Influence of Cholesterol on Phospholipid Bilayers Phase Domains As Detected by Laurdan Fluorescence
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120 Biophysical Journal Volume 66 January 1994 120-132 Influence of Cholesterol on Phospholipid Bilayers Phase Domains as Detected by Laurdan Fluorescence Tiziana Parasassi,* Massimo Di Stefano,* Marianna Loiero,* Giampietro Ravagnan,* and Enrico Grattont *Istituto di Medicina Sperimentale, Consiglio Nazionale Ricerche, 00137 Rome, Italy, and tLaboratory for Fluorescence Dynamics, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, Illinois, USA ABSTRACT Coexisting gel and liquid-crystalline phospholipid phase domains can be observed in synthetic phospholipid vesicles during the transition from one phase to the other and, in vesicles of mixed phospholipids, at intermediate temperatures between the transitions of the different phospholipids. The presence of cholesterol perturbs the dynamic properties of both phases to such an extent as to prevent the detection of coexisting phases. 6-Lauroyl-2-dimethylaminonaphthalene (Laurdan) fluorescence offers the unique advantage of well resolvable spectral parameters in the two phospholipid phases that can be used for the detection and quantitation of coexisting gel and liquid-crystalline domains. From Laurdan fluorescence excitation and emission spectra, the generalized polarization spectra and values were calculated. By the generalized polarization phos- pholipid phase domain coexistence can be detected, and each phase can be quantitated. In the same phospholipid vesicles where without cholesterol domain coexistence can be detected, above 15 mol % and, remarkably, at physiological cholesterol concentrations, .30 mol %, no separate Laurdan fluorescence signals characteristic of distinct domains can be observed. Consequences of our results on the possible size and dynamics of phospholipid phase domains and their biological relevance are discussed. INTRODUCTION Together with phospholipids, cholesterol is ubiquitous in nance (ESR) (Subczynski et al., 1990; Sankaram and animal cell membranes and is one of the major modifiers of Thompson, 1990b), calorimetry (Vist and Davis, 1990; the phospholipid membrane structure and dynamics. In most Tampe et al., 1991; Keough et al., 1989), dilatometry biological membranes cholesterol concentration is relatively (Melchior et al., 1980), small angle neutron scattering high, generally .30 mol %. Phospholipids in biological (Mortensen et al., 1988), and fluorescence (van Langen et al., membranes have a complex composition, including differ- 1989; Schroeder et al., 1991; Ben-Yasar and Barenholz, ences in length and in unsaturation of their acyl residues and 1989; Nemecz and Shroeder, 1988). Abrupt variations of in the type of polar heads. These chemical differences cause several structural and dynamical parameters have been found different dynamic properties and, in synthetic phospholipid at critical cholesterol concentrations. These variations have membranes, they were shown to favor the appearance of been interpreted as arising from specific complexes between segregated coexisting domains having different phase states lipids and cholesterol in the molar ratios 3:1, 2:1, and 1:1. and dynamical properties, close to the pure gel and liquid- Ipsen et al. (1987) proposed an alternative and more satis- crystalline phases (Shimshick and McConnel, 1973; factory interpretation. Their model does not require specific Parasassi et al., 1984; Parasassi et al., 1993). The gel phase complexes between phospholipids and cholesterol. The im- domain is composed of the with higher tran- phospholipid portant ingredient of this model is the different interaction sition temperature (Tm) in the presence of the phospholipid free energy between all possible pair combinations of chain- with lower Tm at concentration s30 mol %. The liquid- crystalline phase domain has a complementary composition. ordered, chain-disordered, and cholesterol. Phase diagrams Thus, the properties of the two phase domains are close to of cholesterol in dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine (DMPC) the pure phases, modified by the presence of the other phos- (Tampe et al., 1991), in deuterated dipalmitoylphosphatidyl- pholipid, but still resolvable (Parasassi et al., 1993). Impor- choline (DPPC) vesicles (Vist and Davis, 1990), and partial tant questions remain about the influence of cholesterol on phase diagrams in DPPC and sphingomyelin (Sankaram and the dynamic properties and on the coexistence of phospho- Thompson, 1990b) have been constructed, based on NMR, lipid phases. Cholesterol effect on phospholipid bilayers has ESR, differential scanning calorimetry, fluorescence, and been studied by a variety of spectroscopic techniques, in- theoretical studies as shown by Ipsen et al. (1987). As a first cluding nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) (Vist and Davis, approximation, at concentrations above 6 mol %, cholesterol 1990; Sankaram and Thompson, 1990a), electron spin reso- has a disordering effect on the gel phase and an ordering effect on the liquid-crystalline phase (Vist and Davis, 1990). Specifically, in the gel phase, lateral diffusion and axial ro- tation Received for publication 9 August 1993 and in final form 29 September are increased by cholesterol, while in the liquid- 1993. crystalline phase axial rotational motion is decreased Address reprint requests to Dr. Tiziana Parasassi, Istituto di Medicina Speri- (Sankaram and Thompson, 1990a, Rubenstein et al., 1979). mentale, Consiglio Nazionale Ricerche, Viale Marx 15, 00137 Rome, Italy. Above a cholesterol concentration of 30 mol %, in the liquid- X 1994 by the Biophysical Society crystalline phase, lateral diffusion is decreased (Ipsen et al., 0006-3495/94/01/120/13 $2.00 1987; Mouritsen, 1991). From the phase diagrams, apart Parasassi et al. Cholesterol Suppresses Phospholipid Domains 121 from the pure gel and liquid-crystalline phases observed in coexistence of different dynamical properties is expected. the absence of cholesterol, four main regions have been clas- However, the difficulty of applying fluorescence spectros- sified by Vist and Davis (1990): (a) at low temperatures and copy to this problem resides in finding a fluorescent probe above 6 mol % cholesterol, the coexistence of gel and liquid- that displays characteristic distinct properties in the two ordered phases can be observed; (b) at high temperatures and phases. In the present study we used the spectral sensitivity at low cholesterol concentrations, the liquid-disordered of the fluorescent probe 2-dimethylamino-6-lauroylnaph- phase is observed; (c) at high temperatures and at high cho- thalene (Laurdan) to investigate the influence of cholesterol lesterol concentrations, the liquid-ordered phase is observed; on the structure and dynamics of the two phases of phos- (d) at high temperatures and intermediate cholesterol con- pholipid bilayers, with the specific purpose of further ex- centrations, the coexistence of liquid-ordered and liquid- ploring the rapid mixing hypothesis. disordered phases occurs. Following the above classification, the coexistence of gel and liquid-crystalline phases can only be observed at cholesterol concentrations below 6 mol % in LAURDAN FLUORESCENCE PROPERTIES a narrow temperature interval, about 1°C wide (Vist and In this section we review the fluorescence properties of Davis, 1990; Tampe et al., 1991) corresponding to the tran- Laurdan that are relevant to the present study of domain sition temperature of the phospholipid. coexistence and dynamics. We have shown that the fluores- The major feature derived from the above results is that cence properties of Laurdan are extremely sensitive to the because of the combined effects on the lateral diffusion and polarity of the environment of its fluorescent moiety on the axial rotational motion of phospholipids, and because (Parasassi et al., 1991). Laurdan emission spectrum is bluer of the appearance of the new liquid-disordered and liquid- in apolar solvents. In addition to the relatively small emission ordered phases, the transition of phospholipids from the gel shift due to changes in polarity, in phospholipid vesicles to the liquid-crystalline phase progressively disappears by there is a 50-nm emission red spectral shift of Laurdan fluo- increasing cholesterol concentration. As a result, no calori- rescence when passing from the gel to the liquid-crystalline metric transition can be detected in phospholipids at cho- phase (Parasassi et al., 1990). This large spectral shift is due lesterol concentration >17 mol % (Vist and Davis, 1990; to dipolar relaxation processes that occur in the liquid- Keough et al, 1989). At cholesterol concentrations above 6 crystalline phase. Since the amount of spectral shift depends mol %, the phospholipid pretransition is suppressed (Vist and on the rate of dipolar relaxation, a small modification of the Davis, 1990). dynamical properties of the membrane can cause very large The regions in which two phases coexist have been care- effects on Laurdan emission properties. Also, Laurdan ex- fully analyzed by a number of techniques. The basic idea is citation spectrum is different in the two phospholipid phases that in the region of phase coexistence, two separate signals (Parasassi et al., 1990). The excitation maximum in gel phase indicating two sets of different spectroscopic properties phospholipids is at about 390 nm, while in the liquid- should be detected. In their NMR study, Vist and Davis crystalline phase the excitation maximum is at about 360 nm. (1990) proved that it is possible to resolve the NMR spectra Because of this difference in excitation, a partial photos- of DPPC