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- ~• • A.. I ll q, I I t ~. V T,ight ·~ 1 Seatt:le .... 1.t .. tal Affa1.-s Er.v j ----,... -inu1.en. ..on ·...."fC"· .!. ,. ce 0..1.~ ..... 1 f:~ r~W<J. ... sh1r1g!,,. .3Ha:,., c. "' ·1 t ' ' ,.. Ir:.•11:~tlr;a t"r•rs:__ ' ._ ,~r Hunt -, r.ra1-..1g- \"& ,. ,.. J:.hnson f Ilr<mda ~ • I I I 3 !nc, Eiiosysterr..s ,A.na:Ly . -a Str-?etis. ~ J7 Clc:n-,1'tir. 94105 I San ·~r:inc.i" ·~ .... i 8·co ' CA I St-pternb~r, ,.,. •Of;l., - I I ~· Your Seattle· City Light Nlemorandum DATE October 7, 1981 TO Mayor Charles Royer Paul Kraabel, President, Seattle City Council FROM Joseph P. Recchi, Superintendent 1·· SUBJECT ; }J~;sE.~~~~j of Final Bald Eagle Report t The two years of wintering bald eagle studies associated with the Copper Creek Dam environmental assessment have concluded. The final report has been submitted by our consultant, B~osystems Analysis, and copies are attached. I This report deals with a close examination of dynamics of the Skagit River's eagle population, their dependency on salmon as I a major food resource, and the fate of a segment of this popula tion if displaced directly and indirectly by the construction of a dam at Copper Creek. ln the course of the study, significant -1 new insights were gained on regional eagle movements, habitat interactions and feeding dynamics. Future management of this threatened species will benefit as a resul.t of our support of this research. 41 If additional copies of the attached report are needed, please call Cheryl Tenney at the Environmental Affairs Office, 625-3151.
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