THE MOUNTAIN EAGLE, WHITESBTJRG, KY. ROBERT T. LINCOLN J. J. McNAMARA A COVINGTON, KY, WOMAN PIRATES WIN WORLD NATION RANKS THIRD TEN MISSING WHEN BASEBALL GROWN IN AIRCRAFT POWER COAST LINER BURNS Makes Remarkable Recovery Johnson Shelled Into Submission Naval Attache at London De- And Sinks Off Florida; Oil Tanker Mr. Harry Ashcroft Tells' How Lydia E. Pinkham'l in Seventh Series Game After clares at Inquiry Commission Rescues Scores After Blast; Vegetable Compound Relieved Her of Four Run Lead in First. Ready to Weigh Evidence. Engineer Saves 10. Severe Illness and Pain Washington. C. Hun-sake- r, Pittsburgh. The black emblem of Commander J. iXfayport, Fla. Ten persons are the flies aloft while a daring, Assistant Naval Attache at missing and are believed to have Pinkham's Blood Medicine for poor Pirates' London, told the President's Air swash-bucklin- g crew rules the base- been lost as a result of a fire that blood. I was cold all the time. I Board,, at concluding session, would be so cold I could hardly sit ball world for the first time In six- its that destroyed the Clyde liner Comanche, still and in the palms of my bands teen years. the United States ranks third In air six miles off this port. power among the nations of the there would be drops of sweat. I Through the haze of a rain-soake- Three of the victims were women also used the Sanative Wash and I furiously dramatic struggle on Forbes world. Reports here say they were losft recommend also. You may pub- Taking it Field, these ruthless Buccaneers Into account the number of when a lifeboat was crushed against lish this letter and I will gladly an- fliers, the number and quality of Pittsburgh's National League title-holde- rs the side of the oil tanker Reaper, swer letters from women and advise planes. declar- my neighbors medicines." beat down resistance of Commander Hunsaker which went to the aid of the Co- about these the a Mrs. Harry Ashcroft, 632 Beech their greatest foeman, Walter John- ed that, "although It was almost manche and stood by to take off all Avenue, Covington, Kentucky. son, and riddled the Washington craft guess," his estimates showed that in passengers and crew. Mrs. Boyer Also Found Help with defeat by a score of 9 to 7 In a combination of all these factors this Captain E. E. Curry, of the Co- Gilman City, Missouri. "I was in the seventh and deciding game of country stood "In the middle of the manche, and nine others were res- such a condition that I could not eat the world series. list" of the five nations with the most John J. McNamara, central figure in cued by J. J. Gaudet, chief engineer nor sleep to do me any good and I powerful services. Forty-tw- o frenzied fans, air the sensational Los Angeles bombing of the same ship, when one of the felt draggy all the time. My head thousand fired to high pitch of enthusiasm, Robert Todd Lincoln, son and only The Commander testified that but of fourteen years ago, was found guilty Comanche lifeboats was swamped. ached, my right side and back would pub- hand-to-han- living Lincoln, little credence could be given to almost kill me at times, and I could watched this terrlflc, d descendant of Abraham of .blackmail by a Jury In Indianapolis. Stories of the fire from survivors eighty-secon- d power, be on my only short while a flght conditions, which celebrated his birthday lished reports as to relative air He was business agent of an Iron varied. Certain of those rescued told feet a at under adverse "political time. I was irregular and so nervous, have had few if any parallels in recently. Mr. Lincoln and his family because In certain countries workers' union. of an explosion, after which they irritable and despondent that I thought championship annals. They looked live In a picturesque old home In and diplomatic reasons" necessitate said the blaze spread rapidly. could figures." . MRS. HARRY ASHCROFT I not stand the strain much on, then broke loose afterward in a Georgetown, near Washington. the "magnifying of Others reported the fire broke out BttCM AYtHUt, COVIHOTOH, KT. ' longer. had been this way more or one of at I wild demonstration of Joy, breaking Commander Hunsaker was GIRL AND FIANCE FOUND in a froward hold, and, despite ef- Covington, Ky. "I was so weak less for ten years, but the last two the witnesses heard by the medi- through the wire screens to swarm last SLAIN IN WISCONSIN forts of the crew of 100, It spread and nervous I could hardly do my years was just terrible. I took TWO BANDITS IMPRISON board, which plans to determine the as could not stand be- cines, but got little relief until be- - on the field where the Pirate attack, rapidly. housework I I course will pursue in preparing cause of bearing-dow- n pains in to take the Vegetable Compound, dominant and flashing, similarly had 18 IN HUNTINGTON BANK it The Comanche bume,d to wa- the fan Coolidge Auto On Road Leads Searchers the my back end abdomen. I sat down three bottles before I could broken through all barriers to drive its report to President In ter line, rescuers said, and then sank - Con- Bodies; Think Pair Fought most of the time and did what I could see any change at alL I have taken the Senators from the baseball time for his consideration before To a time was abandoned. way dishes, seven all and am improving right Then Flee With $7,000 Loot; short after It do in that as washing in heights and complete the greatest gress meets. To Death S. O. S. calls were sent out from etc. One day a book describing Lydia along. I have used Lydia E. Pink- Fifteen Patrons Present When The Naval Attache, who also was come-bac- k any series has ever known. the Comanche Immediately after the E. Pinkham's medicines was put in ham's Sanative Wash and take the Holdup Is Committed the designer of the Shenandoah, was Kenosha, Wis. The bodies of Jas. mail box. I saw how the Vege- Liver Pills. I can do most of my work In the final rush over the Wash- fire was disclosed, and the tanker my preceded by John H. Sears, 23 years old, of Kenosha, and. table Compound had helped others so now, and I live on a farm and there ington ramparts Hazen (Klkl) Cuy-le- r, Commander Reaper, then In this port, and other Huntington, W. Va. After locking historic trans- Miss Madeline Latimer, 19 years old, 1 gave it a trial. I had to take about is lots of it to do. I wash, iron, boa a dark-browne- dashing young Towers, leader of the craft from this harbor went to the gained the garden, raise chickens and tend 15 customers and the 2 employes In flight naval seaplanes, who of Milwaukee, were found near a dozen bottles before I my r, struck the blow that de- atlantic of aid of doomed vessel. trength, but I certainly praise this to the milk." Mrs. T. M. Boyer, the large bank safe, bandits robbed expressed opinion the' navy's highway north of here, each with the cided the battle a two-bas- e thrust the that First reports of casualties same by medicine. Then I took Lydia E. Gilman City, Missouri. the Guyandotte Bank, of this city, present aviation system would not two bullet wounds in the head. They down the right-fiel- d line in the eighth currency. They radio from the Reaper, when a mes- escaping with $7,000 In adquately under war condi- were found Sheriff Williams fe Inning with the bases full, two out In function after sage was Intercepted asking that all Don't refer to a woman's age ex- You can say you bet a million left untouched more than $100,000 tions, although he opposed the pro- gan Investigation of a report that a long-distanc-e and the score deadlocked, bringing physicians and nurses meet cept by telephone. you a you securities and nearly $1,000 In sliver blood-staine- available dollars, but If bet dollar posal for establishment of a depart- d roadster bad been stand-o- n pay you over Carson Bigbee and Eddie Moore coin. the Reaper when it docked here with, have to it If lose. ment of national defense under which the roadside since early morning. all, man Is Improving. As with the deciding runs and frustrat- Two the when survivors. After bandits entered bank the army, navy and air arms would From the car Sheriff Williams fol- a rule, he doesn't swear very Everybody a serious whis- ing greatest goal of the old master, A. McNeer, W. M. The majority of the injured are not much knows H. Cashier, and be grouped separately. lowed a trail of blood to a place 300 when he Is tinkering up the family pering man who always professes to Johnson. .were preparing to seriously, but severe burns and Rose, his assistant, The board, headed by Dwlght W. feet from the road, where the bodies hurt automobile. have "inside Information." Cuyler's smash a drive that at close. The bandits ordered all to turn other Injuries were reported by oth- first seemed labeled a home run, Morrow, of New York, was appointed were found under a mound of matted their faces to the wall.
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