2019 1st through 12th Grades

Pleasant Grove Recreation 547 S. Locust Ave. Pleasant Grove, UT 84062 785-6172 / rec.plgrove.org Pleasant Grove Recreation Flag Football Rules


DIMENSIONS – The length of the fields are approximately 45 yards for 1st - 6th grades and 80 yards for 7th - 12th grades. The width of the field is approximately 25 yards for 1st – 6th grades and 35 for 7th – 9th. Each field is divided laterally into equal halves or thirds within which the offensive team has 4 downs to cross into the next zone.

SIDELINE – All participants (players, coaches, and spectators) not in the game need to be on the of the field at least a yard away from the out-of-bounds line. Participants not in the game should not be behind the end zones of the field. Referees may access a penalty to necessary teams if needed. Referees generally will access a warning before giving a penalty.

PENALTY – SIDELINE INFRACTION: 5 STEPS / LOS or POI (Offense may elect to replay the play or take the yards if the penalty was against the defense)


COIN TOSS – Each game will begin with a coin toss. Captains from each team will meet at midfield. The team that arrives at midfield first will have the option of calling the toss in the air. The team that wins the toss will have the option to pick between receiving the in the first half, receiving in the second half, or defending a side of the field. The other team will then select the remaining choice. In the second half, the team that didn’t receive first will receive the ball and both teams will flip directions.

DOWNS – During the game, each team will have 4 downs in which to enter the next half or third, upon which another 4 downs shall be awarded. The offense cannot gain the same first line more than once in a possession. If penalties or poor play causes the offense to lose ground into a prior half or third, the original line or goal line remains the amount to gain. The offense must then pass through the zone in which the penalty occurred and cross into the next half or third in order to achieve a first down or . However, on a change of possession, when a penalty sends the ball into a rear half or third, the offense has 4 downs to make the line to gain in the zone they start from.

A down is declared when the person having the ball is tackled (knee/elbow touches ground, flag is pulled, or merely loses flag) and no penalty is called. If a penalty is called and accepted, the down remains the same (some exceptions) and yardage walked off.


DEAD BALL – A is declared any time the ball touches the ground after touching an offensive player. The offense can’t loss possession of the ball by way of a dead ball. Exceptions to the dead ball rule are listed below: 1. When the ball touches the ground during the , before the designated rusher gets to the in which case only the quarterback may pick the ball up and continue play, barring that the defensive team is not to close to the play (causing a potential dangerous play/situation), at which point the play will be blown dead by judgement of the referee. 2. On a scrimmage kick, if the ball touches the ground before a attempt, the ball may be picked up and punted. No can occur on a scrimmage kick. 3. When receiving a kickoff or punt, the receiving team may pick the ball up barring the kicking team is not near the ball causing a potential dangerous play/situation. The play will be blown dead if the kicking team becomes to close at the judgement of the referee.

SCORING – Scoring will be kept for the 5th – 12th grade leagues. will count as 6 points; teams will have the option to go for 1 or 2 points after touchdowns, the try for 1 point will be from 3 yards out, the try for 2 points will be from 10 yards out; a safety results in 2 points and the ball. The 1st – 4th grade leagues will always attempt a try after the touchdown from the 3-yard line.

SAFETY – If a safety occurs, the defending team will receive 2 points and the ball. The offensive team will have the option to punt or the ball from the designated kicking spots for each league (listed on pg. 4).

Note: A player scoring the touchdown must raise his arms so the nearest official can deflag the player. If the player is not deflagged with one pull and the official determines the flag belt has been secured illegally, the touchdown is disallowed.

PENALTY – FLAG INFRACTION: LOSS OF DOWN (Ball returned to previous LOS) (On a change of passion, the ball will be placed where the change of possession occurred)

TIMING – The game shall consist of approximately two 25-minute halves. Halftime will be approximately 3 minutes long. The game clock will begin for the first half at game time or at the coin toss. Four plays will be called at the end of each half with approximately 3 minutes remaining. The half will then end after four more plays have been played. Kickoffs, punts, and extra points do not count towards the four plays.

OUT OF BOUNDS – A player is considered out of bounds as soon as he steps on the perimeter lines or hits a sideline/ cone. A player may not intentionally or voluntarily leave the field during a play and return to catch a pass.



THE (LOS) – The scrimmage line is an imaginary line that runs the width of the field at the front tip of the football.

POINT OF INFRACTION (POI) – The point at which a violation of the rules occurred and often the point from which the penalty is enforced. Flag guarding, , illegal runs, tackles or blocks are examples.


SHOES – All players must wear shoes. Most turf shoes and soft rubber cleat shoes (no metal), that are approved for soccer and/or little league baseball are legal. Players wearing illegal shoes are ineligible to play until problem is resolved.

BALLS – A pee wee size football will be used for 1st-4th grade. A junior size football will be used for 5th-9th grade. An official high school size football will be used for 10th-12th grade.

FLAGS – Flags will be provided at each game. All players shall wear a flag belt with 3 flags; a flag shall be positioned just to the rear of each hip, and one down the back. The belt must be worn outside the uniform shirt, and may not be hidden, or the flags be secured in any way that would prohibit access, or from being pulled. See pg. 8.

PENALTY – FLAG GUARDING: Blown dead at POI or first tackle attempt

UNIFORM SHIRTS – All players are supplied with a uniform shirt from the Recreation Department. Uniform shirts must be worn on the outside of any jacket or sweatshirt. It is required that all upper body clothing be tucked in. Uniforms that are not tucked in or that prohibit the defense from pulling the flag will be blown dead at first tackle attempt. However, if a player’s jersey or shirt is pulled out because of a defender, the uniform fraction will be ignored for the rest of the play.

WATCHES, JEWELRY, CASTS, ETC – All watches and jewelry must be removed prior to start of game. Players shall not wear anything dangerous to themselves or other players, such as watches, rings, hats, earrings, casts, etc. Wrapping of casts is not acceptable. The referee or supervisor will be the judge to determine other dangerous items.



NUMBER OF PLAYERS – 9 players shall constitute the maximum number of players a team may play on the field at any one time in 1st-6th grade, 7 players in 7th-9th, and 6 players in 10th-12th. However, teams will not forfeit in the 1st-4th grade leagues if a team has less than 9. In the 1st-4th grade leagues teams may divide players if one team doesn’t have enough players. FORFEIT TIME IS GAME TIME for the 5th- 12th grade leagues. In the 5th-6th grade league, a team will forfeit if they have less than 6 players. In the 7th-9th grade league, a team will forfeit if they have less than 6 players. In the 10th-12th grade league, a team will forfeit if they have less than 5 players. An opposing coach and team have the option to grant a leeway to give the other team enough time to field a team if they would like. Exceptions may also be made if teams call the program coordinator prior to the scheduled game date. Games may also potentially be rescheduled if both teams agree and the league supervisors approve. Having more players than the amount agreed upon on the field at one time is a violation.




WHO – Team captains shall meet with the referees at the first of the game to decide who will kick and who will receive for each half. See coin toss on pg. 1.

HOW & WHERE – The kickoff shall be a place kick (on the ground or on the tee). The offense shall line up at the designated spot for each grade line using the width of the field if desired. The defense can line up on their half of the field. 1st-2nd grade will kick from the half line. 3rd-4th grade will kick 10 steps out from the end zone. 5th-12th grade will kick 3 steps from the end zone. Crossing these lines before the ball is kicked will result in an offsides penalty.

PENALTY – OFFSIDES: 5 STEPS added after the run (The receiving team may also elect to have the kicking team re-kick)

RECEIVING THE KICKOFF – The kicked ball may be caught (before or after touching the ground) and returned. The ball may also be returned after touching an offensive player and hitting the ground barring the kicking team isn’t near the ball causing a potential dangerous play/situation. This is determined by the judgement of the referee. See dead ball on pg. 2. Any kick hitting beyond the goal line that wasn’t cleanly caught and advanced by the receiving team back across that line, will be placed in the middle of the first zone. A ball that is touched a rolls out of bounds will be placed where it went out of bounds on the sideline or at the middle of the first zone if it went out the back of the endzone.


RECEIVING TEAM – The receiving team may not throw a on the return; however, the receiving team may lateral the ball at any time. If the ball hits the ground on a lateral, the play will be blown dead and the offense will start where the ball landed. If a lateral hits the ground in the receiving team’s end zone, it will result in a safety. Laterals can also be intercepted by the kicking/defensive team out of the air only.


OUT-OF-BOUNDS – Once the ball is kicked, the ball shall belong to the receiving team, unless intercepted on a lateral by the kicking team. If a kick goes out-of-bounds without being touched by the receiving the team the ball will be placed 2 yards behind the closest downfield line. However, if the ball goes out in the first zone, the ball will be placed where it initially went out.

PENALTY – KICK OUT-OF-BOUNDS: 2 yards behind the nearest forward mark unless it is in the front zone of the field.

OFFSIDES ON KICKOFF – Breaking the LOS before the ball is put into play with a kick will result in an offsides penalty.

PENALTY – OFFSIDES: 5 STEPS added after the run


ANNOUNCES INTENTION TO KICK – A team must announce its intention to kick (presumably on 4th down). If a kick is not intended, no announcement need be made. Anytime a scrimmage kick is made, a change of possession will occur. All players on the LOS and every member of the kicking team, except the kicker, may not move off the line or in any other direction until the ball is kicked. The kicker must also promptly kick the ball after receiving the snap. They may not purposefully delay or move excessively in order to gain an advantage.


RECEIVING THE SCRIMMAGE KICK – Receiving team may not attempt to block the kick, even from their side of the line of scrimmage. If this is attempted, a penalty will occur. The kicked ball may be caught and returned. However, if the ball touches an offensive player and hits the ground and the kicking team becomes to close, the play will be blown dead by judgement of the referee to prevent a potential dangerous play or situation. If the kick goes out-of-bounds on the sideline, the ball will be placed where it went out. If the kick lands in the endzone, the ball will be placed in the middle of the first zone. If the kicking team


is the first to touch the ball, the ball will remain with the receiving team, and will be placed where the ball was touched by the kicking team.

Note: A ball will be considered landing in the endzone if a player on the kicking team touches the ball while in the end zone or touched the end zone prior to touching the ball, regardless if the ball hit the end zone or not.

PENALTY – BLOCKING SCRIMMAGE KICK: 5 STEPS / LOS (Blown Dead) (Can result in a first down)


OFFSIDES / FALSE STARTS – Neither the offense, nor the defense may in any way cross the LOS until the ball is put into play, either by kicking or hiking. There are NO false starts in this league. Both the offense and defense may both return to their sides of the field before the ball has been snapped, barring no contact was made with an opposing player and no unsportsmanlike behavior occurred (such as entering/disrupting the other team’s huddle).


OFFENSIVE FORMATION – Any offensive formation is legal as long as the ball is hiked (between the legs or from the side) to someone behind the line of scrimmage. All snaps must start on the ground. A snap infraction will occur if the player hiking the ball fakes a snap. See illegal plays on pg. 8.



DESIGNATED RUSHERS – An official will stand 10 steps from the line of scrimmage into the defensive side and act as a marker for all defensive players who want to rush the quarterback. Any number of players can start behind the rush line and choose to rush or not. No defensive player can rush the quarterback unless he/she starts behind the official at 10 steps down field except for a few exceptions. Any defensive player can rush, barring the offense shows some type of run, such as making/faking a handoff or pitch, throwing the ball to a receiver behind the line of scrimmage, or the quarterback shows an intent to run by running forward or laterally leaves the pocket (5 yards to either side of where the ball was snapped). Players not rushing but guarding a receiver may cross over the line of scrimmage to make a play once the ball is thrown. Judgement on showing a run play or leaving the pocket is left to the discretion and judgement of the referee. Any player may also rush if they back up to the designated rush line and then rush.


Note: If a quarterback simply brings the ball down this does not count as an intent to run.


ROUGHING THE PASSER – Defensive players rushing the quarterback may not make any contact with the quarterback’s upper body or arm as he releases the ball for a pass or raise their arms up to block a pass. A penalty will occur regardless if the rusher made contact with the quarterback or ball. Defensive players may put their hands up barring they are on the defensive side of the line of scrimmage. Pulling the flag is the preferred method of stopping the quarterback’s pass. Defensive players may also not roughly contact the quarterback either before/after the quarterback throws the ball regardless if they were going for the flag.



EVERYONE ELIGIBLE – All players are eligible to receive or throw passes.

ONE FORWARD PASS – Only one forward pass may be thrown during a play. Any forward pass thrown after ball carrier crosses the line of scrimmage is an illegal pass. Once the ball has crossed the line of scrimmage, players may only make lateral passes. A player cannot return behind the line of scrimmage and attempt a forward pass. A handoff does not count as a forward pass regardless if it occurs in front or behind a player. However, a forward toss does count as a forward pass.


LATERALS – Any pass thrown or tossed backwards is called a lateral. If the ball hits the ground on a lateral, the play will be blown dead and the offense will start the next play where the ball landed. If a lateral lands behind the goal line in posterior endzone, the play will result in a safety. A lateral can also be intercepted by the defensive team before it hits the ground, resulting in a change of possession.

DEFENDING THE PASS – The defensive players are allowed to make a play on a pass. can occur, be returned (except on extra points), and result in a change of possession. However, the defense may not hold, trip, or in any way interfere with, or impede the offensive receiver in his attempt to catch a thrown ball. However, defenders may also swat the ball in the air or out of a player’s hands, as long as they don’t make contact before or after with any part of the offensive player and only make contact with the ball. Once an offensive player has possession and has started to run, a defender may not swat or strip the ball.


PENALTY – DEFENSIVE PASS INTERFERENCE: 10 STEPS / LOS (IF OCCURRED IN ENDZONE – Ball will be placed at 3-yard line, with an automatic first down) PENALTY – STRIPPING BALL – 10 STEPS / POI (Or added to end of play)

OFFENSIVE PASS INTERFERENCE – The offense may not hold, trip, or in any way interfere with a defensive player in his attempt to catch a thrown ball. The offensive players may also not set screens to impede a defensive player from defending a receiver.



BALL CARRIER MAY – A ball carrier may jump (juke) or spin in a controlled manner. Ball carrier may not jump (juke) or spin in any way that the official views as dangerous to himself or any other person. (Jumping into/over defenders or spinning 2 times consecutively may be considered dangerous)


BALL CARRIER MAY NOT – Ball carrier may not stiff-arm, guard his flag to avoid a tackle, jump over other players, or run through tacklers. (Ball carrier must attempt to run around defenders to avoid head on collisions).

PENALTY – ILLEGAL RUN: 10 STEPS/ POI (LOSS OF DOWN) PENALTY – FLAG GUARDING: Blown dead at first tackle attempt

BALL CARRIER MAY NOT – Intentionally a ball forward in order to take advantage of field position or achieve a first down. In the case of an intentional forward fumble, the ball will be spotted at the point of release. Conversely, a ball carrier may lose yards if a fumble goes backwards, and the ball will be placed where the ball first contacted the ground.

BALL CARRIER MAY NOT – Ball carrier may not with ball to gain field advantage. Ball will be placed where dive was initiated. A player however may dive to make a catch or pull a flag.

ILLEGAL PLAYS – A) Center Sneak - The player who snaps the ball to the quarterback must hike between his legs (or from the side) and turn around to receive the handoff in order to carry the ball. (The center is still eligible as a receiver) B) – Flying Wedge – Any play deemed by the referee that results in all the players lining up in a blocking formation close together with a runner running up the middle will be flagged and


deemed illegal. However, running to the outside with lots of blockers is legal. See running up the middle on pg. 9.


QUICK SNAP TO MAN IN MOTION - This play is legal as long as the man in motion is at least 3 yards behind the LOS at the point he receives the ball. Only one player may be in motion during the snap. Multiple players may be in motion before the ball is snapped, but any players above one must be set before the snap. Motion may only occur side to side, forward motion during a snap is not allowed and results in a penalty.


RUNNING UP THE MIDDLE – This play is only legal if the referee deems it wasn’t a type of flying wedge play. For example, a quarterback may end up running in the middle on a scramble play or on a designed run where there were initially only one or two blockers in front of him. There is no quarterback sneak play from under center, meaning the quarterback can’t take a snap while under the center and immediately run up the middle or dive over the center. See illegal plays on pg. 8.


PULLING THE FLAG – Tackling is the process of pulling the flag of the ball carrier. The tackler may not hold, pull down, or run through the ball carrier himself in order to pull the flag, nor may he deliberately trip the ball carrier, or intentionally push him out of bounds. The defense may not deliberately pull the flag of any player not in possession of the ball (results in an penalty) or strip the ball out of the ball carrier’s hands. Once the flag has been pulled, it must be immediately dropped to the ground. Flags swung around in the air can cause harm and injury.

PENALTY – ILLEGAL TACKLE: 10 STEPS / POI. (If unsafe or flagrant, penalty may also result in a possible ejection) PENALTY – STRIPPING BALL: 10 STEPS / POI (Or added to end of play) PENALTY – UNSPORTSMANLIKE CONDUCT: 10 STEPS / LOS or Assessed at end of play

LOST FLAG – A player is considered tackled if he has lost his belt and has possession of the ball.

DROPPED BALL – A dropped ball results in a dead ball (not a fumble), with a few exceptions. See dead ball on pg. 2.


UNFAIR CIRCUMSTANCE CLAUSE – If the defense makes an attempt to pull the flag of a ball carrier but is unsuccessful because of some unfair circumstance, the official may blow the play dead and spot the ball at that point or enforce a penalty. See note on pg. 2 under scoring.

PENALTY – FLAG INFRACTION: Loss of Down (Ball returned to previous LOS) (On a change of passion, the ball will be placed where the change of possession occurred)

SPOTTING THE BALL - The ball will be spotted at the location of the ball when the runner’s flag was pulled.


OFFENSE – Players may not run over, push, shoulder, hold, trip, or in any deliberate way impede the defense except by being an obstacle, stationary, or moving, which the defense must run around in order to gain access to the ball carrier. Blocking is like setting a screen in basketball, but blockers may shuffle side to side. Blockers may not extend their hands or elbows out in any direction. Blockers may not initiate contact or a of an opponent.

PENALTY – ILLEGAL BLOCK: 5 STEPS / LOS IF BLOCK OCCURRED BEHIND LOS; OR 5 STEPS / POI IF BLOCK OCCURRED BEYOND LOS. Note: A referee may impose a harsher penalty if he feels the infraction was flagrant or dangerous!

DEFENSE – The defensive players must run around the offensive player in order to gain access to the ball carrier. The defense may not extend their hands or elbows out in any direction. They may not run over, push, shoulder, hold, trip, or in any deliberate way remove the offensive player from his station, even if that player is moving.

PENALTY – ILLEGAL RUSH: 5 STEPS / LOS OR 5 STEPS / POI IF INFRACTION OCCURRED BEYOND LOS. Note: Referee may impose harsher penalty if he feels the infraction was flagrant or dangerous!


SUBSTITUTIONS – Players may freely sub in between plays both for offense and defense. The defense is only guaranteed enough time to substitute if the offensive team substituted prior. Players may not leave the field and quickly step back on to deceive the opposing team. A referee may allow a player that initially subbed off to come back on barring there is no intent by the player to deceive the other team. Once a play has started, players may not enter the field even if their team has less than the


maximum number of players. A team with more than the maximum number of players at the start of a play will also result in a penalty.


SPORTSMANSHIP – Players or coaches shall not swear, scream, fight, spike the ball, complain about the referee’s judgment, deliberately deter the official in his attempt to officiate the game, or in any other manner show unsportsmanlike conduct.

PENALTY – UNSPORTSMANLIKE CONDUCT: 10 STEPS/LOS or ASSESSED AT END OF PLAY. A more severe penalty may be assessed at the referee’s discretion depending on severity of offense. Ejection from the game or from the field is within the power of the official.

OFFICIAL – The official shall have the right to rule on anything not specifically covered in the rules. Judgment calls are not to be questioned or protested. Improper application of the rules by the official may be questioned by the coach if done in sensible and calm manner. The official oversees the game; his ruling shall be final. There will be a field supervisor at each location to assist with official/coach questions.

INADVERTENT WHISTLE – If the referee blows his whistle by mistake the ball shall be placed at the spot of the ball when the whistle was inadvertently blown and the down counted, or the down may be replayed at the discretion of the offensive team.

WIN/ LOSS – There will be win / loss records kept during the season for 5th – 12th grade. We will end the season with a tournament for these leagues. Ties in standings will most likely be broken by head to head victories and point differential.

OVERTIME – If a game is tied at the end of regulation, an period will occur. Overtimes will begin with a quick coin toss and run like the NCAA overtimes. The same team that called the coin toss at the beginning of the game will have the option to select heads or tails in the air. The team that wins the toss will have the option to choose to start on offense, start on defense, or an end of the field. The other team will select the remaining option. Teams will then alternate going for extra points from 10 steps out. Each team will only have one play to score. The teams will alternate who goes first and second with each subsequent overtime.

COACHING – Each team must have a graduated adult representative at each game in order to play. Coaches will be allowed to coach on the field for both offense and defense during each game in the 1st-2rd grade. The 3rd-4th grade teams will only be allowed to have an offensive coach stay on the field during games. Coaches will not be allowed on the field of play for the 5th-12th grade teams.




INFRACTION PENALTY Sideline Infraction 5 Steps/LOS or POI Pg. 1 Flag Infraction Loss of Down Pg. 2, 9 Illegal Touching 5 Steps/LOS and Loss of Down Pg. 2-3 Flag Guarding Blown Dead @ POI Pg. 3, 8 Illegal Substitution 5 Steps/LOS Pg. 4, 10 Offside Kickoff 5 Steps/added to end of play Pg. 4-5 Illegal Pass on Kickoff Blown Dead @ POI Pg. 4 Kickoff Out-of-Bounds Ball placed 2 yards behind first down marker Pg. 5 Kicking Infraction 5 Steps/LOS and Blown Dead Pg. 5 Blocking Scrimmage Kick 5 Steps/LOS and Blown Dead Pg. 5 Offsides 5 Steps/LOS Pg. 6 Snap Infraction 5 Steps/LOS Pg. 6 Rush Infraction 5 Steps/LOS Pg. 6 Roughing the Passer 5 or 10 Steps/LOS Pg. 7 Illegal Pass 5 Steps/LOS and Loss of Down Pg. 7 Defensive Pass Int. 10 Steps/LOS Pg. 7 Placed at 3-yard line; First Down Offensive Pass Int. 10 Steps/LOS and Loss of Down Pg. 7-8 Stripping the Ball 10 Steps/POI Pg. 7, 9 Illegal Run 10 Steps/POI and Loss of Down Pg. 8 Illegal Play Replay the Down Pg. 8-9 Illegal Tackle 10 Steps/POI Pg. 9 Unsportsmanlike Conduct 10 Steps LOS/ Assessed at end of Play Pg. 9,10 Illegal Block 5 or 10 Steps LOS/POI Pg. 10 Illegal Rush 5 or 10 Steps LOS/POI Pg. 10

Official may assess a 10-step penalty if he felt that any above infraction was flagrant or occurred in a dangerous manner. When an infraction occurs, the offended team usually has the choice to accept the result of the play or assess the penalty for that infraction. Some penalties may also be assessed on the subsequent play. For example, if an infraction occurred in between plays. When near the goal lines, penalty steps will be assessed by half the distance if this amount is less than the original number of steps.
