ECUR'ity GENERAL ., S/3079 Ouncll 7 August 1953 ORIGINAL: ENGLISH
I'{ f , r: u '" A,, UN:) Distr. ECUR'ITY GENERAL ., S/3079 OUNCll 7 August 1953 ORIGINAL: ENGLISH . ;, , LETTER DATED 7 AUGUST 1953 FROM THE ACTING UNITED STATES REPRESENTATIVE TO THE 'UNITED NATIONS, ADDRESSED TO THE SECRETARY -GENERAL, TRANSMITTING A SPECIAL REPORT OF 'l"'HE UNIFIED COMMAND ON THE ARMISTICE IN KOREA Il'iJ ACCORDANCE WITH THE SECURITY COUNCIL RESOLUTION OF 7 JULY 1950 (S/1588) " ... I have the honor to refer to paragraph 6 of the resolution of the Security Council of 7 July 1950, requesting the United States to proVide the Security • . l .' •• ~ Council with reJ?orts, as appropriate, on the course of action taken under the United Nations Command. In compliance with this resolution, there is enclo~ed herewith, for circulation to the members of the Security Council, a special report of the " , Unified Command on the annistice in Korea. With ,this report the Unified Command is submitting the official text of the Armistice Agreement entered into in Korea , " on 27 July 1953. I would be "grateful if you also would circulate copies of this special report . .' . and the Armistice Agreement to the Members of the General Assembly for their 1'" ' informat.ion .=.1 (Signed) James J. WADSvlORTH Acting United States Representative to the United Nations y C1rcu1D.ted to the Members of the General Assembly by document A/2431. 53-21837 S/3079 English Page 2 SPECIAl, roiPORT OF THE UND!'!ED COMMAND ON TEE ARMISTICE IN KOREA I. FOREWORD The Government of the United States, as the Unified Command, transmits herewith a s-peclal report on the United.
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