HOLLISTER SCHOOL DISTRICT RFP 1819-IT4 TV Setup Purchase & Deployment Notice Inviting Proposals RFP DUE DATE: Friday, July 20, 2018 at 10:00:00 A.M. SUBMIT PROPOSALS TO: Technology Department HOLLISTER SCHOOL DISTRICT 2690 CIENEGA ROAD HOLLISTER, CA 95023 ATTN: DIRECTOR OF TECHNOLOGY NOTICE INVITING PROPOSALS RFP Number – 1819-IT4 – TV Setup Purchase & Deployment NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Hollister School District of San Benito County, California, will receive up to, but not later than 10:00:00 A.M., on July 20, 2018, Sealed Proposals for TV Setup Purchase & Deployment Proposals shall be received at: Hollister School District 2690 Cienega Road. Hollister, CA 95023 ATTN: Director of Technology RFP 1819-IT4 TV Setup Purchase & Deployment 1 Proposals will be received in the office of the Technology Department of the District at 2690 Cienega Rd, Hollister CA 95023, in accordance with this RFP. Each proposal must conform and be responsive to the requirements of this RFP, a copy of which is now on the District website, at www.hesd.org. Interested proposers should direct questions in writing to the District’s Director of Technology & Innovation, Jr Rayas, at
[email protected] before July 13, 2018 at 2:00 pm. Answers to questions and any addenda, as needed, will be posted on the District website on the date specified in the Schedule, provided herein. The District reserves the right to waive any informalities or irregularities in received submittals. Also, District reserves the right to reject any or all submittals and to negotiate contract terms with one or more proposers for one or more work items.