Admission Arrangements for Plymstock 2017
KEY NOTES – ADMISSION ARRANGEMENTS 2017/18 Schoo name P ymstock Schoo Admission authority The go,erning body of P ymstock Schoo Schoo status Academy .atchment area No Supp ementary Yes – parents 1ho are members of staff on y Information 0orm App ication forms 111.p ymouth.go,.uk/schoo admissions a,ai ab e on ine Normal point of entry Y7 In-Year admission Age range for 1 September 2005 2 31 Any admission other than app ication August 2004 the norma point of entry in years 7211 App ication period 5 September 2014 – 31 0rom 1 September 2017 October 2014 Offer date 1 March 2017 Within 20 schoo days of app ication receipt Pub ished 240 6n ess other1ise agreed, admission number the pub ished admission number at the norma point of entry app ies to each year group as it mo,es through the schoo INDEX SE.TION 1 8i9 App ication process for Year 7 8norma point of entry9 8ii9 App ication process for in2year admissions SE.TION 2 8i9 O,ersubscription criteria for norma point of entry and in2year admissions 8ii9 Staff supp ementary information form SE.TION 3 Si:th form admission arrangements 12 October 2015. V2. The Go,erning Body of P ymstock Schoo forms the admission authority. P ymstock Schoo 1i comp y 1ith pro,isions 1ithin the Schoo Admissions .ode and the Schoo Appea s .ode a,ai ab e at 111.go,.uk/go,ernment/co ections/statutory2guidance2schoo s. The admission arrangements out ined 1ithin this document app y to P ymstock Schoo , P ymouth in the 2017/18 academic year.
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