June July Mag 2012

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June July Mag 2012 St Augustine's Dumbarton Issue 60 June/July 2012 £1.00 the new look Synod Takes Historic Vote The Rector was at General Synod in Edinburgh in early June, and was party to an im- portant vote which refused to sign the much debated Angli- can Covenant. This debate has been ongo- ing for eight years now, and it From Kenny was good, eventually, to let Page 2 the world know how we feel about the proposed Cove- nant, and indeed how we feel Rotas about being a part of the Page 3 world-wide Anglican Com- munion. St James the Least Of course, it was the Scottish Episcopal Church which start- Page 4 ed it all off by consecrating Samuel Seabury for the Friends’ AGM Church in the USA all these years ago, Seabury having Page 5 been refused consecration by the English bishops. Howev- er, that’s all history, and the Photos modern Communion has to Pages 8-9 learn new ways of living in its multi-cultural diversity! Smile Lines The SEC contains a range of Page 10 views on authority of scrip- ture, approaches to sexuality and relations pate, without the Covenant, in its future life. between churches, and these views were Members of Synod spoke to this motion, Wait Till I Tell You represented in the debate. with clear support for the part that the SEC Page 11 should be in play in trying to heal and re- The Primus, backed by Synod, spoke well form the Anglican Communion. The synod of the Anglican Communion and the SEC’s overwhelmingly voted to support this mo- A Moveable Feast future part in it. From giving thanks for the tion, with its affirmation of the Communion SEC’s role in Anglican development by the and encouragement to the Instruments of Page 14 consecration of Samuel Seabury, to affirm- Unity to ‘encourage the development of ing our continued membership of the Com- bonds of shared mission, respect and mutu- Parish Directory munion whilst ‘celebrating our diversity,’ the al support through which the Anglican Com- new motion clearly stated that the SEC val- munion can help spread the love of Christ Page 16 ued the Communion, and wishes to partici- across the world.’ 1 financially, things are not looking so hot at the mo- From Kenny…. ment. Sometimes good things We have had to draw on a significant sum from our just sort of creep up on little Investment Fund, just to keep going. The cost you! We are rightly proud of heating and lighting has soared, as have pension that our Community Hall contributions, water bills, and so many other things. serves so many groups We are being squeezed as much as anyone else. and meets real needs within our community. Jin- I never thought that I would have to say this, but a gs! It’s sometimes hard to pound or two in a weekly envelope just doesn’t cut find a space for church it! We should all be thinking of tithing, at least 10% meetings. We are proud of of our income or at least our disposable income. I our link with Circle (Scot- know some of us do this, but not nearly enough. land), and now Bethany Trust with the the Passing the Baton project, but something else happens on Through our mission, we are always adding new Tuesday evenings which has been almost under people to our Parish Roll, but we need to have the the radar. level of financial support we require or ministry will eventually go, certainly on a full-time basis. St Augustine’s Girls’ Group (STAGG), meets on Tuesdays and is made up of a decently large group It had been my hope that the Community Hall of young teenage girls who meet to be creative, would fund our shortfall, but because we have so discuss all sorts of issues that may be on their mind many groups who genuinely can’t pay rent, and it in safety, dream dreams, raise money, and have a costs for heating and lighting, this has turned out great laugh together at the same time. not to be the case. Things have still to come out in the Annual Accounts, but we may find that we are It is really the brainchild of Anne Dyer, who has actually subsidising this Community Ministry to a been ‘chomping at the bit’ for a while to get some- fair degree. It doesn’t help, but it’s an essential min- thing organised for this particular age group. We istry. had talked about setting up a uniformed organisa- tion, but I’m glad that we didn’t. Pat Smith is due to be ordained Deacon in The Ca- thedral on September 8th, and her ministry here will Most of this wee group may have met occasionally be non-stipendiary, but expenses will have to be in each other’s homes, but now they have the plat- found to support this ministry too. This will not be a form to add to their numbers and do lots of con- burden, as Pat will bring so many gifts to the Minis- structive things together. Anne has enlisted some try Team. She will be more than excellent value! other mums and one or two of the congregation to help. However, the fact remains that if our effort in Mis- sion & Ministry is not supported financially, then Sunday Coffee is always a surprise as we see their there may not be the sort of future that many of us latest offerings hung up on cupboard doors, and it would hope for. was super to have them in church one Sunday, ex- plaining to us all what they are doing and what their I know you will rise to the challenge! future plans are. This is the coalface of mission, and by feeling want- ed, accepted, and encouraged by St Augustine’s members, these girls will inevitably grow to see us as something they have respect for, and maybe even want to join one day. Have a look at the cou- ple of pics on the centre pages! APOLOGY FROM THE Anne and her team put in an enormous amount of PHOTOGRAPHER work, and we are very grateful. To those who had hoped to see themselves Much of our mission is like this, sowing seeds that dressed in red, white and blue (at the Murder will hopefully grow in the future. There are seldom Mystery Night) apologies. No photographs. A instant mass conversions in the way we do things, technical glitch with the camera. (Serves me but I believe that the future looks bright for St Au- right for not relying on the trusty phone.) FW gustine’s. We need to ensure there is a future, and Rotas: June/July 2012 FLOWER ROTA FOR REST OF JUNE & JULY. This has already been arranged for the holiday period. Sunday June 24th 11am Eucharist. Readers: Evelyn O’Neill & Jean Carr. Flowers in church Intercessions: Margaret Hardie. Chalice: David Rowatt & Barbara Barnes. Last month I wrote a short article about flowers Sidespersons: Ronnie Blaney & Vernon Perrin. in church. Sadly, I had very little response. For the next few weeks, the present flower list people are happy to continue, with one former member Sunday July 1st returning to the list. 11am Eucharist. Readers: Margot Rhead & Ghislaine Kennedy. There will probably be fewer flowers during the Intercessions. Evelyn O’Neill. rest of June and July, which is unfortunate, as we Chalice: Tim Rhead & Vernon Perrin. often have a good number of visitors and tourists Sidespersons: Gavin & Ross Elder. during these months. The situation will be re- viewed later in the summer. Sunday July 8th 11am Eucharist. Readers: Morag O’Neill & Tim Rhead. Cursillo Intercessions: Peter Cairns. Chalice: : Sharon Rowatt & Barbara Barnes. Arrangements for the next few months are as follows:- Sidespersons: Roberta Mailley & Jean Carr. Dumbarton meetings All these meetings start at 7.30 pm. Sunday July 15th Mon June 11th – Anne Dyer leads a discussion group at 11am Eucharist Maggie’s house. Readers: Vernon Perrin & Barbara Barnes. July - Holiday Intercessions: Maggie Wallace. August – Week commencing Mon 13th August (exact date to be confirmed). Meeting in the hall with a talk Chalice: Janette Barnes & Tim Rhead. from Peter Sidesperson: Chrissie Ashman & Margaret Swan Wed September 12th – Eucharist in the church led by Kenny Sunday July 22nd October – to be confirmed 11am Eucharist November – to be confirmed December – holiday Readers: Linda Macaulay & Janette Barnes. Intercessions: Vernon Perrin. Diocesan/Provincial Meetings Chalice: Margaret Hardie & Maggie Wallace. Saturday June 23rd – Provincial Ultreya at St Baldred’s, Sidespersons: Linda Jenkinson & David Ansell. North Berwick. 10 am start Saturday July 14th – Diocesan Ultreya at St Ninian’s, Castle Douglas. 12 noon start. Bring and share lunch. Sunday July 29th Friday August 24th – Diocesan Ultreya at St James the 11am Eucharist Less, Bishopbriggs. 7.30 pm start. Readers: Margaret Hardie & Maggie Wallace. September – to be confirmed Intercessions: Tim Rhead. Saturday October 20th – Provincial Day of Deeper Un- Chalice: Vernon Perrin & Barbara Barnes. derstanding. To be held in Glasgow and Galloway Dio- Sidespersons: Roberta Mailley & Ronnie Blaney. cese. Time and location to be confirmed. Friday November 23rd – Church of the Good Shepherd, Hillington, Glasgow. 7.30 pm start. December – holiday. 3 St James the Least of All... Here the elderly Anglo-Catholic Rector, Eustace, continues Shrines, towers and good deeds were quietly forgotten his correspondence to Darren, his nephew, a low-church and the last we heard of the tenth Duke was that he was curate recently ordained... consulting a second set of solicitors to see if he can get out of paying the first set for the work they had done to The Rectory retrieve the painting.
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