INFORMATION PACKAGE TABLE OF CONTENTS WELCOME TO THE JUNIOR LIBERTY BOWL PLAYER ITINERARY COMBINE ASSESSMENT INFORMATION COVID-19 RESPONSE CONTACT INFORMATION 02 JUNIOR LIBERTY BOWL ALL-STAR GAME & COMBINE Welcome to the Junior Liberty Bowl All-Star Game & Combine! We thank you for allowing your ALL-STAR to participate in this 4-day football event. We want this event to be a fun, competitive and memorable experience for our players, parents, coaches, and our staff. Remember that the itinerary is subject to change, updates will be provided by text and/or email. ALL student-athletes must report to CHECK-IN on JULY 1st during report times indicated by age. If not, a $100 cash convenience fee will have to be paid before the ALL-STAR will be allowed to participate! 202103 PLAYER ITINERARY JULY THURSDAY 01 2021 LOCATION THE BRADENTON CONVENTION CENTER 1 HABEN BLVD, PALMETTO, FL 34221 ALL-STARS FOR EVERY AGE MUST REPORT! 8:30-9:30AM PARENT ORIENTATION (AGES 7, 8, 9, 10 ONLY) 10AM-2PM PLAYER CHECK IN (AGES 7, 8, 9, 10 ONLY) • STATION 1: Sign Paperwork Turn in copy of STAY TO PLAY Hotel reservation ($350 fee for not staying @ Stay to Play Hotel payable onsite) • STATION 2: Student-Athlete age verification • STATION 3: Released to Head Coach to pick up uniforms / combine shirt • STATION 4: Media Day interviews with Prospects by Sports Illustrated w/t Jr. Liberty Bowl Game Day Jersey 2:30-3:30PM PARENT ORIENTATION (AGES 11, 12, 13,14 ONLY) 4PM-6PM PLAYER CHECK IN (AGES 11, 12, 13,14 ONLY) • STATION 1: Sign Paperwork Turn in copy of STAY TO PLAY Hotel reservation • STATION 2: Student-Athlete age verification • STATION 3: Released to Head Coach to pick up uniforms / combine shirt • STATION 4: Media Day interviews with Prospects by Sports Illustrated w/t Jr. Liberty Bowl Game Day Jersey DAY 1 DAY 04 PLAYER ITINERARY PLAYER COMBINE JULY Session #1 THURSDAY Ages 7, 8, 9, 10 ONLY 01 2021 LOCATION 5650 BOLLETTIERI BLVD. BRADENTON, FL 34210 • Report with JLB combine shirt, navy blue gym shorts, socks, water bottle, cleats 5:30PM ALL-STARS REPORT AT IMG ACADEMY • Ages 7, 8, 9, 10 ONLY 5:45PM-6PM STRETCH PERIOD • Combine STARTS at 5PM • After stretch transition to combine fields: STATION #1 40 yd Dash STATION #2 Short Shuttle STATION #3 Standing Broad Jump 7PM RE-GROUP FOR 1ON1 STATION ASSIGNMENTS • Offensive 1 on 1 (See drills in player packet sent via email) 8PM DEFENSIVE 1 ON 1 • (See drills in player packet sent via email) 8PM-8:45PM REGROUP – BREAKDOWN - DISMISS *TEAM PRACTICE (AGES 11, 12, 13,14 ONLY) 6:30 PM-8PM AT IMG ACADEMY DAY 1 DAY 05 PLAYER ITINERARY JULY FRIDAY 02 2021 8AM-9AM COACHES MEETING LOCATION THE BRADENTON CONVENTION CENTER 1 HABEN BLVD, PALMETTO, FL 34221 9AM-10AM LATE REGISTRATION • $100 cash convenience fee 10AM-2PM PLAYER COMBINE • Session #2 • Ages 11, 12, 13,14 ONLY LOCATION 5650 BOLLETTIERI BLVD. BRADENTON, FL 34210 • Report with JLB combine shirt, navy blue gym shorts, socks, water bottle, cleats 9:30AM ALL-STARS REPORT AT IMG ACADEMY • Ages 11, 12, 13,14 ONLY 9:45AM STRETCH PERIOD • Combine STARTS at 10AM • After stretch transition to combine fields: STATION #1 40 yd Dash STATION #2 Short Shuttle STATION #3 Standing Broad Jump 11AM RE-GROUP FOR 1 ON 1 STATION ASSIGNMENTS • Offensive 1 on 1 (See drills in player packet sent via email) 12:45PM DEFENSIVE 1 ON 1 • (See drills in player packet sent via email) 12:55PM-1PM REGROUP – BREAKDOWN - DISMISS DAY 2 DAY 06 PLAYER ITINERARY JULY 02 2021 FRIDAY10AM-1PM PRACTICE • Ages 7, 8, 9, 10 ONLY 1PM-2PM LUNCH ON YOUR OWN 3PM-5:30PM PRACTICE • ALL Teams 6:30PM JUNIOR LIBERTY BOWL RING CEREMONY LOCATION THE BRADENTON CONVENTION CENTER 1 HABEN BLVD, PALMETTO, FL 34221 ALL-STARS REPORT IN BLUE JEANS, ALL-STAR JERSEY & TENNIS SHOES ONLY DAY 2 DAY PRELIM JULY GAME DAY 03 2021 SATURDAY2:30PM 8U 4PM 10U 5:30PM 12U 7PM 14U LOCATION 5650 BOLLETTIERI BLVD. BRADENTON, FL 34210 • All-Stars report fully dressed with helmet, water bottle, shoulder pads, All-Star uniform, pads and cleats DAY 3 DAY 07 PLAYER ITINERARY CHAMPIONSHIP JULY SUNDAY GAME DAY 04 2021 9:30AM 8U 11AM 10U 12:30PM 12U 1PM 14U LOCATION 5650 BOLLETTIERI BLVD. BRADENTON, FL 34210 • All-Stars report fully dressed with helmet, water bottle, shoulder pads, All-Star uniform, pads and cleats THINGS TO BRING • 1 pair of “plain “navy blue athletic shorts for combine. No logos. (Combine shirt will be provided) • Shoulder pads, association jersey, mouthpiece, helmet, practice pants & jersey, 7-piece pad set girdle, cleats, practice socks. • Age verification: All grade & age verification must be done via National Sports ID. The link was provided in your invite letter. • Blue jeans and tennis shoes for pep rally. • Water bottle w/t player name on it (Gatorade staff will be providing hydration for the event) • Tents, umbrellas, sun block, hydration, chairs, etc. *ALL-STAR Uniforms will not be worn during practice *Custom / tinted visors are allowed DAY 4 DAY 08 COMBINE ASSESSMENTS EVALUATIONS Short Shuttle Drill 1 While facing the Drill Director, player starts in a 3-point stance with legs straddling the line equally. 2 Player must have hand squarely on the start line and hold the position for 2 seconds. 3 After player hears “You can go” from Director he may start drill. 4 Player will run to the right line 5 yards away and touch the line with right hand. Player will then sprint 10 yards to the left and touch the line with left hand. 5 After the last line touch, player will sprint through the finish line, which is the starting point of the drill. 6 All players will complete one run to the right and one run to the left. (2 attempts) 7 Down hand is same as running direction. Left hand to the Left - Right hand to the Right. 8 It is the responsibility of the player not to slip and adjust to the surface. 09 COMBINE ASSESSMENTS EVALUATIONS 40 Yard Dash 1 Player starts in a 3-point stance. 2 After player hears “You can go” from Director, he must hold for a 2-count before running. 3 No rolling starts. No quick starts. 4 Timer will start on the wristwatch when player’s down-hand separates from the surface. 5 Player will run the 40-yard dash twice. 6 The first 40 attempt will be videotaped. 7 After running the 40-yard dash, players return to player holding area near starting line. 8 On return route players jog BEHIND the camera down the middle of the field. 9 There will be an estimated 5-7-minute wait until the 2nd 40-yard dash attempt. 10 COMBINE ASSESSMENTS EVALUATIONS Standing Broad Jump 1 Each player receives two attempts at the Standing Broad Jump. 2 Players must start with both feet/toes totally behind start line for valid jump. 3 Players may swing arms and bend knees prior to jumping. 4 Upon landing, player must maintain control, landing balanced with both feet planted. 5 Upon landing player may also fall forward, but not backwards. 6 Jumps are measured from heel of the foot nearest to the initial jump line. 7 Jumps are measured to the nearest whole inch. 8 Results are recorded in feet and inches jumped. 11 COMBINE ASSESSMENTS DEFENSIVE BACK Receiving Line Drill Backpedal, Turn and Catch Drill “W” (Right and Left) Drill 1 DB stands 25 yards ahead 1 DB faces DRILL DIRECTOR of the DRILL DIRECTOR with his 5 yards away with feet on the back to him and in a backpedal line in a backpedal stance. stance. 2 On command the DB will 2 On command DB will backpedal for 5 yards. back pedal towards the DRILL DIRECTOR. 3 Using a football, the 3 DRILL DIRECTOR will yell DRILL DIRECTOR will direct “Ball” after at least 10 yards in the DB to execute a 45-degree the back pedal. break towards the cone until the DRILL DIRECTOR directs 4 DB will speed turn to the another backpedal of 5 yards. right and catch the football as he runs forward towards the 4 The DRILL DIRECTOR DRILL DIRECTOR. will repeat this pattern 2 more 5 DB will sprint with times with the DB catching the the football past the DRILL football on the last cone and DIRECTOR and hand the ball to sprinting to the End Zone the assistant instructor. 12 COMBINE ASSESSMENTS LINEBACKER Wave Drill 1 LB stands 5 yards ahead of the DRILL DIRECTOR in a 2-point stance. 2 On command, LB will backpedal, lateral shuffle, or sprint forward upon the direction of the DRILL DIRECTOR. 3 LB will finish the drill with a sprint past the DRILL DIRECTOR when the DRILL DIRECTOR gives that finish command. Back Pedal and React (1 Time) 1 LB will back pedal on Drill coaches’ signal 2 Player will then break and move in the direction of the Drill Coaches signal 3 Player will finish the drill by intercepting the pass and accelerating to finish. 13 COMBINE ASSESSMENTS DEFENSIVE LINEMEN Punch & Hand Shiver Drill 1 DL will start the drill in a 3-point stance and to the left of dummies. 2 On command, DL will two-hand punch hand shield 1st, then hand shiver the butt of the step-over dummy 2nd, then repeat the two-hand punch, hand shiver, and finally a two-hand punch while moving to the right. 3 DL will repeat this process to the left after the last two-hand punch to the right.
Rocket Football 2013 Offensive Notebook 2013 Playbook Directory Mission Statement Cadence and Hole Numbering Trick Plays Team Philosophies Formations 3 and 5 step and Sprint Out Three Pillars Motions and Shifts Passing Game Team Guidelines Offensive Terminology Team Rules Defensive Identifications Offensive Philosophy Buck Series Position Terminology Jet Series Alignment Rocket and Belly Series Huddle and Tempo Q Series Mission Statement On the field we will be hard hitting, relentless and tenacious in our pursuit of victory. We will be humble in victory and gracious in defeat. We will display class and sportsmanship. We will strive to be servant leaders on the field, in the classroom and in the community. The importance of the team will not be superseded by the needs of the individual. We are all important and accountable to each other. We will practice and play with the belief that Together Everyone Achieves More. Click Here to Return To Directory Three Pillars of Anna Football 1. There is no substitute for hard work. 2. Attitude and effort require no talent. 3. Toughness is a choice. Click Here to Return To Directory Team Philosophies Football is an exciting game that has a wide variety of skills and lessons to learn and develop. In football there are 77 positions (including offense, defense and special teams) that need to be filled. This creates an opportunity for athletes of different size, speed, and strength levels to play. The people of our community have worked hard and given a tremendous amount of money and support to make football possible for you. To show our appreciation, we must build a program that continues the strong tradition of Anna athletics.
Using Autoencoded Receiver Routes to Optimize Yardage
The Immaculate Reception Dimensionality-Reduced Receiver Route Optimization Problem How can we optimize routes so that we can increase expected yardage in any situation? Shape Based Turn x,y coordinates of every player at every Clustering 1 moment into usable receiver routes. Combine situational data with route Machine Learning 2 information to predict Yards and EPA. First Two Attempts Time series clustering and auto-encoding routes worked, but it didn’t give us the quality of insights we were hoping for. Time series clusters for one game Examples of auto-encoded routes Shape-Based Clustering Shape Based Clustering Shape-Based Clustering: Example Routes 10 Yard Crossing Route RB Out Route WR 71% TE 24% RB 5% WR 05% TE 05% RB 90% Shape Based Clustering Odell Beckham Rob Gronkowski Ezekiel Elliott Double Model Approach Situational Variables ● Seconds Remaining in Game ● Yard Line ● Down and Distance Likelihood of Completion ● Score Difference 1 ● Offensive Formation ● # of Pass Rushers Accuracy 71% AUC .75 ● Quarterback Engineered Variables 2 Yards Gained Given Completion ● The routes run on the play Cor .51 RMSE 10.0 ● Position (WR,TE,etc…) of the player running the route Important Variables Routes are much more important than the Quarterback at predicting play success Completion % Important Vars Yards Given Completion Important Vars ● Yard Line ● Seconds Remaining in Game ● Yard Line ● Score Difference ● Score Difference ● Number of Pass Rushers ● Seconds Remaining in Game ● Route Groups ● Route Groups ● … x65! ● … x16 ● Matt Ryan ● EJ
The “Loco Punt Formation” Article By: Jared Van Acker, Head Football Coach, Galax, Va
THE “LOCO PUNT FORMATION” ARTICLE BY: JARED VAN ACKER, HEAD FOOTBALL COACH, GALAX, VA I want to first off give thanks to American Football Monthly and the extensive knowledge on the game of football that is published within its pages every month. I look forward to the day when the new issue reaches my doorsteps to see the new and innovative minds/trends in the greatest game in the world. I have been the Head Football coach at Galax High School for the last two years and like all coaches I stress the importance of all three phases of the game of football: offense, defense, and special teams. I believe that one of the most important phases is special teams and unfortunately many coaches don’t emphasize its importance until it bites them in the backside. A couple of years ago while I was a young assistant coach, I put some of my own thoughts into a punt scheme that I used while I played at Quincy University, now an NAIA school in Quincy, IL. Like all coaches across America we are “thieves” when it comes to our ideas and schemes and I devised a fun and effective punt formation that I call the “Loco Punt”. This punt formation has been a very effective tool in the punt game for our football team and blends a solid spread punt scheme with an arsenal of fakes to keep the pressure off the punter and to allow for a successful punt and coverage. With this scheme we have been able to change the landscape of many football games! In the two years that we have used the “Loco Punt” we have had only one punt blocked and numerous first-down conversions from the array of fakes that we use.
Reporting from a Video Game Industry in Transition, 2003 – 2011
Save Point Reporting from a video game industry in transition, 2003 – 2011 Kyle Orland Carnegie Mellon University: ETC Press Pittsburgh, PA Save Point: Reporting from a video game industry in transition, 2003— 2011 by Carnegie Mellon University: ETC Press is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted. Copyright by ETC Press 2021 ISBN: 9-781304-268426 (eBook) TEXT: The text of this work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NonDerivative 2.5 License ( IMAGES: The images of this work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NonDerivative 2.5 License ( Table of Contents Introduction COMMUNITY Infinite Princesses WebGame 2.0 @TopHatProfessor Layton and the Curious Twitter Accounts Madden in the Mist Pinball Wizards: A Visual Tour of the Pinball World Championships A Zombie of a Chance: LooKing BacK at the Left 4 Dead 2 Boycott The MaKing (and UnmaKing) of a Nintendo Fanboy Alone in the StreetPass Crowd CRAFT Steel Battalion and the Future of Direct-InVolVement Games A Horse of a Different Color Sympathy for the DeVil The Slow Death of the Game OVer The Game at the End of the Bar The World in a Chain Chomp Retro-Colored Glasses Do ArKham City’s Language Critics HaVe A Right To 'Bitch'? COMMERCE Hard DriVin’, Hard Bargainin’: InVestigating Midway’s ‘Ghost Racer’ Patent Indie Game Store Holiday Rush What If? MaKing a “Bundle” off of Indie Gaming Portal Goes Potato: How ValVe And Indie DeVs Built a Meta-Game Around Portal 2’s Launch Introduction As I write this introduction in 2021, we’re just about a year away from the 50th anniVersary of Pong, the first commercially successful video game and probably the simplest point to mark the start of what we now consider “the video game industry.” That makes video games one of the newest distinct artistic mediums out there, but not exactly new anymore.
SECONDARY MANUAL SECONDARY PLAY Objective: WIN Purpose: 1. Prevent Long ball/big plays (+15) 2. Create turnovers - dictate field position 3. Minimize opponent’s passing game 4. Defend the Perimeter Run Responsibilities: 1. Defend against opponents passing attack 2. Defend against opponent’s runs. 3. Defend against opponent’s inside plays by converging 4. Be great tacklers ! The team that makes the fewest mistakes will win football games. However, the mistakes we make over the course of a game can be analyzed by their degrees of impact on its outcome. To eliminate mistakes we must maintain a high degree of focus and concentration throughout each and every contest. To be a great secondary, we must eliminate the big plays - through the air and on the ground. Our goal is to be the best in the AFL. However, to be the best we must believe in our abilities to be successful. The way to success is through preparation. Don’t settle for mediocrity. Anyone can be average. ! Successful teams overachieve; but more importantly, they never settle for less. To be successful we must give the extra effort. Winning teams know how to give that second and third effort - which must be us. In our effort to achieve greatness, we must work hard and work with a common togetherness having the same goals in mind. To get to that next level we must mentally prepare ourselves to deal with the pressures and adversities of the game. TO PERFORM LIKE A CHAMPION...YOU MUST PRACTICE LIKE ONE!! SIX IMPORTANT FACTORS FOR DEFENSIVE BACKS FOR PASS DEFENSE 1.
Formation: Gun Bunch Play: Curl Flat Setup: 1. Block HB 2. Streak TE 3. Out route B/Circle 4. Drag X/Square Reads: 1. The out route quickly in the flats 2. The Streak route down the seam vs a vacated middle of the field 3. Deep Corner route vs a cover 2 look 4. Backside drag Overview: In the video, I ran this play flipped just to give you a look at what I like to do from bunch and that you can run the same setup flipped if you mirror it. You are going to want to immediately look at the out route and take it if it is there. If not, then you start to work your eyes upfield and look inside toward the tight end. The money route is our deep corner vs cover 2, but you don’t want to stare it down and miss wide open reads earlier in the progression. Play: Pa Post Setup: 1. Drag TE Reads: 1. Drag to the tight end right away 2. High low in the flats between the C route to the left WR and the Drag 3. Backside high low between the slant and the angled route to the slot Overview: This is probably the most popular play in madden 18, and with good reason. The play action will help protect you from any blitzes your opponent sends, and then you have a pressure release and multiple high lows that really stretch the defense vertically. Play: HB Base Setup: none Overview: This is by far the most dominant run from a gun bunch formation.
{Download PDF} Analyzing Game Film in Footballs Zone Offense Play
ANALYZING GAME FILM IN FOOTBALLS ZONE OFFENSE PLAY ACTION PASS SCHEMES 2ND EDITION PDF, EPUB, EBOOK Stan Zweifel | 9781571673817 | | | | | Analyzing Game Film in Footballs Zone Offense Play Action Pass Schemes 2nd edition PDF Book From a normal split, the X or Z will take too long to run this route. The discipline by the Stanford defense leads to a loss of one yard for Washington, as you can see in the GIF below:. So, throughout this chapter, we will first look at the personal character of McVay, mostly told through the stories of people who have been around him. Kittle, who had shifted over to the right before the snap, has no issue finding Goodson out wide, and right tackle Mike McGlinchey is able to climb to cut off Martinez even after getting hung up on his initial combo block. In the Rams 5-step passing game, they had 4 primary 2-man route concepts and 5 primary backside tags 2 of which were already discussed in the quick game section. The deep cross provides the quarterback with a simple three level read. As the Vikings shift their defensive alignment toward the new strength, Wilson does not slide beyond the left tackle's midpoint. If both of these routes were taken away, then the trail route was open the majority of the time as it works behind the slide route and underneath of the crosser. The post route from Justin Jefferson pulled the safety away, leaving the dig route to cross the field against a cornerback already giving up the inside.
South Carroll Offense Running Game In our run game we are able to feature our running back vs. 4, 5, and 6 defenders in the box. We are also able to run the ball with our quarterback. Our starting point will be throwing the football, or maintaining the LOOK of throwing the football. When teams begin taking defenders out of the box to defend the pass we will then run the ball effectively. We can run the ball out of any formation that we have. In addition we will run the ball to balance our offense. We will use schemes that help us to outnumber the defense at the point of attack and use their alignment to our advantage. We can also use the running game to set up the passing game. We will do so by including play action plays in our passing attack. 61 Chase 4-1 3-2 B B B E T T E E N E Ace B Duce A-Back 4-2 BEARS B B B E T T E E T N T E Ace B A Instruction and Assignment QB We prefer to run this play at the A-Gap player. Stare down the DE away from the play. Hand off the ball and boot away from the play. On Chase Read, read the backside DE and hand off or keep the ball accordingly. Vs. back side blitz on Chase Read hand off. RB Attack the outside foot of the play-side tackle while reading the tackle’s block. If he reaches the DE cut outside.
DEUCE RT/LT GUN BOSTON BOOT QUARTERBACK: Shotgun: Catch the snap and extend the ball. Ride the F for a give or keep decision. If there are more defenders weak than strong then give the football to the F and carry out the fake. If there are more defenders strong than weak then carry out the fake and boot opposite of F’s direction. Read the CRead C-C---XX Z. If the Center is open hit him on the deep Corner. If the defense sinks deep look for the X on the Return. Expect the Z to show up late as the last read. F: Balanced Stance. Open up with the foot nearest to the QB and raise the elbow nearest to the QB. Give the QB a pocket as you pass in front. Run at an angle towards the Z. If you get the ball run to daylight. If not then carry out fake full speed. C: Stance is balanced. Snap the ball then sprint to 12 yards then plant and run to the sideline on a Corner route. You are the first target on this route. Z: Inside foot up in stance. Get a normal split release off of the ball to a depth of 10 yards and run an Over route. Be patient. This route is the last option for the QB and it can’t get open too soon. X: Inside foot up in stance. Explode hard down inside. Let the Center go in front and cross over his path. After you cross the midline of the play pivot and return back outside.
Flag Football Coaching Manual 2nd Edition Supported by: MISSION STATEMENT As the industry leader in performance enhancement, we will continue to deliver a positive training experience that improves speed of movement and strength of character regardless of ability or economic status. AMERICAN INSTRUCTIONAL FOOTBALL LEAGUE Table of Contents Introduction ................................................................................4 Coaching the Mental Game How a Coach can have a Positive Impact on a Child’s Life ............6 Our Generational Challenge Unrealistic Demands and Over Saturation ................................10 Active Dynamic Warm-up & Speed Training Drills ............................13 Throwing Techniques ..................................................................17 Throwing Drills ..........................................................................17 Throwing & Catching Completions / Games ......................................18 Catching Techniques ..................................................................20 Ball Handling Techniques ............................................................21 Running Routes ..........................................................................22 Defending a Pass ........................................................................22 Making a Flag Tackle ..................................................................23 Key Coaching Observations ..........................................................25 AIFL Flag Football Playbook
OFFENSE Center Routes: Lines up in Front of the QB. Option 1: Run A
OFFENSE Center Routes: Lines up in front of the QB. ● Option 1: Run a hook route. After snapping the ball the center can run about 10 yards straight up the field and then turn around and come back towards the QB for about 2 yards to receive the ball. ● Option 2: Run an out route. After snapping the ball the center can run about 10 yards straight up the field and then make a sharp cut, turning left running towards the sideline anticipating receiving the ball from the QB. ● Option 3: Run an out route. After snapping the ball the center can run about 10 yards straight up the field and then make a sharp cut, turning right running towards the sideline anticipating receiving the ball from the QB. Wide Receiver 1 Routes: Lines up on the left hand side of the center about 5 yards away. ● Option 1: Run a go route. WR runs straight up the field anticipating receiving the ball from the QB over the inside shoulder. ● Option 2: Run an in route. WR runs straight up the field about 15 yards and then makes a sharp cut, turning towards the right running across the field to the other sideline anticipating receiving the ball from the QB. ● Option 3: Run a slant route. WR takes a false step to the left and then makes a sharp cut back to the right angling their run towards the opposite corner of the end zone. At anytime during this route they should anticipate receiving the ball from the QB. Wide Receiver 2 Routes: Lines up on the right hand side of the center about 5 yards away.