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Formation and working mechanism of the

VPg uridylylation complex

1,2,6 3,6 2,4,5

Yuna Sun , Yu Guo and Zhiyong Lou

The initiation of picornavirus replication is featured by the initiated by a protein primer is the most unique one, in

uridylylation of viral protein genome-linked (VPg). In this which the encodes a protein, that is, viral protein

process, viral RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RdRp) genome-linked (VPg), that acts as the primer to initiate

catalyzes two uridine monophosphate (UMP) molecules to the replication.

hydroxyl group of the third tyrosine residue of VPg.


Subsequently, the uridylylated VPg (VPg-pUpU) functions as VPg was first discovered to be covalently linked to the 5

the protein primer to initiate the replication of the viral genome. end of viral genomes extracted from mature virions of

Although a large body of functional and structural works has several single-stranded positive-sense RNA (+ssRNA)

been performed to define individual snapshots for particular and subsequently was demonstrated to be

stages of the VPg uridylylation process, the formation, encoded by the viral genome [1 ,2]. So far, VPg has only

dynamics and mechanism of the whole VPg uridylylation been experimentally demonstrated in the Picornaviridae

complex still requires further elucidation. We would like to [3 ,4,5] and [2] families, and its existence

provide an overview of the current knowledge of the been computationally predicted in Astroviridae [6,7 ].

picornaviral VPg uridylylation complex in this paper. Caliciviral VPg has a fairly large molecular weight, rang-

ing from 13 to 15 kDa, and has been demonstrated to play


1 multiple roles in the viral life cycle, for example, func-

National Laboratory of Macromolecules, Institute of Biophysics,

Chinese Academy of Science, Beijing 100101, China tioning as a proteinaceous cap substitute when interacting


School of Medicine and MOE Key Laboratory of Protein Sciences, with host eIF4E for viral protein translation [8], binding

Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China

with RNA through the basic residue enriched N-terminus


College of Pharmacy and State Key Laboratory of Medicinal Chemical

[9], initiating genome replication, and coordinating the

Biology, Nankai University, Tianjin 300071, China

4 viral encapsidation process [10]. The multiple functions

Collaborative Innovation Center for Biotherapy, Tsinghua University,

Beijing 100084, China of caliciviral VPgs have been summarized in another


Collaborative Innovation Center for Biotherapy, State Key Laboratory of review [7 ] and warrant further study.

Biotherapy and Cancer Center, West China Hospital, West China

Medical School, Sichuan University, Chengdu, China

By contrast to the growing understanding of caliciviral

Corresponding author: Lou, Zhiyong ([email protected],

VPg, extensive studies have well characterized the mech-

[email protected])

anism of picornavirus-encoded VPg in viral replication.

6 Picornaviral VPgs have smaller size comprising 19–26

These authors contribute equally to this work.


amino acids (Table 1). The presence of VPg on the 5

end of the viral genome may help the virus antagonize the


Current Opinion in Virology 2014, 9:24–30 host innate immune response by shielding the 5 tripho-

sphate group of the viral genome (reviewed in Ref. [7 ]);

This review comes from a themed issue on Virus replication in

animals and plants however, VPg must be removed by a host enzyme follow-

ing picornavirus genome release into the cytoplasm

Edited by C Cheng Kao and Olve B Peersen

[11,12]. Previous results revealed that the removal of

For a complete overview see the Issue and the Editorial

VPg from the viral genome abolished the infectivity of

Available online 19th September 2014

the calicivirus, vesicular exanthema virus (VESV) [13],

http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.coviro.2014.09.003 but did not affect poliovirus (PV, a representative virus

1879-6257/# 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. of Picornaviridae family) [1 ,5,14]. Further studies

demonstrated that the VPg of caliciviruses acts as a

cap substitution and plays an essential role in viral

protein translation [15], but use an


internal ribosome entry site (IRES) within the 5 UTR

of the viral genome, rather than VPg, to initiate viral

Introduction protein translation [16]. These observations led to the

The replication of RNA viruses is initiated by distinct identification of one of the most important discrepancies

mechanisms, for example, (1) de novo replication, such as between the functions of picornavirus and calicivirus

hepatitis C virus (HCV), (2) RNA primer-primed replication, VPgs: picornaviral VPgs predominantly coordinate the

used by numerous viruses, and (3) protein primer-primed initiation of virus replication but do not participate in

replication. Among these mechanisms, the replication viral protein translation. In this paper, we will focus on

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Picornavirus VPg uridylylation complex Sun, Guo and Lou 25

Table 1

A complete summary of VPg sequences of picornaviruses.

Genus Virus Sequence of VPg




Avihepatovirus Duck hepatitis A virus2


Cardiovirus Encephalomyocarditis virus GPYNETARVKPKTLQLLDVQ







Erbovirus Equine rhinitis B virus RAYNIPNVRQRLRKQLAVRAE Gallivirus Gallivirus A2




Megrivirus Melegrivirus A2 Mischivirus Mischivirus A2

Mosavirus A2

Oscivirus Oscivirus A2

Parechovirus Human parechovirus RAYNPTLPVVKPKGTFPVS


Passerivirus A2

Rosavirus A2


Senecavirus Seneca Valley virus2

Teschovirus Porcine teschovirus GSYEATAIKPTKPNRQSLLKLVEMQ

Avian encephalomyelitis Tremovirus SAYSAAIKPLRVVRLEQSDAQ virus2


Seal picornavirus type 1 is a highly divergent picornavirus.


Indicates no experimental evidence to support the existence or sequence of VPg.

Highlighted indicate the conserved Tyr residues in the third position.

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26 Virus replication in animals and plants

the current knowledge of the major function of picorna- replication. The precise roles of 3BCD and 3BC in viral

viral VPg, functioning as a protein primer to initiate virus replication remain controversial.


Picornaviral VPg exists in variable states Picornaviral VPg uridylylation

The genome of picornaviruses contains a polyadenylated Picornaviral VPg (in the context of 3BC/3BCD) must be

+ssRNA genome and a single open-reading-frame encod- modified to VPg-pUpU before it can function as the

ing a polyprotein of approximately 250 kDa [17–21]. This protein primer to initiate genome replication. This modi-


polyprotein is initially processed into one structural (P1) fication to VPg is accessed by picornaviral RdRp (3D )

and two non-structural (P2 and P3) regions and then covalently linking two uridine monophosphate (UMP)

undergoes proteolytic cleavage, generating various pre- molecules to the hydroxyl group of the third tyrosine

cursors and 11 mature proteins, that is, VP1–4, needed to residue of VPg, which is strictly conserved within the


assemble virus capsid, and 2A, 2B, 2C, 3A, 3B, 3C , and Picornaviridae family (Table 1) [27]. This process is


3D , necessary for virus replication in host cells known as VPg uridylylation, whereas calicivirus genomes

(Figure 1a). begin with a GU sequence, and the linkage of VPg to

calicivirus +ssRNA occurs via guanylation.

P3 region contains the most essential components for viral

pro pol

replication and is processed through two pathways: the Both viral proteins (i.e. VPg, 3C , 3D , and/or 3CD)

major and minor pathways [22,23]. P3 is cleaved into 3AB and RNA elements in viral genome comprise a so-called

and 3CD proteins via the major pathway; while the minor ‘VPg uridylylation complex’ to accomplish VPg uridyly-

pathway produces 3A and 3BCD proteins first, and then lation. Notably, the VPg uridylylation process in picor-


3BCD is further processed into 3BC and 3D , and naviruses acts in a template-dependent manner by using

pro pol

eventually 3B (VPg), 3C and 3D . Within the major a small stem loop structure (cis-acting replication

pathway, PV 3AB was demonstrated to remodel RNA as a element, CRE) as the natural template, although

result of its helix-destabilizing activity [24] and to stimu- poly(rA) can also be used as the template for the VPg


late the RdRp activity of 3D [25]. 3AB intermediate uridylylation reaction in vitro [28 ,29]. In this process,

can be further cleaved, generating 3A and VPg, with VPg similar structures within the CRE have been demon-

acting as the protein primer for the initiation of genome strated to be essential for both VPg uridylylation and

replication in vivo [26]. Although the generation of 3BCD virus replication [30–33], despite variable CRE position-

and 3BC has been described as part of the minor pathway, ing in different picornavirus genomes [34,35]. For

these proteins do not accumulate to significant levels example, the CRE within the PV genome was identified

during PV replication [22]. However, 3BCD and 3BC in the 2C coding region [30], but the CRE of FMDV was


are capable of initiating viral genome replication in vitro, located within the 5 UTR[36], suggesting a substantial

in place of VPg [22], suggesting a distinct model in which level of complexity associated with the picornaviral VPg

3BC(D), instead of VPg, serves as the primer for genome uridylylation complex.

Figure 1

IRES VPg (3B) oriL P1 P2 P3 poly(rA)


VP4 VP2 VP3 VP1 2A 2B 2C 3A 3B 3C 3D

5′ UTR 3′ UTR oriL

Current Opinion in Virology


Genome organization of picornavirus. VPg, encoded by the 3B region, is covalently linked to the 5 end of the viral genome. The internal ribosome entry

0 0 0

site (IRES) is located at the 5 UTR. Three cis-acting replication elements (CREs), oriL, oriI and oriR, are found in the 5 UTR, 2C coding region and 3

UTR, respectively. The polyprotein encoded by the viral genome is initially processed to P1, P2 and P3 precursors and eventually to 11 mature viral

proteins. Notably, although picornaviruses share fairly high sequence similarities, there are still many variations. For instance, VP4 of the hepatitis A

virus is very small and could not be detected in virions [54]. VP1 to VP4 assemble into the virus particle. 2A is a protease that cleaves the P1 and P2

regions. 2B and 3A interact with membranes for the formation of the viral replication complex. 2C is an ATPase or helicase involved in the function of


the viral replication complex. 3B is VPg, 3C is a viral protease that cleaves the linkage between each part of the polyprotein except the 2C cleavage


site, and 3D is an RNA-dependent RNA polymerase.

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Picornavirus VPg uridylylation complex Sun, Guo and Lou 27

Diversity of VPg binding sites in picornaviral VPg uridylylation. In the crystal structure of FMDV

pol pol

3D s VPg1-3D , VPg1 binds to the motif F of the finger

In the models raised from both the major and the minor domain and the a13 helix of the thumb domain, spanning

pathways, the VPg uridylylation reaction consists of two residues E166, I167, R168, K172, and R179 as well as

pol pol

steps: (i) VPg binds to 3D ; and (ii) 3D transfers UMP T407, A410, and I411, respectively [42 ]. The localization

to VPg [29,37]. Together with the fact that picornavirus of VPg1 at the catalytic tunnel and the interaction with


3D s and VPgs share high primary sequence similarity the UMP molecule suggest that an in cis uridylylation

and structural homology [29], it seems reasonable that all mechanism is most likely favored by the FMDV VPg


picornaviral VPgs would bind to the 3D active site. uridylylation process [42 ]. This structure presents a

However, several lines of evidence have revealed large precise picture of the VPg uridylylation catalytic reaction

discrepancies in this model. occurring.

Lyle et al. first reported that four surface residues near or Gruez et al. [43 ] further reported that in the crystal

pol pol

in motif E of PV 3D , that is, F377, R379, E382 and structure of CVB3 3D complexed with VPg and PPi,


V391, were required for VPg or 3AB binding and affected VPg is located at the end palm region of 3D , encom-

VPg uridylylation [38] (Figure 2). A very recent result passing residues W369, T370, Y378–E383, V389, V392,

reported that amiloride inhibits VPg uridylylation and P394, and P222 (Figure 2). However, substitutions of

thus viral RNA replication by occupying this VPg binding such residues affect VPg binding but only slightly influ-


site on PV 3D , supporting the model proposed by Lyle enced the uridylylation reaction [43 ]. This finding

et al. [39]. However, the mutations in the proposed 3AB- indicates a distinct in trans VPg uridylylation mechanism


binding site of 3D were less active for VPg priming than in CVB3 and that this VPg-binding position can either act


RNA elongation [38], suggesting that 3D -bound VPg as a substrate in an intermolecular uridylylation complex

could be extended by a second RdRp molecule [40]. or stabilize the VPg uridylylation complex [43 ]. Very

Later studies investigating the structure of human rhino- interestingly, the VPg binding sites structurally identified

pol pol

virus 16 (HRV16) 3D identified a distinct large cleft on in CVB3 3D partially overlap with those found in the


the front face of HRV16 3D and led to the develop- PV system and are at least somewhat consistent with the

ment of a ‘front-loading’ model for VPg uridylylation [41]. ‘front-loading’ model proposed from HRV16 [41].


The structures of 3D -VPg complexes from the foot- Two recent biochemical and structural studies have

and-mouth disease virus (FMDV), coxsackie virus B3 revealed a further distinct VPg binding site in EV71,


(CVB3) and enterovirus-71 (EV71) have provided direct located on the palm domain of the EV71 3D

evidence for multiple distinct locations of VPg binding [28 ,29]. EV71 VPg forms a V-shape conformation and


sites in 3D s and indicate variation in the mechanisms of is anchored at the bottom of the palm domain of EV71

Figure 2



90° 90°

EV71 VPg

Current Opinion in Virology

pol pol

Comparison of identified VPg binding sites in picornavirus 3D s. Because all reported structures of picornavirus 3D s share high structural


similarities, we used the structure of the EV71 3D (PDB code: 3N6L) [55] as a representative model in this figure and covered it with a white surface.

The bound VPgs with FMDV, CVB3 and EV71 are shown as green, cyan and purple sticks, respectively. The residues for VPg (or 3AB) binding in PV


[38], FMDV [42 ], CVB3 [43 ] and EV71 [28 ,29] 3D are colored as orange, red, pale green and blue, respectively, in the surface representation.

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28 Virus replication in animals and plants

pol pro

3D [28 ] (Figure 2). Substitutions of the interacting interaction of each 3C molecule with a single-stranded


residues in EV71 3D , that is, L319, D320, and Y335, portion of the stem [40]. However, binding to the stem-

with alanine significantly disrupted VPg uridylylation by loop d of oriL only requires monomer binding to an intact


weakening VPg binding to 3D but did not affect the double-stranded stem [53], suggesting that some 3C resi-


RNA elongation activity of 3D [28 ]. In vitro trans- dues are most likely used for binding to all RNAs and some

complementation of VPg uridylylation could be achieved 3C residues are likely only used for specific RNA inter-

by mixing VPg-binding-defective and catalytic-defective actions. A recent review suggested that the combination of


mutant 3D proteins, indicating again a trans mechan- protein–protein and protein–RNA interactions occurring at

ism for EV71 VPg uridylylation [28 ]. oriL, oriR and oriI facilitate the formation of a single,

functional VPg uridylylation complex [40].

Further key evidence for the formation of the

picornaviral VPg uridylylation complex

pol Conclusion and perspective

The interactions between VPg and 3D only reflect a

VPg uridylylation plays a crucial role in the initiation of

partial aspect of the formation of the VPg uridylylation

picornavirus replication. Previous results have revealed

complex. Actually, in the opinion of the authors, the sites

distinct interactions within the VPg uridylylation com-

for VPg binding or uridylylation identified by both func-

plex of picornaviruses. In our opinion, these variations are

tional and structural studies provide only individual snap-

not likely to be caused by the difference in viruses, as the

shots of particular stages of the overall picornaviral VPg pol

VPg and 3D of picornaviruses share very high primary

uridylylation process. To dissect the formation, dynamic

sequence and structural similarities. We speculate that it

and working mechanism of the entire VPg uridylylation pol

is likely that the variable VPg–3D structures represent

complex, it is quite necessary to investigate the inter-

the binding position of VPg at different stages during VPg

actions among other P3 proteins and RNA. Fortunately,

uridylylation or virus replication.

extensive work has been performed to describe these

interactions, including 3C–3C [37,44], 3CD–3CD [37,45],

Based on reported biochemical and generic evidence, a

3D–3D [46 ], 3CD–3D [37], 3C–3D [37,44] and 3C or

number of structural studies would be of great help to

3CD with distinct CREs [45].

dissect the precise mechanism of the picornaviral VPg

uridylylation complex. First, PV is a representative model

After a head-to-tail 3D–3D interaction mode was first

pol to study VPg uridylylation, but the structure of PV VPg–

observed in the crystal structure of PV 3D [47], a great pol

pol 3D is still lacking, despite the extensive biological

breakthrough was achieved to identify that PV 3D

results that have been generated. The structure of PV

forms a lattice through interface I and implicated a unique pol

VPg–3D would be helpful to interpret those findings

2D mechanism for RNA synthesis, in which RNA is

in an atomic level. Second, a systematic comparison

elongated by moving from one active site to another pol

amongst VPg–3D complexes of all picornaviruses

within the lattice instead of having the RdRp tracking

would provide further information to understand the

along the RNA [46 ,48,49]. A recent crystal structure of pol

variation of VPg–3D interactions. However, to the best

the PV elongation complex supports this model [50 ].

of our knowledge, there remain several difficult hurdles to

Furthermore, we have come to understand that the back

pol overcome to perform this research. For example, VPgs for

of the thumb of the PV 3D interacts with the top of the

pro some genera in the Picornaviridae family have yet to be

3C dimer and that this interaction is essential for VPg pol

defined, and the interaction between VPg and 3D for

uridylylation in vitro and genome replication in cells [44].

some picornaviruses are too weak for structural biology

Next, the crystal structure of the PV 3CD fusion protein

studies. Moreover, a structure of 3CD-VPg complex

provided important insights, in which extensive 3C–3C,

would make it clear how 3CD fusion protein functions

3C–3D and 3D–3D interactions were observed [37].

within the VPg uridylylation complex and clarify the

However, the bottom of the palm domain accounted

controversial data from previous studies. Eventually,

for the interaction of 3C in a VPg uridylylation complex

the elucidation of the entire uridylylation complex

model proposed based on the structure of PV 3CD

pol VPg-3CD-CRE (or different CRE) will undoubtedly

(Figure 8B in Ref. [37]), but anchored VPg in EV71 3D

provide detailed insights into and finalize the precise


mechanism of the picornaviral VPg uridylylation process.

We believe that these efforts will help us to integrate all

Viral RNA is another key component within the VPg

the individual ‘snapshots’ into an entire ‘movie’ that will

uridylylation complex. VPg uridylylation is dependent on

allow us to understand the dynamics and mechanism of

the stem-loop structure of CRE, and 3C is understood to

the picornaviral VPg uridylylation complex.

be the major determinant that binds all CREs in the VPg

uridylylation complex [22,51 ], although 3AB has also Acknowledgments

been shown to participate in CRE recognition [52]. The

We apologize to all colleagues whose contributions we could not adequately

formation of the VPg uridylylation complex requires a

discuss due to space constraints. This work was supported by the National


3C dimer and melting of the oriI element for the Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant nos. 81322023, 31370733,

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