Prof. Dr. Afsin Sahin, Chair Department of Finance and Banking School of Banking and Insurance Haci Veli University

Office Address:

Department of Finance and Banking Phone No.1: +90 (541) 8047096 School of Banking and Insurance Phone No.2: +90 (312) 2162197 Ankara Haci Bayram Veli University. Facsimile: +90 (312) 2162197 Besevler Campus, Block B, 5th Floor, E-mail: [email protected] Room No. 514, Besevler. 06500, Ankara. .

Current Position and Professional Background

Department Chair, Department of Finance and Banking, School of Banking and Aug. 06, 20 - Insurance, Ankara Haci Bayram Veli University, Ankara, Turkey. Professor, Department of Finance and Banking, School of Banking and Insurance, Aug. 06, 20 - Ankara Haci Bayram Veli University, Ankara, Turkey. Department Chair, Department of Banking, Institute of Graduate Studies, Ankara Aug 27, 19 - Haci Bayram Veli University, Ankara, Turkey. Department Chair, Department of Banking, School of Banking and Insurance, Aug. 27, 19 - Aug. 06, 20 Ankara Haci Bayram Veli University, Ankara, Turkey. Professor, Department of Banking, School of Banking and Insurance, Ankara Haci July 02, 18 - Aug. 06, 20 Bayram Veli University, Ankara, Turkey. Associate Professor of Economics (with tenure), Department of Banking, School Apr. 03, 13 - July 02, 18 of Banking and Insurance, , Ankara, Turkey. Visiting Research Scholar, Department of Economics, Andrew Young School of Sep. 27, 12 - Dec. 29, 12 Policy Studies, Georgia State University, Atlanta, Georgia, USA. Sep. 10, 12 - Aug. 01, 16 Vice Director, School of Banking and Insurance, Gazi University, Ankara, Turkey. Assistant Professor, Department of Banking, School of Banking and Insurance, May 10 - Apr. 13 Gazi University, Ankara, Turkey. Expert, Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Livestock, Ankara, Dec. 08 - May 10 Turkey. Thesis Title: Single Farm Payment Scheme in the European Union and Harmonization of Turkey Dec. 08 - Dec. 09 Military Service, Lieutenant, Command, Agri, Turkey. Assistant European Union Expert, Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Livestock, Sep. 05 - Dec. 08 Ankara, Turkey. Mar. 04 - Aug. 05 Assistant Inspector/ Audit and Inspection Unit, in a private bank, , Turkey.

Education and Degrees “Doçent” March, 27, 12 Associate Professor Inter-University Council, Ankara, Turkey. of Economics Selcuk University, Economics, Konya, Turkey Philosophy Degree Thesis Title: “Sectoral Inflation Persistency Analysis on CPI Sep., 06 – July, 08 Dissertation Period and WPI in Turkey” (Supported by Scientific Research Programme, Project No. 08203002) Philosophy Degree Sep., 04 – Sep., 06 , Economics, Istanbul, Turkey Lesson Period Gazi University, Economics, Ankara, Turkey Sep., 02 – Aug., 04 Master of Arts Thesis Title: “The Effects of Foreign Trade on Economic Growth”

1 Ihsan Dogramaci , Economics, Ankara, Sep., 99 – July, 02 Bachelor of Arts Turkey Istanbul Ataturk Fen Lisesi (Istanbul Atatürk Science High Sep., 96 - Jun., 15, 99 High School School), Istanbul, Turkey Sept., 92 - Jun., 96 Middle High School American Collegiate Institute (ACI), Izmir, Turkey

Main Research Interests

Macroeconomics, Macro-Finance, Money-Banking, Monetary Economics, Applied Econometrics.


English (fluent), Turkish (native).

Teaching Experience

Graduate Courses

2020-2021 Spring: Seminar (PhD Programme in Banking, Institute for Graduate Studies, Ankara Haci Bayram Veli University), Financial Econometrics (Master’s Programme in Banking, Institute for Graduate Studies, Ankara Haci Bayram Veli University).

2020-2021 Fall: Monetary Economics (Master’s Programme in Banking, Institute for Graduate Studies, Ankara Haci Bayram Veli University, LE0301104); Macro-Finance (PhD Programme in Banking, Institute for Graduate Studies, Ankara Hacı Bayram Veli University, LE0360105).

2019-2020 Spring: Seminar (PhD Programme in Banking, Institute for Graduate Studies, Ankara Haci Bayram Veli University), Financial Econometrics (Master’s Programme in Banking, Institute for Graduate Studies, Ankara Haci Bayram Veli University).

2019-2020 Fall: Monetary Economics (Master’s Programme in Banking, Institute for Graduate Studies, Ankara Haci Bayram Veli University, LE0301104); Macro-Finance (PhD Programme in Banking, Institute for Graduate Studies, Ankara Hacı Bayram Veli University, LE0360105), Managerial Economics, (Master’s Programme in Insurance, Institute for Graduade Studies, Ankara Haci Bayram Veli University, 1920007).

2018-2019 Spring: Economics of Finance (PhD Programme in Banking, Institute for Graduate Studies, Ankara Haci Bayram Veli University, 4910022), Bank Management (PhD Programme in Banking and Finance), (in English), Graduate School of Social Sciences, Ankara Yildirim Beyazit University, BF-602),

2018-2019 Fall: Monetary Economics (Master’s Programme in Banking, Institute for Graduate Studies, Ankara Haci Bayram Veli University, 1910002); Managerial Economics, (Master’s Programme in Insurance, Institute for Graduade Studies, Ankara Haci Bayram Veli University, 1920007); Economics of Financial Services (PhD Programme in Banking, Institute for Graduate Studies, Ankara Hacı Bayram Veli University).

2017-2018 Spring: Economics of Finance (PhD Programme in Banking, Social Sciences Institute, Gazi University), Financial Econometrics (Master’s Programme in Banking, Social Sciences Institute, Gazi University, 2910002), Managerial Economics, (Master’s Programme in Insurance, Social Sciences Institute, Gazi University, 1920007), Bank Management (PhD Programme in Banking and Finance), (in English), Social Sciences Institute, Ankara Yildirim Beyazit University, BF-602), Fundamentals of Banking (Master’s Programme in Banking and Finance, Ankara Yildirim Beyazit University, BF-506).

2 2017-2018 Fall: Monetary Economics (Master’s Programme in Banking, Social Sciences Institute, Gazi University, 1910002); Managerial Economics, (Master’s Programme in Insurance, Social Sciences Institute, Gazi University, 1920007); Risk Management in Banking (PhD Programme in Banking and Finance), (in English), Social Sciences Institute, Ankara Yildirim Beyazit University, BF-607), Bank Behavior and Prudential Regulation (Master’s Programme in Banking and Finance), (in English), Social Sciences Institute, Ankara Yildirim Beyazit University, BF-525).

2016-2017 Spring: Bank Management (PhD Programme in Banking and Finance), (in English), Social Sciences Institute, Ankara Yildirim Beyazit University, BF-602), Fundamentals of Banking (Master’s Programme in Banking and Finance, Ankara Yildirim Beyazit University, BF-506), Financial Econometrics (Master’s Programme in Banking, Social Sciences Institute, Gazi University, 2910002), Managerial Economics, (Master’s Programme in Insurance, Social Sciences Institute, Gazi University, 1920007).

2016-2017 Fall: Risk Management in Banking (PhD Programme in Banking and Finance), (in English), Social Sciences Institute, Ankara Yildirim Beyazit University, BF-607), Bank Behavior and Prudential Regulation (Master’s Programme in Banking and Finance), (in English), Social Sciences Institute, Ankara Yildirim Beyazit University, BF-525), Managerial Economics, (Master’s Programme in Insurance, Social Sciences Institute, Gazi University, 1920007).

2015-2016 Spring: Monetary Economics (Master’s Programme in Banking, Social Sciences Institute, Gazi University, 1910002); Financial Econometrics (Master’s Programme in Banking, Social Sciences Institute, Gazi University, 2910002).

2015-16 Fall: Monetary Economics (Master’s Programme in Banking, Social Sciences Institute, Gazi University, 1910002); Managerial Economics, (Master’s Programme in Insurance, Social Sciences Institute, Gazi University, 1920007).

2014-15 Spring: Financial Econometrics (Master’s Programme in Banking, Banking, Social Sciences Institute, Gazi University, 2910002); Managerial Economics (Master’s Programme in Insurance, Social Sciences Institute, Gazi University, 1920007).

2014-15 Fall: Monetary Economics (Master’s Programme in Banking, Social Sciences Institute, Gazi University, 1910002).

2013-14 Spring: Monetary Economics (Master’s Programme in Banking, Social Sciences Institute, Gazi University, 1910002); Research Methods in Banking (Graduate Course, 2910004).

2013-14 Fall: Monetary Economics (Master’s Programme in Banking, Social Sciences Institute, Gazi University, 1910002)

Undergraduate Courses

2020-2021 Spring: Money and Banking (Department of Finance and Banking, Ankara Haci Bayram Veli University, BNK-407); Money and Banking (Department of Law, Faculty of Law, Ankara Haci Bayram Veli University, PAB-230); International Banking (Department of Finance and Banking, School of Banking and Insurance, Ankara Haci Bayram Veli University, BNK-408); Introduction to Economics II (Macroeconomics) (IKT-109 Faculty of Applied Sciences, ). Introduction to Economics (Turkish , National Defense University, ISL-102).

2020-2021 Fall: Risk Management in Banking (Department of Finance and Banking, Ankara Haci Bayram Veli University, BNK-407); Exchange Rate and International Transactions (Department of Finance and Banking, Ankara Haci Bayram Veli University, BNK-415), Introduction to Economics I (Microeconomics) (IKT109 Faculty of Applied Sciences, Ankara University), Introduction to Economics (, National Defense University, ISL-102).

3 2019-2020 Spring: Money and Banking (Department of Banking, Ankara Haci Bayram Veli University, BNK-407); Money and Banking (Department of Law, Faculty of Law, Ankara Haci Bayram Veli University, PAB-230); International Banking (Department of Banking, School of Banking and Insurance, Ankara Haci Bayram Veli University, BNK-408); Turkish Economics (Turkish Military Academy, National Defense University), Introduction to Economics II (Macroeconomics) (IKT-109 Faculty of Applied Sciences, Ankara University).

2019-2020 Fall: Risk Management in Banking (Department of Banking, Ankara Haci Bayram Veli University, BNK-407); Exchange Rate and International Transactions (Department of Banking, Ankara Haci Bayram Veli University, BNK-415); Introduction to Economics (Turkish Military Academy, National Defense University, ISL-102), Introduction to Economics I (Microeconomics) (IKT109 Faculty of Applied Sciences, Ankara University).

2018-2019 Spring: Money and Banking (Department of Banking, Ankara Haci Bayram Veli University, BNK-407); Money and Banking (Department of Law, Faculty of Law, Ankara Haci Bayram Veli University, PAB-230); International Banking (Department of Banking, School of Banking and Insurance, Ankara Haci Bayram Veli University, BNK-408).

2018-2019 Fall: Risk Management in Banking (Department of Banking, Gazi University, BNK-407); Exchange Rate and International Transactions (Department of Banking, Gazi University, BNK-415), Macroeconomics (Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering); Economics (Turkish Military Academy, National Defense University).

2017-2018 Spring: Money and Banking (Department of Banking, Gazi University, BNK-407); Money and Banking (Department of Law, Faculty of Law, Gazi University, PAB-230); Money and Banking (Department of Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Gazi University, ENM-458); International Banking (Department of Banking, School of Banking and Insurance, Gazi University, BNK-408), Price Theory (Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, SS-328).

2017-2018 Fall: Risk Management in Banking (Department of Banking, Gazi University, BNK-407); Exchange Rate and International Transactions (Department of Banking, Gazi University, BNK-415), Price Theory (Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, SS-328).

2016-2017 Spring: Money and Banking (Department of Banking, Gazi University, BNK-407); Money and Banking (Department of Law, Faculty of Law, Gazi University, PAB-230); Money and Banking (Department of Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Gazi University, ENM-458); International Banking (Department of Banking, School of Banking and Insurance, Gazi University, BNK-408), Price Theory (Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, SS-328).

2016-2017 Fall: Risk Management in Banking (Department of Banking, Gazi University, BNK-407); Exchange Rate and International Transactions (Department of Banking, Gazi University, BNK-415), Economics (Department of Geology Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Ankara University, MSS- 202).

2015-2016 Spring: Money and Banking (Department of Banking, Gazi University, BNK-407); Money and Banking (Department of Law, Faculty of Law, Gazi University, PAB-230); Money and Banking (Department of Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Gazi University, ENM-458); International Banking (Department of Banking, School of Banking and Insurance, Gazi University, BNK-408), Introduction to Economics (Department of Geology Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Ankara University, MSS-202), Microeconomics (Department of Public Administration, Turkish Military Academy, KA3142).

2015-16 Fall: Risk Management in Banking (Department of Banking, Gazi University, BNK-407), Exchange Rate and International Transactions (Department of Banking, Gazi University, BNK-415),

4 Economics (Department of Geology Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Ankara University, MSS- 202)

2014-15 Spring: Money and Banking (Department of Banking, School of Banking and Insurance, Gazi University, BNK-308), Money and Banking (Department of Law, Faculty of Law, Gazi University, PAB-230), Money and Banking (Department of Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Gazi University, ENM-458); International Banking (Department of Banking, School of Banking and Insurance, Gazi University, BNK-408), Introduction to Economics (Department of Geology Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Ankara University, MSS-202)

2014-15 Fall: Risk Management in Banking (Department of Banking, Gazi University, BNK-407), Exchange Rate and International Transactions (Department of Banking, Gazi University, BNK-415), Macroeconomics (Department of Public Administration, Turkish Military Academy, KA3142)

2013-14 Spring: Monetary Theory and Policy (BNK-409), Financial Econometrics (BNK-308), Turkish Financial System and its Development Trends (BNK-413).

2013-14 Fall: Monetary Economics (BNK-306), Econometrics (BNK-301), International Economics (BNK-406), International Banking (BNK-401).

2012-13 Spring: Money and Banking (PAB-230); Financial Econometrics (BNK-308); History of Money and Finance (BNK-315); Introduction to Economics (BSY-108).

2011-12 Spring: Money and Banking (PAB-230); Macroeconomics (BNK-202); Introduction to Economics.

2011-12 Fall: Financial Mathematics (BNK-205); Microeconomics (BNK-201).

2010-11 Spring: Money and Banking (PAB-230); Economics (EKO-302); Introduction to Economics.

2010-11 Fall: General Economics (TUR-121).


Visiting Associate Professor of Economics, Erasmus Teaching Mobility, Department of Finance and Management, Gdansk School of Banking, Gdansk, Poland, May, 08, 2017 – May, 12, 2017.

Visiting Associate Professor of Economics, Erasmus Teaching Mobility, Department of Economics, University of National and World Economy, Sofia, Bulgaria, March, 01, 2014 – March, 09, 2014.


Refereed Journal Articles (Journals Listed in SSCI or SCI are marked with *)

“An Analysis on the Relationship between Exchange Rate and Stock Prices in the Short-Run and Long-Run: NARDL Model Results for the Kuwait Economy”, (with Mabruka Mohamed), Çankırı Karatekin Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi, Vol. 10, No. 2, 2020: 397-426.

“Importance and Role of Technological Progress on Job Creation: An Evidence for Turkey”, (with Sibel Cengiz), Karadeniz Uluslararası Bilimsel Dergi, Vol. 45, Spring, 2020: 160-172.

“Loom of Symmetric Pass-Through”, Economies, Vol. 7, No. 11, 2019: 1-25. “Staying Vigilant of Uncertainty to Velocity of Money: An Application for Oil-Producing Countries”, OPEC Energy Review, Vol. 42, No. 2, 2018: 170-195.

5 *“Asymmetric Effects of Central Bank Funding on Banking Sector Lending”, (with Hakan Berument), Economic Research, Vol. 32, No. 1, 2019: 128-147.

“The Effects of Non-Performing Loans Ratio and Deposits on Bank Embezzlement”, Sayıştay Dergisi, Vol. 109, 2018: 161-182.

“ADCCM-EGARCH Analysis on the Neutrality of Money for the US Economy” (with Imdat Dogan), Journal of Applied Sciences, Vol. 7, No. 7, 2017: 365-373.

“Relationship between the Istanbul Chamber of Wholesale General Price Index and its Components: Asymmetric Conditional Correlation Analysis on Turkey, 1968-2015” (with Imdat Dogan), Journal of Yasar University, Vol. 12, No. 47, 2017: 215-235.

“Rethinking Interest Rate Volatility as a Macroprudential Policy Tool” (with Burak Dogan and Hakan Berument), Middle East Development Journal, Vol. 8, No. 1, 2016: 109-126.

“Short and Long-Run Effects of Exchange Rate on Stock Price Index: An Application to the Fragile Five Countries by Smooth Transition Regression Error Correction Model” (in Turkish), Ege Academic Review, Vol. 16, No. 2, 2016: 1-43.

“Estimating Money Demand Function Using Threshold Vector Autoregressive Model for the Turkish Economy” (in Turkish), Bankacilar Dergisi, Vol. 26, No. 94, 2015: 3-24.

*“Effectiveness of Reserve Option Mechanism as a Macroeconomic Prudential Tool: Evidence from Turkey”. (with Burak Dogan and Hakan Berument), Applied Economics, Vol. 47, No. 56, 2015: 6075- 6087.

* “Output-Employment Relationship across Sectors: A Long- versus Short-Run Perspective”, with Aysit Tansel and Hakan Berument), Bulletin of Economic Research, Vol. 7, No. 3, 2015: 265-288.

“Effects of Interest Rate on the Macroeconomic Variables under Different Uncertainty Levels: Interaction Vector Autoregressive Model Application for Turkey” (with Volkan Ülke) (in Turkish), Central Bank Review, Vol. 15, No. 1, 2015: 65-93.

* “The Relative Effects of Crude Oil Price and Exchange Rate on Petroleum Product Prices: Evidence from a Set of Northern Mediterranean Countries” (with Serkan Şahin and Hakan Berument), Economic Modelling, Vol. 42, October, 2014: 243-249.

“An Overview on the Exchange Rate and Liability Dollarization in Turkey”, (with Göktuğ Şahin), The International Journal of Applied Economics and Finance, Vol. 8, No. 3, 2014: 62-81.

“Modelling the Nonlinear Behavior of the Labor Force Participation Rate by STAR Models: An Application for Turkey”, (with Sibel Cengiz), International Journal of Economic Sciences and Applied Research, Vol. 7, No.1, 2014: 113-127.

“Unemployment by Education Status, Prices and Crime Relationship: Evidence from Turkey”, with (Yunus Emre Karamanoglu and Yilmaz Akdi), Güvenlik Bilimleri Dergisi, Vol. 1, May, 2014: 127- 153.

"Output-Employment Relationship across the Employment Status: Evidence from Turkey" (with Hakan Berument and Aysit Tansel), Macroeconomics and Finance in Emerging Market Economies, Vol. 7, No. 1, 2014: 99-121.

6 “The Sources of Transition Probabilities in Turkish Employment Market: An Empirical Evidence for Overlapping Individual Data, 2007-2008” (with Gulser Pinar Yilmaz and Yilmaz Akdi), Journal of Economic Cooperation and Development, Vol. 35, 2014: 23-46.

“Estimating Money Demand by a TAR Model: Evidence from Turkey”, Kamu- İş İş Hukuku ve İktisat Dergisi (in Turkish), Vol. 13, No. 2, 2013: 35-70.

“The Determinants of Turkish Agricultural Employment”, (with Sibel Cengiz and Gülbahar Atasever), Revista Tinerilor Economişti, Year: 9, Vol. 19, 2012: 174-189.

"Comparison of the Main Macroeconomic Indicators for the High-Income OECD Countries with Area Biplot Method", (with Baris Alkan, Cemal Atakan), International Journal of Statistics and Economics, Vol. 9, No. A12, 2012: 13-33.

* "The Real Exchange Rate and the Employment Market: Evidence for Turkey by Panel Cointegration Analysis" (with Sibel Cengiz), African Journal of Business Management, Vol. 5, No. 14, 2011: 5845-5854.

"Measuring Inequalities in the Distribution of Health Workers by Bi-plot Approach: The Case of Turkey" (with Baris Alkan and Cemal Atakan), Journal of Economics and Behavioral Studies, Vol. 2, No. 2, 2011: 57-66.

* “An Identification of Monetary Policy Disturbances Using Non-borrowed Reserves for a Small- Open Economy: Turkey” (with Hakan Berument and Selahattin Togay), Open Economies Review, Vol. 22, No. 4, 2011: 649-667.

* “Seasonality in Inflation Volatility: Evidence from Turkey” (with Hakan Berument), Journal of Applied Economics, Vol. 13, No. 1, 2010: 39-65.

“New Evidence for Turkey on the Relationship between Defense Spending and Aggregate Output”, (with Murat Cetinkaya), European Journal of Social Sciences, Vol. 13, No. 3, 2010: 437-462.

“Another Brick for the Aggregate Consumption Puzzle in Turkey” (with Sibel Cengiz), International Research Journal of Finance and Economics, Vol. 45, August, 2010: 135-160.

“Analyzing the Newly Defined Industrial Production Index and its Sub-Groups by Bip-lot Approach”, (with Baris Alkan) Journal of Yasar University, Vol. 18, No. 5, 2010: 2958-2969. (In Turkish).

“The Effects of the 16th Century Price Revolution and the Ottoman –Iran Wars on the Ottoman Silk Industry”, (with Sibel Cengiz), İşletme ve Ekonomi Araştırmaları Dergisi, Vol., 1, No. 1, 2010: 69- 82. (In Turkish).

“Seasonal Patterns of Inflation Uncertainty for the US Economy: an EGARCH Model Results”, (with Hakan Berument and Nezir Kose), IUP Journal of Monetary Economics, Vol. 8, Issues: 1&2, 2010: 7-22.

“The Effects of Government Spending on Economic Growth”, (with Murat Cetinkaya), Selçuk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, Sayı: 22, 2009: 105-115. (In Turkish).

“The Choice of Monetary Policy Tool(s) and Relative Price Variability: Evidence from Turkey” (with Hakan Berument and Bedriye Saracoglu), Journal of Applied Sciences, Vol. 9, No. 12 2009: 2238- 2246.

“An Investigation of Inflation Persistency in Frequency-Domain: An Evidence from Turkey”, Kamu- İş İş Hukuku ve İktisat Dergisi, Vol. 10, No. 4, 2009: 1-20. (In Turkish).

7 “Estimation Sectoral Inflation Persistency in Time-Domain: An Application for Turkey”, Finans Politik ve Ekonomik Yorumlar, 2009, Vol. 46, No. 537: 25-40. (In Turkish).

“Relationship between Trade Openness Ratio and Aggregate Output: An Application on Turkey (1989-2008)” (in Turkish), Ekev Academic Review, Year: 13, Vol. 39, Spring, 2009: 1-18. (In Turkish).

“Cointegration Relationship between the Two Sides of the Electric Energy Sector” (with Yilmaz Akdi and Cemal Atakan), Selcuk Journal of Applied Mathematics, Vol. 9, No. 2, 2008: 65-72.

“An Investigation on the Shuttle Trade Dynamics of a Small-Open-Economy” (with Yilmaz Akdi and Cemal Atakan), International Journal of Economic Sciences and Applied Research, Vol. 1, No.2, December, 2008: 1-12.

“An Investigation on the Government Intervention in Wheat Market in Turkey”, Icfai University Journal of Public Finance, Vol. 6, No. 4, 2008: 72-78.

“Single Farm Payment Scheme in the European Union and an Evaluation for Turkey”, (in Turkish), (with Ali Berk), Kamu-İş İş Hukuku ve İktisat Dergisi, Vol. 10, No. 2, 2008: 197-219.

“Water Pricing Policies in Turkish Agriculture Sector”, Kamu-İş İş Hukuku ve İktisat Dergisi, Vol. 9, No. 3, 2007: 97-109. (In Turkish).

“Wheat Yield Dynamics: A Structural Econometric Approach” Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences, (with Yilmaz Akdi and Fahrettin Arslan), Vol. 10, No. 20, 2007: 3533-3540.

* “The Index of Prices Received by the Farmers and, its Relationship to Aggregate Price Indices and the Exchange Rate”, (with Yılmaz Akdi), İktisat, İşletme ve Finans, Year: 21, Issue: 252, 2007:116- 126. (In Turkish).

“Day of the Week Effect on Foreign Exchange Market Volatility: Evidence from Turkey”, (with Hakan Berument and Nejat Coskun), Research in International Business and Finance ,Volume 21, Issue 1 , January 2007: 87-97.

“The Function of Rural Development Politics on Migration from Rural to Urban Fact in Turkey”, (in Turkish), (with Metin Saracogolu and I. Halil Duman), Ekev Academic Review, Summer, Year: 10, Number: 28, 2006: 295-308.

“An Evaluation of Agricultural Structure for European Union Membership” (with Metin Saracoglu), Kamu-İş İş Hukuku ve İktisat Dergisi, (in Turkish), Vol. 8, No. 4, 2006: 171-197.

“The Foreign Debt Problem of Less Developed Countries and an Evaluation in the View of Economic Development”, (in Turkish), Finans Politik ve Ekonomik Yorumlar Dergisi, August, Year: 42, Number: 497, 2005: 27-40.

“Theoretical Approaches to the Relationship between Foreign Trade and Economic Growth: An Evaluation of Turkish Economy 2000-2004”, (in Turkish), Finans Politik ve Ekonomik Yorumlar Dergisi,, August, Year: 41, Number: 485, 2004: 5-20.

8 Books

Contemporary Interpretations on Economics, Finance and Banking, Nobel Publications Inc., February, 2021, Second Edition, Ankara, Turkey (in Turkish).

Notes on Economics, Savaş Publications Inc., Ankara Turkey, September, 2011. ISBN: 978-605- 5662-98-1 (in Turkish).

Book Chapters

“Supports for Erasmus Youth Projects and Their Possible Effects on the Employment in Turkey”. (with Sibel Cengiz) In: İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler: Teori, Güncel Araştırmalar ve Yeni Eğilimler/2, Ivpe Publications, First Edition, (Ed.) Selim Demez, December 2020, Cetinje-Montenegro, pp. 82-96 (in Turkish).

Published Refereed Conference Presentations

"Gross Domestic Product, Unemployment, Population and Conciliation Relationship: Classical Linear Regression Model Estimation", IV. International Symposium on Social, Humanities and Administrative Sciences, May, 3-5, 2018, Alanya, Turkey (in Turkish).

“Sensitivity of Change in Gross Fixed Capital Formation to the Economic Growth: An Application for Fragile Five”, V. International Balkan and Near Eastern Social Sciences Series, September, 23- 24, 2017, Kırklareli, Turkey (in Turkish).

“Micro-Based Monetary Theories and Economic Uncertainty”, presented by Afsin Sahin at International Balkan and Near Eastern Social Sciences Conference Series, Edirne, Turkey, March, 04-05, 2017 (in Turkish).

“Stock Market Returns and Oil Prices Relationship Revisited”, presented by Afsin Sahin at Quo Vadis Social Sciences: Artvin Coruh University International Congress on Social Sciences, Artvin, Turkey, October, 15-17, 2014.

“Estimating Money Demand Function under Uncertainty by Smooth Transition Regression Model”. Paper presented by Afsin Sahin at 6th Annual International Conference on Mediterranean Studies, 26- 29 March 2013, Athens, Greece.

“Financial Stability and Macroprudential Policies”. (in Turkish). 21. Yüzyılda Türkiye'de Sosyal Bilimler ve Toplum Sorunları Sempozyumu, 19-21 Mart 2013, Ankara Üniversitesi Rektörlüğü, 100. Yıl Salonu, Ankara. Published in Ankara University Publications (Ankara Üniversitesi Yayınları) No. 393, December, 2013: 219-252.

“The Role of the Short-Run Interest Rate for Managing Expectations: Time Series Evidence from Turkey, 2001-2009” (with Göktuğ Şahin, Serdar Altınok, Afsin Sahin), IMAEF-2010, Ioannia Meeting on Applied Economics and Finance, June 10-11, 2010.

"Biplot Representation of the Financial Investment Returns" (with Barış Alkan, Yılmaz Akdi, Cemal Atakan). Paper presented by Barış Alkan at the First International Conference on Critical Issues in Business and Economics (ICIBE), Gümüşhane, Turkey, 5-6 November 2009.

Updated as of February 03, 2021.