By E-mail

10 December 2019

Planning Objection - Perton

Dear South Council,

I wish to object to the plan issued at the public meeting 2 December 2019; to use Site S56 (option G) for new housing:

1. Area S56 is all the green belt land that runs from Dippons Lane to the A41 Wergs Road; from Perton Middle School to the Natural Burial Ground

2. Rushed time frame for response 3rd - 12th December 9 days, not 5 years

3. Response form ‘17 Oct. 2019’ details unknown generally until 3 Dec. 2019

4. General Election taking place on the same day as form is due

5. Only handwritten responses, no simple form to complete online

6. With rushed time frame, details should have been posted to every home

7. Details not included on village notice boards

8. Campaign to Protect Rural has found 2600 (new) Brownfield sites, which could handle up to 1 million new homes (The Guardian)

9. Housing needs in Birmingham should not impact Perton

10. S56 land is designated as Moderate to High Harm to Green Belt purposes

11. Existing Green Belt corridor absorbs pollution from Yew Tree Lane & A41

12. Green Belt is natural partition between a village (Perton) & a conurbation

13. Green belt open spaces contribute to good mental health and wellbeing

14. Bilbrook population 5000 & 7852 (2011) with multiple access roads and a train station, Perton 11500 already

15. Local, observable and diverse Dippons Lane wildlife includes deer, foxes, herons, horses and (protected) bats in area S56

16. Insufficient amenities and facilities in Perton - Perton pay a far higher tax rate than the neighbouring villages yet we do not have half of the shopping or leisure facilities that they have. We indeed do not even have a high school although our population is in excess of 11,000 which is far higher than the neighbouring villages.

17. Transport issues. There are two transport problems to be raised - it is extremely difficult to get out of Perton in a morning to commute to work or to get children to our local high school, Codsall High - which is our high school under our three-tier system. With only two ways out of Perton and additional traffic from the A41, considering the additional housing proposed would make it near impossible to leave Perton at rush hour times. We also already have issues surrounding transport to Codsall High. The school are currently subsidising transport for the children in Perton to get to school, our local bus service was requested not to be running during school run times by Staffordshire County Council and the walking route to school, across the A41 and along Heath House Lane is unsafe for children accompanied or otherwise. How does the Council plan for the additional levels of children to get to school? Would the council rather that Staffordshire children attend High schools instead?

18. We have two primary schools, both at capacity. We have an over-subscribed middle school with a waiting list of children. How does the council plan to accommodate extra children into our schools which are already full?

19. Why would the council put at risk the border upon which separates us from Wolverhampton City Council, to allow this plan to go ahead would allow Wolverhampton Council to apply to take over the boundary and we would become part of Wolverhampton.


L. Storey