Most Rev. Ronald M. Gilmore Upon His Retirement As Bishop of Dodge City Page 2 January 30, 2011 Most Rev
The Southwest Kansas Newspaper of the Diocese of Dodge City Vol. XLV, No. 19 Sunday, Jan. 30, 2011 Register “...He has done a masterful job of providing nourishment of the mind, spirit and soul ....” -- Tom Giessel A COMMEMORATIVE ISSUE HONORING Most Rev. Ronald M. Gilmore Upon his Retirement as Bishop of Dodge City Page 2 January 30, 2011 MOST REV. RONALD M. GILMORE The Southwest Kansas Register Bishop Ronald M. Gilmore enjoyed a personal visit with Pope John Paul II while in Rome with other area bishops for their Ad Limina visit in November, 2004. The bishops of Iowa, Missouri, Kansas and Nebraska told the pontiff, “We assure you, Holy Father, of our respect, loyalty, obedience and love and that of our priest and deacons, of our religious men and women, and of all the faithful people of our dioceses. We beg your apostolic blessing for ourselves and especially for all our people. It is our privilege to serve them as bishops in union with our supreme pontiff, with you, our beloved pope. With your ongoing prayers and support we can continue our ministries without fear and with much hope for the future.” Beatification announcement confirms long-held sentiment By CAROL ZIMMERMANN lowed the announcement,” he said in a Jan. 14 church hierarchy have dramatically affected par- Catholic News Service statement. ishes, dioceses and the faithful in the pews.” ASHINGTON (CNS) -- The news of Pope The priest, national director for World Youth Because of the pope’s extensive travels in the WJohn Paul II’s upcoming beatification was Day 2002 in Toronto, said the date for the beatifi- United States, he said, “there are literally millions welcomed by many as a confirmation of something cation, May 1, is also no coincidence.
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