

Today the universal Church celebrates St. Bernard of Clairvaux, who is considered by many as the “man of the twelve century.” Born in , France, Bernard left home at the age of 20 to join the monastic community of Citeaux. Four of his brothers and 25 friends followed him into the monastery.

After professing his vows, the sent him and twelve to found a new monastery, which afterward became the famous Abbey of Clairvaux. Bernard was appointed Abbot and feverishly set out to do the Lord’s work. Over time, Clairvaux had over 700 monks and eventually 160 daughter houses.

Additionally, Bernard is well known for his theological works, including his commentary on the . His love for and writings on the Blessed Mary are truly remarkable.

Furthermore, Bernard’s ability as arbitrator and counselor became well known. Unfortunately, he was pulled away from the monastery more and more to settle long-standing disputes.

Finally, as Bernard’s fame spread, Eugene III commissioned him to preach the . In obedience to the Holy Pontiff, Bernard traveled through France and to arouse enthusiasm for the holy war to reclaim the . Unfortunately, the crusade ended in a disaster as the ideals and morals of the soldiers were not those of the holy .

Bernard died on , 1153. He was the first Cistercian placed on the calendar of . Pope Pius VIII proclaimed him a .

Bernard’s life of contemplation, love for the Blessed Virgin Mary, eloquent writings, and outstanding life of faith and virtue are truly inspirational for us today. May we invoke his intercession that like him, we will bear witness to Christ and become saints!

St. Bernard of Clairvaux, pray for us!