SATURDAY, JULY 26, 2014 VOL. 4 - ISSUE 14 :: PAGES 20 :: ` 2/- RNI NO. MAHBIL/2011/39373 Regn. No. MH/MR/South-348/2012-14 WWW.PARSI-TIMES.COM BPP Replies To PT Pg. 08 17th Century Trustees Pg. 09 Strong Foundation>Pg. 05 Sporty Chipia >Pg. 07 Balance & Age Pg. 10 World Zarathushti Chamber of Commerce, (WZCC) is organizing a Program on Renewable Energy and other Green Technologies by Prof. Soli J. Arceivala, Environmental Engineer from Harvard University, USA on Monday, 28 July 2014 at 6.00 p.m. Clear skin in Rs. 5/- Venue : Bombay YMCA, Central Branch 12, (Sahakari Bhandar Lane, Opp. Regal Cinema), Colaba, Mumbai 400 001 Members Rs.350/- & Non-members Rs450/- (inclusive of dinner). Pg. 12 SATURDAY, JULY 26, 2014 P.T. will now be delivered to your doorstep fresh and early, Saturday morning from Depots ĂĐƌŽƐƐDĂŚĂƌĂƐŚƚƌĂĂŶĚ'ƵũĂƌĂƚ͘ZĞůĂƟǀĞƐĞǀĞƌLJǁŚĞƌĞĐĂŶƌĞĂĚǁŝƚŚLJŽƵ͊ŽŶŶĞĐƚǁŝƚŚ 02 ƵƐĂƚ;ϬϮϮͿϲϲϯϯϬϰϬϰĨŽƌŵŽƌĞŝŶĨŽƌŵĂƟŽŶ͘ Editorial Dear Readers, It is strange that the two lessons I learnt the best from my family growing up were the ones never spoken of or said out loud. They were only in actions and I never truly saw them till I outgrew my crazy teen years. Alliance Invited for a well educated 25 year old Parsi 7KHÀUVWOHVVRQLVWRKDYHD¶WKLUVWIRUNQRZOHGJH·0\0DPDYDMLZDVDKXJH Girl, from India or Abroad. inspiration. While I was shirking my studies as a teenager and trading knowledge Kindly Contact with details on for fun at every turn, he was taping and watching economic shows, reading [email protected] or on 9820001941 books on computer studies and trying his aged wrinkled hands at everything on the keyboard of his VORZ3&FHOHEUDWLQJWKHZRUOGDVLWFKDQJHGDURXQGKLP+HVKRZHGPHKRZNQRZOHGJHLV¶DOODJH DSSURSULDWH·DQGWDXJKWPHWKDW,VKRXOGQHYHUVKLUNDQRWKHURSLQLRQRUZD\RIYLHZLQJWKHZRUOG “p¡qV$k 7KHVHFRQGOHVVRQLV¶+RZWRPL[VWUHQJWKZLWKDVHQVHRIKXPRXU·«DOHVVRQ,FRQWLQXHWROHDUQ b“pÆ L$v$du Apsi Apv$fuep“ kpl¡b“u 171du iyc kpgN°¡l IURPP\IDWKHUZKRWXUQVDJUDQGWKLVZHHNHQG0\GDGLQWKHIDFHRIHYHU\WKLQJKDVDVPLOHD KHDUW\ODXJKDQGDMRNHIRUHYHU\WKLQJ dflºd i¡W$ L$phkÆ bl¡fpdÆ (b“pÆ)“p Q“}fp¡X$, W$pLy$fÜpf Mps¡ Aph¡gp (L$v$du) afpdÆ L$phkÆ Apv$fuep“ kpl¡b“u 171du iyc kpgN°¡l Happy Birthday Pops and thanks for showing me that whatever life throws at me, at work, at play, at the beginning or end of day, its always best tasted with a good sense of humour. L$v$du fp¡S> b¡lfp„d, dpl afhv$}“ e.T. 1384 s’p il¡“iplu fp¡S> 6RHYHQLIOLIHLVURXJKVLWEDFNDQGWKLQNDQG\RXZLOOÀQGVRPHWKLQJWRODXJKDERXW Aiuih„O dpl Aõa„v$pd®v$ e.T. 1383 sp. 7-8-2014 “¡ Nyê$hpf khpf¡ )RONVHQMR\WKH,VVXHFDWFK\RXUYHQGRUIRUWKH37LQ$XJXVWDQGDGYHUWLVHVXSSRUWRXUVXSHU õV$p. V$p. 9-00 L$gpL¡$ Apsi bl¡fpd kpl¡b“p lp¡gdp„ V²$õV$u kpl¡bp¡ sfa’u duper Special Issue! (all details on Pg. 20) S>i““u ‘rhÓ q¾$ep bp¡ehpgp kpl¡bp¡“u ApN¡hp“u l¡W$m L$fhpdp„ Aphi¡Æ. kh® ldv$u“p¡“¡ S>i““u ‘rhÓ q¾$epdp„ kpd¡g ’hp“u V²$õV$uAp¡ sfa’u Freyan. Apd„ÓZ Ap‘hpdp„ Aph¡R>¡Æ. - L$phkÆ bl¡fpdÆ Apsi bl¡fpd V²$õV$ (b.lp¡. Ap„qV$ep) FaceBook Like: Parsi Times TWITTER d¡“¡tS>N V²$õV$u /HJDO([SHQVHV at the admission stage itself for the last three years! 4827(' Dear Editor, In this matter, the Community has been informed If some of you can recall, we had carried out a signature campaign about 2 or 3 years ago and we $IWHUUHDGLQJKDUGKLWWLQJDUWLFOHE\0U'LQVKDZ that BPP Trustees acted in banning the two priests got about 1200 responses on E-mail alone. Most of 7DPERO\,SODFHP\FRPPHQWVRQWKHVXEMHFW as per the directive of High Priests. I understand them condemning this action of the BPP and many 7KHPDWWHURI6SHFLDO&LYLO$SSHDOLQWKHEDQQHG WKH +LJK 3ULHVWV WRR KDYH ÀOHG D VHSDUDWH $SSHDO suggesting that the Trustees put their own personal SULHVWVFDVHÀOHGE\%33LVSHQGLQJDGPLVVLRQVLQFHWKH to give a religious angle to the ban since BPP being PRQH\WRÀJKWWKLVFDVH FDVHQXPEHULWVHOIPHQWLRQVWKDWWKH$SSHDOSHUWDLQV a Trust body is not a religious body as per its own Kersee Kabraji, WR $V SHU P\ LQIHUHQFH WKLV DSSHDO FRXOG EH Trust Deed.The Priests were reportedly not a party on the BPP Trust Illegal Ban on Priests Case D UHFRUG RI DOO VRUWV WR WKH H[WHQW WKDW LW LV SHQGLQJ to either at the High Court stage nor were they made SATURDAY, JULY 26, 2014 Letters to the Editor 03 a party to the Mediation process. priests who, under the guise of giving spiritual every month during their period. This is natural Now, the Community is informed that BPP guidance, give their own interpretations which often biological phenomenon in female apes and humans. has incurred an expenditure of Rs. 2 crores to run contrary to common sense. Men also suffer from nocturnal emissions. (Wet Rs 3 crores as Legal charges. Even the Priests are Fatwa No. 1: The dead body on which autopsy (post- dreams). Do they not become unclean because of this? reported to have incurred a bill of Rs. 11 lacs. mortem) has been performed cannot be / consigned to Today, a women who stays away from work for four The moot point here is that one of the High Priest a tower of silence. days every month will be sacked by her employer. is a lawyer with vast experience of decades as a senior Nowadays autopsies are performed on all victims How many wives and daughters of Priests observe law executive in two large nationalized banks. After of road or rail accidents. What sin has a victim of road seclusion during their monthly period? UHWLUHPHQWKHZDVZLWKDUHSXWHG/DZÀUPDQGLV or rail accident done that the body cannot be placed Dr. B. F. Chhapgar even now quite active. It is, therefore not understood in a dokhma? And what is the alternative why this gentleman/High Priest was not requested to - cremation? render service instead of appointing Senior Counsels. Fatwa No. 2: Donating an organ is against 8'9$'$08.7$'6&+(0( Surely, he would not have refused. In fact, he would our religion. have represented the issues better since he combines in What kind of religion would it be that KLPVHOIWKHNQRZOHGJHLQWKHÀHOGRI/DZSDUWLFXODUO\ considers the noble act of saving a life by During the ten holy days of MUKTAD, Laws relating to Trusts, as well as Religion. donating an organ to be irreligious? Organ The Trustees of BPP and High Priest should justify donation started less than a century ago, Afargan, Farokshi & Satum why the experience and knowledge of this High so our holy prophet cannot have given prayers will be performed in Priest was and are still not being utilized and instead any opinion about it. Who are these mere senior counsels were/are engaged at prohibitive fees mortals in the garb of priests who give Iranshah Atash Behram, to represent the matter.This is tantamount to wasting such fatwas? In this connection, I am The names of Asho Farohar will be Charity funds and the Trustees of BPP would render reminded of a women who ran a column in themselves accountable for this prodigal act before a community newspaper for many years. recited the Charity Commissioner. She used to warn leaders not to donate in all of the above prayers. The next perplexing issue is that if the main their eyes, as (according to her) they would Appeal itself is yet to be admitted, then how the the be born blind in the next incarnation. In a Amount per Name Rs. 200/- Priests incurred a legal charges to the extent of Rs. 11. clear case of divine retribution, she herself ODFV"7KLVQHHGVFODULÀFDWLRQ0RUHRYHULIWKH%33 is now suffering from severe eye defect. Khurshed Dastoor Kaikobad Dastoor were to bear the cost of legal charges on behalf of Fatwa No. 3: Why prayers should be only * OPP IRANSHAH ATASH WKH3ULHVWVZRXOGLWQRWLPSO\WKDW%33LVÀQDQFLQJ in Avesta. litigation on behalf of the Priests just to justify its Over the years and in all religions, BEHRAM. UDVADA - 396180 own act of banning the two Priests? I understand priests, fearful of losing their sway over the * P-7 CUSROW BAUG, COLABA, WKDWDQRWKHULQGLYLGXDODQH[7UXVWHHWRRKDVÀOHGD masses, have resorted to the use of dead MUMBAI-400001 separate Appeal. Will the BPP pay legal charges on or dying languages or those not spoken behalf of this ex-Trustee too? locally. In Hinduism, it is Sanskrit; in Islam, Note: Names for the above will be The last issue is that, had the Mediation it is Arabic. Earlier, Holy Mass in Roman accepted upto 02-08-2014 succeeded, would the Priests and this ex-Trustee still Catholic Churches was conducted in Latin. Roj 20, Mah 12. have pursued their respective Appeals? Many Churchgoers, The real intent behind the banning the two not understanding the Priests was to send a message to other clergy not to language, stopped going follow the footsteps of two Priests. Instead, what to church. The Priests has actually resulted is free publicity to the duo and wisely switched over sympathy for their predicament but anger against BPP saying the Holy Mass Trustees from the major section of the Community. in local languages, and In reality the duties performed by the two banned church attendance again priests are no different from acts of some of the picked up. High Priests who authorized Wadia Navjotes etc, The reason given is and besides the fact that sons of two High Priests are that prayers in Avesta married to non Parsis. produced “Positive Homi Dalal vibrations”. Is it not an insult to other 6XSSRUWWKHLQLWLDWLYHRI'LQVKDZ7DPERO\ languages? Have these Dear Editor, priests conducted any I have read the open letter of ex-Trustee of BPP experiment to prove Mr. D.K. Tamboly published in your issue of 19th that prayers in other July; and I fully support every word of it.
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