Benitoite from the New Idria District, San Benito
BENITOITE FROM THE NEW IDRIA DISTRICT,SAN BENITO COUNTY,CALIFORNIA By Brendan M. Laurs, William R. Rohtert, and Michael Gray em-quality benitoite has been mined intermittent- Commercial quantities of gem-quality beni- toite are known from a single location in the ly from only one region in the world, the New Idria world, the Benitoite Gem mine in the New G district of San Benito County, California. Benitoite Idria district of San Benito County, Californ- was first discovered there in 1907; it was named after the ia. A barium titanium silicate, benitoite is county, as well as the San Benito River, which runs through typically colorless to blue, and is noteworthy the property, and the nearby San Benito Mountain for its high refractive indices, moderate bire- (Louderback, 1909). Stones are strongly dichroic, typically fringence, and strong dispersion. Benitoite violetish blue and colorless. Exceptionally rare gemstones occurs in altered blueschist within serpenti- are colorless and pink. A few orange benitoites have been nite. The gem crystals formed within frac- produced by heat treatment of colorless material. Benitoite tures as a result of the alteration of blueschist has high refractive indices, moderate birefringence, and by hydrothermal fluids derived from the strong dispersion (exceeding that of diamond in some direc- regional metamorphism of the serpentinite. An extension of the historic deposit at the tions), which render the faceted gems comparable in appear- Benitoite Gem mine was discovered in the ance and price to fine sapphire and tanzanite (figure 1). spring of 1997, which should contribute to Although production has been sporadic throughout the life continued stability in price and supply.
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