ROBERT T. LINCOLN J. J. McNAMARA A COVINGTON, KY, WOMAN PIRATES WIN WORLD NATION RANKS THIRD TEN MISSING WHEN BASEBALL GROWN IN AIRCRAFT POWER COAST LINER BURNS Makes Remarkable Recovery Johnson Shelled Into Submission Naval Attache at London De- And Sinks Off Florida; Oil Tanker Mr. Harry Ashcroft Tells' How Lydia E. Pinkham'l in Seventh Series Game After clares at Inquiry Commission Rescues Scores After Blast; Vegetable Compound Relieved Her of Four Lead in First. Ready to Weigh Evidence. Engineer Saves 10. Severe Illness and Pain Washington. C. Hun-sake- r, Pittsburgh. The black emblem of Commander J. iXfayport, Fla. Ten persons are the flies aloft while a daring, Assistant Naval Attache at missing and are believed to have Pinkham's Blood Medicine for poor Pirates' London, told the President's Air swash-bucklin- g crew rules the base- been lost as a result of a fire that blood. I was cold all the time. I Board,, at concluding session, would be so cold I could hardly sit ball world for the first time In six- its that destroyed the Clyde liner Comanche, still and in the palms of my bands teen years. the United States ranks third In air six miles off this port. power among the nations of the there would be drops of sweat. I Through the haze of a rain-soake- Three of the victims were women also used the Sanative Wash and I furiously dramatic struggle on Forbes world. Reports here say they were losft recommend also. You may pub- Taking it Field, these ruthless Buccaneers Into account the number of when a lifeboat was crushed against lish this letter and I will gladly an- fliers, the number and quality of Pittsburgh's National League title-holde- rs the side of the oil tanker Reaper, swer letters from women and advise planes. declar- my neighbors medicines." beat down resistance of Commander Hunsaker which went to the aid of the Co- about these the a Mrs. Harry Ashcroft, 632 Beech their greatest foeman, Walter John- ed that, "although It was almost manche and stood by to take off all Avenue, Covington, Kentucky. son, and riddled the Washington craft guess," his estimates showed that in passengers and crew. Mrs. Boyer Also Found Help with defeat by a score of 9 to 7 In a combination of all these factors this Captain E. E. Curry, of the Co- Gilman City, Missouri. "I was in the seventh and deciding game of country stood "In the middle of the manche, and nine others were res- such a condition that I could not eat the . list" of the five nations with the most John J. McNamara, central figure in cued by J. J. Gaudet, chief engineer nor sleep to do me any good and I powerful services. Forty-tw- o frenzied fans, air the sensational Los Angeles bombing of the same ship, when one of the felt draggy all the time. My head thousand fired to high pitch of enthusiasm, Robert Todd Lincoln, son and only The Commander testified that but of fourteen years ago, was found guilty Comanche lifeboats was swamped. ached, my right side and back would pub- hand-to-han- living Lincoln, little credence could be given to almost kill me at times, and I could watched this terrlflc, d descendant of Abraham of .blackmail by a Jury In Indianapolis. Stories of the fire from survivors eighty-secon- d power, be on my only short while a flght conditions, which celebrated his birthday lished reports as to relative air He was business agent of an Iron varied. Certain of those rescued told feet a at under adverse "political time. I was irregular and so nervous, have had few if any parallels in recently. Mr. Lincoln and his family because In certain countries workers' union. of an explosion, after which they irritable and despondent that I thought championship annals. They looked live In a picturesque old home In and diplomatic reasons" necessitate said the blaze spread rapidly. could figures." . MRS. HARRY ASHCROFT I not stand the strain much on, then broke loose afterward in a Georgetown, near Washington. the "magnifying of Others reported the fire broke out BttCM AYtHUt, COVIHOTOH, KT. ' longer. had been this way more or one of at I wild demonstration of Joy, breaking Commander Hunsaker was GIRL AND FIANCE FOUND in a froward hold, and, despite ef- Covington, Ky. "I was so weak less for ten years, but the last two the witnesses heard by the medi- through the wire screens to swarm last SLAIN IN WISCONSIN forts of the crew of 100, It spread and nervous I could hardly do my years was just terrible. I took TWO BANDITS IMPRISON board, which plans to determine the as could not stand be- cines, but got little relief until be- - on the field where the Pirate attack, rapidly. housework I I course will pursue in preparing cause of bearing-dow- n pains in to take the Vegetable Compound, dominant and flashing, similarly had 18 IN HUNTINGTON BANK it The Comanche bume,d to wa- the fan Coolidge Auto On Road Leads Searchers the my back end abdomen. I sat down three bottles before I could broken through all barriers to drive its report to President In ter line, rescuers said, and then sank - Con- Bodies; Think Pair Fought most of the time and did what I could see any change at alL I have taken the Senators from the baseball time for his consideration before To a time was abandoned. way dishes, seven all and am improving right Then Flee With $7,000 Loot; short after It do in that as washing in heights and complete the greatest gress meets. To Death S. O. S. calls were sent out from etc. One day a book describing Lydia along. I have used Lydia E. Pink- Fifteen Patrons Present When The Naval Attache, who also was come-bac- k any series has ever known. the Comanche Immediately after the E. Pinkham's medicines was put in ham's Sanative Wash and take the Holdup Is Committed the designer of the Shenandoah, was Kenosha, Wis. The bodies of Jas. mail box. I saw how the Vege- Liver Pills. I can do most of my work In the final rush over the Wash- fire was disclosed, and the tanker my preceded by John H. Sears, 23 years old, of Kenosha, and. table Compound had helped others so now, and I live on a farm and there ington ramparts Hazen (Klkl) Cuy-le- r, Commander Reaper, then In this port, and other Huntington, W. Va. After locking historic trans- Miss Madeline Latimer, 19 years old, 1 gave it a trial. I had to take about is lots of it to do. I wash, iron, boa a dark-browne- dashing young Towers, leader of the craft from this harbor went to the gained the garden, raise chickens and tend 15 customers and the 2 employes In flight naval seaplanes, who of Milwaukee, were found near a dozen bottles before I my r, struck the blow that de- atlantic of aid of doomed vessel. trength, but I certainly praise this to the milk." Mrs. T. M. Boyer, the large bank safe, bandits robbed expressed opinion the' navy's highway north of here, each with the cided the battle a two-bas- e thrust the that First reports of casualties same by medicine. Then I took Lydia E. Gilman City, Missouri. the Guyandotte Bank, of this city, present aviation system would not two bullet wounds in the head. They down the right-fiel- d line in the eighth currency. They radio from the Reaper, when a mes- escaping with $7,000 In adquately under war condi- were found Sheriff Williams fe Inning with the bases full, two out In function after sage was Intercepted asking that all Don't refer to a woman's age ex- You can say you bet a million left untouched more than $100,000 tions, although he opposed the pro- gan Investigation of a report that a long-distanc-e and the score deadlocked, bringing physicians and nurses meet cept by telephone. you a you securities and nearly $1,000 In sliver blood-staine- available dollars, but If bet dollar posal for establishment of a depart- d roadster bad been stand-o- n pay you over and Eddie Moore coin. the Reaper when it docked here with, have to it If lose. ment of national defense under which the roadside since early morning. all, man Is Improving. As with the deciding runs and frustrat- Two the when survivors. After bandits entered bank the army, navy and air arms would From the car Sheriff Williams fol- a rule, he doesn't swear very Everybody a serious whis- ing greatest goal of the old master, A. McNeer, W. M. The majority of the injured are not much knows H. Cashier, and be grouped separately. lowed a trail of blood to a place 300 when he Is tinkering up the family pering man who always professes to Johnson. .were preparing to seriously, but severe burns and Rose, his assistant, The board, headed by Dwlght W. feet from the road, where the bodies hurt automobile. have "inside Information." Cuyler's smash a drive that at close. The bandits ordered all to turn other Injuries were reported by oth- first seemed labeled a , Morrow, of New York, was appointed were found under a mound of matted their faces to the wall. One bandit sugges- grass, ers. then was held to two bases under by President Coolidge at the leaves and branches. suffering from stood guard while the other forced gave a Captain Curry Is a ground rules because the ball buried tion of Secretary Dwight F. Davis, The roadster evidence of when the life- the Cashier to help him place the loot struggle bul- sprained leg, suffered Itself in a pile of tarpaulins In deep then acting Secretary, after Colonel terrific and one of the was leaving the Into a pillow case. lets" fired had Struck the emergency boat In which he right field came at the crucial mo- Mitchell had Issued his sensational swamped. One of the customers started to making brake. Search discarded pistol Comanche was Child ment of the conflict. It was the cli- statement at SaJ Antonio, for a hundreds of leave the building when the bandits charges against the army and navy failed to show that death was due to The blaze attracted max of a succession of battering 'on- was intercepted' by a persons to Mayport, where It was dis- ren entered, but services administrations. The con- murder and suicide. slaughts against Johnson that had third member of the gang, who was air tinctly visible from the shore. pulled the Pirates back to even flicting views expressed by the vari- Some difficulty was experienced stationed outside the door. A fourth by In the terms It seemed they had al- ous witnesses' were charactrlstlc of the authorities starting after bandit remained in a black touring Is thought most thrown the game away In a the entire investigation! roadster, and It the car car, with the motor running. stalled and Sears search TWELVE OF UNDERWORLD hectic first Inning through the col- started in telephone. Upon his return he SEIZED BY N. Y. POLICE lapse of their pitching gtar, Vic e, Four Lives Lost In Tornado; of a r-- - Miss defending her- loopholes In de- Three Men Overcome By Gas l T r 1 c r found Latimer and their oarje is oote survivor or nomeit against an fense. During Poker Game In Room self assailant, who killed Seven Men And Stolen Silks And Baton Rouge, La. A freakish tor- him and killed her. Once they survived dis- later had that New York. The police found three nado dipped to earth 13 miles east Velvets Taken In Fashionable in the first In which Washing- aster men sitting about a card table in a of here, leaving In its wake a toll of Apartment ton gained four-ru-n lead and a little Bast Side room as still as though four dead and one Injured amid the Spanish Envoy Robbed of Jewels had given way to Johnny upon a spell had been cast them while debris of a six-roo- house. David Valued at $50,000 in New York York. New York's underworld Morrison the Pirates fought ahead they' played. been friendly New It had a Myers, his wife and two children, New York. Domingo Merry del was dealt two heavy blows by pollca with every weapon at their com- game they had been playing, appar- MOTHER-:- Fletcher's girls 5 and 3 years old, were killed Val, Spanish diplomatic agent and when 12 members of two gangs of mand. ently, only winner had been eighteen-months-ol- but the an d babe was hold-u- p Castoria is pleasant, harm- Trailing, but always fighting back and brother of Cardinal Merry del Val, men and loft thieves were a death. Injured. A boy, 7, escaped, having has been robbed of priceless royal In raids followed by and a steady barrage enveloping One lay with his head pillowed on arrested that less Substitute for Castor Oil, left his home for school. The $50,-00- 0 ar- Johnson, the Buccaneers tied the Just decorations and jewels valued at only one day announcemet of the his arm, his right hand clutching three four killed anil the Infant were blown Paregoric, Teething Drops score In the seventh inning, then by a burglary In his New York rest of leaders of the "cowboy gang" aces and two nines. 70 yards from the house In which apartment gunmen. and Soothing Syrups, espe fought their way to the front in the in act reaching of underworld Another was the of they had taken refuge on seeing the Merry del Val decisive eighth after Peckinpaugh's pot, evidently having believed Senor disclosed the Seven men anil stolen silks and cially prepared for Infants in arms and Children all ages. for the npproaching storm. The babe was burglary on to apart- home run had put the Senators back the because a his return the velvets, valued at $5,000 to $S,000, himself winner of brought to a hospital here and it Iff coun- apart- Into the lead. straight he was holding. ment after a week end In the were .seized In a fashionable To avoid imitations, always look the signature believed will survive. Everything try. apartment had been ran- apartment was de- for of This terrlflc attack, with the The third man, who had discarded The ment house. The everywhere standing on two acres, in the midst Diamond-studde- d cuff links, Proven directions on each package. Physicians recommend it. youthful Cuyler and the veteran Max hand, was leaning back with his sacked. scribed as one of the most luxurious his of which stood the house, was swept watches and other valuable gems had thieves' ever Carey as Its foremost figures, was chin on his chest as, thougtf In of dens uncovered la Would Like to, Though Valuable away, then the tornado lifted. It been taken as well as a gold, Jewel-encrust- Manhattan. Earlier in the day five Watercress the chief factor In the downfall of thought. swept high above the county and Teacher Robert, name a oth- re- decoration as a commander men were arrested on Staten Island bird, Tradition and Investigation have Johnson and the Senators, but In The police went to the room in dropped bits from the spot er than the ostrich, doesn't fly. given to very of debris of the order of the British Empire after a running gun fight with pollca that watercress a high place the final analysis It was also due to sponse to a report of the landlady that where It took Its dip. Bobby The Jailbird. among medical men for its real food the fielding weakness of Pecklnpaugh, gas was (escaping. Apparently the and a decoration as a member of the who burst In upon them as they were hold-up- s per- value. whose two errors came at critical men had been unaware of the leak- Order of Isabella the Catholic. dividing loot from three Junctures of Pirate rallies in the ing gas, so intent had they been on Young Man Found Dead in Car; petrated a few hours before. Three Build Up Your Health With Sare Method of Keeping Ileela Ifent seventh and eighth, as well as to the their game. Girl Companion Is Missing Police Believe Notorious men escaped. Women need no longer have the dis- The arrest of the seven alleged comfort untidy appearance relief pitching of Kay Kremer who Only one of them, Patrick O'Connor, DR. PIERCE'S and of Eureka, Cal. Miss Carmen Wagner, Gunman Is In Indiana burglars, who are charged with hav- raseed or "run over" heels. They now held the Senators to one hit in four was identified. 18 years old, Ferndale beauty shop have available a topllft (bottom cap Chicago. Search for Martin Durkln, ing taken part in one-fourt-h of the of heel) Is absolutely on Innings after relieving Morrison, and bullet-punctur- GOLDEN MEDICAL that flat the proprietor, missing since the gunman, who fatally shot Edward C. loft district robberies the past sev- bottom, stays firmly in place and wears Rube Oldham, who blanked the for- body Henry was of and wears. Just ask your repairman Loot "Buried" By Ohio Convict of Sweet Shanahan, Depattment of Justice op- eral years, followed upon a burglary. DISCOVERY to put your mer champions In the ninth, striking was USKIDB Topllfts on heels. Is Belief of Manufacturer found beside his automobile, erative, extended to Northern Indiana. USKIDB Is the famous material that out Rice and Goslin In a flourishing sought posse In has been giving such remarkable serv- by a the hills of four Durkln Is to en routs years. finish that sent the big crowd onto Columbus. Ohio. Belief that Mi- believed b You ice as a shoe sole for Made by counties. East In an automobile. A man an- Pay Roll of $45,000 Is Taken If the United States Rubber Company. the muddy field In ecstacies. chael W. Dugan, Ohio convict, com- The motive for Sweet's death re- Wears twice as long as best leather. spots In years ago swering his description dro?e Into From Harvester Plant In Chicago Would Important you can put USKIDB Top-lif- ts These were the high a mitted two from Cleveland, mains a mystery "to the authorities, on new shoes. Adv. thrills from has money in bank and soon may be MIshawaka, Ind., abandoned his car, battle Jammed 'with the only purpose for the search of on Chicago. Four robbers, two of Avoid start to finish, the major elements paroled to enjoy It, Is Indicated in a upon obtained another, and drove toward Miss Wagner being based the other men. them masked, were forced to break Homely of a struggle that flashed In relief suit filed In Common Pleas Court South Bend with two belief that she, was kidnaped after Durkln killed Shanahan when the lat- out of the International Harvester COUGHS, She Miss Plelnley says she hasn't against a murky, d back- here by his former employer. The Sweet was shot. ter attempted to arrest him. Company's West Pullman plant after COLDS, the face to kiss. ground while the champions of two Court nctlon Is for a judgment of Reports obtained by authorities said they had taken a $45,000 pay roll He ril say she hasn't. major leagues fought it out for su- $439,738.93, plus 6 per cent Interest Miss Wagner companion GRIPPE. was a of from three subordinate officials and premacy in the mud and a drizzling from September 1, 1921, against Du- Sweet on a hunting trip to the moun- Dead Or Alive Rewards Will four employees. The robbers ap- To Have a Clear, 8weet 8kln shower that fell almost constantly. gan, Cleveland manufacturer, who tains. Check Bank Robberies, is Beltef parently had hidden over night in A Tonic winch Dr. Pierce prescribed vfeea Touch pimples, redness, roughness It was In such a setting that the charges Dugan, as his secretary, con- on hope The search was based the. Freeport, HI. Bankers of eight the plant and appeared suddenly in tctire practice 60 years ago. or itching. If any, with Cutlcura Oint- Pirates, proving their mettle as dar- verted to his own use funds In that that Miss Wagner might be found when aa armored car had brought Liquid or TabUtt, mt your counties in North Central Illinois In Dealtra, ment, then bathe with Cutlcura Soap ing rovers of the high seas of Forbes amount Records at the prison show alive, but fears were expressed that money office Send 10c to Dr. Hcrce'i InvaHds' were In vnnual group conference the and the door had, Hotel. and hot water. Rinse, dry gently and Field, battered, out their third Dugan becomes eligible for parole she might be victim an abduc- told. Buffalo. N. Y (or trial pkg. Tablets. the of here that bank robberies in the state been bolted. After obtaining the pay dust on a little Cutlcura Talcum to Straight victory over the Senators, from his sentence of two to twenty tor's bullets. compelled have been reduced CO per cent In roll the robbers were to leave a fascinating fragrance on akin. completing their startling come-bac- k years for forgery, growing out of the break a window to escape. They Bikes in Persia Everywhere 25c each. Advertisement. after It seemed tlreir cause was hope- embezzlement. M. B. & H. H. John- the last six months, as compared Darrow Retained By Negroes with the same period a year ago be- did not reply to a number of shots Bad roads and great distances have less. son, Cleveland attorneys, who repre- company Who Killed Mob Member cause bankers of the state are or- fired by John F. Krauser, 'discouraged bicycle riding In Persia, Irresistible sent Mr. Corrigan in the action, ex- away In auto- New York. Clarence Darrow, Chi- ganizing town guards to shoot the auditor, but sped an but clerks In cities are Just beginning Tour Jokes had a great success V Negro Church In Chicago Is pressed their opinion that Dugan has mobile. to use the vehicles as "Yes. Even "buried" his gains and cago attorney, has been retained as robbers and posting $1,000 reward a means of the ladles with false Wrecked by Dynamite Bomb capture, transportation. teeth laughed I" hopes to benefit from them through counsel for Dr. O. H. Sweet, his wife cards for their dead or Chicago. The Bethesda Baptist an early release from the prison. and nine other negroes, all of De- alive. Ski Jumper Shot When Taken Church, large community center in troit, who are held there on charges For Deer; Wound May be Fatal the Soutb Side negro district, was of the murder of one man and the Ludendorff Threatened By an explosion a dyna- Doug Fairbanks Rib Torn From wounding of another during an at- Berlin, N. H. Erling Anderson, na- damaged In of Communists; Saved By Police mite bomb. The loss is estimated at Its Place In Movie Stunt tack by a mob on the Sweet home. tionally known ski jumper, was shot $100,000. A witness told the police Hollywood, Cal. Too much athletic Mr. Darrow's retention was an- Breslau, Germany. General Eric by a hunter who mistook him for a that shortly before the explosion he vim was displayed by Douglas Fair- nounced here by the National Asso- Ludendorff, former First Quartermas- deer. The bullet entered Anderson saw a man leave an automobile con- banks In helping his leading lady to the ciation for the Advancement of Col- ter General, and in March, last, de- Jaw and physicians said the wound taining three men and approach the roof of a ship cabin during tho film- ored People. Darrow left Chicago feated as the Nationalist candidate might prove to be, fatal. Horace building. A moment later he ran back ing of a scene and caused one of his for Detroit to prepare his case for for the Presidency of Germany, ad- Richards, of Berlin, hunting in the to the car, which was driven away. ribs to tear loose from his breast early trial. The Detroit riot was said dressed an extreme Nationalist meet- woods near here, had wounded a The church, purchased by its negro bone. The accident occurred some to have arisen out of the attempt of ing. On proceeding to his automobile deer earli:r In the day and was fol- congregation after It was abandoned time ago, it was learned at his stu- Dr. and Mrs. Sweet to occupy a he found himself surrounded by vast lowing Its trail when he heard a as a synagogue, was bombed a year dio, but the film star did not real- home they had purchased In a dis- crowds erf Communists, who threaten- rustling of leaves In a thicket, and Ml ago. At the time the police attributed ize the extent of his Injury until re- trict previously occupied only by ed violence. Quick action by police fired. Instead of the deer he found the attaci to racial prejudice. cently. whites. preventtM serious trouble. Anderson seriously wounded. Americans Seek Refuge When Friend's Wife Shot by Veteran; Mine Sweeper Is Rammed German Prince Arrives In N. Y. Speed Mark To Be Set By Planes Chinese Threaten To Bombard Slayer Then Ends Own Life By Submarine During Maneuver To Visit Relatives In Ohio At International Meet, Is Belief Tslngtao, China. With Chinese Indianapolis, Ind. A World War San Diego, Cal. When maneuver- New York. Prince Otto Von Bis- Washington. world's record for sailors threatening to bombard Tslng veteran of the Canadian army shot ing under 100 feet of water, eight marck, grandson of the Iron Chan- seaplanes generally Is expected In tao and with Chinese soldiers posting and killed the wife of his best friend, miles at sea. In the tactical problem cellor, arrived on the liner Resolute. the Jacques Schneider International artillery to oppose this threat, Amer with whom he had made his home for of locating the United States mine He declined to discuss the possibility race at Bay Shore Park, Baltimore, can and British residents of this 15 years and then wounded himself sweeper Ortolan, Submarine 25 came of a restoration of the monarchy in under the auspices of the Flying Club Shantung port took refuge in their fatally. His victim was Mrs. Lydia to the surface head up and rammed Germany. The Prince Is a member of Baltimore, when the United States consulates, mission compounds and Stroud, 32 years old, wife of William the Ortolan In the stern. In the col- of the Nationalist party and sits In will defend the cup it won two other places far from the water G. Stroud, department manager of a lision the submarine's periscope, the Reichstag. The Prince was met years ago. All the planes entered by front. With three Chinese warships motor company. She was the mother shears and antennae were, carried by members of the Germany Embassy the American army and navy, and on the way here from the Northern of two children. The man who kill- away. Several hull plates of the Or- at Washington. From the capital he Great Britain and Italy, the only port of Chinwantao, possibly to join ed her and later ended his life was tolan were stove In and bolts loosen- will go to Cincinnati, where he will contenders, are said to be capable of the mutinous sailors, the outcome was Clarence Peterhan, 85, foreman at the ed, but no serious damage was done be the guest of Mr. and Mrs. T. W. much greater speed tljan those which Proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians for awaited with great misgiving. motor company. and no one was Injured. Short, his uncle and aunt. established the previous records. Headache Colds Neuralgia Lumbago Dempsey's Objection To Wills Woman Writer Said to be Rum Disorders Ended As Troops 17 Year Old Boy Pleads Four Injured When Structure Fight Will Not Alter Plans Smuggler Arrested in Miami Assume Command in Panama Guilty of Slaying Father Collapses At Football Game Pain Toothache Neuritis Rheumatism New York. Objection of Jack Miami, Fla. Gertrude Lytligoe, said Panama. United States troops be- Allison, la. A plea of guilty to a Barberton, O. Four persons were Dempsey to the proposed heavy-weig- by United States Secret Service Agents gan the duty of policing the city of charge of first-degre- e murder was Injured, one seriously, when a section fight between Harry Wills and Floyd to be a chief figure of a group of rum Panama. The action was taken at made by Warren Vandervoort, 17 of the grandstand collapsed during a DOES NOT AFFECT THE HEART Johnson, will not alter the arrange- smugglers, was arrested In Miami on the request of the Panaman govern- years old, who was indicted for the football same between Barberton and ments, the negro boxer's manager, Pad- receipt of notice from New Orleans ment, in view of the general strike killing of his father, the Rev. R. J. South Akron teams, at Kenmore. dy Mullln, announced. Although the that she Is wanted there as a con- and a recrudescence of disorders. Vandervoort Young Vandervoort's About 200 persons were In the section, heavy-weig- champion has said lie spirator in violation of national pro- Later the populace was chastened by mother Is expected to assist the boy which gave way as the spectators y-- Accept only "Bayer" pacicage understood that Wills would not en- hibition laws by importing liquor. Se- the death of one striker, who was by her testimony. She contends he stood up and cheered the players. Mrs. which contains proven directions. gage in any bouts before the anti- cret Service men said she has figured killed when the military raided shot his father and wounded her Mary Morgan, GO years old, of Ken-mor- e, Handy "Bayer" boxes of 12 tablets cipated title battle next year, Mullln prominently in g operations strike headquarters and confiscated while walking In his sleep. Money was taken to a lropItal In a Also bottles of 24 and 100 Druggists. said the Floyd Flusimmons, who sign- for a year and' has written many news- literature and closed the place. The from the life Insurance 6f the slain serious condition. AsDlrla la ti trad mark of Barer Uanufaetar of UoaoaceUcaddcttcr of SaUerllcaeU ed Dempsey and Wills, knew the lat- paper storie relative to her exper- striker met death by jumping to the man will be used in a court battle to The other three Injured person ter intended to box at Newark. iences. ' street and breaking his spine. obtain the minimum sentence. were taken to their homes.