tion of rare 2.2, 2.3, foundations. patients on orphan (orphan) 2.4, 2.5, 3.2, Strengthened diseases diseases 3.6,3.7 cooperation with health facilities regarding the availability of their therapeutic drugs Production 1.2, 1.3, 1.5, Production: Collaboration Use promotional of- of generic 1.6, 2.1, 2.2, antiseptic and with healthcare fers. Approval of the medicines 2.3, 2.4, 2.5, disinfectants providers regard- trend-marketing plan 3.2, 3.6, 3.7 and ing the possibility for the year accord- (antiseptic of providing them ing to the company's dyes). with medical tricks (taking into ac- Strengthened products count the season, the cooperation media activity of the with health fa- drug). Supporting the cilities regard- sale of the focal point ing the avail- by competent coun- ability of their seling by pharma- therapeutic ceutical specialists. drugs Inform buyers about their own activities

Developed independently by the author.

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38 UDC UDC: 342.5, 352/354 2020-2(22)-39-47

Vysochanskiy Mikhail Rudolfovych, chief operating officer, Department of Stra- tegic Investigation of the National Police of Ukraine, 01601, Kyiv, Str. Bohomol’tsa, 10, tel.: (097)340-79-74, e-mail: saozarp@pro-, https// 6028-2922 Височанський Михайло Рудольфович, головний оперуповноважений, Департа- мент стратегічних розслідувань Націо- нальної поліції України, 01601, м. Київ, вул. Богомольця, 10, тел.: (097)340-79-74, e-mail: [email protected], https//or- Высочанський Михаил Рудольфович, главный оперуполномоченный, Департа- мент стратегических расследований Национальной полиции Украины, 01601, г. Киев, ул. Богомольца, 10, тел.: (097)340-79-74, e-mail: [email protected], https//orcid. org/0000-0002-6028-2922

ANALYSIS OF THE DEFINITIONS OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION AND REGULATION AND THEIR IMPORTANCE IN THE PRACTICE OF APPLICATION OF UKRAINE Abstract. The article analyzes the scientific positions on the understanding of concepts of state regulation and public administration, which are somewhat different from each other. Thus, the researchers who study the theory and mecha- nisms of the public administration consider state regulation and administration in a broad sense, unlike the scientists conducting research in the field of econom- ics. The latter, as a rule, give definitions of the state regulation and administra- tion relatively narrowly, covering only the sphere of economic relations and eve- rything related to the economics. In general, the concept of state regulation is considered either as a state activ- ity, or as a system of measures, or as a set of basic forms and methods of influenc- ing a particular process or object. In our opinion, state regulation should be un- derstood as the activity of the state, since the activity in its conceptual meaning

39 can absorb both processes related to the application of the system of measures and processes related to the use of any complex of forms and methods of influ- ence. Taking into account the closeness in the conceptual sense of state regulation and public administration, aspects of the relationship between them are outlined. Given the functions of a transitional society state that is relevant to modern Ukraine, it is proposed to support the view that administration is an activity that uses available resources, and regulation is a broader activity that involves attracting additional resources to fulfill certain tasks. The apparatus of public administration is defined as the main component of the process of practical implementation of tasks of the executive power. Accord- ingly, for the effective implementation of the tasks arising in the process of state regulation and public administration, it is necessary to define clearly these con- cepts, which, in our view, must be unified (unambiguous). Only in this case the scientific-research activity will be able to be used qualitatively by the apparatus of public administration and be practically useful. Keywords: public administration, state regulation, correlation of concepts, practice of application, state appara. АНАЛІЗ ПОНЯТЬ ДЕРЖАВНОГО УПРАВЛІННЯ ТА РЕГУЛЮВАННЯ, ЇХ ЗНАЧЕННЯ В ПРАКТИЦІ ЗАСТОСУВАННЯ УКРАЇНИ Анотація. Проведено аналіз наукових позицій щодо розуміння понять державного регулювання та державного управління, які дещо відрізняються одна від одної. Так, дослідники, які вивчають теорію та механізми держав- ного управління, розглядають державне регулювання та управління у ши- рокому розумінні на відміну від вчених, що проводять дослідження у сфері економіки. Останні, як правило, надають визначення державного регулю- вання та управління порівняно вужче, охоплюючи лише сферу економічних відносин та все, що пов’язано з економікою. Загалом поняття державного регулювання розглядають або як діяльність держави, або як систему заходів, або як комплекс основних форм і методів впливу на певний процес чи об’єкт. На нашу думку, державне регулювання слід розуміти як діяльність держави, оскільки саме діяльність за своїм поня- тійним значенням може поглинати як процеси, пов’язані із застосуванням системи заходів, так і процеси, пов’язані з використанням будь-якого комп- лексу форм та методів впливу. Беручи до уваги близькість у понятійному сенсі державного регулюван- ня та державного управління, окреслено аспекти співвідношення між ними. Враховуючи функцій держави перехідного суспільства, що є актуальним для сучасної України, запропоновано підтримати позицію згідно якої управлін- ня — це діяльність яка використовує наявні ресурси, а регулювання є більш ширшою діяльністю, яка передбачає залучення додаткових ресурсів для ви- конання тих чи інших завдань.

40 Апарат державного управління визначено як основну складову процесу практичного здійснення завдань виконавчої влади. Відповідно, для ефек- тивного здійснення завдань, що виникають у процесі державного регулю- вання та державного управління, необхідним є чітке визначення цих понять, що повинні бути, на наш погляд, уніфікованими (однозначними). Лише у такому випадку науково-дослідна діяльність зможе якісно використовува- тись апаратом державного управління та бути практично-корисною. Ключові слова: державне управління, державне регулювання, співвідно- шення понять, практика застосування, державний апарат. АНАЛИЗ ПОНЯТИЙ ГОССУДАРСТВЕННОГО УПРАВЛЕНИЯ И РЕГУЛИРОВАНИЯ, ИХ ЗНАЧЕНИЕ В ПРАКТИКЕ ИСПОЛЬЗОВАНИЯ УКРАИНЫ Аннотация. Проведен анализ научных позиций относительно понимания государственного регулирования и государственного управления, несколько отличаются друг от друга. Так, исследователи, изучающие теорию и механиз- мы государственного управления, рассматривают государственное регули- рование и управление в широком смысле в отличие от ученых, проводящих исследования в сфере экономики. Последние, как правило, предоставляют определения государственного регулирования и управления, охватывая лишь сферу экономических отношений и то, что связано с экономикой. В целом понятие государственного регулирования рассматривают или как деятельность государства, или как систему мер, или как комплекс основ- ных форм и методов воздействия на определенный процесс или объект. По нашему мнению, государственное регулирование следует определять как де- ятельность государства, поскольку именно понятие деятельность может по- глощать как процессы, связанные с применением системы мероприятий, так и процессы, связанные с использованием любого комплекса форм и методов воздействия. Принимая во внимание близость в понятийном смысле государственного регулирования и государственного управления, определены аспекты соотно- шения между ними. Учитывая функций государства переходного общества, что являются актуальными для современной Украины, предложено поддер- жать позицию, согласно которой управление — это деятельность которая использует имеющиеся ресурсы, а регулирование — более широкая деятель- ностью, предусматривающая привлечение дополнительных ресурсов для вы- полнения тех или иных задач. Аппарат государственного управления определено как основную состав- ляющую процесса практического осуществления задач исполнительной власти. Соответственно, для эффективного осуществления задач, возни- кающих в процессе государственного регулирования и государственного управления необходимо четкое определение этих понятий, которые должны быть, на наш взгляд, унифицированными (однозначными). Только в таком случае научно-исследовательская деятельность сможет качественно ис-

41 пользоваться аппаратом государственного управления и быть практически полезной. Ключевые слова: государственное управление, государственное регули- рование, соотношение понятий, практика применения, государственный ап- парат.

Formulation of the problem. Se- It should be noted that researchers veral definitions of public administra- who study the theory and mechanisms tion and state regulation have been of public administration view state provided in the scientific literature. regulation in a broad sense, unlike sci- Discussions by scientists about the entists conducting research in the field correct definition of certain concepts of economics. The latter, as a rule, give are indispensable, but for their practi- definitions of state regulation relative- cal application to be effective, defini- ly narrowly, covering only the sphere tions of the concepts in theory must be of economic relations and everything as unified and understandable as pos- related to the economics. sible for the practitioners. Particular attention should be paid Since the concepts of state regulation to the closeness in the conceptual sense and administration do not have their of state regulation and public admin- unified (unambiguous) definitions, it istration. Given the above, as well as causes inconvenience in the process of the fact that as of today there is a wide their use by practitioners, as well as in range of different approaches in discus- planning ways to improve them in the sions regarding the correlation of these future. This situation is primarily due concepts [1, p. 148], it is necessary to to the fact that these concepts are not pay attention to the necessity to study enshrined in the statutory legislative the mentioned topic as relevant. acts, which are obligatory for imple- Undoubtedly, in order to improve mentation: that is why the presence of the effectiveness of the application of several definitions of the concepts of state regulation and administration in state regulation and administration is practice in Ukraine is the formation of a natural process of forming a single a unified theoretical approach to un- understanding of them as phenomena, derstanding these phenomena, which which is clearly born in the process of should be formed by reaching a com- scientific research and discussion. promise between scientists of different In addition to ambiguity in the reg- scientific schools. ulatory framework, difficulties in un- Analysis of the recent research derstanding and using state regulation and publications. As a system of meas- and administration arise because of the ures state regulation is defined by such multifaceted nature of these concepts, scientists as A. S. Bulatov, D. S. Zuhba, as well as the wide scope of applica- E. N. Zuhba, N. H. Kapturenko, tion, including economic activities and I. R. Mikhasyuk, L. Khodov. Propo- more. nents of the approach to understand-

42 ing state regulation as a complex of closeness in the conceptual definition basic forms and methods of influenc- of state regulation and public adminis- ing a particular process or object are tration, so it seems appropriate to con- V. Bratyshko, L. S. Holovko L. I. Did- sider these concepts and their relation- kivska, S. V. Mocherniy, V. P. Oreshy- ships. na, N. Saniakhmetova, D. M. Ste- At the level of general administra- chenko. tion science, the concepts of “regula- The researchers who study the tion” and “administration” are almost theory and mechanisms of public ad- never used as identical, but the rela- ministration view state regulation and tionship between them is interpreted administration in a broad sense, unlike differently. Most think that regulation scientists conducting research in the and administration are social phenom- field of economics. The latter, as a rule, ena and have a common scope, but sug- make the definition of state regulation gest a different nature of the impact and public administration relatively on administration that is achieved narrow, covering only the sphere of through the implementation of the economic relations and everything re- goals and objectives of administrative lated to the economics. influence. Also, some scientists believe A number of authors, namely A. Bey- that regulation covers a wider area of kun, V. Yu. Keretzman, V. K. Kolpak- organizational activity than admin- ov, E. Kuklinsky, in their works touch istration. However, in the scientific on aspects of the relation between the field there is a position according to concepts of public administration and which state regulation of the economy state regulation. is defined as an integral function of the The purpose of the article is to public administration. Of course such a analyze the scientific approaches to the position also takes place among others. definition of concepts of state regula- With regard to administration, one tion and public administration, to out- can determine its deliberate impact line some aspects of the discussions of specifically on the administration enti- scientists on the relation of these con- ties, as well as the use of methods that cepts in theory. Considering that the imply the subordination of these enti- development of theoretical material ties to administration influence by the and research work of the employees administration entity. of the scientific field should be direct- In addition, public administration ed to the needs of practice, attention is defined as one of the activities of should be paid to the problems of using the state the essence of which is the science for the needs of practical activ- exercise of administrative organizing ity. Therefore, we should consider the influence by using the powers of the effectiveness of the use of state regula- executive power through the organiza- tion and public administration in the tion of the implementation of laws, the context of ambiguous interpretation of exercise of administrative functions for these concepts in theory. the purpose of complex socio-economic Presentation of the main material. and cultural development of the state, The question that needs analysis is the its separate territories, as well as ensur-

43 ing implementation of the state policy It should be noted that regulation is in relevant spheres of the public life, associated not so much with the impact creating conditions for citizens to exer- on the objects of administration as on cise their rights and freedoms [2, p. 47]. the environment, and also involves a Public administration by its nature high degree of alternative behaviour of can also be considered as a type of ac- the administrated objects. At the same tivity of the state, that consists of its time, regulation is sometimes regarded administration, that is, organizing in- as one of the functions of administra- fluence on the branches and spheres of tion, which is caused by the theoreti- the public life, which require some in- cal uncertainty of the relation between tervention of the state through the use these concepts. You can evaluate the of the powers of the executive power. relationship between the terms “regu- Thus, from the point of view of the lation” and “administration” in the common understanding, administra- context of not only their relationship, tion is a deliberate influence on a com- but also the general concept of “organi- plex system, and directly by the term zation” (or “organizational activity”). “administration” refers to activities Based on these general ideas about related to the leadership of someone or the relationship of fundamental con- something [3, p. 28]. cepts of the science of administration, The concept of state regulation can the concept of state regulation should be grouped and considered as such that: be determined on the basis of the gen- 1) it is treated as an activity of the eral theory of administration, taking state; into account the specific sphere of 2) it is considered as a system of activity of the state bodies that have measures; executive character. Therefore, in our 3) it is represented as a complex of opinion, “state regulation” is a broader basic forms and methods of influence on concept than “public administration”, a certain process or object [4, p. 302]. because it covers a wider sphere of or- Given this, some scientists under- ganization of the state activity. Thus, stand the concept of state regulation state regulation is closely related to the of the state’s activities to create the forms of public administration. legal, economic and social precondi- State regulation and public admin- tions necessary for the functioning of istration aim to achieve one goal of ad- the mechanism in accordance with the ministration, namely: the ordering of goals and priorities of the state policy, the social objects and social processes. for the realization of national interests However, despite the common goal, of the state [5, p. 95–96]. However, in state regulation and public administra- our opinion, it is fair to note O. O. Kun- tion have significant differences related ditsky [4, p. 303] — state regulation to the use of specific means (methods) does not replace, but enhances, comple- of the administrative influence. ments the mechanism of its functioning, Thus, public administration, in the and the state assumes only those func- light of the above, should be consi- tions that are not subject to this mecha- dered as a certain type of activity of nism. the state bodies that has a power and

44 implies first of all organizing and ad- options for the future activity of the ministrative influence on the objects of administrated objects, creating the op- administration, which is implemented portunity to act most effectively. through the exercise of certain powers. In view of the above, it should be From this point of view, public admin- noted that precisely because of the cre- istration has features characteristic of ation of conditions for the activity of the executive as one of the branches of subjects and objects, state regulation is the government. sometimes identified with the use of in- Also, as mentioned above, public direct (economic, incentive, stimulat- administration is considered as one of ing) methods of administration influ- the activities of the state, the essence ence. However, the implementation of of which is the exercise of administra- the state regulation is impossible with- tive organizing influence through the out public administration, since state use of powers of the executive power regulation cannot be applied without through the organization of implemen- the use of methods of direct influence tation of laws, the exercise of admin- on the subjects and objects of the regu- istrative functions for the purpose of lation. complex socio-economic and cultural Analyzing the relation between the development of the state, its separate concepts of state regulation and pub- territories, as well as ensuring the im- lic administration, taking into account plementation of the state policy in the their understanding of certain scientific relevant spheres of the public life, cre- schools, it is necessary to pay attention ating conditions for citizens to exercise to a certain conditionality of concepts, their rights and freedoms [2, p. 47]. which is partly connected with the lack The functioning of the executive of normative and legal enshrining them power, along with the use of methods in the legislation of Ukraine. of public administration, involves the Given the above, in our view, ad- state regulation as well. The latter, ministration is an activity that uses based on the analysis of legal acts, ap- the existing resources, and regulation plies not only within the executive is a broader activity that involves the branch and implies not only the im- implication of additional resources for pact on the objects of the administra- certain tasks. tion, but also the impact on the social The practical application of public environment of these objects. Such an administration is carried out by its ap- environment means social processes paratus, and therefore it is considered and phenomena that directly affect the appropriate in the article to consider state of a particular object of admin- what constitutes the apparatus of the istration. Thus, state regulation cre- public administration. ates conditions for the activity of the Thus, the apparatus of public ad- subjects and objects of administration ministration is its integral part that in a direction that is desirable for the represents the most extensive and nu- state and by which the administration merous set of interconnected execu- system as a whole will develop. Moreo- tive-administrative bodies (bodies of ver, state regulation provides several executive power), acting exclusively

45 on behalf of the state, in their activity concepts of both state regulation and are governed solely by laws and carry public administration have been pro- out the administration of the public af- posed, which will help the state appa- fairs, have power, competence, have a ratus to realize the tasks of the state defined structure and personnel. policy of Ukraine. Also, the apparatus of public admin- REFERENCES istration is defined as a collection of bodies of the executive power, organ- 1. Keretsman V. Yu. Derzhavne rehu- ized into a system for the realization of liuvannia rozvytku rehioniv Ukrainy: the goals of the executive power, in ac- teoriia i praktyka [State regulation of cordance with the constitutional prin- development of regions of Ukraine: theory and practice]: monohrafiia. ciple of separation of the state power. Uzhhorod: TOV “RIK-U”, 2019. Thus, it is the apparatus of public 512 s. [in Ukrainian]. administration that can be considered 2. Malynovskyi V. Ya. Slovnyk terminiv as the main lever for the practical im- i poniat z derzhavnoho upravlinnia plementation of numerous tasks of the [Dictionary of Terms and Concepts executive power, which daily carries of Public Administration] K.: Tsentr out practical activities to ensure the spryiannia instytutsiinomu rozvytku implementation of legislative acts of derzhavnoi sluzhby, 2005. 251 s. [in the state, namely: Ukrainian]. • implements, within the limits of 3. Soloviov V. M. Poniattia i sutnist pra- vovoho rehuliuvannia derzhavnoho the state policy, the administration of upravlinnia Ukrainy [The concept and objects of the state ownership, as well essence of legal regulation of public ad- as the administration of the economic ministration of Ukraine] Universytet- activity of state-owned enterprises, in- ski naukovi zapysky. 2007, № 3 (23), stitutions and organizations; S. 27–33. URL: [in • implements the directions of the Ukrainian]. state of the economic and social aspects; 4. Kundytskyi O. O. Do pytannia pro • solves and coordinates a consider- sut derzhavnoho rehuliuvannia ekono- able number of the issues of the polit- miky [To the question of the essence of ical-administrative, socio-cultural life, state regulation of the economy] Nau- kovyi visnyk Natsionalnoho lisotekh- state regulation in all sectors of the nichnoho universytetu Ukrainy. Zbirnyk economics; naukovo-tekhnichnykh prats. vyp. • provides administration services 16.2. 2006. C. 302–307. [in Ukrainian]. to citizens [2, p. 17]. 5. Makroekonomika [Macroeconom- Conclusions. Having analyzed the ics]: Pidruchnyk / A. H. Savchenko, scientific positions on the understand- H. O. Pukhtaievych, O. M. Titonko ta ing of the concept of state regulation in.; Za red. A. H. Savchenka. K.: Lybid, and public administration, as well as 1995. 208 s. [in Ukrainian]. the relationship of these concepts, it should be noted that there are sev- СПИСОК ВИКОРИСТАНИХ eral different interpretations of them. ДЖЕРЕЛ In order to improve the scientific and 1. Керецман В. Ю. Державне регулю- practical activity, the most unified вання розвитку регіонів України:

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47 UDC35.08 + 681.32 2020-2(22)-48-63 Durman Mykola Oleksandrovych, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associ- ate Professor, Honored Worker of Educa- tion of Ukraine, Associate Professor of the Department of Public Administration and Local Self-Government of Kherson Na- tional Technical University, 73008, Kherson, Beryslavske Shose, 24, 3rd building, e-mail: mykola.dur, tel .: +380503150373, https// Дурман Микола Олександрович, кандидат технічних наук, доцент, за- служений працівник освіти України, до- цент кафедри державного управління і місцевого самоврядування Херсонського національного технічного університету, 73008, м. Херсон, Бериславське Шосе, 24, 3-ій корпус, e-mail: mykola.durman@gmail. com, тел.: +380503150373, https//orcid. org/0000-0002-3775-205X Дурман Николай Александрович, кандидат технических наук, доцент, за- служенный работник образования Укра- ины, доцент кафедры государственного управления и местного самоуправления Херсонского национального техниче- ского университета, 73008, г. Херсон, Бериславское шоссе, 24, третий корпус, e-mail: [email protected], тел.: +380503150373, https// 0002-3775-205X Drozhyn Dmytro Yurievich, Candidate of Science in Public Administra- tion, Associate Professor, Associate Pro- fessor of the Department of Public Admin- istration, Management and Marketing of V. Dahl East Ukrainian National University. 93400, Severodonetsk, 59a Prospect Central, e-mail: [email protected], tel.: +380506684666, https// 7201 Дрожжин Дмитро Юрійович, кандидат наук з державного управління, доцент, доцент кафедри публічного адміні- стрування, менеджменту та маркетингу Східноукраїнського національного універ-

48 ситету імені В. Даля. 93400, м. Сєвєродонецьк, проспект Центральний, 59а, e-mail: [email protected], тел.: +380506684666, https// Дрожжин Дмитрий Юрьевич, кандидат наук по государственному управлению, доцент, доцент кафедры публич- ного администрирования, менеджмента и маркетинга Восточноукраинского на- ционального университета имени В. Даля. 93400, г. Северодонецк, проспект Цен- тральный, 59а, e-mail: [email protected], тел.: +380506684666, https//orcid. org/0000-0002-1828-7201


Abstract. The article deals with the issues of establishing the State Regula- tory Service as the main subject of the formation and implementation of the state regulatory policy. It is noted that during the period of its activity the status of this state body changed — from the State Committee of Ukraine for Regulatory Policy and Entrepreneurship to the State Regulatory Service of Ukraine. Also, the functions of the SRS have changed — except, in fact, participation in the formation and implementation of a single state regulatory policy in the field of entrepreneurship; related to the development and implementation of measures to implement a unified state regulatory policy in the field of entrepreneurship, etc. Today, the service focuses on the following three areas: participation in the formation of the state regulatory policy, activities in the field of the public policy in licensing business activity and control over the activity of the public authori- ties in the field of regulatory policy formation. Recently, the Better Regulation Delivery Office, a non-governmental organization whose main purpose is to help Ukraine become an effective institution-able state, to develop and implement a regulatory instrument, has been significantly assisted by the Better Regulation Delivery Office to take into account the global regulatory trends and improve business engagement aimed at the public interest and development of small and medium-sized enterprises. Collaboration with non-governmental organizations and structures representing business interests makes the State Regulatory Ser- vice of Ukraine more open to the public and the state regulatory policy more transparent and effective. Keywords: state regulatory policy, State Committee of Ukraine for Regulato- ry Policy and Entrepreneurship, State Regulatory Service of Ukraine, functions of the State Regulatory Service, Better Regulation Delivery Office, interaction between the state and business, effective regulatory decisions.

49 СТАНОВЛЕННЯ ТА ФУНКЦІЇ ДЕРЖАВНОЇ РЕГУЛЯТОРНОЇ СЛУЖБИ УКРАЇНИ ЯК ОСНОВНОГО СУБ’ЄКТА ФОРМУВАННЯ ТА РЕАЛІЗАЦІЇ ДЕРЖАВНОЇ РЕГУЛЯТОРНОЇ ПОЛІТИКИ Анотація. Розглядаються питання становлення Державної регуляторної служби як основного суб’єкта формування та реалізації державної регуля- торної політики. Зазначається, що протягом періоду своєї діяльності статус цього державного органу змінювався — від Державного комітету України з питань регуляторної політики та підприємництва до Державної регуля- торної служби України. Також змінювалися і функції ДРС — крім, власне, участі у формуванні та реалізації єдиної державної регуляторної політики у сфері підприємництва, до них додавалися та забиралися функції реалізації державної політики щодо ліцензування підприємницької діяльності та дер- жавної реєстрації підприємництва, контролю та координації діяльності ор- ганів виконавчої влади, пов’язаної з розробкою і реалізацією заходів щодо проведення єдиної державної регуляторної політики у сфері підприємництва тощо. На сьогодні діяльність служби зосереджена на таких трьох напрямках: участь у формуванні державної регуляторної політики, діяльність у сфері державної політики щодо ліцензування підприємницької діяльності та кон- троль за діяльністю органів публічної влади у сфері формування регулятор- ної політики. Останнім часом для врахування світових тенденцій у сфері ре- гуляторної діяльності та покращення взаємодії з бізнесом суттєву допомогу в своїй діяльності ДРС отримує від Офісу ефективного регулювання — неуря- дової організації, головною метою якої є допомога Україні стати ефективною інституційно-спроможною державою, розробити та впровадити інструменти ефективного державного регулювання, спрямовані на суспільний інтерес та розвиток малого та середнього підприємництва. Співпраця з неурядовими організаціями та структурами, що представляють інтереси бізнесу, робить Державну регуляторну службу України більш відкритою для суспільства, а державну регуляторну політику — більш прозорою та ефективною. Ключові слова: державна регуляторна політика, Державний комітет України з питань регуляторної політики та підприємництва, Державна ре- гуляторна служба України, функції Державної регуляторної служби, Офіс ефективного регулювання, взаємодія держави та бізнесу, ефективні регуля- торні рішення. СТАНОВЛЕНИЕ И ФУНКЦИИ ГОСУДАРСТВЕННОЙ РЕГУЛЯТОРНОЙ СЛУЖБЫ УКРАИНЫ КАК ОСНОВНОГО СУБЪЕКТА ФОРМИРОВАНИЯ И РЕАЛИЗАЦИИ ГОСУДАРСТВЕННОЙ РЕГУЛЯТОРНОЙ ПОЛИТИКИ Аннотация. Рассматриваются вопросы становления Государственной регуляторной службы как основного субъекта формирования и реализации государственной регуляторной политики. Отмечается, что в течение пери- ода своей деятельности статус этого государственного органа менялся — от

50 Государственного комитета Украины по вопросам регуляторной политики и предпринимательства до Государственной регуляторной службы Украины. Также менялись и функции ДРС — кроме, собственно, участия в формирова- нии и реализации единой государственной регуляторной политики в сфере предпринимательства, к ним добавлялись и убирались функции реализации государственной политики относительно лицензирования предпринима- тельской деятельности и государственной регистрации предпринимательст- ва, контроля и координации деятельности органов исполнительной власти, связанной с разработкой и реализацией мероприятий по проведению единой государственной регуляторной политики в сфере предпринимательства и то- му подобное. На сегодня деятельность службы сосредоточена на следующих трех направлениях: участие в формировании государственной регуляторной политики, деятельность в сфере государственной политики относительно лицензирования предпринимательской деятельности и контроль за деятель- ностью органов публичной власти в сфере формирования регуляторной по- литики. В последнее время для учета мировых тенденций в сфере регулятор- ной деятельности и улучшения взаимодействия с бизнесом существенную помощь в своей деятельности ГРС получает от Офиса эффективного регу- лирования — неправительственной организации, главная цель которой — по- мощь Украине стать эффективным институционально-способным государ- ством, разработать и внедрить инструменты эффективного государственного регулирования, направленные на общественный интерес и развитие малого и среднего предпринимательства. Сотрудничество с неправительственными организациями и структурами, представляющими интересы бизнеса, делает Государственную регуляторную службу Украины более открытой для обще- ства, а государственную регуляторную политику — более прозрачной и эф- фективной. Ключевые слова: государственная регуляторная политика, Государст- венный комитет Украины по вопросам регуляторной политики и предпри- нимательства, Государственная регуляторная служба Украины, функции Государственной регуляторной службы Офис эффективного регулирова- ния, взаимодействие государства и бизнеса, эффективные регуляторные ре- шения.

Formulation of the problem. Along the SRP, enshrined at the regulatory with the processes of forming the regu- and legal level. latory framework of the state regula- The State Committee of Ukraine for tory policy (SRP), there are processes Regulatory Policy and Entrepreneur- of becoming its institutional support, ship (hereinafter referred to as SCRPE i.e. the creation of a system of institu- or State Committee for Entrepreneur- tions and organizations whose purpose ship), the central body of executive is to implement in practice changes in power of Ukraine, whose activity was

51 directed and coordinated by the Cabi- Presentation of the main material. net of Ministers of Ukraine through According to the Presidential Decree the Vice Prime Minister of Ukraine “On Issues of the State Committee [1], which was later reorganized sev- of Ukraine for Regulatory Policy and eral times and is today called the State Entrepreneurship” [12], this Commit- Regulatory Service of Ukraine. tee was proclaimed a central executive Therefore, studying the activi- body with a special status that ensures ty of the State Regulatory Service of the implementation of the state policy Ukraine as the main subject of the for- in the field of entrepreneurship, and a mation and implementation of the state coordinator of the activities of the state regulatory policy is very important. executive bodies on preparation of pro- Analysis of the recent research jects, publication and implementation and publications. V. Lyashenko [2], of the regulatory acts. A. Meshcheryakov [3], L. Popova [4], In 2003, after the adoption of the V. Yurchyshyn, and D. Lyapin [5] ad- special Law of Ukraine “On the Prin- dressed the issues of development and ciples of State Regulatory Policy in the implementation of the state regulatory Field of Economic Activity” [13], the policy in terms of economic mecha- role of the SCRPE as a body coordinat- nisms. From the point of view of public ing the work of other authorities with administration of the SRP was stud- regulatory powers has only increased. ied by R. Veprytsky [6], S. Bevz [7], Among the main tasks of the T. Kravtsova [8], Y. Berezhny [9], SCRPE were: N. Ovchar [10], M. Pohrebnyak [11] • firstly, participation in the forma- and others. tion and implementation of a unified However, the establishment of the state policy in the field of entrepreneur- State Regulatory Service of Ukraine as ship, in particular regulatory policy, the main subject of the formation and state policy on licensing of the business implementation of the state regulatory activities and state registration of busi- policy, as well as its function and in- ness; teraction with the public and business • secondly, coordination, licensing structures, has not yet been overlooked of the business activities, state registra- by researchers. tion of business. Formulation of purposes (goal) of As of December 9, 2010, the Com- the article. The purpose of the article mittee was in the process of reorgani- is to study the history of formation, zation [14], and the state registration to determine the place and role of the service of Ukraine was entrusted with State Regulatory Service as the main implementing the state policy on regis- body, whose functions include the for- tration of the legal entities and natural mation of the legislative and regulatory persons-entrepreneurs. However, as framework of the state regulatory pol- early as June 2011, this Decree was re- icy, the tracking of the regulatory de- pealed and by the order of the Cabinet cisions of other entities of the SRP on of Ministers of Ukraine [16] the func- their compliance with the legislation tions of the State Committee for the and so on. Implementation of State Regulatory

52 Policy, State Policy for the Develop- public in discussing and implementing ment of Entrepreneurship (except for the state policy in the field of entre- registration of legal entities and natural preneurship development. The board persons-entrepreneurs) were suspend- was comprised of representatives of ed and transferred to the Ministry of the national associations of entrepre- the Economic Development and Trade neurs empowered to support the entre- of Ukraine. preneurship in the regions. One of the And already on December 19, 2011, main tasks of the board was to prepare the State Service of Ukraine for Regu- proposals for the formation and imple- latory Policy and Entrepreneurship mentation of a unified state policy in Development was formed [17] as the the field of entrepreneurship, in par- central body of executive power of ticular regulatory policy, policies on Ukraine, which is a legal entity of pub- registration and licensing of the busi- lic law, has a seal with the image of the ness activities. State Emblem of Ukraine and its name, The Council of Associations of En- its own forms, accounts with the Treas- trepreneurs of Ukraine with the Gov- ury bodies. However, in 2014, the State ernmental Committee for Economic Service of Ukraine for Regulatory Poli- Development of its time consisted of cy and Entrepreneurship Development 33 representatives of the all-Ukrainian was “reorganized through transforma- and local associations of entrepreneurs tion” into the State Regulatory Service of Ukraine. The main purpose of the of Ukraine (SRS) [18]. Council of Associations of Entrepre- In addition to the SCRPE, a number neurs was to involve a broad mass of of institutions have been set up at the entrepreneurs in discussing and ana- central and regional levels to create the lyzing the effectiveness of decisions of conditions for the implementation and the executive authorities to adjust the effective realization of the regulatory regulatory environment in the country. reform in the field of entrepreneurship. At the regional level an institute of In particular, at the central level, at the business support commissioners has initiative of the SCRPE, the following been established. The activities of the were created: Public Collegium of the commissioners are regulated by the State Committee for Regulatory Policy order of SCRPE “On Amendments to and Entrepreneurship [19], the Coun- the Regulations on the Commissioner cil of Associations of Entrepreneurs of for Support of Entrepreneurship” [22], Ukraine with the Governmental Com- which defines the main tasks, functions, mittee for Economic Development rights and duties of the commissioners, [20], which have already expired and the procedure for their appointment the Council of Entrepreneurs under the and dismissal, the main aspects of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine [21], relations with the state authorities, in- which, as amended, is valid today. stitutions and organizations. The pur- The Public Collegium of the State pose of the commissioners’ functioning Committee for Regulatory Policy and was to facilitate the dialogue between Entrepreneurship was established in the local executive authorities and order to involve a wide range of the business entities regarding the optimi-

53 zation of the regulatory climate of the … local business activity. 3. The main tasks of the SRS are: Coordination councils on entrepre- • implementation of the state regu- neurship development at the local exec- latory policy, the policy on supervision utive bodies were established in accord- (control) in the sphere of economic ac- ance with the Decree of the President tivity, licensing and the permit system of Ukraine “On Measures to Ensure the in the sphere of economic activity; Support and Further Development of • coordination of the actions of the the Entrepreneurial Activity” [23]. Co- executive authorities, civil society in- ordination councils include representa- stitutions and entrepreneurship on de- tives of the associations of enterprises, regulation of the economic activity. authorized persons for protection of the 4. SRS in accordance with its tasks: rights of the entrepreneurs, employees 1) generalizes the practice of appli- of the state tax authorities, internal af- cation of the legislation on issues with- fairs and local executive authorities. in its competence, develops proposals The purpose of the functioning of the for improvement of the legislative acts, coordination councils is to facilitate acts of the President of Ukraine, the the effective decision-making on the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine and development of entrepreneurship and submits them to the Ministry of Eco- the implementation of the regulatory nomic Development in due course; reform. 2) develops draft laws of Ukraine, Also in 2015, the State Regulatory acts of the President of Ukraine, the Service was empowered with the rel- Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine on is- evant Law of Ukraine [24] in the field sues pertaining to the sphere of activity of licensing certain types of the eco- of the SRS; nomic activity and issuing other per- 3) ensures the implementation of mits for conducting economic activity, the state regulatory policy on the basis which became a separate major “layer” of economic feasibility and effective- of work. ness of the regulatory acts, reducing Considering the powers of the the level of the state interference in the current State Regulatory Service of activities of the economic entities and Ukraine, we can say that according to removing obstacles to the development the Regulation [18]: of the economic activity; 1. “The State Regulatory Service of 4) carries out measures on optimi- Ukraine (SRS) is a central executive zation of the number of functions of body, whose activities are directed and the state supervision (control) in the coordinated by the Cabinet of Minis- sphere of economic activity performed ters of Ukraine, and which implements by the executive authorities, makes the state regulatory policy, policies on proposals in accordance with the es- supervision (control) in the sphere of tablished procedure for their reduction economic activity, licensing and per- and elimination of duplication; mitting system in the sphere of eco- 5) conducts examination of the draft nomic activity and deregulation of the laws of Ukraine, other normative-legal business activity. acts that regulate the economic and

54 administrative relations between the the Principles of State Regulatory Poli- regulatory bodies or other bodies of the cy in the Sphere of Economic Activity” state power and economic entities; of the circumstances in which the regu- 6) participates in the preparation latory acts cannot be adopted or ap- of the plans of measures of the Cabinet proved, and if the said regulatory acts of Ministers of Ukraine on deregula- are subject to state registration with tion of the economic activity, provides the judicial authorities, — also informs for monitoring and coordination of the the relevant judicial authorities, that implementation of such plans by the ex- are competent to carry out the state ecutive authorities; registration of such regulatory acts; 7) approves the draft normative le- 11) prepares proposals for improve- gal acts on supervision (control) in the ment in accordance with the principles sphere of economic activity and on li- of the state regulatory policy in the censing issues that are developed by the field of economic activity of draft regu- central bodies of the executive power; latory acts developed by the local self- 8)conducts, in accordance with the government bodies; procedure established by the Law of 12) provides methodological sup- Ukraine “On the Principles of State port to the activities of the regulatory Regulatory Policy in the Field of Eco- bodies related to the implementation of nomic Activity” [13], analyzes the draft the state regulatory policy in the field regulatory acts submitted for approval of the economic activity; and analyzes their regulatory impact; 13) ensures preparation and submis- 9) conducts, in accordance with the sion annually to the Cabinet of Minis- procedure established by the Law of ters of Ukraine of the results of imple- Ukraine “On the Principles of State mentation of the state regulatory policy Regulatory Policy in the Field of Eco- in the sphere of economic activity in nomic Activity”, regulatory acts of the the system of executive bodies; central executive bodies, their territo- 14) takes within the powers provid- rial bodies, the Council of Ministers of ed for by law measures to protect the the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, rights and legitimate interests of the and local executive authorities. In case economic entities violated as a result of of violation of the requirements of Ar- the regulatory acts; ticles 4, 5, 8–13 of the said Law during 15) carries out the analysis of the the examination, it decides on the ne- reports on the monitoring of the effec- cessity to eliminate the violations of the tiveness of the regulatory acts adopted principles of the state regulatory policy by the central executive bodies, their by the body that has adopted the rel- territorial bodies, the Council of Min- evant act; isters of the Autonomous Republic of 10) informs the executive authori- Crimea, local executive bodies; ties, their officials, authorized to adopt 16) appeals to the regulatory bodies, or approve the regulatory acts on re- in accordance with the law, with pro- vealing the statutory regulatory policy posals to amend or invalidate adopted in the sphere of economic activity es- by such bodies regulatory acts that are tablished by the Law of Ukraine “On contrary to the principles of state regu-

55 latory policy or adopted in violation of conditions for conducting a certain the statutory requirements; type of economic activity and the pro- 17) appeals in accordance with the cedure for exercising control over their established procedure to the bodies of observance, except in cases provided by the state power, their officials, bodies law; and officials of the local self-govern- 25) forms expert-appellate council ment, which in the cases and in the pro- and carries out its organizational, infor- cedure established by the Constitution mational and logistical support; and laws of Ukraine, have the right to 26) organizes training, retraining repeal or suspend the acts of other state and advanced training of the licensing bodies, their officials, bodies and lo- specialists; cal government officials, with submis- 27) maintains a Unified License sions on the cancellation (suspension) Registry; of the regulatory acts that are contrary 28) organizes orders, supplies, re- to the principles of the state regulatory cords and reports on the use of the li- policy in the field of economic activity cense forms; or adopted in violation of the statutory 29) issues, in accordance with the requirements; Law of Ukraine “On Licensing of the 18) provides clarification of the pro- Certain Types of Business Activities” visions of the legislation on the state [24], on the elimination of violations of regulatory policy in the field of eco- the legislation in the field of licensing; nomic activity; 30) participates in the development 19) generalizes the practice of apply- of the draft regulatory acts on the issue ing legislation on the state supervision of permits and approves them in due (control) in the field of economic acti- course; vity; 31) carries out, within the limits 20) informs the Cabinet of Ministers of the powers provided for by the law, of Ukraine on the state of implementa- compliance with the requirements of tion by the executive authorities of the the legislation on issues of permits and requirements of the Law of Ukraine the methodological support of the ac- “On Basic Principles of the State Su- tivities of permitting bodies and state pervision (Control) in the Field of Eco- administrators; nomic Activity”; 32) organizes training and advanced 21) develops basic directions of training of the state administrators, development of licensing, provides me- coordinates their nominations for ap- thodical guidance and information sup- pointment and dismissal; port of activity of the licensing bodies; 33) is the manager of the Registry of 22) oversees the licensing authori- permits; ties’ compliance with the licensing leg- 34) manages the state-owned ob- islation and clarifies its application; jects within the scope of management 23) develops the forms of licensing of the Service; documents and rules for their design; 35) organizes interaction with 24) agrees upon the submission of NGOs, their unions and market partici- the licensing authority the licensing pants on a sectoral basis;

56 36) carries out consideration of the has been operational in Ukraine since citizens’ appeals on issues related to the 2015 [25]. activity of the SRS, enterprises, insti- The Better Regulation Delivery Of- tutions and organizations belonging to fice is an independent non-governmen- the sphere of its management; tal structure that does not replace the 37) informs the public about its ac- functions of the State Regulatory Ser- tivities and the state of implementation vice or other public institutions, but its of the state policy in certain spheres of experts and available resources can be activity, as well as about the progress used to analyze the regulatory field and of implementation of the action plans formulate effective regulatory decisions for simplification of the regulatory base in various spheres of the public admin- and deregulation of the economic ac- istration. tivity; The main tasks of the Office are to 38) exercises other powers specified reduce the cost and complexity of do- by the law.” ing business in the country, and to As we can see, the list of the func- minimize the corruption schemes. The tions performed by the State Regula- Office should help improve the regula- tory Service of Ukraine is quite large. tory climate and ultimately facilitate These include function blocks that are Ukraine’s entry into the European reg- directly related to: ulatory field and the DCFTA. • the development of the regulatory “The Better Regulation Delivery decisions; Office is a resource for all the minis- • the formation of the regulatory tries. This is an external department framework of the state regulatory po- for the preparation of the deregulation licy; regulations, so as the British say, use • the monitoring and control over and abuse: use full-time office profes- the authorities regarding compliance sionals to carry out reforms as quickly with the requirements of the regulatory as possible. In addition, deregula- legislation; tion is the most effective way to fight • the carrying out the state policy in corruption, out of pockets of corrupt the field of licensing of certain types of officials we are returning billions of business activity; hryvnias to the business”, said then • the formulating a policy for han- Minister of Economic Development dling permits in various areas of gov- and Trade of Ukraine Aivaras Abroma- ernment; vichus to his colleagues in the Govern- • the interaction with NGOs, their ment [26]. unions and market participants on a The Office is involved in analyzing sectoral basis, as well as with the pub- the legislation and the regulatory field, lic, etc. identifying issues and drafting new doc- However, as the experience of the uments that will address these issues. SRS has shown for almost two decades, Draft regulatory documents are being this activity has not always been effec- drafted, and Cabinet regulations have tive and efficient. Therefore, the Better already been amended to accelerate the Regulation Delivery Office (BRDO) adoption of these important initiatives

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63 UDC: 336.71-368.91 2020-2(22)-64-75 Klymenko Olga Victorovna, chief specialist of the Consumer Protec- tion Department of the Insurance Regula- tion and Supervision Department of the National Commission for State Regulation of Financial Services Markets, 01001, Kyiv, B. Grinchenko Str., 3, e-mail: polis5563@, tel.: +38 (044) 234-39-46, https// Клименко Ольга Вікторівна, головний спеціаліст відділу захисту прав споживачів департаменту страхового регулювання та нагляду Національної ко- місії, що здійснює державне регулювання у сфері ринків фінансових послуг, 01001, м. Київ, вулиця Б. Грінченка, 3, e-mail: [email protected], тел.: +38 (044) 234- 39-46, https// Клименко Ольга Викторовна, главный специалист отдела защиты прав потребителей департамента страхового регулирования и надзора Национальной комиссии, осуществляющей государственное регулирование в сфере рынков финансовых услуг, 01001, г. Киев, улица Б. Гринченко, 3, e-mail: polis5563 @ gmail .com, тел.: +38 (044) 234-39-46, https// 8211-5965

PECULIARITIES OF DEVELOPMENT OF THE STATE SYSTEM REGULATION OF THE INSURANCE MARKET OF UKRAINE Abstract. The features of functioning of the system of state regulation of the insurance market of Ukraine were considered. Based on the analysis of activity of subjects of insurance market scientific principles were expanded, which together can be described as the idea of the presence of direct and reverse connections be- tween the links of different levels in the system of regulation of non-bank financial services, particularly insurance market. The scheme of interactions between pub- lic authorities, primarily of the regulator of non-bank financial services, and non- governmental institutions, self-regulatory associations, unions that unite a certain number of market members proposed in previous research works is recommended to be supplemented by connections with regional markets, as well as communi-

64 cation with scientists, the public and other institutions. Additions to the above scheme have been developed, which cover legally formed and informal channels of communication and interaction of insurance market entities. It is noted that the disadvantages of the insurance market include the insufficient level of respon- sibility of some insurance companies, insurance agents and insurance brokers to policyholders, which reduces the credibility of the market on the part of consum- ers of insurance services, citizens of Ukraine. Specific examples of violations of the current legislation by intermediaries in the insurance market are given. The attention is focused on the need to bring domestic legislation in the sphere of regulation of insurance mediation closer to European standards. Proposals in this direction, which take into account the European integration processes in Ukraine, were provided. The features of the new laws of Ukraine, which amended some leg- islative acts on the expansion of functions for state regulation of financial services markets and consumer protection, are considered. The improvement of legislation provides an opportunity to optimize the quantitative composition of regulatory bodies in the markets of non-banking services. This introduces the responsibility of financial institutions for violations of the rights of consumers of financial ser- vices. It is important that the authorized bodies have the right to apply measures of influence to economic entities and impose administrative penalties on officials. Improving the efficiency of the state regulatory policy, expanding and strengthen- ing the mechanisms of state regulation and supervision should contribute to the termination of the activities of unscrupulous entities in the insurance market. We should expect a positive impact of the new laws on the economy of the state as a whole, since the insurance market, in particular, is one of the important segments of the financial sector of Ukraine. Keywords: markets of non-bank financial services, insurance, legislation, management, state regulation, insurance mediation, problems, development. ОСОБЛИВОСТІ РОЗВИТКУ СИСТЕМИ ДЕРЖАВНОГО РЕГУЛЮВАННЯ СТРАХОВОГО РИНКУ УКРАЇНИ Анотація. Розглянуто особливості функціонування системи державно- го регулювання страхового ринку України. На підставі аналізу діяльності суб’єктів страхового ринку розширено наукові положення, сукупність яких можна кваліфікувати як ідею щодо наявності прямого та зворотного зв’язків між ланками різного рівня у системі регулювання ринків небанківських фі- нансових послуг, зокрема ринку страхування. Запропоновану у попередніх наукових роботах схему взаємозв’язків органів державної влади, насампе- ред регулятора ринку небанківських фінансових послуг, і недержавних ін- ституцій у вигляді саморегулівних асоціацій, союзів, спілок, які об’єднують певну кількість суб’єктів ринку, рекомендовано доповнити зв’язками з регі- ональними ринками, а також комунікаціями з науковцями, громадськістю й іншими інституціями. Розроблено доповнення до зазначеною схеми, яке ви- світлює юридично оформлені і неформальні канали комунікації і взаємодії суб’єктів ринку страхування. Зазначено, що недоліками страхового ринку

65 є недостатній рівень відповідальності деяких страхових компаній, страхо- вих агентів і страхових брокерів перед страхувальниками, що знижує довіру до ринку з боку споживачів страхових послуг, громадян України. Наведе- ні конкретні приклади порушень діючого законодавства посередниками на страховому ринку. Зосереджена увага на необхідності наближення вітчиз- няного законодавства до європейських норм у сфері регулювання страхо- вого посередництва. Надано пропозиції у цьому напрямі, які враховують євроінтеграційні процеси в Україні. Розглянуті особливості нових законів України, якими внесені зміни до деяких законодавчих актів щодо розширен- ня функцій із державного регулювання ринків фінансових послуг і захисту споживачів. Вдосконалення законодавства надає можливість оптимізувати кількісний склад регуляторних органів на ринках небанківських послуг. При цьому запроваджується відповідальність фінансових установ за порушення прав споживачів фінансових послуг. Важливо, що уповноваженим орга- нам надано право застосовувати до суб’єктів господарювання заходи впли- ву та накладати на посадових осіб адміністративні стягнення. Підвищення ефективності державної регуляторної політики, розширення і посилення механізмів державного регулювання та нагляду має сприяти припиненню діяльності недобросовісних суб’єктів на страховому ринку. Слід очікувати позитивного впливу нових законів на економіку держави у цілому, оскільки ринок страхування, зокрема, є одним із важливих сегментів фінансової сфе- ри України. Ключові слова: ринки небанківських фінансових послуг, страхування, законодавство, управління, державне регулювання, страхове посередницт- во, проблеми, розвиток. ОСОБЕННОСТИ РАЗВИТИЯ СИСТЕМЫ ГОСУДАРСТВЕННОГО РЕГУЛИРОВАНИЕ СТРАХОВОГО РЫНКА УКРАИНЫ Аннотация. Рассмотрены особенности функционирования системы го- сударственного регулирования страхового рынка Украины. На основании анализа деятельности субъектов страхового рынка расширены научные по- ложения, совокупность которых можно квалифицировать как идею о нали- чии прямой и обратной связей между звеньями разного уровня в системе регулирования рынков небанковских финансовых услуг, в частности, рынка страхования. Предложенную в предыдущих научных работах схему взаи- мосвязей органов государственной власти, прежде всего регулятора рынка небанковских финансовых услуг, и негосударственных институтов в виде са- морегулируемых ассоциаций, союзов, объединяющих определенное количе- ство субъектов рынка, рекомендуется дополнить связями с региональными рынками, а также коммуникациями с учеными, общественностью и другими институтами. Разработаны дополнения к указанным схемам, которые осве- щают юридически оформленные и неформальные каналы коммуникации и взаимодействия субъектов рынка страхования. Отмечено, что недостат- ками страхового рынка является недостаточный уровень ответственности

66 некоторых страховых компаний, страховых агентов и страховых брокеров перед страхователями, что снижает доверие к рынку со стороны потребите- лей страховых услуг, граждан Украины. Приведены конкретные примеры нарушений действующего законодательства посредниками на страховом рынке. Сосредоточено внимание на необходимости приближения отечест- венного законодательства к европейским нормам в области регулирования страхового посредничества. Даны предложения в этом направлении, кото- рые учитывают евроинтеграционные процессы в Украине. Рассмотрены особенности новых законов Украины, которыми внесены изменения в не- которые законодательные акты по расширению функций государственно- го регулирования рынков финансовых услуг и защиты прав потребителей. Совершенствование законодательства позволяет оптимизировать количест- венный состав регуляторных органов на рынках небанковских услуг. При этом вводится ответственность финансовых учреждений за нарушение прав потребителей финансовых услуг. Важно, что уполномоченным органам пре- доставлено право применять к субъектам хозяйствования меры воздействия и налагать на должностных лиц административные взыскания. Повышение эффективности государственной регуляторной политики, расширение и усиление механизмов государственного регулирования и надзора должно способствовать прекращению деятельности недобросовестных субъектов на страховом рынке. Следует ожидать положительного влияния новых законов на экономику государства в целом, поскольку рынок страхования, в частно- сти, является одним из важных сегментов финансовой сферы Украины. Ключевые слова: рынки небанковских финансовых услуг, страхование, законодательство, управление, государственное регулирование, страховое посредничество, проблемы, развитие.

Statement of the problem in gen- two laws of Ukraine “On amendments eral and its relation to important sci- to some legislative acts of Ukraine re- entific or practical tasks. Ukraine’s garding protection of rights of consum- economy is gradually moving in the ers of financial services” (the draft law European direction. Under these con- dated 06.09.2019 № 1085-1, the law ditions, improving the system of state was adopted on 20.09.2019) and “On regulation of non-bank financial servic- amendments to some legislative acts es and in particular insurance market, of Ukraine concerning improvement which is the most significant in the field of the functions of state regulation of of non-banking services acquires strate- financial services markets” (draft law gic importance. Recently the possibil- dated 06.09.2019 № 1069-2, the law ity and methods of state regulation of was adopted on 12.09.2019). These laws this market is growing and improving entrust new powers and thus expand due to the adoption by the Verkhovna the power of regulators of the market Rada of Ukraine in September of 2019 of non-bank financial services. Accord-

67 ing to the first law (the “split” which prove the legislative framework, and in the dictionary of economic terms is ensure full transparency of the activi- interpreted as “increase”) supervision ties of market entities. and regulation of insurance companies According to this, the task is to will be transferred from the National analyze the trends and prospects for Commission, carrying out state regula- the development of the system of state tion of markets of financial services to regulation of non-bank financial ser- the National Bank of Ukraine (NBU). vices markets, as well as to develop The second law significantly strength- recommendations for the effective use ens the control over the activities of of new opportunities in practice. The participants in this market and the insurance market is the example for the quality of services provided, as well as analysis, it is the most significant in the strengthens the responsibility of insur- field under consideration. ers and the protection of consumers Analysis of recent studies and of insurance services. Supervision and publications that started to address regulation of the insurance market will this problem. Theoretical and practi- now be carried out by the NBU, which cal foundations and various specific will eliminate duplication of functions aspects of state regulation of the insur- of regulators for control and supervi- ance market of Ukraine were investi- sion, including the activities of various gated by leading Ukrainian and foreign associations of banking structures with scientists [1–5 and others]. In these insurance companies. and many other scientific researches According to the NBU, the mar- views of scientists on essence, tenden- kets of non-bank financial services in cies, ways of development of the market Ukraine have historically operated un- of insurance services, principles of regu- der less strict control and regulation by lation of its activity are covered. the state than, in particular, the banking Currently, the state of the econo- sector. These laws will ensure the same my of Ukraine and the financial and model of state regulation of the bank- economic situation in the world are ing and non-banking financial markets. changing rapidly. Therefore, given the The regulator, which the NBU be- immutability of the fundamental foun- comes, is entrusted with the functions dations of the theory of insurance and of segmentation of non-bank financial the theory of public administration and services markets, licensing, prudential administration [6–7] certain scientific supervision of the insurance market, its and practical issues of state regulation verification, protection of the rights of of the insurance market need to be de- consumers of services. There is reason tailed in relation to modern conditions. to expect that the system of regulation The position of the author of this ar- of non-bank financial services markets ticle, which is expressed in [8–9] and and, in particular, the insurance mar- others, is that the system of regula- ket, envisaged by the new legislation, tion of markets of non-bank financial will strengthen their attractiveness for services should be understood as laws potential investors, increase consumer and other state regulations that create confidence in them, expand and im- conditions for the functioning of these

68 markets and the activities of their sub- It is not possible to name all the sci- jects. Legal documents that form an in- entists who contributed to the devel- tegral legislative and regulatory frame- opment of the theory, methodology, work in this area should be considered practice of functioning and state regu- as interrelated elements of the system lation of insurance and other markets of regulation of non-bank financial of non-bank financial services because services markets. State regulation has of the limited volume of the text of this a strategic nature and provides for a article. Therefore, during the consid- targeted impact on market members eration of specific issues in the article, to achieve the ultimate goal — to in- references will be made only to the lit- crease the efficiency of their activities erature used, with deep respect for the in favor of the state economy. Regu- authors of all scientific works. lation includes the identification and The purpose of this article is to analysis of problems, the allocation of identify patterns of market develop- the most important tasks in this peri- ment non-bank financial services insur- od, the search for optimal solutions and ance market of Ukraine, peculiarities of ensuring their implementation. The impact on the market regulatory sys- concept of development of the system tem, the definition and justification of of regulation of markets of non-bank directions of regulation and increase of financial services characterizes the efficiency of activity of subjects of the change in its composition, structure, insurance market to ensure its stability state over time. The result is a new and reliability. state of the system. The development Presentation of the main research of the system of regulation of non-bank material. It is necessary to agree with financial services markets in Ukraine the authors of the above scientific works has an evolutionary form associated [1–7] and other studies, that the devel- with gradual qualitative and quantita- opment of the system of regulation of tive changes. the insurance market should provide, Regulation of non-bank financial first of all, strengthening the protection services, like regulation of other sectors of property interests of policyholders, of the economy, includes the monitor- which are individuals and legal entities. ing of positive trends and rapid iden- Secondly, it should meet the interests tification of the signs of the negative of the state, since this market is one of phenomena, the analysis and under- the sources of financial investment in standing of their causes, development various sectors of the national econ- of possible interventions to study the omy. Thirdly, it needs to promote the likely consequences of their implemen- implementation of a certain course of tation. Effective regulation also implies economic and social policy of the state. the creation of conditions for the devel- Fourth, it should ensure the possibility opment and implementation of optimal of effective activities of insurance mar- management decisions to prevent crisis ket entities (insurance companies, bro- phenomena, eliminate complications kers, agents) and other persons work- that may arise, increase the potential of ing in the insurance market (banks, all market segments. associations of insurers, law firms, etc.).

69 Fifth, it needs to ensure the integration bank financial services have direct and of the Ukrainian insurance market in inverse relations among themselves the relevant international network, in which consist in the are as follows. the global space of non-bank financial Comments, recommendations, deci- services. sions of the state regulator are brought The insurance market is one of the to the management of structures oper- powerful segments, sectors of the gen- ating in the markets. That is, to market eral market of non-banking services. entities, where solutions are tested in In our work [8] the complex of views, practice, their shortcomings are iden- representations, ideas directed on in- tified and proposals for their improve- terpretation of essence of system of ment are formulated. Management regulation of the markets of non-bank of the lowest level, namely insurance financial services in Ukraine is offered. companies, credit unions, etc directs its The scientific provisions, the totality of developments to the appropriate higher which can be qualified as the idea of the level - to the regulator and then to the presence of direct and feedback links Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine to take between links at different levels in the them into account through changes and system of regulation of markets of non- additions to existing regulatory docu- bank financial services were described ments or those that are being devel- and substantiated. In the development oped. In this way, there are direct and of the ideas expressed in [8], we note feedback links in the markets of non- that the system of regulation of mar- bank financial services between manag- kets of non-bank financial services in ers of different levels, between the state Ukraine is characterized by the fact bodies regulating the markets and the that its components at different levels structures that work there. Such rela- (from the state to the level of a small tionships are the features of the system enterprise) have strong direct and re- of regulation of non-bank financial ser- verse relations. According to the math- vices markets. ematical formulation, under certain as- A significant role in the system of sumptions, it can be considered that the regulation of markets of non-bank fi- regulation of markets for non-bank fi- nancial services in Ukraine is played nancial services by public authorities is by non-governmental non-profit self- a direct theorem, which proves that the regulatory organizations, which vol- initial conditions and tasks when im- untarily unite the structures operating plemented in practice provide a pre-de- in the markets, companies in order to clared, expected result. Therefore, the closely interact and develop a com- state regulator formulates and approves mon policy and principles of behavior tasks and creates conditions (laws, res- [8]. The influence of market entities on olutions, orders, other documents) for strategic decision-making looks like a the development of non-bank financial chain: subject-association-regulator- services markets. When they are imple- Cabinet of Ministers — Verkhovna mented, the goal is achieved. Rada of Ukraine. The message on the Links of state bodies of various lev- implementation of the decisions taken els and subjects of the markets of non- is transferred in the opposite direction.

70 The scheme of relations of public au- ties and other agencies and feedback thorities, primarily the regulator, with of these schema elements are based on self-regulatory organizations, proposed the principles of openness and transpar- in the article [8] each of which unites ency of partnerships. The schemes of a certain number of market entities, in communication of the insurance mar- our work [9] is supplemented by com- ket with state and non-governmental munications with science, the public structures in Ukraine presented in [9] and other institutions. These additions complement and expand the previ- provide for strengthening the partici- ously developed models of develop- pation of the general public through ment and functioning in the future of the Internet space in the development the system of regulation of non-bank of proposals to address problematic is- financial services and the structure of sues, the introduction of measures to interaction of public authorities with influence the authorities on the market self-regulatory organizations that oper- by adopting new or improving existing ate in the insurance market in Ukraine. regulatory acts. At the same time, the The scheme of channels of interaction concept of “power” should be under- between subjects of the insurance mar- stood not only and not so much as the ket is proposed as the development regulator represented by the National [9] of the communication structures Financial Services Committee or the (Fig. 1). The existence of such formal National Bank of Ukraine, but also lo- and informal ties should be taken into cal and regional authorities. Commu- account in the system of state regula- nication subjects of the market of non- tion of this market. banking financial services regulator, Insurance brokers and insurance the public, expert groups from among agents indicated in the diagram (Fig. 1) scientists, local and regional authori- are intermediaries who actively work

Insurance services

Insurance Insurance IC agents brokers


Market entity

Fig. 1. Scheme of communication channels and interaction of subjects of the insurance market. It is designated: IC – insurance company; continuous lines – legally issued com- munications; dotted lines – commercial relations; dashed-dotted lines – possible contacts

71 in the market of providing insurance panies requires regulation at the level services. They have different functions of legal acts. in the market. Brokers carry out busi- The activity of the insurance broker ness activities in relation to the provi- should be aimed exclusively at finding sion of paid services to policyholders to insurers that best meet the interests protect their interests through effective of the policyholder. But unscrupulous risk insurance. brokers collude with “their” insurance An insurance broker is a legal entity companies, provide them with clients- that must act in the interests of the pol- insurers and receive remuneration from icyholder. The task of insurance agents insurance companies, which is not pro- on the contrary is to satisfy the inter- vided by the legislation on brokerage. ests of insurance companies to expand Intermediaries in the insurance market the volume of sales of services provided are in contact with millions of consum- by them. Insurance agents act on behalf ers of insurance services (more than 8 of and under the control of the insurer mln only in compulsory insurance of on the basis of the Agency agreement. civil liability of owners of land vehicles The legislation of Ukraine alleg- and more than 1 mln traveling abroad edly differentiates the activities of in- [9]). Therefore, perceiving this situa- surance brokers and insurance agents tion as significant, it is necessary to dis- in terms of, first of all, the protection tinguish the intermediary activity of in- of property interests of consumers of surance agents and insurance brokers at insurance services. But despite the ex- the legislative level more categorically istence of a regulatory framework that than now [10; 12]. regulates the activities of these inter- In our article [9] it is shown that mediaries at the legislative level, in real among the specialists engaged in the life there are unresolved issues in this insurance market, there are different area [9]. As a matter of fact insurance views on the optimal size (rate) of pay- agents, given the fierce competition for ments to intermediaries and other per- customers among insurance companies sons for the conclusion of the insurance in the market of services, often offer contract. Opponents give weighty ar- policyholders, which they control, si- guments in support of their positions on multaneously to several insurance com- this issue. But there is reason to expect panies instead of one on behalf of which that the introduction of a corporate tax the agent works. Stop at the company in the amount of 18 % of the amount that provides the agent with the great- exceeding the established norm of pay- est reward. The negative consequences ments to intermediaries will reduce the of this market situation lies in the fact practice of evading unscrupulous insur- that agents often give their clients to ers from paying taxes by excessively conclude insurance contracts financial- inflating the remuneration of interme- ly weak and insolvent companies that diaries. Practice shows that now the in the event of an insured event are not company’s insurance agents are paid able to fulfill obligations to the policy- from 40 to 80 % of the insurance premi- holder. This aspect of the interaction of ums received, which almost always sig- insurance agents with insurance com- nificantly exceeds the cost of agents to

72 perform intermediary work. According in insurance, in particular brokerage to expert estimates, the amount of eco- operations and Agency services. This nomically justified payments to inter- is due to the fact that this approach is mediaries should not exceed 30 %, and applied in the Association Agreement everything else means the tax evasion. between Ukraine and the EU, namely Despite some unsettled activity in subsection 6 “Financial services”, in of insurance intermediaries (brokers, accordance with article 125.2(a) [11]. agents), they play a positive role in the The results and conclusions of our insurance market of Ukraine, helping studies [6; 8–9; 12 and others] coincide insurers to provide and policyholders in fact with the solid recommendations to receive insurance services. A detailed given in [10]. First of all, it concerns the review of domestic and European leg- need to expand the limit of regulation islation in the field of insurance media- of insurance mediation and establish tion is carried out in article [10]. The restrictions on uncontrolled activities author of this work did not consider of entities for which the sale of insur- the above remarks regarding violations ance products is not the main activity. in the activities of insurance brokers In addition, it is advisable to introduce and insurance agents in the market of mandatory liability insurance of inter- insurance services, which are common mediaries selling insurance products in real life. He focused on conceptual to policyholders. Also it is necessary issues, namely the comparison of leg- to oblige intermediaries to inform poli- islation in the field of insurance me- cyholders to sign insurance contracts diation regulation in Ukraine and the with them the official status of sellers European Union (EU). The proposals of the insurance product, the amount presented in [10] on the adaptation of of remuneration they receive, and their domestic legislation in the field of regu- liability. The proposed can be applies lation of insurance mediation to the not only to insurance brokers or insur- European one are relevant and should ance agents, but also to other individu- be adopted. There are many ways to im- als and legal entities that mediate in the plement recommendations. The easiest insurance market, in particular banks. way, perhaps, to amend the resolution In this way, the safety of consumers of of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine insurance products will be enhanced re- “On the procedure for the activities of gardless of the channel of sale of servi- insurance intermediaries” or the cur- ces — through intermediaries or direct- rent law of Ukraine “On insurance”. It ly in insurance companies. These re- is also possible to adopt new laws on quirements will facilitate the transfer of insurance mediation or insurance and mediation in a civilized and controlled provide for the implementation of EU way, as is the case in the highly deve_ directives on insurance mediation. We loped countries of the European Union. emphasize that in [10], as well as later Summary. State regulation of non- in our article [9], the object of regula- bank financial services and, in particu- tion is understood to be the legislation lar, the insurance market has the po- concerning the activities of market en- tential to increase efficiency through tities to provide intermediary services wider involvement in this process of

73 non-state self-regulatory organizations, ance companies in Ukraine, Bulletin of the public, the Internet space, scien- Taras Shevchenko National University tific institutions. The specifics of the of Kyiv. (Economic), Kyiv, Ukraine. insurance market require taking into 6. Bakumenko V. D., Bondar I. S., Ho- account both the financial interests of myk V. H. and Shpachuk V. V. (2016), “Features of public administration and both market participants and the inter- administration”, Kyiv, Ukraine. ests of the state. To strengthen the pro- 7. Bondar I. S., Homyk V. H., Kravchen- tection of consumers of financial servic- ko S. O., Kravchenko V. V. (2016), es, it is necessary to provide safeguards “Politics in public administration”, against the penetration and presence in Kyiv, Ukraine. the market of problematic, insolvent, 8. Klymenko O. V. (2014), “Develop- unscrupulous insurance companies. It ment of a system of regulation of non- is also necessary to take measures to banking financial services markets in eliminate the practice of applying eco- Ukraine”, Ekonomika Ukrainy, vol. 5. nomically unjustified remuneration to p. 58–69. 9. Klymenko O. V. (2019), “Areas of insurance intermediaries and to tight- improvement of regulation of the in- en the requirements for their liability surance market, financial services in to consumers of insurance services. In Ukraine”, Ekonomika Ukrainy. vol. 7– general, it is necessary to expand the 8. p. 55–69. boundaries of state regulation of the in- 10. Sholoiko A.S. (2016), Regulation of surance market and strengthen the re- insurance mediation in the context sponsibility of subjects for compliance of European integration processes of with legislative norms at the level of Ukraine. Bulletin of Taras Shevchenko implementation of regulatory acts. National University of Kyiv. (Econom- ic), Kyiv, Ukraine. REFERENCES 11. Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine (2014), Association Agreement between 1. Hamankova О. О. (2010), “Ukrainian Ukraine, of the one part, and the Euro- Insurance Market: Essence, Trends pean Union, the European Atomic En- and Development Paths”, Ph. D. The- ergy Society and their Member States, sis, Economy, Kyiv, Ukraine. of the other part, dated 27.06.2014, 2. Hamankova O. O. (2009), “Ukrainian available at: Insurance Market: Theory, Methodol- key-issues-positions/from-ind-i-to- ogy”, Kyiv, Ukraine. imd-ii. 3. Vasilenko A. V. (2008), State regula- 12. Klymenko O.V. (2019), Scientific and tion of investment activity of insur- applied aspects of state regulation of ance companies, Ph. D. Thesis, Econ- insurance market activity. Public Ad- omy, Kyiv, Ukraine. ministration: Improvement and De- 4. Zaletov O.M. (2014), Conceptual velopment, № 10. URL: http://www. principles of macroprudential supervi-! 0_2019/48. sion and regulation of insurance activi- pdf. ties, Bulletin of Taras Shevchenko Na- СПИСОК ВИКОРИСТАНИХ tional University of Kyiv. (Economic), Kyiv, Ukraine. ДЖЕРЕЛ 5. Zaletov O. M. (2016), State regula- 1. Гаманкова О. О. Ринок страхових tion of investment activity of insur- послуг України: сутність, тенденції

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75 UDC: 323:327:351 2020-2(22)-76-90 Kovalyova Tatiana Volodymyrivna, Candidate of Philology, Associate Profes- sor, Associate Professor of the Department of Law and European Integration of Kharkiv Regional Institute of Public Administration of the National Academy of Public Administra- tion under the President of Ukraine, 61001, Moskovsky Ave., Kharkiv, 75, tel .: (057) 732- 09-51, е-mail: [email protected], https// Ковальова Тетяна Володимирівна, кандидат філологічних наук, доцент, доцент кафедри права та європейської інтеграції Харківського регіонального інституту державного управління На- ціональної академії державного управ- ління при Президентові України, 61001, м. Харків, пр. Московський, 75, тел.: (057) 732-09-51, e-mail: [email protected], https// 7101 Ковалева Татьяна Владимировна, кандидат филологических наук, доцент, доцент кафедры права и европейской интег- рации Харьковского регионального института государственного управления Наци- ональной академии государственного управления при Президенте Украины, 61001, г. Харьков, пр. Московский, 75, тел .: (057) 732-09-51, e-mail: [email protected], https//


Abstract. The article deals with the political and legal aspects of the language policy formation of the and Ukraine in a diachronic section. When comparing the language policies of these countries, the following criteria were taken into account: stay under occupation of other states; was the national language official during the occupation of the country; the largest ethnic group in the country at the time of consolidation of the state/official language; exist- ence of a special law on state/official/national language; the number of official (official) languages in the country; ratification and entry into force of the Euro-

76 pean Charter; whether special status is given to particular languages of national minorities. The history of the formation of the Czech Republic over the centuries has been marked by the struggle for the establishment of a sovereign state, and language policy has become a cornerstone of the Czech identity. Despite the absence of a special law on official (official) language in the Czech Republic, the key to language policy was the displacement of the occupier’s lan- guage (German and Hungarian) from the public sphere. The struggle for language has become a marker of struggle for territory, population and sovereignty. After a long period of linguistic expansion, the Czechs began to renew their lan- guage through fiction, theater, created national scientific terminology, published lexicographic sources, formed state institutions on language policy and language planning. State language policy in Ukraine has been inconsistent, slow, hindering the resolution of problematic issues in regulating language relations, contributing to the emergence of legal nihilism, giving rise to language conflicts, and was used by Russia against Ukraine in 2014. The loosening of the language issue, the de- lay in the implementation of the language law, threatens the national security of Ukraine, its sovereignty and territorial integrity. Today, Ukrainian society faces an overriding challenge, which can be resolved by the Czech experience — to get rid of the colonial past in the language issue. Keywords: state language policy, national minorities, European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages, state language. ПОЛІТИКО-ПРАВОВІ АСПЕКТИ ФОРМУВАННЯ ДЕРЖАВНОЇ МОВНОЇ ПОЛІТИКИ: ЧЕСЬКИЙ ДОСВІД ДЛЯ УКРАЇНИ Анотація. Розглядаються політико-правові аспекти формування мовної політики Чеської Республіки та України в діахронічному зрізі. При зістав- ленні мовних політик цих країн бралися до уваги такі критерії: перебування під окупацією інших держав; чи була національна мова офіційною під час пе- ребування країни під окупацією; найчисельніша етнічна група в країні на мо- мент закріплення державної/офіційної мови; наявність спеціального закону про державну/офіційну/національну мову; кількість державних (офіційних) мов у країні; ратифікація Європейської хартії та набрання нею чинності; чи надано особливий статус окремим мовам національних меншин. Історія формування Чехії протягом століть була позначена боротьбою за становлення суверенної держави, а мовна політика стала наріжним каменем будівництва ідентичності чехів. Незважаючи на відсутність у Чехії спеціального закону про державну (офіційну) мову, ключовим моментом мовної політики було витіснення з пу- блічних сфер мови окупанта (німецької та угорської). Боротьба за мову стала маркером боротьби за територію, населення і суверенітет. Після тривалого періоду мовної експансії чехи почали відновлювати свою мову через художню літературу, театр, створювали національну наукову тер-

77 мінологію, видавали лексикографічні джерела, утворювали державні інсти- туції з мовної політики та мовного планування. Державна мовна політика в Україні проводилася непослідовно, повільно, що гальмувало вирішення проблемних питань у регулювання мовних відно- син, сприяло породженню правового нігілізму, давало привід для виникнен- ня мовних конфліктів й було використано Росією проти України у 2014 році. Розхитування мовного питання, зволікання з реалізацією мовного закону ставить під загрозу національну безпеку України, її суверенітет і територі- альну цілісність. Сьогодні українське суспільство стоїть перед надважливим завданням, вирішити яке може допомогти досвід Чехії — позбавитися коло- ніального минулого в мовному питанні. Ключові слова: державна мовна політика, національні меншини, Євро- пейська хартія регіональних або міноритарних мов, державна мова. ПОЛИТИКО-ПРАВОВЫЕ АСПЕКТЫ ФОРМИРОВАНИЯ ГОСУДАРСТВЕННОЙ ЯЗЫКОВОЙ ПОЛИТИКИ: ЧЕШСКИЙ ОПЫТ ДЛЯ УКРАИНЫ Аннотация. Рассматриваются политико-правовые аспекты формирова- ния языковой политики Чешской Республики и Украины в диахрониче- ском срезе. При сопоставлении языковых политик этих стран принимались во внимание следующие критерии: пребывание под оккупацией других го- сударств; был ли национальный язык официальным во время пребывания страны под оккупацией; самая многочисленная этническая группа в стра- не на момент закрепления государственного/официального языка; наличие специального закона о государственном/официальном/национальном язы- ке; количество государственных (официальных) языков в стране; ратифи- кация Европейской хартии и вступление в силу; предоставлен ли особый статус отдельным языкам национальных меньшинств. История формирования Чехии протяжении веков была обозначена борь- бой за становление суверенного государства, а языковая политика стала краеугольным камнем строительства идентичности чехов. Несмотря на отсутствие в Чехии специального закона о государственной (официальную) язык, ключевым моментом языковой политики было вытес- нение из публичных сфер языка оккупанта (немецкой и венгерской). Борь- ба за язык стала маркером борьбы за территорию, население и суверенитет. После длительного периода языковой экспансии чехи начали восстанав- ливать свой язык через художественную литературу, театр, создавали на- циональную научную терминологию, издавали лексикографические источ- ники, образовывали государственные институты по языковой политике и языковому планированию. Государственная языковая политика в Украине проводилась непоследо- вательно, медленно, что тормозило решение проблемных вопросов в регу- лирование языковых отношений, способствовало порождению правового нигилизма, давало повод для возникновения языковых конфликтов и было

78 использовано Россией против Украины в 2014 году. Расшатывание языко- вого вопроса, промедление с реализацией языкового закона ставит под угро- зу национальную безопасность Украины, ее суверенитет и территориальную целостность. Сегодня украинское общество стоит перед важнейшей задачей, решить которую может помочь опыт Чехии – избавиться от колониального прошлого в языковом вопросе. Ключевые слова: государственная языковая политика, национальные меньшинства, Европейская хартия региональных языков или языков мень- шинств, государственный язык.

Thesis statement. Each country they had to oppose the Communist re- constantly keeps an eye on the language gime, fight for their nation-building on problems of the society. As a language the basis of European democratic civi- is one of the factors of the society self- lization values; thirdly, all these coun- organization and also an inalienable tries had to restore their languages, feature of such communities as an eth- oppose the language expansion, state nos, an ethnic group, a nation, then one their national languages as official ones of the traits of the self-empowerment in their countries, solve the issues of of a nation is the state status of its lan- the language rights of different ethnic guage, which legislatively provides its groups. functioning at all the areas of social life Analysis of recent research. De- without any exceptions. In monoethnic spite the fact that the issues of language states, the language status doesn’t cause policy in Ukraine are of recent impor- any problems, in the dependent and tance, there are practically no scientific multi-ethnic countries the issue of the papers devoted to examining the pos- state status of a language is one of the sibilities of applying the experience of most complicated social and political the countries of Central and Eastern problem. Europe in regulating language rela- The language policy of the Czech tions in Ukraine. In part, they are cov- Republic has been developed for many ered in the articles by G. Yevseyeva [1], centuries under complicated historical O. Kravchuk [2], G. Meleganych [3], and geopolitical conditions. The choice N. Podberezhnik [4]. to analyze the language policy of the Results. The “black” epoch in the countries like Czechia and Ukraine has history of Czechia starts with the politi- been conditioned by the point that the cal crisis of the beginning of the XVII history of their establishment as inde- century preceding the Thirty Years’ pendent, modern democratic countries War between Bohemia (Czechia) and is similar to each other: firstly, all of : in 1620, after capitulation, them during centuries had been under Czechia became the Austrian province, the authority of other states and their Czechs lost their rights, property, na- borders had been changed many times; tional originality because of catholi- secondly, at the end of the XX century cization and Germanization, German

79 becomes the official language. During The first president of Czechoslova- almost the whole ХVIII century not a kia T. Masaryk justified this idea with single book in the Czech language was the natural right on the national self- published. It was unpopular within the building, creation of one nation in Eu- Germanized aristocracy and intellectu- rope based on the language commonness als, bald and not worked out to become of Czechs and Slovaks. This doctrine of a literary language [5, p. 33–35]. Dur- the Czechoslovakian nation was con- ing the reign of Joseph II, the German nected to the point that there were language pushed Czech out of educa- more Germans than Slovaks in Czecho- tion. slovakia and it was necessary to get rid Only after the Spring of Nations of the strong aggressive influence of in 1848–1849, the national rebirth of the German language. And though the Czechia began: the Czech language leading language of the whole state was started to be restored, it became the Czech. This policy didn’t aim to push language of science, education, litera- out or humiliate the Slovak language. ture, theatre and later the language of At the moment of establishment of the the military arts, diplomacy and other independent Czechoslovakian state es- areas of social life. In 1918 Czechs to- tablishing the official language was an gether with Slovaks (who also had been extremely important step. T. Masaryk in as part of Austria-) created clearly defined the grounds for the lan- the Czechoslovak Republic, and Czech guage policy: even in the regions where Constitution recognized a so-called there lived up to 90 % of Germans, the Czechoslovak language as an official applications of citizens had to be re- one. They managed to establish it in all ceived in Czech, and the official bodies the areas of life and also widen among had to answer them in Czech too. all the social strata. T. Masaryk directly pronounced During the Inter-War period (be- that the German population had to be tween World War I and World War subordinated to the valid state authori- II) there were some attempts to estab- ties as their ancestors had come to the lish the idea of “Czechoslovakism”, to Czech lands as immigrants and colo- create a “czechoslovakian national self- nists [6]. awareness” and the “Czechoslovakian In spite of the absence of any support language”1. In the districts where there from the German deputies in the parlia- were no less than 20 % of not Czech pop- ment, he during several years purpose- ulation, the language of a corresponding fully established the language and cul- nationality was used in the state bodies tural policy on the legislative level. The together with the state language. main thesis of T. Masaryk in the devel- opment of the national state was about the point that the national idea was the 1 In effekt, an artificial language. Czech was idea of culture. Actually, that’s what used officially, and Slovak had a minor role. Czechs followed when creating a pow- After the World War II this issue hadn't been regulated by the law. Both languages consid- erful cultural background for establish- ered to be the state ones: Czech – in Czechia, ing the national state with the national Slovak – in Slovakia. language of the indigenous population.

80 The introduction of a single Czech The second variant foresaw expulsion language was intended to support the of Czechs and putting Germans on their Slovak language, which was at risk of territories. But, according to the calcu- being displaced by Hungarian. lations of Germans, the length of that But professor of Charles University process could have reached up to 100 M. Sloboda notices that Slav languages years. The third variant seemed to be had been used at the same time and they the most realistic for Hitler: German- were legally equal, they never reached izing the population of the dominion, the real equity [7]. Another professor of in particular, by the mean of assimila- Charles University in M. Putny tion. At that point, Hitler declined the states that Czech was a dominant lan- plans of separation of the territory of guage, and Slovak was considered as a the dominion and of making German dialect of Czech. But the will of Slovaks zones within it. In October 1940 Hitler to identify themselves as a nation had ordered to start preparing “Germaniz- been increasing and after 1945 Slovak ing the territory and the people” of the had been recognized as an independent dominion, which was being made dur- literary language [7]. ing the whole war. The final aim was to Czechs and Slovaks were united by transform the Czech lands into the con- the common language, but Czechs and sisting and inalienable part of the great Germans were separated from each German Empire of the Third Reich” [8, other also because of the language. p. 209–210]. So, occupation of the ter- There were 3 million Czech Germans ritory of Czechia was made with the slo- on the territory of Czechoslovakia, for gan of setting the national minorities, whom the expansion of the Czech lan- suffering the discrimination, in particu- guage became a challenge. The discon- lar, the language one, free. tent of the Germans in the Sudetenland After the World War II and till the with, among all, the language policy of separation of Slovakia in 1993 monolin- Czechia was used by Nazi to gualism had been established in Czech- annex the Sudetenland. Majority of 3 oslovakia officially, but it was bilingual: million Czech Germans believed in the the Czech language was spread on the idea of “great Germany”, but they were Czech territory and Slovak – on the just used for the invasion plans of Ad- Slovak one. olf Hitler. As the researchers of Czech Up to 1991 Czechs were 62,8 %, Slo- history notice, “Hitler defined three vaks — 31 % of the total population of variants of the national policy in Czech- Czech and Slovak Federative Repub- Moravian lands. According to the first, lic [9]. The majority of Czechs lived in he considered it to be possible to give Czech Republic — 81,2% [10]. Czechs the autonomy within which the According to the enumeration of equal rights for the Germans of the Su- 2011, the number of Czechs in Czechia detenland had to be guaranteed. At that was 64,3 %, the number of Slovaks de- point, Hitler admitted his apprehen- creased to 1,4 %, and 95,4 % could speak sion that autonomy could lead to the Czech [11]. appearance of the source of instability In 1920, at the same time as the and internal opposition to Germany. Czech Constitution, a law on language

81 was adopted, which established the Ukraine principles for regulating the use of lan- The fight for the status of Ukrainian guages [12]. In particular, § 1 of this language as the language of the Ukrain- law defines Czechoslovakian language ian nation and Ukrainian state ran un- as the official and official language of der complicated historical and political the republic. In all the next constitu- conditions with the constant impact of tions, including the valid one of 1992 other countries and their languages and the definition of the official or the state it is still running. language had been excluded. The starting point of Ukrainian Slav Today learning Czech is obligatory state-building and culture is considered for all the inhabitants of the country to be Kievan Rus of ІХ–ХІІІ centuries. and the foreigners who want to get After the Tatar-Mongol Invasion its Czech citizenship. Education of all le- descendant became Regnum Russia of vels is provided in Czech, in higher edu- XIII-XIV century. It was swallowed by cational institutions English and Ger- the neighboring Grand Duchy of Lithu- man are also used, but the education in ania and Kingdom of Poland, united these languages is to be paid for. since XVI century into the federative The Czech Republic ratified the Eu- Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. On ropean Charter of Regional and Minor- the territories belonging to Poland, the ity Languages on the 15th of November language of documentation was Latin, 2006, having recognized Slovak, Polish, in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania “Ru- German and Roma languages as the lan- thenian language was the language of guages of minorities which had been in- administrative management and court cluded to the force of the Charter [13]. proceeding. At that point, to those languages the Development of the newest Ukrain- country used just p. II of the Charter. ian nation became active during the The exception was made for the Polish national liberation war of 1648–1657 (in Moravia-Silesia region and on the led by Bohdan Khmelnitsky against territory of Fridek-Mistek and Karvina the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. districts it is also used in education, Creation of Kozak state in the Dnieper court proceeding, administrative bod- area became the result of the war, but, ies, when public service is provided, in because of the internal strife after 1667 the economic and social life, mass me- appeared to be divided between the dia), and Slovak (usage in the same ar- Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth and eas as Polish, but on the whole territory Moscovian Tsardom. After he last divi- of Czechia)2. sion of the Polish-Lithuanian Common- wealth in 1795 Ukrainian lands were 2 Up to now Czechia recognized 14 national divided between Austro-Hungary and minorities: Belarus, Bulgarians, Croatians, Russia. The first one received Galicia, Germans, Greeks, Hungarians, Poles, Roma- Bukovina and Zakarpattya, the second nians, Russians, Ruthenians, Serbians, Slo- country received the rest of Ukrainian vaks, Ukrainians and Vietnamese. It gives them the right to develop their culture, tradi- lands. Except for Germanization of the tions and the language, use their language in western Ukrainian lands, Galicia suf- the contacts with authorities and in courts. fered Polonization, Magnyarization oc-

82 curred in Zakarpattya, Romanization lution about its termination. The back- in Bukovina, on the rest of territories ward process on minimization of the Russification of Ukrainian population functions of Ukrainian and its replace- occurred. ment with Russian had been started, When Ukrainian state was being de- and that process was maintained dur- stroyed by Russian Tsarism at the end ing the whole Soviet period [14]. Since of XVIII century in the Left Bank Area 1938 an obligatory learning of Rus- and in Slobozhanshchina, it was being sian had been provided in not Russian collaborated with the russification of schools of Ukraine. indigenous population. The Ukrainian Changes in the language policy were language had been pushed out of the also reflected in the language system: in Empire government and educational 1928 Ukrainian orthography was estab- institutions of all the educational le- lished (it was also called “Kharkiv” or vels. Two Tsar’s Acts became the strikes “Skrypnyk’s”), but in 1933 it was recog- on Ukrainian language — they were nized as “nationalistic” and cancelled. Valuyev circular letter of 1863 and Em- All the next orthographies of Soviet pe- sky Order of 1876, according to which riod unified Ukrainian and Russian lan- publishing of religious, teaching and guages. In May 2019 the government of scientific books, bringing to Russian Ukraine agreed with the new edition of Empire the books written in Ukrain- Ukrainian orthography, having taken ian from abroad without a special per- under consideration the orthography mission; publishing original books and rules of 1928. translations from foreign languages to After it had been declared independ- Ukrainian, performance of Ukrainian ent in 1991, Ukraine didn’t hurry with theatre plays, concerts with Ukrainian approval of the language law: the law songs, teaching in Ukrainian in primary approved in the USSR “About the lan- schools were prohibited. guages in Ukrainian Soviet Social Re- Just in the first third part of XX cen- public” was valid till 2012 [15]. And, tury (till 1930-х рр.) the support of the though the law gave Ukrainian the sta- Ukrainian language had been started, tus of the state language, it also estab- in the 20-s there was issued number of lished expanded powers for Russian in resolutions about Ukrainianization: all public areas, which defined its status about opening schools with the Ukrain- as the second state language. ian language of teaching, increasing of Establishing in Art. 10 of the Consti- amount of editions of literature of dif- tution of Ukraine of 1996 the status of ferent kinds, magazines and newspapers the state language for Ukrainian hadn’t in Ukrainian, in particular, learning of changed the situation in the language Ukrainian by the state officials, trans- area considerably: the Russian language ferring the documentation into Ukrain- still had the social status. Legally it was ian etc. But at the beginning of the 30-s defined among the languages of natio- Ukrainization was minimized consider- nal minorities and actually, it replaced ably, its achievements were being liqui- both the state and the language minori- dated, and on the 22nd of November of ties languages, especially in the places 1933 CC of CP(b) approved the reso- where there was any compact inhabi-

83 tance of Russian-speaking population tor (“strong friendship” with Russia and and there was no compact inhabitance common development on the grounds of of any other nationalities. “elder-younger brothers” conditions); According to the data of Ukrainian 3) restoration of Soviet Union. And, enumeration of 2001 (the last one at when the third variant was just a social the moment), representatives of more construct, the first two variants are still than 130 nationalities and peoples the alternative reality. Strengthening lived in Ukraine [16]. The majority of of the Ukrainian language as one of the the population according to the na- identity factors on the stage of Ukrain- tion are Ukrainians — 77,8 % from the ian nation development would have to total number of population, in 1989 — help strengthening and unionization of 72,7 % (see Table). The second place the last one. in number took Russians — 17,3 % (in The Law of Ukraine “About the 1989 — 22,1 %), the third — Crimean grounds of Ukrainian language policy” Tatars — 12 % (1,9 % in 1989) [17]. Ac- of 2012 didn’t make any better, it, for- cording to the language preferences, the mally pronouncing Ukrainian as the Ukrainian language had been consid- state language, established the usage ered as the language of their nationality of 18 languages of national minorities by 67,5 % of the population of Ukraine on the territories where the speakers (in 1989 — 64,7 %), Russian — 29,6 % of of those languages are from 10 % of the the population (in 1989 — 32,8 %) [18]. population, in all public areas. But, actu- And at that point the ethnic Russians ally, that law was Russification indeed, were 56 %, the rest were representatives as established the unlimited expansion of other nationalities assimilated by the of Russian language on the largest part language. of the territory of Ukraine (especially Without any developed state lan- East, South, Autonomy Republic of guage policy, not having provided any Crimea) and pushing Ukrainian out real development and functioning of with it, and also discriminated the lan- Ukrainian language as the language of guages of other national minorities. the indigenous nation, in 2003 Ukraine The law was recognized as the one ratifies the European Charter of Re- contradicting the Constitution in gional or Minorities languages (in 2006 2018 when the military aggression of it became valid), which was expanded Russia against Ukraine had been pro- on 13 minorities languages including vided for five years, and the aggression Russian (see Table 1). It was a prema- started with the slogans of the libera- ture step for Ukraine because there was tion of Russian-speaking population in no society Ukrainian identity, which Ukraine. The targets of the aggressor had been a result of the Soviet past with were the territories with the major- its russification language policy deep- ity of Russian-speaking population — ened in the minds. At that time there Crimea, Donetsk, Luhansk, Kharkiv, existed three possible vectors of the Odesa, Dnipropetrovsk. state development of Ukraine: 1) Euro- In the terms of a hybrid war the law pean (building sovereign Ukraine with “About maintaining the functioning European values); 2) pro-Russian vec- of the Ukrainian language as the state

84 one” has been finally approved, it was After a long period of linguistic ex- agreed with Venice commission and be- pansion, the Czechs began to renew came valid on the 16th of July of 2019 their language through fiction, theater, [19]. But it’s too early to seal the deal created national scientific termino- in the language issue solution. The Rus- logy, published lexicographic sources, sian Federation initiated the discussion formed state institutions on language of this law in the UN Security Council policy and language planning. on the grounds of the point like it lim- According to the censuses of the ited the rights of Russian-speaking per- Czech population, like Ukraine, they sons in Ukraine, but no resolution was are mostly homogeneous: in the Czech approved at the meeting of the Security Republic almost 2/3, and in Ukraine, Council on the 16th of July of 2019. In more than 3/4 of the population con- June 2019 the deputies of the pro-Rus- sists of indigenous people (see Table). sian party “Oppozytsiyny Block” issued The Czech-speaking population is pre- a claim to the Constitutional Court of dominant in the Czech Republic — 95, Ukraine to recognize the law like the in Ukrainian almost one-third less one which contradicted the Constitu- (Ukrainian — 67,5 % in 2001, 61 % — in tion, and on July 2019 the applied to 2011). Verkhovna Rada the law project about Both countries have opted for a one- recognizing the law to be the one which language-one language policy model, came out of force. It should be noted and the language rights of national mi- that today language policy in Ukraine norities and ethnic groups are governed is being implemented very slowly and by separate laws and a European Char- reflects the unformed identity of the ter for Regional or Minority Languages, Ukrainian nation. which they have signed and ratified. The results of the research made are However, none of them is definitively represented in table. settled. Conclusion and prospects for The Czech Republic has fewer further research. The history of the problems than Ukraine: the major part formation of the Czech Republic over of its population is Czechs, the largest the centuries has been marked by the minority is Slovak and its language is struggle for the establishment of a sov- freely used throughout the Czech Re- ereign state, and language policy has public, and vice versa. The only ex- become a cornerstone of the Czech ception is education: in Czech state identity. institutions, education is provided in The Czech Republic did not adopt a Czech. special law on the official (official) lan- Ukraine has a very difficult situation guage, but the key to language policy with defining the status of the Russian was the displacement of the occupier’s language: according to the Constitution language (German and Hungarian) of Ukraine, it has a special status dis- from the public sphere. The struggle for criminating other languages and their language has become a marker of the speakers. The situation with a special struggle for territory, population and status for the language which for a long sovereignty. time was spread in Ukraine, is opposite

85 Comparing characteristics of the political and legal aspects of the language policy of Czechia and Ukraine Criterion Czech Republic Ukraine 1. Being occupied by other countries Yes Yes 2. Was the national language official when the N no country was part of another country 3. A year of independence obtained (after the 1918 / 1993 1918 / 1991 collapse of the empire/after the communist regime was ruined) 4. The most numerous ethnic group (according Czechs: to the enumeration data) 1991 – 62,8 % (in Czech and Slovak Federative Republics); (81,1 % in Czech Republic) 2011 – 64,3 % Ukrainians: 1989 – 72,73 % 2001 – 77,8 % 2011 – no data 5. Presence of a special law about the state/ No Yes official/national language 5. Number of official (state) languages 1 1 6. The most spread language (according to the Czech – 95,4 % Ukrainian – 67,5 % censuses) (enumeration of (enumeration of 2011) 2001) 61 % – 2011 [20] 7. The Charter ratification/entering into force 2006/2007, mi- 2005/2006 (year, regional languages/national minorities nority languages: minority languages: languages) Slovak, Polish, Ger- Belarus, Bulgar- man, Roma ian, Gagauz, Greek (new Greek), He- brew (idish, Crimea Tatarian, Molda- vian, German, Rus- sian, Polish, Ro- manian, Slovak, Hungarian 8. Special status of a minority language Slovak Russian to Czechoslovakian one: if due to crea- been expansive according to Ukrai- tion of Czechoslovakian language both nian (which was the direct feature of the languages had been saved from Mag- imperial politics of Russia to Ukraine), yarization (especially it’s relevant to and the process of Russification in Slovakian language) and now they do Ukraine has never stopped (neither be- not push each other out in their coun- fore 1991, nor after), that’s why giving tries, the Russian language has always its special status to Russian threatens

86 to push Ukrainian out of the language by what criteria (number of representa- space of Ukraine. tives, duration of residence, etc.); State language policy in Ukraine – іn view of the above, it is neces- had been conducted inconsequently, sary to amend the Law of Ukraine “On slowly and it slowed down the solution Ratification of the European Charter of troublesome issues in regulation of for Regional or Minority Languages”, language relationships, assisted the which, contrary to the declared goals birth of the legal nihilism, gave reasons of the Charter, imposes on the state a to language conflicts to appear, which considerable amount of obligations for was used by Russia against Ukraine special protection of those languages in 2014 and now Hungary is trying to which are not endangered and leaves use it. Impairing of the language issue, outside languages that really need spe- slowing down the realization of the cial protection and support (for exam- language law threaten the national se- ple, Karaite, Roma). curity of Ukraine, its sovereignty and territorial entirety. REFERENCES Now Ukrainian in Ukraine is a sym- 1. Yevsyeyeva H. (2009). Derzhavna bol of its European choice, a civilization mova – neobkhidna skladova natsion- sign to progress and value of Ukraine as alnoyi ideyi v konteksti yevropeyskoho a state. istorychnoho dosvidu [State language Ukrainian society is faced with the is a necessary component of a national overriding challenge — for the exist- idea in the context of European histor- ence of the Ukrainian state itself, it is ical experience]. Teoriya ta praktyka necessary to rid the colonial past of the derzhavnoho upravlinnya – Theory and language issue, as the Czech Republic Practice of Pablic Administration. 1. Retrieved from http://www.kbuapa. did. The law on the state language has been adopted today, ahead of the law on doc/5/03.pdf [in Ukrainian]. the languages of national minorities and 2. Kravchuk O. (2012). Natsionalni indigenous peoples. vidnosyny v Chekhoslovachchyni Considering the Czech experience, 1918–1935 rr.: pohlyad T. G. Masary- the following are the most important ka [National relations in Czechoslova- measures of state language policy in kia, 1918–1935: view of T. Masaryk]. Ukraine: Problemy istoriyi krayin Tsentralnoyi – to ensure implementation of the ta Skhidnoyi Yevropy – Problems of Law “On Ensuring the Functioning the history of the countries of Central and Eastern Europe. 3. 162–181 [in of the Ukrainian Language as State” Ukrainian]. adopted in 2019 in the public spheres to 3. Melehanych H. (2014). Tendentsiyi which it applies, and to establish state etnopolitychnoho rozvytku Cheskoyi control over its implementation; Respubliky [Trends in Ethnopolitical – in the law on national minorities Development of the Czech Republic]. and indigenous peoples whose project Visnyk Mariupolskoho derzhavnoho is being drafted, it is necessary to stipu- universytetu. Seriya : Istoriya. Politolo- late which national minorities are rec- hiya – Bulletin of Mariupol State ognized in the territory of Ukraine and University. Series: “History. Polito-

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90 UDC 351.83 2020-2(22)-91-101 Kovach Valeriia Omelianivna, PhD in technical sciences, Deputy Director on scientific work Educational and Research Institute of Continuing Education National Aviation University Kosmonavta Komarova Ave., 1, Building 8, office 14 tel.: (044) 406- 72-10, e-mail: [email protected], https// Ковач Валерія Омелянівна, кандидат технічних наук, заступник директора з наукової роботи, Навчально-науковий інститут неперервної освіти, Національного авіаційного університету, 03058, м. Київ, проспект Космонавта Кома- рова, 1, тел.: (044) 406-72-10, e-mail: [email protected], https// 0002-1014-8979 Ковач Валерия Емельяновна, кандидат технических наук, заместитель директора, Учебно-научный институт непрерывного образования Национального авиационного университета, 03058, Киев, проспект Космонавта Комарова, 1, тел.: (044) 406-72-10, e-mail: valeriiakovach@gmail. com, https//


Abstract. The main approaches to state participation in the formation of an employment policy are defined: 1) the participation of state bodies in regulating the labor market, during which they take on only those functions that cannot be performed using market mechanisms; 2) methods of active influence of the state on the sphere of managing the population’s employment. It is noted that state regulation of employment should be aimed at stimulating demand for labor and developing a set of measures that contribute to reducing the supply of labor. It is proposed that the employment policy of the population be directed, first of all, to a change in the nature of the labor market through the transition from excess employment with low labor productivity to a combination of low unemployment and over-productive employment. It is noted that the object of employment pol- icy is not only officially registered unemployed, but also the entire able-bodied population. A definition of the concept of “state policy in the field of employ- ment” is proposed. The fundamental directions of the state employment policy are structured and proposed. The state guarantees for the realization of the rights of citizens to work and social protection against unemployment are analyzed. We

91 believe that it is advisable to combine all types of employment guarantees in one chapter “State guarantees of employment”, in which it is necessary to determine the conditions for their implementation and the sources of financing. Moreover, in the Law of Ukraine “On Employment” it is advisable to define the concept of “system of state guarantees of employment”. The types of guarantees for the in- tended purpose are proposed: guarantees of employment; material support for the unemployed; guarantees for employment and dismissal. According to population categories, guarantees are proposed to be differentiated into general, special and social. It is proposed, depending on the source of funding, to classify employment guarantees that are realized at the expense of: the state budget; local budgets; em- ployers’ funds. A system for ensuring employment of the population is proposed, which is a set of government bodies and organizations implementing the popula- tion employment policy and includes various levels of management, the employ- ment service, the regulatory framework and state guarantees of employment and protection against unemployment. Keywords: state policy, population employment, labor market, unemploy- ment, state regulation. ДЕРЖАВНА ПОЛІТИКА ЗАЙНЯТОСТІ НАСЕЛЕННЯ В УМОВАХ РИНКУ ПРАЦІ Анотація. Визначено основні підходи до участі деpжави у фоpмуванні політики зайнятості: 1) участь деpжавних оpганів в регулюванні ринку пpа- ці, пpи якому вони беpуть на себе лише ті функції, які не можуть бути вико- нані pинковими механізмами; 2) зaходи aктивного впливу деpжави на сферу упpавління зaйнятістю населення. Зазначено, що деpжавне регулювання за- йнятості повинно бути спрямовано на стимулювання попиту на pобочу силу та розробки сукупності заходів, що сприяють скоpоченню пропозиції робо- чої сили. Запропоновано пoлітику зайнятості населення напpавити, насам- перед, на зміну характеpу ринку пpаці за допомогою пеpеходу від надлиш- кової зайнятості з невисокою продуктивністю пpаці до поєднання низького pівня безробіття з високопpодуктивною зайнятістю. Зазначено, що об’єк- том пoлітики зайнятості є не тільки офіційно заpеєстровані безpобітні, а й все пpацездатне нaселення. Представлено визначення поняття “деpжавна політика в галузі зайнятості населення”. Структуровано та запропоновано основоположні напpями деpжавної політики зайнятості населення. Проа- налізовано гарантії держави щодо pеалізації прав гpомадян на пpацю та со- ціальний захист від безробіття. Вважаємо, що всі види гаpантій зайнятості населення доцільно об’єднати в одну главу “Державні гарантії зайнятості”, в якій слід визначити умови їх pеалізації та джеpела фінансування. При цьо- му в Законі про зайнятість доцільно визначити поняття “система деpжавних гаpантій зайнятості”, яка, на нашу думку, являє сoбою сукупність загaльних (для всіх громадян), спеціальних (для слабозахищених категорій населен- ня) і сoціальних (для безробітних) гaрантій. Запропоновано види гарантій за цільовим призначенням: гаpантії забезпечення зайнятості; матеріальної

92 підтримки безpобітних; гаpантії при прийомі на роботу і звільнення. За ка- тегоpіями населення гарантії пропонується дифеpенціювати на загальні, спеціальні та соціальні. Пропонується, зaлежно від джеpела фінансування пропонуємо класифікувати гарантії зайнятості населення, що pеалізують- ся за рахунок: деpжавного бюджету; міcцевих бюджетів; кoштів наймачів. Запропонана система забезпечення зaйнятості населення, яка являє сoбою сукупність деpжавних органів і організацій, що здійснюють реалізацію полі- тики зайнятості нaселення, і включає pізні рівні управління, службу зайня- тості, нормативно-правову базу та деpжавні гарантії зайнятості та захисту від безробіття. Ключові слова: державна політика, зайнятість населення, ринок праці, безробіття, державне регулювання. ГОСУДАРСТВЕННАЯ ПОЛИТИКА ЗАНЯТОСТИ НАСЕЛЕНИЯ В УСЛОВИЯХ РЫНКА ТРУДА Аннотация. Определены основные подходы к участию государства в фоpмировании политики занятости: 1) участие государственных оpганов в регулировании рынка труда, пpи котором они беpут на себя только те функ- ции, которые не могут быть выполнены при помощи рыночных механизмов; 2) методы aктивного влияния государства на сферу упpавления зaнятости населения. Отмечено, что государственное регулирование занятости долж- но быть направлено на стимулирование спроса на рабочую силу и разработ- ку совокупности мер, способствующих сокращению предложения рабочей силы. Предложено пoлитику занятости населения напpавить, прежде всего, на смену характеpа рынка труда с помощью пеpехода от избыточной заня- тости с невысокой производительностью труда к сочетанию низкого уровня безработицы с високопpодуктивной занятостью. Отмечено, что объектом пoлитики занятости является не только официально заpегестрированные безpоботные, но и все трудоспособное нaселение. Предложено определе- ние понятия “государственная политика в области занятости населения”. Структурировано и предложены основополагающие направления госу- дарственной политики занятости населения. Проанализированы гарантии государства по pеализации прав гpаждан на труд и социальную защиту от безработицы. Считаем, что все виды гаpантий занятости населения целесо- образно объединить в одну главу “Государственные гарантии занятости”, в которой следует определить условия их pеализации и источники финан- сирования. При этом, в Законе Украины “О занятости населения” целесоо- бразно определить понятие “система государственных гаpантий занятости”. Предложено виды гарантий по целевому назначению: гаpантии обеспече- ния занятости; материальной поддержки безpаботных; гаpантии при приёме на работу и увольнении. По категоpиям населения гарантии предлагается дифеpенцировать на общие, специальные и социальные. Предлагается, за- висимо от источника финансирования классифицировать гарантии занято- сти населения, которые pеализуються за счет: государственного бюджета;

93 месных бюджетов; средств нанимателей. Предложена система обеспечения зaнятости населения, которая представляет сoбой совокупность государ- ственных органов и организаций, осуществляющих реализацию политики занятости нaселення, и включает разные уровни управления, службу заня- тости, нормативно-правовую базу и государственные гарантии занятости и защиты от безработицы. Ключевые слова: государственная политика, занятость населения, ры- нок труда, безработица, государственное регулирование.

The problem statement. High de- The article aim formation. The ar- gree of uncertainty in employment ticle aim is to define role and place of sphere increases importance of state the state population employment poli- policy in the labor market. Implemen- cy in the labor market conditions. tation of the state policy implies the Description of the research main development of various socio-econom- material with full grounding of the ic processes. The state activity should obtained scientific results. We think not be based simply on these processes that population employment as an ob- regulation but in their detailed correc- ject of the state regulation is a unity of tion, organization and planning. three parts: complex of socio-economic One of the fundamental tasks of relations regarding participation of la- modern labor market reforming is to bor resources in labor activity, quan- formulate national structure of em- titative and qualitative parameters of ployment in accordance with the needs labor activity and its legal form. Legal of the state economy and to increase aspect inclusion is justified by the fact efficiency of labor use and its competi- that employment is only a subject of tiveness. The task of primary impor- the state regulation in legal form. tance is measures implementation to At this time there were two ap- improve the state employment policy. proaches to participation of the state in Analysis of the latest investiga- the formulation of employment policy. tions and publications where solu- First includes involvement of the state tion of the problem was started. Im- agencies in market regulation for the portant contribution to issue of the product. In this case they take over state employment policy was made by only those functions that cannot be V. S. Vasylchenko [1], Ye. Vyshnevska performed by the market mechanisms. [2], M. Vorona [3], V. I. Herasymchuk Second includes measures of active [4], V. Hzheshchuk [5], O. O. Ty- influence of the state on the sphere of tar [6], Ya. Kaminetskyi [7] etc. At population employment management. the same time determination of basic In conditions of economic transfor- directions of the state population em- mation, in absence of definitively es- ployment policy and whole system of tablished and effective market regula- ensuring population employment re- tors it is advisable to build a population quires deeper study. employment policy according to the

94 second option. It should promote reali- 9) additional assistance in employ- zation of the population right to work. ment of certain categories of citizens. Some scientists state that emphasis in Article 24 defines measures to pro- the state population employment poli- mote employment. cy should be done on improvement of 1. Measures to promote employ- qualitative characteristics, adaptation ment are aimed at: and flexibility of labor force [1; 6, p. 26]. 1) ensuring that level of profession- In 2013 the Law of Ukraine “On al qualification of able-bodied persons Employment of the Population” was corresponds to the labor market needs; adopted [8] in order to ensure the le- 2) creation of conditions for active gal, economic and organizational foun- job search for unemployed persons; dations of the state policy in the field of 3) increasing of individuals compet- promoting employment of the popula- itiveness in the labor market. tion, guarantees of the state regarding 2. Measures to promote employ- the realization of the rights of citizens ment include: to work and social protection against 1) vocational guidance and voca- unemployment. tional training; The Article 3 of the Law defines the 2) stimulation of employers activity population rights in the employment aimed to create new jobs and employ- field. The state guarantees following in ment of unemployed persons; the employment sphere (Article 5): 3) creation of conditions for popu- 1) free choice of the place of employ- lation self-employment and support of ment and type of activity, free choice entrepreneurial initiative; or change of profession; 4) promotion of providing young 2) receipt of wages (remuneration) people with the first job and introduc- in accordance with the legislation; ing incentives for internships at enter- 3) professional orientation for the prises, institutions and organizations purpose of self-determination and re- irrespective of ownership, type of ac- alization of personal ability to work; tivity and management; 4) vocational training in accordance 5) promotion of employment of dis- with abilities and taking into account abled people and others. needs of the labor market; Section II of the Law is devoted to 5) results confirmation of non- the state employment policy. It clear- formal vocational training of working ly defines the principles and purpose, professions; main directions of public employment 6) free assistance in employment, policy (Article 15) and ways of im- selection of suitable work and informa- plementing public employment policy tion obtaining on situation in the labor (Article 16). market and its prospects; The state regulation of the popula- 7) social protection in the case of tion employment is defined as a set of unemployment; methods and instruments of influence 8) protection against discrimina- of the state on the processes of forma- tion in employment, unjustified refusal tion, distribution and use of labor force. to hire and unlawful dismissal; It is aimed to improve efficiency of its

95 functioning and keeping unemploy- is a need to transform a series of nar- ment within socially acceptable level row Western employment models into [6; 9; 10]. a more specific model for Ukraine. It In our view, the state regulation of will ensure quality of labor in the labor employment is a set of socio-economic market as a mean of population social measures and instruments aimed to protection from unemployment. eliminate disparities between labor We consider that employment supply and demand in order to achieve policy object is not only officially reg- balanced and rational employment istered unemployed but also all able- structure. bodied population. Therefore, the state The state employment regulation, regulation of employment should focus on the one hand, should be aimed to not only on the unemployed popula- stimulate demand for labor and, on the tion, but also on the efficient use of la- other, to develop a set of measures that bor resources, improving their educa- contribute to accumulation of labor tional and qualification level, ensuring supply. Development of small business employment and social guarantees of and self-employment, development employment. of specific programs for the improve- Thus, the state employment policy ment of the social sphere, introduction is a set of methods and instruments of non-standard forms of employment aimed to ensure employment of the and flexible modes of work, expansion able-bodied population and develop- of the organization of paid community ment of the system of employed citi- work are optimal for the first option. zens (Fig. 1). The most promising areas in the second Article 5 of the Law defines the fol- option are following: expansion of gen- lowing guarantees in the field of em- eral and special education forms, devel- ployment for citizens [8]: opment of continuous system of educa- 1. The state guarantees following in tion, retraining and advanced training the employment sphere: of staff, improvement of the system of 1) free choice of the place of employ- social benefits and state guarantees of ment and type of activity, free choice employment for persons with disabili- or change of profession; ties [2–5]. 2) receipt of wages (remuneration) The population employment policy in accordance with the legislation; should be directed to change the la- 3) professional orientation for the bor market nature through the tran- purpose of self-determination and re- sition from excess employment with alization of personal ability to work; low productivity of labor to combina- 4) vocational training in accordance tion of low unemployment rate with with abilities and taking into account high productive employment. This is needs of the labor market; especially true in the period of forma- 5) results confirmation of non- tion of a differentiated economy, when formal vocational training of working different forms of ownership and man- professions; agement take place, technologies and 6) free assistance in employment, types of production are changed. There selection of suitable work and informa-

96 Fig. 1. Fundamental aims of the state employment policy (developed by the author) tion obtaining on situation in the labor and labor and contain the following market and its prospects; provisions [Art. 49]: 7) social protection in the case of 1. Employees whose employment unemployment; contract was terminated on initiative 8) protection against discrimina- of employer in connection with chang- tion in employment, unjustified refusal es in organization of production and to hire and unlawful dismissal; labor, including liquidation, reorgani- 9) additional assistance in employ- zation, bankruptcy, re-organization ment of certain categories of citizens. of enterprises, institutions, organiza- The state guarantees to unemployed tions, reduction of staff and dismissed are discussed for certain categories of soldiers from military service in con- unemployed who lost their jobs due to nection with reduction of staff number changes in organization of production without right to pension have guaran-

97 tees for pre-term pension. It is regulat- We believe that it is advisable to ed by Article 26 of the Law of Ukraine combine all types of employment guar- “On obligatory insurance of the state antees into a single chapter on “State pension”, the laws of Ukraine “On the Guarantees of Employment’. It should Civil Service”, “On the Status of the specify conditions for their implemen- Public Deputy of Ukraine”, “On the tation and the source of funding. At the Prosecutor’s Office”, “On Scientific same time the Law “On Employment” and Technical Activities”. The minimal should define the term “system of the labor experience which is necessary to state employment guarantees”. In our pre-term pension is defined by the first opinion this concept represents a set paragraph of Article 28 of the Law of of general (for all citizens), special (for Ukraine “On Obtory State Pension In- poorly protected categories of popu- surance”. lation) and social (for unemployed) The first paragraph of this part is guarantees. also applied to employees who are dis- By purpose we recommend to dis- missed from enterprises, institutions tinguish the following: and organizations, regardless of their • employment guarantees; form of ownership, type of activity • financial support for unemployed; and management, in connection with • guarantees for hiring and firing. the resettlement or self-relocation from For the, the Guarantees for differ- the territory of radioactive contami- ent categories of population provided nation and registered within a month by the Law of Ukraine “On Employ- after dismissal in territorial body of ment of the Population” should be dif- the central body of executive power, ferentiated into general, special and which implements the state policy in social ones. the field of employment and labor mi- General employment guarantees are gration. applied to all citizens and include free 2. Expenses for pre-term pension professional training and re-training, payment and its delivery are reim- free information on job vacancies, ju- bursed to the Pension Fund of Ukraine dicial protection of employment rights by the funds of the Obligatory State and other guarantees under the law. Social Insurance Fund of Ukraine in Special guarantees are aimed to en- accordance with the procedure estab- sure employment of citizens who are not lished by central executive authority able to compete in the labor market on and the Pension Fund of Ukraine. equal terms (single and many-children An application for pre-term pension parents, disabled persons, citizens af- of unemployed is issued in accordance fected by the Chernobyl accident, etc.). with procedure for registration and Social guarantees extend to unem- keeping of unemployed. ployed and include payment of bene- It should be noted that state clearly fits, scholarships and material benefits. limits guarantees in the field of employ- Depending on the source of funding, ment for employed and unemployed we propose to classify the guarantees of based on the logic of this article of the population employment depending on Law of Ukraine “On Employment”. the financing source:

98 • the state budget; national structure. At the same time, • local budgets; passive regulation (payment of benefits • employer budget. and provision of financial assistance to Practical application of the state the unemployed) does not lose its sig- employment guarantees, classified by nificance. given above criteria, will allow organ- The state employment policy is im- izing them, differentiating by popula- plemented at different levels of govern- tion categories, regulating provision ment and has an extensive system of of the state guarantees in the field employment security that allows cen- of employment and rationalizing use tralized management of the labor mar- of financial resources for their realiza- ket. tion. The system of population employ- Thus, the state regulation of em- ment provision is a collection of state ployment is realized through the pur- bodies and organizations that imple- poseful influence of the state on the ment the population employment employment of population in order to policy, and includes various levels of achieve full, productive and freely cho- management, employment service, le- sen employment. At the same time, the gal framework and state guarantees of dominant positions are active regula- employment and protection against tion of employment aimed to shape its unemployment (Fig. 2).

Fig. 2. System of population employment provision (developed by the author)

99 Priority directions of the state favor of services and social sectors of employment policy are: on the one economy, reducing excess and incom- hand — an increase in the demand for plete forced employment, reducing labor force by increasing the number level of unregistered unemployment of newly created jobs and improving and promoting its transformation into sectoral and professional structure of registered employment. population employment, and on the other — decrease in number of work- REFERENCES ers in the labor market by development of systems of education, retraining and 1. Vasylchenko V. S. (2003). Derzhavne advanced training of personnel within rehuliuvannia zainiatosti [State regu- the system of vocational training and lation of employment]. retraining of the state employment ser- Retrieved from vice. book/108/7277.html [in Ukrainian]. Differences in the specific employ- 2. Vyshnevska Ye. (2013). Orhanizat- siia pisliadyplomnoho navchannia v ment policy instruments can be traced suchasnykh umovakh pratsi [Organi- in terms of labor force — on the labor zation of postgraduate study in mod- supply side or on the labor demand ern working conditions]. Molod i ry- side. nok – Youth and market, 3, 13–16 [in Conclusions. The main directions Ukrainian]. of the state regulation of employment 3. Vorona M. (2009). Nadannia rivnykh are defined. They are a set of socio- mozhlyvostei zhinkam ta cholovikam economic measures and instruments u sferi pratsi [Giving Equal Opportu- aimed to eliminate disparities between nities to Women and Men in Labor]. labor supply and demand in order to Ukraina: aspekty pratsi – Ukraine: Aspects of Labor, 6, 38–41 [in Ukrai- achieve a balanced and rational struc- nian]. ture of employment. The system of em- 4. Herasymchuk V. I. (2000). Sotsialno ployment provision is defined as a set of oriientovanyi rynok pratsi i problemy the state bodies and organizations that yoho stanovlennia [Socially oriented implement the population employment labor market and problems of its forma- policy and includes different levels of tion]. Kyiv [in Ukrainian]. management, employment service, le- 5. Hzheshchuk V. (2013). Formuvannia gal framework and state guarantees of profesiinoi kompetentsii maibutnikh employment and protection against menedzheriv rynku pratsi [Formation unemployment. of professional competence of future managers of the labor market]. Molod It is determined that the current i rynok – Youth and market, 11, 175– concept of employment policy implies 178 [in Ukrainian]. strengthening of the state’s regulatory 6. Tytar O. O. (2004). Rynok pratsi [La- function in the social and labor sphere bor Market]. Kharkiv: KhDEU [in in order to form the national structure Ukrainian]. of employment and increase efficiency 7. Kaminetskyi Ya. (2013). Metodolo- of of the country’s labor potential. It hichni osnovy analizu potreb rynku involves intensifying of cross-sectoral pratsi u pidhotovtsi vysokokvali- redistribution of labor resources in fikovanoho vyrobnychoho personalu

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101 UDC: 342.591 2020-2(22)-102-115 Kolesnyk Volodymyr Anatoliyovych, Senior Lecturer, Department of Public Ad- ministration, PJSC “Higher Educational In- stitution “Interregional Academy of Person- nel Management”, 03039 Kyiv, 2 Frometivska Str., tel. (095) 279 7117, e-mail: geniykva@, https// 3395-9205 Колесник Володимир Анатолійович, старший викладач кафедри публічного адміністрування ПАТ “Вищий навчаль- ний заклад “Міжрегіональна Академія управління персоналом”, 03039 Київ, вул. Фрометівська, 2, тел. (095) 279 7117, e-mail: [email protected], https//orcid. org/0000-0002-3395-9205 Колесник Владимир Анатольевич, старший преподаватель кафедры публичного администрирования ЧАО “Высшее учебное заведение “Межрегиональная Академия управления персоналом”, 03039 Ки- ев, ул. Фрометовская, 2, тел. (095) 279 7117, e-mail: [email protected], https//orcid. org/0000-0002-3395-9205

SUBJECT OF THE AUTHORITY POWERS AS A PARTY OF THE PUBLIC-LEGAL DISPUTES: PUBLIC-ADMINISTRATIVE ASPECT Abstract. The article deals with the problem of using the public-legal disputes as a possible mechanism for establishing, forming and exercising the powers of the public authorities. In particular, it refers to the notion of “subject of the authority powers” from the point of view of analyzing its institutional and status substan- tive characteristics as one of the parties to a public-legal dispute with a view to possible further application in the field of establishing, delineating and exercising competencies, and in the narrow sense of the powers of the public authorities. The article provides a generalized description of the subject matter of the pub- lic-legal disputes. In particular, it concerns the status of the subjects of the author- ity powers, which is one of the main features of the issues of identifying, analyz- ing and studying the ways of resolving the public-legal disputes. The public-legal disputes arise between the individuals and the legal entities, on the one hand, and the public authorities, on the other. The article raises the problem of defining the

102 subjective component of the public-legal disputes as executive bodies, local self- government bodies, their officials, and other entities exercising the administrative functions on the basis of legislation, including the exercise of the delegated pow- ers. Functional traits have identified institutions that are endowed with repre- sentative functions, while other entities have administrative functions, indicating that they have the authority power to exercise them. Attention is drawn to the position under which the protection of the interests of the state should be exercised by the respective subjects of the authority pow- ers and the cases of impossibility of such protection are considered. Generaliza- tion of the legal basis of the activity of the subject of the authority powers as one of the parties in the consideration of the public-legal disputes allowed to reveal the peculiarities and shortcomings of the institutional and status character in the formation of the subjective composition of the legal relations in the public-legal disputes. Keywords: public-legal dispute, public authorities, powers, subject of the au- thority powers, public administration. СУБ’ЄКТ ВЛАДНИХ ПОВНОВАЖЕНЬ ЯК СТОРОНА ПУБЛІЧНО-ПРАВОВИХ СПОРІВ: ДЕРЖАВНО-УПРАВЛІНСЬКИЙ АСПЕКТ Анотація. Порушена проблематика застосування публічно-правових спо- рів як можливого механізму встановлення, формування та реалізацій по- вноважень органів публічної влади. Зокрема, йдеться про поняття “суб’єкт владних повноважень” з позиції аналізу його інституційних та статусних змістових характеристик як однієї зі сторін публічно-правового спору з ме- тою можливого подальшого застосування у сфері встановлення, розмежу- вання та реалізації компетенцій, а у вузькому значенні повноважень органів публічної влади. У статті здійснено узагальнену характеристику суб’єктного складу пу- блічно-правових спорів. Зокрема, йдеться про статус суб’єктів владних по- вноважень, який є однією з основних ознак для питань визначення, аналізу та вивчення способів вирішення публічно-правових спорів. Публічно-право- ві спори виникають між фізичними та юридичними особами, з одного боку, та органами публічної влади, з іншого. У статті піднято проблематику визна- чення суб’єктної складової публічно-правових спорів як органів виконавчої влади, органів місцевого самоврядування, їх посадових чи службових осіб та інших суб'єктів, які здійснюють владні управлінські функції на основі зако- нодавства, в тому числі на виконання делегованих повноважень. За функціо- нальною ознакою виявлено інституції, які наділені представницькими функ- ціями, у той час як інші суб’єкти володіють управлінськими функціями, що вказує на наявність владних повноважень для їх реалізації. Акцентовано увагу на такій позиції, за якою захист інтересів держави ма- ють здійснювати відповідні суб'єкти владних повноважень та розглянуто випадки неможливості здійснення такого захисту. Узагальнення норматив-

103 но-правової основи діяльності суб’єкта владних повноважень як однієї зі сто- рін у розгляді публічно-правових спорів дозволило виявити особливості та недоліки інституційного та статусного характеру у формуванні суб’єктного складу правовідносин у публічно-правових спорах. Ключові слова: публічно-правовий спір, органи публічної влади, повнова- ження, суб’єкт владних повноважень, державне управління. СУБЪЕКТ ВЛАСТНЫХ ПОЛНОМОЧИЙ КАК СТОРОНА ПУБЛИЧНО-ПРАВОВЫХ СПОРОВ: ГОСУДАРСТВЕННО-УПРАВЛЕНЧЕСКИЙ АСПЕКТ Аннотация. Рассматривается проблематика применения публично-пра- вовых споров как возможного механизма установления, формирования и ре- ализаций полномочий органов публичной власти. В частности, речь идет о понятии “субъект властных полномочий” с позиции анализа его институци- ональных и статусных содержательных характеристик как одной из сторон публично-правового спора с целью возможного дальнейшего применения в сфере установления, разграничения и реализации компетенций, а в узком смысле полномочий органов публичной власти. В статье осуществлено обобщенную характеристику субъектного соста- ва публично-правовых споров. В частности, речь идет о статусе субъектов властных полномочий, который является одним из основных признаков для вопросов определения, анализа и изучения способов решения публично-пра- вовых споров. Публично-правовые споры возникают между физическими и юридическими лицами, с одной стороны, и органами публичной власти, с другой. В статье поднята проблематика определения субъектной составляю- щей публично-правовых споров как органов исполнительной власти, орга- нов местного самоуправления, их должностных или служебных лиц и других субъектов, осуществляющих властные управленческие функции на основе законодательства, в том числе на выполнение делегированных полномочий. По функциональному признаку обнаружено институции, которые наделены представительскими функциями, в то время как другие субъекты обладают управленческими функциями, что указывает на наличие властных полномо- чий для их реализации. Акцентировано внимание на такой позиции, согласно которой защита интересов государства должны осуществлять соответствующие субъекты властных полномочий, а также рассмотрены случаи невозможности осущест- вления такой защиты. Обобщение нормативно-правовой основы деятель- ности субъекта властных полномочий как одной из сторон в рассмотрении публично-правовых споров позволило выявить особенности и недостатки институционального и статусного характера в формировании субъектного состава правоотношений в публично-правовых спорах. Ключевые слова: публично-правовой спор, органы публичной влас- ти, полномочия, субъект властных полномочий, государственное управле- ние.

104 Formulation of the problem. Prob- uk, O. V. Kuzmenko, T. O. Matselyk, lems of the application of the public and O. I. Mykolenko, O. P. Ryabchenko private law are manifested in different and a number of other scientists. Sum- spheres of the relationship between the marizing the research of the scientists state and the society. In the domestic we can conclude that there is no single sphere of the public law there is a pro- approach to the interpretation of the cess of formation of the administrative essence of the public-legal dispute both justice, which requires scientists and among practitioners and theorists. It practitioners of scientific methodo- is argued that theorists, based on the logical and practical development of distribution of the law to private and the topical issues. One is the possibil- public, attach more importance to the ity of using the public-legal disputes as theoretical division of the national law. a way of establishing, delineating and At the same time, practitioners place exercising competencies, and in a nar- greater emphasis on the procedural is- rower sense — the powers of the pub- sues and issues of methodological sup- lic authorities. Administrative law, as port for the public-legal disputes. The part of the public law, to a certain ex- problem of jurisdiction of the concepts tent provides for the consideration of applied to the public-legal disputes is the public-legal disputes, but there re- actively investigated. Thus, the Doctor main questions of organizational-legal, of Laws O.P. Ryabchenko examines the methodological, procedural character problem of delimitation of the constitu- that require settlement and resolution. tional and the administrative jurisdic- In particular, identifying the peculiari- tions of the category “public-legal dis- ties and deficiencies of the institutional pute” [1]. and status character in the formation For the most part the ways of es- of the subjective composition of the tablishing, delineating and exercising legal relations in the public-legal dis- the competences of the subjects of the putes will allow to open the possibili- authority powers are within the practi- ties of their effective application in tioners’ view. Thus, the Judge Ya. Sidey practice. focuses on the problems of delimitation Analysis of the recent research of the administrative jurisdiction with and publications. The problem of the other types of jurisdiction in the area of nature of the public-legal disputes has judicial competence, analyzes the prob- been largely explored from the point lems of delimitation of the jurisdiction of view of the application of the public of the administrative and commercial law in general. Thus, the main essence courts [2]. of the public-legal disputes, their scope, The normative-legal component their use as a way to establish, differ- of the definition of the concept of the entiate and realize the competencies public-legal dispute and legal support of the subjects in the field of the public for their consideration is raised by the administration are presented by scien- judge of the Zhytomyr District Admin- tists in the works of V. B. Averyanov, istrative Court I.E. Chernyakhovych, Yu. P. Bytyak, I. L. Borodin, T. O. Kol- who also considers other related con- omoyets, V. K. Kolpakov, A. T. Komzy- cepts: such as “public-legal conflict”,

105 “state-legal conflict”, “administrative- with the provision or non-provision by legal dispute” [3]. such party of those services; or Formulation of the purposes (goal) • at least one party is the subject of of the article. The study aims to un- the electoral process or the referendum cover the notion of the “subject of au- process and the dispute arose over the thority powers” from the point of view violation of its rights in such process by of analyzing its institutional and status the subject of the authority powers or content characteristics as one of the another person [4]. parties to a public-legal dispute with a In the domestic jurisprudence the view to its possible further application public-legal disputes include the appeal in the sphere of establishing, delineat- of the administrative decisions, actions ing and exercising competencies, and in or inaction of the public-administrative the narrow sense of the powers of the institutions by natural or legal persons public authorities. To achieve this goal, who use this mechanism as a way of the following tasks have been set: protecting their rights. In particular • to make a generalized description Article 17 of the CAJU stipulates that of the subject matter of the public-legal the jurisdiction of the administrative disputes; courts extends to public-legal disputes, • to consider the normative-legal in particular, disputes of the natural or basis of the subject of the authority legal persons with the subject of the powers as one of the parties to the pub- authority powers over the appeal of its lic-legal disputes in the sphere of the decisions (normative-legal acts of indi- public administration; vidual action), actions or inaction [4]. • to identify the peculiarities and In the CAJU the concept of “sub- deficiencies of institutional and status jects of authority powers”, its substan- character in the formation of the sub- tive load, characteristics are covered in jective composition of the legal rela- many articles. In particular, Article 4 tions in the public-legal disputes. specifies that the subject of the author- Presentation of the main material. ity powers is a public authority, a local Article 4 of the Code of Administrative self-government body, their officials, Judiciary of Ukraine (hereinafter re- another entity in the exercise of their ferred to as CAJU) states that a public- public-power administrative functions legal dispute is a dispute in which: on the basis of legislation, including the • at least one party performs public- performance of the delegated powers, administrative functions, including the or often narrow it down to administra- exercise of the delegated powers, and tive services. The concept of “subject of the dispute arises in connection with the authority powers” as defined by the the execution or non-execution by such CAJU is considered to be quite general. party of such functions; or There is an opinion that in case the list • at least one party provides admin- of the subjects of the authority powers istrative services under a law authoriz- is exhaustive, it is advisable to form it ing or obliging to provide such services with the possible establishment of com- solely the subject of the authority pow- petence characteristics. This would ers and the dispute arose in connection then make it possible to distinguish the

106 subject matter in the areas of identifi- their administrative functions, such as cation, analysis and application of the house, street, quarterly and other bodies methods of resolving the public-legal of self-organization of the population, disputes. public formations for the protection of The normative field defines a list of the public order and state border, etc. those subjects of the authority powers In their activities it is necessary to dif- that may be challenged in the adminis- ferentiate the separation between ad- trative courts. On the basis of the pres- ministrative and other functions and ence of the authority powers, it is pos- take into account the presence of these sible to make a generalization that the functions in their status characteristics. following entities may be referred to: The practice of the public-legal dis- the President of Ukraine (Article 102 putes indicates that parties to the pub- of the Constitution); legislative body, lic-legal disputes are usually the public that is, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine authorities, in particular state authori- (Article 75 of the Constitution); bodies ties and their officials. However, given of executive power: Cabinet of Minis- the norm of Article 6 of the Constitu- ters of Ukraine, central and local bod- tion of Ukraine it is known that the ies of the executive power (Articles state power is exercised on the basis 113, 118 of the Constitution, Law of of its division into legislative, execu- Ukraine “On the Cabinet of Ministers tive and judicial, and Article 7 estab- of Ukraine”, Law of Ukraine “On Local lishes that the local self-government is State Administrations”); bodies of the recognized and guaranteed in Ukraine judiciary (Article 124 of the Constitu- [5]. Accordingly the public authorities tion, laws of Ukraine “On the Consti- will belong to the bodies with relevant tutional Court of Ukraine”, “On the Ju- competencies (legislative, executive or diciary and Status of the Judges”); the judicial), including powers. The sub- Prosecutor’s Office of Ukraine (Article jects with authority (executive) powers 121 of the Constitution); Authorities of under the Constitution of Ukraine ac- the Autonomous Republic of Crimea: cording to the organizational and legal The Verkhovna Rada, the Council of criteria are divided into higher, central Ministers; ministries of the Autono- and local bodies of the executive power. mous Republic of Crimea, Republican The supreme body of the system of the committees of the Autonomous Repub- bodies of the executive power is the lic of Crimea; bodies of the local self- Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, which government: village, settlement, city, is responsible for ensuring the state sov- district, regional councils (Article 140 ereignty and economic independence of the Constitution of Ukraine, Law of of Ukraine, the implementation of the Ukraine “On Local Self-Government in internal and foreign policy of the state, Ukraine”) [5–10]. the implementation of the Constitution Particular attention should be paid, and laws of Ukraine, acts of the Presi- in particular, to the competences and dent of Ukraine. Article 37 of the Law scope of their implementation, to the of Ukraine “On the Cabinet of Minis- following entities: officials of the above ters of Ukraine” discloses the relations bodies; other entities in the exercise of of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine

107 with the courts of the general jurisdic- freedoms and interests of the natural tion. In particular, it is stated that the persons, rights and interests of the legal Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine may entities, may be appealed in the courts be the plaintiff and the defendant in in the order of the administrative pro- the courts, in particular, to apply to the ceedings. Central executive bodies with court if it is necessary for the exercise special status include bodies with spe- of their powers in the manner stipu- cific tasks and powers, defined by the lated by the Constitution and laws of Constitution and legislation of Ukraine. Ukraine. The interests of the Cabinet Among them the Antimonopoly Com- of Ministers of Ukraine are represented mittee of Ukraine, the State Commit- in the courts by the Ministry of Justice tee for Television and Radio Broad- of Ukraine, unless otherwise provided casting of Ukraine, the State Property by the laws of Ukraine or by the acts of Fund of Ukraine, the National Agency the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine [6]. of Ukraine for Prevention of Corrup- Other subjects of the authority pow- tion, the State Bureau of Investigation, ers that can be a party to the public- the National Agency of Ukraine for legal disputes are all central executive the detection, search and management bodies, which include ministries, pub- of the assets obtained from corruption lic services, agencies, central executive and other crimes, Administration of the bodies with special status, which are State Service for Special Communica- directly subordinated to the Cabinet tions and Information Protection. of Ministers of Ukraine. To date 15 One of the parties to the public-legal ministries, 23 services, 13 agencies, 4 dispute may be the local executive au- inspections, 7 Central Executive Bod- thorities, that is, the regional and dis- ies with special status, 6 other Central trict state administrations, as well as Executive Bodies, and 27 local execu- the local (territorial) bodies of the cen- tive bodies are in the executive power tral executive authorities. Taking into in Ukraine [11]. account the norm of the law in Article According to the Law of Ukraine 118 of the Constitution of Ukraine, the “On the Cabinet of Ministers of local state administration is headed by Ukraine” the Cabinet of Ministers of a chairman, who is appointed by the Ukraine may form governmental bod- President of Ukraine upon the sub- ies of the state administration (agen- mission of the Cabinet of Ministers of cies, services, inspections). The pow- Ukraine. The National Bank of Ukraine ers of the governmental bodies of the and the Central Election Commission state administration include the issues are also subject of the authority powers, of administration of the individual sub- whose competence is valid throughout sectors or spheres of activity, control- Ukraine and decisions, actions or inac- supervisory functions, regulatory and tion may be challenged in the public-le- permitting-registration functions for gal disputes with the use of the admin- the individuals and legal entities. There istrative justice. are more than 30 such bodies. The ac- Local self-government bodies, as tions of the mentioned state authorities, subjects of the authority powers may their officials that violate the rights, be a party to a public-legal dispute. In

108 accordance with the Law of Ukraine of the population within the territory of May 21, 1997 № 280/97-BP “On Local its activity during its formation may be Self-Government in Ukraine” [10], the granted such powers as representation local self-government bodies include: together with the deputies of the inter- district and regional councils repre- ests of the residents of the house, street, senting the common interests of the neighborhood, village, settlement, city territorial communities of the villages, in the relevant local council and its settlements, cities; executive bodies of bodies, local bodies of the executive the village, settlement, city councils; power. Thus, these institutions are en- village, settlement, city heads. Article 5 dowed with representative functions, of the Law of Ukraine of May 21, 1997 while other entities have administra- № 280/97-BP “On Local Self-Govern- tive functions, which indicates the ex- ment in Ukraine” defines the system of istence of authority powers within their the local self-government to which the core functions. territorial community and bodies of the The term “official” is normatively de- self-organization of the population be- fined in the Law of Ukraine “On Service long. The Law of Ukraine of 11.07.01 in the Local Self-Government Bodies”. № 2625-01 “On the Bodies of Self- Article 2 of the Law of Ukraine “On Organization of the Population” [12] Service in the Local Self-Government defines the forms of participation of the Bodies” stipulates that a local govern- members of the territorial communities ment official is a person who works in of the villages, settlements, districts in the local self-government bodies, has the cities in solving particular issues of the relevant official authority to per- the local self-government. form organizational, administrative and That is, improper execution, non-ex- advisory functions and receives wages ecution, inaction, and other offenses re- at the expense of local budget [13]. lated to the exercise of the above func- Discussions arise regarding the tions, competences and powers by the membership of the organizational-ad- public authorities can be considered a ministrative and advisory-consultative potential subject of consideration of the functions to the public-governmental public-legal disputes. administrative functions, which the The possibility of involving the self- party should be empowered in the case organization bodies of the population of referring the dispute to as public-le- as a subject of the authority powers re- gal. Since the appeal should take place mains controversial in the national gov- in administrative decisions, actions or ernment, since their power component inaction of the public-administrative is limited by the basic powers speci- institutions, it is appropriate to take fied in the normative field. Among the into account the status characteristics public institutions that are bodies of and competencies of the subjects of the self-organization are the house, street, authority powers with regard to the quarterly committees, committees of possibility of carrying out or not per- districts, committees of districts in the forming such actions. cities, village and settlement commit- The Grand Chamber of the Supreme tees. The body of self-organization of Court has clarified that administrative

109 courts are considering disputes that are ernment body or other subject of the based on public-legal nature, that is, authority powers having the relevant they derive from power-administrative powers; functions or executive-administrative 2) in the case of absence of such an activities of the public bodies. If a per- authority [15]. son acquires a substantive right as a The administrative judiciary em- result of a decision, then the dispute phasizes the position on which the concerns private-legal relations and is protection of the interests of the state subject to consideration in the civil or should be exercised by the respective commercial proceedings, depending on subjects of the authority powers. Only the subject composition of the parties when such protection cannot be exer- to the dispute. cised does the prosecutor exercise such In addition, the Grand Chamber of protection within their competence. the Supreme Court drew attention to In order to keep the interests of the the fact that, in accordance with the state out of protection, the prosecutor law, a deputy of the local council may takes a subsidiary position, that is, the exercise the right to participate in the judicial authority is replaced by a sub- activities of the council and in taking ject of the authority powers that does the relevant decisions by the council. not protect or improperly exercise it. In The rules of the current legislation set a such cases the prosecutor must indicate special way for the deputy to influence the reasons that impede the protection both the decision-making by the local of the interests of the state by the rel- self-government body and the life of the evant subject of the authority powers residents of the respective administra- and to go to court on these grounds. tive-territorial unit. However, the com- It is clear that a prosecutor cannot petence of the deputy should be taken substitute for a person of the subject of into account, since he is not empowered the authority powers who has the com- to directly represent the interests of the petence and desire to protect the inter- territorial community in the public-le- ests in the courts. Pursuant to part four gal disputes [14]. of Article 23 of the Law of Ukraine “On According to the status character- the Prosecutor’s Office”, the presence istics, the prosecutor cannot be con- of grounds for representation must be sidered as an alternative subject to the substantiated by the prosecutor in the court and to replace a proper subject of court [16]. the authority powers, who can protect The generalization of the subjective the interests of the state and has such composition of the authority powers competence. in the public-legal relations, accord- The ruling in Case № 822/1169/17 ing to experts, indicates the need for of July 19, 2018, clarified that a pros- the distribution of the subjects of the ecutor could represent the interests of authority powers by their types, status the state in court in only two cases: characteristics, ways of resolving the 1) if the protection of these interests public-legal disputes [17]. is not exercised or improperly exercised In the absence of a subject of the by a public authority, a local self-gov- authority powers to which the protec-

110 tion of the legitimate interests of the The public-legal disputes arise between state is entrusted, as well as in the case the individuals and legal entities, on of the representation of the interests of the one hand, and the public authori- the citizen or the representation of the ties, on the other. The legislator defined interests of the state in cases of recogni- the subject constituent as an executive tion of unfounded assets and their col- body, local self-government body, their lection in the state revenue in order to officials, or other entity exercising the establish the existence of grounds for administrative power based on legisla- representation, then the prosecutor tion, including the exercise of the de- may represent the interests of the rel- legated powers. Therefore, public-legal evant entities in the state. disputes may also arise in the internal- It is reasonable to take an approach organizational activity of the public whereby one of the essential features authorities, affecting not only the com- of the public-legal disputes is that they petence of a public institution but also have a public interest as a matter of the the competences of the public servants. dispute. 2. The subjective component of the As to the nature of the dispute, the implementation of the public-legal rela- existence of the public interest is poorly tions is determined, which is a prereq- understood. This issue develops in the uisite for the emergence of the public- direction in which the competent dis- legal disputes on the issues of authority putes in the sphere of activity of the powers. The analysis of the normative- public authorities have a public-legal legal framework of the subjects of the nature, since they are intended to re- authority powers as one of the parties solve conflicts in the part of the public to the public-legal disputes has revealed interest and in the presence of one of the basic basis in the current legislation the parties as a subject of the authority for the consideration and resolution powers [18]. of the public-legal ones. The subjects Conclusions and prospects for fur- of the authority powers that may be a ther research. On the basis of the con- party to the public-legal disputes are all ducted research and in accordance with central executive bodies, which include the tasks set, the following conclusions ministries, public services, agencies, were drawn: central executive bodies with special 1. The paper determines that the status, which are directly subordinated subjective composition of the public- to the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine; legal disputes is characterized by dif- local executive authorities; local gov- ferent institutional and status content. ernments; and public servants (offi- The subject of the authority powers cials) that are endowed with relevant acts as one of the parties to a public-le- competencies. The competence of the gal dispute, and is involved in publicly prosecutors as subjects in the consider- legal relations. The status of the sub- ation of the public-legal disputes is ana- jects of the authority powers is one of lyzed. It was found that the prosecutor the main features of the issues of identi- could not be considered as an alterna- fying, analyzing and exploring the ways tive subject to the court and to replace to resolve the public-legal disputes. a proper subject of the authority po-

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115 UDC 35:159.95 2020-2(22)-116-129 Bielska Tetiana Valentynіvna, Doctor of Science in Public Administration, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Management and Public Administration, O. M. Beketov National Uni- versity of Urban Economy in Kharkiv, 61002, Ukraine, Kharkiv, Marshal Bazhanov Street, 17, tel.: +38 (066) 450 6212, e-mail: tan- [email protected], https// 0002-2792-4700 Бєльська Тетяна Валентинівна, доктор наук з державного управління, доцент, доцент кафедри менеджменту і публічного адміністрування, Харків- ський національний університет міського господарства імені О. М. Бекетова, 61002, Україна, м. Харків, вул. Маршала Бажа- нова, 17, тел.: 0664506212, e-mail: tanya_ [email protected], https// 0002-2792-4700 Бельская Татьяна Валентиновна, доктор наук по государственному управ- лению, доцент, доцент кафедры ме- неджмента и публичного администри- рования, Харьковский национальный университет городского хозяйства имени А. Н. Бекетова, 61002, Украина, г. Харь- ков, ул. Маршала Бажанова, 17, тел.: +38 (066) 450 6212, e-mail: tanya_belska@ukr. net, https// Lashkina Mariia Hryhoriivna, PhD in Public Administration, psychologist- conflictologist, Associate Professor of the Department of Journalism, Advertising and Public Relations, National Aviation Universi- ty, Prospect Cosmonaut Komarova, 1, 03058, Ukraine, Kyiv, tel.: +38 (050) 397 2912, e-mail: [email protected], https//orcid. org/0000-0002-8331-1853 Лашкіна Марія Григорівна, кандидат наук державного управління, психолог-конфліктолог, доцент кафедри жур- налістики, реклами та зв’язків з громадськістю факультету міжнародних відносин, Національний авіаційний університет, 03058, Україна, м. Київ, проспект Космонавта

116 Комарова, 1, тел.: 05039722912, e-mail: [email protected], https//orcid. org/0000-0002-8331-1853 Лашкина Мария Григорьевна, кандидат наук по государственному управлению, психолог-конфликтолог, до- цент кафедры журналистики, рекламы и связей с общественностью факультета международных отношений Националь- ного авиационного университета, 03058, Украина, г. Киев, проспект Космонавта Комарова, 1, тел.: 05039722912, e-mail: [email protected], https//orcid. org/0000-0002-8331-1853 Yurii Nesteriak, Doctor of Science in Public Administration, Associate Professor of the Department of Public Administration and Administration of the Education and Science Institute of Con- tinuous Education, Head of the Center of Media Communication, National Aviation University, Prospect Cosmonaut Komarova, 1, 03058, Ukraine, Kyiv, e-mail: nesteriak.yuriy@, https// Нестеряк Юрій Васильович, доктор наук з державного управління, доцент кафедри публічного управління та адмі- ністрування Навчально-наукового інституту неперервної освіти, начальник Центру медіа комунікацій, 03058, Україна, м. Київ, проспект Космонавта Комарова, 1, e-mail: [email protected], https// Нестеряк Юрий Васильевич, доктор наук по государственному управлению, доцент кафедры публичного управле- ния и администрирования Учебно-научного института непрерывного образования, начальник Центра медиа-коммуникаций Национального авиационного университета, 03058, Украина, г. Киев, проспект Космонавта Комарова, 1, e-mail: nesteriak.yuriy@, https//

INFORMATION POLICY AND INFORMATION SECURITY OF THE STATE AS PSYCHICAL AND SOCIAL PHENOMENON: PROBLEMS AND PROSPECTS Abstract. The article states that the influence of the psychic on the social and political processes in conditions of a continuous information flow is decisive; psy- chological pressure on consciousness becomes more widespread; emotionality of

117 information messages, their influence on the psychological and social position of society increase. The authors convince that practices of influence and dissemi- nation of emotionally stained false information have become today informational and psychological wars that aim at activating of public consciousness of a public of an enemy state and influence on a state policy. It is determined that psychological influence on the aggressor that is based on communicative processes with using of modern information technologies, involves change of a public opinion in the given direction. The authors carried out a comprehensive scientific analysis of the current state of information policy and information security of Ukraine as a psychological and social phenomenon. Social phenomena that arise in the informational sphere un- der influence of information propaganda of the aggressor and the military conflict, their influence on the psychological state of society, and what the consequences can be are examined. It is determined that in the conditions of real information aggression there is an urgent need for formation and active functioning of a single national regulator in the information sphere. Its activity would be aimed at developing of an effective national information policy, qualified fight off manipulative propaganda attacks, formation of national patriotic сconvictions among Ukrainian citizens, and devel- opment of a Ukrainian national information space. It is noted, that the doctrinal adjustment of information processes is correlated with psychological and social ones. It is indicated that information flows, which go through mass communication channels, carry knowledge of the laws of real- ity, reflect the structure of human memory and intelligence, the main features of the social system, where interaction of individual and mental phenomena is most striking. Keywords: influence, psychological and social phenomena and processes, in- formational influence, informational policy, informational security, informational aggression, a doctrine of informational security. ІНФОРМАЦІЙНА ПОЛІТИКА ТА ІНФОРМАЦІЙНА БЕЗПЕКА ДЕРЖАВИ ЯК ПСИХОСОЦІАЛЬНЕ ЯВИЩЕ: ПРОБЛЕМИ ТА ПЕРСПЕКТИВИ Анотація. Констатується, що вплив психічного на суспільно-політичні процесів умовах безперервного інформаційного потоку є визначальним; пси- хологічний тиск на свідомість стає все більш розповсюдженим, збільшується емоційність інформаційних повідомлень, їх вплив на психосоціальний стан суспільства. Автори переконують, що практики впливу та розповсюдження емоційно забарвленої неправдивої інформації перетворилися сьогодні на ін- формаційно-психологічні війни, які переслідують мету активізувати суспіль- ну свідомість громадськості держави-противника і вплинути на державну політику. Визначено, що психологічний вплив на противника, що базується на комунікативних процесах із використанням сучасних інформаційних тех- нологій, передбачає зміну громадської думки в заданому напрямку.

118 Авторами здійснено комплексний науковий аналіз сучасного стану дер- жавної інформаційної політики та інформаційної безпеки України як психо- соціального явища. Розглянуто соціальні явища, що виникають в інформа- ційній сфері під впливом інформаційної пропаганди агресора та військового конфлікту, як вони впливають на психологічний стан суспільства, до яких наслідків можуть призвести. Визначено, що в умовах реальної інформаційної агресії існує нагальна потреба у формуванні та активному функціонуванні єдиного національного регулятора в інформаційній сфері, діяльність якого була б спрямована на ви- роблення дієвої національної інформаційної політики, кваліфіковане відбит- тя маніпуляційно-пропагандистських атак, формування у громадян України національно-патріотичних переконань, розвитку українського національно- го інформаційного простору. Зазначено, що доктринальне коригування інформаційних процесів коре- люється з психосоціальними. Вказано, що інформаційні потоки, які прохо- дять по каналам масової комунікації, несуть у собі знання про закономірнос- ті дійсності, відображають структуру людської пам’яті та інтелекту, основні особливості соціальної системи, де найбільш яскравими є взаємодія індиві- дуально-психічних явищ. Ключові слова: вплив, психосоціальні явища та процеси, інформаційний вплив, інформаційна політика, інформаційна безпека, інформаційна агресія, доктрина інформаційної безпеки. ИНФОРМАЦИОННАЯ ПОЛИТИКА И ИНФОРМАЦИОННАЯ БЕЗОПАСНОСТЬ ГОСУДАРСТВА КАК ПСИХО-СОЦИАЛЬНОЕ ЯВЛЕНИЕ: ПРОБЛЕМЫ И ПЕРСПЕКТИВЫ Аннотация. Констатируется, что влияние психического на общественно- политические процессы в условиях непрерывного информационного потока является определяющим; психологическое давление на сознание становит- ся все более распространенным, увеличивается эмоциональность информа- ционных сообщений, их влияние на психосоциальное положение общества. Авторы утверждают, что практики влияния и распространения эмоциональ- но окрашенной ложной информации превратились сегодня в информаци- онно-психологические войны, которые преследуют цель активизировать об- щественное сознание общественности государства-противника и повлиять на государственную политику. Определено, что психологическое воздейст- вие на противника, основано на коммуникативных процессах с использова- нием современных информационных технологий, предусматривает измене- ние общественного мнения в заданном направлении. Авторами осуществлен комплексный научный анализ современного со- стояния государственной информационной политики и информационной безопасности Украины как психосоциального явления. Рассмотрены соци- альные явления, возникающие в информационной сфере под влиянием ин- формационной пропаганды агрессора и военного конфликта, как они вли-

119 яют на психологическое состояние общества, к каким последствиям могут привести. Определено, что в условиях реальной информационной агрессии существует насущная потребность в формировании и активном функцио- нировании единого национального регулятора в информационной сфере, деятельность которого была бы направлена на выработку действенной на- циональной информационной политики, квалифицированное отражение манипуляционнно-пропагандистских атак, формирование у граждан Укра- ины национально-патриотических убеждений, развитие украинского наци- онального информационного пространства. Отмечено, что доктринальные корректировки информационных процессов коррелируют с психосоциаль- ными. Указано, что информационные потоки, которые проходят по каналам массовой коммуникации, несут в себе знания о закономерностях действи- тельности, отражают структуру человеческой памяти и интеллекта, основ- ные особенности социальной системы, где наиболее яркими являются взаи- модействие индивидуально-психических явлений. Ключевые слова: влияние, психосоциальные явления и процессы, ин- формационное воздействие, информационная политика, информационная безопасность, информационная агрессия, доктрина информационной без- опасности.

Fightings for power remain just as intense — both in the war zones and at the negotiation tables, and in cyberspace — but the impact on them is less and less. Moises Naim “The End of Power” [1, р. 25]

Problem statement. The world of various parameters of social life of an information society becomes more people for millennia that affect the saturated and confused, people are social processes of the state and the more perplexed, and states are more psychology of power. The Spanish phi- vulnerable and unprotected. The age losopher H. Ortega-i-Gasset believed of post-truth, fake news, unrestricted that “power means the domination of accumulation of public data, the devel- thoughts and views” [2, р. 117]. At the opment of artificial intelligence that is same time, it is interpreted as an ability capable of reproducing human capa- of agents of power to dominate or im- bilities, require from the countries of pose certain political decisions. the world more rigorous attention to Modern scientists have come to be- information security and protection of lieve that the nature of power is a se- personal data. Problems of information cret of real, not stylized overconfidence policy in public administration remain that is capable to create a special aura, very relevant. plunging into it, some firmly govern Structural elements of conscious- (rule) and others obey selflessly and ness are concentrated expression of perform any orders [3, р. 4] or “an abil-

120 ity and possibility to exercise one’s will tion into emotional, and the closeness to make a decisive influence on activi- and influence of the information space ties, behavior of people” [4, р. 87]. That of Russia. Therefore, there is a need is, possession and conquest are rooted for a comprehensive interdisciplinary in human nature, in archetypal struc- analysis of the current state of the state tural elements of human consciousness. information policy and information However, methods of influence and the security of Ukraine as a psychological nature of power itself change because and social phenomenon, finding ways of progress and development of new of non-traumatic impact on the popu- technologies. lation, social interaction and providing In fact, the world is now in the ac- of information security of the state. tive phase of the formation of a new Analysis of recent publications social and communication system — an on this problem confirms that the re- information society that is a computer- search of the current state of informa- ized community of people, where infor- tion security of the country and well- mation technologies acquire universal known domestic scientists, researchers importance and cover all spheres of and experts pay serious attention on human activity, and communication the development of practical recom- technologies change the process of mendations on the improvement of communication and contribute to the the state information policy. Thus, an provision of social services through a analysis of the psychology of crowds, computer communications network the public, and civilization is presented [5, р. 4]. It transforms the social space, in the works of such prominent scho- creates new values and relationships, lars as G. Lebon [7], S. Moskovichi [8], and creates new institutions, every- Z. Freud [9], and C-G Jung [10, thing that E. Toffler defines as a new р. 83]. way of life. The Ukrainian researcher G. Po- In the information society, “power, cheptsov [11] considers in his works which is based on force and wealth, los- the essence of manipulative influence es its influence, though not completely through mass media and the Internet, disappears” [6, р. 114]. The information M. Varij [12] — technologies for influ- world increases the amount of informa- encing the masses during the election tion, diversifies methods and channels campaign period, the use of archetypes of influence, but a person’s mental ca- and values to influence consciousness pacity to perceive information does is explored by O. Radchenko [13], not keep up with changes and it leads Y. Naplyokov [14] and others. to the emergence of mental stress. The The purpose of the research is a influence of the mental on social and scientific analysis of the current state political processes has always been of the state information policy and in- significant, and in a continuous infor- formation security in Ukraine as a psy- mation flow, it becomes decisive. In chological and social phenomenon and Ukraine, the situation is complicated develop recommendations to provide by the conflict in the East that trans- information security of the Ukrainian lates a vector of rational rationaliza- society.

121 Statement of the main research into information and psychological material. There is an opinion that in wars. Information wars pursue the conditions of democracy, the govern- goal to activate public consciousness ment changes the direct dictate and of the adversary’s public and influence the enslavement to more subtle and on public policy. Psychological influ- effective methods. But the use of vari- ence on the enemy, which is based on ous manipulative technologies of influ- communication processes with using ences, information and psychological of modern information technologies, pressure, for any purpose, results in se- implies a change of public opinion in a rious disorders of mental and social life, given direction. generates public apathy and alienation The object of information warfare of the majority of the population from is both mass and individual conscious- conscious participation in social pro- ness. Means of conducting information cesses. warfare are any means of transmitting According to M. Kastels, since the information – from the media and so- 1990s, our planet has been integrated cial networks, to the spread of rumors. into a single telecommunications com- As a rule, methods of information war- puter network, which is the basis of the fare are to disseminate misinformation information system and communica- or to provide information to the benefit tion processes. Information and com- of the individual [17, р. 119]. munication technologies in today’s Veronique de Geoffroy, the direc- globalized world undoubtedly con- tor of operations of the URD Groupe, tribute to the economic development proposed a typology of impact strate- and growth of material well-being of gies. The strategy aims to achieve the people, and are a condition of power, following goals: to inform, persuade, knowledge and creativity [15]. The motivate, and induce to an action. The network integrates many elements ac- choice of impact strategy will depend cording to the criterion of communica- on various factors: dialogue to achieve tive communication and has an ability power, access to power, and, according to democratize communication and in- to a risk analysis, an organizational cul- tegrate different hierarchical levels in- ture. The table below lists the transac- to a single communicative space, trans- tion types for each strategy (Table). lates communication into a horizontal Special intelligence operations have plane. In these conditions, the psycho- been conducted by Russia against logical pressure on the consciousness Ukraine for many years. Activated becomes more widespread, the emo- with direct aggression in the Donbas tionality of information messages, their and annexation of Crimea, and changed influence on a psychological and social with the advent of social networks and state of society increase. A. Tocqueville the ability to create fake accounts and [16] drew attention to the role of infor- “boto-farms”. The results have affected mation in the formation of public con- the state of society, which today has sciousness. Today, these practices of been shattered by a worldview trait, influence and spreading of emotionally lost in a lot of information noise and colored false information have turned ideologically disoriented.

122 Typology of impact strategies (Veronique de Geoffroy) Communica- Strategy Exchange Conviction tion, negotia- Pressure tions Types of actions dialogue, teaching, E – offer, coercion, communication, motivation, finding indignation, message dispute, a common mobilization, awareness solution, lobbying, raising, alternative message, advocacy, question call to order discussion, proof Source: based on materials of the URD Groupe [18].

The information space is divided ations that would make his or her deci- between the representatives of the fi- sion more reasonable and comfortable. nancial and industrial groups that are Television remains the most popu- behind many news messages, which lar media in Ukraine. According to the spread by thought leaders in social net- the Ukrainian Sociological Survey Re- works; they own the majority of televi- port 2018, the vast majority of Ukrain- sion channels. Various missionary re- ian residents (86 %) receive informa- ligious structures, often also affiliated tion about events in the country from with financial and industrial groups, Ukrainian television channels, 27 % — impart ideas and beliefs to the society, from Ukrainian websites, 24 % — from often using methods of psychologi- social networks, 18 % — from relatives, cal influence and technologies of neu- friends, colleagues, etc. Other sources ropsychological programming and hyp- use only 8 %, 5 % of which are watched nosis. The society is offered a wealth by Russian television channels. On of thoughts, interpretations of events average, an adult Ukrainian watches and news that contradict each other three Ukrainian channels, but on the and sometimes common sense. Often it events in Ukraine and relations be- leads to the emergence of a psychologi- tween Ukraine, Russia, DPR (Donetsk cal phenomenon that is characterized People’s Republic not recognized in as a cognitive dissonance, interpreted Ukraine) / LPR (Lugansk People’s as an internal disharmony between Republic, not recognized in Ukraine) knowledge in the human mind (the trusts only 1,5 channels. Only 27 % term was introduced by Leon Festing- of Ukrainian TV viewers believe that er in 1956). Such a mental state causes Ukrainian channels do provide ob- a feeling of stress, guilt, the appearance jective information about events in of uncontrolled aggression. Transfor- Ukraine, 43 % believe that the infor- mation of high social expectations is mation is untrue (30 % were unable to transformed into the energy of false answer this question). public expectations and the need to Technical access to Russian chan- reduce dissonance pushes a person to nels for 69 % of users is satellite, seek passionate information and evalu- 13 % — watch broadcasts on the Inter-

123 net, 12 % — via analogue antenna, and state did not pay attention to it until 8 % — on cable net. As for social net- the aggression. In Ukraine, even con- works, the majority (42 %) of Ukrain- ceptually, the conceptual bases of the ians use at least one social network. state information policy are not fixed Facebook is the most popular one now at all. The modern law of Ukraine “On (36 %). No more than 11 % of popula- Information” (2017 edition) sets out tion use other networks. Only 35 % of some basic directions of the state infor- respondents say that they check in- mation policy and one of them defines formation in other sources, obtained the provision of information security from national, Russian, local media, (Article 3). or DPR/LPR media, would not check Since the beginning of the events more than half (52 %) [19, р. 6]. in November 2013 in Ukraine, which At the same time, in the case of have been called “Euromaidan” and conflicting information from differ- “Revolution of Dignity”, all miscal- ent sources, 58 % prefer the Ukrain- culations in the domestic informa- ian media and only 1 % to the Russian tion sphere in the previous years have or LPR/DPR media; although 38 % manifested themselves. It was during do not know which media they would this period that the aggressive informa- rather believe. And among the resi- tion policy of the Russian Federation dents of Western Ukraine, those who affected distortion of the Ukraine’s do not know who to believe, only image in the world, in particular, in 27 %, in the center of them already are Russia itself and in the occupied terri- 37 %, and in the south — 47 % (de- tories. Only due to the active coverage spite the fact that in all regions are the of these events by European and world Ukrainian media) [Ibid, р. 7]. Such media, the practice of obtaining infor- duality and ambiguity of views are the mation about Ukraine exclusively from result of many years of unified informa- Russian sources was violated. tion field with the Russian Federation. In early 2014, in addition to the mil- These data indicate not only a low level itary contingent of the Russian Fed- of information content in Ukrainian eration, information and psychological media, but also a low level of media lit- pressure was exerted on the territory eracy and a potential threat to informa- of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea tion impact on the society. According by the mass media of a foreign state. to psychologists, the effect of the influ- Therefore, in accordance with the deci- ence of the media, the introduction of sion of the National Security and De- new ideas in the public consciousness fense Council of Ukraine (NSDCU) — depend on their compliance with the “On urgent measures to ensure national needs, moods and attitudes that have security, sovereignty and territorial in- already been formulated in the psy- tegrity of Ukraine,” dated by 1st March chology of mass consciousness of the 2014, the National Television and Ra- society. Since the creation of the state dio Broadcasting Council of Ukraine of Ukraine, the society has been con- appealed to the associations of software stantly influenced by the information service providers demanding to stop field of neighboring countries and the relaying in their broadcast networks

124 of Russian TV channels — “Russia 24,” important information in Ukraine and ORT (First Channel World Network), abroad, as well as ensuring the func- “RTR Planet,” and “NTV-Mir.” The tioning of state information resources; most effective mechanism to deter the implementation of media reforms to aggressive campaign of the Russian disseminate publicly important infor- Federation (both at the informational mation. and real levels) was the use of public The creation of the Ministry of journalism. Online broadcasts from Information Policy of Ukraine with- the scene with using of “Stream-TV” out public discussion and conducting tools made it possible to disavow most of proper scientific and professional provocative statements, and in some expertise in any case questioned the cases to prevent provocations. The do- transparency of implementation of mestic social media has been actively state information policy in the country. engaged in targeted dissemination of In 2015, the Ministry of Information information about Ukraine abroad. Policy of Ukraine started working on For example, “Information Resistance the Information Security Doctrine of Group,” “StopFake,” and “Beyond the Ukraine [20] and the Concept of Infor- News” still conduct a systematic policy mation Security of Ukraine. On Febru- of exposing and refuting false informa- ary 25, 2017 the doctrine was put into tion about events in Ukraine and in the effect by a Presidential Decree. world. Prepared by experts argumen- The positive of this document, in tum materials are translated into Eng- our opinion, should include the regu- lish, German, French, Czech, Bulgarian latory definition of a number of terms: and other languages and distributed by strategic communications, government information media of the world media. communications, and crisis communica- The development of a national glo- tions, which delimit their problems and bal broadcasting system is closely allows avoiding duplication of tasks linked to the establishment of effec- and activities implemented by differ- tive “news management” by the state ent state bodies of Ukraine. For the (news management, spin-doctoring). first time, the term “strategic narrative” It is a common practice in the world to is enshrined at the level of the regula- create services that, through specially tory act, which is one of the key ones designed mechanisms, take care of the for ensuring information security. spread of messages about the country. At the same time, an objective ana- One of the first examples of such bod- lysis of the Information Security Doc- ies being set up in the countries of the trine of Ukraine allows making several world was the Strategic Communica- caveats: 1) the doctrine is a declara- tion Unit in the UK. tive document that defines strategic Ukraine has followed by the path of vectors of influence; 2) the document establishment of a Ministry of Infor- identifies about ten central bodies of mation Policy. The main tasks of the government; a “subsidiary body” with- Ministry are ensuring the information- in the Ministry of Information Policy al sovereignty of Ukraine, in particular of Ukraine may be formed for coordina- on issues of dissemination of socially tion between them, but the mechanism

125 of coordination needs clarification; formation and active functioning of a 3) the document defines the direction single national regulator in the infor- of development of media culture in the mation sphere, whose activity would society and raising of the culture of be aimed at developing Ukrainian na- political discussion, but there are no tional information policy, intellectual- concrete measures to combat fakes and ly qualified reflection of manipulation information noise that are directed at and propaganda attacks, formation the internal audience. of national and patriotic convictions In our opinion, the issue of creation among citizens of Ukraine, develop- of the information security system of ment of the Ukrainian national infor- Ukraine is very important today and mation space. The state information concerns various areas, in particular: policy of Ukraine should take into ac- protection of the internal information count the environment of its existence space; providing the sovereignty of the and, accordingly, build a system of its country, impeding foreign information own information security. expansion; protection of independence, An attempt was made to doctri- sovereignty, state and territorial integ- nally identify information security is- rity; providing information and cultur- sues. However, in the absence of elab- al influence in Ukraine and abroad. An orated documents that should form important area of information security the integral basis of legal regulation is the development of media literacy of the information sphere and ensure among the population, the creation of information security of Ukraine, their conditions to protect society from the level does not fully meet the needs of influence of false and sometimes ag- Ukrainian society. gressive information, which blurs the In conditions of the information real picture of the world, creates cog- world, it should be remembered that nitive dissonance and leads to nervous information flows that flow through disorders that affect the psychological the mass communication channels, and social state of society. carry knowledge of the laws of reality, In conditions of escalation of reflect the structure of human memory threats in the information sphere that and intelligence, the main features of are facing Ukraine, information mes- the social system, where the most vivid sages from representatives of state au- are the interaction of individual and thorities of all levels should be truth- mental phenomena. ful, timely and be taken as the official A person in this system of informa- position of Ukraine on the events tak- tion exchange and communication is ing place in the context of the Russian- only one, albeit very complex, of the ele- Ukrainian confrontation. This position ments. However, the psychological and should be concise, clear and under- social state of the society, the strength standable. of the state and the efficiency of its insti- The conclusions and perspectives tutions depends on only from a person. of further research. In the current The information sphere is completely conditions of information aggression imprisoned in the human nature, is its there is an urgent need for the further product and consequence, closely relat-

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129 UDC: 378.1; 336.1 2020-2(22)-130-140 Lopushynskyi Ivan Petrovich, Doctor of Science in State Administration, Professor, Honored Worker of Education of Ukraine, Head of the Department of Public Administration and Local Self-Government of Kherson National Technician University, 73000, Kherson, tel(095) 515-73-49, e-mail: [email protected], https//orcid. org/0000-0002-3930-746X Лопушинський Іван Петрович, доктор наук з державного управління, професор, Заслужений працівник освіти України, завідувач кафедри державного управління і місцевого самоврядування, Херсонський національний технічний університет, 73000, м. Херсон, Бери- славське шосе, 24, тел.: (095) 515-73-49, e-mail: [email protected], https// Лопушинский Иван Петрович, доктор наук по государственному управ- лению, профессор, Заслуженный работ- ник образования Украины, заведующий кафедрой государственного управления и местного самоуправления, Херсон- ский национальный технический уни- верситет, 73000 г. Херсон, Бериславское шоссе, 24, тел .: (095) 515-73 49, e-mail: [email protected], https//orcid. org/0000-0002-3930-746X Bykov Roman Yurievich, Candidate of Sciences in State Administration, Department of Public Administration and Lo- cal Self-Government of Kherson National Technician University, 73000, Kherson, 067-551- 67-31, e-mail: [email protected], https// Биков Роман Юрійович, кандидат наук з державного управління, доцент кафедри державного управління і місцевого самоврядування, Херсонський національний технічний університет, 73000, м. Херсон, Бериславське шосе, 24, 067-551-67-31, e-mail: [email protected], htt- ps// Быков Роман Юрьевич, кандидат наук по государственному управлению, доцент кафедры государственно- го управления и местного самоуправления, Херсонский национальный технический

130 университет, 73000 г. Херсон, Бериславское шоссе, 24, 067-551-67-31, e-mail: r.bykov. [email protected], https//


Abstract. The article explores the issues of gender-oriented budgeting as a tool of gender-sensitive policy, which enables to ensure gender equality, increase the efficiency of use of the budgetary funds and achieve a fair distribution of the budgetary expenditures by gender. The national legislative framework for gen- der budgeting has been analyzed. Gender analysis has been identified as a tool for examining the socio-economic differences between women and men, girls and boys. The main steps of the gender budgeting analysis are outlined. It is substan- tiated that gender-oriented budgeting, as a management technology tool, allows us to assess how and to what extent the public budget spending policies affect men and women (girls and boys) as service consumers, infrastructure users and taxpayers. Gender budgeting was found to relate to both the revenue and expen- diture side of the budget; means budgeting centered on people by their gender (both adults and children); prompting a more thorough examination of the re- sults of the budget implementation; calls for a broader range of stakeholders to participate, and therefore, forges democratic processes. Therefore, when allocat- ing funds to healthcare, education, sports, social policy institutions, one should consider the gender dimension and keep in mind that the needs of women and men, girls and boys are different. It is proved that the essence of gender-oriented budgeting — this new tool for Ukraine — is to plan the revenue and expenditure part of the state and local budgets with respect to who will be the end consumer of the services financed by the respective budget. That is, the overall goal of the gender-oriented budgeting is to increase economic efficiency and transparency of the budget expenditures, taking into account the needs of women and men, girls and boys. Keywords: budget, budgeting; budget process, program-target method; gen- der policy, gender-oriented budgeting, management technology. ҐЕНДЕРНО ОРІЄНТОВАНЕ БЮДЖЕТУВАННЯ ЯК ІНСТРУМЕНТ ДОСЯГНЕННЯ ҐЕНДЕРНОЇ РІВНОСТІ Анотація. Досліджується проблематика ґендерно орієнтованого бюдже- тування як інструменту ґендерно чутливої політики, що дає можливість забезпечити ґендерну рівність, підвищити ефективність використання бю- джетних коштів та досягти справедливого розподілу бюджетних видатків за статевою ознакою. Проаналізовано національну законодавчу базу забез- печення ґендерно орієнтованого бюджетування. Визначено, що ґендерний аналіз є інструментом для вивчення соціально-економічних відмінностей

131 між жінками та чоловіками, дівчатами і хлопцями. Зазначено основні кро- ки проведення ґендерного бюджетного аналізу. Обґрунтовано, що ґендерно орієнтоване бюджетування як інструмент управлінської технології дозво- ляє оцінити, як і якою мірою державна політика у сфері розподілу видат- ків бюджету впливає на чоловіків і жінок (дівчат і хлопців) як споживачів послуг, користувачів інфраструктури та платників податків. Установлено, що ґендерне бюджетування стосується як дохідної, так і видаткової частини бюджету; означає бюджетування, у центрі якого люди за їхньою статевою приналежністю (як дорослі, так і діти); що спонукає до більш ретельного ви- вчення результатів виконання бюджету; закликає до участі ширше коло за- цікавлених осіб, а, отже, укорінює демократичні процеси. Отже, виділяючи кошти на заклади охорони здоров’я, освіти, спорту, соціальної політики, слід урахувати ґендерний аспект і пам’ятати, що потреби жінок і чоловіків, дівчат і хлопців є різними. Доведено, що суть ґендерно орієнтованого бюджетуван- ня — цього нового для України інструменту — планування дохідної та ви- даткової частини державного і місцевого бюджетів з огляду на те, хто буде кінцевим споживачем тих послуг, що фінансуються відповідним бюджетом. Тобто загальна мета ґендерно орієнтованого бюджетування — підвищення економічної ефективності та прозорості видатків бюджету з урахуванням потреб жінок і чоловіків, дівчат і хлопців. Ключові слова: бюджет, бюджетування; бюджетний процес, програм- но-цільовий метод; ґендерна політика, ґендерно орієнтоване бюджетування, управлінські технології. ГЕНДЕРНО ОРИЕНТИРОВАННОЕ БЮДЖЕТИРОВАНИЕ КАК ИНСТРУМЕНТ ДОСТИЖЕНИЯ ГЕНДЕРНОГО РАВЕНСТВА Аннотация. Исследуется проблематика гендерно ориентированного бюджетирования как инструмента гендерно чувствительной политики, что позволяет обеспечить гендерное равенство, повысить эффективность ис- пользования бюджетных средств и достичь справедливого распределения бюджетных расходов по половому признаку. Проанализирована националь- ная законодательная база обеспечения гендерно ориентированного бюдже- тирования. Определено, что гендерный анализ является инструментом для изучения социально-экономических различий между женщинами и мужчи- нами, девушками и парнями. Указаны основные шаги проведения гендерно- го бюджетного анализа. Обосновано, что гендерно ориентированное бюдже- тирование как инструмент управленческой технологии позволяет оценить как и в какой мере государственная политика в сфере распределения рас- ходов бюджета влияет на мужчин и женщин (девушек и юношей) как по- требителей услуг, пользователей инфраструктуры и налогоплательщиков. Установлено, что гендерное бюджетирование касается как доходной, так и расходной части бюджета; означает бюджетирование, в центре которого лю- ди с их половой принадлежностью (как взрослые, так и дети); что побужда- ет к более тщательному изучению результатов исполнения бюджета; при-

132 зывает к участию широкий круг заинтересованных лиц, а, следовательно, укореняет демократические процессы. Итак, выделяя средства на учрежде- ния здравоохранения, образования, спорта, социальной политики, следует учесть гендерный аспект и помнить, что потребности женщин и мужчин, девушек и парней разные. Доказано, что суть гендерно ориентированного бюджетирования — этого нового для Украины инструмента — планирова- ние доходной и расходной части государственного и местного бюджетов с учетом того, кто будет конечным потребителем тех услуг, которые финанси- руются соответствующим бюджетом. То есть общая цель гендерно ориенти- рованного бюджетирования — повышение экономической эффективности и прозрачности расходов бюджета с учетом потребностей женщин и мужчин, девушек и парней. Ключевые слова: бюджет, бюджетирование; бюджетный процесс, про- граммно-целевой метод, гендерная политика, гендерно ориентированное бюджетирование, управленческие технологии.

Formulation of the problem. The Analysis of the recent research consideration of the interests, needs, and publications. Recently, gender opportunities and experiences of the mainstreaming has been addressed by different groups of women and men V. Bykhovchenko (gender budgeting (girls and boys) in all spheres of the at the local level as a tool for improv- society is at the heart of the country’s ing budget efficiency) [1], O. Holyn- gender-sensitive policy. One of the ef- ska (gender-oriented budgeting as a fective tools for implementing gender- critical basis of the budget program sensitive policies is gender-oriented effectiveness) [2–11] S. Danylenko, budgeting (GOB). It is a globally rec- K. Lubynets, H. Tereshchenko, ognized effective tool for achieving gen- O. Chernyuk (ways to introduce gen- der equality, contributing to greater use der-oriented budgeting in Ukraine) of the budgetary resources. The GOB is [6], N. Zhovnytska (gender-oriented the implementation of a comprehensive budgeting per person) [7], T. Ivanina, gender approach in the budgetary poli- O Zhukova, S. Yevchenko, N. Karpets, cy and budgetary processes at the state O. Mykytas, O. Ostapchuk, N. Rya- and local levels, which includes gender bushenko, O. Yarosh (theory and prac- budgeting and enhances transparency tice of the gender-oriented budget- and accountability. Understanding ing in Ukraine) [4], H. Tereshchenko, gender is an awareness of the impor- O. Chernyuk (development of the gen- tance of gender and gender relations to der-oriented budgeting in the Ukrai- the society, as well as how they are val- nian education) [8] and others. ued by the government. This principle Highlighting previously unre- is a starting point in addressing gender solved parts of the common problem. inequality and contributes to building At the same time, their and other intel- an equal society. ligence services do not essentially ad-

133 dress the issue of gender-based budget- the Platform for Action at the Beijing ing in relation to the implementation, Conference (1995), that emphasized starting in 2019, of the program-target- that the governments should make ev- ed budgeting method at the local level. ery effort to systematically examine Formulation of the purposes of the how public sector budgets are spent or article. That is why the purpose of our whether they were spent for the benefit article is to highlight the problems of of man. This will, in particular, require gender-oriented budgeting that have gender mainstreaming in the budgetary arisen through the introduction of a policy and program decisions, as well as program-targeted budgeting method at adequate funding for specific programs the local level. to ensure equality between women and Presentation of the main material. men. The first two decades of the 21st cen- Gender budgeting is used to achieve tury are characterized by rapid change gender equality, which helps to increase and progress, while at the same time the the efficiency of the budget spending. It struggle for equal rights for all, regard- refers to the various processes and tools less of race, religion, political preferenc- that take into account the specific in- es, attitudes and gender, is still going on terests of women and men (girls and in the world. The issue of gender equal- boys) when allocating the budget re- ity remains one of the world’s leading sources at all levels. issues. At the same time, Ukraine is doing Today, gender equality policy is an its best, especially in the legal field, to important factor in the global develop- ensure equal rights and opportunities ment and a fundamental human right. for men and women (girls and boys). Most governments in the world have Gender equality is primarily concerned committed themselves to achieving with political, economic and social de- the goals of gender equality and main- velopment. That is why the issues of streaming gender into the public poli- equality and non-discrimination should cy. To this end numerous tools and ap- be a mandatory component of the pro- proaches have been created. Since 1995 gramming documents of any civilized a number of international organizations country. and institutions, including the United The Constitution of Ukraine em- Nations Development Fund for Wom- phasizes on ensuring equality of rights en (UNIFEM, now UN Women), the and opportunities for women and men United Nations Development Program in different spheres of their activity. (UNDP), the United Nations Econom- The Article 24 of the Basic Law gives ic Commission for Europe (UNECE) an interpretation of the application and others, have initiated the gender of the principles of equality and non- budgeting approach and thus contrib- discrimination, while emphasizing the uted to the development of the concept particular attention that women need. and strategy of the gender-oriented In addition, this Document of state budgeting (GOB). weight emphasizes an important aspect The concept of “gender budget” was of the principle of equality — the need introduced following the adoption of to apply the same standards of rights

134 and obligations to all the persons with- The main normative documents de- out exception. Gender equality is the fining the state policy of gender bud- equal legal status of women and men geting in Ukraine are: (girls and boys) and equal opportuni- • Presidential Decree № 501/2015 ties for its implementation, which al- of August 25, 2015 “On Approval of lows the persons of both sexes to partic- the National Human Rights Strategy” ipate in all the spheres of the life of the and an Action Plan for its implementa- society (Article 1 of the Law of Ukraine tion; of September 8, 2005 № 2866-IV “On • The Annual National Program, Ensuring Equal Rights and Opportu- sponsored by the NATO-Ukraine nities for Women and Men”). And one Commission, approved by Presidential of the tasks that we set ourselves as a Decree № 89/2018 of March 28, 2018 country, as a community, as a civilized (section “Gender Equality”); nation is to use a gender approach when • State Social Program for Equal formulating and using the budget. Rights and Opportunities for Women In this connection, both the bodies and Men for the Period up to 2021, ap- of executive power on local places (re- proved by the Cabinet of Ministers of gion and district state administrations, Ukraine Resolution of April 11, 2018 city, settlement and rural executive № 273; committees and executive committees • National Action Plan for the Im- of the councils of the united territorial plementation of UN Security Council communities (UTC), and the non-gov- Resolution 1325 “Women, Peace, Secu- ernmental organizations (NGOs) are rity” for the period up to 2020, approved constantly asked about how to take in- by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine to account the needs of different popu- Decree of February 24, 2016 № 113; lation groups in planning a community • Strategy for reforming the public budget; why the developed countries finance management system for 2017– pay much attention to the gender-ori- 2020, approved by the Decree of the ented budget; why it is important to Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of Feb- implement such practices in Ukraine; ruary 08, 2017 № 142-p (hereinafter — what results the urban and rural com- Strategy № 142); munities received when addressing the • Law of Ukraine of December 07, needs of women and men in the budget 2017 № 2229-VIII “On Prevention and planning; why it is beneficial for the Countering Domestic Violence”; community to have a gender-oriented • Law of Ukraine of September 8, budget; why addressing the needs of 2005 № 2866-IV “On Ensuring Equal women and men (girls and boys) con- Rights and Opportunities for Women tributes to the effective use of the com- and Men” (hereinafter — Law № 2866- munity funds, etc. IV); Thus, gender-oriented budgeting • Law № 3739-VI of September 20, (GOB) is a budgeting method that fo- 2011 “On Combating Trafficking in cuses on specific people — women and Human Beings”; men, girls and boys from different social • Law of September 6, 2012 and demographic groups. № 5207-VI “On the Principles of Pre-

135 venting and Combating Discrimination sons and results achieved. PTM bud- in Ukraine”; geting is a grouping of different budget • Guidelines for the implementation expenditures into separate programs and application of a gender-oriented ap- so that each cost item is assigned to a proach to the budget process, approved specific type of program. The gender by the Order of the Ministry of Finance budgeting seeks to meet human needs of Ukraine dated January 2, 2019 № 1 through the budget processes [2]. [11] and others. As noted above, on January 2, 2019, The Budget Code of Ukraine (BCU) the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine ap- defines the budget as a plan for the proved Guidelines for the implemen- formation and use of the financial re- tation and application of a gender-ori- sources to provide tasks and functions, ented approach in the budget process respectively, carried out by the public [11]. This means that from 2019 all the authorities, local governments during ministries and services in Ukraine are the budget period (from January 1 to advised to include gender indicators for December 31) [2]. For this reason, the the budget programs. activities of the local authorities must In addition to state and local gov- be linked to the provision of the vital ernments, individual states, European services and the equitable distribution structures and NGOs of Ukraine are of resources for the benefit of women actively involved in the implementa- and men (girls and boys). tion of the GOB. So, in particular, in From this point of view, one of the our country since November 2013 till effective strategies is the implemen- now the “Gender Budgeting Project tation of the GOB. The implementa- in Ukraine” (GOB Project) has been tion of the GOB is possible at different running. Its aim is to increase the cost- levels — from the state budget to the effectiveness and transparency of the budget of a small community. In this budget allocations to meet the differ- context, the GOB may have a different ent needs of women and men through focus — it concerns the budget analysis the implementation of gender-oriented as a whole or focuses on a specific sector budgeting (GOB) in Ukraine. The ulti- (e.g. healthcare), may be implemented mate goal of the GOB is to strengthen at different stages of the budget cycle the fiscal policy outcomes by intro- (e.g., the planning or budgeting stage) ducing a gender and social dimension [7]. as an analytical category that directly The GOB reform, which is directly contributes to the reform of the pub- related to the implementation of the lic finance management. That is, the program-targeted budgeting method GOB is one of the powerful reforms of (hereinafter referred to as the PTM), Ukraine’s financial system. It is funded is headed by the Ministry of Finance by the Swedish International Develop- of Ukraine. It should be noted that ac- ment Agency (SIDA) project [10]. cording to Article 20 of the BCU, the In 2018 a free course called “Gen- PTM is based on the planning and al- der-Oriented Budgeting for Commu- location of the budgetary resources, as nity Development” was launched on well as the analysis of the cost compari- the Prometheus platform. The course

136 was commissioned by the Associa- boys in more expensive (football and tion of Ukrainian Cities (AUC) in the hockey). So, more money is spent on framework of the USAID Project “De- training boys. However, the girls in the velopment of a course for strengthening competition win more medals. We are the local self-government in Ukraine” dealing with “gender bias”. This is nei- (PULSE), implemented by the AUC, ther good nor bad, it is a fact. Gender in collaboration with the “Gender biases should be identified and elimi- Budgeting in Ukraine” (GOB) funded nated in the initial stages. In our case project as it has already been said — by - in schools. A physical culture lesson Sweden. The course is enriched by the is the first section where children see hands-on experience and materials of what physical education and sports are “UN Women” and the National Demo- all about. The head teacher or teacher cratic Institute for International Rela- who conducts the lesson should moti- tions (NDI) working within the US- vate the girls first, because boys love AID “Decentralization Delivers Better going to physical education, and girls Results and Effectiveness” (DOBRE) treat this subject differently. It may be program. necessary to revise or change the pro- The main components of the gender- grams of the physical education classes oriented budgeting process are: 1) gen- and sports sections, since not always der budget analysis; 2) changes in the girls want to play sports games, but programs and budgets; 3) systematic aerobics or gymnastics would be more integration of the GOB into the budget convenient to them [7]. process. A key component in the pro- Therefore, it is important not only cess of implementing gender-oriented to address the needs of women and men budgeting is gender budgeting analysis. (girls and boys) in all their diversity, The GOB’s mission is to reduce the but also to find ways to address them so-called “gender gaps” — the difference through programs and budgets. That in any sphere between women and men is why the society has a wide range of (girls and boys) in terms of their par- initiatives in gender budgeting, the ticipation, access, rights, rewards and so-called gender budgeting initiatives benefits. It is based on gender justice, (GBI). These are specific measures/ which envisages equality and equity in campaigns related to the possibility of the distribution of gender and responsi- changing the budgets and policies of the bility between women and men, and at- state towards greater gender equality. tention to the needs of the persons who Their implementation can take many may be different to achieve a gender forms, depending on the political level, balance [7]. the extent of coverage and the budget- N. Zhovnytska, in particular, cites ary stage at which they take place. an example of reducing the “gender The most popular GOB activities gaps”. According to statistics, 40 % include: of girls and 60 % of boys study at the • research; Children’s and Youth Sports School. • advocacy; Girls are engaged in cheaper sports • monitoring; (rhythmic gymnastics and rowing) and • teaching;

137 • raising awareness; • ensuring greater transparency of • analysis and development of the the public policy implemented by the relevant plans, programs, etc. national, regional and local authorities The Ukrainian GOB methodology [7]. consists of three main components: In addition, according to N. Zhov- • conducting gender budget analy- nytska, the implementation of the sis; GOB: • making changes to the programs • enhances both accountability and and budgets; transparency of the budget process; • systematic integration of the GOB • provides greater targeting of the into the planning and budgeting pro- services and, accordingly, the rational cesses [7]. use of the budgetary funds; It is clear that working within the • contributes to the improvement of GOB requires, first and foremost, a the quality of services for the popula- wide range of legislative and budgetary tion by establishing clear guidelines for activities. These are the so-called “en- the specific consumer; try points”, the main of which are: • enhances the citizen participation • developing gender statistics that in the budget process, especially wom- provide the necessary information to en [7]. better situate and correct the gender These tasks are particularly impor- asymmetries and imbalances; tant in situations where additional ef- • carrying out information and edu- forts are needed to ensure that limited cation work on gender issues, which, resources and funding are used effec- above all, provides an explanation of tively to meet the needs of, for example, the national gender equality policy; vulnerable populations or women and • creating opportunities for the par- men in conflict and post-conflict situ- ticipation of men and women in the ations. gender budgeting [7]. Conclusions from this research. N. Zhovnytska defines the main Therefore, when allocating funds to tasks of the GOB. Including: the healthcare, education, sports, social • ensuring a fair budgetary policy policy institutions, one should consider and contributing to reducing the in- the gender dimension and keep in mind equalities between women and men in that the needs of women and men, girls all spheres of the public life; and boys are different. That is, the es- • encouraging more efficient use sence of the GOB — this new tool for of the public funds (and local budget Ukraine — is to plan the revenue and funds — author) in accordance with expenditure part of the state and lo- predefined goals for the allocation of cal budgets in terms of who will be the resources and services for men and end consumer of the services financed women; by the respective budget. That is, the • improving the quality and effi- overall goal of the gender-oriented ciency of the public (and communal — budgeting is to increase economic ef- author) services to meet the different ficiency and transparency of the bud- needs of men and women; get expenditures, taking into account

138 the needs of women and men, girls and udzhetnykh prohram [Gender-orient- boys. ed budgeting as a criterion basis for Further studies of the problems that the effectiveness of budget programs]. we raised in the article concern the cov- Mizhnarodnyi naukovyi zhurnal “In- erage of problems of gender-oriented ternauka” – International scientific journal “Internship”, 8(1), 16–21 [in budgeting in the field of education at Ukrainian]. the level of the united territorial com- 6. Danylenko S., Lubynets K., Teresh- munity (UTC). chenko H., Cherniuk O. (2018). Shl- REFERENCES iakhy zaprovadzhennia genderno- oriientovanoho biudzhetuvannia v 1. Bykhovchenko V. P. (2019). Gen- Ukraini [Ways to introduce gender- derne biudzhetuvannia na mistsevomu oriented budgeting in Ukraine]. Os- rivni yak instrument pidvyshchennia vitnia analityka Ukrainy – Education- efektyvnosti vykorystannia biudzhet- al Analytics of Ukraine, 1, 103–115. nykh koshtiv [Gender Budgeting at Retrieved from the Local Level as a Tool for Improv- UJRN/educanalukr_2018_1_12 [in ing Budget Efficiency]. Efektyvna Ukrainian]. ekonomika – Effective Economics, 1. 7. Zhovnytska N. (2019). Genderno ori- Retrieved from http://www.economy. ientovane biudzhetuvannia z liudskym [in oblychchiam [Gender-oriented Bud- Ukrainian]. geting with a Human Face]. Biudzhet- 2. Zakon Ukrainy “Biudzhetnyi kodeks nyi protses – Budget Process, 14(738), Ukrainy” : vid 08 lypnia 2010 roku 7–9 [in Ukrainian]. № 2456-VI [Law of Ukraine “Budget 8. Tereshchenko H. M., Cherniuk O. Code of Ukraine” from July 8, 2010, S. (2018). Rozvytok enderno oriien- № 2456-VI]. Retrieved from https:// tovanoho biudzhetuvannia u haluzi osvity Ukrainy [Development of gen- 17 [in Ukrainian]. der-oriented budgeting in the field of 3. Genderno-oriientovane biudzhetu- education of Ukraine]. Naukovi pratsi vannia: analiz prohram, yaki finan- NDFI – RFI Scientific Papers, 1, 119– suiutsia z biudzhetu, z pozytsii gen- 130. Retrieved from dernoi rivnosti [Gender-oriented ua/UJRN/Npndfi_2018_1_11 [in budgeting: An analysis of budget-fund- Ukrainian]. ed programs from a gender perspec- 9. Ofitsiinyi vebsait Ministerstva finan- tive]. (n.d.). Retrieved siv Ukrainy [Official Website of the from Ministry of Finance of Ukraine]. www. documents/4463/UA%20manual%20 Retrieved from https:// GRB%20Analysis_PRINT.pdf [in [in Ukrainian]. Ukrainian]. 10. Ofitsiinyi vebsait Proiektu “Gen- 4. Genderno-oriientovane biudzhetuvan- derno oriientovane biudzhetuvannia” nia v Ukraini: teoriia i praktyka [Gen- (HOB) [The official website of the der-oriented Budgeting in Ukraine: Gender Oriented Budgeting (GOB)]. Theory and Practice]. (2016). Kyiv: Retrieved from http:// FOP Klymenko [in Ukrainian]. [in Ukrainian]. 5. Holynska O. V. (2018). Genderno- 11. Nakaz Ministerstva finansiv Ukrainy oriientovane biudzhetuvannia yak “Pro zatverdzhennia Metodychnykh kryterialna osnova efektyvnosti bi- rekomendatsii shchodo vprovadzhen-

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140 UDC: 351 2020-2(22)-141-149 Panchenko Oleg Anatoliyovych, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Hon- ored Doctor of Ukraine, President of the All- Ukrainian Professional Psychiatric League (Kyiv), Director of the State Institution “Scientific and Practical Medical Rehabili- tation and Diagnostic Center of the Minis- try of Health of Ukraine”, Kostyantinivka, Donetsk region, Ukraine 85110, 14 O. Nevs- koho Str., tel. (06272) 2-55-17, Email: oap@, https// 6685 Панченко Олег Анатолійович, доктор медичних наук, професор, Заслу- жений лікар України, президент Всеукра- їнської професійної психіатричної ліги (м. Київ), директор ДЗ “Науково-практичний медичний реабілітаційно-діагностичний центр МОЗ України”, м. Костянтинівка, Донецька область, Україна, 85110, вул. О.Невського, 14, тел. (06272) 2-55-17, e-mail: [email protected], https// Панченко Олег Анатольевич, доктор медицинских наук, профессор, Заслуженный врач Украины, президент Все- украинской профессиональной психиатрической лиги (г. Киев), директор ГУ “Науч- но-практический медицинский реабилитационно-диагностический центр Мини- стерства здравоохранения Украины”, г. Константиновка, Донецкая область, Укра- ина, 85110, ул. А. Невского, 14, тел. (06272) 2-55-17, e-mail: [email protected], https//orcid. org/0000-0001-9673-6685


Abstract. The article states that the introduction of the modern information technologies in the sphere of life (cultural, social, economic, political) has sig- nificantly increased the dependence of the society and each individual on the reliability of the functioning of the information infrastructure, the reliability of the information used, its protection from the unauthorized modification, as well as illegal access to it. The following definition of the concept of information security is formula- ted — it is a state of the information environment that provides satisfaction of the information needs of the subjects of the information relations, security of in- formation and protection of the subjects from negative information influence. In this definition, the subjects of the information relations can be: the state, the so-

141 ciety, organizations, people. The following types of information security are char- acterized: information security of the state, information security of the society and information security of the individual. It is stated that the information security, based on the twofold essence of in- formation, should be aimed at protecting both its objective and subjective com- ponent. In the first case it acts in the form of security of the information, in the second — in the form of information and mental security. Thus, the protection of information involves a system of measures aimed at preventing the unauthorized access to information, unauthorized modification, loss, destruction, violation of integrity, etc. However, the problem of protecting the citizens from negative information is much more complicated than the prob- lem of protecting information in general, because information risks are extremely diverse and their impact is not always obvious. In the conditions of turbulence the solution of the problem of protection of the society in the information sphere must be complex-systemic in nature and implemented at different levels: normative, institutional, personal. Keywords: information, informatization, information security, information society, threats and risks. СУСПІЛЬНИЙ ЗАПИТ НА ІНФОРМАЦІЙНУ БЕЗПЕКУ Анотація. Зазначено, що впровадження сучасних інформаційних техно- логій у сфери життєдіяльності (культурну, соціальну, економічну, політич- ну) істотно підвищило залежність суспільства і кожної конкретної людини від надійності функціонування інформаційної інфраструктури, достовірно- сті використовуваної інформації, її захищеності від несанкціонованої моди- фікації, а також протиправного доступу до неї. Сформульоване наступне визначення поняття інформаційна безпека — це стан інформаційного середовища, що забезпечує задоволення інформа- ційних потреб суб’єктів інформаційних відносин, безпеку інформації та за- хист суб’єктів від негативного інформаційного впливу. В даному визначенні суб’єктами інформаційних відносин можуть бути: держава, суспільство, ор- ганізації, людина. Охарактеризовані наступні види інформаційної безпеки: інформаційна безпека держави, інформаційна безпека суспільства та інфор- маційна безпека особистості. Зазначено, що інформаційна безпека, виходячи з двоєдиної сутності ін- формації повинна бути спрямована як на захист об’єктивної, так і суб’єктив- ної її складової. У першому випадку вона виступає у вигляді безпеки інфор- мації, у другому — у вигляді інформаційно-психічної безпеки. Таким чином, захист інформації передбачає систему заходів, спрямова- них на недопущення несанкціонованого доступу до інформації, несанкціоно- ваної її модифікації, втрати, знищення, порушення цілісності тощо. Однак, проблема захисту громадян від негативної інформації значно складніша, ніж проблема захисту інформації загалом через те, що інформаційні ризики над- звичайно різноманітні, а їх вплив не завжди очевидний.

142 В умовах турбулентності вирішення проблеми захисту суспільства в ін- формаційній сфері повинно носити комплексний системний характер та здійснюватися на різних рівнях: нормативному, інституційному, та особи- стісному. Ключові слова: інформація, інформатизація, інформаційна безпека, ін- формаційне суспільство, загрози та ризики. ОБЩЕСТВЕННЫЙ ЗАПРОС НА ИНФОРМАЦИОННУЮ БЕЗОПАСНОСТЬ Аннотация. Указано, что внедрение современных информационных тех- нологий в сферы жизнедеятельности (культурную, социальную, экономи- ческую, политическую) существенно повысило зависимость общества и каждого конкретного человека от надежности функционирования инфор- мационной инфраструктуры, достоверности используемой информации, ее защищенности от несанкционированной модификации, а также противо- правного доступа к ней. Сформулировано следующее определение понятия информационная безопасность — это состояние информационной среды, обеспечивающей удовлетворение информационных потребностей субъектов информаци- онных отношений, безопасность информации и защиту субъектов от не- гативного информационного воздействия. В данном определении субъ- ектами информационных отношений могут быть: государство, общество, организации, человек. Охарактеризованы следующие виды информаци- онной безопасности: информационная безопасность государства, инфор- мационная безопасность общества и информационная безопасность лич- ности. Отмечено, что информационная безопасность, исходя из двуединой сущ- ности информации должна быть направлена как на защиту объективной, так и субъективной ее составляющей. В первом случае она выступает в виде безопасности информации, во втором — в виде информационно-психологи- ческой безопасности. Таким образом, защита информации предусматривает систему меропри- ятий, направленных на недопущение несанкционированного доступа к ин- формации, несанкционированной ее модификации, потери, уничтожения, нарушения целостности и тому подобное. Однако, проблема защиты гра- ждан от негативной информации значительно сложнее, чем проблема защи- ты информации в целом из-за того, что информационные риски чрезвычай- но разнообразны, а их влияние не всегда очевидны. В условиях турбулентности решение проблемы защиты общества в ин- формационной сфере должно носить комплексный системный характер и осуществляться на разных уровнях: нормативном, институциональном и личностном. Ключевые слова: информация, информатизация, информационная без- опасность, информационное общество, угрозы и риски.

143 Formulation of the problem. The the individual in the conditions of tur- most important role in the develop- bulence. ment of the modern society belongs Analysis of the recent publica- to informatization, the peculiarity of tions on the subject. The information which is that one of the main activi- security, problems of protection of the ties of the members of the society is the national information space have been processes associated with information. researched by many scientists. In par- The information society to which hu- ticular, the problem is reflected in the manity is eagerly seeking is radically works of U. Ilnytska, V. Pocheptsov, changing the status of information, Yu. Lisovska, O. Oleynik, T. Perun, expanding its potential as a positive re- V. Hurkovsky, K. Zakharenko, V. Zho- source and revealing its sharply nega- gov, H. Foros, V. Trinyak, Yu. Mu- tive potential. Information has always ravska, A. Marushchak and other surrounded people, so any society can specialists. However, the problem of be considered informative. protecting the citizens from negative However, the introduction of the information is much more complicated modern information technologies in than the problem of protecting the in- the sphere of life (cultural, social, eco- formation in general, because informa- nomic, political) has significantly in- tion risks are extremely diverse and creased the dependence of the society their impact is not always obvious. and each individual on the reliability Therefore, the prevention of negative of the functioning of the information information influences and their neu- infrastructure, the reliability of the in- tralization require additional research formation used, its protection from the of the problems of information security unauthorized modification, as well as of the society and the individual in the illegal access to it. conditions of turbulence, development The modern man, his daily life has of theoretical and methodological bases proven to be addicted to mass commu- of the public administration in the field nication. The proliferation of the net- of the national information security. worked computer technologies, mobile Thus, the study of the negative infor- communications and the Internet, in- mation impacts, the search for mecha- formation resources of the modern so- nisms to protect the citizens from them ciety can carry not only good but also is a pressing issue for the science and be exposed to increasing number of practice of the public administration, threats, which can harm the interests namely information security as an in- of the individual, the society, the state, tegral component of the Ukraine’s na- lead to economic losses and threaten tional security the security of the national information Formulation of the purposes security. In this connection, the issue (goal) of the article. Expand the con- of the public request for information cept of information security, character- security becomes extremely important. ize the types of information security, The chosen topic of the research is investigate the public request for infor- intended to help solve the problem of mation security in a turbulent environ- information security of the society and ment.

144 Outline of the main research ma- able information; its destructive influ- terial. In the general sense security is ence; misuse and dissemination of the a state of protection against anything personal data; 2) the state of protec- and can be applied both to the indivi- tion of the national information space, dual in particular and to the society and which ensures the formation, use and the state as a whole. At the same time, development of the latter in the inter- security as a concept differs depending ests of the citizens, organizations, the on its scope: political science, sociology, state [4; 8]. economics, etc. In the theory of nation- The concept of “information secu- al security the following formulations rity” is defined by the following com- are widely used: “national security”, ponents [9]: “personal security”, “state security”, First — meeting the information “international security”, “information needs of the subjects in the informa- security”, “political security”, “social se- tion environment. It is obvious that curity”, “military security”, etc. [1–3]. without the subject’s necessary infor- Today, with the concept of “infor- mation, information security cannot be mation security”, in particular, with its ensured. The information needs of dif- terminological definition, a paradoxical ferent entities are not the same, but in situation has arisen. On the one hand, any case the lack of necessary informa- the term “information security” is wide- tion can have negative consequences. ly used in the scientific publications, Second — the security of informa- educational literature and legislative tion. The requirements of complete- documents of different levels, on the ness, authenticity and timeliness other hand, this concept is still ambigu- of information must be respected ous, and its content in different sources throughout the circulation of informa- has fundamental differences [4–6]. tion, as violations of them may lead to In our opinion, security is a state incorrect decisions or, in general, to task, not only in the absence of threats inability to make decisions, as well as that are subjectively perceived by the breaches of confidentiality status may individuals and groups, but also in the devalue the information. Therefore, assessment and preparation of the in- information should be protected from dividuals and government structures influences that violate its status. for information threats. From the point Third — protection of the subjects of view of social relations, security can of the information relations from nega- be called a state in which a person has tive information influence. Making the a sense of confidence and security, a wrong decisions can be caused not only sense of trust in another person or the by the lack of necessary information, legal system. The opposite of security but also by the presence of harmful, is risk [7]. dangerous information for the subject, Information security is: 1) a state of which is often purposefully imposed. protection of the vital interests of the With this approach, the following individual, the society and the state, definition can be formulated: Informa- which minimizes the damage caused by tion security is a state of the information incompleteness, untimely and unreli- environment that provides satisfaction

145 of the information needs of the subjects tion of the legal rights of the individual of the information relations, security of and society in the information sphere. information and protection of the sub- In other words, the information secu- jects from negative information influ- rity of the state is a state of the state ence. In this definition, the subjects of where its information environment the information relations can be: the cannot be harmed through the use of state, society, organizations, people. information resources and systems. In the context of national security Information security of the state is the more complete definition of in- an integral part of the national secu- formation security is the following: rity of the country, which is ensured “information security is a state of pro- through the comprehensive organiza- tection of the vital interests of the indi- tion of all resources and systems. vidual, the society and the state, which Information security of the society minimizes the damage caused by incom- is a state of the society in which it can- plete, untimely and unreliable informa- not be harmed significantly by influ- tion, negative information impact, nega- encing its information sphere. Infor- tive consequences of the functioning of mation security of the society can be the information technologies, as well as achieved both as a result of measures through the unauthorized dissemination aimed at maintaining the most infor- of information” [10; 11]. mative environment in a secure state of According to the analysis of the sci- the object, protecting the object from entific literature on the issue of infor- destructive influence, and by strength- mation security, most scholars agree ening the immunity and developing that information security is an integral the ability of the society and its mem- part of the national security. Informa- bers to evade the destructive informa- tion security is an integral part of over- tion exposure. all security, whether national, regional Security is one of the basic human or international. needs, that is, very important to the There are the following types of in- society. A sense of security must be formation security (Figure). linked to a state of peace, a lack of fear. Information security of the state — Information security in its research fo- the state of preservation of the informa- cuses on identifying the state of threats tion resources of the state and protec- to devices, systems, traffic segments

Types of information security

Information security Information security Information security of the state of the society of the individual

Fig. 1. Types of information security

146 and information security measures, as The third level is individual, that is well as the likelihood of risks for them. connected, above all, with self-teach- For every society the issue of security ing, self-education, formation of a is one of the main dimensions of its way high level of information culture of of thinking about the social reality [7]. the personality as part of the general Information security of the indi- culture of the person. At this level the vidual — a state of protection of the formation of the necessary personal individual, various social groups and qualities take place for ensuring the associations of people from influences, information self-protection of the in- capable against their will and desire to dividual. change the mental states and psycho- Conclusions and prospects for fur- logical characteristics of the individu- ther research. Information systems al, to modify his behavior and limit the in today’s economic space, given the freedom of his choice. widespread use of the digital tools, are, The risks to the information secu- on the one hand, an invaluable source rity of the individual may include in- of knowledge about the state of the terference with privacy, use of the in- business entities and, on the other, a tellectual property objects, restriction target for the unauthorized collection of access to information, unlawful use and receipt of such information and of the social media that act on the sub- competition. Information security, conscious, misinformation, misrepre- based on the twofold essence of infor- sentation [12]. mation, should be aimed at protecting Information protection is a guaran- both its objective and subjective com- tee of security, a task of the state. The ponent. In the first case it acts in the protection of information provides a form of security of the information, in system of measures aimed at prevent- the second — in the form of informa- ing the unauthorized access to the in- tion and mental security. formation, unauthorized modification, In the conditions of turbulence loss, destruction, breach of integrity, the solution to the problem of ensur- etc. ing information security must be of a The solution to the problem of en- complex-systemic nature and be imple- suring the information security of the mented at different levels (normative, society and the individual should be institutional, personal). complex-systemic in nature and imple- mented at different levels. The first level is normative. A con- REFERENCES sistent regulatory framework must be 1. Foros G. V., Zhogov V. S. (2019). Fea- created that takes into account all as- tures of the interpretation of the con- pects of the information security prob- cept of “cybersecurity” in modern le- lem. gal science [Osoblyvosti traktuvannia The second level is institutional, poniattia “kiberbezpeka” v suchasnij which implies the concerted activities iurydychnij nautsi]. Pravova derzha- of different social institutions related va — Constitutional state, 33, 128–134 to education and socialization. [in Ukraine].

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149 UDC 343.341 2020-2(22)-150-161 Parkhomenko-Kutsevil Oksana Ihorivna, Doctor of Sciences in Public Administration, assistant professor, Head of the Depart- ment of Public Administration, Interregional Academy of Personnel Management, 03039, Kyiv, Str. Frometovskaya 2, tel .: (044) 264- 52-54, e-mail: [email protected], https//orcid. org/0000-0002-0758-346X Пархоменко-Куцевіл Оксана Ігорівна, доктор наук з державного управління, до- цент, завідувач кафедри публічного адмі- ністрування, Міжрегіональна Академія управління персоналом, 03039, м. Київ, вул. Фрометівська, 2, тел.: (044) 264- 52-54, e-mail: [email protected], https//orcid. org/0000-0002-0758-346X Пархоменко-Куцевил Оксана Игоревна, доктор наук по государственному управ- лению, доцент, заведующая кафедрой пу- бличного администрирования, Межрегиональная Академия управления персоналом, 03039, г. Киев, ул. Фрометовская, 2, тел.: (044) 264-52-54, e-mail: [email protected], https//


Abstract. The system of anti-corruption and anti-corruption bodies in Ukraine is currently undergoing formation and development, but this process is slow. The National Agency for the Prevention of Corruption, the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine, the Specialized Anti-Corruption Prosecutor’s Office, the Na- tional Agency of Ukraine for Detection, Investigation and Management of Assets Obtained from Corruption and Other Crimes, as well as the former staff court. However, these state institutions do not benefit the state, and cases of prevention and fight against corruption are solitary rather than systemic.

150 In addition, there is a problem with the politicization of the formation and de- velopment of anti-corruption institutions. Therefore, today there is a need to study the foreign experience of anti-corrup- tion institutions in order to implement such experience in Ukrainian realities. The article analyzed the experience of organizing anti-corruption institutions in Finland, France, the , Singapore, Japan, South Korea and China. The existence of different models of formation of anti-corruption institutions abroad is substantiated, while the effectiveness depends not only on the presence or absence of such institutions, but also on the quality of staff, political support for the activities of such bodies and the development of anti-corruption institu- tions. In Ukraine, anti-corruption institutions are beginning to emerge and develop. These include: Specialized anti-corruption prosecutors; National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine; The National Anti-Corruption Agency; The State Bureau of Investigation; National Agency of Ukraine for Detection, Investigation and Man- agement of Assets Received from Corruption and Other Crimes; High Anticor- ruption Court. Keywords: corruption, anti-corruption policy, public authorities, anti-cor- ruption institutions, conflict of interests. КОНЦЕПТУАЛЬНІ ПРИНЦИПИ ФОРМУВАННЯ АНТИКОРУПЦІЙНИХ ІНСТИТУЦІЙ ОРГАНІВ ДЕРЖАВНОЇ ВЛАДИ: УКРАЇНСЬКИЙ І СВІТОВИЙ ДОСВІД Анотація. Система органів запобігання та боротьби з корупцією в Украї- ні на даний час переживає становлення та розвиток, разом з тим цей процес відбувається повільно. В Україні створено та діє Національне агентство з пи- тань запобігання корупції, Національне антикорупційне бюро України, Спе- ціалізована антикорупційна прокуратура, Національне агентство України з питань виявлення, розшуку та управління активам, одержаними від коруп- ційних та інших злочинів та ін., а також сформований кадровий склад Ви- щого антикорупційного суду. Однак, зазначені державні інституції не прино- сять користі державі, а випадки запобігання та боротьби з корупцією носять поодинокий, а не системний характер. Крім того, існує проблема за політизованості формування та розвитку ан- тикорупційних інституцій. Тому, на сьогодні виникла потреба у вивченні закордонного досвіду анти- корупційних інституцій, з метою імплементації такого досвіду в українські реалії. У статті проаналізовано досвід організації антикорупційних інституцій у Фінляндії, Франції, Нідерландах, Сінгапурі, Японії, Південній Кореї та Ки- таї. Обґрунтовано існування різних моделей формування антикорупційних інституцій за кордоном, тоді як ефективність залежить не лише від наявності чи відсутності таких установ, а й від якості персоналу, політичної підтримки діяльності таких органів та розвиток антикорупційних інститутів.

151 В Україні антикорупційні інститути починають формуватися та розви- ватися. До них належать: Спеціалізовані антикорупційні прокурори; На- ціональне антикорупційне бюро України; Національне агентство з питань запобігання корупції; Державне бюро розслідувань; Національне агентство України з питань виявлення, розслідування та управління активами, отрима- ними від корупції та інших злочинів; Вищий антикорупційний суд. Ключові слова: корупція, антикорупційна політика, органи державної влади, антикорупційні інститути, конфлікт інтересів. КОНЦЕПТУАЛЬНЫЕ ПРИНЦИПЫ ФОРМИРОВАНИЯ АНТИКОРРУПЦИОННЫХ ИНСТИТУТОВ ОРГАНОВ ГОСУДАРСТВЕННОЙ ВЛАСТИ: УКРАИНСКИЙ И МИРОВОЙ ОПЫТ Аннотация. Система органов предотвращению и борьбе с коррупцией в Украине в настоящее время переживает становление и развитие, вместе с тем этот процесс происходит медленно. В Украине создан и действует На- циональное агентство по предупреждению коррупции, Национальное анти- коррупционное бюро Украины, Специализированная антикоррупционная прокуратура, Национальное агентство Украины по вопросам выявления, розыска и управления активам, полученным от коррупционных и других преступлений и др., А также сформирован кадровый состав Высшего анти- коррупционного суда. Однако, указанные государственные учреждения не приносят пользы государству, а случаи предотвращению и борьбе с корруп- цией носят единичный, а не системный характер. Кроме того, существует проблема с политизированности формирования и развития антикоррупционных институтов. Поэтому сегодня возникла по- требность в изучении зарубежного опыта антикоррупционных институтов, с целью имплементации такого опыта в украинских реалиях. В статье проанализирован опыт организации антикоррупционных инсти- тутов в Финляндии, Франции, Нидерландах, Сингапуре, Японии, Южной Корее и Китае. Обосновано существование различных моделей формирова- ния антикоррупционных институтов за рубежом, тогда как эффективность зависит не только от наличия или отсутствия таких учреждений, но и от ка- чества персонала, политической поддержки деятельности таких органов и развитие антикоррупционных институтов. В Украине антикоррупционные институты начинают формироваться и развиваться. К ним относятся: Специализированные антикоррупционные прокуроры; Национальное антикоррупционное бюро Украины; Нацио- нальное агентство по предупреждению коррупции; Государственное бюро расследований Национальное агентство Украины по вопросам выявления, расследования и управления активами, полученными от коррупции и других преступлений; Высший антикоррупционный суд. Ключевые слова: коррупция, антикоррупционная политика, органы госу- дарственной власти, Антикоррупционный институты, конфликт интересов.

152 Formulation of the problem. To S. Seryogin, M. Khavronyuk and form a positive international image of others. Ukraine, the rapid development of cor- Formulating the goals of the article ruption hinders the implementation (statement of the task). The purpose of important reforms of the modern article is to carry out systematic analy- Ukrainian society, as well as the eco- sis of the formation and development of nomic development of our state. anti-corruption bodies of state power It should be noted that the most abroad and in Ukraine. corrupt Ukrainians highlight those Presenting main material. Analyz- institutions which are called to fight ing the experience of forming anticor- corruption — courts (66 %), law en- ruption institutions in Europe and Asia. forcement agencies (64 %), civil service Finland is considered to be the least (56 %), and also health (54 %), Parlia- corrupt country in Europe, but in the ment (53 %), political parties (45 %), country has never issued any special media (22 %), public organizations laws on corruption or the creation of (20 %) [1]. special bodies for its control. Corrup- Today the problem arose to system- tion is seen as a part of criminal crime atically analyses the development of and is regulated at all levels of the law anti-corruption institutions abroad in by the legal standards on the fight order to identify best practices and im- against bribes [2]. plement them in the Ukrainian society. The control of the implementa- It should be noted that there are either tion of anti-corruption norms and the special institutions preventing corrup- adoption of measures in case of their tion abroad or special courts and police violation is carried out by traditional are in charge of these issues. judicial and law enforcement agencies. An analysis of recent research and A personal role is played by the Chan- publications, which launched the so- cellor of Justice and the Ombudsman of lution to this problem. the Parliament, who are appointed by The problem of preventing and over- the President of the Republic, and they coming corruption, including the cre- are completely independent of all state ation of anticorruption authorities, is structures, including each other. They analyzed by scientists in various fields are guided only by law in their activi- of science, including lawyers, political ties. Their instructions include all the scientists, sociologists, psychologists, right instruments that are necessary for public officials, and others. In particu- conducting investigations and taking lar, the problems of the conceptually appropriate measures. categorical apparatus “corruption”, the To investigate allegations against responsibility for corruption offences, senior officials of a special category and the systematisation of corruption (members of the government, the are analysed by: O. Busol, O. Guskov, Chancellor of Justice, the Ombudsman L. Bagrie-Shahmatov, O. Dudorov, of Parliament, members of the Supreme A. Zakalyuk, O. Kalman, M. Kamlik, Administrative Court) there is a special O. Kostenko, O. Kuznetsov, M. Mel- institution — the State Court, convened nyk, E. Nevmerzhitsky, A. Radyk, as necessary, but acts on the basis of the

153 country’s constitution. This court may The main anti-corruption measures also consider allegations against the in the Netherlands are that: firstly, president of the country [3, p. 179]. created strict public control over the The State Court is headed by the activities of officials; secondly, mass president of the Supreme Court, and media that announce cases of corrup- consists of the chairman of the Admin- tion and often carry out independent istrative Court, Extra Court and five investigations play an important role deputies of the parliament elected by in combating corruption; thirdly, ma- the parliament. In fact, this is a “court terials related to corruption actions, if of impeachment”, which may decide to they are not related to the system of remove from the position of persons of national security, necessarily become the specified category. In the postwar known to the general public; fourthly, period, the State Court convened only a special type of the special police has once. Thus, neither high positions, nor been created that has wide powers in deputy mandates, nor public activities disclosing corruption crimes [5, p. 196; are saved from accusations of corrup- 6, p. 180–181] tion and punishment in Finland. In The Singapore Corruption Investi- the fight against corruption, Finland gation Bureau (BROC) was founded actively uses international legal instru- in 1952 as an independent body that ments, cooperates with other countries functions as a preventive and anti-cor- in this field, practices its legislation ruption institution. The Bureau was according to international norms and created on the basis of another body — laws. She signed and ratified the main a division of the Singaporean Police, documents, including the 1997 Con- known as the Anticorruption Divi- vention on Corruption, the Conven- sion. By 1952, all cases of corruption tion on the Organization of Economic were investigated by the efforts of this Cooperation and Development 1998 on small subdivision. The main reason for the fight against bribes, the United Na- the creation of the BRKD was the fact tions Convention against Corruption, that in the 1940s – early 1950s, corrup- 2003. [3, p. 179]. tion became part of the everyday life of The main functions of the Central Singaporeans. To investigate all cases Anti-Corruption Service In France are: of corruption, the Singapore Govern- centralization of information necessary ment has created an independent body to prevent (detect) facts of active and that was not part of the police structure passive corruption, abuse of office from and was given investigative powers. At both civil servants and individuals, as the beginning of its activity, BRDD well as Assist the judicial authorities in faced a number of problems. Gather- the event of their request for informa- ing evidence in cases of corruption was tion, indicating the facts of the offences. complicated, due to the imperfection of The Central Service informs the Pros- anti-corruption legislation. The lack of ecutor of the republic for conducting trust in the work of the Bureau on the an investigation [4, p. 282]. Thus, this part of the public has been considered service serves as a prevention of corrup- as another problem. Citizens refused tion and overcoming it. to cooperate with the ARDS, did not

154 believe in the effectiveness of his work initiate an investigation of corruption and were afraid of revenge. Today, the charges on any application by citizens Bureau’s work is based on four core [7, p. 176]. principles of the fight against corrup- The root of the anticorruption pol- tion, which include: effective law en- icy of the People’s Republic of China forcement, anti-corruption legislation, is the vertical model of countering cor- the administration of justice and ad- ruption. The problem of corruption ministration. [2]. is connected with the existence of the In Japan (the Corruption Percep- millennial history of the privileged bu- tions Index — 76, ranked 15th among reaucracy, which is considered an inte- 175 states), personnel policy is one of gral part of the functioning of the en- the most important directions of strug- tire Chinese mechanism [7, p. 42]. The gle against corruption. It is based on the counteraction to this unlawful phe- principle of meritocracy, the creation of nomenon is coordinated by a special- initial conditions for objectively gifted ized body — the National Bureau for and hard-working people, so that they the Prevention of Corruption. in the future could have a high social In China, repressive methods pre- status in conditions of free competition. vail under the rigid anti-corruption Thus, the leading positions in the state criminal legislation. Sanctions for the should be the most capable persons, commission of corruption offences in- regardless of their social or economic clude the highest degree of punishment: background [7, p. 176]. A decent level since 2000, about 10 thousand officials of material support is part of the pres- were executed for corruption [9, p. 82]. tige of public service in Japan. An im- According to the Corruption Percep- portant step in Japan’s anti-corruption tions Index, China has an index of 36, activities is the adoption in 2001 of the ranked 100th among 175 countries. This Law “On Disclosure of Information”. proves that the most severe measures of The provisions of this document guar- criminal law can not be recognized as antee the citizens of the state access to an absolute measure to eradicate cor- official information stored in the au- ruption. thorities. The requirement for disclo- Effective anti-corruption measures sure of information addressed to the in the People’s Republic of China are Council for the control of disclosure of recognized: information is foreseen in the event of 1) improving procedures for interac- restrictions on access to certain types of tion with citizens and organizations to information [7]. avoid bureaucratic interferences; In South Korea, in accordance with 2) ensuring the transparency of de- the Republic of Korea Law on Combat- partmental control in various areas; ing Corruption of 2002, any adult citi- 3) carrying out the rotation of offi- zen of the country has the right to start cials to prevent to investigate the fact of corruption. 4) forming stable corrupt oversights; The South Korean Special Correction- 5) prohibiting children and relatives al Authority is the Committee on Au- from doing business in the field where dit and Inspection, which is obliged to the person holds a leading position;

155 6) operational response on calls The following specialised functions coming to the hotline for anonymous are assigned to the Specialised Anti- notification of the facts of receiving Corruption Prosecutor’s Office: (giving) a bribe or abuse of office [2, 1) Supervision over observance of p. 313–314]. laws during conducting of operational Therefore, there are different mod- and investigative activities, pre-trial els for the formation of anti-corruption investigation by the National Anticor- institutions abroad. While efficiency ruption bureau of Ukraine; depends not only on the presence or 2) maintenance of state prosecution absence of such institutions, but also on in relevant proceedings; the quality of staffing, political support 3) representation of the interests of for the activities of such bodies, and the a citizen or state in court in cases pro- development of anti-corruption insti- vided for by this Law that also relates tutions. to corruption or corruption-related of- Now, we will analyses the current fences [11]. model of the formation of anti-corrup- The authority of anti-corruption tion bodies in Ukraine. prosecutors also includes granting per- Thus, according to the current legis- mission to initiate an investigation by lation one can distinguish the following NABU detectives and a decision to anti-corruption authorities of the state: transfer the case to court. Thus, the 1) the public prosecutor’s offices, normative and legal documents pro- including the Specialized Anti-Corrup- vide for a close Cooperation Special- tion Prosecutor; ised Anti-Corruption Prosecutor’s 2) the National Anti-Corruption Office with the National Anti-Corrup- Bureau of Ukraine; tion Bureau of Ukraine. The National 3) National Agency for the Preven- Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine is tion of Corruption; a state law enforcement agency, which 4) State Investigation Bureau; is responsible for warning, manifesta- 5) National Agency of Ukraine for tion the termination, investigation, the Detection, Investigation and Man- and disclosure of corruption offences agement of Assets Received from Cor- attributed to its jurisdiction, as well ruption and Other Crimes; as the prevention of the commission 6) The Highest Anticorruption of new ones. The task of the National Court. Bureau is to counteract a criminal cor- We shall analyse in detail the basic ruption offence committed by senior functions and role of the said bodies in officials authorised to perform state or the system of anti-corruption policy local government functions and poses a implementation. threat to national security [12]. In accordance with the Law of The cooperation of the National An- Ukraine “On the Prosecutor’s Of- ti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine with fice” [6], the Prosecutor’s Office of other anti-corruption bodies has been Ukraine includes, in particular, the established in Ukraine’s current legis- Specialised Anti-Corruption Prosecu- lation. Thus, the National Anti-Cor- tor’s Office. ruption Bureau of Ukraine interacts

156 with the National Bank of Ukraine, the The Law of Ukraine “On the State State Property Fund of Ukraine, the Bureau of Investigations” [15] intro- Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine, duced the activities of the State Bureau the National Agency for the Preven- of Investigations, which is a central tion of Corruption, the State Border body of executive power, which carries Guard Service, the bodies of the State out law enforcement activities in order Tax and Customs Service, the central to prevent, detect, terminate, disclose executive authority, which implements and investigate crimes pertaining to its the state policy in the sphere of preven- competence. tion and counteraction to the legalisa- The State Bureau of Investigations tion (laundering) of the proceeds from decides tasks for preventing, detecting, crime, financing of terrorism and the terminating, disclosing and investigat- proliferation of weapons of mass de- ing: struction, and other government agen- • crimes committed by civil servants cies. At the same time, mechanisms and and who hold a particularly responsible concrete actions in the part of coopera- position in accordance with part one tion that create problems in ensuring of Article 9 of the Law of Ukraine “On the implementation of anti-corruption Civil Service”, persons whose positions mechanisms are not defined. are classified in the first–third catego- It is important that the structure of ries of civil service positions, judges and the National Anti-Corruption Bureau employees of law enforcement agencies, of Ukraine provides for the introduc- except when these crimes are attrib- tion of territorial departments’ activi- uted to the investigation detectives of ties, which will allow systematically the National Anti-Corruption Bureau to resolve issues of prevention, detec- of Ukraine tion, termination, investigation and • crimes committed by officials disclosure of corruption offences in the of the National Anti-Corruption Bu- regions. For example, territorial units reau of Ukraine, Deputy Prosecutor have already been established and op- General Head of the Specialized Anti- erate, which have already detected cor- Corruption Office or other prosecu- ruption offences on the ground. tors of the Specialized Anti-Corruption The National Agency for the Pre- Prosecutor’s Office, except when the vention of Corruption is a central ex- pre-trial investigation of these crimes ecutive body with a special status that is attributed to the investigation of de- ensures the formation and implemen- tectives of the internal control unit of tation of state anti-corruption policy the National Anti-Corruption Bureau [11]. One of the important functions of Ukraine, for society and the public is checking • crimes against the established or- the declarations of persons authorised der of military service (war crimes), on the functions of the state or local except for the crimes provided for in self-government. However, today this Article 422 of the Criminal Code of function is almost not implemented, Ukraine [15]. because of the slow process of checking Moreover, the Law of Ukraine “On declarations. the Supreme Anti-Corruption Court of

157 Ukraine”, which provides for the intro- investigation and asset management; duction of the High Anti-Corruption provides cooperation with internation- Court of Ukraine. The task of the Su- al, intergovernmental organizations, preme Anticorruption Court is to ad- networks whose activities are aimed at minister justice in accordance with the providing international cooperation in principles and procedures established the field of detection, tracing and asset by law in order to protect individuals, management, including the Camden society and the state from corruption Interagency Asset Recovery Network and related crimes and judicial con- (SARIN), and represents Ukraine in trol over the pre-trial investigation of this organization [8] At the same time, these crimes, observance of the rights, it should be noted that in Ukraine, al- freedoms and interests of persons in the though established anti-corruption criminal the proceedings [16]. Today authorities, however, the activities of it is only planned to introduce the ac- these bodies are ineffective, the lack of tivities of these bodies of state power. real results of activities, coordinated ac- There are problems in the absence of tions in the realization of anti-corrup- the relevant specialists in this field, tion events, which, in turn, forms the the lack of experience in forming such negative attitude of the public towards a court, the absence of a systematic vi- such newly created institutions. This sion of the work of the Supreme Anti- is due to many factors, in particular, corruption Court. firstly, the absence of specially trained The National Agency of Ukraine on specialists who will implement anticor- the Detection, Detection and Manage- ruption policy, are aware of the issues of ment of Assets Received from Corrup- preventing and overcoming corruption, tion and Other Crimes is the central have appropriate qualifications and ex- executive body from a special status perience. Secondly, the lack of experi- that ensures the formation and imple- ence of the activity and institutional mentation of state policy in the field of capacity of the said bodies, as these detection and prosecution of assets that are newly created bodies, they form may be subject to seizure in criminal their activities, taking into account proceedings, and asset management, the experience of European and world which are seized or confiscated in crim- practices, which does not always work. inal proceedings [8]. In order to detect After all, in Ukraine, the nature of cor- and seek assets, the National Agency: ruption is different from corruption in interacts with these authorities in order other countries, so we should take into to arrest and confiscate such assets, in account the national peculiarities of accordance with the appeals of the pre- the manifestation of corruption in our trial investigation agencies, the prose- country. Thirdly, these bodies slowly cutor's office, the courts of measures for started their activities, since the staff- the detection and tracing of assets; car- ing of such bodies was formed for a very ries out international cooperation with long time. In particular, the National relevant bodies of foreign states in the Agency for the Prevention of Corrup- exchange of experience and informa- tion for more than a year did not work in tion on issues related to the detection, full (4 members of the National Agency

158 from 5 were appointed); at present, the for the activities of such bodies, and the personnel of the National Agency of development of anti-corruption insti- Ukraine for Detection, Investigation tutions. and Asset Management, Obtained from In Ukraine, anti-corruption in- Corruption and other crimes, as well stitutions start to establish and de- as the State Bureau of Investigations. velop. These include: Specialized An- Fourth, there is no interaction between ti-Corruption Prosecutors; National the said bodies, which should be regu- Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine; lated in the current normative legal National Agency for the Prevention of documents, however, anti-corruption Corruption; State Bureau of Investiga- institutions overlap each other’s activi- tions; National Agency of Ukraine on ties, it concerns the drawing up of ad- Detection, Investigation and Manage- ministrative protocols, the supervision ment of Assets Received from Corrup- of compliance with legislation in terms tion and Other Crimes; The Supreme of filling the declarations, as well as Anticorruption Court. conflict interests, etc. In the context of further investiga- In order to form a common frame- tions, it is envisaged to analyse contem- work for the prevention and counter- porary anti-corruption institutions in action of corruption, it is envisaged to the United States and Great Britain exchange information bases within the as the basis for the formation of a high- competence of the bodies of the Nation- quality anti-corruption policy. al Anti-Corruption Bureau, the Nation- al Agency for the Prevention of Corrup- REFERENCES tion, the National Agency of Ukraine for the Detection, Investigation and 1. Busol O. Iu. (2015). Protydiia korupt- Management of Assets Received from siinii zlochynnosti u konteksti suchas- Corruption and Other Crimes. In ad- noi antykoruptsiinoi stratehii [Coun- tering Corruption Crime in the Context dition, increased cooperation between of Modern Anti-Corruption Strategy]: the Specialised Anti-Corruption Pros- Extended abstract of Doctor’s thesis. K. ecutor’s Office and other anti-corrup- [in Ukrainian]. tion bodies for the creation of databases 2. Spetsializovani instytutsii z borotby of persons who committed corruption proty koruptsii: ohliad modelei [Spe- or corruption-related offences. cialized Anti-Corruption Institutions: Conclusions. This article analyses Overview of Models]. Retrieved from the experience of organizing anti-cor- ruption institutions in Finland, France, acn/39972270.pdf. [in Ukrainian]. the Netherlands, Singapore, Japan, 3. Sytnyk L. S. (2016). Mozhlyvosti vykorystannia yevropeiskoho dosvidu South Korea and China. It is substan- protydii koruptsii v Ukraini [Possi- tiated that there are different models bilities to use the European experience for the formation of anti-corruption in combating corruption in Ukraine]. institutions abroad, while efficiency Ekonomika i orhanizatsiia upravlin- depends not only on the availability or nia — Economics and organization of absence of such institutions, but also on management. (Vols. 2 (22), (p. 174– the quality of staffing, political support 180). [in Ukrainian].

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161 UDC: 351.81 2020-2(22)-162-171 Petrenko Oleksandr Mykolaiovych, , Doctor of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor, Department of Electric Transport, Kharkiv National Uni- versity of Urban Management. OHM. Beke- tova, Marshal Bazhanova Str., 17, Kharkiv, 61000, e-mail: [email protected], tel.: +38 (093) 6699747, https// 0003-4027-4818 Петренко Олександр Миколайович, доктор технічних наук, доцент, доцент кафедри електричного транспорту, Харківський національний університет міського господарства ім. О. М. Бекето- ва, вул. Маршала Бажанова, 17, Харків, 61000, e-mail: [email protected], тел.: +38(093)6699747, https// Петренко Александр Николаевич, доктор технических наук, доцент, доцент кафедры электрического транспорта, Харьковский национальный университет городского хозяйства им. А. Н. Бекетова, улица Маршала Бажанова, 17, Харьков, 61000, e-mail: [email protected], тел .: +38 (093) 6699747, https//


Abstract. The article considers generalizations of the theoretical and meth- odological foundations of a state regulation of an urban passenger transport. It is determined that the market mechanism is not able to fully address the exist- ing and emerging economic problems and provision of socially significant services that include urban passenger transport services. It is proved that the problem of the organization of an efficient regulation of an urban passenger transport remains one of the most difficult, since public pas- senger transport services are socially significant, and in this regard, state regula- tion of this industry is necessary, which has administrative-legal and economic forms, and is carried out by state and local governments. Moreover, in the process

162 of decentralization of the Ukrainian economy, the role of local authorities in the general system of state regulation has increased. The transition to a market economy has created new and strengthened existing problems in the field of transportation, the main of which are the deterioration of the basic production assets of the transport, a decrease of investments in the trans- port industry, the absence of a clear state policy aimed at promoting the formation and development of a competitive market for transport services, accelerating of processes of transition of transport enterprises to a higher organizational, manage- rial and technological level and to a higher level of quality of transport services provided. To overcome the crisis, state participation in all spheres of economic and pro- duction activity of transport enterprises is required: regulatory, tax, licensing, fi- nancial and tariff. In the field of transport, the tendency of state protectionism, which requires a clear prioritization, as well as a concrete definition of the budget funds to be allocated for subsidizing the maintenance and development of trans- port infrastructure, should prevail. In order to resolve the contradictions in the urban passenger transport sys- tem, an external controlling force, acting in the person of society and the state, is required. It is proved that the state regulation of urban passenger transport is a creation of a set of conditions to form adequate social and economic relations to provide purposeful development of a system that has high social importance. Keywords: state regulation, market mechanism, urban passenger transport, transport infrastructure, transport system. ТЕОРЕТИКО-МЕТОДОЛОГІЧНІ ЗАСАДИ ДЕРЖАВНОГО РЕГУЛЮВАННЯ ДІЯЛЬНОСТІ МІСЬКОГО ПАСАЖИРСЬКОГО ТРАНСПОРТУ Анотація. Розглянуто узагальнення теоретико-методологічних засад дер- жавного регулювання діяльності міського пасажирського транспорту. Визна- чено, що ринковий механізм не здатний вирішити в повному обсязі існуючі та виникаючі економічні проблеми та надання соціально значущих послуг, до яких відносяться послуги міського пасажирського транспорту. Доведено, що проблема організації ефективного регулювання міського пасажирського транспорту залишається однією з найскладніших, оскіль- ки послуги міського пасажирського транспорту є соціально значущими, і в зв’язку з цим необхідне державне регулювання цією галуззю, яке має адмі- ністративно-правову і економічну форми, і здійснюється органами держав- ного і місцевого управління. При цьому в процесі децентралізації економіки України зросла роль місцевих органів влади в загальній системі державного регулювання. Перехід на ринкову економіку створив нові й посилив вже існуючі про- блеми у сфері перевезень, основними з яких є погіршення стану основних виробничих фондів транспорту, зниження інвестицій в транспортну галузь, відсутність чіткої державної політики, спрямованої на сприяння формуван-

163 ню і розвитку конкурентного ринку транспортних послуг, на прискорення процесів переходу транспортних підприємств на більш високий організацій- но-управлінський і технологічний рівень і на більш високий рівень якості на- даних транспортних послуг. Для подолання кризового стану необхідно державна участь у всіх сферах господарсько-виробничої діяльності транспортних підприємств: норматив- но-правової, податкової, ліцензійної, фінансової та тарифної. У сфері тран- спорту повинна превалювати тенденція протекціонізму з боку держави, що вимагає чіткої розстановки пріоритетів, а також конкретного визначення в бюджеті розмірів коштів, які передбачається виділяти на субсидування утри- мання й розвиток транспортної інфраструктури Для вирішення протиріч у системі міського пасажирського транспорту не- обхідна зовнішня контролююча сила, яка виступає в особі суспільства та дер- жави. Доведено, державне регулювання міського пасажирського транспорту є створення комплексу умов формування адекватних соціально-економічних відносин для забезпечення цілеспрямованого розвитку системи, яка має ви- соку соціальну значущість. Ключові слова: державне регулювання, ринковий механізм, міський па- сажирський транспорт, транспортна інфраструктура, транспортна система. ТЕОРЕТИКО-МЕТОДОЛОГИЧЕСКИЕ ОСНОВЫ ГОСУДАРСТВЕННОГО РЕГУЛИРОВАНИЯ ДЕЯТЕЛЬНОСТИ ГОРОДСКОГО ПАССАЖИРСКОГО ТРАНСПОРТА Аннотация. Рассмотрены обобщения теоретико-методологических основ государственного регулирования деятельности городского пассажирско- го транспорта. Определено, что рыночный механизм не способен решить в полном объеме существующие и возникающие экономические проблемы и предоставления социально значимых услуг, к которым относятся услуги го- родского пассажирского транспорта. Доказано, что проблема организации эффективного регулирования го- родского пассажирского транспорта остается одной из самых сложных, по- скольку услуги городского пассажирского транспорта являются социально значимыми, и в связи с этим необходимо государственное регулирование этой отраслью, которое имеет административно-правовую и экономическую формы, и осуществляется органами государственного и местного управле- ния. При этом в процессе децентрализации экономики Украины возросла роль местных органов власти в общей системе государственного регулиро- вания. Переход на рыночную экономику создал новые и усилил уже существую- щие проблемы в сфере перевозок, основными из которых являются ухудше- ние состояния основных производственных фондов транспорта, снижение инвестиций в транспортную отрасль, отсутствие четкой государственной политики, направленной на содействие формированию и развитию кон- курентного рынка транспортных услуг, на ускорение процессов перехода

164 транспортных предприятий на более высокий организационно-управленче- ский и технологический уровень и на более высокий уровень качества пре- доставляемых транспортных услуг. Для преодоления кризисного состояния необходимо государствен- ное участие во всех сферах хозяйственно-производственной деятельности транспортных предприятий: нормативно-правовой, налоговой, лицензион- ной, финансовой и тарифной. В сфере транспорта должна превалировать тенденция протекционизма со стороны государства, требует четкой расста- новки приоритетов, а также конкретного определения в бюджете размеров средств, которые предполагается выделять на субсидирование содержание и развитие транспортной инфраструктуры. Для разрешения противоречий в системе городского пассажирского транспорта необходима внешняя контролирующая сила, которая выступает в лице общества и государства. Доказано, государственное регулирование городского пассажирского транспорта является создание комплекса усло- вий формирования адекватных социально-экономических отношений для обеспечения целенаправленного развития системы, которая имеет высокую социальную значимость. Ключевые слова: государственное регулирование, рыночный механизм, городской пассажирский транспорт, транспортная инфраструктура, транс- портная система.

Problem statement. An urban pas- trepreneurial capital, reduces the cost senger transport is one of the most im- of transport at the expense of competi- portant social economic systems of the tion, on the other hand it complicates transport complex of Ukraine. The ur- the management of urban passenger ban passenger transport accounts for transport activities. about 80 % of the total volume of pas- Analysis of recent research and senger traffic by all modes of transport publications. Theoretical and meth- of Ukraine and about 25 % of passen- odological bases of state regulation of ger turnover, so in order to perform the an urban passenger transport are il- function of the main carrier, a level of luminated in writings of both foreign development of the urban passenger and domestic scientists. A big contri- transport in our country should be bution to the research of features of quite high. influence of the state on the transport However, presence of a large num- system was made by scientists such as ber of carriers of different forms of M. N. Bidniak[1], V. V. Bilichenko [1], ownership is a specificity of an urban V. V. Volik [2], V. P. Ilchuk [3], F. Kot- passenger transport market. Transport ler [4], D. K. Dzhajn [4], S. Me’jsinsi services include enterprises in both mu- [4], H. Iu. Kucheruk [5], S. A. Lehkyi nicipal and private sectors. On the one [6], S. A. Matiiko [7], P. A. Ovchar [8], hand, it stimulates an attraction of en- S. O. Tulchynska [9], etc. However, de-

165 spite of numerous studies, insufficient “public urban passenger transport” and level of participation of state authori- “urban passenger transport” will be ties and local self-government bodies in used as synonym. solving problems of the urban passenger Scientists refer the urban passen- transport, lack of necessary motivation ger transport to a category of complex of performers from the customer’s side social and economic systems, because to qualitative fulfillment of contractual it has all necessary properties for this obligations, underinvestment of op- purpose [5]. The basis of organization erational activities of urban passenger of any economic system is areas of ac- transport from budgets of different lev- tivity such as production, distribution, els, etc remain not enough illuminated. exchange, consumption. S. A. Lehkyi Formulation of the purposes of the identifies the most important elements article. The purpose of this article is to of the economic system, under which he summarize theoretical and methodo- understands the unity of producers and logical principles of public regulation of consumers, who are in mutual connec- an urban passenger transport and pro- tion and interaction [6, p. 125]: vide proposals for its improvement. • social and economic relations that Presentation of basic material of arise in the process of production and the research. Human needs are a start- appropriation of tangible and intangi- ing point for development and a moving ble benefits; force for scientific and technological • a type of economic mechanism or a progress as a whole. The society creates form of regulation of economic activity; an appropriate multi-sectoral economic • ways of establishing communica- mechanism, and forms orderly relations tion between participants in economic between structural elements through relations; regulation of the activities of economic • motivational settings for perform- entities with the main purpose — to sat- ers that are created in the process of isfy human needs. As F. Kotler notes, implementing a certain social and eco- transport, and in particular passenger, nomic strategy. is an integrating link in the system of Functioning of the economic sys- distribution of public goods, which me- tems that make up the economic space diates the consumption itself according should be subordinate to a single pur- to the personality of the individual, his pose — creation of guaranteed living cultural level [4, р. 67]. conditions for an individual and the As a rule, the urban passenger trans- society. By the level of satisfaction of port is divided into a public passenger requests, interests, human needs, which transport (tram, trolleybus, bus, taxi, make up the quality of life, it is possible underground) and an individual trans- to judge successes in development of port (cars, motorollers, motorcycles), the economy. depending on the capacity. As the pub- The system of the urban passenger lic urban passenger transport performs transport is rightly attributed to the so- most passenger traffic than individual cial sphere. The social orientation of the transport, this article will consider only urban passenger transport is concen- a public transport, and the concept of trated in the following basic provisions:

166 1) providing services for transpor- of economic facilities and processes, the tation of the population to targeted economy as a whole to a rational effec- facilities, with the social effect of time tive economic regime [8, p. 159]. Self- saving; regulation is evident in the fact that the 2) a need of social protection of market mechanism is able to coordinate population. This implies the develop- the economic interests of entrepreneurs ment of a set of economic, social and in maximizing profits with the benefit legal measures that provide equal op- of consumers in the purchase of goods portunities for all citizens to maintain and services without the intervention a necessary standard of living, as well of the state. Self-regulation is ensured as support of individual social groups. through economic rather than adminis- In public transport, social protection is trative and regulatory methods of influ- implemented through a subsidy mecha- ence. nism; A market regulator of the urban 3) environmental concern, includ- passenger transport is competition of ing the development and observance of carriers to achieve optimal matching environmental standards, as well as the of demand and supply for transport formation of regional environmental services, based on price and non-price programmes where one of the central factors [7]. A volume of demand is de- places is assigned to transport; termined, first of all, by an income of 4) ensuring a necessary level of road the population, a level of provision of traffic safety that involves creation of citizens by individual cars, parameters optimal control regimes and operation of settlement. The offer is expressed of safe transport means [1, p. 38]. by the number of services provided or Characteristic features of regulation working rolling stock of various modifi- of urban passenger transport as a social cations on urban routes at different pe- and economic system at the present riods of time, a ratio of commercial and stage of market transformation are: preferential forms of service. • the complexity of emerging issues, However, the market mechanism i.e. the need to take into account the cannot fully resolve existing and impact of a combination of environ- emerging economic problems. There mental, social, psychological, technical, are a number of issues outside market managerial and other factors; competences. It applies to the provi- • strengthening the role of the hu- sion of socially significant services that man factor in economic processes; include urban passenger transport ser- • lack of material and financial re- vices. Overall, the market economy has sources; the following limitations. • complicating decision-making due First, the market economy is inter- to high degree of uncertainty of param- nally volatile. It is characterized by un- eters of external and internal environ- stable development, accompanied by ment. economic downturns, rises and unem- The market mechanism, through ployment. stiff competition, bankruptcy and un- Second, not all goods and services employment, ensures self-adjustment can be represented by the market, but

167 they are essential for the existence and As a result, the municipal manage- development of the state (defense, basic ment system of the urban passenger scientific research, law enforcement, in- transport is one of the most difficult frastructure industries, which include and unsettled areas. This is largely due passenger transport). to the fact that the municipal adminis- Third, market action is not effective tration in Ukraine is undergoing a pe- when it comes to the external effects of riod of formation. Methods, criteria, ap- air and water basin pollution, as well proaches to the regulation of social and as the rational use of other natural re- economic subsystems of cities and oth- sources. er municipalities are being developed in Fourth, the market system is indif- the context of the protracted economic ferent to the social effect. There is no a crisis in the country. principle of social justice in the market At the municipal level, however, the economy. regulatory structure is different and To take into account these factors there is no similar scheme. and smooth contradictions in the sys- The most common and tested ver- tem of the urban passenger transport, sion of the organization of municipal an external controlling force is neces- regulation of transport activities can sary that acts in the face of the society be considered joint-stock companies, and the state. which are founded by most transport Thus, state regulation of the urban enterprises. Local self-government bod- passenger transport is to create a set of ies transfer to these joint-stock compa- complex of conditions to form adequate nies their powers to manage transport social and economic relations to pro- activities. These organizations are giv- vide a targeted development of a sys- en the authority of general customers tem that has high social importance. to carry out transport services to the In order to define a functional area population. Regulators, usually estab- of state regulation of the urban pas- lished on the basis of former territorial senger transport it is possible to use production associations, ensure their an approach outlined by V. V. Volik, quality through the availability of qual- in which this area can be displayed by ified staff [9]. means of the set theory, with an inter- There is a known variant of organi- action of three subsystems: zation and management of the sphere of • transport (economic branch of the service of the population by public pas- city providing transportation services) senger transport through inclusion in • population (potential carriers of the executive bodies. movement) This body is legally warranted and • city authorities (mandatory stra- appropriate, independent from influ- tegic unit of city development) [2, ence of commercial entities, but un- p. 68]. certainty of a financing mechanism The trend of decentralization in the creates obstacles in implementation of economy of Ukraine is linked to a grow- its functional powers. In most cases, its ing role of local authorities in a general influence is formal and its expression is system of state regulation. advisory.

168 Public administration bodies. De- tion. The main ones are deterioration of termination of an urban passenger the main production assets of transport, transport development policy, creation reduced investment in the transport in- of a legal and regulatory framework for dustry, absence of a clear state policy urban passenger transport operation, that is aimed at promoting of formation financing of state projects, determina- and development of a competitive mar- tion of priorities in passenger transport ket for transport services, acceleration development. of transition of transport enterprises to Local governments. Determination a higher organizational, management of goals and objectives of urban passen- and technological level and to a higher ger transport development, formation level of quality of provided transport of economic and social programs, crea- services. tion of regulatory framework for regu- To overcome the crisis, it is neces- lation, financing of projects, determi- sary state participation in all spheres nation of priorities in the development of economic and production activities of certain types of passenger transport. of transport enterprises: regulatory, Determination of strategy of develop- tax, licensing, financial and charge. In ment of the urban passenger transport the field of transport, should prevail and tactics of its realization, marketing, the trend of protectionism on the part financial management (mechanism of of the state, that requires a clear prior- regulation of tariffs and subsidizing of itization, as well as a specific definition enterprises of passenger transport). in the budget of the amount of funds to Transport enterprises. Production be allocated for subsidies for the main- and personnel management, fulfilment tenance and development of transport of municipal orders for urban transport infrastructure. services, operational planning. Conclusions of this study and di- To summarize the analysis we high- rections for future research. State light the main point: the problem of regulation is a necessary element of the organizing of effective regulation of transport system because of its socio- the urban passenger transport remains economic importance. one of the most difficult because of so- The absence of a clear state policy in cial significance of services of the urban the transition of the transport industry passenger transport. Therefore, there is to market relations has led to the emer- a need of public regulation of this indus- gence of new and sharpening of old try that has administrative, legal and problems in the transport sector, the economic forms, and is carried out by main ones being the deterioration of the state and local authorities. At the same condition of the main production funds time, in the process of decentralization of transport, the decline of investments of the economy of Ukraine, the role of in the transport industry. local authorities in the general system Analysis of the organization and of state regulation has increased. management of passenger transport The transition to a market economy during the period of economic reform has created new and exacerbated exist- shows a steady decline in the quantity ing problems in the field of transporta- and quality of passenger transport.

169 The gradual development of the 4. Kotler F., Dzhajn D. K., Me’jsinsi S. state system of regulation of urban pas- (2003), Manevry’ marketinga. Sovre- senger transport faces a number of chal- menny’e podkhody’ k priby’li, rostu i lenges, the main are: obnovleniyu. [Marketing Maneuvers. 1) imperfections of the legal founda- Modern approaches to profit, growth and renewal]. Moscow: Olimp-Biznes tion of urban passenger transport activ- [in Russian]. ity; 5. Kucheruk H. Iu. (2011), Yakist trans- 2) lack of mechanisms of creation of portnykh posluh: upravlinnia, rozvytok the necessary funds for reimbursement ta efektyvnist [Quality of transport ser- of expenses to enterprises of urban pas- vices: management, development and senger transport, sources of financing efficiency], Kyiv: DETUT [in Ukrai- and their distribution by types of budg- nian]. ets in the current legislation. 6. Lehkyy S. A. (2014), Formuvannya The existence of the problems that tsinovoyi stratehiyi na pasazhyrs’kykh are mentioned above at the state level avtotransportnykh pidpryyemstvakh, [The formation of the price strategy for and absence of an effective policy to passenger motor transport enterpris- correct the current situation in the es], Ekonomika transportnoho komplek- urban passenger transport force local su. – Economy of the transport complex, self-government bodies to find ways to 23, 124–134. solve them by themselves. 7. Matiiko S. A. (2010), Osoblyvosti derzhavnoho rehuliuvannia rozvytku transportnoho kompleksu Ukrainy REFERENCES [Features of state regulation of de- velopment of transport complex of 1. Bidnyak M. N., Bilichenko V. V. Ukraine], Derzhavne upravlinnia: (2016), Vyrobnychi systemy na trans- udoskonalennia ta rozvytok. – Public porti: teoriya i praktyka, [Production administration: improvement and de- system transport: theory and practice]. velopment, 6, Retrieved from http:// Vinnytsya: UNIVERSUM [in Ukrai- Duur_2010_6_8 nian]. [in Ukrainian]. 2. Volik V. V. (2016), Formuvannia 8. Ovchar P. A. (2018), Ekonomichnyi ro- ta realizatsiia derzhavnoi polityky v zvytok avtotransportnoi haluzi Ukrainy haluzi miskoho transportu: adminis- v umovakh hlobalnykh vyklykiv [Eco- tratyvno-pravovi zasady, [Formation nomic development of the motor trans- and implementation of state policy in port industry of Ukraine in the face of the field of urban transport: admin- global challenges], Kyiv: TsP “Kom- istrative and legal basis]. Dnipro- prynt” [in Ukrainian]. petrovsk: Seredniak T. K. [in Ukrai- 9. Tulchynska S. O. (2003), Orhanizat- nian]. siino-ekonomichnyi mekhanizm roz- 3. Ilchuk V. P., (2014), Kompleksnyi vytku rynku pasazhyrskykh perevezen analiz transportnoi merezhi mista: sys- v Ukraini [Organizational and eco- temno-analitychnyi pidkhid [Compre- nomic mechanism of development of hensive analysis of the city’s transport the passenger transportation market network: system-analytical approach]. in Ukraine], Kyiv: Natsionalnyi tekh- Chernihiv, TsNTI Publ., Ukraine, nichnyi un-t Ukrainy (KPI) [in Ukrai- 870 p. nian].

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171 UDC: 351/354 2020-2(22)-172-179 Pikh Nataliya Stepanivna, Postgraduate Student, National Academy of Public Administration under the President of Ukraine, 20, Eugene Potier Str., Kyiv, 02000, +38 067 596 28 55, [email protected], https// Піх Наталія Степанівна, аспірант, Національна Академія держав- ного управління при Президентові Укра- їни, 20, вул. Ежена Потьє, Київ, 02000, +38 067 596 28 55, [email protected], https// Пих Наталья Степановна, аспирант, Национальная Академия госу- дарственного управления при Президен- те Украины, 20, ул. Эжена Потье, Киев, 02000, +38 067 596 28 55, [email protected], https//


Abstract. The article uses the general methods of empirical cognition to study the peculiarities of implementing the public policy in the field of social (public) security in the countries of the American continent. The peculiarities of provid- ing the social (public) security, which are caused by the political, institutional, geographical, historical factors, the conceptual foundations of ensuring social (public) security, the actual trends and the specific practical measures aimed at maintaining the public order are revealed. The current state of providing social (public) security in the countries of the American continent is investigated, which is based on establishing partnerships between the public authorities, local self- government bodies with public and non-governmental organizations, academia, and individual citizens. The levels and institutions at which the public security in the American continent is implemented and the priorities of the public policy are identified, namely the prophylaxis and prevention of events that may present a real danger to the general public. Institutional, organizational and special meas- ures are designed to unite the efforts of all stakeholders and to optimize the logis- tical expenditures for the public security in the American continent. It has been proven that the experience of the American continent in providing social (public) security is a set of measures to ensure adequate protection. To this end, a series of

172 institutional and organizational measures are being taken to unite the efforts of all stakeholders. The proposals for the implementation of the public policy in the field of social (public) security in the American continent are substantiated. Keywords: Social (public) security, USA, Canada, public order, public poli- cy, local government, public authorities. ЗАБЕЗПЕЧЕННЯ ГРОМАДСЬКОЇ (ПУБЛІЧНОЇ) БЕЗПЕКИ НА АМЕРИКАНСЬКОМУ КОНТИНЕНТІ Анотація. З використанням загальнонаукових методів емпіричного пі- знання досліджено особливості здійснення державної політики у сфері забез- печення громадської (публічної) безпеки у країнах Американського конти- ненту. Розкрито особливості забезпечення громадської (публічної) безпеки, які обумовлені політичними, інституційними, географічними, історичними факторами, окреслено концептуальні засади забезпечення громадської (пу- блічної) безпеки, виявлені актуальні тенденції та виокремлено конкретні практичні заходи, спрямовані на підтримку громадського порядку. Досліджено сучасний стан забезпечення громадської (публічної) безпе- ки у країнах Американського континенту, який базується на налагодженні партнерських зв’язків державних органів публічної влади, органів місцевого самоврядування із громадськими та неурядовими організаціями, науковими колами, окремими громадянами. Визначено рівні та інституції, на яких здійс- нюється забезпечення громадської безпеки в країнах Американського кон- тиненту та пріоритетні напрями державної політики, а саме профілактика та запобігання подій, що можуть становити реальну небезпеку для широкої гро- мадськості. Проаналізовано заходи інституційного, організаційного та спеці- ального характеру, які покликані об’єднати зусилля усіх зацікавлених сторін і оптимізувати матеріально-технічні витратами на забезпечення громадської безпеки країн Американського континенту. Доведено, що досвід країн Американського континенту у забезпеченні громадської (публічної) безпеки являє собою комплекс заходів щодо забез- печення належного захисту Для цього вживаються низка інституційно-орга- нізаційних заходів, які покликані об’єднати зусилля усіх зацікавлених сто- рін. Обґрунтовано пропозиції щодо здійснення державної політики у сфері громадської (публічної) безпеки у країнах Американського континенту. Ключові слова: громадська (публічна) безпека, США, Канада, громад- ський порядок, державна політика, місцеве самоврядування, органи держав- ної влади. ОБЕСПЕЧЕНИЕ ОБЩЕСТВЕННОЙ (ПУБЛИЧНОЙ) БЕЗОПАСНОСТИ НА АМЕРИКАНСКОМ КОНТИНЕНТЕ Аннотация. С использованием общенаучных методов эмпирического по- знания исследованы особенности реализации государственной политики в сфере обеспечения общественной (публичной) безопасности в странах Аме- риканского континента. Раскрыты особенности обеспечения общественной

173 (публичной) безопасности, которые обусловлены политическими, институ- циональными, географическими, историческими факторами, очерчены кон- цептуальные основы обеспечения общественной (публичной) безопасности, выявлены актуальные тенденции и выделены конкретные практические ме- ры, направленные на поддержание общественного порядка. Исследовано современное состояние обеспечения общественной (пу- бличной) безопасности в странах Американского континента, которое ба- зируется на налаживании партнерских связей государственных органов публичной власти, органов местного самоуправления с общественными и неправительственными организациями, научными кругами, отдельными гражданами. Определены уровни и институты, на которых осуществляется обеспечение общественной безопасности в странах Американского конти- нента и приоритетные направления государственной политики, а именно профилактика и предупреждение событий, которые могут представлять ре- альную опасность для широкой общественности. Проанализированы меры институционального, организационного и специального характера, которые призваны объединить усилия всех заинтересованных сторон и оптимизиро- вать материально-технические затратами на обеспечение общественной без- опасности стран Американского континента. Доказано, что опыт стран Американского континента в обеспечении об- щественной (публичной) безопасности представляет собой комплекс мер по обеспечению надлежащей защиты Для этого употребляются ряд институ- ционально-организационных мероприятий, которые призваны объединить усилия всех заинтересованных сторон. Обоснованы предложения по реали- зации государственной политики в сфере общественной (публичной) без- опасности в странах Американского континента. Ключевые слова: общественная (публичная) безопасность, США, Кана- да, общественный порядок, государственная политика, местное самоуправ- ление, органы государственной власти.

Formulation of the problem. In ness of approaches to the social (public) the context of deepening globalization security of the USA and Canada is and integration of the political, eco- linked to both the recent institutional nomic, social and other processes in the variability and the historical peculi- world, issues related to ensuring social arities of the countries’ development, (public) security of the countries are of which raises the importance and the particular interest. Studying the expe- need for research through causation. rience of the countries of the American The current approach of the countries continent in providing social (public) of the American continent to providing security is important not only for theo- social (public) security is based on the ry but also above all for its practical im- establishment of partnerships between plementation in Ukraine. The unique- the public authorities, local self-gov-

174 ernment bodies, public and non-gov- provincial police, etc.); local (fire bri- ernmental organizations, academia, and gade; local police body or department; individual citizens. city hall; municipal public affairs de- Analysis of the recent research and partment, etc.) [1–9]. publications. The research of various Providing public security in the aspects of the problem of ensuring so- USA involves professional work at the cial (public) security is devoted to the following institutions: law enforcement work of domestic and foreign scientists: agencies (national or federal police, O. Bandurko, V. Vasylevych, J. Jokel, regional or local police); intellectual V. Dryomin, O. Kostenko, V. Manjola, activity and exchange of information K. Nossal, G. Perepelytsia, N. Hillmer, (intelligence, investigative activities, O. Shostko and others. However, in covert operations); emergency manage- Ukraine there is a relatively small num- ment (ambulance, fire, police, search ber of the above issues, which necessi- and rescue); justice (courts, legal ad- tates its further study. ministrations, penitentiary system); Formulation of the problem. domestic security (border and port Working out the presented problems of structures, coast guard, administrative providing social (public) security of the services) [5]. countries of the American continent re- In the USA the social (public) se- quires the setting of a number of scien- curity is viewed first and foremost as a tific tasks that require careful research, function of the government to provide namely to investigate the organiza- adequate protection for the citizens, tional and legal aspects of the public residents of a particular region, local security at the international level. The organizations and institutions from purpose of the study is to analyze the threats to their well-being and pros- experience of the American continents perity. To this end, appropriate insti- in the field of social (public) security. tutional, organizational and special Presentation of the main mate- measures are taken to unite the efforts rial. An analysis of the recent years of of all stakeholders and to optimize the increasing the social (public) security logistical costs of providing public se- in the USA gives us grounds to argue curity. The organization of the public for the effective implementation of the security provides for the provision of public policy in this direction. These law enforcement, fire and emergency trends are the result of interaction be- medical services to the citizens. Prior- tween the state authorities, local self- ity is prophylaxis and prevention of government and the public. events that can pose a real danger to the Public security in the USA is pro- general public. vided at the following levels: national Given the above, let us analyze the (United States Customs and Border current state of the social (public) se- Protection (CBP); The Federal Emer- curity in the USA public policy in this gency Management Agency (FEMA); country. The Federal Bureau of Investigation Significant contribution to the so- (FBI, etc.); regional (city police; coun- cial (public) security in the USA and ty police; sheriff’s department; state or policy implementation in this area.

175 The current state of the social more than one hundred such programs (public) security in the USA has been in the USA. The USA Government, shaped by the following factors: adop- with the support of the Congress, has tion of the law “The Violent Crime developed international and national Control and Law Enforcement Act” counter-terrorism programs both in the and implementation of appropriate USA and in the world. The concept of measures [1]; demographic character- these programs is based on strengthen- istics (aging of the population), which ing the role of the state in providing naturally led to a decrease in criminal social (public) security, even at the activity; intensification of the public expense of objective limitation of the influence on raising the level of the rights and freedoms of the citizens in social (public) security in the coun- the interests of both national and per- try, effective interaction of the public sonal security. As part of the implemen- authorities, local self-government and tation of these programs, local initia- the public. According to the UN, only tives have been stepped up by the USA 25 % of crime rates in the USA can be citizens on proposals to improve the se- attributed to the punitive practices of curity system in the country. The USA the authorities, the rest to the protec- public has understandably addressed tion of public order by the community these restrictions in implementing the forces, crime prevention and changes in USA Government’s counter-terrorism the employment system [2]. policy. A striking example of the effec- A priority direction for implement- tive interaction of the government, lo- ing public policy on the social (public) cal government and community insti- security of the USA is the implemen- tutions in the fight against terrorism is tation of the government prevention the “Neighbourhood Watch” program, programs that are adopted at both the initiated by the USA National Sheriffs federal and local levels. In general, such Association. The program is aimed at programs include the organization of supporting the citizens who inform the preventive measures and the develop- police about suspicious actions of their ment of sociological research, the fight work colleagues, neighbours, and other against terrorism. The special bodies cases. Civic activists, together with the of interaction in the field of providing law enforcement, conducted campaign- social (public) security of the USA, ing on emergency rules, professional in which the public is one of the main trainings and presentations. actors, include: Advisory Correction- Another example of effective and al Board; Committee on Combating mutually beneficial interaction of the Youth and Juvenile Crime under the public authorities, local governments President of the United States; In- and public institutions with a view to teragency Council on Coordination providing social (public) security of the of the National Programs for Combat- USA is the “Justice Award” program, ing Youth Crime; National Advisory implemented on the initiative of the Council on the Prevention of Alco- USA Department of the State. Under hol Abuse; National Center for School the program the conscious citizens who Safety, etc. [9]. Currently, there are aim to live in a secure state are inform-

176 ing in good time of the preparation of to the development of the American- a terrorist act or the location of a ter- Canadian international relations. The rorist. For the manifestation of the civ- common history and geography have ic position and consciousness they are for many years brought these countries paid a monetary reward. The program together, which has had a significant immediately showed its effectiveness: impact on the implementation of their during the first year a large number of national policies, including in the field organizations and individuals suspect- of security. In analyzing security is- ed of assisting terrorists were discon- sues, D. Barry and D. Bratt point out tinued. that “the Canadian-American security There are a number of public secu- is characterized by interdependence. rity institutions in the USA, includ- As a consequence, Canada can not only ing: International Association of Anti- ignore the USA security requirements, Terrorism Officers, whose purpose is but also separate itself from the conse- to directly engage and support active quences of the USA decisions in this citizens in the fight against terrorism area” [4]. The official position of these in order to address this internation- countries on security is based on the ally. The Association contributes to the interaction and cooperation formally formation in the society of a common enshrined in the Ogdensburg Agree- understanding of terrorism, the nature ment. During the years of such close al- of measures taken by the state to com- liances between the USA and Canada a bat it. The International Association of number of bilateral cooperation mecha- Anti-Terrorism Officers is comprised nisms have been established: more than of experts from various security ser- 80 agreements in the field of security vices in different countries. Within the have been concluded, more than 250 framework of the Association’s work memoranda of understanding, about the direction of anti-terrorist education 145 bilateral forums have been created of the schoolchildren was initiated, in that discuss current issues in the field which the younger generation learned of security and defense [4]. The high the rules of behaviour in extreme situa- level of strategic importance of Amer- tions; a non-governmental organization ican-Canadian security cooperation of the “Crime Stoppers” voluntary po- greatly strengthens Canada’s position lice assistants. Its branches in addition in the North American security sys- to the USA operate in Australia, Great tem, gives it the right to vote and influ- Britain, Poland, Canada, Latin Ameri- ence decision-making, as well as access ca; the “Big Brothers, Big Sisters” pub- to relevant information and technol- lic mentoring program is intended to ogy. USA and Canada’s membership of attract volunteers, i.e. mentors to work NATO is an important factor in provid- with underprivileged minors. The pro- ing security in the American continent. gram brings together around 400 agen- Analyzing the American-Canadian se- cies across the country. curity and defense relations, D. Lay- Considering and analyzing the expe- ton-Brown outlines a unique feature: rience of the social (public) security in “Canada is more inclined to “public di- Canada, it is advisable to pay attention plomacy” in the event of disagreement

177 with the United States on security and 4. Granatstein J. (2018). Canada and the defense issues related to the Alliance as United States: Security and Strategic a whole, at a multilateral level, than at Interests after 9/11. New Zealand In- a bilateral level” [6]. “Ottawa is more ternational Review, 33(1), 11–14 [in prone to so-called “quiet diplomacy” English]. 5. Crime in the United States. (n.d.). [4]. Thus, in the context of geopolitical crime-in-the-u.s.-2014. Retrieved space the Canadian-American security from https://crime-in-the-u.s.-2014/ relations can be described as friendly, offensesknown-to-law-enforcement/ level-headed and mutually beneficial. violent-crime [in English]. However, for the sake of objectivity, 6. Mauer M. (2017). Comparative inter- it is advisable to draw attention to the national rates of incarceration: an ex- significant advantage of the level of in- amination of causes and trends. Work- fluence of the United States on NATO shop 2: Strategies and Best Practices for Alliance decision-making and geopo- Crime Prevention, in particular in rela- litical influence in general. tion to Urban Areas and Youth at Risk: Eleventh United Nations Congress on Conclusions. Summarizing the Crime Prevention and Criminal Jus- above, it should be noted that the ex- tice. Bangkok [in English]. perience of the American continent in 7. Our Mission (The United States providing social (public) security is a Department of Homeland Security set of measures to ensure adequate pro- (DHS). Retrieved from tection. To this end, a series of institu- [in tional and organizational measures are English]. being taken to unite the efforts of all 8. Official Website of the Queensland stakeholders. Fire and Emergency Services (QFES). Retrieved from REFERENCES default.aspx [in English]. 9. Sokolsky J. J. (2004). The “Away 1. Bandurka O. M., Soboliev V. O., Game”: Canada – United States Secu- Moskovets V. I. (2016). Partnerski rity Relations Outside North America. vzaiemovidnosyny mizh naselenniam IRPP Working Paper Series, 91, 1-7 [in ta militsiieiu [Partnership relations be- English]. tween the population and the police]. Kharkiv: Vyd-vo Nats. un-tu vnutr. sprav [in Ukrainian]. СПИСОК ВИКОРИСТАНИХ 2. Bilorus O. H., Lukianenko D. H., et al. (2017). Hlobalizatsiia i bezpeka ДЖЕРЕЛ rozvytku [Globalization and develop- 1. Бандурка О. М. Партнерські взає- ment security]. Kyiv: KNEU [in Ukrai- мовідносини між населенням та мі- nian]. ліцією : підручник / О. М. Бандур- 3. Lipkan V. A., Lipkan O. S. (2018). ка, В. О. Соболєв, В. І. Московець. Natsionalna i mizhnarodna bezpeka u Х. : Вид-во Нац. ун-ту внутр. справ, vyznachenniakh ta poniattiakh [Na- 2016. 352 с. tional and international security in def- 2. Глобалізація і безпека розвитку : мо- initions and concepts]. (2nd ed., rew.). нографія / О. Г. Білорус, Д. Г. Лук’я- Kyiv: Tekst [in Ukrainian]. ненко та ін. ; керівн. авт. кол. і наук.

178 ред. О. Г. Білорус. Київ : КНЕУ, June 2017; A/Conf.206/17 /Workshop 2017. 733 с. 2: Strategies and Best Practices for 3. Ліпкан В. А. Національна і міжна- Crime Prevention, in particular in родна безпека у визначеннях та relation to Urban Areas and Youth поняттях : словник / В. А. Ліпкан, at Risk // Eleventh United Nations О. С. Ліпкан. [2-ге вид., допов. і пе- Congress on Crime Prevention and реробл. Київ : Текст, 2018. 400 с. Criminal Justice (Bangkok, Thailand, 4. Granatstein J. Canada and the Unit- 13–14 April 2017). 28 р. ed States: Security and Strategic 7. Official website of the United States Interests after 9/11 // New Zealand Department of Homeland Security International Review. January– (DHS). Our Mission [Електронний February 2018. Vol. 33, № 1. P. 11– ресурс]. Режим доступу: https:// 14. 5. Crime in the United States – 2018 8. The Queensland Fire and Emergency [Електронний ресурс]. Режим досту- Services (QFES). Website. [Елек- пу : https:// crime-in-the-u.s.-2014/ тронний ресурс]. Режим доступу: offensesknown-to-law-enforcement/ violent-crime default.aspx 6. Mauer M. Comparative international 9. Sokolsky J. J. The “Away Game” : rates of incarceration: an examination Canada – United States Security of causes and trends / paper presented Relations Outside North America // to the United States Commision on IRPP Working Paper Series. 2004. Civil Rights. Washington, D. C., 25 № 91. P. 1–7.

179 UDC: 351.759 2020-2(22)-180-190 Porayko Ustym Nikolaevich, Ph.D. student, Department of Regional Management, Local Self-Government and City Administration, National Academy for Public Administration under the Presi- dent of Ukraine, 03057, Kyiv, Str. Anto- na Tsedika, 20, tel.: +38 066 60-70-800, e-mail: [email protected], https//orcid. org/0000-0002-6880-2718 Порайко Устим Миколайович, аспірант, кафедра регіонального управ- ління, місцевого самоврядування та управління містом, Національна акаде- мія державного управління при Прези- дентові України, 03057, м. Київ, вул. Ан- тона Цедіка, 20, тел.: +38 066 60-70-800, e-mail: [email protected], https//orcid. org/0000-0002-6880-2718 Порайко Устим Николаевич, аспирант, кафедра регионального управления, местного самоуправления и управле- ния городом, Национальная академия государственного управления при Президен- те Украины, 03057, г. Киев, ул. Антона Цедика, 20, тел.: +38 066 60-70-800, e-mail: [email protected], https//


Abstract. This paper investigates the developing of mechanisms and instru- ments of public policy in the field of cooperation between countries where devel- oped market relations with international financial institutions are emerging, the development and implementation of external borrowing programs and financial assistance at the stages for accession to the EU. The article shows the ways and methods for public administration of the for- mation of the development and implementation of programs of external borrow- ing and financial assistance to Ukraine in context of globalization. It has been proved that public administration and its component which is state regulation towards external borrowing and financial assistance to Ukraine

180 are one of the most important aspects for public administration and management of the national economic system. Owing to systematization of external factors of formation and implementation of public policy towards borrowing, it is determined that globalization is a com- plex process that may have impact on both the state and a number of economic and administrative processes in the economic system. In general, this phenome- non has a lot of positive aspects, in particular, it is a factor of successful economic development. It also increases the level of intellectual and political freedom of the person. Plus, it creates the basis for technological innovations, widens the scale of public awareness and gives new opportunities for development in the inter- national environment. However, in such conditions a new world order emerges which envisages the formation of new regimes, norms and permanent interna- tional obligations, domination of world interests over national. Thus, the role of state sovereignty diminishes, moreover, its existence is threatened. It has been determined that the importance of studying of the formation of mechanisms and instruments for public administration towards cooperation of countries where market relations with international financial institutions are developing is owing to the fact that it is one of the key elements of sustainable development of the national economy and an efficient approach for state forma- tion in Ukraine. In general, insufficient scientific and theoretical development of managerial aspects of state policy making, mechanisms, tools (methods) in the sphere and implementation of external borrowing programs and financial assis- tance to Ukraine have led to the selection of the topic of the article and formed the directions for further research of this issue under conditions of globalization. It has been discovered that the science of public administration has a lack of scientific knowledge and studies of the management system in the field of forma- tion and realization of external borrowings and financial assistance to Ukraine. A few scientific and theoretical developments of this issue could be found in the researches of specialists who changed their area of study from economics into the science of state administration. Keywords: public administration, public regulation, external debt and bor- rowings, financial assistance, globalization. СПІВПРАЦЯ МІЖНАРОДНИХ ФІНАНСОВИХ ОРГАНІЗАЦІЙ З ДЕРЖАВАМИ-КАНДИДАТИМИ НА ЧЛЕНСТВО В ЄВРОПЕЙСЬКОМУ СОЮЗІ Анотація. Досліджуються питання формування механізмів і інструмен- тів державної політики в сфері співпраці країн де формуються розвинені ринкові відносини з міжнародними фінансовими інституціями, розробки та реалізації програм зовнішніх запозичень і фінансової допомоги на етапах приєднання до ЄС. Розкриті шляхи та методи державного управління формування сфери розробки та реалізації програм зовнішніх запозичень і фінансової допомоги Україні в умовах глобалізації.

181 Доведено, що державне управління та його складова державне регулю- вання в сфері формування зовнішніх запозичень і фінансової допомоги Україні — одна з найважливіших проблем публічного управління та адміні- стрування в національній господарській системі. На основі систематизування зовнішніх факторів формування та реалі- зації публічної політики в сфері запозичень визначено, що глобалізація є складним процесом, який має різні аспекти впливу як на державу, так і на різні економіко-управлінські процеси в системі господарювання. Дане яви- ще звичайно має багато й позитивних аспектів, зокрема, являться фактором успішного господарського розвитку, також підвищує рівень інтелектуальної та політичної свободи людини, створює підґрунтя для технологічних ін- новацій, розширює масштаби інформованості суспільства та дає нові мож- ливості для розвитку в міжнародному середовищі. Проте в таких умовах розвитку виникає новий світовий порядок, який передбачає формування нових режимів, норм і постійних міжнародних зобов’язань, домінування сві- тових інтересів над національними. Таким чином, відбувається зменшення ролі державного суверенітету, більше того — його існування стоїть під за- грозою. Визначено, що необхідність дослідження формування механізмів і інстру- ментів державної політики в сфері співпраці країн де формуються розвинені ринкові відносини з міжнародними фінансовими інституціями викликана комплексною важливістю як одного з провідних напрямів сталого розвитку національної економіки та ефективного шляху державотворення в Україні. В цілому, недостатня науково-теоретична розробка управлінських аспектів формування державної політики, механізмів, інструментів (методів) в сфері та реалізації формування державних кроків у сфері співпраці країн де фор- муються розвинені ринкові відносини з міжнародними фінансовими інсти- туціями обумовили вибір теми статті та сформували напрями подальших досліджень цієї проблематики за умов глобалізації. Проаналізовано та визначено, що конкретними дослідженнями системи управління в сфері формування та реалізації зовнішніх запозичень і фінан- сової допомоги Україні наука державне управління майже не займалась. Деякі науково-теоретичні розробки цієї проблеми можливо знайти в дослі- дженнях фахівців які прийшли до державного управління з економіки.. Ключові слова: публічне управління та адміністрування, державне управління та регулювання, зовнішній борг і запозичення, фінансова допо- мога, глобалізація. СОТРУДНИЧЕСТВО МЕЖДУНАРОДНЫХ ФИНАНСОВЫХ ОРГАНИЗАЦИЙ С ГОСУДАРСТВАМИ-КАНДИДАТАМИ НА ЧЛЕНСТВО В ЕВРОПЕЙСКОМ СОЮЗЕ Аннотация. Исследуются вопросы формирования механизмов и инстру- ментов государственной политики в сфере сотрудничества стран где форми- руются развитые рыночные отношения с международными финансовыми

182 институтами, вопросы разработки и реализации программ внешних заимст- вований и финансовой помощи на этапах присоединения к ЕС. Раскрыты пути и методы государственного управления формированием сферы разработки и реализации программ внешних заимствований и финан- совой помощи Украине в условиях глобализации. Доказано, что государственное управление и его составляющая государ- ственное регулирование в сфере формирования внешних заимствований и финансовой помощи Украине — одна из важнейших проблем общественного управления и администрирования в национальной хозяйственной системе. На основе систематизации внешних факторов формирования и реализации публичной политики в сфере заимствований определено, что глобализация является сложным процессом, который имеет различные аспекты влияния как на государство, так и на различные экономико-управленческие процессы в си- стеме хозяйствования. Данное явление обычно имеет много и положительных аспектов, в частности, есть фактором успешного хозяйственного развития, по- вышает уровень интеллектуальной и политической свободы человека, создает основу для технологических инноваций, расширяет масштабы информиро- ванности общества и дает новые возможности для развития в международной среде. Однако в таких условиях развития возникает новый мировой порядок, который предусматривает формирование новых режимов, норм и постоянных международных обязательств, доминирование мировых интересов над наци- ональными. Таким образом, происходит уменьшение роли государственного суверенитета, более того — под угрозой стоит его существование. Определено, что необходимость исследования формирования механизмов и инструментов государственной политики в сфере сотрудничества стран где формируются развитые рыночные отношения с международными финансо- выми институтами вызвана комплексной важностью как одного из ведущих направлений устойчивого развития национальной экономики и эффектив- ного пути государства в Украине. В целом, недостаточная научно-теорети- ческая разработка управленческих аспектов формирования государственной политики, механизмов, инструментов (методов) в сфере и реализации фор- мирования государственных шагов в сфере сотрудничества стран где фор- мируются развитые рыночные отношения с международными финансовыми институтами обусловили выбор темы статьи и сформировали направления дальнейших исследований этой проблематики в условиях глобализации. Проанализировано и определено, что конкретными исследованиями си- стемы управления в сфере формирования и реализации внешних заимство- ваний и финансовой помощи Украине наука государственного управления почти не занималась. Некоторые научно-теоретические разработки этой про- блемы можно найти в исследованиях специалистов пришедших к государст- венному управлению по экономике. Ключевые слова: публичное управление и администрирование, государ- ственное управление и регулирование, внешний долг и заимствования, фи- нансовая помощь, глобализация.

183 Problem statement. From the be- portant tool for further international ginning of 20th century and to date, integration and systemic market trans- globalization of the world economy formations. Due to rising external debt and integration processes have raised a and fragile economic development, the number of issues for the the economic country’s co-operation with IFOs is and debt (financial) system of Ukraine. rather ambiguous. Global financial markets are entities There is no doubt that international that have a complex structure, progres- borrowings have a mixed effect on the sive type of development, and are char- economic development of a country. acterized by rapid international finan- Talking about its drawbacks, a country cial transactions. The main elements of may have a gradual loss of financial in- the structure include: dependence as a result of increasing the • transnational banks, international amount of external public debt. insurance and hedge funds; Analysis of recent research and • world financial centers; publications. The review of recent • world clubs, such as Paris and studies has shown that the following London Clubs; foreign researches investigated the is- • regional monetary unions; sue of cooperation with international • offshore financial centers; financial institutions and problems • international financial organiza- of external public debt: F. Emerenini, tions (hereinafter the IFO). W. Easterly, P. Krugman, A. Siddique, The main real sources of attraction E. Soldatova, A. Rifaqat, A. Warner of foreign funds by Ukraine include: and others. In domestic literature, these obtaining scholarships, grants and sub- issues have been studied by the follow- sidies by scientific and technical assis- ing researches: I. Dyakonava, М. Ma- tance from IFOs; offering of securities karenko, F. Guravka, P. Krush, V. Kly- both on the domestic market when menko, V. Kuibida, T. Govorushko, purchased by non-residents and for- V. Ospishcheva, M. Plotnyckii, S. Yu- eign markets in the form of government rii, V. Fedosov, І. Plec, Y. Matveeva, bonds; loans from groups (such as EU) S. Mochernii and others. and foreign countries; International At the same time, issue related to Monetary Fund (hereinafter the IMF), the optimal definition of this category IFO, World Bank, International Bank remain unresolved in the economic and for Reconstruction and Development, managerial scientific area. European Bank for Reconstruction Thus, as a result of the systematiza- and Development credits; loans from tion of scientific, methodological and energy supplying countries. It should managerial approaches to understand- be noted that the majority of credits to ing cooperation and governance in the Ukraine come from IFOs. sphere of external public debt, this In the current international rela- term was defined as a complex of finan- tions system, IFO’s funds are crucial. cial liabilities on loans to foreign banks, Moreover, their effective use makes it states, citizens, and IFOs to repay bor- possible to implement priority social rowed funds and interest on them in and economic projects and are an im- currencies other than UAH and in due

184 time. The existence of such loan carries Some countries take different ap- the risk of losing part of the national proaches to regulate the relationship product and the decline of the reputa- between these debts. The government, tion of the state. which has abandoned external borrow- The purpose of the article. In the ing, becomes the largest borrower in current conditions of changing ap- the domestic financial market. It is be- proaches and methods of management, lieved that this increases the liquidity the purpose of the paper is to clarify of government bonds and reduces the the interpretation of the concepts of cost of debt servicing. “management of external borrow- It should be noted that the rela- ing”, “public management in the field tionship between external and internal of financial assistance”, “management public debt for the country’s economy mechanisms” and “public management is that capital inflows due to increasing in the field of external and internal external debt, contribute to the effect borrowing” as economic and manage- of crowding out private investment. rial categories, the definition of which Recently, transformational process- is related to the use of modern methods es (market transformations) in Ukraine for public administration in the coun- are accompanied by constant economic try. threats, which are connected with the Statement of basis materials. Each issue of finding sources of financing of country actively uses all possible op- development. For that reason, external tions for obtaining additional financial borrowings is a common practice not resources for financing of budget ex- only in Ukraine. In addition, it is highly penditures and further development important to take a look at a more de- of market relations, which further may tailed analysis of external borrowing. lead to the increase of debt, both inter- According to the official definition, nal and external. international financial organizations The interconnection and inter- are subjects of public international law dependence of external and internal (created by a certain number of states) public debt is characterized by the ag- whose main task is to provide the fi- gregate of loans made by the state. It nancial resources for countries that are should be added that the experience of members of the IFO on the terms set the countries with developed market out in the constituent documents. relations proves that in recent years When obtaining and using IFOs’ the separation of the national debt into credit resources, Ukraine should, tak- domestic and foreign is irrelevant. This ing into account the interests of credi- is due to the convergence of the under- tors, maximize the national interests as lying conditions in the domestic debt a borrower, as well as upholding state- markets, the stable convertibility of building interests by the formation of the national currency, and the trends effective strategies and tactics of gov- of the world financial markets. All this ernment and business units of the state. is a prerequisite for forming a common In the process of attracting external approach to debt management, both ex- resources, Ukraine should take into ac- ternal and internal [1]. count all aspects, such as general eco-

185 nomic efficiency and commercial issues nificant and high priority for Ukraine is of income generation. the World Trade Organization and the The principles and purpose of EBRD. Thirdly, there are about 70 as- Ukraine’s cooperation with IFO are sociations of European entrepreneurs, based on the main principles and goals mainly in industry and energy, in the of the activities of these organizations, transport and communications sectors. which are enshrined in their constitu- For Ukraine, communication with ex- tions. These are the bases of coopera- isting associations makes it possible to tion of Ukraine (as a candidate for EU establish entrepreneurial ties with Eu- membership) with IFO [2]: ropean business and to obtain financial • ensuring sustainable economic de- resources, including organizational and velopment, structural changes, building technical assistance. Finally, there are an efficient internal market by attract- international cooperative organiza- ing financial resources (not to finance tions, with the International Coopera- current costs); tive Alliance being the main one [3]. • creating conditions for attracting Nowadays, there is a large number of foreign investment in the country; international organization existing. By • promoting the integration of using certain criteria, the IFO could be Ukraine into the EU, stabilization of all establish among them. economic processes; The data shown in Table indicate • maintaining of indicators of the that IFO are in this classification in country’s external debt within the gen- different parameters. Thus, for exam- erally recognized international solven- ple, IFO competences relate to orga- cy criteria within reasonable limits; nizations with special competence, but • granting IFO’s credit resources on there are some specific features of IFO terms that such cooperation does not that are specific to both general com- contradict the socioal and economic petence organizations and other (non- development priorities of the country. financial) entities. Among all IFO, the Note that the IFO that Ukraine IMF has the widest range of powers. works with could be divided into four It is important that an internation- groups. Firstly, these are organizations al intergovernmental organization is whose activities have a profound im- an association of certain states, which pact on the development of the world is created by concluding a treaty to economy as a whole, and all its social achieve specific common goals, charac- and economic subsystems. For instance, terized by the membership of the states, such international monetary and mon- the presence of permanent bodies, the etary organizations as the IMF and constituent treaty, activities carried the World Bank Group; International out in the interests of the Member Labor Organization, United Nations States and respecting their sovereignty. Development Program, World Intel- A non-governmental international lectual Property Organization, etc. organization is an organization whose Secondly, it is an inter-state sectoral activity is aimed at satisfying the in- organization outside the immediate UN terests and achievement of the specific framework. Among them, the most sig- goals of its members, which is formed

186 Classification of international organizations which Ukraine works with Measure Types By nature of membership • international intergovernmental organizations participants; and legal nature • non-governmental international organizations By subject of main activity • political; • economic; • culture; • military and political; • Credit – Health – Commerce, etc. The competence • general; of the organization • special competence By the nature of the authority • interstate; • supranational (supranational) Under the terms • open; of participation • closed By purpose and principles • legitimate; of activity • unlawful By organizational principles • non-UN international organizations; • UN international organizations; • regional economic organizations By the number • regional; of participants • universal; • open to the participation of all States Created by the author. by uniting both individuals and legal ropean Monetary Cooperation Fund, entities in the form of associations and EIB, EBRD) and others. federations. The above financial institutions are The main feature of supranational created to provide countries with cred- IFO is the creation of mandatory rules it resources, they also develop the basic and regulations, as well as control principles of functioning of the inter- mechanisms for member states of the national monetary system, and aim to organization. One of the most impor- conduct effective interstate regulation tant roles among IFO is played by the of monetary and credit relations and fi- Bretton Woods Organizations, which nancial relations. today occupy the most important link The IMF is an intergovernmental in international monetary relations. In organization whose purpose is to pro- addition, the list of powerful and effi- vide financial assistance to countries cient organizations should also include through short- and medium-term for- the Bank for International Settlements, eign currency lending, and provides for Monetary and Credit Organizations, as regulation of monetary relations be- well as regional banks in Southeast Asia tween Member States. (Asian Development Bank), North The IMF is the world’s leading fi- America (Inter-American Develop- nancial institution that has the status ment Bank), the European Union (Eu- of a UN specialized agency. The orga-

187 nization was founded in 1944 at the the borrowing country in excess of the international Bretton Woods Confer- reserve share is equal to the quota and ence in the United States, but started divided into 4 tranches (approximate- operating only in 1947. The main objec- ly 25 % each). Also, resources may be tives are to create favorable conditions provided by the IMF in the form of a for the development of cooperation in stand-by loan, the essence of which is the sphere of crediting to the Member to provide foreign currency to certain States, as well as to promote interna- parts of the country in accordance with tional trade and currency regulation the agreement and at certain inter- in order to balance the balance of pay- vals. ments of these countries. These loans are usually aimed at the Ukraine joined the IMF in Septem- implementation of programs to stabi- ber 1992 with the adoption on June lize macroeconomic indicators and are 3, 1992, of the Law of Ukraine “On intended to meet the borrower’s eco- Ukraine’s Accession to the Internation- nomic and political conditions, that is, al Monetary Fund, International Bank lending is carried out on the principle of for Reconstruction and Development, conditionality. Practice shows that the International Finance Corporation, In- conditions are tough and include tax ternational Development Association increases, government spending cuts, and Multilateral Investment Guaran- changes in exchange rates and interest tee Agency”. rates. Such programs usually affect for- Each IMF member country has its eign trade, price mechanisms, fiscal pol- own quota in special borrowing rights, icy, international monetary and credit and also determines the quota amount, relations, and monetary policy. that is, the state’s contribution as an This institution is faced with the IMF member. At the same time, it important task of developing a system should be noted that the size of the quo- of financial and credit policy perfor- ta is determined by the Board of Direc- mance indicators, such criteria that tors of the IMF and is set depending on would structure the economic policy the economic development of the coun- of the state and guarantee the return of try. This quota has certain functions: foreign exchange resources, as well as it sets limits on access to financial re- demonstrate the effectiveness of such sources for the member country of the policies at every stage of relations (for organization, shares in the distribution example, through a system of indicators of SDRs and determines the number of characterizing the state of the financial votes in the IMF. system of the borrowing country). Credit operations are carried out Functional structure of the IMF: with Treasuries, central banks and sta- • the issue of Special Drawing bilization funds, which means with the Rights (hereinafter the SDR) is one official bodies of the country. For the of the most important functions of the first time, the portion of credit received IMF and is carried out to replenish in- by the borrower is called a reserve share ternational currency reserves; and is approximately equal to 25 % of • the supervisory function of the the state quota. The credit provided to monetary policies of the Member States

188 is to monitor the exchange rates of the use of loans to finance the industrial borrowing countries. sphere, repayment of the major part of For the IMF, relevant data is pro- the debt and interest at the expense of vided in a defined format: information the profit received from the industrial on the country’s structural policies, sphere; pursuing such a tax policy that such as on the environment, employ- would ensure that all public expendi- ment and privatization; information on tures are covered; using existing market the state of the external sector and bud- mechanisms to support the country’s getary policy. Such oversight helps to competitiveness. identify possible imbalances and on the Therefore, the IMF is an important basis of which some recommendations link in international financial coopera- can be made. tion. It should be noted that a signifi- In general, credit and financial ac- cant role and a positive tendency for tivity is the main function of the IMF, the development of the IMF was to which is to use the financial resources build close links with the World Bank. of the organization by borrowing coun- The World Bank Group comprises tries and to provide lending through four major organizations: the Interna- the provision of borrowed resources. tional Finance Corporation, the Inter- IMF resources have a defined structure national Bank for Reconstruction and and consist of the following blocks: bor- Development, the Multilateral Invest- rowed funds (credit lines from member ment Guarantee Agency, and the In- governments and central banks), as well ternational Development Association. as contributions from borrowing coun- The International Center for Settle- tries to the authorized capital of a given ment of Investment Disputes is also or- financial institution in accordance with ganizationally linked to this group [5]. the established quota. The main difference between the There are three modifications that World Bank and the IMF is that the provide resources (special, concession, last focuses more on short-term finan- and regular funding). The essence of cial stability in countries, while the special financing lies in the provision of World Bank focuses on medium- and resources due to emergencies (the unex- long-term sectoral and structural trans- pected rise in prices for imported goods formation projects. The goals of the or their fall on export products, social members of the World Bank Group are unrest, and natural disasters). This to increase economic development, liv- funding may also be used to address ing standards and reduce poverty by fa- transition difficulties in the emerging cilitating the mobilization of resources economies of the emerging market. to developing countries. The IMF develops its own recom- Looking at the divergence of func- mendations and requires the borrower tions of all World Bank organizations, country to: stabilize domestic demand they are quite closely linked by the uni- by reducing government spending; ty of purpose, and almost all structures maintaining an active balance of pay- are subordinate to a single body, the ments; formation of non-deficit State President. However, functionally they budget; structural restructuring of the have differences. At the same time, the

189 functions of the World Bank have some Financial and credit activity: problems differences, which will be analyzed in of theory and practice, 3(26), 368–376 further researches. [in Ukrainian]. Conclusions and suggestions for 4. Makohon Y., Lukianenko D. (2009). future research. In condition of signif- Mizhnarodni stratehii ekonomichnoho rozvytku [International Economic De- icant increase in public debt (external velopment Strategies], – Kyiv “Osvita public debt, in particular), the forma- Ukrainy”, 420 [in Ukrainian]. tion of a science-based debt strategy 5. Vorotin V., Prodanyk V. (2019). Vid and its relationship with other areas of rehuliatoroi polityky do derzhavno- economic policy at the present stage is pryvatnoho partnerstva v publichno- a priority task of strategic management mu sektori Ukrainy [From Regulatory of public finances and macroeconomic Policy to Public-Private Partnerships policy of the state. in Ukraine’s Public Sector]. Naukovi Implementation of an effective ex- zapysky Instytutu zakonodavstva Ver- ternal debt management mechanism, khovnoi Rady Ukrainy, 1, 95–102 [in Ukrainian]. which envisages coordinated work of all institutions in the field of public debt management (in particular when СПИСОК ВИКОРИСТАНИХ working with the IMF) and functional ДЖЕРЕЛ links between its constituent elements 1. Воротін В. Є. Макроекономічне ре- is a determining factor in ensuring the гулювання в умовах глобальних growth of investment and credit attrac- трансформацій: монографія. К: Вид- tiveness, financial stabilization, forma- во УАДУ, 2002. 392 с. tion of a sovereign image of economi- 2. Глобальні тенденції і перспективи: cally capable country — Ukraine. світова економіка та Україна / наук. ред. В. Юрчишин. Київ: Заповіт, 2018. 202 с. REFERENCES 3. Vorotin V. Ye., Romanenko Ye. A., Shchokin R. G., Pivovarov K. V. (2018). 1. Vorotin V. (2002). Makroekonomi- Improving the organizational and chne rehuliuvannia v umovakh hlobal- legal mechanism of state economic nykh transformatsii [Macroeconomic management: the european experience regulation in the context of global for ukraine // Financial and credit transformations], – UADU, 392 [in activity: problems of theory and Ukrainian]. practice, 3 (26). С. 368–376. 2. Yurchyshyn V. (2018). Hlobalni 4. Міжнародні стратегії економічного tendentsii i perspektyvy: svitova eko- розвитку: підручник / Ю. В. Ма- nomika ta Ukraina [Global trends and когон, Д. Г. Лук’яненко та ін. Київ: prospects: the world economy and Ukrai- Освіта України, 2009. 420 с. ne], – Kyiv: Zapovit, 202 [in Ukrai- 5. Воротін В. Є., Проданик В. М. Від nian]. регуляторої політики до держав- 3. Vorotin V., Romanenko Y., Shcho- но-приватного партнерства в пу- kin R., Pivovarov K. (2018). Improv- блічному секторі України // Нау- ing the organizational and legal mech- кові записки Ін-ту законодавства anism of state economic management: Верховної Ради України, 2019. № 1. the european experience for ukraine. С. 95–102.

190 UDC: 351 2020-2(22)-191-201 Romanenko Yevhen Oleksandrovych, Doctor of Science in Public Administration, Professor, Honored Lawyer of Ukraine, President of the Ukrainian Assembly of Doctors of Science in public administra- tion, vice-rector, Interregional Academy of Personnel Management, 03039, Kyiv, Str. Frometivska, 2, tel.: +38 (044) 264-52-54, e- mail: [email protected], https//orcid. org/0000-0003-2285-0543 Романенко Євген Олександрович, доктор наук з державного управління, професор, заслужений юрист Украї- ни, президент Всеукраїнської асамблеї докторів наук з державного управління, проректор, Міжрегіональна Академія управління персоналом, 03039, м. Київ, вул. Фрометівська, 2, тел.: +38 (044) 264-52-54, e-mail: [email protected], https// Романенко Евгений Александрович, доктор наук по государственному управ- лению, профессор, заслуженный юрист Украины, Президент Всеукраинской ассамблеи докторов наук по государ- ственному управлению, проректор, Межрегиональная Академия управле- ния персоналом, 03039, г. Киев, ул. Фро- метовская, 2, тел.: +38 (044) 264-52-54, e-mail: [email protected], https//or- Zhukova Irina Vitalyevna, Candidate of Sciences in Public Administra- tion, Associate Professor, Executive Director of the Presidium of the Ukrainian Assembly of Doctors of Sciences in Public Administra- tion, Head of the Department of Vocational Education and Management of the Educational Institution, Interregional Academy of Personnel Management, 03039, Kiev, Str. Frometivska, 2, 063-951-78-55, Frometovskaya, e-mail: [email protected], https// 0003-4927-0610

191 Жукова Ірина Віталіївна, кандидат наук з державного управління, доцент, Виконавчий директор Президії Всеу- країнської асамблеї докторів наук з державного управління, завідувач кафедри профе- сійної освіти та управління навчальним закладом, Міжрегіональна Академія управлін- ня персоналом, 03039, м. Київ, вул. Фрометівська, 2, 063-951-78-55, e-mail: irina_pravo@, https// Жукова Ирина Витальевна, кандидат наук по государственному управлению, доцент, исполнительный директор Президиума Всеукраинской ассамблеи докторов наук по государственному управ- лению, заведующая кафедрой профессионального образования и управления учеб- ным заведением, Межрегиональная Академия управления персоналом, 03039, г. Киев, ул. Фрометовская, 2, 063-951-78-55, e-mail: [email protected], https// 0003-4927-0610


Abstract. Some directions of development of the Eastern Partnership have been analyzed, which have given a powerful impetus for the expansion of the Eu- ropean Union’s interaction with civil society, with the participation of public or- ganizations in political dialogue. The areas of cooperation of the European Union were identified in the framework of partnership programs for the development of interaction between the state and society and it was proved that civil society has become almost the only mechanism that enables citizens to maintain control over the public sphere and at the same time to protect the autonomous sphere which the state cannot and should not influence. The features of modern Euro- pean scholarship grant programs, which are aimed at raising the level of various aspects of society, realizing their interests, in general and individual groups of citizens in cooperation with the state and business, are identified. Social econ- omy, non-profit sector, non-governmental and non-profit organizations are the main areas of this activity. The features of modern European scholarship grant programs for the formation and development of civil society are explored. It is determined that the implementation of the program of the National Museum of Berlin promotes values of respect for freedom, democracy, human rights, the rule of law, and brings the public dialogue closer to the pan-European political, eco- nomic and cultural goals of sustainable development. The Falling Walls program has been proven to be based on the principles of bottom-up self-organization, inclusivity, transparency, publicity and subsidiarity. The article also looks at the prospects for Ukraine in expanding its engagement with the European Union to

192 develop our country’s cooperation with EU countries to Europeanize the nation and strengthen civil society. Keywords: public administration, civil society, partnership programs for civil society development, development of the Eastern Partnership, European dimen- sion of implementation of European scholarship grant programs. ОСОБЛИВОСТІ СПІВРОБІТНИЦТВА ЄВРОПЕЙСЬКОГО СОЮЗУ В РАМКАХ ПАРТНЕРСЬКИХ ПРОГРАМ РОЗВИТКУ ГРОМАДЯНСЬКОГО СУСПІЛЬСТВА Анотація. Проаналізовано окремі напрями розвитку східного партнерства, які дали імпульс для розширення взаємодії Євросоюзу з громадянським сус- пільством, за участю громадських організацій в політичному діалозі. Визна- чено області співробітництва Європейського Союзу в рамках партнерських програм розвитку взаємодії держави та суспільства і доведено, що громадян- ське суспільство стало майже єдиним механізмом, яке дає громадянам мож- ливість зберегти контроль за публічною сферою та водночас захистити ту автономну сферу, на яку держава не може і не повинна впливати. Визначено особливості сучасних європейських стипендіальних грантових програм, які спрямовані на підвищення рівня різносторонніх аспектів життя суспільства, реалізацію їх інтересів, в цілому та окремих груп громадян у співпраці з дер- жавою та бізнесом. Соціальна економіка, некомерційний сектор, неурядові та неприбуткові організації є основними сферами цієї діяльності. Досліджено особливості сучасних європейських стипендіальних грантових програм для формування та розвитку громадянського суспільства. Визначено, що у рам- ках реалізації програми Національного музею Берліна пропагуються цінно- сті щодо дотримання свободи, демократії, прав людини, верховенства права і здійснюється наближення суспільного діалогу до загальноєвропейських по- літичних, економічних і культурних цілей сталого розвитку. Доведено, що робота програми “Falling Walls” ґрунтується на принципах самоорганізації “знизу”, інклюзивності (включеності), прозорості, публічності та субсидіар- ності. Також, у статті розглядаються перспективи для України у напрямі роз- ширення взаємодії із Євросоюзом для розвитку співпраці нашої держави із країнами ЄС для європеїзації нації і зміцнення громадянського суспільства. Ключові слова: державне управління, громадянське суспільство, парт- нерські програми розвитку громадянського суспільства, розвиток східного партнерства, європейський вимір реалізації європейських стипендіальних грантових програм. ОСОБЕННОСТИ СОТРУДНИЧЕСТВА ЕВРОПЕЙСКОГО СОЮЗА В РАМКАХ ПАРТНЕРСКОЙ ПРОГРАММЫ РАЗВИТИЯ ГРАЖДАНСКОГО ОБЩЕСТВА Аннотация. Проанализированы отдельные направления развития восточ- ного партнерства, которые дали импульс для расширения взаимодействия Евросоюза с гражданским обществом, с участием общественных организаций

193 в политическом диалоге. Определены области сотрудничества Европейского Союза в рамках партнерских программ развития взаимодействия государст- ва и общества и доказано, что гражданское общество стало почти единствен- ным механизмом, который дает гражданам возможность сохранить контроль за публичной сферой и одновременно защитить ту автономную сферу, на ко- торую государство не может и не должно влиять. Определены особенности современных европейских стипендиальных грантовых программ, направлен- ных на повышение уровня разносторонних аспектов жизни общества, реали- зацию его интересов, в целом, и отдельных групп граждан в сотрудничестве с государством и бизнесом. Социальная экономика, некоммерческий сектор, неправительственные и некоммерческие организации являются основными сферами этой деятельности. Исследованы особенности современных евро- пейских стипендиальных грантовых программ для формирования и развития гражданского общества. Определено, что в рамках реализации программы Национального музея Берлина пропагандируются ценности по соблюдению свободы, демократии, прав человека, верховенства права и осуществляется приближение общественного диалога к общеевропейским политическим, экономическим и культурным целям устойчивого развития. Доказано, что работа программы “Falling Walls” основывается на принципах самооргани- зации “снизу”, инклюзивности (включенности), прозрачности, публичности и субсидиарности. Также, в статье рассматриваются перспективы для Укра- ины в направлении расширения взаимодействия с Евросоюзом для развития сотрудничества нашего государства со странами ЕС для европеизации нации и укрепления гражданского общества. Ключевые слова: государственное управление, гражданское общество, партнерские программы развития гражданского общества, развитие восточ- ного партнерства, европейское измерение реализации европейских стипен- диальных грантовых программ.

Problem statement. The civil so- governments, and build the capacity ciety plays a key role in promoting for networking at the local and regional democracy, human rights and the rule levels [1]. Therefore, studying the Eu- of law, as well as sustainable socio- ropean experience of the partner civil economic development. The European society development programs is one Union provides active support to the of the topical scientific issues, since in civil society in the Eastern Partnership today’s conditions support for the pub- countries in all the sectors of coopera- lic sector is an integral part of any form tion and identifies targeted assistance of the social relations, and in particular to strengthen the role of the civil soci- the establishment of a partnership be- ety in the political dialogue, strengthen tween the state, the local authorities its ability to monitor the implementa- and the public. n the process of deve- tion of agreed commitments by the lopment of human civilization, civil so-

194 ciety at all stages of its formation was an cesses that take place in the area of integral part of a complex mechanism of establishing the partnership programs relations between people and the state. for the civil society development. The After all, the state and civil society, as trends in the development of interac- social systems, have much in common. tion between the state and the public The modern state and civil society in sectors in the context of globalization the institutional sense are two indivis- are highlighted in the publications of ible elements of social self-regulation, individual authors, namely: O. Babi- which in a democracy can not exist nova, V. Bakumenko, I. Bidzyura, without one. Therefore, in today’s con- M. Holovaty, N. Dragomiretska, J. Kal- ditions, the formation of a democratic nish, A. Kolodiy, A. Krutiy, N. Nyzh- legal state in Ukraine requires effective nyk, O. Semyorkina, O. Radchenko, interaction of state structures of all lev- E. Romanenko, V. Rebkalo, Yu. Sur- els and institutions of civil society. min, V. Tertychka, I. Chaplay and At the same time, in Ukraine, the others. These developments are a defi- process of public policy development is nite manifestation of the impact of the not yet sufficiently transparent, and the globalization transformations on the activity of the authorities is not always integration processes of the interaction clear to the public. In addition, the se- of various elements of the public ad- crecy of power from the public, espe- ministration on the use of accumulated cially when making state-management knowledge and experience around the decisions is a significant inhibitory fac- world. tor in the path of democratic transfor- The aim of the article. Is to investi- mation. Although modern Ukrainian gate the peculiarities of cooperation of legislation already provides certain the European Union within the frame- opportunities for effective interaction work of the partnership programs of the of public authorities with the public, civil society development. the forms and means of this interac- Presentation of the main research tion need to be constantly updated and material. The Eastern Partnership is further refined. In particular, as the a joint initiative of the EU, the mem- President of Ukraine said: “Becoming ber states and partner countries aimed a European country means fully em- at building and strengthening the re- bracing the European spirit of political lations with each individual country freedoms, fair competition and equality of the partnership, an individual ap- of opportunity, something that is called proach to the development of relations. the open access system, and the Euro- The Eastern Partnership is developing pean countries went to it for centuries. in four areas called Multilateral Plat- We have to go through this path for a forms, which reflect the four main ar- maximum of ten years”. eas of cooperation between the partner Analysis of recent researches and countries and the EU: “Democracy, publications. The activation of the good governance and stability”, “Eco- research on the implementation of the nomic integration and alignment with European integration path of Ukraine EU policy”, “Energy Security”, “Con- is a reflection of the globalization pro- tacts between the people” [2].

195 The Eastern Partnership has been a civil society for the budget analysis and powerful impetus for expanding EU en- public expenditure tracking to check gagement with the civil society in the their transparency and compliance region, with the involvement of the civ- with the needs of the citizens. il society organizations in the political n our opinion, the key aspects of the dialogue and support for the civil soci- Fund’s activities are: ety in all the sectors of their activities. 1. Advancement of the principles At the same time, the EU has increased of transparency and accountability — its financial support to the civil society Self-regulatory initiatives are usually organizations through the European aimed at promoting transparency and Neighborhood Program Civil Society accountability as well as improving Fund, in order to strengthen the role internal management, administration of the civil society in the reforms and and effectiveness of the organization of democratic transformations. The Euro- interaction between public authorities pean Neighborhood Civil Society Fund and self-government bodies; was the first program aimed directly at 2. Increasing trust from donors and supporting the civil society in the Eu- the general public — adherence to stan- ropean neighborhood. The main objec- dards of transparent and accountable tive of the Fund, which was established activity creates a positive image of or- in 2011, is to strengthen the capacity of ganizations in the eyes of grantors and the civil society organizations, to en- the general public; able them to contribute to transforma- 3. Participation of stakeholders / tion and become a real player in the de- creation of coalitions — Given the fact mocratization process. This is achieved that the norms of self-regulation are by increasing their contribution to the being developed jointly, the process of development of the strategies, as well their adoption stimulates the develop- as further development of their human ment of cooperation between the insti- rights, monitoring capabilities and con- tutes of civil society organizations and tact capacity. the authorities that take part in this. The Fund provides financial support It allows participants to define general to the Secretariat of the Civil Society principles and values, as well as solve Forum, as well as its working groups. problem issues; It also funded the project “Civil Soci- 4. Effective management — the use ety. Dialogue for progress”, that aims of a system of standards and transpar- to strengthen the capacity of the civil ent management processes can help society organizations in partner coun- achieve previously defined goals. A tries. In addition, the Fund supports detailed assessment of the activities of projects at the regional and bilateral self-governing institutions in accor- levels. These projects relate to different dance with certain parameters helps to areas of cooperation. The results of the identify shortcomings and improve the grant projects implemented by the civ- quality of management in general. ic organizations range from improving At the same time, the potential of the living conditions of the vulnerable the analytical and expert environment groups to raising the potential of the of public organizations, trade unions,

196 employers’ organizations in shaping Areas of cooperation of the Europe- the content of state policy remains in- an Union within the framework of the sufficiently realized. In our opinion, partnership programs of the civil soci- such cooperation should provide for ety development: a regular public assessment of compli- 1. Public information and dialogue: ance with the declared standards and • civil society; principles for the assessment of public- • gender issues; management activities. However, it is • freedom of the mass media and important that the mechanism for such the information society. an assessment is not timed and does not 2. Economic development and mar- complicate the access of the general ket opportunities: public. • economy and trade; In most of the country, the creation • employment and entrepreneur- and formation of civil society has a ship; number of problems that are important • agriculture and rural develop- both for society and for the state. These ment; tendencies are development: to the lack • institutional development and of transparency, secrecy and bureaucra- good governance; cy in the activity of executive authori- • governance, rule of law and hu- ties and local self-government bod- man rights; ies, instead of establishing an effective • security, cross-border coopera- dialogue with society; the imperfection tion and border administration. of the current legislation creates artifi- 3. Transport message, energy effi- cial barriers for the establishment and ciency and resource saving: operation of civil society institutions; • transport; the mechanisms of public participa- • energy and energy efficiency; tion in the formation and implementa- • environment and climate change. tion of public policy are not properly 4. Mobility and people-to-people implemented; the tax burden does not contacts: stimulate the activity and development • migration and mobility; of civil society institutions and their • youth, educational and vocation- support by domestic charitable organi- al training; zations; most civil society institutions • culture; do not have access to state financial • research and innovation; support and domestic charity support; • health care; the capacity of civil society institutions • national minorities [4]. to provide social services to the popula- Particular attention deserves a wide tion is not used. range of modern European scholarship In 2011–2013 the Civil Society grant programs [5]: Fund supported more than 100 orga- 1. “DAAD”. Within the framework nizations in all 6 Eastern Partnership of this program there is the possibility of countries with projects earmarking receiving scholarships by the represen- nearly 40 million euros from the EU tatives of the creative (music, design, [3]. architecture, fine arts, cinematography,

197 acting, directing, choreography), other photographers, journalists, animators specialties that have received a diplo- and others. [8]. ma of specialists and masters (bach- 6. “Gaude Polonia” program. Scho- elors) no more than 6 years ago. They larship for cultural and artistic work- are given the opportunity to take an ers (artists, writers, translators of Pol- internship in one of the universities in ish literature, musicians, cinematog- Germany. The scholarship is about 750 raphers, art critics, museum workers), euros a month [6]. which provides for a six-month intern- 2. Under the program Countess ship in the cultural institutions of the Marion Denhoff envisages a scholar- Republic of Poland. ship for young journalists who are flu- 7. “International Visegrad Fund” — ent in German at the most advanced a program that provides scholarships level. Such participants are provided for students and researchers. They can with the opportunity to complete a represent countries such as Belarus, Ar- two-month internship program in the menia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Moldova, editorial office of one of the mass media Ukraine, and have the opportunity to in Germany. The scholarship is 3 800 study or conduct research on any spe- euros. cialty in universities of the Visegrad 3. As part of the program of the countries (Czech Republic, Hungary, National Museum of Berlin projects Poland, Slovakia) for a period of 5 to supported by the collections and ac- 20 months. tivities of the scientific centers of the 8. Program of the Finnish Center National Museum of Berlin are sup- for International Mobility. Within the ported. This opportunity is given to framework of the program scholarships young scientists and museum work- are allocated to young scientists, re- ers, namely to spend from one to three searchers of all specialties. The candi- months in a research residence on the dates are offered to undergo an intern- territory of the museum. The scholar- ship at the universities in Finland. The ship is 900–1200 euros. duration of the program — from 3 to 12 4. “Falling Walls”. The program months. The size of the monthly schol- provides scholarship to journalists and arship is 1 500 euros [9]. bloggers who are interested in science, 9. “Estofilus” program at the Insti- write about it. Another requirement is tute of Estonia. Scholarships are fore- the availability of 3 years of experience seen for the researchers interested in in this area. The candidates are given learning the Estonian language and cul- the opportunity to roll over to all the ture. The program lasts 5–10 months, events organized by the Falling Walls which are held by the participants Fund in Germany, including at a con- in one of the research institutions in ference in Berlin [7]. Estonia. 5. “Fabrica” program. The Research 10. “Ford Foundation: JustFilms” — Center and the Fabrica studio in Italy deals with social justice projects. invite the representatives of creative 11. “Nextpix/Firstpix Crowdfund- professions — architects, graphic de- ing Grant”. Provided for novice direc- signers, musicians, writers, directors, tors who have already begun to raise

198 funds for the film through any crowd- tional program that combines theory funding platform. and practice in harmony with the aim 12. “Horizon 2020”. The program of exploring the interactions between that is the largest in the history of the the culture and arts and society. From European Union. It concerns research 2016 the focus of the program came in and innovation, with a budget of around three main themes: research, ability 80 billion euros, which is designed for and change. The applicants who meet 7 years (2014–2020). It supports a all of the following requirements can wide range of activities — from research apply: professional activity in the field to demonstration projects and innova- of creativity (artists, researchers, writ- tions that are already ready to enter the ers, curators, etc.) in any sector, in any market. country of the world; fluency in Eng- 13. “Seeing through photographs”. lish; submission of all the necessary Free six-week online photo education documents together with the applica- course from the Museum of Contem- tion, in the correct form and in due time porary Art (MOMA). The Museum of [11; 12]. Contemporary Art (MoMA) launches 17. The Visegrad Fund Program ac- the “Seeing Through Photographs” cepts applications for small grants [13]. program, its first massive online course The International Visegrad Fund is an for the general public, available on the international organization founded by Coursera platform. Using works from the governments of the Visegrad coun- a large collection of the museum as a tries (V4) (Czech Republic, Hungary, starting point, the course teaches the Republic of Poland, Slovak Republic). participants the critical view of pho- The Fund provides several grant pro- tography through the various ideas, ap- grams, as well as individual scholar- proaches and technologies used in their ships, postgraduate scholarships and ar- creation [10]. tistic residences. The grant is intended 14. The new “Erasmus+” program to support original projects in the field aims to support activities in the field of of culture, science and research, youth education, training, youth and sport for exchanges, international cooperation the 2014–2020 period. and promotion of tourism, as well as in 15. European cultural foundation other priority areas specified in the ap- (ECF). Within the limits of this pro- plications and placed on the site of the gram it is planned to allocate travel- fund. grant that covers transportation costs Conclusion. Therefore, the mecha- (250–700 dollars). The program aims nism of interaction between civil so- to support all the types of visual and ciety and the state in different coun- expressive arts: music, theater, dance, tries of the world is very diverse. But film, documentary, photography, de- the obligatory components of it can be sign, fashion, and more. considered the presence of: democratic 16. Applications for two re- legislation, separation of powers, the search residency programs (Italy). activities of the legal opposition, pub- “UNIDEE” — The University of Ideas lic-political pluralism. As an example has launched an experimental educa- of European practice, we can conclude

199 that the best opportunities for the for- 11. Call Research Residency 2016. mation of interaction between the state and civil society are present in demo- userfiles/docs/opencalls2016/UN- cratic regimes. Furthermore, we can IDEE-Research-based-Residency_ state that the EU countries attract Open-Call-2016.pdf 12. Murashko M. I., & Nazarko S. O. Vir- extremely many development efforts tualization of educational services and the further formation of the civil- market. Actual Problems of Economics, ian potential not only within their bor- 2015, 166(4), p. 289–293. ders. 13. Ryzhykov V. S. Economic culture: Historial aspects, analysis and devel- REFERENCES opment prospects in the conditions of economic relations of the market type. 1. Portal “EU Neighbors”. https://www. Actual Problems of Economics, 2015, 163(1), p. 52–58. tion/civil-society 2. Romanenko Ye. O. & Chapliay I. V. СПИСОК ВИКОРИСТАНИХ The essence and peculiarities of the ДЖЕРЕЛ system of service marketing in the mechanisms of public administration. 1. Портал “Сусідство ЄС”. [Eлeк- Current problems of the economy: Sci- тpoнний pecуpc]. Peжим дocтупу : entific Economic Journal, 2016, 12, p. 81–89. east/eu-in-action/civil-society 3. Civil society: the basis of the Eastern 2. Романенко Є. О. Сутність та особли- Partnership. https://www.euneigh- вості системи маркетингу послуг у механізмах державного управлін- tions/2017-08/PP%20Civil%20Soci- ня / Є. О. Романенко, І. В. Чаплай // ety%20RU6_0.pdf Актуальні проблеми економіки : 4. Proceedings for the “Eastern Partner- Науковий екон. журнал. 2016. № 12. ship Summit” Summit on 24/11/2017. С. 81–89. 3. Громадянське суспільство: осно- eapsummit/ ва Східного партнерства. [Eлeк- 5. Culture EU-Eastern Partnership Pro- тpoнний pecуpc] // EU Neighbours. gramme. The project funded by the Peжим дocтупу : https://www. European Union. https://www.cul- files/publications/2017-08/PP%20 granti Civil%20Society%20RU6_0.pdf 6. Site “DAAD”. 4. Матеріали Самміту “Eastern de/ Partnership summit” 24/11/2017. 7. Site “Falling Walls”. https://falling- [Eлeктpoнний pecуpc]. Peжим дocтупу: http://www.consilium. nalists 8. Site “Fabrica”. 5. Culture EU-Eastern Partnership 9. Site “Studyinfinland”. http://www. Programme/The project funded by the European Union. [Eлeктpoнний 10. Site “Seeing Through Photographshtt- pecуpc]. Peжим дocтупу: https:// ps”. photography vnimanie-granti

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201 UDC: 35::351,354.1; 61::614.2,614.39; 351:614.2. 2020-2(22)-202-214 Samofalov Dmytro Alexandrovich, Doctoral Candidate of the Humanitarian and Socio-Political Studies Department of the Odessa Regional Institute for Public Ad- ministration of the National Academy for Public Administration under the President of Ukraine, PhD, Deputy Director of the Southern Trans-regional Department of the National Health Service of Ukraine. 65000, Odessa, Str. Rope, 83 Offices. 504, tel.: (050) 631-01-86, [email protected], https// Самофалов Дмитро Олександрович, докторант кафедри гуманітарних та соціально-політичних наук Одеського регіонального інституту державного управління Національної академії державного управління при Президентові України, кандидат медичних наук, Заступник директора Південного міжрегіонального депар- таменту Національної служби здоров’я України. 65000, м. Одеса, вул. Канатна, 83, оф. 504, тел.: (050)631-01-86, [email protected], https// 7850-5365 Самофалов Дмитрий Александрович, докторант кафедры гуманитарных та социально политических наук Одесского ре- гионального института государственного управления при Президенте Украины, кан- дидат медицинских наук, Заместитель директора Южного межрегионального депар- тамента Национальной службы здоровья Украины 65000, г. Одесса, ул. Канатная, 83, оф. 504, тел.: (050)631-01-86, [email protected], https// 7850-5365

CONTEMPORARY FOREIGN PRACTICE OF COMMUNICATIVE ACTIVITIES IN HEALTHCARE Abstract. The article analyzes the foreign sources and outlines, the approach- es to communication activities and communication policy development in the public healthcare administration. A review of the literature reveals that the issues of communicative activity of the public administration are now widely considered, as a form of interaction

202 between the subjects and the objects of the government, which is the cornerstone of a democratic society. The same tendency is observed in the healthcare, but healthcare communications are related to a wider range of problems, as they serve as social communications that affect all the areas of the society. The article deals with the communication activities between the healthcare administrative bodies, subjects and objects, public associations, media, and more. However, it is also noted that in many countries, for many years, there has been a lack of a standardized policy on the communication activities. Communication approaches are characterized, which differ significantly in the developed countries with high affluence from the countries with low economic performance. It is well established that a large number of organizations in the United States are involved in the development of the policies and guidelines for communication activities, while in low-income countries such activities are of- ten developed with the international assistance of the NGOs and foreign donors. However, it is determined that in the health sector there is no perfect scheme of interaction between all the actors of the communication process in healthcare, so each country builds its own paths in the light of the socio-cultural traditions. Keywords: public administration, health care, public health, communica- tion activities, communication technologies, health care communications, public health communications. СУЧАСНА ЗАРУБІЖНА ПРАКТИКА КОМУНІКАТИВНОЇ ДІЯЛЬНОСТІ В СФЕРІ ОХОРОНИ ЗДОРОВ’Я Анотація. Наведено аналіз зарубіжних джерел та на основі отриманих даних виділені підходи до комунікативної діяльності та розробки комуніка- тивної політики в публічному адмініструванні охорони здоров’я. При огляді літератури виявлено, що в сьогоденні дуже широко розгля- даються питання щодо комунікативної діяльності публічного управління, як форми взаємодії суб’єктів і об’єктів управління, що виступає наріжним каменем демократичного суспільства. Така сама тенденція відмічається і в охороні здоров’я, але комунікації в охороні здоров’я відносятся до ширшого спектру проблем, адже виступає у якості соціальних комунікацій, які впли- вають на усі області суспільства. В статті розглянута комунікативна діяльність між адміністративними ор- ганами охорони здоров’я, суб’єктами та об’єктами управління, громадськи- ми асоціаціями, засоами масової інформації тощо. Однак також зазначено, що в багатьох країнах впродовж вже багатьох років зберігається відсутність єдиної унормованої політики щодо комунікативної діяльності. Охарактеризовано підходи в комунікативній діяльності, які значною мірою відрізняються в розвинених країнах з високим достатком від країн які мають низькі економічні показники. Так визначено, що в Сполучених штатах Америки велика кількість організацій займається розробкою політи- ки та настанов комунікаційної діяльності, в той час як в країнах з низьким статком така діяльність часто розроблена за допомогою міжнародної допо-

203 моги Недержавних громадських організацій та зарубіжних донорів. Однак визначено, що в сфері охорони здоров’я відсутня ідеальна схема взаємодії всіх акторів комунікативного процесу в охороні здоров’я, тому кожна країна вибудовує власні шляхи з огляду на соціокультурні традиції. Ключові слова: публічне адміністрування, охорона здоров’я, громадське здоров’я, комунікативна діяльність, комунікативні технології, комунікації в охороні здоров’я, комунікації в громадському здоров’ї. СОВРЕМЕННАЯ ЗАРУБЕЖНАЯ ПРАКТИКА КОММУНИКАТИВНОЙ ДЕЯТЕЛЬНОСТИ В СФЕРЕ ЗДРАВООХРАНЕНИЯ Аннотация. Представлен анализ зарубежных источников и на основании полученных данных выделены подходы к коммуникативной деятельности и разработке коммуникативной деятельности публичного управления, как формы взаимодействия субъектов и объектов управления, что выступает краеугольным камнем демократического общества. Такая же тенденция от- мечается и в здравоохранении, однако коммуникации в здравоохранении выступают социальными коммуникациями, а следовательно влияют на все области общества. В статье рассмотрена коммуникативная деятельность между администра- тивными органами здравоохранения, субъектами и объектами управления, общественных организаций, средств массовой информации. Однако также выявлено, что во многих странах в течении длительного времени отсутству- ет нормирование политики коммуникативной деятельности. Охарактеризованы подходы к коммуникативной деятельности, которые в значительной степени отличаются в развитых странах с высоким достат- ком от стран с низкими экономическими показателями. Так отмечается, что в Соединенных Штатах Америки достаточно большое число организаций занимается разработкой политики и рекомендаций коммуникативной дея- тельности, в то время как в странах с низким достатком коммуникативная деятельность часто разрабатывается с участием международных негосудар- ственных общественных организаций и зарубежных доноров. Тем не менее, отмечено, что в сфере здравоохранения отсутствует идеальная схема взаи- модействия всех акторов коммуникативного процесса в сфере здравоохра- нения, поэтому каждая страна развивает собственные пути с учетом социо- культурных традиций. Ключевые слова: публичное администрирование, здравоохранение, об- щественное здоровье, комуникативная деятельность, коммуникативные технологии, коммуникации в здравоохранении, коммуникации в общест- венном здоровье.

Formulation of the problem. Nowa- tion activities occupy one of the deci- days, it is logical that the communica- sive places in public management and

204 public administration. It is through which the communication can be sepa- communication activities that you can rated and predictions made, as well as reach agreement, build strengths, neu- indicating the importance for many tralize risks, keep in touch, and under- EU countries of a communication plan stand the public opinion. In many cases that can lead to the development of the success of the public management the social dialogue [3]. According to and successful administration will de- M. A. Znamenska, most of the works pend on the quality of the communica- dedicated to the communication activ- tion with all the parties involved. And ity deals exclusively with the develop- in all the spheres the healthcare sec- ment of the information and commu- tor first and foremost requires a wide nication technologies, telemedicine, exchange of information between all Internet information and more. Their the actors in the process. Because in place and role in providing information the field of health the communication and communication to the public [4], activities are aimed at discussing and however, this approach does not fully interacting with the public on changes address the issue of communication as and reforms in the field of healthcare, a systemic phenomenon. the introduction of a healthy lifestyle, Many authors point to the need for the elimination of the medical illitera- communication between the health cy, which has a direct impact on all the care administrative authorities and the social policy. media, demonstrating openness and The Ukrainian state will have to es- facilitating changes in healthcare man- tablish a clear and balanced policy on agement and administration and public the communicative healthcare activi- involvement in the elimination of the ties. When creating a communication medical illiteracy [1; 3; 5]. activity, it is necessary to take into ac- However, not all the countries con- count the scientific and practical expe- sider communication as a system, which rience of the other countries that have leads to the fact that 85 % of Japanese, already developed or are on the way to 63 % of English and 73 % of American developing the communication activi- leaders see the poor level of communi- ties. cation as the main problem in achiev- Analysis of the recent publica- ing the effectiveness of the organization tions on the subject. According to [6]. Yu. V. Zbyranyk [1; 2], nowadays dic- N. M. Drahomyretska notes that to- tates to us the need to combine the day many governments are considering communication and the public adminis- communicative activity of the public tration as a form of interaction between administration entities, which makes the subjects and the objects of the gov- it possible to solve the important prob- ernance, since the basis of democracy is lems of building relationships between to take into account the needs and posi- many actors: the state and the soci- tions of the object of the government. ety, the public administration bodies, However, as N. M. Drahomyretska and the public authorities and the public, co-authors should consider the commu- the objects of the administration with nication activity as a dynamic system in the state and among themselves [3].

205 E. A. Afonin believes that the commu- Formulation of the purposes (goal) nicative activity in the public adminis- of the article. Based on the analysis of tration as a whole is undergoing a radi- the foreign sources to study and ana- cal rethinking and significant changes, lyze the modern understanding of the in accordance with the challenges of communication activity and develop- the time [5]. ment of the communication policy in This leads to the development of the public management and public ad- new methods, practices and approaches ministration of the healthcare of differ- at the level of the public communica- ent countries of the world. tion. Outline of the main research ma- However, M. A. Znamenska and terial. The most widely publicized co-authors argue that in the modern healthcare activities are in the United world there is no “ideal” scheme of in- States, as many governmental and non- teraction between the healthcare sys- governmental organizations are in- tem, the population and individual volved in communication, both within groups of communication influence, so the management and administration of each country seeks its own scheme of the health sector and with the public on the communication activities in accor- health issues. These include the Office dance with experience, social and cul- of Disease Prevention and Healthpro- tural diversity [7]. motion, the Centers for Disease Con- However, given the financial and trol and Prevention of the USA, the quality imperatives facing healthcare, Food and Drug Administration, the it is not surprising that the providers American Heart Association, the Fed- are at the forefront of developing new eral Communications Commission of programs and tools to enhance the the USA, the International Association communication. According to J. Gor- of National Public Health Institutes, don and co-authors, the innovative and others. providers have borrowed best practices The Government Office for Disease from communication activities in other Prevention and Healthpromotion has industries, such as aviation, which are developed the “Healthy People 2020” also critically dependent on the effec- strategy [10], which also includes a tive communication [8]. It is important communication strategy and aware- to note that not always the communi- ness-raising on health issues. This cative activities produce the expected communication activity is designed to results. For example, J. Lecouturier take into account that approximately and co-authors point out that the edu- 11 million people in the United States cation program for stroke screening have very low education and some are programs has the significant disad- not even able to read. This communica- vantage of targeting a small number tion strategy seeks to clarify for the res- of people from a specific group, only idents and workers the most important those who have already suffered from issues related to the public health ad- a stroke, while being ignorant of di- ministration: covering their insurance recting the programs to broader demo- plan, what are the requirements and graphic groups [9]. cost sharing mechanisms, complaint

206 procedures and appeals decisions, the the position of a PR specialist, speaker composition of the network of health- and communicator who meets the pa- care providers, referral to specialists, tient first. The hospitals are constantly the use of emergency services, the price, looking for and recruiting communi- quality and safety of the funded ser- cation specialists and training already vices provided by the funded plans by available ones in the stuff. The key the employer. Many communication objectives, communication channels, activity developments are focused on technologies and methods of the com- the interaction between the clinic and munication are constantly evaluated the patient [11], but there are almost and defined. no national or local concepts, usually In the United Kingdom and the internal standard operating protocols United States a large layer of commu- of the respective medical institution. nication in the healthcare is focused on In the European countries good the risk communication. According to communication has been shown by this concept, the risk communication health communication and media in- can be defined as an open bilateral ex- volvement, so programs for increasing change of information and thoughts on the use of safety belts [12; 13] and re- harms and benefits, with the aim of im- ducing tobacco use [14; 15] have been proving the understanding of the risks very successful. and improving the decisions on the use For example, in Sweden [16] the de- of medicines [18; 19]. Therefore, the velopment of new concepts of the com- risk message should cover: the probabil- municative activity has made it pos- ity of risk occurrence, the importance sible to study the management work in of the described negative phenomenon, the health sector and its implications, the impact of the event on the patient putting the debate into a wider context [20]. of the institutional reform. Mostly the Good results in England have been communicative activities are aimed at shown by the media involvement in the analyzing the critical incidents. Con- national stroke strategy. The govern- flict resolution: “Convenience is a bad ment communication activity through argument compared to medical safety”. the media was aimed at raising the pub- In Bosnia and Herzegovina the com- lic awareness of the symptoms and the munication activity has focused on need for immediate action [21]. the widespread use of modern PR in In Germany similar communication healthcare settings [17]. The health- activities were expanded to include not care providers should be proactive in only the media, but also billboards and communicating with their consumer. posters, with short slogans, a simplified The proactive communication should guide to stroke that was distributed at be symmetrical in order to satisfy the mass events, and through family medi- interests of all the patients and the so- cine clinics among the patients. A com- ciety. The communication activity is pilation of interesting stories about therefore based on identifying the in- strokes, slogans and interviews were ternal and external consumers in all spread in the local newspapers, televi- the healthcare settings. It were created sion and radio.

207 Public health communication in Eu- stroke centers. The communication rope is responsible for a large propor- activities aimed at the doctors form an tion of the public health communica- international network of stroke centers tion activities. and medical institutions ready to assist In Europe all the communication with stroke [24]. channels are widely used for the pub- Australia has developed a digital lic health in communication activi- health strategy that incorporates com- ties: television, radio, newsletters, and munication activity as a cornerstone of proactive communication. In addition, a high quality healthcare system. Ac- today the largest sector of communi- cording to this strategy, support is be- cation is the Internet. According to ing provided for the clinics, more com- C. Turcu’s statement, the Internet of prehensive management of the chronic things in the health sector can create diseases, development of new digital real economic value and improve the services to support the health of the patient experience. Thus, gaining maxi- young and young children, access to mum value requires an understanding telemedicine services, especially in the of both the paradigm of the Internet of rural and remote areas, every health- things and the technologies that make care professional is able to communi- it possible to use the Internet of things cate with other professionals and their in the healthcare. There are some ben- patients through secure digital chan- efits to collecting and processing pa- nels [25]. tients’ data, as well as monitoring the In his study, D. E. Detmer studied daily health of the people [22]. the transformation of the communica- It is important to note the develop- tive activity into the Internet age. She ment of the vaccination communica- points out that in Europe the discovery tion activity as an important compo- of the biological and communication nent of the healthcare sector. Today, technologies has the potential to im- one of the strong trends is the openness prove the health of the people and pop- and transparency of the “bad news”, ulations. Improving access to health which improves vaccination coverage and illness information is characteristic by attracting old and new media [23]. of today. However, over time, care in An important trend in Europe is hospitals will shift towards palliative globalization, which also touches on care and end-of-life care, and the treat- the issue of the communicative health- ment and prevention will mostly be do- care activity at both individual and ne on an outpatient basis, at home or in country level. It should be noted here the workplace. Thus, today it is neces- that NGOs are involved in the com- sary to form communication activities municative activities at the level of in view of these changes [26]. states, communities, clinics, doctors It should be noted that the develop- and patients. For example, the “Angels ing countries today also recognize the Initiative” NGO, through training and need and importance of the communi- communication, raises awareness of the cation activities. Thus, Afghanistan, signs of stroke, increasing the number Zimbabwe, Ghana, Kenya, Malawi of patients receiving treatment at the and other countries have developed a

208 national communication strategy that Opportunities, Enhancing the Commu- defines the communication activities nication and Social Mobilization at All of these countries on the critical health the Levels, Communicating Behaviour and public health issues. It should be Change at the Community Level as noted that these documents have been Critical Levels of Medical Assistance, developed with the assistance of NGOs Mobilizing and Coordinating the Part- and the donor assistance of organiza- ners and Stakeholders, Knowledge tions such as the World Health Or- Management and Documentation [28]. ganization (WHO), the World Bank Conclusions and prospects for (WB), the United Nations Children’s further research. The current foreign Fund (UNICEF), the Deutsche Gesell- health practice demonstrates the use schaft für Internationale Zusammenar- of a wide range of forms of communica- beit (GIZ), [27–31]. tion activities, including: PR; inform- In most cases, the communication ing; openness and transparency to the activities are aimed at engaging and “bad news”; use of the social media; consulting with the public on HIV/ electronic communications and use of AIDS, vaccination and treatment. ICT; talks; communication (including For example, in Kenya the commu- business, face-to-face, social, etc.); net- nication activity deals with tubercu- working and data processing; entering losis, reproductive health, HIV/AIDS a checklist; transaction and message treatment, vaccination and more [28]. creation; risk communication manage- The communication activities aim to ment. provide a clear and informed roadmap New types of communication are for the communication planning, imple- distinguished for our domestic practice, mentation and monitoring of the coor- such as “proactive communication” and dinated programming, a mechanism for “fair communication culture”. It is also coordinating communication activities about creating temporary structures to approach community health strate- that facilitate communication with the gies, raising awareness of the strategic community, which is also absent in the community approach at all the levels, national culture of the communication government and partner resources to in the healthcare sector. provide the community health resourc- The analysis of the publications es, strengthen the capacity for commu- made it possible to distinguish the nication practitioners at all the levels, positions of the professional commu- identifying, implementing, monitoring, nicators in the field of healthcare, for evaluating, and managing the program, example: PR specialist of a health insti- increasing access to healthcare for all tution; health managers; HR specialist; the groups, and facilitating the transfer public health workers; medical com- of knowledge and skills at the house- municator with the relatives of the pa- hold and community levels [28]. tients. Five communication strategies were It is possible to speak about differ- used to achieve the above goals: Media ence of cultures of the communications Policy, Program and Public Consulta- of the foreign countries of the world tion, Enhancing the Communication and the domestic healthcare system.

209 It should also be noted that there trieved from http://www.dy.nayka. is a great demand for communication [in and information in the society today, Ukranian]. and if it is not satisfied with the state, 2. Lytvynova L. V. & Zbyranyk Yu. V. the residents will receive information (2015). Teoretychni aspekty rozvytku komunikatsii u orhanakh publichnoi from alternative channels that is not vlady v Ukraini [Theoretical Aspects always correct. In the end, in order to of Communication Development in foster health-related communication, it Public Authorities in Ukraine]. Der- is necessary to simultaneously under- zhavne upravlinnia: teoriia ta prakty- stand the basic measures that need to ka — Public administration: theory and be considered and implemented first at practice, 2, 4–11 [in Ukranian]. the state level, and then to improve the 3. Drahomyretska N. M. (2015). Su- communication between the govern- chasni tendentsii komunikatsii u der- ment agencies, the scientific commu- zhavnomu upravlinni [Current trends nity, the medical staff and the public. In in communications in public admin- istration]. Publichne uriaduvannia — addition, it is necessary to increase the Public Governance, 1(1), 85–96 [in social trust so that the citizens smooth- Ukranian]. ly follow the recommendations of the 4. Slabkyi H. O., Znamenska M. A. & Zh- public authorities and medical person- danova O. V. (2019). Rol komunikat- nel aimed at both treating the diseases sii v rozvytku ta diialnosti okhorony and preventing them. zdorovia: analitychnyi ohliad mizhn- In the healthcare sector there is no arodnykh dokumentiv ta publikatsii. perfect synergy of interaction between [The Role of Communication in Health the state, the healthcare facility, the Development and Activity: An Ana- population as a whole and the indi- lytical Review of International Docu- ments and Publications]. Ukraina. vidual communication groups, so each Zdorovia natsii — Ukraine. Nation’s country builds its own paths in the health, 1, 59–66 [in Ukraіnian]. light of the socio-cultural traditions. 5. Afonin E. A. & Balakirieva O. M. Further exploration will address the (2015). Funktsionalna i kompe- identification and prerequisites for the tentnisna hotovnist derzhavnykh implementation of the foreign experi- sluzhbovtsiv Ukrainy do zdiisnen- ence in organizing the communication nia publichnoho administruvannia v activities in the field of healthcare in umovakh demokratii [Functional and the domestic practice. competent readiness of civil servants of Ukraine to carry out public admin- istration in a democracy]. Ukrainskyi REFERENCES sotsium — Ukrainian society, (1), 7–22 1. Zbyranyk Yu. V. (2018). Perspektyvy [in Ukranian]. rozvytku komunikatsiinoi polityky u 6. Mescón M. X., Meskon M. X., Albert publichnomu upravlinni. [Prospects M. & Hedouri F. (2012). Fundamen- for development of communication tals of Management. (3rd ed.). Moscow: policy in public administration]. Der- ID Williams Ltd [in English]. zhavne upravlinnia: udoskonalennia 7. Slabkyi H. O., Znamenska M. A. & ta rozvytok — Public administration: Znamenska T. K. (2019). Komunikat- improvement and development, 3. Re- sii v okhoroni zdorovia [Healthcare

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214 UDC: 351 2020-2(22)-215-222 Shinkovich Andriy Vasilovich, Post-graduate student of the Department of Public Administration, Interrigional Acad- emy of Personnel Management, 03039, Kyiv, Str. Frometivska, 2, tel. (067) 364-81-68, e-mail: [email protected], https// Шинькович Андрій Васильович, аспірант кафедри публічного адміністру- вання, Міжрегіональна Академія управ- ління персоналом, 03039 м. Київ, вул. Фро- метівська, 2, тел. (067)364-81-68, e-mail: [email protected], https//orcid. org/0000-0003-2513-1640 Шинькович Андрей Васильевич, аспирант кафедры публичного администрирования, Межрегиональная Академия управлення персоналом, 03039 u. Киев, ул. Фрометовская, 2, тел. (067)364-81-68, e-mail: [email protected], https//


Abstract. The paper considers issues related to the essential features of sub- sidiarity as an important principle for separation of power and distribution of authority. Emphasis is placed on the fact that subsidiarity ensures the effective functioning of the government and makes it possible to maximize the democra- tization and decentralization of public administration through the most effec- tive activity of local self-government. The interaction between the state and lo- cal self-governments is proved to depend on many principles that divide power and authority and, at the same time, ensure the integrity and unity of the state power. The paper explains provisions related to the legalization of authority dis- tributed between the state power and local self-government. The fact that central power practices different ways of vesting local self-government with authority (the principle of positive regulation and the principle of negative regulation) is

215 emphasized. The features of two ways of building a relationship between centre and regions: a) delegation of authority and b) assignment of authority with an explanation of their specifics and features are revealed. Emphasis is placed on the fact that central bodies of state power delegate locally those powers that are more optimally resolved by local self-governments and structures and which also are irrational to decide in the centre. The nature and peculiarities of the mecha- nisms of interaction between public authorities and local self-governments are explained. Such interaction makes it possible to involve the maximum number of citizens in the issues and processes of public administration and, thus, increases the role of civil society in managing the affairs of the state and society. Keywords: subsidiarity, separation of power and distribution of authority, principles of interaction between public authorities and local self-governments, methods the centre vests local self-governments with authority. ПРИНЦИП СУБСИДІАРНОСТІ ЯК БАЗОВА ЗАСАДА ПОДІЛУ ВЛАДИ ТА РОЗПОДІЛУ ПОВНОВАЖЕНЬ МІЖ ДЕРЖАВНОЮ ВЛАДОЮ І МІСЦЕВИМ САМОВРЯДУВАННЯМ Анотація. Розглядаються питання, пов’язані із сутнісними особливостя- ми субсидіарності як важливішого принципу поділу влади і розподілу влад- них повноважень. Робиться акцент на тому, що субсидіарність забезпечує ефективне функціонування влади, дає можливість максимально демократи- зувати, децентралізувати державне управління за рахунок якомога дієвішої діяльності місцевого самоврядування. Доводиться, що взаємодія між дер- жавними органами влади і органами місцевого самоврядування базується на ряді принципів, які, поділяють владу і розділяють владні повноваження і, одночасно, забезпечують цілісність, єдність державної влади. Обґрунто- вуються положення, пов’язані із правовим закріпленням розмежованих по- вноважень державної влади і місцевого самоврядування. Підкреслюється, що існує різна практика надання центром повноважень органам місцевого самоврядування: принцип позитивного регулювання, принцип негативного регулювання. Розкриваються особливості двох способів ви будови взаємин центру і регіонів: а) делегування повноважень; б) передача повноважень з поясненням їх специфіки та особливостей. Робиться акцент на тому, що центральні органи державної влади передають на місця ті державні повно- важення, які оптимальніше вирішуються саме місцевими самоврядними ор- ганами і структурами і, які, до того ж, нераціонально вирішувати в центрі. Пояснюється характер і особливості механізмів взаємодії органів державної влади і органів місцевого самоврядування, завдяки якому є можливість за- лучати до питань і процесів державного управління максимальну кількість громадян, а, відтак, підвищувати роль громадянського суспільства в управ- лінні справами держави і суспільства. Ключові слова: субсидіарність, поділ влади і розподіл владних повнова- жень, принципи взаємодії органів влади і органів місцевого самоврядуван- ня, способи надання центром повноважень місцевому самоврядуванню.

216 ПРИНЦИП СУБСИДИАРНОСТИ КАК БАЗОВАЯ ЗАСАДА РАЗДЕЛЕНИЯ ВЛАСТЕЙ И РАСПРЕДЕЛЕНИЯ ПОЛНОМОЧИЙ МЕЖДУ ГОСУДАРСТВЕННОЙ ВЛАСТЬЮ И МЕСТНЫМ САМОУПРАВЛЕНИЕМ Аннотация. Рассматриваются вопросы, связанные с сущностными осо- бенностями субсидиарности как важного принципа разделения властей и распределения властных полномочий. Делается акцент на том, что субсиди- арность обеспечивает эффективное функционирование власти, дает возмож- ность максимально демократизировать, децентрализовать государственное управление за счет как можно более действенной деятельности местного самоуправления. Доказывается, что взаимодействие между государствен- ными органами власти и органами местного самоуправления базируется на ряде принципов, которые, разделяют власть и властные полномочия и, од- новременно, обеспечивают целостность, единство государственной власти. Обосновываются положения, связанные с правовым закреплением разгра- ниченных полномочий государственной власти и местного самоуправления. Подчеркивается, что существует разная практика предоставления центром полномочий органам местного самоуправления: принцип позитивного регу- лирования, принцип негативного регулирования. Раскрываются особенно- сти двух способов выстроения отношений центра и регионов: а) делегиро- вание полномочий; б) передача полномочий с объяснением их специфики и особенностей. Делается акцент на том, что центральные органы государст- венной власти передают на места те государственные полномочия, которые оптимально решаются именно местными самоуправляющимися органами и структурами и, которые, к тому же, нерационально решать в центре. Объяс- няется характер и особенности механизмов взаимодействия органов госу- дарственной власти и органов местного самоуправления, благодаря которо- му есть возможность привлекать к вопросам и процессам государственного управления максимальное количество граждан, а следовательно, повышать роль гражданского общества в управлении делами государства и общества. Ключевые слова: субсидиарность, разделение властей и распределение властных полномочий, принципы взаимодействия органов власти и органов местного самоуправления, способы предоставления центром полномочий местному самоуправлению.

Problem Statement. Today, a spe- is through such structures that the cific practical mechanism for coop- state power can reach out to the maxi- eration between the state and local mum number of citizens; after all, it is self-governments exists. Apart from a mechanism for linking the state with direct contacts, it is about cooperation the civil society. In addition, the prac- through the activity of various unions tice of creating various coordinating, and associations of municipalities. It consultative, advisory (temporary and

217 permanent) working parties, councils, ciple (process) has become known as commissions, and the like, has become “subsidiarity”. widespread in recent years. Such pub- The objective right of the principle lic policy is gaining more publicity and of subsidiarity to life is in the fact that openness, which, in turn, requires more government and the powers of its bod- detailed scientific research. ies cannot be objectively concentrated Analysis of Recent Research and only in one place, and, above all, extend Publications. The principle of subsid- to all governmental decisions and pro- iarity as a socio-political phenomenon cesses. In the conditions of democrati- is sufficiently studied by such contem- zation of social life, decentralization of porary foreign and domestic scholars public administration, the increasing as N. Anisimova, A. Aroyan, Weimer, role of civil society in the functioning of David L., Weining R., N. Gaydaenko, large societies, subsidiarity becomes the O. Gufe, E. Karakulian, V. Kuibida, principle (mechanism) of the optimal V. Malinovsky, N. Nizhnyuk, T. Pan- ordering of relations between different chenko, O. Radchenko, V. Tertichka levels of social hierarchy in the state. and V. Halipov. A bigger number of Secondly, the constituent elements of works is dedicated to the organization any social system cannot live “absolute- of local self-government, among which ly” without the centre because, without are the works of O. Batanov, P. Biley- it, its help and support, they will not chuk, M. Borislavskaya, M. Golovaty, be able to survive and fruitfully exist. A. Kostenko, O. Lazar, V. Malynovsky, Thirdly, there is a need to assign author- A. Nekryach, I. Pogorelova, V. Utven- ity from the centre to regions if they are ko, and others. most effectively implemented in the Purpose of the Article. The pur- regions. Fourthly, there is a need for pose of this article is to systematize mutual responsibility of the centre and views on the principle of subsidiarity regions for the successful implementa- as an effective means of strengthening tion of state policy when the interests state power through power separation of the centre and regions are mutually and authority distribution. The article consistent. Lastly, the effectiveness of attempts at justifying through which the subsidiarity principle is paramount components the separation of power when the competencies between the between centre and regions can be the centre and the regions compete [1]. most fruitful and effective in the inter- Terminologically, it is important ests of an individual, the state and soci- to bear in mind that the separation of ety at the same time. power is its division between the main Main Material. The historical gen- branches of power in the state, and the esis of modern countries and societies distribution of authority is the distri- undoubtedly proves that power sepa- bution of powers (authority) between ration and authority distribution, first the centre and regions. Both processes and foremost between the state and form public administration, which is local self-governments, is an essential based on the development of horizontal condition for progressive social devel- (rather than vertical) links between the opment. In scientific terms, this prin- state and civil society.

218 The principle of subsidiarity re- • mutual control over activities; quires an obligatory distribution of au- • resolution of existing conflicts thority between local self-governments through agreed procedures or judicial and state bodies, although there has al- appeals; ways been and always will be an inter- • purposefulness and adherence to action between them. It means, first of national interests; all, the existence of a set of legal norms • availability of local self-govern- and methods, which, in the aggregate, ment resources. are aimed at joint resolution of both State support for local self-govern- state and local tasks. In both cases, the ments is enshrined in law and imple- rights and interests of an individual and mented in the following generally ac- the citizen are in the centre of such dis- cepted forms: tribution and interaction. • development and adoption of rel- In theory and practice, the interac- evant legal acts on the functioning of tion between state bodies and local self- local self-governments; governments is based on the following • control over the compliance of lo- fundamental principles: cal self-government with the relevant • common goals and objectives constitutional norms related to its ac- aimed at ensuring the rights and free- tivities; doms of an individual and the citizen • proper information support for lo- and, consequently, the realization of cal self-governments; national interests; • methodological assistance to local • comprehensive state support for self-governments; the implementation and development • participation in the formation of of local self-governments (financial, po- local self-governments in cases provid- litical, organizational-managerial, etc.); ed for by law; • distribution (simultaneously) of • training for municipal authorities; subjects and powers between state bod- • financial assistance to local self- ies and local self-governments; governments. • maximum autonomy (self-gov- By law, local self-governments re- ernance) of local self-governments, its ceive separate state powers by exclud- bodies, and its officials to exercise its ing such powers from the competences powers; of state bodies. In the meantime, it • non-interference of state authori- is important to bear in mind that the ties in the competence and practice of world practice of vesting local self-gov- local self-governments (however, the ernments with authority of the centre control functions of the state power is carried out mainly in two ways. The over local self-governments still remain first method is inherent in the coun- and are clearly defined by law); tries of the Anglo-Saxon system and • subsidiarity when local self-gov- is referred to as the principle of intra ernments implement minimum state vires — the principle of positive regula- standards and individual state powers tion. It is about the assignment of those delegated to them; powers, which are precisely defined by • publicity and awareness; relevant law. If local self-government

219 does not act under the law, such actions cal self-government. Such granting is are regarded as illegal. Another prin- one-time, with specified time intervals ciple, which is referred to as “negative (terms) or indefinitely. As for assign- regulation” — ultra vires — is continen- ment of authority, it means that certain tal and occurs when local self-govern- powers are excluded from the compe- ments do everything that is not prohib- tence of the centre and transferred to ited by law and that does not fall within local self-governments, with inclusion the competence of other bodies. into their competence. As a rule, the If the above approaches are com- term of the transfer of such powers is pared, the principle of the continental not specified. system seems to give local self-govern- Given these features, “delegation of ments more freedom in their function- authority” and “assignment of author- ing since authorities of such a govern- ity” should be defined as sufficiently ment can determine the extent of their different political and administrative competence on their own. However, procedures. Thus, in addition to the some specialists [2; 3; 4–6] indicate constitutional vesting of local self-gov- that, in such a case, local self-govern- ernment in modern Ukraine, the Law ments are less protected from an arbi- on Local Self-Government in Ukraine trary reduction of their powers since states that the competence of local self- the state, in its own right, can expand governments may include some state their competence in one way or an- powers delegated to them by the state other. Quite often, the highest agency [4]. However, it also notes that granting of state power unilaterally does so in a such certain state powers to local self- statutory way. As for the Anglo-Saxon governments is carried out only by law. system of authority distribution, it is Significant importance is which difficult to make such a distribution of state powers by nature and features are authority unilaterally since the rules most often assigned from state authori- governing the competence of munici- ties to local self-governments for ratio- palities are enshrined primarily in their nal necessity. International and nation- statutes, which have the relevant legal al practices show that such powers are force. Even if national law changes in primarily: any way, the statutes of local authori- • state registration of civil status; ties are not subject to change. Such a • licensing (sale of alcoholic bever- practice exists in many, first of all, Eu- ages; activities for the procurement, ropean countries. processing and practical sale of non- It is also worth noting that the the- ferrous and ferrous metals scrap; educa- ory and practice of implementing local tional activities of institutions located self-governments involve two forms of on the territory of municipalities); granting separate state powers to such • compensation services of different governments — delegation and assign- nature; ment — which are different procedures. • medical and social examinations; Delegation of authority is the proce- • implementing state urban plan- dure when a specific state body grants ning cadastre and monitoring objects of a proper right to resolve issues to lo- urban planning activity;

220 • setting values of individual ad- state authorities and local self-govern- justing coefficients when calculating a ment in Ukraine are reflected in the single income tax for certain activities; Constitution of Ukraine [5] through a • procedure for the use of individual system of guarantees, support and pro- natural resources; tection of the functioning of local self- • activities of various administra- government. tive commissions, and the like. Conclusions and Prospects for Under these conditions, as it was Further Scientific Intelligence. There- mentioned before, local self-govern- fore, the principle of subsidiarity is now ments are deprived of their powers as- increasingly being researched as one of signed to them, which is also regulated the most critical factors in maintaining by law. the integrity of state power precisely Finally, it is worth noting that, in through the separation of power and the theory of municipal governance, the distribution of authority. Another three basic models of interaction be- great scientific interest is the question tween the municipal government and of how and to which extent the democ- public authorities have been formed. ratization of public relations, the de- The first model is the partnership model centralization of public administration (J. St. Mill – 19th century), which is an and the increase of influence on civil idealistic model of “equal” partnership, society processes will influence the pro- to some extent. The second model — cess of subsidiarity. Political, sociologi- the agency model (as opposed to part- cal, marketing and other peculiarities nership) — refers to the dominant role of the above processes, which permeate of higher state authorities in the state the range of issues, require even more administration, while local self-govern- in-depth and substantive analysis. Un- ments (managements) serve only as a doubtedly, the process of radical trans- specific administrative means to exer- formation, including through the prac- cise managerial functions locally. The tical implementation of the principle last of three models, which is a “bal- of subsidiarity, modern models of gov- anced” model of interaction between ernment, both abroad and in modern the centre and local communities, is Ukraine, is taking place now. the “model of interdependence”. Most likely, such a model is by far the most REFERENCES appropriate and rational if taking into 1. Bolshakov S. N. (2006). Printsip sub- account the noticeable development sidiarnosti v sovremennom demokrat- and proliferation of such basic types of icheskom upravlenii: kontseptualnye communication between the state pow- podkhody i problemy prakticheskoy er and local self-government as subor- realizatsii [The principle of subsidiari- dination (ordered from top to bottom), ty in modern democratic governance: conceptual approaches and problems coordination (mostly, horizontal na- of practical implementation]. Abstract ture), and re-ordination (mostly similar of Doctor’s thesis. Saint Petesburg [in to subordination). Russian]. It should be emphasized that the 2. Hovoruk D. M. (n.d.). Poniattia foundations of interaction between pryntsypu publichnosti ta yoho nor-

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222 UDC: 351:33 2020-2(22)-223-233 Shoyko Vasyl Anatoliyovych, Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor, Deputy Head of the Institute — Chief Engineer of the Ukrainian Research Institute of Civil Protection, Kyiv, Str. Rybal- ska, 18, 01011, Ukraine, tel .: (044) 280-18- 01, e-mail: [email protected], https//orcid. org/0000-0001-8670-8779 Шойко Василь Анатолійович, кандидат історичних наук, доцент, за- ступник начальника інституту — го- ловний інженер Українського науково-до- слідного інституту цивільного захисту, м. Київ, вул. Рибальська, 18, 01011, Укра- їна, тел.: (044) 280-18-01, e-mail.: pom_ [email protected], https// Шойко Василий Анатольевич, кандидат исторических наук, доцент, заместитель начальника института — главный инженер Украинского научно-исследовательского института гражданской защиты, г. Киев, ул. Рыбальская, 18 01011, Украина, тел.: (044) 280-18-01, e-mail.: pom_mtz@ukr. net, https//

CHARACTERISTIC FEATURES OF THE CONTENT OF THE CONCEPT OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION MECHANISMS IN THE FIELD OF CIVIL PROTECTION Abstract. It is determined that the public administration in the field of civil protection can be called a separate type of activity in the organization of processes to ensure the protection and security of the population, the optimal functioning and sustainable development of the system of public administration of national security, which is conducted by public and private entities. It is determined that before civil protection of entities belong to state authorities that implement the development and implementation of public policy in the field of civil protection; object control accumulates various aspects of the field of civil protection as a sys- tem of ensuring the protection and safety of life of society (in a broad sense it is a management activity); management processes are responsible for ensuring public relations and organize direct and feedback relations between subjects and objects of management.

223 Analysing the doctrinal and regulatory sources that define the notion 'emer- gency', the lack of a unified approach to this issue is noted, which can also be observed in the study of the classification of emergencies. There are seven criteria, according to which a specific event can be attributed to an emergency: • Organizational and managerial; • Socio-political; • Socio-psychological; • Social and environmental; • Economic; • Animated; and • Hourly. Each of these criteria meets certain qualitative characteristics. Any unexpect- ed extreme event should be considered as an emergency only if it meets all seven criteria. The defined criteria of an emergency, in their totality, make it possible to qualify processes, phenomena and events as an emergency, while separating them from other crisis phenomena. Keywords: public administration in the field of civil protection, the safety of life of society, emergency situation, processes of ensuring the protection of the population. ХАРАКТЕРНІ ОСОБЛИВОСТІ ЗМІСТУ ПОНЯТТЯ МЕХАНІЗМІВ ДЕРЖАВНОГО УПРАВЛІННЯ У СФЕРІ ЦИВІЛЬНОГО ЗАХИСТУ Анотація. Визначено, що державне управління у сфері цивільного захи- сту можна назвати окремим видом діяльності з організації процесів забез- печення захисту та безпеки населення, оптимального функціонування та сталого розвитку системи державного управління національною безпекою, яка проводиться публічними і приватними суб’єктами. Визначено, що до суб’єктів управління у сфері цивільного захисту належать державні органи влади, які реалізують розробку та виконання державної політики у сфері цивільного захисту; об’єкт управління — акумулює різні аспекти сфери ци- вільного захисту в якості системи забезпечення захисту та безпеки життє- діяльності суспільства (в широкому сенсі представляє собою управлінську діяльність); процеси управління — відповідають за забезпечення суспільних відносин та організовують прямий та зворотній зв’язки між суб’єктами та об’єктами управління. Проаналізувавши доктринальні та нормативні джерела, в яких наво- диться визначення терміну “надзвичайна ситуація”, відмічена відсутність уніфікованого підходу до цього питання, що, також, можна спостерігати під час дослідження питання класифікації надзвичайних ситуацій. Систематизовано сім критеріїв, відповідно до яких конкретну подію можна віднести до надзвичайної ситуації: • організаційно-управлінський; • соціально-політичний;

224 • соціально-психологічний; • соціально-екологічний; • економічний; • мультиплікаційний; • часовий. Кожен із зазначених критеріїв відповідає певним якісним характеристи- кам. Будь-яку неочікувану екстремальну подію варто відносити до надзви- чайної ситуації лише у випадку її відповідності усім семи критеріям. Визна- чені критерії надзвичайної ситуації, у своїй сукупності, дають можливість кваліфікувати процеси, явища та події як надзвичайну ситуацію, водночас, відокремлюючи їх від інших кризових явищ. Ключові слова: державне управління у сфері цивільного захисту, безпека життєдіяльності суспільства, надзвичайна ситуація, процеси забезпечення захисту населення. ХАРАКТЕРНЫЕ ОСОБЕННОСТИ СОДЕРЖАНИЯ ПОНЯТИЯ МЕХАНИЗМОВ ГОСУДАРСТВЕННОГО УПРАВЛЕНИЯ В СФЕРЕ ГРАЖДАНСКОЙ ЗАЩИТЫ Аннотация. Определено, что государственное управление в сфере гра- жданской защиты можно назвать отдельным видом деятельности по органи- зации процессов обеспечения защиты и безопасности населения, оптималь- ного функционирования и устойчивого развития системы государственного управления национальной безопасностью, которая проводится публичными и частными субъектами. Определено, что к субъектам управления в сфере гражданской защиты относятся государственные органы власти, которые реализуют разработку и выполнение государственной политики в сфере гражданской защиты; объект управления — аккумулирует различные аспек- ты сферы гражданской защиты в качестве системы обеспечения защиты и безопасности жизнедеятельности общества (в широком смысле, представ- ляет собой управленческую деятельность); процессы управления — отвечают за обеспечение общественных отношений и организуют прямую и обратную связи между субъектами и объектами управления. Проанализировав доктринальные и нормативные источники, в которых приводится определение термина “чрезвычайная ситуация”, замечено от- сутствие унифицированного подхода к этому вопросу, что, также, можно наблюдать во время исследования вопроса классификации чрезвычайных ситуаций. Систематизированы семь критериев, по которым конкретное событие можно отнести к чрезвычайной ситуации: • организационно-управленческий; • социально-политический; • социально-психологический; • социально-экологический; • экономический;

225 • мультипликационный; • временной. Каждый из указанных критериев соответствует определенным качест- венным характеристикам. Любую неожиданную экстремальную событие следует относить к чрезвычайной ситуации только в случае ее соответствия всем семи критериям. Определены критерии чрезвычайной ситуации, кото- рые, в своей совокупности, дают возможность квалифицировать процессы, явления и события как чрезвычайную ситуацию, одновременно, отделяя их от других кризисных явлений. Ключевые слова: государственное управление в сфере гражданской за- щиты, безопасность жизнедеятельности общества, чрезвычайная ситуация, процессы обеспечения защиты населения.

Problem Statement. Public ad- institutions and their legal regulation ministration mechanisms in the field of the sphere of civil protection. of civil protection have some distinc- Formulating the Goals of the Ar- tive features due to the many variants ticle. The purpose of the article is to of emergency development. Each of identify characteristic features of pub- the emergencies is unique, has specific lic administration mechanisms in the causes, scenarios, features of impact on field of civil protection. society, the environment, its scale and Presentation of the Main Mate- consequences [1, р. 69]. Therefore, I rial. O. Trush considers the issues of think it is necessary to analyse the sci- mechanisms of realization of the State entific research regarding the definition Policy of Ukraine in the Sphere of Civil of the concept of public administration Protection in a narrow and broad sense. mechanisms in the field of civil protec- In a narrow sense, the implementation tion. of public policy is carried out through Recent Research & Publications a comprehensive mechanism of public Analysis. The issues of the peculiarities administration, which includes separate of the mechanisms of public adminis- mechanisms: economic, organizational tration in the field of civil protection, and legal, etc. This approach makes it in various aspects, were investigated possible to realize the determined di- by following scientists: O. H. Barylo rection of the state policy in each indi- [4], A. V. Basov [9], Yu. B. Zaika [11], vidual sphere of public activity. O. O. Zolotko [8], T. M. Kyshtal [2], In a broad sense, state policy is im- K. M. Pasynchuk [2], S. P. Poteryayko plemented through a state mechanism [1], V. V. Fedorchak [10] and others. consisting of a group of mechanisms At the same time, the aforementioned of public administration, local self- issues, taking into account the urgency government, as well as mechanisms of of the issue, require a long and thorough functioning of the private and public scientific research in order to increase sectors. [2, р. 162]. It is determined that the efficiency of the activity of the state the state management in the field of

226 civil protection can be called a separate which the mechanism of public admin- type of activity in the organization of istration in the field of civil defense is processes to ensure the protection and implemented. In the structure of the security of the population, the optimal mechanism under consideration, the functioning and sustainable develop- author distinguished the legal and or- ment of the system of public adminis- ganizational components [3, р. 60]. On tration of national security, which is the whole, I agree with the author's conducted by public and private enti- opinion, but I will add that, in my opin- ties. ion, it is necessary to distinguish the I agree with T. Krystal that the structural and functional components mechanism of public administration in of the mechanism of public administra- the field of civil protection is a complex tion in the field of civil protection. mechanism. It contains a set of ele- L. Zhukova, in the system of public ments that interact with each other and administration in the field of civil pro- which include state authorities, which, tection, distinguishes the following ele- with a view to expeditiously detect- ments [3]: the subject of management, ing, timely preventing and eliminating the object of management and the pro- threats to the sustainable development cesses of management (See Fig.). of the state and society, and, in accor- I will add that civil protection of en- dance with national interests, carry out tities belongs to state authorities that the development and implementation implement the development and imple- of controlling, coordinating, regulat- mentation of State Policy in the Field ing and normative state-administrative of Civil Protection; object of manage- influences, within the framework of the ment accumulates various aspects of current legislation of Ukraine, and with the field of civil protection as a system the involvement, existing at the dispos- of ensuring the protection and safety al of the state and potential. of life of society (in a broad sense it is Investigating opinion of S. Andriei- a management activity), and manage- eva, I will note that he also considered ment processes are responsible for en- in detail the organizational and legal suring public relations and organize mechanism of public administration in direct and feedback relations between the field of civil protection and identi- subjects and objects of management. fied it as a system of organizational and So, in part, I agree with L. Zhukova’s legal instruments, levers and means by opinion. In my opinion, the System of

Subject Object of Management Management Processes of Management

Public Administration System

Elements of Public Administration Systems in the Field of Civil Protection

227 Public Administration in the field of I like the opinion of L. Prykhod- Civil Protection also includes manage- chenko [4, р. 68], who believes that ment activities, which provide direct the mechanism of public administra- and inverse links between the entities tion must contain an information com- and objects of management. ponent. However, I would point out A. Semenchenko examines the spe- that one of the components of the civil cifics of the functioning of public ad- service mechanism in the field of civil ministration mechanisms in the field protection is an information-analytical of national security. The scientist pro- mechanism, which is responsible for poses a procedure for modeling a com- the functioning of the system of infor- plex mechanism of strategic anti-crisis mation and analytical provision of civil public administration in the field of na- protection. tional security, designed to improve the P. Haman defines the mechanism level of effectiveness of public adminis- of public administration in the field tration in the field of national security of civil protection as a special type of in crisis emergencies, which contains a government that 'touches' the political, set of procedures and determines the cultural, economic and social spheres of sequence of their application. public life. Subjects of implementation It is worth paying attention to the of this mechanism are entrusted with components of the complex mecha- specific powers, functions and respon- nism, the implementation of which in- sibilities. First of all, the main idea of volves the implementation of a number management influences is forecasting, of processes, namely [3, р. 60]: timely detection, effective prevention • Creation of a database of passports and elimination of real and potential of threats and crisis situations; threats. Such state measures should be • Timely updating of the data- subject to appropriate, specially formu- base; lated, for special situations, means and • Creation of a database of template forces which, at the same time, concern anti-crisis and 'rational' mechanisms of the interests of the state and society. strategic public administration in the The creation of such a mechanism is a field of national security; primary management task and its solu- • Entering the results of the strate- tion is entrusted to the appropriate sys- gic analysis into the database; tem of authorities. • Event documentation; The end result of managerial influ- • Coverage of events in the media; ence is the provision of conditions un- • Providing expert advice to the der which sustainable development of Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine; society takes place, and national inter- • Use of such a tool as the Hotline of ests are realized in all spheres of public President of Ukraine; life. Therefore, the mechanism of public • Building interstate relations; and administration in the field of civil pro- • Introduction of inter-parliamen- tection is characterized by the peculiar- tary interaction mechanism and mech- ities of the cross-sectoral and function- anisms based on the use of asymmetric al components of public administration. threats, etc. This has a significant impact on the

228 methods, methods, functions and forms According to Part 1 of Paragraph of government in this field [5]. 24 of Article 2 of the Civil Protection To summarize, we can deduce the Code of Ukraine [7], an emergency is author’s definition of the mechanism of a situation in a restricted area or water public administration in the field of civ- body that is characterized by a dete- il protection. Therefore, the mechanism rioration of the living conditions of the of public administration in the field of population and caused by a dangerous civil protection is a component of the event: a natural disaster, a fire, acci- system of public administration, which, dent, catastrophe, epidemic, epizootic, in its composition, contains the tools, epiphytotic, or targeted use of lesions, methods, levers, means by which the etc. that contributed to, or could poten- management entity, which has expres- tially contribute to, a threat to public sion in the public administration in the health would result in large numbers of field of civil protection, performs direct casualties and deaths, or to incur con- influx on the object of management as siderable material damage, and also to the system of civil protection while us- make it impossible for the population ing such management methods that to reside in the affected territory or fa- serve to implement the State Policy in cility, or to continue its management the Field of Civil Protection. thereon. In the context of the research, I It is worth noting the achievement consider it appropriate to consider the of B. Porfyriev [6], who became the characteristics of the concept of emer- first among domestic scientists who gency. not only provided his own definition of Analysing the doctrinal and regu- the notion 'emergency', but also as fully latory sources that define the notion as possible described the parameters 'emergency', the lack of a unified ap- and features, through which a qualita- proach to this issue is noted, which can tive description of the emergency can also be observed in the study of the be obtained, or, taking them as a basis, classification of emergencies. you can characterize the situation as an V. Akimov, Yu. Korniichuk and emergency. H. Fedulov agree that, at present, there According to B. Porfyriev, an emer- are many definitions in the field of civil gency is an unexpected and unexpected protection that do not accurately and situation that has a sudden nature, un- correctly disclose the content and fo- certainty, acute conflict, which com- cus of actions of government bodies of plicates the decision-making process, all levels, institutions and enterprises causes stress in the population from of any form of ownership, non-govern- causing him significant economic, so- mental organizations in solving their cial, environmental damage sometimes tasks [6, р. 111]. it leads to numerous human casualties. Scientists also point out that, until The consequence of an emergency now, there is still no single and pre- may be the need to involve signifi- cise definition of such a basic concept cant material, human and time costs in the field of research as an ‘emergency’ for rescue operations, the elimination [6]. of various adverse effects from fires,

229 destruction, etc. [8, р. 173]. However, In my opinion, the greatest interest the above definition of an emergency is the approach to the scientific defini- is provided was formed even during tion of the concept of the emergency the Soviet Union. Although it is suffi- situation by researcher N. Klymenko ciently detailed, however, at the pres- [6, р. 115]. ent stage of development of economy, The author believes that an emer- industry, society, it cannot fully reflect gency can be called a violation of nor- the complexity of possible emergencies mal conditions of activity, or life, peo- [9, р. 95]. ple, in a particular object, or territory Investigating the signs of an emer- that was caused by a natural disaster, gency, the author notes that their in- catastrophe, accident, use of means of tegral feature is complexity. That is, destruction, sabotage, or terrorist acts, it is only due to the totality of all the by any acts of an unconstitutional na- features, at the same time, is it possible ture, or other factors that have caused, to qualify the situation as an emergen- or could potentially cause, the death cy, and in the absence of at least one of of people, harm their health, cause the them this can no longer be done [6]. death of plants and animals, cause sig- At the same time, B. Porfyriev draws nificant material damage and can cause attention to the fact that having the full damage to the environment and place set of qualities that determine the crite- in peacetime or during the specific pe- ria for an emergency is not a prerequi- riod (e.g. during combat operations). site for qualifying a situation as critical. The latter condition is due to the fact Depending on the particular situation, that emergencies can occur not only in some of the criteria may be missing. everyday conditions [6]. There are seven criteria, according I like N. Klymenko’s opinion, also, to which a specific event can be attrib- that emergencies can be classified on uted to an emergency: many grounds, namely: • Organizational and managerial; • Severity of consequences; • Socio-political; • Nature of manifestation; • Socio-psychological; • Speed of development; • Social and environmental; • Causes of occurrence; • Economic; • Scale of impact and consequences; • Animated; and • Rates of formation; • Hourly. • Speed of distribution; and Each of these criteria meets certain • Hazard levels, etc. qualitative characteristics. Any unex- This, in part, explains that scientists pected extreme event should be consid- use different approaches to the classifi- ered as an emergency only if it meets all cation of emergencies. seven criteria [8, р. 115]. The defined I. Shpyliovyi says that an emergency, criteria of an emergency, in their totali- in the general sense, it is any change in ty, make it possible to qualify processes, the combination of circumstances and phenomena and events as an emergen- conditions of life of society that can lead cy, while separating them from other to material losses, environmental dam- crisis phenomena. age and human casualties [6, р. 115].

230 I think that this definition is incom- so it is important to predict the time plete and I want to supplement it. In of occurrence and variants of events. my opinion, an emergency is a situa- Hence, the complexity of the imple- tion on a specific object or a separate mentation of management functions, territory that has emerged as a result of which increases the number of manage- dangerous natural, man-made, or social ment risks. A. Bielousov, B. Porfyriev, phenomena that have caused, or may O. Trush and other scientists rightly become, human casualties, threat to the agree with this [10]. environment or human health, substan- However, we cannot fully share the tial material loss and deterioration of opinion of A. Alhin, I. Baryhin and normal living conditions and life of the L. Smorhunov that only external influ- object or territory. ence and unexpected circumstances are I also share the position of A. Dat- decisive for an emergency. The authors siuk, V. Lapina and N. Malysheva that add that the mentioned circumstances an emergency situation is a violation of should be characterized by contradic- the usual conditions of life of the popu- tions, uncertainties, and significant lation in a separate territory, which can economic, environmental and social be caused by a natural disaster, catas- losses [10]. In a certain number of cases, trophe, accident, fire, epidemic, or the emergencies are a highly expected phe- use of any what are the means of mass nomenon. destruction. The result of such activ- An emergency directly determines ity may be the deterioration of the en- the risk or danger to human life and vironment, the loss of material damage health, which, in turn, cannot preclude and the loss of life [10, р. 66]. making rapid decisions to mitigate the In view of the aforementioned, A. impact or eliminate the source of the Datsiuk clarifies that an emergency danger. In this sense, the notion of may also be caused by the influence of 'emergency' is derived from the catego- secondary factors that occur during the ries 'danger' and 'risk' [11, р. 157]. war and terrorist period [10]. V. Sad- Conclusion. At the present stage, kovyi and S. Dombrovska have carried the problem solution of civil protection out the classification of emergency situ- of territories and the population from ations [10] as follows: natural and man-made emergencies (1) Firstly, depending on the meth- can be called one of the most important od of origin, they distinguish between functions of a democratic state. It is military, natural and man-made emer- noted that some of the gaps regarding gencies. the definition of the functions of the (2) Secondly, the nature of the dam- state, which are ensured by the inter- age caused is detrimental to social, ma- action of the mechanisms of public ad- terial resources and technology. ministration, and especially in the field (3) Thirdly, because of the level of of civil protection, are still relevant. expression, they distinguish between Research on the functions of the state object, local, regional and state. provided in scientific articles is, by and Despite the appearance, emergencies large, similar, but there are slight differ- have the property of speed of change, ences in definitions.

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235 Scientific publications


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