Fulton Daily Leader, June 2, 1947 Fulton Daily Leader
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Murray State's Digital Commons Fulton Daily Leader Newspapers 6-2-1947 Fulton Daily Leader, June 2, 1947 Fulton Daily Leader Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.murraystate.edu/fdl Recommended Citation Fulton Daily Leader, "Fulton Daily Leader, June 2, 1947" (1947). Fulton Daily Leader. 678. https://digitalcommons.murraystate.edu/fdl/678 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers at Murray State's Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in Fulton Daily Leader by an authorized administrator of Murray State's Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. The Weather FORECAST: K ' ICKY PRES Kentueky:—Fair and -oo,er tallest. Tuesday mostly •leudy ASSOCIATION sad sea Aititon rtablir Cents Per Copy /14-1.) No. 111 'Wain* XLVIII Associated! Press Leased Wire Fulton, Kentucky, Worulay Evening, June 2, 1947 Fir* - Waterfield Campaion To Open1J. C.Clapp Dies Jersey Caule Congress Plantl• ,o Aprove Officially At Murray June 14; In New Orleans Sale Scheduled Tax Cut. La Rent Control Services To Be Held Here Purchase Parish Cron', Truman To Speak At County Courthouse For Former Fulton Manz To Niter! At Mayfield; Bills, Send Them To Fulton Men To Be-There Campaign Heads, Was I. C. R. R. Employe Special Summer Joseph Carlos Clapp. 49. died Murray, Ky.-- The Purchase Like!' Party Members Registration yesterday afternoon, Sunday, Parish Jersey Cattle Club will 'High Altitude' Session June 1. at 5:30 o'clocle in the hold its second annual sale at IIMW Strike' s Invited To Attend Illinois Central hospital in New Mayfield Saturday. June 7, Prof. If inericay Orleans. He was formerly a A. Carman, secretary of the or- Is Sermon Topic Ends Tuesday resident of Fulton, but for the ganization and head of the agri- VETOES POSSIBLE CRITICIZES CLEMENTS past three years had made his culture department al Murray College, announced Chosen By Re., Fuller Washington, June 2 — 0') — Harry Lee Waterfield, Demo- Name Must Be On Books home in Reevesville, Ill., where State today. The list of breeders .liteltide3 Baptiq choral: Congress lined up a crowded cratic gubernatorial candidate. To Cast Ballot August 2; he was track supervisor for the At First N. Burnett., schedule today, aiming at final has chosen Calloway county, the Illinois Central railroad on the the following' C, June I -Railroad Night" SeYeral Register Here Sons, Fulton; Herman El- action that would send three place of his birth, for the offi- Bluford district. and and Sons, Mayfield, Root,' 2, Rev. Woodrow Fuller will major bills Inc ome tax cuts, cial opening of his campaign Frunkfort, Ky., June 2-1/PI— liott The His body will arrive in Ful- Kirksey: Jack W. on "Higher Altitudes" labor disputes regulation and 14. Tomorrow is the last day for Hugh (tingles, preach, Saturday, June ton this afternoon at 4:48 the revival now in recent control extensions — to 111,00I)" voters to register in order to Harrison, Farmington; M. D. tonight in Scene of the opening will be o'clock on the City of New Or- at the First Baptist Prerident Truman's desk by the vote in the August 2 primaries. Harrison, Farmington; M. E. progress the courthouse lawn at Murray, leans. It will be taken imme- Farming- Rev. Me. Fuller week-end. ght Although the day is Jefferson Harrison and Sons, church. The g following a barbecue luncheon diately to Hornteak Funeral than four years in and then the Davis' birth anniversary and ton: Dr. R M. Mason, Murray; served more First the House • .• for everybody at the Murray City Home where it will lie in state Air Corps during the stamp uppra- Confederate Memorial Day in Dr. J. C. Melvin. Mayfield; Mur- the Army Senate planned to Park at noon. Lester Nanney, until 2:30 p. m. Wednesday. with more than 2,600 hours the $4,000,000.030 a year Kentucky, the attorney general ray State College, Murray; war val on Calloway County court clerk. June 4, the time set for the time. His sermon to- compromise has given an opinion that county Wayne Rudolph and Sons, Pa- of flying tux cut bill. The who is In charge of arrange- funeral. night will be based on his Dy- slashes individual in- clerks may keep their offices ducah; G. B. Scott Murray; ineasure ments for the opening rally, has experiences. 30 to 10.5 open since the statutes govern- James C. Sample, Fancy Farm: ing come taxes by from • sent invitations to all Waterfield Funeral seta teen conducted The service will begin at 7:30 July I. 10Well • ing legal holidays say public of- Rupert N. Sample, Fancy Farm; per cent beginning county chairmen. Democratic by the Rev. Sam • Ed Bradley the song service un- be and not L. L. Thompson, Mayfield, Route p. m. with The Republican leadership and district officials, Democra- ficce "may closed," and the Rev. Woodrow Fuller, C. Scar- aunt Store 2; Dr. W. Lee Tilsworth, Pa • der direction of Ben called up for Senate passage its tic members of the Oeneral As- "must be closed." will be held at the First Bainist ducah; Ed F. Warren and 84111i, borough. own measure continuing rent Phone 57 sembly and state Democratic Saturday, June 7, is the final church with interment follow- the evangelistic Hickory: Ralph Whitlow, May- hi addition to controls for e ght months be- leaders. day for candidates seeking log here in charge of Harnbeak night, a service is field. tervice each yond June 30. It permits land- state-wide offices and offices in Funeral Home. church each morn- Accompanying Waterfield to held at the lord-tenant agreemes.ts to districts containing more than The auctioneer will be Tom Murray for the campaign open- Mr. Clapp is survived by his ing at 7:15. boost present ceilings and pro- one county, to file their de- McCord, Montgomery. Ala. Wednesday night er will be Ben Kilgore, Frank- widow, the former Miss Sylata The service vides for swifter decontrol than clarations. has been designated as "Rail- lin, Waterfield state campaign Holt, whom he married in 1915; a version passed previously by Night" when all railroad manager; Adron Doran. Wing°, It was pointed out in the two sons, J. C, Jr., and Warren road the House. Louis- R. E. Lee Murphy employes and their families will and John M. Hennessy, secretary of state's office the Holt; one daughter. Lucille; hir . Senate acts, its bill be Leated together and the visit- After the ville, assistant chairmen. declarations must in the of- mother, Mrs. G. 0. Payne of The House Is A Candidate minister will preach on will go to the House. Harry Lee Waterfield Saturday fice by or before midnight June Fulton; three sisters, Mrs. H. M ing only EXPERT— While a gallery watches, /4-year- Railway." measure extends controls 'charged that the Kentucky Uti- 7, must be notarized, must con- Mrs. C. M. MARBLE "Life's Page of Detroit. and of the "Capthorne Spitfires" takes aim during For Ky. Governor six months, but authorized the clause old Pop Maynard lities Company had Cliff Clay- tain the "no-dummy" Wiseman and Mrs. John Morris the marble championship of England tournament at Tinsley President to let them run pool, "Its paid and registered 'and also the district in which of Fulton; one brother. H. 0. Green, Surrey. The event is 300 years old. Frankfort, Ky., June 2—saa- another three months. lobbyst." campaigning in the the candidate is running. Clapp of Detroit; and six grand- - R. E. Murphy of Lexington Church Urged The compromise labor dis- Eighth District last week for children. Numerous other rela- filed his name today for Dem. putes bill is awaiting expected Representative Earle C. Clem- The campaign of the Fulton tives also survive. ocrate nomination as Governor. House approval Wednesday, ents, Waterfield's opponent for county Democratic Committee Yesterday if as If euest Sunday Those who signed the declara- A David a Senate okay immediately Mr. Clapp was a life-long To Eit; with the Democratic nomination for to get all eligible voters register- tion papers of the Lexington thereafter. member of the Baptist church Governor. ed has met with some success. attorney who recently advocated Senator Ellender iD,-Laa pre- and was also a Knight Templar. Newly-Elected President "Mr. Claypool has a perfect it was reported today. Deputy In June For Kentucky Since'72 legalized bookmaking and other dicted last week's collapse of one right to campaign for my oppo- County Court Clerk Ernest Fall, forms of gambling, were Geral- Of Christian Scientists phase of the soft coal negotia- nent; I have no objection," Jr., said a number of unregist- Louisville and other sections , mid-morning, but Klein said he dine Bowen and P. T. Clark Asks Righteous Crusade tions will "stimulate" the Presi- • Waterfield said. ered voters called at his office To Ask Indictment of Kentucky were drying out Was hopeful the tournament Other candidates filing today dent to sign the bill. But Sena- Boston, Mass,, June 2— on Main street in the past few today after a Sunday of abnor-i could be started this afternoon. included: tor Hill W.-Ala.' stuck to hks "But, would the Kentucky rules the af- days, and other voters have Of Three Soldiers malty heavy rainfall. Affirming that God nngthat a veto will be Utilities Company have its paid of Harlan. for Christian Sci- been registered at the county The U. S. Weather Bureau at Juanita Hamlin fairs of man, the forthcoming, lobbyst out campaigning for my nomination as rail-1 Directors told the court house in Hickman.