2018-08 /Email SIG Click here to return to the Computer Club’s website


They have completely redone the site and added many new features. There will be a workshop that will cover all of the changes in detail. Here a sneak preview.

Open and sign into your account. Click on the Setting Gear icon and choose the top option: “T ry the new Gmail”

Why you may want to update your browser in the next 9 days - or NOW!

It’s time for early Transport Layer Security (TLS) versions to die, die, die… which means that it’s time for all of us, if we haven’t already, to take our browsers, our projects and/or our organizations and upgrade, upgrade, upgrade.

What happens on 3 0 June 2018? 30 June 2018 is the deadline for disabling SSL/early TLS and implementing a more secure encryption protocol – TLS 1.1 or higher (TLS v1.2 is strongly encouraged) in order to meet the PCI Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) for safeguarding payment data. What is SSL/early TLS? Transport Layer Security (TLS) is a cryptographic protocol used to establish a secure communications channel between two systems. It is used to authenticate one or both systems, and protect the confidentiality and integrity of information that passes between systems. It was originally developed as Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) by Netscape in the early 1990s. Online merchants have until 30 June to support TLS 1.2 and HTTP/1.1: a kill date that was extended for these security sadsack protocols from the original June 2016 deadline, which the PCI Council decided that retailers weren’t going to make. We joe-schmoe netizens have until then to upgrade our browsers so we don’t get locked out of all the e-commerce sites that upgrade.

It’s time to drag organizations, websites and online merchants into moving now, given a) how long the safer TLS 1.2 has been around and b) that the older versions are dangerous. To verify that your version of Chrome is the latest or to update manually, follow these steps:

1. Open the Chrome br owser . 2. Click the Customize and control button in the upper right-hand corner of the screen. 3. From the drop-down menu that appears, select Help, then select About Google Chrome.

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Update Microsoft Edge web browser

1. Click the Start button. 2. Click Settings. 3. Select "Updates & Security. 4. Click "Windows Update " 5. Click "Check for updates " Windows 10 will connect to Microsoft and check for any updates. If they are found, they will be installed and you will get the latest version of E dge.

By default, Firefox is set to automatically update itself but you can always do a manual update. Here's how:

1. Click the menu button , click Help and select About Firefox. 2. The About Mozilla Firefox window will open. Firefox will begin checking for updates and downloading them automatically. 3. When the updates are ready to be installed, click Restart to update Firefox.

What three words Addressing the world what3words is a really simple way to talk about location. We have divided the world into a grid of 3m x 3m squares and assigned each one a unique 3 word address. It means anyone can accurately find any location and share it more quickly, easily and with less ambiguity than any other system. The service can be used via the free mobile app or online map. It can also be built into any other app, platform or website, with just a few lines of code. Read on to see how what3words could revolutionise your business.

The Computer Club is at ??? Where are you? https://w3s.co/toenail.selling.blues

● See how businesses are using 3 word addresses.T ake a look at our partner case studies to see how businesses are benefiting from what3words apps and web tools. ● ● Add your 3 word address to your email signature or contact page. Having difficulties being found? See how to display a 3 word address here. ● ● Learn more about what3words. Head to our website for the latest what3words news, partner integrations and to discover more about how our technology works. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a4ZBzM3L6ws https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NXRgUqFHVxo https://support.what3words.com/hc/en-us/articles/203492531-How-do-I-find-my-3-words-

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What would you do?

If you were still working and received an envelope in the mail with CDs and a letter enclosed, what would you do? You are walking across the Fairway Rec Centers parking lot and spot a flashdrive laying on the sidewalk. What would you do? Most people would put the CD or flashdriveinto a computer to see what it contained and try to determine who the owner was! That’s just the way we are! We are basically good, helpful and find who lost it. And . . . maybe we are just curious!

Browser Extensions

Browser extensions extend your web browser with additional features, modify web pages, and integrate your browser with the other services you use. Why Would You Want to Use Browser Extensions? You might want to use a browser extension for a few different reasons:

● To integrate with other services you use. For example, the Save to Pocket will save the text of a website without the images, video, audio or ads. You can read it later in your GetPocket account ● To add additional features to your browser. For example, the JoinTabs extension for Chrome gives you a button you can click to combine all your Chrome tabs from multiple windows into a single window.

● To modify websites as they appear on your computer — adding, removing, or modifying content. For example, the InvisibleHand extension adds information to shopping websites, informing you if there’s a cheaper price available on a competing retailer’s website.

Extensions can do many other things. They’re like any other piece of software, although browsers place some limits on what they can do. If you want to integrate your browser with a service or get an additional feature, there’s a good chance you can do it with a browser extension that already exists. Browser extensions are like any other piece of software. Malicious extensions could do bad things and even well-intentioned extensions could have bugs. As with any other type of software, from Windows desktop apps to iPhone apps, you should try to pick trustworthy extensions. You should be particularly careful with browser extensions. They’re running in your browser, so a bad extension could use its access to snoop on your browsing, possibly capturing your credit card numbers and passwords. However, while it’s good to bear this in mind, the actual risks — assuming you stick with extensions from well-known developers and well-reviewed extensions with lots of users — are fairly minimal.

3 of 5 Edge Browser 1. Note that I have already installed several extensions: Lastpass and Save to Pocket 2. Click on Settings. Three horizontal dots in upper right. 3. Scroll down to Extensions 4. Scroll thru vertical list to end 5. Click “Explore more Extensions” 6. Microsoft has many Extensions, however, you currently cannot install any!

Firefox Browser 1. Open Browser 2. Click menu icon (three horizontal lines) at the top Right 3. Choose Addons 4. Choose Extensions to the Left 5. OPPS! Choose “Get Addons” from the Left menu 6. Scroll, the click “Find more Add-ons” 7. Choose a category or scroll through the list.

Chrome Browser 1. Start a new browser tab and enter “” into the Omnibar 2. Scroll through the extentions 3. Since we know what we want, we can enter it into the “Store’s” search bar at the top left. Search for Malwarebytes! 4. Choose to add it. Then, accept all the options. (They are already checked!) Malewarebytes New Browser Extension to Keep you Safe on the Web

Malwarebytes is one of the better tools for keeping your PC safe from the many threats you can encounter on the web, and today the company introduces a browser extension for both Firefox and Chrome. Called simply, Malwarebytes Browser Extension (BETA) it blocks malicious websites and filters out unwanted content, which the company says results in "up to three times faster webpage load times". Firefox Extensions Get Chrome Extensions at the Chrome Web Store

Google Dashboard Google Dashboard lets users of the Internet view and manage personal data collected about them by Google Inc . With an account, Google Dashboard allows users to have a summary view of their Google+ , Google location history, Google web history, apps , YouTube and more. Once logged in, it summarizes data for each product the user uses and provides dihboard lets users of the Internet view and manage personal data collected about them by Google Inc . The only information that is shared with Google Dashboard is information generated while one is logged into an account. All data in Dashboard is considered private unless settings are changed.[ 1] Google allows the user control of all the information that they provide and allows the data submitted to be purged from each app.

4 of 5 Two step verification, web history, location history, and preferences are available for all applications.

Google Takeout On the main page of the Google Dashboard, you will see this statement: Need a copy? Download your data. Clicking this link will take you to the “ page.” Here you can download any type of data that Google has about you. For example, you might want to get copy of all of your contacts. You will be able to download this in a standard format - vCard - that can be copied to any other contact app. Or, the history of places, dates and times you have been. You can even download all of the images in your !

How to prepare for your digital afterlife.

Make sure your accounts end up in the right hands when you are gone. Google Inactive Account Manager

Inactive Account Manager is a way for users to share parts of their account data or notify someone if they’ve been inactive for a certain period of time. To set it up, go to y our Inactive Account Manager page and click Start.

Inactive Accounts Manager for Other Accounts And, Click here for more information

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