7Firemen Saved
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U- - Distribution Today ' RedBqnk Arm 26,675 , Cop^ght-The Red. B«ak Register, Inc. 1968. DIAL 741-0010 MONMOUTH COlWtY'5 HOJKE NEWSPAPER FOR 88 YEARS FRIDAY, DBCJSMBER 2?, 1966 In Dramatic New York Rescue NE7W YOR KFiremen (AP) — A Times Square area crowd of thou- snapped to attentioSavedn and saluted. Then he shouted above the sands cheered itself hoarse as firemen — risking death In din: "Merry Christmas, fireman," flame and smoke with every step — rescued seven of their The'episode brought a new burst of cheers from hundreds comrades trapped in the rubble of a four-story building that of firemen on the street and the spectators toward the front collapsed on them. of the crowd watching the fire that wrecked an unoccupied One by one, the seven men were dragged out last night and building on 6th Ave. near 45th St. early today from behind blazing wreckage and tons of wood The flames, at their height, flared like torches through the and metal which might weH have been their tomb. burned roof. , AU were taken to Bellevue Hospital. None appeared to be The sftven men were trapped about 10 p.m., and the last was brought to safety at 1:26 a.m. Electric-powered saws -seriously injured but all were held for observation. went used to cut through the debris. The' trapped men were to The sixth man rescued — his face'blackened and Ms' uni- 1 radio communication with firemen outside during part of the form in smoking rags — sat up on a stretcher, grinned, waved rescue operations. • ' a weary arm to Fire* Commissioned Robert O. Lowery and The rescue of the last man touched off one of the most gasped: "Merry Christmas, Commissioner.'" dramatic scenes in the Fire Department's history, Lowery, stunned by the man's stamina aid-good cheer,. (See RESCUE, Pg. 3, Col. 1) Authority Buys 286 Acres In Monmouth for Thruway WOODBRID6E - The New The' land was purchased from 9 and about a haU mile east of luthorlty bought Alda Estates, a Jersey Highway Authority bought two developers, who had held up Englishtown. They are on abut- planned 323-lot development of $738,000 worth of Monmouth Coun- d» construction of houses on it ting lands owned by the Holiday 256 acres on Union Hill.Rd. The ty real estate yesterday as the in accordance with1 • previous re- Development Co. and Commercial price was $589,000. Work on the. first step in acquisition of a right quest from the authority. FaotoFS, Inc., tiut do,not abut development had not started. of way for 41M proposed Garden , If the tracts bad faeen.devel- themselves. They are about a Of Yorktowne purchase, a real- tped, the throway ojuld have S e Tfe wy half mile from each- other, a estate spokesman for the author- been blocked in. Momnouth Coun- spokesman, said. ity said, "Next summer it would The authorityr which operates ty or the authority could have From 'Holiday Developmen— ._ —-t. havive cost.Scost t million." the Garden State' Parkway, has been put'to'the expense of con- T r been commissioned to build the Co. developer of Vorktowne and Of the Alda purchase, he sai<l demning flew buildings. "We had operated by. -' the Hovninlan the authority needed only 90 oT Garden State Thruway between to get-it now'to make sure the Woodbridge and Toms River as Brothers, the authority acquired the subdivided lots, but made a toll road could get through, and 40 building, lots and an additional whole takingfor reasons*! econo- the major Hnkr in Gov. Hughes' to save -a .huge expenditure latet Central Expressway system, live «cfeS,'totaUng about 30 acres ', It will have surplus, lajad in on," an authority spokesman fif UtiiOOO. The propertyis on "" " & t 1 o p VM~~> the huge'' Ybi'ktOwfls'-'<K ' BespHe" yesterday * «i£Uon, the and booght-SSjJ acres Hid, "the land wiU retain Rs velopment almost in tha middle. authority is. stidting to ta guns. pan Township, ankaxently confi* Value. The authority won't lose Grading had started on it, but with regard to th^; problem in dent tne oBHfcCw wan M. over- money on,it." ' construction had not. Waahjngun. lit cppturGd, wMW» montage by Daily Register Chief Photographer Bon Lordi come. The two tracts ere .west of Rt From Commercial Factors, th (See THRUWAY. Pg. 3. CoL «) Kellers to Seek Re-election in '67 Regional Health Plan fMayor Confirms McGann Agreement Deadas RaritanPulls Out RARITAN TOWNSHIP — The, concept Cotnmitteemafi George. J.. Paterson, a * By JACQUELINE ALBAN Republican Richard C. Stryker Democratic part-Republican co- jected to a news headline which enterprise to revamp First 'Ave. of a Bayshore regional health commission board member, noted, however, that flue Set- ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS <- off the Harbor Commission. alltion, he said, "Right now I've said he had joined with the Re- "They have no plan."' he said, came apart at the seams last night. up is based, on »• 12-raonth. period, adding, Democratic Mayor Jay M. Kel- The mayor conceded that Demo- got a 3-3 split on council and gular Republicans, "they have advised me of this." The Health Board here announced that "We could go regional in 1968 if. by that last night announced heK will crat John Byrne and Mr. French I hope I can keep it that way." "V haven't joined anybody, Don't Know When Keansburg has decided to pull out of a time, the doubts are- cleared up and we seek re-election next year — but had been 'considered for harbor He confirmed, as reported in they're Republicans and I'm a He added, "They might come commission study'unit, and at the same time are certain that it would really benefit the dd that he has made,deals posts, but.said the present plan The Dally Register yesterday, Democrat," he declared, "How up with a plan, but I don't know voted to take Raritam out of it. township." Regular Republicans for is to" appoint Democrat Carl Lesh- that he and Mr. French have bould anybody say I've joined when. I admit that during the The unit consisted of Keansburg, Rari- A regional unit, under the Jaw, must type of support." 4-^- er and. Administration Republi- aligned themselves with Regular them?" • election campaign they promised tan and Union Beach. If it had formally consist of towns with an over-all population He charged that news stories can Councilmen Edmpnd J. Ca- Republicans, Long and DeGroot The mayor ended speculation one, but they did not say how organized into a regional commission, the of at least 25,000. are being printed on the subject puto and John A. Joslin. to control 1967 appointments, but on whether Long and DeGroot long they would .take." state would have granted some. $32,000 in Township CommUteeman.' Joseph A. "to confuse the people" but said Commenting on the new part- at the same time strongly ob- will present "a plan for private The mayor said he wished the aid funds. Morales, a board -member, made, note of, he did "not want to be specific newspapers "would stop writing Raritan officials decided informally, that fact in his resolution, adopted unani- about that." so much about- Atlantic High- earlier this month, to withdraw after learn- mously, that Raritan withdraw. He declared- that pemocratic lands," adding, "there should not ing that' even' with aid it would cost. the be anything written until Jan. township about $7,000 more to operate in Without Keansburg, he noted, the re- Councilman James R: Snyder "1B gional district would not total 25,000. It not m Democrat," adding, "he's $16,750 in Fees Granted 2, (council organization day), 1967 as part of a regional body than alone. That's when all these things will Board members were critical last night would be about 2,000 ishort. not really one of us and never Originally, Keyport and Holmdel had hsVbeen." , • ' • be decided — all these news of the. state Department of Health' "for not' stories ahead of time are not providing enough information" about the considered joining,: "but decided against, it ; At the same time, the mayor good tor people." new regional requirements. last month. ;'..».: dtnied there is any split in his Legal Aides of 2$layers party. Mr. Kellers declared that he Jn July, the county Democratic FREEHOLD "— Two court-as- G. Doss, 20, of; Wall Township Toms River, in Howell Township wants to put an end to "closed- leadership offered Mr. Snyder a signed attorneys and their inves- who was convicted in a 17-day Aug. 9. door control" in tho borough, spot on the Democratic ticket as tigators who represented two trial and sentenced to die in the Arguing'^or a reduction in Mr. but said all the caucuses he will men convicted of murder in electric chair for killing Miss Frankel's' initial request, Mr. hold oh appointments will be pri- NYC Tax Battle Pushed a freeholder candidate. Rep. How- October' , and'' November won Donna DeRler, 19, of Hawthorne, Russell suggested that some vate. • ard commended him as a "very 1 capable man and one of Mon- U6.750 in'fees in Monmouth Coun- near Allaire State Park, Aug. 3. consideration be given to this Asked why, he replied, "Well, mouth County's top Democrats." ty Court yesterday. The state Supreme Court has des- year's Supreme Court proposal that's different, things like that ignated Mr. Frankel to represent that generally lawyers assigned have to be; private." By MJddletown Commuter High Vote Getter Superior Court Judge Elvin R. Councilman Snyder was high SlmmlU, who presided in both the defense in a mandatory re- to; represent indigent clients be The mayor made' these addi- view of the conviction by the high paid about 60 per cent of normal tional comments: MJDDLETOWN — Bernard M.