SATURDAY, JULY 26, 2014 VOL. 4 - ISSUE 14 :: PAGES 20 :: ` 2/-

RNI NO. MAHBIL/2011/39373 Regn. No. MH/MR/South-348/2012-14 WWW.PARSI-TIMES.COM

BPP Replies To PT Pg. 08

17th Century Trustees Pg. 09

Strong Foundation>Pg. 05 Sporty Chipia >Pg. 07 Balance & Age Pg. 10 World Zarathushti Chamber of Commerce, (WZCC) is organizing a Program on Renewable Energy and other Green Technologies by Prof. Soli J. Arceivala, Environmental Engineer from Harvard University, USA on Monday, 28 July 2014 at 6.00 p.m. Clear skin in Rs. 5/- Venue : Bombay YMCA, Central Branch 12, (Sahakari Bhandar Lane, Opp. Regal Cinema), , 400 001 Members Rs.350/- & Non-members Rs450/- (inclusive of dinner). Pg. 12 SATURDAY, JULY 26, 2014 P.T. will now be delivered to your doorstep fresh and early, Saturday morning from Depots ĂĐƌŽƐƐDĂŚĂƌĂƐŚƚƌĂĂŶĚ'ƵũĂƌĂƚ͘ZĞůĂƟǀĞƐĞǀĞƌLJǁŚĞƌĞĐĂŶƌĞĂĚǁŝƚŚLJŽƵ͊ŽŶŶĞĐƚǁŝƚŚ 02 ƵƐĂƚ;ϬϮϮͿϲϲϯϯϬϰϬϰĨŽƌŵŽƌĞŝŶĨŽƌŵĂƟŽŶ͘ Editorial

Dear Readers, It is strange that the two lessons I learnt the best from my family growing up were the ones never spoken of or said out loud. They were only in actions and I never truly saw them till I outgrew my crazy teen years. Alliance Invited for a well educated 25 year old Parsi 7KHÀUVWOHVVRQLVWRKDYHD¶WKLUVWIRUNQRZOHGJH·0\0DPDYDMLZDVDKXJH Girl, from or Abroad. inspiration. While I was shirking my studies as a teenager and trading knowledge Kindly Contact with details on for fun at every turn, he was taping and watching economic shows, reading [email protected] or on 9820001941 books on computer studies and trying his aged wrinkled hands at everything on the keyboard of his VORZ3&FHOHEUDWLQJWKHZRUOGDVLWFKDQJHGDURXQGKLP+HVKRZHGPHKRZNQRZOHGJHLV¶DOODJH DSSURSULDWH·DQGWDXJKWPHWKDW,VKRXOGQHYHUVKLUNDQRWKHURSLQLRQRUZD\RIYLHZLQJWKHZRUOG “p¡qV$k 7KHVHFRQGOHVVRQLV¶+RZWRPL[VWUHQJWKZLWKDVHQVHRIKXPRXU·«DOHVVRQ,FRQWLQXHWROHDUQ b“pÆ L$v$du Apsi Apv$fuep“ kpl¡b“u 171du iyc kpgN°¡l IURPP\IDWKHUZKRWXUQVDJUDQGWKLVZHHNHQG0\GDGLQWKHIDFHRIHYHU\WKLQJKDVDVPLOHD KHDUW\ODXJKDQGDMRNHIRUHYHU\WKLQJ dflºd i¡W$ L$phkÆ bl¡fpdÆ (b“pÆ)“p Q“}fp¡X$, W$pLy$fÜpf Mps¡ Aph¡gp (L$v$du) afpdÆ L$phkÆ Apv$fuep“ kpl¡b“u 171du iyc kpgN°¡l Happy Birthday Pops and thanks for showing me that whatever life throws at me, at work, at play, at the beginning or end of day, its always best tasted with a good sense of humour. L$v$du fp¡S> b¡lfp„d, dpl afhv$}“ e.T. 1384 s’p il¡“iplu fp¡S> 6RHYHQLIOLIHLVURXJKVLWEDFNDQGWKLQNDQG\RXZLOOÀQGVRPHWKLQJWRODXJKDERXW Aiuih„O dpl Aõa„v$pd®v$ e.T. 1383 sp. 7-8-2014 “¡ Nyê$hpf khpf¡ )RONVHQMR\WKH,VVXHFDWFK\RXUYHQGRUIRUWKH37LQ$XJXVWDQGDGYHUWLVHVXSSRUWRXUVXSHU õV$p. V$p. 9-00 L$gpL¡$ Apsi bl¡fpd kpl¡b“p lp¡gdp„ V²$õV$u kpl¡bp¡ sfa’u duper Special Issue! (all details on Pg. 20) S>i““u ‘rhÓ q¾$ep bp¡ehpgp kpl¡bp¡“u ApN¡hp“u l¡W$m L$fhpdp„ Aphi¡Æ. kh® ldv$u“p¡“¡ S>i““u ‘rhÓ q¾$epdp„ kpd¡g ’hp“u V²$õV$uAp¡ sfa’u Freyan. Apd„ÓZ Ap‘hpdp„ Aph¡R>¡Æ. - L$phkÆ bl¡fpdÆ Apsi bl¡fpd V²$õV$ (b.lp¡. Ap„qV$ep) FaceBook Like: Parsi Times TWITTER d¡“¡tS>N V²$õV$u

/HJDO([SHQVHV at the admission stage itself for the last three years! 4827(' Dear Editor, In this matter, the Community has been informed If some of you can recall, we had carried out a signature campaign about 2 or 3 years ago and we $IWHUUHDGLQJKDUGKLWWLQJDUWLFOHE\0U'LQVKDZ that BPP Trustees acted in banning the two priests got about 1200 responses on E-mail alone. Most of 7DPERO\,SODFHP\FRPPHQWVRQWKHVXEMHFW as per the directive of High Priests. I understand them condemning this action of the BPP and many 7KHPDWWHURI6SHFLDO&LYLO$SSHDOLQWKHEDQQHG WKH +LJK 3ULHVWV WRR KDYH ÀOHG D VHSDUDWH $SSHDO suggesting that the Trustees put their own personal SULHVWVFDVHÀOHGE\%33LVSHQGLQJDGPLVVLRQVLQFHWKH to give a religious angle to the ban since BPP being PRQH\WRÀJKWWKLVFDVH FDVHQXPEHULWVHOIPHQWLRQVWKDWWKH$SSHDOSHUWDLQV a Trust body is not a religious body as per its own Kersee Kabraji, WR  $V SHU P\ LQIHUHQFH WKLV DSSHDO FRXOG EH Trust Deed.The Priests were reportedly not a party on the BPP Trust Illegal Ban on Priests Case D UHFRUG RI DOO VRUWV WR WKH H[WHQW WKDW LW LV SHQGLQJ to either at the High Court stage nor were they made SATURDAY, JULY 26, 2014 Letters to the Editor 03 a party to the Mediation process. priests who, under the guise of giving spiritual every month during their period. This is natural Now, the Community is informed that BPP guidance, give their own interpretations which often biological phenomenon in female apes and humans. has incurred an expenditure of Rs. 2 crores to run contrary to common sense. Men also suffer from nocturnal emissions. (Wet Rs 3 crores as Legal charges. Even the Priests are Fatwa No. 1: The dead body on which autopsy (post- dreams). Do they not become unclean because of this? reported to have incurred a bill of Rs. 11 lacs. mortem) has been performed cannot be / consigned to Today, a women who stays away from work for four The moot point here is that one of the High Priest a tower of silence. days every month will be sacked by her employer. is a lawyer with vast experience of decades as a senior Nowadays autopsies are performed on all victims How many wives and daughters of Priests observe law executive in two large nationalized banks. After of road or rail accidents. What sin has a victim of road seclusion during their monthly period? UHWLUHPHQWKHZDVZLWKDUHSXWHG/DZÀUPDQGLV or rail accident done that the body cannot be placed Dr. B. F. Chhapgar even now quite active. It is, therefore not understood in a dokhma? And what is the alternative why this gentleman/High Priest was not requested to - cremation? render service instead of appointing Senior Counsels. Fatwa No. 2: Donating an organ is against 8'9$'$08.7$'6&+(0( Surely, he would not have refused. In fact, he would our religion. have represented the issues better since he combines in What kind of religion would it be that KLPVHOIWKHNQRZOHGJHLQWKHÀHOGRI/DZSDUWLFXODUO\ considers the noble act of saving a life by During the ten holy days of MUKTAD, Laws relating to Trusts, as well as Religion. donating an organ to be irreligious? Organ The Trustees of BPP and High Priest should justify donation started less than a century ago, Afargan, Farokshi & Satum why the experience and knowledge of this High so our holy prophet cannot have given prayers will be performed in Priest was and are still not being utilized and instead any opinion about it. Who are these mere senior counsels were/are engaged at prohibitive fees mortals in the garb of priests who give Iranshah Atash Behram, to represent the matter.This is tantamount to wasting such fatwas? In this connection, I am The names of Asho Farohar will be Charity funds and the Trustees of BPP would render reminded of a women who ran a column in themselves accountable for this prodigal act before a community newspaper for many years. recited the Charity Commissioner. She used to warn leaders not to donate in all of the above prayers. The next perplexing issue is that if the main their eyes, as (according to her) they would Appeal itself is yet to be admitted, then how the the be born blind in the next incarnation. In a Amount per Name Rs. 200/- Priests incurred a legal charges to the extent of Rs. 11. clear case of divine retribution, she herself ODFV"7KLVQHHGVFODULÀFDWLRQ0RUHRYHULIWKH%33 is now suffering from severe eye defect. Khurshed Dastoor Kaikobad Dastoor were to bear the cost of legal charges on behalf of Fatwa No. 3: Why prayers should be only * OPP IRANSHAH ATASH WKH3ULHVWVZRXOGLWQRWLPSO\WKDW%33LVÀQDQFLQJ in Avesta. litigation on behalf of the Priests just to justify its Over the years and in all religions, BEHRAM. UDVADA - 396180 own act of banning the two Priests? I understand priests, fearful of losing their sway over the * P-7 CUSROW BAUG, COLABA, WKDWDQRWKHULQGLYLGXDODQH[7UXVWHHWRRKDVÀOHGD masses, have resorted to the use of dead MUMBAI-400001 separate Appeal. Will the BPP pay legal charges on or dying languages or those not spoken behalf of this ex-Trustee too? locally. In Hinduism, it is Sanskrit; in Islam, Note: Names for the above will be The last issue is that, had the Mediation it is Arabic. Earlier, Holy Mass in Roman accepted upto 02-08-2014 succeeded, would the Priests and this ex-Trustee still Catholic Churches was conducted in Latin. Roj 20, Mah 12. have pursued their respective Appeals? Many Churchgoers, The real intent behind the banning the two not understanding the Priests was to send a message to other clergy not to language, stopped going follow the footsteps of two Priests. Instead, what to church. The Priests has actually resulted is free publicity to the duo and wisely switched over sympathy for their predicament but anger against BPP saying the Holy Mass Trustees from the major section of the Community. in local languages, and In reality the duties performed by the two banned church attendance again priests are no different from acts of some of the picked up. High Priests who authorized Wadia Navjotes etc, The reason given is and besides the fact that sons of two High Priests are that prayers in Avesta married to non Parsis. produced “Positive Homi Dalal vibrations”. Is it not an insult to other 6XSSRUWWKHLQLWLDWLYHRI'LQVKDZ7DPERO\ languages? Have these Dear Editor, priests conducted any I have read the open letter of ex-Trustee of BPP experiment to prove Mr. D.K. Tamboly published in your issue of 19th that prayers in other July; and I fully support every word of it. I want languages do not give to make two quick points here. If someone is so out positive vibrations? hawkish to pursue the course of litigation, he should The parrot is an PDNH DUUDQJHPHQWV WR ÀQDQFH WKH VDPH DQG QRW intelligent bird and will be dependent on Charity Funds. The way Charity learn to say words which Funds are used to pay legal charges in banned priests it hears repeatedly. Thus matter is just a diversion of charity money which was it will say “Humata, earmarked for the poor. Secondly, if the aim is to teach Hukhata, Havrashta” these two priests a ‘lesson’, the same can be done without knowing their by the by giving suitable directions to respective meaning. Are those of Panthakies of the two BPP owned Fire Temples not us who do not know to avail the services of the two ‘banned’ priests even Avesta not like a parrot without pursuing the Special Civil Appeal. That for reciting our prayers will serve the purpose and satisfy the egos of those without understanding who want to ban these two priests, instead of costly their meaning? litigation imposed on the Community. Fatwa No. 4: Why P.J. Dubash women cannot become priests. 4XHVWLRQLQJ)DWZDV The reason given Dear Editor, is that they “become I am pained to read the fatwas written by some unclean” for four days SATURDAY, JULY 26, 2014 04 Community Coverage GODREJ Dy Consul General of the Russian Federation ANNUAL BLOOD Honoured by Zoroastrian College DONATION The Report of 8th June 2014 annual mid year conference cum convocation of Zoroastrian DRIVE-2014 College held at Russian Centre for Science & Culture Mumbai s a responsible glittering function and Dr. Ajit Kumar Kasliwal, Republic of Iran Masood Aand committed was organised by All (Patron Z. C.) both Dada Ebrahimi Khaleghi. Mr. Corporate having India Shah Behram Saheb Phalke Awardees Darayus Zainabadi received strong belief in giving A %DXJ 6RFLHW\ IRU 6FLHQWLÀF were honoured on behalf the honours on behalf of Prof. back to society, & Educational Research) / of the Society by Dame Dr. Dr. Farhoman. Godrej and Boyce Zoroastrian College on 8th Prof. Meher Master-Moos, Candidates from Mumbai, Mfg. Co. Ltd., will be organizing their Annual Blood Donation June 2014 it was attended by President, Zoroastrian Pune and Delhi were honoured Drive-2014 on 8th and 9th August, 2014 (Friday and Saturday) Governing Body and staff College, Dr. Dara Rupa at the hands of Dy Consul- at Godrej Memorial Hospital and Pragati Kendra (Welfare members including Dame Governing Body member, General Sergei I. Kotlyar, Dr. Centre) located at Pirojshanagar, Vikhroli (East), from 10 am Dr. Prof. Meher Master- Dr. M. K. Ozha Indore Centre Norbert Revai Bere Consul to 6 pm, in memory of their beloved Founders Late NP Godrej Moos, President, Zoroastrian Head and Dr. Manmath Patni, General of Hungary, Dr. R. N. and Late Dr. BP Godrej. College, Dr. Dara Rupa, Indore Associate Centre Head. Shukla, Pune Centre Head and The Drive will be OPEN to ALL. Please donate, save lives and Dr. S. G. Bhat, Dr. Mrs. Dr. Mrs. Anupama Jain sang Dr. Prem Sethi Pune Associate feel blessed. Mangala Chavan, Mrs. Katy famous songs from Barjatya Centre Head, for their research For details contact Pragati Kendra (Welfare Centre) on Singporewalla, Ervad Adiba Brother’s Rajshri Production thesis on various subjects. 67964115 or Nariman Bacha on 9820812244. Dadiba Gowadia, Dr. Mrs. ÀOPV DQG VKRUW VFHQHV IURP These include: Usha Nair, Ms. Khurshid ROGÀOPVZHUHVKRZQ7KDQNV Surya Veer Khatana Cooper, Mr. Minoo Jokhi, to Vice Consul Dementiev, 'HOKL  'RFWRU RI 3KLORVRSK\ Talk of the Town mathamagician and others. cultural video of Russian Jaswant Pangaria (Indore) The distinguished VIP Ballet - Swan Lake was 'RFWRU RI 3KLORVRSK\ 0UV P.T. Writer Dr. Shernaz Avari makes an informative speech at Guests of Honour were enjoyed by all present and also Rajkuwar Desai (Nasik) Lions Club of East Bombay Dy Consul-General Sergei special exhibition of pictures 'RFWRU RI 3KLORVRSK\ 'U Ivanovich Kotlyar of Russian RI PDJQLÀFHQW 3DODFHV RI Mrs. Princy Louis Palatty Federation in Mumbai, Vice Russia was kept on view for (Mangalore) Doctor of Consul V. Dementiev, Director the participants. 3KLORVRSK\ 3URI 8GD\ Russian Centre for Science From Sweden, the Kumar Padhye, (Mumbai) 'RFWRU RI 3KLORVRSK\ 5DMHVK Kankavlikar (Mumbai) Master RI 3KLORVRSK\ 056 1HHVKD Kothari, (Pune) Master of 3KLORVRSK\ 7XVKDU *DQGKL Master of Philosophy. Two eminent and distinguished personalities 1st Vice-President Lion Behroze Daruwalla, Guest Speaker Dr (Mrs) Shernaz Avari, President Lion Naseem of India were conferred Rangwala, Past District Governor Lion Dr Keki Dalal, Imm. Past Pres. Lion Soonoo Katrak, Secretary Adil Makhania. Doctor of Science degree Honoris Causa - Dr Ramesh Dharamthok (Mt. Abu) for .T. Writer Dr. Shernaz its underlying principles his Lifetime Humanitarian B. Avari made a and emphasised the fact that Standing: L to R: Dy Consul General of Russia, Dr. Prof. Meher Master- Service For Public Health knowledgeable speech we have to strive to enrich Moos, Dr. Norbert Revai Bere (Consul General of Hungary), Consul P Through Magnet Therapy and to the Members of the Lions the “quality” of our lives by General of Iran Masood Ebrahimi Khaleghi Dr. Pankaj Agrawal (Indore) Club of East Bombay on 22nd touching all aspects at the Sitting: L to R: Dr. Dara Rupa, Dr. Gafoor Abdul & his son conducting free for his Lifetime Humanitarian July at Freemason’s Hall, on physical, mental, spiritual, clinic at 6HUYLFH )RU 3XEOLF %HQHÀW ‘Enriching Life As Senior emotional and behavioural and Culture, Mr. Sergey Iranian scholar Prof. Cyrus Through Modern Application Citizens By Staying Fit And levels for the younger Kolesnikov Russian Dy. Trade Farhomand had submitted Of Vastu Principles. Healthy’. generation to follow and Commissioner, Dr. Norbert a well researched thesis All research thesis books Co-incidentally, it was emulate. Revai Bere Consul General titled THE AVESTAN are available at Zoroastrian /LRQ1DVHHP5DQJZDOD·VÀUVW To the older people, Dr. of Hungary, Consul General WORLD VIEW. He was College Library near Sanjan meet as the President of the Avari gave healthy tips which of Islamic Republic of Iran conferred Degree of Doctor DQGIURPWKHLU0XPEDLRIÀFH Lions Club of East Bombay. could easily be followed on a Masood Ebrahimi Khaleghi of Philosophy at the hands DW 0XVWDID %OGJ QG ÁRRU In her speech, Dr. Avari day to day as well as weekly from the Consular corps in of Dr. Norbert Revai Bere (New name Jash Chambers) spoke to the audience about basis ways to sharpen the Mumbai. Consul General of Hungary, Sir Pherozeshah Mehta Road, the role of Naturopathy and memory and intellect. Mr. Kamal Kumar Barjatya and Consul General of Islamic Fort, Mumbai-1. SATURDAY, JULY 26, 2014 P.T. will now be delivered to your doorstep fresh and early, Saturday morning from Depots ĂĐƌŽƐƐDĂŚĂƌĂƐŚƚƌĂĂŶĚ'ƵũĂƌĂƚ͘ZĞůĂƟǀĞƐĞǀĞƌLJǁŚĞƌĞĐĂŶƌĞĂĚǁŝƚŚLJŽƵ͊ŽŶŶĞĐƚǁŝƚŚ ƵƐĂƚ;ϬϮϮͿϲϲϯϯϬϰϬϰĨŽƌŵŽƌĞŝŶĨŽƌŵĂƟŽŶ͘ 05

Dadar Ahura Mazda Ni Madad Hojoji he Foundation Laying Ceremony and Jashan of the TAtash Adaran for the New Bombay Zoroastrian Association Charitable Trust, situated at Plot No. 14/2, Sector-9, Koparkhairane, District Thane, was performed on 15th June, Bahman Mahino, Bahman Roj, Shehenshahi Yezadezardi 1383, by Respected Vada Dasturji of Pak Iranshah, Udvada, Shri Khurshed Kaikobad Dastoor. The present Trustees of the Organisation are: 1. Shri Sharukh Mahiar (Doctor, Managing Trustee) 2. Shri Noshir Dara Parlewalla (Treasurer) 3. Shri Nozer Jehangir Mirza (Secretary) 4. Dr. Dorab Rustom Daruwalla (Trustee) The complete expenditure for building this Atash Adaran is being borne by “The Executors and Trustees of the Estate of Mrs. Shirinbai K Doongaji” whose present Trustees are Shri Khurshed Minocher Doongaji, Shri Aspi Hoshang Darukhanawala and Shri Behram Hormusji Bharucha. The complete expenditure for Community Hall, alongside the Atash Adaran is being borne by Shri Dara Hormusji Hansotia in loving memory of his dear departed wife Dr. Smt. Mehroo Dara Hansotia. Lion’s Share of Social Work

Zoroastrians stepping up, doing splendid Social Service being honoured at Lions Club, Cuffe Parade

General Hospital where equipment worth Rs.1.25 lacs, plus, Pulse Oxymeter, Fumigation Machines, SS Trolleys were handed over to the hospital in the presence of Chief Mentor, Homa Petit and other dignitaries. During the club’s meeting one 28th June 2014, Lion Gulshan Dara Patel was awarded Club’s Best Lion of the Year trophy for her all round meritorious services at TWITTER the hands of Chief Guest, Lion Harish Susania. ion Prof. Dr. Firdos T. conducted his Landmark This lot really are the true FaceBook Shroff, President, Lions project as President (2013- kings of the social jungle! LClub of Cuffe Parade 14) on 26th June 2014 at Parsi Like: Parsi Times SATURDAY, JULY 26, 2014 06 Community Coverage dp¡b¡v$ Å¡CA¡ R>¡ blpfNpd“u ArNepfu“p dyL$spv$“p v$k qv$hk dpV¡$ dp¡b¡v$ Cooking With Kurush kpl¡b“u S>ê$fs R>¡Æ. Parsi Times Writer Delaveen Tarapore brings us some scoop on Chef Kurush Dubash’s kpfpdp„ kpfp¡ ghpS>d. Workshop that took place at Navroze Baug Qpe/“põsp¡ s’p b‘p¡f s’p fps“y„ DÑd S>dZ very month the These ingredients add to the He then spoke about the A“¡ Apfpd’u fl¡hp“u kNhX$. Nowrosjee N. Wadia vitamin intake part of your way food was cooked in the EWelfare League diet. It is almost mandatory villages back in the days. L$p¡ÞV¡$L$V$ “„bf 8806264899. (NNWWL) invites one expert for us Bawajis to use onion During a wedding celebration from the Hotel and Food in our dishes, be it in any in those villages, the classic Industry to Navroze Baug to form. This tradition too has menu usually consisted of two chat with their members about been passed down to us by types of gosh, mainly, our Iranian ancestors. Bhaji-Dana nu Gosh and “Onions were called Khaatu Gosh alongside Rice,

“I’m here because of Jinaz and the fact that I love Parsi food and its history. I am an archaeologist and a caterer. Parsi food is known for its heritage and today, we have forgotten so many wonderful ancient recipes. It’s good that we strive to revive them, and one of the main reasons in doing so is ‘We Bawajis live to eat’. I was lucky that my mother had her roots deep in Gujarat and thus, I could reach back and revive that part of our heritage.” – Kurush Dalal

Alliums. They have Dal, Roti and Aachar. These been with us since delicacies were usually served mouth watering recipes and ages. Wild Alliums such as with Chandi-na- Phuliya- ma- some ‘need to know’ cooking onions and garlic were usually Maudi which happens to be tips. The organizer, P.T. cultivated in the Northern alcohol made out of Maua Writer, Mrs. Jinaz Mistry took Iranian Regions,” says Kurush ÁRZHUVVHUYHGLQDWLQ\VLOYHUFXS this initiative with the sole who also happened to have a The session took a turn purpose of bringing new life keen interest in archaeology. for the tastier, as Kurush into the kitchen and reviving In the past, it was only cooked and showed the the taste buds. “We all know during extremely auspicious audience how to make some how to cook and to some of occasions that chicken was lip smacking Bhaji-Dana- us, it comes quite easily too. cooked for a meal. Chicken nu-Gosh and Sali Jardaloo But our main motive here is to “The session was very informative and educational. show you how many variety It was very interestingly showcased, especially the of dishes you can cook using history bit. It was great to acknowledge our historic the same ingredients,” claims connections and a lot of other things that were lost over time. Jinaz. The outcome of the two dishes was amazing.” This month’s Chief Guest - Delzad Avari (Young Chef and an audience member): was Mr. Kurush Dubash. He powered up the eager crowd by introducing the history was considered a fancy thing PD 0DUJKL ZLWK KLV HIÀFLHQW of Parsi food. “We originally to eat. This was because in Sues-Chef Prakash, who hail from Iran. If you go to those days, chicken wasn’t had been working with the FRPSDUH \RX·OO ÀQG WKDW WKH reared as they are today. Dalals since the past 35 years. ÀUVW JHQHUDWLRQ RI ,UDQL IRRG is very different from what we cook and how it tastes today,” he adds. Irani food can be easily differentiated by spotting the use of excessive dry fruits, red meat and pulses. Even after coming a long way almost 100 years ago, these little things of cooking with dry fruits are still left with us.

1) When cooking leafy vegetables, make sure to add salt 4) Against our usual beliefs, tough mutton or chicken at the end. indicate that they are ‘overcooked’ and not ‘undercooked’. 2) While cooking any Bhajis, do not cut Vegetables and 5) Try and avoid cooking chicken legs and breast leave them out in the open for a long time. together because the temperatures needed to cook the 3) When adding all sorts of Garam Masalas, wait for the two are different. right fragrance to come. These spices release their own 6) While cooking chicken breasts, do not cover it with oils that tend to bring out the exact flavour. a lid. 07 SATURDAY, JULY 26, 2014

Parsi Times in conversation with Table-Tennis starlet, Frenaz Chipia. When you talk about a sport few Parsis take part. Thus, like Table-Tennis, you require interacting with them is a a steely focus, resolve and an feeling I can’t express. I don’t unwavering determination to just play to win, I play because succeed. All this and much I feel like it’s a small get- more can be found in Surat’s together… with Bawas and 18 year old Table-Tennis their talks, pranks and their starlet, Frenaz Chipia. interest in the game. They The Chipias sure do have a Table-Tennis legacy as Zena Chipia, Frenaz’s older sister &RPH3OD\:LWK0H who is her motivation and (9(17621QG UG$8*867 inspiration to get into the 1. Men’s Singles – All ages game, was a past National 2. Ladies’ Singles – All ages Level Player and currently is 3. Under-14 Singles - Open for Boys and Girls) a professor in College and is 4. Veterans’ Singles (Men’s) – Age 40 and over thus a University Player. 5. Men’s Doubles Frenaz is a National Level 6. Mixed Doubles Table-Tennis player who 7. Teams (may consist of 2 or 3 players) is now focusing to breach the borders and try her Entry Fee: Singles Rs. 100, Doubles Rs. 200, Teams Rs. luck internationally. She is 300, Under-14 Singles FREE. currently No. 18 in India’s Parsee Gymkhana, Marine Lines Young Girl’s category and Contact Hoshang K. Katrak (022) 26286288 / 2624419 No. 1 in Gujarat’s Young Girls and Women’s categories; MMaybe,aybe, ttheyhey don’t hhaveave mucmuchh interest in the game or maybe education (studies) comes in their way. I have faced more competition with the oldies. P. T. : What would you say to en- courage young people to play? Frenaz: Table-Tennis is a very encouraging sport, it helps improve your concentration, creates a positive attitude, improves co-ordination, helps you mix with people who are like-minded about the sport… simultaneously juggling always cheer for me and are and much more. So we don’t College work. supportive about my future. just learn TT, we also learn all P. T. : Where are you playing They also cheer for anybody, these facets. This is the same right now? which is the best part of the with other sports. Frenaz Chipia: I am currently Tournament! P. T. : Out of a possible 100, playing the Third Gujarat P. T. : Do you think there are playing Table-Tennis to you is State Ranking in Valsad. enough young Parsis playing what percent fun, hard work P.T.: Are you excited Table-Tennis Tournaments? and luck? about Parsee Gymkhana’s Frenaz: No, the number is way Frenaz: I have always heard first attempt at hosting a too less than expected. that success is 99% perspiration professional Table-Tennis P. T. : Why do you think that is? and 1% inspiration; though Tournament? Frenaz: In the Tournaments, I think that all are equal. Frenaz: Yes, I am very excited I see older people play more Without any one of the above, about it! I will meet all my than youngsters. Even if you nothing is possible. So for me, Parsi friends over there, since look at the past records, very fun, hard work and luck are in other Tournaments, very few youngsters have won. rated equally. It is these people who like many others, represent our Community in the world of Sports and The First State Veteran Tournament of the Season concluded with some of our Community’s biggest never fail to do us proud. talents playing along side the best. As far as the First All he hero of the just the balance of the game in his claiming the Championship. Parsee Table-Tennis concluded State Veteran favour. In the Quarter Finals, In 59+ category, Percy Tournament at the Parsee TTournament, held in he was down by 2-0 and Mehta lost in Semis to Gymkhana is concerned, Pune the dark horse, Mr. came back from the brink of Deepak Dudhane though the response has been Sarosh Shroff won the Gold defeat. The Semi-Finals and it was by the narrowest of overwhelming. So if you Medal in the 49+ Category. In Finals saw him face Yogesh margins. In the last game get a match point, but alas, haven’t yet signed up, then the Third game, he was down Desai and P. G. Kelkar by a he was trailing 2-8 and 8-10 his next shot went long. This please do. The registrations by 8-10, and managed to turn whopping 3-0 margin; thus but managed to recover and caused Percy to lose the game. are open till 29th July! SATURDAY, JULY 26, 2014 08 Parsi Point

ZHUHVSHFLÀFDOO\GRQDWHGDQGHDUPDUNHGIRUEXLOGLQJ Contributed by Khojeste Mistree and Yazdi Desai, BPP Trustees houses for the poor in Gujarat, to fund the debt-ridden n recent days, some members of the Community High Court passed judgement against the BPP in editor of the Jame, Rusi Dhondy so that he could use have raised concerns about the amount of monies favour of the 2 Community members, that the BPP the Jame and Dhondy’s name to attack and mock the Ibeing spent by the BPP on litigation in the ‘Renegade Trustees had to challenge the Order in the Hon’able traditionalists and the orthodox. ! In fact, it is a matter Priests’ Case. The case is presently pending before the Supreme Court, that concerns for BPP funds being RIUHFRUGWKDWWKHÀUVWPDMRUGLYLVLRQLQWKH&RPPXQLW\ Hon’ble Supreme Court, and one has to wonder why “wasted” on this litigation, began doing the rounds! ZDV FDXVHG E\ 'KRQG\·V LQÁDPPDWRU\ ZULWLQJV LQ WKH these concerns are being raised now, when the matter 6RPHRIWKH6HULRXV5DPLILFDWLRQVRIWKLV2UGHU Jame, which were ghost written and funded by the is on the verge of being heard by the highest Court of In view of the fact that this litigation was not initiated same Mr. Tamboly, from WZO Charity Funds! the land. What has compelled these individuals to put E\WKH%33LQWKHÀUVWSODFHDQGZDVWKUXVWXSRQXVWR Closer to present times, Mr. Tamboly is seeking pressure on the BPP Trustees to stop spending monies fault us now for spending funds to defend our action of crores from the Community to build and maintain a on this particular litigation, days before the Hon’able supporting and enforcing the High Priests’ directives, Cremation Prayer Hall, of which he and his nephew are Supreme Court hears it? Could it be, that they are which are vital to safeguarding our religious traditions, also Trustees. This Cremation Prayer Hall will be open apprehensive about the Hon’able Supreme Court’s is to unfairly target us! to all Communities. Surprisingly, the same Mr. Tamboly Order being in favour of the BPP’s stand, especially This case is simply not about 2 priests being banned who is indignant at the BPP for spending charity funds in the face of a 5 member Bench Supreme Court from praying, professionally, at the Doongerwadi for the Renegade Priest litigation has taken Rs 1.8 Judgement on Ratilal Gandhi, and hence the pressure Complex and in the 2 Fire Temples controlled by the crores from A. H. Wadia Trust, of which BPP Trustee Mr. to somehow stop the further funding of this case? BPP, as is wrongly being projected by some. Munchi Cama is the managing trustee for this Cremation 6RPHIDFWVDERXWWKHFDVH Under the guise of seeking an interpretation of Prayer Hall. Whatever be the reasoning behind the efforts to cripple the Trust Deed, a whole lot of other issues have been Can we redirect Mr. Tamboly’s same question back this litigation, in view of the matter being publicly DJLWDWHGLQWKH+LJK&RXUWOLNHWKHDOOHJHGHIÀFDF\ to him - shouldn’t this Rs 1.8 crores of Charity funds discussed, it is important to put certain facts before failure of Dokhmenashini, the alleged legitimacy of be used instead to clothe, shelter, feed, medicate etc. the Community. cremation and conversion, the role and authority of WKHÀQDQFLDOO\FKDOOHQJHGPHPEHUVRIRXU&RPPXQLW\" 1) There is no doubt that these days any litigation is the BPP Trustees, the role and authority of the High Using Mr. Tamboly’s own comments “Isn’t it a shame extremely costly. But lest the Community forgets, Priests, etc., as the Judgement has touched on all of to expend such vast sums of money, which should have it was not the BPP Trustees who initiated this these issues. been put to much better and fruitful use? Especially particular litigation! The BPP was dragged to the Read the Judgement which the BPP Trustees are when cremation facilities are existing and readily Hon’ble High Court on an issue that would have challenging in the Hon’able Supreme Court, which available and accessible in Mumbai? Why waste crores died a natural death had not 2 individuals (NOT the if left unchallenged, would severely undermine the of Charity Funds to build a Cremation Prayer Hall which priests concerned) taken the matter to Court. Dokhmenashini system, the authority of the BPP will also be used by other Communities? 2) The reason we say that the matter would have died Trustees, as well as the authority of the High Priests Mr. Tamboly appeals to the BPP Trustees to keep the a natural death, is because the 2 priests concerned, and leave utter chaos in its wake. As BPP Trustees we Community together and not divide and cause friction. namely Khushru Madon and Framroze Mirza, were cannot allow this to happen. We are a little taken aback by Mr. Tamboly advising us unaffected by the ban, which did not allow them about not causing friction in the Community. He seems to perform ceremonies at the Doongerwadi Complex to have forgotten when he was a BPP Trustee and in and the two Agiaries controlled by the BPP. They It is also very pertinent to the year 2000, the huge uproar and dissent in the were not interested in challenging it and continued note that Dinshaw Mehta had no Community when the erstwhile Trustees (including Mr WKHLU GHÀDQW DFWLRQV RI SHUIRUPLQJ FUHPDWLRQ Tamboly) agreed to give a Bungli at the Doongerwadi ceremonies and conversions outside the jurisdiction problem spending 2.25 crores upto Complex for cremation purposes. At that time, public RIWKH%33HDUQLQJULFKO\IURPDVPDOOEXWDIÁXHQW November 2013 on the Renegade meetings addressed by the High Priests and other group of Parsis, who formed the pro conversion and Community leaders were held, door to door signature pro cremation lobbies. One of the priests has even Priests case, but he suddenly campaigns were undertaken, petitions and meetings travelled abroad to perform conversions in Tajikstan changed his religious convictions were held with the Trustees to make them rescind their and elsewhere and has even sought to confer decision, reams were written in the Press, including the priesthood on a Russian in Sanjan. DIWHU  7UXVWHHV ¿OHG D &ULPLQDO secular media. Does Mr. Tamboly not consider that as 3) The matter would and should have ended there, causing friction and dividing the Community? There is but for the fact that two Community members (Mr. &RPSODLQWDJDLQVWKLP HYHQQRZDFDVHSHQGLQJLQWKH+LJK&RXUWÀOHGE\WKH Homi Khushrukhan and Mr. Jamshed Kanga) took the same 2 Community members – Homi Khushrukhan and issue to the High Court, on the grounds that the BPP Former BPP Trustee Mr. Dinshaw Tamboly has Jamshed Kanga, against the BPP, demanding a Cremate Trustees had no religious authority to ban priests written an open letter to the BPP Trustees regarding ni Bungli at the Doongerwadi Complex and Mr. Tamboly from praying at the Doongerwadi Complex and the 2 the Renegade Priests Case. We would like to refute KDVJLYHQDQDIÀGDYLWVWURQJO\VXSSRUWLQJWKHP Fire Temples under their control. salient points made by Mr. Tamboly. Mr. Dinshaw It is this kind of double-talk from one of the most This, in itself was a misguided exercise, because 7DPERO\6HHNVWR&RQÁDJUDWHWKH,VVXHHYHQIXUWKHU vocal critics of the renegade priest litigation, that the BPP Trustees have not effected the ban on their Nothing wrong with the term “Renegade Priest” makes one wonder, if it is Mr. Tamboly’s concern for own authority. We have simply upheld the authority Mr. Tamboly opens his letter by expressing his distaste the underprivileged in our Community or for the and implemented the directives of the learned High for the term “Renegade”. He states that this term is an furtherance of his own radical personal views, which is Priests who head the ecclesiastical group (such as the uncouth term which is “insulting” and “offensive” and driving him to question the cost of this litigation. Sanjana and Bhagaria panths) the 2 renegade priests should not be used to “describe others whose views and :K\%ODPHWKH+LJK3ULHVWV" belonged to and who had imposed a ban on the 2 actions are not in sync with theirs”. We wish to draw Mr. Tamboly clearly has a very low opinion about priests for their cremation-conversion activities. WKH DWWHQWLRQ RI 0U7DPERO\ WR WKH GHÀQLWLRQ RI WKH our High Priests, as they do not seem to concur with 4) When the Originating Summons came up, the word “renegade” as per the Webster’s New Collegiate his reformist beliefs. He says that “…..the High Priests +RQ·DEOH+LJK&RXUWWKUHZRXWWKH3HWLWLRQÀOHGE\ Dictionary (p. 979) which offers a few meanings, one of are known not to speak in unison”. Then Mr. Tamboly Homi Khushrukhan and Jamshed Kanga. Even at this which is “having resisted tradition”, “unconventional”, should similarly have very low opinions about lawyers point of time, the two renegade priests remained proving in fact that the term is absolutely appropriate and doctors – who often give differing opinions. In fact, indifferent to the outcome of the case. Surely, that DQGÀWVLQSHUIHFWO\ZLWKWKHWHUP´UHQHJDGHmobeds” the BPP Trustees, now and when Mr. Tamboly was a should have been reason enough for the matter to (priests). It does not behove an eminent Community Trustee did not speak with one voice over many issues have been closed? Surely that was the right time member like Mr. Tamboly to unnecessarily try and whip - the analogy should extend to all ? to have shown concern for conserving BPP funds, up emotional hysteria, when none should exist. In fact, in the Renegade Priests matter the High especially when the 2 renegade priests were not 'RXEOH6WDQGDUGV" Priests have spoken and supported us, in unison. 5 of interested in challenging the ban on them? Mr. Dinshaw Tamboly, has gone on record to the 6 High Priests of India are strongly with the BPP. 5) But instead of ending the matter there, more question whether BPP charity funds can be used for this It would help, if Mr. Tamboly did some serious litigation was thrust upon the BPP Trustees! An litigation. He goes on to ask, shouldn’t these funds be UHDGLQJ RQ SULHVWO\ KLVWRU\ DV KH ZRXOG ÀQG RXW IRU $SSHDO ZDV ÀOHG ZLWK WKH 'LYLVLRQDO %HQFK DJDLQVW used instead to clothe, shelter, feed, medicate etc. the himself, that the High Priests over the decades have the Order of the Single Judge inthe High Court and ÀQDQFLDOO\FKDOOHQJHGPHPEHUVRIRXU&RPPXQLW\"2QH been very united in their religious advice and guidance the BPP Trustees had no option but to once again wonders where Mr. Tamboly’s self-righteous indignation to the Community, at large. Yes, dissent shown by 2 or spend monies on the litigation. had disappeared to, when he himself as Trustee of 3 High Priests over the past 100 years is a fact, which is 6) It is only after the Divisional Bench of the Hon’ble WZO Trust Funds has used WZO Charity funds, which overly highlighted, but what about the dozens of High SATURDAY, JULY 26, 2014 09 Priests over the same period of time, who have unitedly expressed their views on socio- religious matters, with one 17th Century BPP voice! Trustees even had :KDW GRHV WKH %33 7UXVW the right to mete out 'HHG6WDWH Trustees must stay true corporal punishment for to the wishes of the Settlors wrongdoers by having of the Trust. As much as one them beaten with sapats would like to settle issues (large size slippers). The amicably, one cannot, as a erstwhile secretary of Trustee, compromise on the very principles on which the Sir J. J. Parsi Benevolent Trust was entrusted to us. It is e must congratulate Mr. I think it is quite proper to faith. They are the managers Institution, late Mr. Zal sad that Mr. Tamboly, being a Dinshaw Tamboly on his give a brief history of the BPP of the vast funds donated for Contractor had once told former Trustee of the BPP needs Wvery polished, lucid and how the role of Trustees particular purposes; the vast me that they were called to be reminded that the BPP was and enlightening write-up, has evolved to present stage funds earmarked for various Punchayat-na-jhoda. FRQVWLWXWHG ÀUVW DQG IRUHPRVW “Former Trustee Speaks about as the managers of the Trust purposes and their judicious to look after the Doongerwadi Renegade Matter,” wherein he Funds. dispersal, sans bias, sans Complex for the purpose of has condemned the disgusting The Bombay Parsi favour, sans nepotism. Of parameters wherein the Dokhmenashini. That is the epithet “renegade” given to Punchayat was founded in the course, this is not done and the Trustees can work and within main Object of the Trust. the two Ervad Sahebs. He has later part of the 17th Century. system has fallen akin to what which the Trustees can disburse Charity, philanthropy, housing, also laid down the parameters The Trustees then functioned was prevalent circa 1825. the funds. Any extraneous etc. were undertaken by the within which the present day as the Community lawmakers, The present day Trustees expenditure/disbursement BPP Trustees much later. That Trustees of the Bombay Parsi judges, defenders of the faith seem to be the gun-bearers of outside the purview of the laid is not to say that any of those Punchayat must function. and were responsible for social the certain “head priests” who down parameters or outside the heads have been neglected by He writes, and rightly so, and communal matters. They have been shooting expensive raison d’etre of the particular the present BPP Trustees. In “I have no doubts that where represented the Community in bullets of law-suits from the Trust funds, or to satisfy the IDFW WKH UHFRUG ZLOO UHÁHFW third parties illegally try to that during our term, we have usurp the funds and properties LQFUHDVHG PRQWKO\ ÀQDQFLDO of the Trust, the best possible BPP should pledge, ‘We will not go to Court. We’ll leave the help to the disadvantaged legal action must be taken Courting to our Youth.’ of our Community, the 2nd and followed to its logical and 3rd child Scheme has conclusion, but, in a matter been enhanced substantially, such as that of the ‘Ban on dealings with the government shoulders of these Trustees. A ideology or idiosyncrasy of a the mobed scheme has been Priests’, which in my opinion as well as caring for the poor colossal sum of almost three person or a group of persons, introduced to help our mobeds has been fuelled by the and the indigent members of crores plus has been expended especially a fundamentalist who earn a pittance, etc. But misplaced and misconceived the Community through the RQ ÀJKWLQJ WKH FDVH RI WKH group, then the amount to expect us not to defend a religious beliefs and orthodox very fundamental Zoroastrian two reverend priests in the disbursed should be recovered case which challenges the very HJRVRIVRPHLQGLYLGXDOV,ÀQG virtue of charity. They even had Supreme Court and still no end by the defaulting Trustee. With authority of the BPP Trustees it a shame that vast sums of the right to mete out corporal in sight. What a waste it is, my no dearth of legal minds in the to protect the Doongerwadi Community funds have being punishment for wrongdoers Community folks! Community, such a charter Complex and Dokhmenashini, expended, which should have by having them beaten with This wasted amount could can be easily worked out and on the premise that the forced been put to much better and sapats (large size slippers). The have been put to much better approved by the court. litigation against the BPP fruitful use.” erstwhile secretary of Sir J. J. and fruitful use, rather than Mine is not the lonely Trustees is costly, is audacious and absurd. Parsi Benevolent Institution, IULWWHULWDZD\RQÀJKWLQJFRXUW voice in the woods. Most of :K\ VKRXOG WKH %33 7UXVWHHV VD\ QR WR &UHPDWLRQ DQG late Mr. Zal Contractor had cases. To add insult to the injury, the Community members feel once told me that they were or as my North Indian friends the same way and hope that FRQWULEXWH#SDUVLWLPHVFRP &RQYHUVLRQDVZHOODVQRWHQFRXUDJHDKDQGIXORI3ULHVWV ZKRSURPRWHVXFKLUUHOLJLRXVDFWLYLWHV called Punchayat-na-jhoda. would say, Sone pe suhaga, the the vast benefactions of the Cremation is against the Zoroastrian religion and therefore The Trustees were elected ÀYH´YDGDGDVWXUMLVDKHEVµZDQW sethias of the once prosperous cannot be legitimized by the BPP Trustees under any circumstances, by the Anjumans, but this Rupees eleven lakh to intervene era that make the Bombay Parsi more so as the BPP is the Apex Body of the Parsi Zoroastrian system gradually declined by on behalf of the the BPP in the Punchayat, are used to give Community. 1825 and lapsed into the posts case of the “renegade” priests succour to the indigent and the &RQYHUVLRQ KDV WKH SRWHQWLDO WR RSHQ XS WKH ÁRRG JDWHV being inherited from father to before the Supreme Court. The needy of the Community. The )HHG%DFN (especially in view of our vast housing properties) and will weaken son. The authority of Punchayat only sane voice on the board Community needs to grow. the unique ethnic identity of our miniscule Community and drive it had lost its punch. Impartiality of the Trustees of the BPP, BPP should pledge, ‘We will into oblivion! As Trustees of the apex body of the Parsi Zoroastrian and fair play gave way to Seth Muncherji Cama is against not go to Court. We’ll leave the Community, we would be abrogating our responsibilities if we nepotism and favoritism. Sir such huge amounts being Courting to our Youth. Marry were to ignore the potential danger posed to our Community by Jamsetjee Jejeebhoy expressed spent on futile and protracted early, Make Babies. We are with a few renegade priests, who continue to promote cremations and his displeasure at the way things litigations. YOU.” FRQYHUVLRQV 2XU ÀUP SRVLWLRQ LV WKDW QR UHQHJDGH SULHVW VKRXOG were going on in the Punchayat What is required today be allowed to perform any ceremonies or rituals in all the BPP in his anonymously published is to clearly establish the controlled religious institutions. book Kholaseh-i-Punchayat. The BPP Trustees and Homi Khushrukhan and Jamshed Kanga By the time of his death, are continuing to explore the possibility of out of court settlement, Sir Jamsetjee had established but we certainly are not going to agree to settlement terms which foundation for philanthropy. are a sell out. 2 BPP Trustees – Munchi Cama and Dinshaw Mehta He can very well be called who are overwilling to sign consent terms which would give the pioneer of organized legitimacy to cremation and conversion and destroy the ethnic philanthropy in India. Following fabric of our Parsi Irani Community, should take a good look at their his footsteps, many sethias election manifestos, where they have promised to uphold customs, started giving generously, traditions and follow the High Priests in matters of religion. These parts of their fortunes and as 2 Trustees should resign and seek re-elections on a pro-cremation the funds grew the role of the and pro-conversion platform. BPP narrowed down to the It is also very pertinent to note that Dinshaw Mehta had no managers of the Trust funds and problem spending 2.25 crores upto November 2013 on the Renegade properties. Priests case, but he suddenly changed his religious convictions after Today the Trustees are no 7UXVWHHVÀOHGD&ULPLQDO&RPSODLQWDJDLQVWKLP longer the defenders of the SATURDAY, JULY 26, 2014 10 Life Guide

A major information and commands the body’s muscles cause of fall in to act accordingly in order to maintain balance. elderly as well Conditions In Which Balance Is Affected has gone on to create his own as youngsters is Elderly population: The problem occurs at destiny. That is how I will loss of balance. all the three levels of processing. describe him. An amazing Let us Neurological conditions: The problem at the batsman, but an even better dedicate this level of the brain. friend. I have been watching article in Musculoskeletal conditions: him right from his initial understanding These include ankle sprains, ligament matches and keenly following how balance injuries, and all lower limb fractures/ his cricket...and today I can is maintained, deformities: The problem is at the level of proudly say that he is going how it is lost, Somatsensory input (mentioned above). to stay in this Indian setup for and how can it Consequences Of Poor Balance a long, long time to come. All be regained. ‡ 7KH ZRUVW FRQVHTXHQFH LV IDOOV OHDGLQJ WR KLVKDUGZRUNKDVÀQDOO\SDLG Balance is the ability of the body to maintain fractures and other injuries. off as one could see his million its centre of mass within its base of support. ‡ 5HGXFHG FRQÀGHQFH LQ FRPPXQLW\ Benaisha Surti dollar smile while he hugged Centre of mass is the point at which the ambulation. the Indian skipper right after whole mass of the body is concentrated. ‡'LIÀFXOW\LQZDONLQJRQDQXQHYHQWHUUDLQ ndia sealed a historic win England lost their last wicket. Base of support is the area between the ‡5HGXFHGVSHHGRIZDONLQJ against England at Lord’s This is how much the victory point of contact of the body with the ground. ‡ 'LIÀFXOW\ LQ WUDYHOOLQJ LQ SXEOLF PRGHV RI Iin the 2nd test to take a 1-0 meant to him and the team. How is balance maintained?? transport. lead in the 5 match test series. Winning this test match ‡'LIÀFXOW\LQPRYLQJDURXQGLQWKHGDUN An extremely overjoyed sent a lot of Indians straight How Master The Art Of Balance? M. S. Dhoni said, ‘’We did the in the record books....Ajinkya Balance training is an important component basics right. Not many players Rahane, who scored a superb of physiotherapy management. had played here before. It 103 to help India recover from Your therapist will train your balance using was a crucial toss, as there a precarious position, became different strategies, targeting the different was something in it for the the 4th Indian batsman to get systems responsible for maintaining balance. fast bowlers. Credit to the his name up on the Lord’s * Exercises in the form of: top order as they left the ball Honours Board in his 1st test ‡&RFRQWUDFWLRQV well and did not throw their at the venue. The catch M. S. ‡5HDFKRXWV wickets away. Most of the Dhoni took of Alastair Cook ‡3HUWXUEDWLRQV batsmen are making sure that was his 50th test catch against given in different situations by; they get out to good deliveries England making him the 1st *Altering the base of support from wide to rather than bad ones.’’ Indian wicket keeper with narrow, India won the 5 day 50 catches against England. * Altering of visual inputs, encounter in a grand Bhuvneshwar Kumar * Altering the ground surface from hard to way, beating England registered his career best Which Sensory Systems Are Involved In The soft. by 95 runs. This victory ÀJXUHV  +H DOVR VFRUHG Maintainance Of Balance? * Use of equipments like balance boards, discs, was possible due to some another 50, his 3rd in this The three major sensory systems involved in balls, stability trainers etc to train your balance. splendid performances with series so far. This has made the maintenance of balance are: * Treating any associated musculoskeletal Ajinkya Rahane’s century, him the 1st number 9 batsman 1. Visual System: Visual inputs play vital role problems by appropriate methods. Bhuvneshwar Kumar’s to score 3 half centuries in a in the maintenance of balance. Some Simple Home Based Tips To Improve all round heroics, Ishant single test series. Ishant who 2. Vestibular System: It is present in the ear. Your Balance Sharma’s bowling, Murali ÀQLVKHG ZLWK ÀJXUHV RI  Gives information to the brain about the linear (To be done with caution and under Vijay’s solidity and patience UHJLVWHUHG KLV EHVW ÀJXUHV LQ and angular acceleration of the body in the supervision.) and Ravindra Jadeja’s an innings. environment. Push your balance systems so that no external counter attack. This From here on it will 3. Somatsensory System: It is present in the force can push you down. was India’s second take a great deal of joints of the body. Provides only test victory character for the hosts information about the body’s at Lord’s...coming to come back and restore position with respect to the after 28 years. Ishant parity. ground. Sharma, who picked The above mentioned up a career best of BRIEF SCORES systems collect information 7/74, gave full credit to M. S. INDIA - 1st INNING - 295 from the body in relation to Dhoni for coaxing him into Ajinkya Rahane - 103 the space, and provide it to the bowling those short deliveries. James Anderson 4/60 brain. This time around, the plan ENGLAND - 1st INNING - 319 The brain processes this worked for the Indians. Gary Ballance - 110 The turning point of Bhuvneshwar Kumar 6/82 this game came in the form INDIA - 2nd INNING - 342 of Ajinkya Rahane’s ton. Murali Vijay- 95 It got the see saw back at Ben Stokes 3/51 ENGLAND - 2nd INNING - 223 equilibrium, otherwise it Joe Root- 66 looked as if England had the Ishant Sharma 7/74 upper hand right from day 5(68/7,1',$:,1 one. Ajinkya truly is the most  %<5816 stylish and sensational player Man of the Match - of the 21st century. Humble Ishant Sharma by nature, combined with good looks, street smart by personality and a man who SATURDAY, JULY 26, 2014 In Focus 11

showcasing a variety of exquisitely crafted designer saris, suit pieces, kurtis, Anarkalis and much more, in all kinds of gorgeous weaves and fabrics with attractive borders, stonework and embroidery, including timeless Parsi gara and cutwork embroidery. It’s a golden opportunity, especially for suburbanites, to indulge themselves a n d shop for the upcoming festive season. ElegancEElegancelegan also undundertakese r ddesigninge s aand legancelegancebyTehmiM by Tehmi Mody’oody’ isisa a ttailoringa unique boutique in thehe heartheart wwork Eof Lokhandwalla Marketrkket iinn ata their West specializing in a boboutiqueou wide range of beautiful Indiandian aandnd is wear. Run by the multi-talenteded accomplishedaccomo designer Tehmi Mody, thiss in assemblingass 3-year old boutique is all set completecommp for its bi-annual exhibition- weddingweddd cum-sale on 2nd and 3rd trousseaustrousseaaus as well. August 2014 at the Serenity ExhibitionExhibiti on Complex Club House SaturdaySaturday 2nd & in Oshiwara, where it willl be SundaySunday 3rd3rd August 2014, from 1122 pm to 8 pm,pm at SerenitySerenit ComplexC Clubhouse,Clubhouse OppOpp. Heera Panna Mall, Off New Link Road, Oshiwara, Andheri (W), Mumbai 400102. Boutique at 76/A Kamdhenu Shopping Centre, Lokhandwalla Market, Andheri (W), Mumbai 400053. Timings: 11 am to 1.30 pm and 3 pm to 8.30 pm (Closed on Thursday). SATURDAY, JULY 26, 2014 12 Salli Gosh-ip... a sprinklinig of stuff!

fact, all the parts of the Neem LWZLOOWXUQLQWRDÀQHGDUNJUHHQ consistency. Put it in a clean 2) Neem being germicidal, its WUHHOHDYHV ÁRZHUV IUXLW air-tight box and refrigerate. continued use will help you bark and roots have medicinal This paste should last for 4 to get rid of acne scars as well and useful properties. 5 days. Take out a little of this as thwart the growth of new 1) Neem leaves serves as an paste everyday and apply it to pimples. Why not chew 8 to 10 P.T. Writer Dr. Shernaz B. Avari excellent face mask. Just ask your face and neck. If you have leaves daily to get good results? your phool-walla or mali for a an oily complexion, just apply 'R UHPHPEHU WKDW LQWHUQDO odern science has bunch of bitter Neem leaves it plain or you can add a few as well as external care will Mrediscovered realized costing just Rs. 5/-. Yes, this drops of lime juice and a pinch give you perfect results and and acknowledged the TXDQWLW\LVTXLWHVXIÀFLHQW'R of turmeric powder too. If you not just external applications immense potential of the Neem not wash the Neem leaves but have a dry complexion or if RQO\1HHPLVDEORRGSXULÀHU Tree in solving most of our skin pull them off from the bunch the climate is dry, add a little immunity booster, a skin and hair problems but also as and put them in your mixer- honey or creamy curds to the rejuvenator having anti- a traditional medicine in the grinder using only the dry powder. Add a little water to paste, but only at the time of allergic properties as well. herbal cosmetic industry. In grinding blade. Within seconds, turn it into a thick chutney-like applying.


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&ODVVLÀHG'LVSOD\ travelAgency or any small Imported brand. business needs. Contact Zarir on Call - 9223272622 Anosh 9158204466 5XQQLQJ7H[W&ODVVLÀHG Please do note that while we are happy to bring the Community together via our Classified Section we are not responsible and do not endorse any product or service advertised in our Classified Section and will not be held responsible by any third party for the content of the ad space.

Printed and Published by Cyrus M. Shroff on behalf of Kersi Jamshed Randeria, From 102, Vikas Building, 11 Bank Street, Fort, Mumbai - 1. Printed at Dangat Media Private Limited, Mehra Centre, Marwah Estate, Saki Vihar Road, Mumbai - 400 072. (GLWRU)UH\DQ%KDWKHQD&RQWDFW1RV$GYW)D[2IÀFH7LPLQJDPWRSP0RQGD\)ULGD\ SATURDAY, JULY 26, 2014 14 Salli Gosh-ip... a sprinklinig of stuff! THE ULTIMATE GESTURE OF HUMANITY t is heartening to know matter of cremation. We all that a young girl of our By P.T. Writer Piroja Homi Jokhi can atleast donate the cornea ICommunity has received from the eyes soon after death a fresh lease of life , getting around. All our religious allowing some blind person a heart transplant from a scriptures are meant to to have vision through the donor. We congratulate stimulate our thinking cornea of our beloved dead. the girl and the family for faculty and guide us to the The sunlight of his spirit will receiving a precious gift of clear path of righteousness “ reach the shadowed heart of life . But our heart reaches out Ashem Vohu “ the motto of a blind person, bringing joy to the brave mother, struck by Zoroastrian religion, means and happiness in his life. The the tragedy of losing her only “Happiness, be the lot of him, skin is required for treatment son, showing extraordinary who works for the happiness in burn injury. Other parts grit, exemplary courage, of others”. Our ancestors true of the body may be useful great wisdom and clarity to the motto always laid stress for research work. Instead of of mind to donate her son’s on sharing their fortune with creating controversies is it not organs to give a new lease their less fortunate brethren. a better way to dispose the of life to an unknown person A human heart melts body in a more productive desperately struggling for with compassion seeing the ZD\" survival. For a mother, in a plight of a blind groping in If donation of organs of the state of such great tragedy darkness. Instead of helping giving away any organ or every walk of lifelife. Should body is considered a sin, then and shock, making a decision him we smear salt to his donating the body by a Parsi we not make good use of the blood donation, and surgeries to donate organs of her injury by attributing his causes IRREPARABLE harm discoveries of these great men, to remove appendix, and beloved son, is the Ultimate disability to his bad deeds in to the Ruvan of the deceased ZKRKDYHWRLOHGWRÀQGFXUHV cancerous growth etc. are also Gesture of Humanity. It is a his past life. This inhuman and will halt the onward IRUGLVHDVHVDQGGHIRUPLWLHV" sinful. It is a wrong belief that lesson for all those who create way of causing hurt to a progress of the Ruvan in Or should we listen to the unless the body is offered as controversies in the name of YLFWLPLVJORULÀHGLQWKHQDPH a very retrograde manner, mindless fanatics of religious it was given to us, there is no religion. of religious tenets. By trying putting spokes in the wheels priests who threaten us of salvation of the soul and we of the ongoing march,to dire consequences and harsh shall suffer with deformities If donation of organs of the body is considered a Frashokereiti”. SXQLVKPHQWVDIWHUGHDWK" in our next life. Only those sin, then blood donation, and surgeries to remove The soul makes progress Many research institutions who have no faith in the appendix, and cancerous growth etc. are also sinful. during the life time of the are in need of cadavers for wisdom of God will believe It is a wrong belief that unless the body is offered as it was person by adhering to the teaching medical students in such damning propaganda. given to us, there is no salvation of the soul and we shall religious trilogy of Good the art of surgery and for Our Lord Zarathushtra suffer with deformities in our next life. Only those who have Thoughts, Good Words and other research work. There is was a great reformist, who no faith in the wisdom of God will believe in such Good Deeds. After death a long waiting list for people emancipated religion from damning propaganda. ceremonies, may help the who need various organs frenzied regulations and soul to a certain extent, and like kidney, liver, heart narrowness of the tribal Gods Religion exists where to restore vision of a blind we they certainly comforts the cornea etc. When the medical and gave a moral character there is compassion and are not defying the power of relatives in their hour of science has progressed so and direction to religion. Each unconditional love, love not God. On the contrary we are bereavement but it is doubtful much,when religion and human being possesses the for our near and dear ones doing His work serving our whether the soul can progress science are working hand in quality of good mind,Vohu but for all those who are a fellow men. It is an insult to after death of the body. hand to alleviate the suffering Mana which enables him to part of this universe. What is the medical fraternity and all Life after death has of humanity, a progressive grasp Asha the ideal truth. the meaning and substance those who serve humanity, if remained a mystery. So far Community like ours is trying We require to rethink that of religion, if it is devoid of their efforts are maligned as all those who have passed the to put spokes in the wheel what is practiced today in compassion, kindness, love sin against humanity. journey have not come back of progress. How can there name of religion is not in DQGVDFULÀFH"-XVWE\YLVLWLQJ Modern technology has to give an authentic account be any guidelines regarding accordance with the religion Agiaris, chanting prayers, made it possible to restore of their experience and in all donation of organs and blood preached by the wise prophet offering divas, sukhad, and vision by implanting the probability we shall not get to in our religious scriptures Lord Zarathushtra. Today machi, you cannot become cornea of a dead person. Once know about it in the future. when these procedures were when we have an easy access religious. If the prayer we a person is dead his body is of Why should we worry about XQNQRZQLQWKRVHGD\V" to internet, all the knowledge perform, does not help us no use. His cornea, if removed imaginary heaven and hell We are in the midst of of the religious scriptures is to purify our hearts, it has within a few hours can be when the world we live in, controversies about disposal within our reach, and not only no value. Death rituals and implanted restoring vision to is a reality and perhaps more of dead bodies, the old scholars but even an ignorant prayers are performed for a blind. This act will have no fascinating than the heaven system of Dokhmenashini person has an access to the the salvation of the soul, but effect on the dead, but it will and hell of our imagination. is not functioning to its secret treasure of the divine at the same time, good living, FHUWDLQO\ EHQHÀW D EOLQG WR So let us not worry about potential and cremation is knowledge. True knowledge kind deeds and following restore his vision. Donation the life after death,and make not accepted by our religious of religion will perhaps the eternal principles of true of body or the organs is not the best of our life today. pundits. This confrontation bring us back on the right religion will help the soul to an act of charity, but an act Without undertaking the long has taken an ugly turn and track which we have missed reach a state of perfection, of humanity as we are giving and tedious journey, to the have caused great loss to listening to the superstitious and unite with our maker away something that is of no unknown heaven, or living in our coffers and damaged our propaganda that deviated our Ahura Mazda. use to us, but it brings joy to a threats of a horrifying hell we reputation. In spite of the minds from right thinking. It is sad to acknowledge blind person, and blessings to make a Heaven on this Earth drawbacks of the old system If we understand and trust that the religion we practice the soul of the dead. and enjoy perfect bliss and the orthodox members of the God we shall be more today is not the religion our The great scholars of happiness in life by resolving Community still accept the compassionate to other’s wise lord Zoroaster preached. our religion have different to make others happy and old system. Those,who are suffering. The golden rule is Religion helps us to grow views. Ervad Marzban carrying love and harmony in more liberal and who opt for to act fearlessly on what we spiritually, experiencing Hathiram laments that “the our hearts. cremation may give a thought believe to be right. oneness with others, creating level of religious ignorance Using the faculty of head to donating the body for an atmosphere of peace is extremely high in our and heart we have made research work and perhaps )HHG%DFN within and radiating it Community. He explains that tremendous progress in solve the controversial FRQWULEXWH#SDUVLWLPHVFRP

SATURDAY, JULY 26, 2014 P.T. will now be delivered to your doorstep fresh and early, Saturday morning from ĞƉŽƚƐĂĐƌŽƐƐDĂŚĂƌĂƐŚƚƌĂĂŶĚ'ƵũĂƌĂƚ͘ZĞůĂƟǀĞƐĞǀĞƌLJǁŚĞƌĞĐĂŶƌĞĂĚǁŝƚŚLJŽƵ͊ ŽŶŶĞĐƚǁŝƚŚƵƐĂƚ;ϬϮϮͿϲϲϯϯϬϰϬϰĨŽƌŵŽƌĞŝŶĨŽƌŵĂƟŽŶ͘ 19

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tight pony - will survive it much better. If you don’t have a greasy scalp concern, then you’re better off not washing it instead of adding plenty of product to weight down the hair; thus preventing it from OLIWLQJXSLQWRÁ\ZD\V Hair sprays, gel base creams, thermo active creams, Tushna Mehta: A shopaholic curl creams or serums are ZKR ÀOOV KHU FXSERDUG ZLWK the spoils of professional your best friends this season! a miss as they only harm the Thermo active creams have a styling. Tushna Mehta has hair more with the added heat Dear Mamaiji, certain amount of hold factor worked with the famous and the hair remains as is! You always make me read the Gujarati in it as it acts as a barrier and When there’s really no point b:blunt hair professionals for calendar date from the front page of a while and is ready to share seals cuticles! in spending hours in trying to the Parsi Times. Today is Tir Roj. What her knowledge and passion Using a combination of style, iron or blow-dry, pulling does that mean? for tresses! cream based product or a hair off to one side in a braid is gel based product with a the perfect solution. Whether Dear Dikri, veryone has watched serum can tame your hair. If LW·VDFODVVLFRUDÀVKWDLO\RX·OO Today is Tir Roj. Tir Yezat is the Yezat of Hindi movies where they you have curly hair and are look put together in no time. a great Star called Sirius in the Canis Major constellation. It is Eactors dance around wearing it hair down, then Using a little hairspray or gel or considered the brightest star in the Night sky. Tir also heralds trees in the rain and their hair stick with curls. You need to serum to tame the frizz around rain on earth and praying to Tir Yezad helps receive a good dries out beautifully! Well, work with its natural texture the hairline is the best option! \HDURIVXIÀFLHQWUDLQ,QDQFLHQW3HUVLDQ0\WKRORJ\7LUWRRNRQ that’s just Bollywood! The using a lot of product. The A sleek ponytail, messy bun or YDULRXVIRUPVVXFKDVWKDWRIDPDQEXOODQGKRUVH+HIRXJKW truth is that along with the damp atmosphere will return braid is your best friend in the the negative forces which tried to create drought on earth. When rains come extra humidity, big your hair to its natural state, pouring rain! GHIHDWHGE\WKHVHKHSUD\HGWR$KXUD0D]GDWKH&UHDWRUZKR frizzy hair and a greasy and so there’s no point spending What about those times EHVWRZHG PXFK VWUHQJWK  FRXUDJH RQ KLP ,Q WKH QH[W ÀJKW itchy scalp. ages blow-drying it. Resist when it’s too late to prepare 7LULQWKHIRUPRID+RUVHZRQDJDLQVWWKHGHPRQRIGURXJKW Rain not only makes us running your hands through for the weather? When you’re and thus allowed rain to return to earth. Tir also stands for the miserable by the means of your hair. People always think stuck in the rain, drenched SODQHW0HUFXU\+HUHLVDVPDOOSUD\HUWR7HVKWDU7LU7LVKWU\D<œ ÁRRGV DQG JHWWLQJ RQH·V IHHW WKH RLOV IURP RQH·V ÀQJHUV from head to toe, let your hair 7HVKWDU7LU

ecently, Parsi Times reported the story of a young girl, Hvovi, who went 68%6&5,%(5$/(57 Rin for a heart transplant. The story of two families, where one suffered the loss of a child and one gained a heart for For those of you who have already subscribed to Parsi their child, was printed in media across Times, you needn’t alert your paperwalla as we are going the country. We are thrilled to report that to continue posting you your weekly dose of Parsi Times as Hvovi, who received the heart, is healthy and happy. Her parents and her thank usual. When your subscription term is up you can join the the readers of Parsi Times who prayed Vendor System. TWITTER for them and showed concern after read- ing our article. Thank you (l-r) The family; Armaity and Aspy with their All the best Hvovi! 3DUVL7LPHV0DQDJHPHQW FaceBook daughter Hvovi Minocherhomji Like: Parsi Times

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