Report to: Licensing Sub Committee B Report of: Interim Assistant Director of Regulation & Enforcement Date of Meeting: Tuesday 30th June 2020 Subject: Licensing Act 2003 Premises Licence – Grant Premises: Anna Off Licence, 38 Bridge Road, , Birmingham, B8 1TD Ward affected: Alum Rock Contact Officer: Bhapinder Nandhra, Senior Licensing Officer, [email protected]

1. Purpose of report:

To consider representations that have been made in respect of an application for a Premises Licence which initially sought to permit the Sale of Alcohol (for consumption off the premises) to operate from 06:00am until 12:00midnight (Monday to Sunday).

Premises to remain open to the public from 06:00am until 12:00midnight (Monday to Sunday).

After discussions with Police, the applicant has agreed to amend the scope of the application and permit the Sale of Alcohol from 06:00am until 11:00pm (Monday to Sunday).

2. Recommendation:

To consider the representations that have been made and to determine the application.

3. Brief Summary of Report:

An application for a Premises Licence was received 11th May 2020 in respect of Anna Off Licence, 38 Bridge Road, Saltley, Birmingham, B8 1TD.

Representations have been received from other persons.

4. Compliance Issues: 4.1 Consistency with relevant Council Policies, Plans or Strategies:

The report complies with the City Council’s Statement of Licensing Policy and the Council’s Corporate Plan to improve the standard of all licensed persons, premises and vehicles in the City.


5. Relevant background/chronology of key events:

Krishnapillai Peraparan applied on 11th May 2020 for the grant of a Premises Licence for Anna Off Licence, 38 Bridge Road, Saltley, Birmingham, B8 1TD.

Representations have been received from other persons, including two petitions at Appendices 78 and 79. See Appendices 1 – 79.

The application is attached at Appendix 80.

Conditions have been agreed with West Midlands Police and the applicant, which are attached at Appendix 81.

Site Location Plans at Appendix 82.

When carrying out its licensing functions, a licensing authority must have regard to 's Statement of Licensing Policy and the Guidance issued by the Secretary of State under s182 of the Licensing Act 2003. The Licensing Authority is also required to take such steps as it considers appropriate for the promotion of the licensing objectives, which are:-

a. The prevention of crime and disorder; b. Public safety; c. The prevention of public nuisance; and d. The protection of children from harm.

6. List of background documents:

Copy of the representations as detailed in Appendices 1 - 79 Application Form, Appendix 80 Conditions agreed with West Midlands Police, Appendix 81 Site Location Plans, Appendix 82

7. Options available

To Grant the licence in accordance with the application. To Reject the application. To Grant the licence subject to conditions modified to such an extent as considered appropriate. Exclude from the licence any of the licensable activities to which the application relates. Refuse to specify a person in the licence as the premises supervisor.

2 Appendix 1

From: Mariam Khan Sent: 08 June 2020 22:57 To: Bhapinder Nandhra; Licensing Subject: Objection - 38 Bridge Road, B8 1TD

RE: 38 Bridge Road, Alum Rock, Birmingham, B8 1TD.

I write to submit a formal objection for the sale of alcohol from the above named premises. I strongly believe that granting a licence will not achieve any of the following licensing objectives:

1. Prevention of crime & disorder 2. Public safety 3. Prevention of public nuisance 4. Protection of children from harm

Rather, I believe that granting a licence for the sale of alcohol will have a negative impact on crime & disorder, public safety, public nuisance and the potential harm of children.

I would like to submit a formal objection as a local Councillor for the Alum Rock ward & write to raise my strong concerns about the detrimental impact this would have on the local area, the residents and the quality of life.

In an area which already suffers from deprivation, criminal activity, anti-social behaviour & drug dealing, granting a licence for the sale of alcohol to a shop in the centre of a residential area will only attract more of what is stated above, especially as there is already a licensed premises approximately 500 metres away. There is a strong local objection from residents, businesses and community organisations who all agree that this will result in an increase of criminal activity and gang activity alongside putting the most vulnerable at more risk whereby the temptation of an increased availability of alcohol will affect the mental and physical wellbeing of those who already suffer from mental health and other complex issues.

With regards to ‘protection of children from harm’, there are a number of local primary schools nearby such as The Rosary Catholic Primary School & Parkfield School alongside place of worship & religious educational institutions such as Zia Ul Quran Jamia Mosque, St Mary’s Church & Madrassa Salafiyyah where children attend classes. The majority of these children live locally and would therefore travel by foot to & from the respective institutions and by having an increase in the sale of alcohol in this area, would pose a danger to the children as an increase in consumption will ultimately result in more anti-social behaviour, violence, disorder and nuisance on the streets. There is also fear that the local park within the vicinity which although is utilised by families and children, does unfortunately also attract anti-social behaviour and gangs (especially during Summer nights) will result in more people drinking alcohol in the park; leaving empty bottles & cans to add to the ongoing environmental issues around litter & flytipping as well as an increase in criminal activity. In addition, the premises is situated in close proximity to St Peters Housing Trust which houses vulnerable people including the elderly, who are already fearful of going outside due to the concerns of anti-social behaviour and drug dealing. Granting the licence would mean further isolating an already vulnerable group of people and further increasing the risk to them.

There is a strong fear of a detrimental impact on the rates of domestic violence in the area as an increased availability of alcohol will result in families suffering from those who become abusive when consuming alcohol. This will have a knock on effect on the mental health and well-being of not only the direct victims of abuse, but entire families as well. In an area which already suffers from socio-economic deprivation, there are not enough support services in place required to respond to these issues.

3 I have also attached photographs of the shop which has been open to the public today despite there being a clear safety hazard in the form of dumped rubbish & planks of wood with long nails. This lack of consideration for the public and local residents demonstrates another reason why this licence should not be granted as customers have been put in danger by the owners who have selfishly left the rubbish on their doorstep. At a time where most children are not in school and therefore more likely to walk past & come across the safety hazard, this dangerous negligence is not welcome in this area.

In conclusion, I would like to formally submit my very strong objection against granting a licence for the sale of alcohol at 38 Bridge Road, Alum Rock, Birmingham, B8 1TD as this will not enhance the local area in any shape of form but will rather cause harm to an already deprived area which suffers from a number of issues already. The sale of alcohol will add to these problems immensely.

I would request that all of the above be taken into consideration when making a decision; alongside the objections from my colleague Cllr Mohammed Idrees, Liam Byrne MP, local community organisations and local residents who all oppose the granting of this licence.

Yours sincerely,

Councillor Mariam Khan

4 5 6 7


Appendix 2

From: Councillor Mohammed Idrees Sent: 08 June 2020 17:03 To: Bhapinder Nandhra Subject: Anna off licence, 38 Bridge Rd, Birmingham, B8 1TD

Bhapinder Nandhra Senior licencing officer Licencing section P O BOX 17013, Birmingham B6 9ES Application Reference : 115393 Dear Bhapinder Nandhra,

I am submitting a very strong objection to oppose the above application for the sale of alcohol from the premises. The basis of my objection letter is stated below. As the granting of this licence for the above stated premises will not promote any of the licencing objectives, including: 1 The prevention of crime and disorder 2 Public Safety 3 Prevention of Public Nuisance 4 Protection of Children from Harm I oppose this application both as an Elected Councillor for Alum Rock Ward, as well as a local resident in the area. As I have lived on College Road from the last 31 years and the premises are less than 220 yards from where I live. The premises is situated in the most thickly populated residential area. There is Rosary Catholic Primary School Nursery just opposite the shop. There are to Primary Schools, Rosary Catholic Primary School on Bridge Road and Parkfield Community School on Parkfield Road. There are 3 Mosques: 1 Zia Ul Quran Mosque on Saint Saviours Road. 2 Muhammadi Mosque on Hartopp Road. 3 Farooq E Azam Mosque on the corner of College Road and Couchman Road. There is a Church on the corner of Bridge Road and Parkfield Road. All these are in close proximity to the shop. There is St Peters Housing Association Ltd just facing the shop. The Housing Association Manages 99 flats, housing single people, couples and families. They also have very elderly pensioner tenants who are scared of leaving their flats for the fear of crime and antisocial behaviour in their neighbour and outside their premises. I am forwarding you an email I received from at St Peters, highlighting the issues their tenants are faced with on a daily basis. I received this email before she even knew about the off licence application. She has put a submission on behalf of Housing Association opposing the application. The area is already a hot spot for very serious crime including drug dealings. Antisocial behaviour, robbery and theft of property and over speeding cars. Police is carrying out special operations regularly to combat serious crime. In the last few months the police have busted cannabis plant growth premises, one in a privately rented property on Saint Saviours Road not far from the shop and the other one on Parkfield Road just opposite Parkfield Community School in an industrial unit. This was at a massive scale and cannabis plants were worth nearly a million pounds. IT was well covered in Birmingham Live. There is a mini roundabout on the corner of Bridge Road and College Road, just outside the shop. Despite the clear slow speed sign and other traffic calming measures carried out by the city council, there are very serious collisions happening between over speeding vehicles. Some of these accidents are reported to the police and some are not reported.

I live at the top end of college road, past St Peters Trust building, and I have lived here for the past 31 years. There was hardly any police presence in this patch of college road. There was hardly any crime happening in this very quiet residential neighbourhood. Last year three properties have been converted into HMO’S accommodating very vulnerable individuals. Most of these tenants if not all suffer from mental health issues, alcohol and drug addiction. Since then I can see police vehicles reugularly driving towards these properties at all hours. There are regular infights between tenants living in these premises. Empty cans and alcohol bottles are thrown on the pavements. Lots of suspected drug dealing is happening. Residents living in the neighbourhood are sick and tired of this sort of behaviour. They keep complaining that police don’t turn up when these incidents are reported, and when they turn up its after the event has happened. There are three HMO’S down the bottom of college road with similar complaints. In fact there are further claims of prostitution activity happening as well. When these HMO’S were not there we were not facing these sort of issues.

Permitting the sale of alcohol from 38 Bridge Road, it will add on to the crime figures.

9 There is Morris park on Clodeshall Road, only 210 yards from the shop it’s a well used park by local families with children. But its also a spot where a lot of anti social behaviour and drug dealings take place during long summer evenings. There is a potential that with more availability of alcohol, these crime activities could take place during day time as well which can lead to violence. I am forwarding the photos of the mess right outside the shop. They knock down the shop front shed which was used to display fruit and vegetables this mess has been there almost 2 weeks now. Its very dangerous and some of the wooden planks have very long nail spikes which can be deadly if anyone fall on them. As you can see from the photos the shop is open today to the customers while all that dangerous mess is lying there right outside closest to the shop entrance. I send these photographs as part of my submission. i suspect its not going to be cleared until it comes to their attention from my submission letter.

With this sort of careless behaviour can anyone trust the owner that they are not going to sell alcohol, cigarettes and tobacco to under age children

You have already received a petition arranged by one of the local resident, signed by more than 150 people opposing this application. Myself, Cllr Mariam Khan and Liam Byrne the local MP are strongly opposing the application, reason being it will add to the crime and anti social behaviour already prevalent in the location.

I understand that a lot of residents an online petition as well. Local residents and community groups are also opposed to the application. I know that St Peters housing association are concerned about the negative impact it could have in the neighbourhood and they have submitted their opposition for the grant of alcohol license.

I understand that the mosques are not very happy and they are opposing the application.

The residents who are the most regular customers of the business at present, they are telling me that they will boycott the business and will not buy anything from the shop if they get the license.

I understand that in the last 3-4 years, this business has changed hands regularly, presumably not enough trade is happening because of competition and more variety of fruit, vegetables and other household consumer goods available from shops down college road and Alum Rock Road.

With the level of objections from residents, local elected representatives, resident groups and other local stakeholders, if the application is still approved, I think it will be the mockery of local democracy.

As I live very near to the premises I will be keeping a close eye at any negative activity happening nearer to the shop premises, I will be reporting to the police and the anti- social behaviour team at Birmingham city council. I will be making them accountable regularly and I will prove them wrong if they think the off license in their view wont add to the crime and anti-social behaviour.

I hope due consideration will be given to all the points that I have highlighted in my submission. Kind regards Cllr Mohammed Idrees Alum Rock Ward






Appendix 3


Appendix 4

From: Sent: 28 May 2020 16:45 To: Licensing Subject: Regarding an application for off license 38 bridge road B81td

Hi I am writing regarding an application for an off license that has been put in for shop Anna off-licence 38 bridge road saltley Birmingham B8 1Td, I am a resident on bridge road for over 40years an not happy with this happening due to the problems that already exist an will occur if it is granted permission, we have lot of anti social behaviour, crime due to drugs an alcohol also lot of night nuisance groups hanging around corners etc across this shop there is a large car park will get abused more often for people to cunsume alcohol till early hours which already exists due to late off license round corner on Arden road which is a stone threw away, we have a number of hmo property’s on Sam block who house lot of people with substance misuse an alcoholics who will not benefit from having off license on door step would Appreciate if u consider all these points before allowing an license if require any more info feel free to email myself kind regards resident of bridge road

16 Appendix 5

To whom it may concern, this is an objection in reference to the new application of Anna Off Licence (38 Bridge Road, Saltley, Birmingham, B8 1td) to sell alcohol between the hours of 6am and 12am, Monday to Sunday(7 days a week).

I would like to raise the following concerns by way of formal objection.

1. Concentration of Licensed Outlets. – This is a residential street within walking distance there's a infant school, Church and a nursery opposite – There are 3 shops selling alcohol with in 1 mile of this shop as stated below. *Bibi, Zenet 97-101, Arden Road, Saltley, Birmingham B8 1de ( 0.2 miles ) *Off Licence, 99 Bordesley Green, Small Heath, Birmingham B9 4QP ( 0.7 miles ) *M & S News, 62-64 Herrick Rd, Saltley, Birmingham ( 0.5 miles )

After leaving local restaurants late at night the concern is that people will be drawn into the residential and conservation area on and off Alumrock Road, where Anna Off Licence would be located, for the further purchase of alcohol and other items. The addition of another outlet selling alcohol in this location, which is a conservation area and bounded by two children’s nurseries, Mosque and a Church Hall which hosts weekly regular young children’s events, is inappropriate during daylight hours and after dark adds to concerns about breaches of peace (as referred to below). Nursery is opposite the shop there is a primary school on the same road & a church.

2. Crime and Disorder. Opening a alcohol licence will draw unwelcome attention and increased footfall at unsociable hours to a residential and conservation area. Noise, public nuisance, anti-social behaviour, low-level nuisance (non reportable crime inc. shouting, swearing, urination in public, littering) will be increased. The site is adjacent to Alumrock Road. Historically there have been shootings, stabbings and incidents of regular gatherings of youths drinking alcohol and causing disturbances. Police attention to this issue has largely cured this, however, the site is acknowledged by the Police to be of concern. The Community are very concerned that no alcohol licence be allowed at this site, fearing a resurgence of the recorded historical alcohol related incidents. There have been many incidents of alcohol related crimes within the community resulting in local residents’ concerns.

3. Public Nuisance.

Opening times from 6am-12am Mon-Sun in a quiet, residential, conservation area will unnecessarily draw people from a wider area at unsociable hours. Noise, light pollution, traffic and traffic noise will all have a negative impact. To note again, this is a conservation area. Additional traffic, to an already busy junction and tight corner will have serious public safety implications 4. The Protection of Children From Harm.

The licence conflicts with the amenities available to children in the area, putting them at risk from anti-social behaviour, increased littering, rodent and fox infestations, exposure to the marketing and sale of alcohol and cigarettes, increased potential for road traffic incidents. There's 2 nurseries on the road one being opposite Anna Off Licence and a primary school for kids age 5-11. Which would have to walk past this shop everyday.

I have been a resident on this street all my life we have never had any issues, please can you look in this matter and give me a response. Also I’ve noticed today that the sign to let the local public know that they are trying to get permission to open a Off-licence has been removed when it should of not been. (have attached photos 29/05/2020 19:34) Please can you keep this Private & Confidential. Yours Sincerely,


ADDRESS: Bridge Road, Saltley, Birmingham, B8




19 Appendix 6

From: Sent: 03 June 2020 11:27 To: Licensing Subject: Objection to alcohol licence

Dear Sir Madam

As a local resident i strongly object to the planning application from Krishnapillai Peteperan of Anna off licence 38 Bridge road, Saltley, B8 1TD

I have listed the following concerns

Local schools and nurseries on the doorstep of this shop putting the children and families at risk of harm.

Serious Existing drug problem which is only getting worse. Encouraging alcohol users to this secluded area is not welcome on my doorstep.

High rate of anti social behaviour in the area. Recent times have seen an increase in stabbing and shooting and well documented in the media.

Shop is opposite a large car park which i can forsee further antisocial behaviour causing a public nuisance

I will be eagerley waiting for your response.


20 Appendix 7

From: Sent: 03 June 2020 12:30 To: Licensing Subject: Planning application 38 Bridge Rd

Dear Sir Madam

As a local resident i strongly object to the planning application from Krishnapillai Peteperan of Anna off licence 38 Bridge road, Saltley, B8 1TD

I have listed the following concerns

Local schools and nurseries on the doorstep of this shop putting the children and families at risk of harm.

Serious Existing drug problem which is only getting worse. Encouraging alcohol users to this secluded area is not welcome on my doorstep.

High rate of anti social behaviour in the area. Recent times have seen an increase in stabbing and shooting and well documented in the media.

Shop is opposite a large car park which i can forsee further antisocial behaviour causing a public nuisance

I will be eagerley waiting for your response.


Bowyer Rd Alum Rock B8

21 Appendix 8

From: Sent: 03 June 2020 12:40 To: Licensing Subject: Licence representation

Dear Sir Madam

As a local resident I strongly object to the planning application from Krishnapillai Peteperan of Anna off licence 38 Bridge road, Saltley, B8 1TD

I have listed the following concerns:

Local schools and nurseries on the doorstep of this shop putting the children and families at risk of harm.

Serious Existing drug problem which is only getting worse. Encouraging alcohol users to this secluded area is not welcome on my doorstep.

High rate of anti social behaviour in the area. Recent times have seen an increase in stabbing and shooting and well documented in the media.

Shop is opposite a large car park which i can forsee further antisocial behaviour causing a public nuisance.

We also have problems with youth hanging around that specific spot and if alcohol is involved the consequences will be different.

I will be eagerley waiting for your response.


22 Appendix 9

From Sent: 03 June 2020 12:49 To: Licensing Subject: planning application from Krishnapillai Peteperan of Anna off licence 38 Bridge road, Saltley, B8 1TD

Dear Sir Madam

As a local resident i strongly object to the planning application from Krishnapillai Peteperan of Anna off licence 38 Bridge road, Saltley, B8 1TD

I have listed the following concerns

Local schools and nurseries on the doorstep of this shop putting the children and families at risk of harm.

Serious Existing drug problem which is only getting worse. Encouraging alcohol users to this secluded area is not welcome on my doorstep.

High rate of anti social behaviour in the area. Recent times have seen an increase in stabbing and shooting and well documented in the media.

Shop is opposite a large car park which i can forsee further antisocial behaviour causing a public nuisance

I will be eagerley waiting for your response.


23 Appendix 10

From: Sent: 03 June 2020 13:05 To: Licensing Subject: Notice of objection

Dear Sir / Madam, As a local resident i strongly object to the planning application from Krishnapillai Peteperan of Anna off licence 38 Bridge road, Saltley, B8 1TD I have listed the following concerns: There are schools and nurseries on the doorstep of this shop putting the children and families at risk of harm. There is a high risk that underage people will attempt to purchase alcohol from the premises. There are several places of worship within walking distance of this shop, they will become the victim of crime if alcohol is allowed to be sold at this shop. There will be a direct negative effect on children who attend school within the vicinity of this shop, seeing advertising for alcoholic beverages, and witnessing the antisocial behaviour that will follow. Parents who pick up their children will have an option to purchase alcohol on their way to school, as we are aware there are people with existing drug and drink issues that will lead to an increase in drunken behaviour, drink driving and present a serious threat to the residents and children who will be in the area. There is a serious existing drug problem within this area, which is only getting worse. By granting a license to sell alcohol, you are encouraging alcohol users to this secluded area, this will lead to additional anti social behaviour, violent crime and as wlWest Midlands police are already stretched thin we will not get any extra policing, this is clearly not a wise step by issuing a license to sell alcohol. There is an existing high rate of anti social behaviour in the area. Recent times have seen an increase in stabbings and shootings that are well documented in the media. Granting a license is not on the best interest of the public safety, and will only lead to increased anti social behaviour and violent crime. The shop is opposite a large open car park which i can foresee further antisocial behaviour causing a public nuisance, occuring as a direct result of any alcohol being sold at this shop. Birmingham city council has a duty of care and a responsibility to protect the citizens of the city from any action it takes, whether direct or indirect from harm. A responsibility to ensure community cohesion and well being. I think the licensing team can clearly see that it is not within the public interest to have a license granted to this shop within this area.

Keep alcohol in the supermarkets, where they follow the rules and have all the relevant safeguards and security in place to ensure that the law is followed, away from the view and reach of children.

We are all very well aware that small shops like this put profit ahead of regards for public safety.

I look forward to hearing from you on this matter.

Kindest regards,

24 Appendix 11

Alum Rock Community Forum St Saviours Road Saltley Birmingham B8

1st June 2020 Licensing Committee Birmingham City Council PO Box 17831 Birmingham B2 2HU

Ref: (115393) Anna off-licence application, 38 Bridge Road, B8 1TD

Alum Rock Community Forum (ARCF) would like to formally object against the above application under S2 and S17 of the Licensing Act 2003 for the sale of Alcohol consumption off the premises of 38 Bridge Road, Saltley, B8 1TD. The request for the refusal of the off-license application is made on the following grounds: - Alum Rock is a deprived, inner city area that has high levels of existing crime and disorder and the readily available alcohol will further exacerbate this. - The location of the proposed off licence is in highly populated residential area that also has 3 mosques, a primary school and nursery in close proximity which have public safety concerns by the nuisance that will result. - The safety and well being of children from the influence of harmful and addictive substances.

ARCF petitions the Licensing committee to take into account the objections above and to unanimously refuse the application. We are happy to make the representation in persons if this is allowed. Thank you. Yours Faithfully

ARCF Ralph Rd Saltley Birmingham B8

25 Appendix 12

From: Sent: 03 June 2020 13:09 To: Licensing Subject:

Dear Sir Madam

As a local resident i strongly object to the planning application from Krishnapillai Peteperan of Anna off licence 38 Bridge road, Saltley, B8 1TD

I have listed the following concerns

Local schools and nurseries on the doorstep of this shop putting the children and families at risk of harm.

Serious Existing drug problem which is only getting worse. Encouraging alcohol users to this secluded area is not welcome on my doorstep.

High rate of anti social behaviour in the area. Recent times have seen an increase in stabbing and shooting and well documented in the media.

Shop is opposite a large car park which i can forsee further antisocial behaviour causing a public nuisance

I will be eagerley waiting for your response.


26 Appendix 13

From: Sent: 03 June 2020 13:13 To: Licensing Subject: Application for off licence 38 Bridge Road, B8 1TD

Dear Sir / Madam,

As a local resident I strongly object to the planning application from Krishnapillai Peteperan of Anna off licence 38 Bridge road, Saltley, B8 1TD

I have listed the following concerns:

There are schools and nurseries on the doorstep of this shop putting the children and families at risk of harm. There is a high risk that underage people will attempt to purchase alcohol from the premises.

There are several places of worship within walking distance of this shop, they will become the victim of crime if alcohol is allowed to be sold at this shop.

There will be a direct negative effect on children who attend school within the vicinity of this shop, seeing advertising for alcoholic beverages, and witnessing the antisocial behaviour that will follow.

Parents who pick up their children will have an option to purchase alcohol on their way to school, as we are aware there are people with existing drug and drink issues that will lead to an increase in drunken behaviour, drink driving and present a serious threat to the residents and children who will be in the area.

There is a serious existing drug problem within this area, which is only getting worse. By granting a license to sell alcohol, you are encouraging alcohol users to this secluded area, this will lead to additional anti social behaviour, violent crime and as wlWest Midlands police are already stretched thin we will not get any extra policing, this is clearly not a wise step by issuing a license to sell alcohol.

There is an existing high rate of anti social behaviour in the area. Recent times have seen an increase in stabbings and shootings that are well documented in the media. Granting a license is not on the best interest of the public safety, and will only lead to increased anti social behaviour and violent crime.

The shop is opposite a large open car park which i can foresee further antisocial behaviour causing a public nuisance, occuring as a direct result of any alcohol being sold at this shop.

Birmingham city council has a duty of care and a responsibility to protect the citizens of the city from any action it takes, whether direct or indirect from harm. A responsibility to ensure community cohesion and well being. I think the licensing team can clearly see that it is not within the public interest to have a license granted to this shop within this area.

Keep alcohol in the supermarkets, where they follow the rules and have all the relevant safeguards and security in place to ensure that the law is followed, away from the view and reach of children.

We are all very well aware that small shops like this put profit ahead of regards for public safety.

I look forward to hearing from you on this matter.

Kindest regards

27 Appendix 14

28 Appendix 15 Dear Sir / Madam,

As a local resident i strongly object to the planning application from Krishnapillai Peteperan of Anna off licence 38 Bridge road, Saltley, B8 1TD

I have listed the following concerns:

There are schools and nurseries on the doorstep of this shop putting the children and families at risk of harm. There is a high risk that underage people will attempt to purchase alcohol from the premises.

There are several places of worship within walking distance of this shop, they will become the victim of crime if alcohol is allowed to be sold at this shop.

There will be a direct negative effect on children who attend school within the vicinity of this shop, seeing advertising for alcoholic beverages, and witnessing the antisocial behaviour that will follow.

Parents who pick up their children will have an option to purchase alcohol on their way to school, as we are aware there are people with existing drug and drink issues that will lead to an increase in drunken behaviour, drink driving and present a serious threat to the residents and children who will be in the area.

There is a serious existing drug problem within this area, which is only getting worse. By granting a license to sell alcohol, you are encouraging alcohol users to this secluded area, this will lead to additional anti social behaviour, violent crime and as wlWest Midlands police are already stretched thin we will not get any extra policing, this is clearly not a wise step by issuing a license to sell alcohol.

There is an existing high rate of anti social behaviour in the area. Recent times have seen an increase in stabbings and shootings that are well documented in the media. Granting a license is not on the best interest of the public safety, and will only lead to increased anti social behaviour and violent crime.

The shop is opposite a large open car park which i can foresee further antisocial behaviour causing a public nuisance, occuring as a direct result of any alcohol being sold at this shop.

Birmingham city council has a duty of care and a responsibility to protect the citizens of the city from any action it takes, whether direct or indirect from harm. A responsibility to ensure community cohesion and well being. I think the licensing team can clearly see that it is not within the public interest to have a license granted to this shop within this area.

Keep alcohol in the supermarkets, where they follow the rules and have all the relevant safeguards and security in place to ensure that the law is followed, away from the view and reach of children.

We are all very well aware that small shops like this put profit ahead of regards for public safety.

I look forward to hearing from you on this matter. Kindest regards,

29 Appendix 16

From: Sent: 03 June 2020 13:30 To: Licensing Subject: Re: Licensing Act 2003 (Grant) RE: Anna Off Licence, 38 Bridge Road, Saltley, Birmingham, Dear Bhapinder,

As a local resident i strongly object to the planning application from Krishnapillai Peteperan of Anna off licence 38 Bridge road, Saltley, B8 1TD.

Serious existing drug and alcohol related problems which is only getting worse.

Recent unregulated increase of HMO properties in this area has seen numerous alcoholics and other drug users move into this area. As the rates landlords receive are substantially greater from councils more and more HMOs are being set up in this area bringing more vulnerable people, homeless and addicts into this area. Landlords are renting less to families and leasing out their properties to HMO management companies. Their are multilple HMOs on single roads and is only getting greater.

Having more alcohol readily available in a community that is deprived and needs regeneration will only tarnish the areas reputation and devalue the area further for existing home owners in the immediate area.

Street crime, vandalism and littering has already alarmed residents and begging on streets from people moving into these HMOs has also become a sore sight in this area.

Encouraging alcohol users to exacerbate ongoing issues on this once pleasant living area is not welcome on our doorstep.

Their is a high tate of anti social behaviour in the area. Recent times have seen an increase in stabbing and shooting and has been well documented in the media. Do you think more access to alcohol is a good thing? Why do you think another shop intends to sell alcohol in this area? Is not because the business men have seen a influx for alcohol demand and the increase of these end users moving to the area?

Furthermore the shop will be opposite a large car park which i can forsee further antisocial behaviour ocurring causing a public nuisance.

I will be eagerley waiting for your response with a judgement to help make this community safe for the families that live here.

Kindest Regards

Bowyer Road Birmingham B8

30 Appendix 17

From: Sent: 03 June 2020 13:32 To: Licensing Subject: Off licence opening

Dear Sir Madam As a local resident i strongly object to the planning application from Krishnapillai Peteperan of Anna off licence 38 Bridge road, Saltley, B8 1TD. Serious existing drug and alcohol related problems which is only getting worse. Recent unregulated increase of HMO properties in this area has seen numerous alcoholics and other drug users move into this area. As the rates landlords receive are substantially greater from councils more and more HMOs are being set up in this area bringing more vulnerable people, homeless and addicts into this area. Landlords are renting less to families and leasing out their properties to HMO management companies. Their are multilple HMOs on single roads and is only getting greater. Having more alcohol readily available in a community that is deprived and needs regeneration will only tarnish the areas reputation and devalue the area further for existing home owners in the immediate area. Street crime, vandalism and littering has already alarmed residents and begging on streets from people moving into these HMOs has also become a sore sight in this area. Encouraging alcohol users to exacerbate ongoing issues on this once pleasant living area is not welcome on our doorstep. Their is a high rate of anti social behaviour in the area. Recent times have seen an increase in stabbing and shooting and has been well documented in the media. Do you think more access to alcohol is a good thing? Why do you think another shop intends to sell alcohol in this area? Is it not because the business men have seen a influx for alcohol demand and the increase of these end users moving to the area? Furthermore the shop will be opposite a large car park which i can forsee further antisocial behaviour ocurring causing a public nuisance. I will be eagerley waiting for your response with a judgement to help make this community safe for the families that live here. Regards Resident bowyer rd Birmingham B8

31 Appendix 18

From: Sent: 03 June 2020 13:41 To: Licensing Subject: Planning Application Concerns

To whom it may concern

As a local resident, I strongly object to the planning application from Krishnapillai Peteperan of Anna Off Licence, situated on 38 Bridge Road, Saltley, B8 1TD

I have listed the following concerns:

There are local schools and nurseries on the doorstep of this shop putting the children and families at risk of harm.

There also exists a serious existing drug problem within the locality of the shop which is only getting worse. Encouraging alcohol users to this secluded area is not something to be encouraged

There also exists a high rate of anti-social behaviour in the area. In recent times we have also seen an increase in violent acts carried out in close proximity to the shop and the allocation of a license to sell alcohol may be of greater detriment to the local community given the well-established link between alcohol consumption and anti-social behaviour

I look forward to hearing from you soon

Kind regards

32 Appendix 19

From: Sent: 03 June 2020 13:43 To: Licensing Subject: Proposal Objection - Off Licence Dear Sir/Madam

As a resident I want object to the planning application from Krishnapillai Peteperan of Anna off licence 38 Bridge road, Saltley, B8 1TD

With so many local schools and nurseries in this area another alcohol shop on the doorstep of these educational centres will put these children at further risk. We have incidents already where people have been intoxicated and attacked some children. Do you want to be the reason for yet more intoxicated incidents?

There will be a direct negative effect on children who attend school within the vicinity of this shop, seeing advertising for alcoholic beverages, and witnessing antisocial behaviour that inevitably follows.

This particular part of our area has a serious drug problem and is getting worse everyday. You just have to check the local news of all the major incidents we have had in the last 12 months. I just have to step outside my doorstep to see broken beer bottles and cans. One incident I remember vividly is where a person who got stabbed with a broken beer bottle and had to have life saving surgery.

There are many recovering alcoholics very close to this proposed off license who have purposely chosen to live here as there are no off licenses on their very doorstep.

There are other off licenses within walking distance and to have another one where there is a public park, where people used to group together and drink and use drugs; is just an open invitation for mayhem, fights, stabbings and shootings.

We have just had a major community get together and cleaned up all the glass bottles, cans, syringes so our kids are able to play without stepping on broken beer bottles or syringes.

Birmingham city council has a duty of care and a responsibility to protect the citizens of the city from any action it takes, whether direct or indirect from harm. A responsibility to ensure community cohesion and well being. I think the licensing team can clearly see that it is not within the public interest to have a license granted to this shop within this area.

Keep alcohol in the supermarkets, where they follow the rules and have all the relevant safeguards and security in place to ensure that the law is followed, away from the view and reach of children.

We are all very well aware that small shops like this put profit ahead of regards for public safety.

I require confirmation that you have received my email and awaiting a prompt response to my complaint and obvious objection of this proposal. Thank you and kind regards.

33 Appendix 20

From: Sent: 03 June 2020 13:50 To: Licensing Subject: 38 bridge rd B8 1TD

Dear Sir Madam

As a local resident i strongly object to the planning application from Krishnapillai Peteperan of Anna off licence 38 Bridge road, Saltley, B8 1TD

I have listed the following concerns

Local schools and nurseries on the doorstep of this shop putting the children and families at risk of harm.

Serious Existing drug problem which is only getting worse. Encouraging alcohol users to this secluded area is not welcome on my doorstep.

High rate of anti social behaviour in the area. Recent times have seen an increase in stabbing and shooting and well documented in the media.

Shop is opposite a large car park which i can forsee further antisocial behaviour causing a public nuisance

I will be eagerley waiting for your response.


34 Appendix 21

From: Sent: 03 June 2020 13:53 To: Subject:

Dear Sir Madam

As a local resident i strongly object to the planning application from Krishnapillai Peteperan of Anna off licence 38 Bridge road, Saltley, B8 1TD

I have listed the following concerns

Local schools and nurseries on the doorstep of this shop putting the children and families at risk of harm.

Serious Existing drug problem which is only getting worse. Encouraging alcohol users to this secluded area is not welcome on my doorstep.

High rate of anti social behaviour in the area. Recent times have seen an increase in stabbing and shooting and well documented in the media.

Shop is opposite a large car park which i can forsee further antisocial behaviour causing a public nuisance

I will be eagerley waiting for your response.

Kind regards

35 Appendix 22

From: Sent: 03 June 2020 14:13 To: Licensing Subject: Dear Bhapinder, As a local resident i strongly object to the planning application from Krishnapillai Peteperan of Anna off licence 38 Bridge road, Saltley, B8 1TD. Serious existing drug and alcohol related problems which is only getting worse. Recent unregulated increase of HMO properties in this area has seen numerous alcoholics and other drug users move into this area. As the rates landlords receive are substantially greater from councils more and more HMOs are being set up in this area bringing more vulnerable people, homeless and addicts into this area. Landlords are renting less to families and leasing out their properties to HMO management companies. Their are multilple HMOs on single roads and is only getting greater. Having more alcohol readily available in a community that is deprived and needs regeneration will only tarnish the areas reputation and devalue the area further for existing home owners in the immediate area. Street crime, vandalism and littering has already alarmed residents and begging on streets from people moving into these HMOs has also become a sore sight in this area. Encouraging alcohol users to exacerbate ongoing issues on this once pleasant living area is not welcome on our doorstep. Their is a high tate of anti social behaviour in the area. Recent times have seen an increase in stabbing and shooting and has been well documented in the media. Do you think more access to alcohol is a good thing? Why do you think another shop intends to sell alcohol in this area? Is not because the business men have seen a influx for alcohol demand and the increase of these end users moving to the area? Furthermore the shop will be opposite a large car park which i can forsee further antisocial behaviour ocurring causing a public nuisance. I will be eagerley waiting for your response with a judgement to help make this community safe for the families that live here. Kindest Regards

Bowyer Road Birmingham B8

36 Appendix 23

From: Sent: 03 June 2020 14:13 To: Licensing Subject: Objection to off licence approval in B8 1TD

Dear Sir/Madam

As a local resident I strongly object to the planning application from Krishnapillai Peteperan of Anna off licence 38 Bridge road, Saltley, B8 1TD

I have listed the following concerns

Local schools and nurseries on the doorstep of this shop putting the children and families at risk of harm.

Serious existing drug problem which is only getting worse. Encouraging alcohol users to this secluded area is not welcome on my doorstep.

High rate of anti social behaviour in the area. Recent times have seen an increase in stabbing and shooting and it has been well documented in the media.

The shop will be opposite a large car park which i can forsee further antisocial behaviour causing a public nuisance

I will be eagerley waiting for your response.


37 Appendix 24

From: Sent: 03 June 2020 14:18 To: Licensing Subject: Alcohol shop

Dear Sir Madam

As a local resident i strongly object to the planning application from Krishnapillai Peteperan of Anna off licence 38 Bridge road, Saltley, B8 1TD

I have listed the following concerns

Local schools and nurseries on the doorstep of this shop putting the children and families at risk of harm.

Serious Existing drug problem which is only getting worse. Encouraging alcohol users to this secluded area is not welcome on my doorstep.

High rate of anti social behaviour in the area. Recent times have seen an increase in stabbing and shooting and well documented in the media.

Shop is opposite a large car park which i can forsee further antisocial behaviour causing a public nuisance

I will be eagerley waiting for your response.


38 Appendix 25

From: Sent: 03 June 2020 15:16 To: Licensing Subject: Proposed Off License

Dear Sir Madam

As a local resident i strongly object to the planning application from Krishnapillai Peteperan of Anna off licence 38 Bridge road, Saltley, B8 1TD

I have listed the following concerns

Local schools and nurseries on the doorstep of this shop putting the children and families at risk of harm.

Serious Existing drug problem which is only getting worse. Encouraging alcohol users to this secluded area is not welcome on my doorstep.

High rate of anti social behaviour in the area. Recent times have seen an increase in stabbing and shooting and well documented in the media.

Shop is opposite a large car park which i can forsee further antisocial behaviour causing a public nuisance

I will be eagerley waiting for your response.


39 Appendix 26

From: Sent: 03 June 2020 16:09 To: Licensing Subject:

Dear Sir Madam

As a local resident i strongly object to the planning application from Krishnapillai Peteperan of Anna off licence 38 Bridge road, Saltley, B8 1TD

I have listed the following concerns

Local schools and nurseries on the doorstep of this shop putting the children and families at risk of harm.

Serious Existing drug problem which is only getting worse. Encouraging alcohol users to this secluded area is not welcome on my doorstep.

High rate of anti social behaviour in the area. Recent times have seen an increase in stabbing and shooting and well documented in the media.

Shop is opposite a large car park which i can forsee further antisocial behaviour causing a public nuisance

I will be eagerley waiting for your response.


40 Appendix 27

From: Sent: 03 June 2020 17:24 To: Licensing Subject: Objection licences

Dear Sir Madam

As a local resident i strongly object to the planning application from Krishnapillai Peteperan of Anna off licence 38 Bridge road, Saltley, B8 1TD

I have listed the following concerns

Local schools and nurseries on the doorstep of this shop putting the children and families at risk of harm.

Serious Existing drug problem which is only getting worse. Encouraging alcohol users to this secluded area is not welcome on my doorstep.

High rate of anti social behaviour in the area. Recent times have seen an increase in stabbing and shooting and well documented in the media.

Shop is opposite a large car park which i can forsee further antisocial behaviour causing a public nuisance

I will be eagerley waiting for your response.


Bowyer Rd Alum Rock B8

41 Appendix 28

From: Sent: 03 June 2020 18:12 To: Licensing Subject:

Dear Sir Madam

As a local resident I strongly object to the planning application from Krishnapillai Peteperan of Anna off licence 38 Bridge road, Saltley, B8 1TD

I have listed the following concerns

Local schools and nurseries on the doorstep of this shop putting the children and families at risk of harm.

Serious Existing drug problem which is only getting worse. Encouraging alcohol users to this secluded area is not welcome on my doorstep.

High rate of anti social behaviour in the area. Recent times have seen an increase in stabbing and shooting and well documented in the media.

Shop is opposite a large car park which i can forsee further antisocial behaviour causing a public nuisance

I will be eagerley waiting for your response.


42 Appendix 29

43 Appendix 30

From: Sent: 03 June 2020 19:08 To: Licensing Subject: Planning Application: 38 Bridge Road, B8 1TD

Dear Sir/Madam As a resident I want object to the planning application from Krishnapillai Peteperan of Anna off licence 38 Bridge Road, Saltley, B8 1TD With so many local schools and nurseries in this area another alcohol shop on the doorstep of these educational centres will put these children at further risk. We have incidents already where people have been intoxicated and attacked some local children. There will be a direct negative effect on children who attend school within the vicinity of this shop, seeing advertising for alcoholic beverages, and witnessing antisocial behaviour that inevitably follows. This particular part of our area has a serious drug problem and is getting worse everyday. There are other off licenses within walking distance and to have another one where there is a public park, where people used to group together and drink and use drugs; is just an open invitation for mayhem, fights, stabbings and shootings. We have just had a major community get together and cleaned up all the glass bottles, cans, syringes so our kids are able to play without stepping on broken beer bottles or syringes. Birmingham City Council has a duty of care and a responsibility to protect the citizens of the city from any action it takes, whether direct or indirect from harm. A responsibility to ensure community cohesion and well being. I think the licensing team can clearly see that it is not within the public interest to have a license granted to this shop within this area. Keep alcohol in the supermarkets, where they follow the rules and have all the relevant safeguards and security in place to ensure that the law is followed, away from the view and reach of children.

We are all very well aware that small shops like this put profit ahead of regards for public safety.

I require confirmation that you have received my email and awaiting a prompt response to my complaint and obvious objection of this proposal.

Thank you



Appendix 31

From: Sent: 03 June 2020 19:57 To: Licensing Subject: planning application from Krishnapillai Peteperan of Anna off licence 38 Bridge road, Saltley, B8 1TD

Dear Sir Madam

As a local resident i strongly object to the planning application from Krishnapillai Peteperan of Anna off licence 38 Bridge road, Saltley, B8 1TD

I have listed the following concerns

Local schools and nurseries on the doorstep of this shop putting the children and families at risk of harm.

Serious Existing drug problem which is only getting worse. Encouraging alcohol users to this secluded area is not welcome on my doorstep.

High rate of anti social behaviour in the area. Recent times have seen an increase in stabbing and shooting and well documented in the media.

To conclude my objection the harm to the local community would vastly outweigh any benefit if an Alcohol licence was granted to this shop, and there are plenty of regulated Established alcohol outlets locally and no need for another one.

I will be eagerley waiting for your response.


45 Appendix 32

From: Sent: 03 June 2020 20:11 To: Licensing Subject: Important concerns

Dear Sir Madam

As a local resident i strongly object to the planning application from Krishnapillai Peteperan of Anna off licence 38 Bridge road, Saltley, B8 1TD

I have listed the following concerns -

Local schools and nurseries on the doorstep of this shop putting the children and families at risk of harm.

Serious Existing drug problem which is only getting worse. Encouraging alcohol users to this secluded area is not welcome on my doorstep.

High rate of anti social behaviour in the area. Recent times have seen an increase in stabbing and shooting and well documented in the media.

Shop is opposite a large car park which i can forsee further antisocial behaviour causing a public nuisance

I will be eagerley waiting for your response.

Best Regards,

46 Appendix 33

From: Sent: 03 June 2020 21:22 To: Licensing Subject: Urgent matter

Date 03/06/2020 Dear Sir or Madam, I hope you are well and Safe at home. I would like to sincerely object on behalf of all of our household against a planning application from Krishnapillai Peteparan of Anna Off Licence 38 Bridge Road, Saltley, B8 1TD.

We have a Nursery and School directly opposite this ex sweet shop. As there is already a serious drug problem in our area, the last thing we require is Alcohol readily available in the middle of our residential area. We have a lot of problems on most nights with youths parked up in their cars till the early hours of the morning , music blaring, talking loudly, smoking drugs, eating food and leaving the litter behind. Telling them to move or keep it quiet will result in having our windows or cars damaged. I have often thought about moving to another area but as I am on a zero hour contract this is difficult and life is a constant struggle trying to make ends meet therefore, opening this shop will add to the current problem, making our lives even more unbearable. Please reconsider and don't let this happen. As a responsible parent of 3 children, and peer to multiple children within our locality, I object to this application wholeheartedly. I hope you take all this information seriously and overturn this application and we can put this property to better community friendly use. Please do not hesitate to contact me for any further information.

Kindest Regards

Saint Saviours Road Birmingham B8


Appendix 34

From: Sent: 03 June 2020 22:34 To: Licensing Subject: Anna Off licence 38 Bridge Road Saltley

Dear sir/madam, As a local resident I strongly object to the planning application from Krishnapillai Petepran of Anna off license 38 bridge road Saltley B8 1TD. Below are my following concerns: -Two local primary schools and a nursery on the same road as the shop, putting the children and families at risk of harm, as well as other local schools. -There is also a serious existing drug and alcohol problem which is only getting worse. Selling alcohol on the doorsteps of a problem area will only escalate the problem. -There is already a high rate of anti-social behaviour in the area. There has been stabbings and shootings in the area that have been well documented in the media. -There is also a lot of homeless and begging in the area which is caused by drug and alcohol, opening an off licence is the last thing the residents in this area need.

I hope you take my concerns seriously regarding this matter,

48 Appendix 35

From Sent: 03 June 2020 22:43 To: Licensing Subject: off licence on bridge rd

Dear Sir Madam

As a local resident i strongly object to the planning application from Krishnapillai Peteperan of Anna off licence 38 Bridge road, Saltley, B8 1TD

I have listed the following concerns

Local schools and nurseries on the doorstep of this shop putting the children and families at risk of harm.

Serious Existing drug problem which is only getting worse. Encouraging alcohol users to this secluded area is not welcome on my doorstep.

High rate of anti social behaviour in the area. Recent times have seen an increase in stabbing and shooting and well documented in the media.

Shop is opposite a large car park which i can forsee further antisocial behaviour causing a public nuisance

I will be eagerley waiting for your response.


49 Appendix 36

From: Sent: 03 June 2020 23:41 To: Licensing Subject:

Dear Sir Madam

As a local resident i strongly object to the planning application from Krishnapillai Peteperan of Anna off licence 38 Bridge road, Saltley, B8 1TD

I have listed the following concerns

Local schools and nurseries on the doorstep of this shop putting the children and families at risk of harm.

Serious Existing drug problem which is only getting worse. Encouraging alcohol users to this secluded area is not welcome on my doorstep.

High rate of anti social behaviour in the area. Recent times have seen an increase in stabbing and shooting and well documented in the media.

Shop is opposite a large car park which i can forsee further antisocial behaviour causing a public nuisance

I will be eagerley waiting for your response.


st saviours rd alum rock b8

50 Appendix 37

From: Sent: 03 June 2020 23:54 To: Licensing Subject:

Dear Sir Madam

As a local resident i strongly object to the planning application from Krishnapillai Peteperan of Anna off licence 38 Bridge road, Saltley, B8 1TD

I have listed the following concerns

Local schools and nurseries on the doorstep of this shop putting the children and families at risk of harm.

Serious Existing drug problem which is only getting worse. Encouraging alcohol users to this secluded area is not welcome on my doorstep.

High rate of anti social behaviour in the area. Recent times have seen an increase in stabbing and shooting and well documented in the media.

Shop is opposite a large car park which i can forsee further antisocial behaviour causing a public nuisance

I will be eagerley waiting for your response.


51 Appendix 38

From: Sent: 04 June 2020 03:11 To: Licensing Subject:

Dear Sir Madam

As a local resident i strongly object to the planning application from Krishnapillai Peteperan of Anna off licence 38 Bridge road, Saltley, B8 1TD

I have listed the following concerns

Local schools and nurseries on the doorstep of this shop putting the children and families at risk of harm.

Serious Existing drug problem which is only getting worse. Encouraging alcohol users to this secluded area is not welcome on my doorstep.

High rate of anti social behaviour in the area. Recent times have seen an increase in stabbing and shooting and well documented in the media.

Shop is opposite a large car park which i can forsee further antisocial behaviour causing a public nuisance

I will be eagerley waiting for your response.


52 Appendix 39

From: Sent: 04 June 2020 03:23 To: Licensing Subject: Application 38 Bridge road, Saltley, B8 1TD

Dear Sir Madam

As a local resident i strongly object to the planning application from Krishnapillai Peteperan of Anna off licence 38 Bridge road, Saltley, B8 1TD

I have listed the following concerns

Local schools and nurseries on the doorstep of this shop putting the children and families at risk of harm.

Serious Existing drug problem which is only getting worse. Encouraging alcohol users to this secluded area is not welcome on my doorstep.

High rate of anti social behaviour in the area. Recent times have seen an increase in stabbing and shooting and well documented in the media.

Shop is opposite a large car park which i can forsee further antisocial behaviour causing a public nuisance

I will be eagerley waiting for your response.


53 Appendix 40

From: Sent: 04 June 2020 09:19 To: Licensing Subject: objection to planning

Dear Sir Madam

As a local resident I strongly object to the planning application from Krishnapillai Peteperan of Anna off licence 38 Bridge road, Saltley, B8 1TD

I have listed the following concerns

Local schools and nurseries on the doorstep of this shop putting the children and families at risk of harm.

Serious Existing drug problem which is only getting worse. Encouraging alcohol users to this secluded area is not welcome on my doorstep.

High rate of anti social behaviour in the area. Recent times have seen an increase in stabbing and shooting and well documented in the media.

Shop is opposite a large car park which i can forsee further antisocial behaviour causing a public nuisance

I will be eagerley waiting for your response.


54 Appendix 41

From: Sent: 04 June 2020 10:53 To: Licensing Subject: Off license

Dear Sir Madam

As a local resident i strongly object to the planning application from Krishnapillai Peteperan of Anna off licence 38 Bridge road, Saltley, B8 1TD

I have listed the following concerns

Local schools and nurseries on the doorstep of this shop putting the children and families at risk of harm.

Serious Existing drug problem which is only getting worse. Encouraging alcohol users to this secluded area is not welcome on my doorstep.

High rate of anti social behaviour in the area. Recent times have seen an increase in stabbing and shooting and well documented in the media.

Shop is opposite a large car park which i can forsee further antisocial behaviour causing a public nuisance

I will be eagerley waiting for your response.


55 Appendix 42

From: Sent: 04 June 2020 10:55 To: Licensing Subject: Off license

Dear Sir Madam

As a local resident i strongly object to the planning application from Krishnapillai Peteperan of Anna off licence 38 Bridge road, Saltley, B8 1TD

I have listed the following concerns

Local schools and nurseries on the doorstep of this shop putting the children and families at risk of harm.

Serious Existing drug problem which is only getting worse. Encouraging alcohol users to this secluded area is not welcome on my doorstep.

High rate of anti social behaviour in the area. Recent times have seen an increase in stabbing and shooting and well documented in the media.

Shop is opposite a large car park which i can forsee further antisocial behaviour causing a public nuisance

I will be eagerley waiting for your response.


56 Appendix 43

From: Sent: 04 June 2020 10:58 To: Licensing Subject:

Dear Sir Madam

As a local resident i strongly object to the planning application from Krishnapillai Peteperan of Anna off licence 38 Bridge road, Saltley, B8 1TD

I have listed the following concerns

Local schools and nurseries on the doorstep of this shop putting the children and families at risk of harm.

Serious Existing drug problem which is only getting worse. Encouraging alcohol users to this secluded area is not welcome on my doorstep.

Shop is opposite a large car park which i can forsee further antisocial behaviour causing a public nuisance

I will be eagerley waiting for your response.


57 Appendix 44

From: Sent: 04 June 2020 10:59 To: Licensing Subject: 38 Bridge road, Saltley, B8 1TD

Dear Sir Madam

As a local resident i strongly object to the planning application from Krishnapillai Peteperan of Anna off licence 38 Bridge road, Saltley, B8 1TD

I have listed the following concerns

Local schools and nurseries on the doorstep of this shop putting the children and families at risk of harm.

Serious Existing drug problem which is only getting worse. Encouraging alcohol users to this secluded area is not welcome on my doorstep.

High rate of anti social behaviour in the area. Recent times have seen an increase in stabbing and shooting and well documented in the media.

Shop is opposite a large car park which i can forsee further antisocial behaviour causing a public nuisance

I will be eagerley waiting for your response.



Appendix 45

From: Sent: 04 June 2020 11:01 To: Licensing Subject: 38 bridge rd

Dear Sir Madam

As a local resident i strongly object to the planning application from Krishnapillai Peteperan of Anna off licence 38 Bridge road, Saltley, B8 1TD

I have listed the following concerns

Local schools and nurseries on the doorstep of this shop putting the children and families at risk of harm.

Serious Existing drug problem which is only getting worse. Encouraging alcohol users to this secluded area is not welcome on my doorstep.

High rate of anti social behaviour in the area. Recent times have seen an increase in stabbing and shooting and well documented in the media.

Shop is opposite a large car park which i can forsee further antisocial behaviour causing a public nuisance

I will be eagerley waiting for your response.


59 Appendix 46

From: Sent: 04 June 2020 11:49 To: Licensing Subject: Application Ref No: 115393 FAO Bhapinder Nandhra

Licence Application ref: 115393

I am writing in regard to the Licence application for the above reference number for the Convenience Store on 38 Bridge Road, Saltley Birmingham B8 1TD.

I am the Housing Services Manager at St Peter’s (Saltley) Housing Association which is situated on College Road next to Bridge Road. We have 99 flats in the scheme including 40 properties for vulnerable tenants. St Peter’s properties are located next to a mosque, school and nursey with other schools and places of worship close by in a condensed residential area.

St Peter’s would like to oppose this application due to the ongoing Anti-Social Behaviour issues our tenants suffer from daily and feel that the sale of alcohol from the early hours until midnight will exacerbate the issues further. The Anti-Social Behaviour our tenants have to endure is that cars with numerous (up to 30) youths gather on our site and on College Road and play loud music, deal and take drugs and throw litter and drug paraphernalia from their cars. This behaviour takes place at all times of the day and night and up to the early hours of the morning. Our tenants have reported to us that they are scared to leave their homes at night and are also becoming wary about leaving during the day. Our tenants are experiencing high levels of anxiety and stress due to this ongoing situation. We are in constant contact with the police and work in partnership with them to try and resolve this issue, however due to their limited numbers and the illegal activity around Saltley and Alum Rock their time is limited. We feel that to award an alcohol licence to the local shop would add another element to the ongoing anti- social behaviour in the area.

Kind regards


Appendix 47

From: Sent: 04 June 2020 11:53 To: Licensing Subject: URGENT OBJECTION OF OFF LICENSE PLANNING APPLICATION

Dear Sir Madam

As a local resident i strongly object to the planning application from Krishnapillai Peteperan of Anna off licence 38 Bridge road, Saltley, B8 1TD

I have listed the following concerns

Local schools and nurseries on the doorstep of this shop putting the children and families at risk of harm.

Serious Existing drug problem which is only getting worse. Encouraging alcohol users to this secluded area is not welcome on my doorstep.

High rate of anti social behaviour in the area. Recent times have seen an increase in stabbing and shooting and well documented in the media.

Shop is opposite a large car park which i can forsee further antisocial behaviour causing a public nuisance

There is already a off license in this area which 0.5 miles from this location and dont see the point having other one .

Previous anti social behaviour problems within this area causing more strain on local policing

I will be eagerley waiting for your response.


61 Appendix 48

From: Sent: 04 June 2020 12:27 To: Licensing Subject: Anna off licence 38 Bridge road, Saltley, B8 1TD

Dear Sir/Madam

Please note that I strongly object to the licensing application by Krishnapillai Peteperan for the premises known as “Anna off licence” located at 38 Bridge road, Saltley, B8 1TD

I do not believe that the application is in accordance with the licensing objectives as set out by the Licensing Act 2003. I would be grateful if you could take my concerns into account prior to determination and that the application be put before the relevant committee for determination.

The protection of children from harm. The shop is located in short walking distance of a nursery and primary schools (Rosary Nursery (playground is opposite the shop with the shop being clearly visible from the nursery), Rosary Primary School and Parkfield School), if the license is granted this would inevitably increase the risk of harm to children and their families contrary to the licensing objectives.

The prevention of crime and disorder. The area in which the shop is located already has a serious existing drug problem and anti social behaviour which will only be exacerbated should the above premises obtain a license and will adversely affect the residents living within proximity of the shop along with the wider community. The proposed license will encourage alcohol users from neighbouring areas to this secluded area and will only increase tensions in an already troubled area contrary to the licensing objectives.

The area already faces a high rate of anti social behaviour as mentioned above. Recent times, have seen an increase in knife and gun crime all which have been well documented in the media. If the license is granted this will increase anti social behaviour, especially in light of the premises being opposite a large car park, which I can foresee will further increase and encourage antisocial behaviour with groups using the car park to drink which will inevitably cause a public nuisance.

Whilst I appreciate the applicant is entitled to try and make a living in a way that he sees fit, but it is clear that the proposal has not been well thought out and will not excel in such an area. This is likely to turn the community away from using said shop whilst increasing tensions. Please also note there is two off licenses within walking distance from this premises and therefore there is no further need for such premises in the area.

Finally the shop is a small premises on a corner plot and is not sufficient to ensure that alcohol can be stored and kept safe, based on the layout without any expansion this would be difficult. The shop is clearly unfit in this regard.

Thank you for taking my objections into account and I hope after considering the above you will agree that the grant of a license for this premises will be contrary to the licensing objectives set out in the Licensing Act 2003.


62 Appendix 49

From: Sent: 04 June 2020 12:45 To: Licensing Subject: Anna off licence

Dear Sir/Madam Please note that I strongly object to the licensing application by Krishnapillai Peteperan for the premises known as “Anna off licence” located at 38 Bridge road, Saltley, B8 1TD

I do not believe that the application is in accordance with the licensing objectives as set out by the Licensing Act 2003. I would be grateful if you could take my concerns into account prior to determination and that the application be put before the relevant committee for determination.

The protection of children from harm. The shop is located in short walking distance of a nursery and primary schools (Rosary Nursery (playground is opposite the shop with the shop being clearly visible from the nursery), Rosary Primary School and Parkfield School), if the license is granted this would inevitably increase the risk of harm to children and their families contrary to the licensing objectives.

The prevention of crime and disorder. The area in which the shop is located already has a serious existing drug problem and anti social behaviour which will only be exacerbated should the above premises obtain a license and will adversely affect the residents living within proximity of the shop along with the wider community. The proposed license will encourage alcohol users from neighbouring areas to this secluded area and will only increase tensions in an already troubled area contrary to the licensing objectives.

The area already faces a high rate of anti social behaviour as mentioned above. Recent times, have seen an increase in knife and gun crime all which have been well documented in the media. If the license is granted this will increase anti social behaviour, especially in light of the premises being opposite a large car park, which I can foresee will further increase and encourage antisocial behaviour with groups using the car park to drink which will inevitably cause a public nuisance.

Whilst I appreciate the applicant is entitled to try and make a living in a way that he sees fit, but it is clear that the proposal has not been well thought out and will not excel in such an area. This is likely to turn the community away from using said shop whilst increasing tensions. Please also note there is two off licenses within walking distance from this premises and therefore there is no further need for such premises in the area.

Finally the shop is a small premises on a corner plot and is not sufficient to ensure that alcohol can be stored and kept safe, based on the layout without any expansion this would be difficult. The shop is clearly unfit in this regard.

Thank you for taking my objections into account and I hope after considering the above you will agree that the grant of a license for this premises will be contrary to the licensing objectives set out in the Licensing Act 2003.


63 Appendix 50

From: Sent: 04 June 2020 12:46 To: Licensing Subject: Anna off licence

Dear Sir/Madam Please note that I strongly object to the licensing application by Krishnapillai Peteperan for the premises known as “Anna off licence” located at 38 Bridge road, Saltley, B8 1TD

I do not believe that the application is in accordance with the licensing objectives as set out by the Licensing Act 2003. I would be grateful if you could take my concerns into account prior to determination and that the application be put before the relevant committee for determination.

The protection of children from harm. The shop is located in short walking distance of a nursery and primary schools (Rosary Nursery (playground is opposite the shop with the shop being clearly visible from the nursery), Rosary Primary School and Parkfield School), if the license is granted this would inevitably increase the risk of harm to children and their families contrary to the licensing objectives.

The prevention of crime and disorder. The area in which the shop is located already has a serious existing drug problem and anti social behaviour which will only be exacerbated should the above premises obtain a license and will adversely affect the residents living within proximity of the shop along with the wider community. The proposed license will encourage alcohol users from neighbouring areas to this secluded area and will only increase tensions in an already troubled area contrary to the licensing objectives.

The area already faces a high rate of anti social behaviour as mentioned above. Recent times, have seen an increase in knife and gun crime all which have been well documented in the media. If the license is granted this will increase anti social behaviour, especially in light of the premises being opposite a large car park, which I can foresee will further increase and encourage antisocial behaviour with groups using the car park to drink which will inevitably cause a public nuisance.

Whilst I appreciate the applicant is entitled to try and make a living in a way that he sees fit, but it is clear that the proposal has not been well thought out and will not excel in such an area. This is likely to turn the community away from using said shop whilst increasing tensions. Please also note there is two off licenses within walking distance from this premises and therefore there is no further need for such premises in the area.

Finally the shop is a small premises on a corner plot and is not sufficient to ensure that alcohol can be stored and kept safe, based on the layout without any expansion this would be difficult. The shop is clearly unfit in this regard.

Thank you for taking my objections into account and I hope after considering the above you will agree that the grant of a license for this premises will be contrary to the licensing objectives set out in the Licensing Act 2003.


64 Appendix 51

From: Sent: 04 June 2020 12:48 To: Licensing Subject: Objection against license

Dear Sir/Madam Please note that I strongly object to the licensing application by Krishnapillai Peteperan for the premises known as “Anna off licence” located at 38 Bridge road, Saltley, B8 1TD I do not believe that the application is in accordance with the licensing objectives as set out by the Licensing Act 2003. I would be grateful if you could take my concerns into account prior to determination and that the application be put before the relevant committee for determination. The protection of children from harm. The shop is located in short walking distance of a nursery and primary schools (Rosary Nursery (playground is opposite the shop with the shop being clearly visible from the nursery), Rosary Primary School and Parkfield School), if the license is granted this would inevitably increase the risk of harm to children and their families contrary to the licensing objectives. The prevention of crime and disorder. The area in which the shop is located already has a serious existing drug problem and anti social behaviour which will only be exacerbated should the above premises obtain a license and will adversely affect the residents living within proximity of the shop along with the wider community. The proposed license will encourage alcohol users from neighbouring areas to this secluded area and will only increase tensions in an already troubled area contrary to the licensing objectives. The area already faces a high rate of anti social behaviour as mentioned above. Recent times, have seen an increase in knife and gun crime all which have been well documented in the media. If the license is granted this will increase anti social behaviour, especially in light of the premises being opposite a large car park, which I can foresee will further increase and encourage antisocial behaviour with groups using the car park to drink which will inevitably cause a public nuisance. Whilst I appreciate the applicant is entitled to try and make a living in a way that he sees fit, but it is clear that the proposal has not been well thought out and will not excel in such an area. This is likely to turn the community away from using said shop whilst increasing tensions. Please also note there is two off licenses within walking distance from this premises and therefore there is no further need for such premises in the area. Finally the shop is a small premises on a corner plot and is not sufficient to ensure that alcohol can be stored and kept safe, based on the layout without any expansion this would be difficult. The shop is clearly unfit in this regard.

Thank you for taking my objections into account and I hope after considering the above you will agree that the grant of a license for this premises will be contrary to the licensing objectives set out in the Licensing Act 2003.


65 Appendix 52

From: Sent: 04 June 2020 12:52 To: Licensing Subject: 38 Bridge Road, Birmingham, B8 1TD

Dear Sir/Madam

Please note that I strongly object to the licensing application by Krishnapillai Peteperan for the premises known as “Anna off licence” located at 38 Bridge road, Saltley, B8 1TD

I do not believe that the application is in accordance with the licensing objectives as set out by the Licensing Act 2003. I would be grateful if you could take my concerns into account prior to determination and that the application be put before the relevant committee for determination.

The protection of children from harm. The shop is located in short walking distance of a nursery and primary schools (Rosary Nursery (playground is opposite the shop with the shop being clearly visible from the nursery), Rosary Primary School and Parkfield School), if the license is granted this would inevitably increase the risk of harm to children and their families contrary to the licensing objectives.

The prevention of crime and disorder. The area in which the shop is located already has a serious existing drug problem and anti social behaviour which will only be exacerbated should the above premises obtain a license and will adversely affect the residents living within proximity of the shop along with the wider community. The proposed license will encourage alcohol users from neighbouring areas to this secluded area and will only increase tensions in an already troubled area contrary to the licensing objectives.

The area already faces a high rate of anti social behaviour as mentioned above. Recent times, have seen an increase in knife and gun crime all which have been well documented in the media. If the license is granted this will increase anti social behaviour, especially in light of the premises being opposite a large car park, which I can foresee will further increase and encourage antisocial behaviour with groups using the car park to drink which will inevitably cause a public nuisance.

Whilst I appreciate the applicant is entitled to try and make a living in a way that he sees fit, but it is clear that the proposal has not been well thought out and will not excel in such an area. This is likely to turn the community away from using said shop whilst increasing tensions. Please also note there is two off licenses within walking distance from this premises and therefore there is no further need for such premises in the area.

Finally the shop is a small premises on a corner plot and is not sufficient to ensure that alcohol can be stored and kept safe, based on the layout without any expansion this would be difficult. The shop is clearly unfit in this regard.

Thank you for taking my objections into account and I hope after considering the above you will agree that the grant of a license for this premises will be contrary to the licensing objectives set out in the Licensing Act 2003. Kind Regards

66 Appendix 53

From: Sent: 04 June 2020 12:58 To: Licensing Subject: 38 bridge road saltley b8 1td

Dear Sir/Madam

Please note that I strongly object to the licensing application by Krishnapillai Peteperan for the premises known as “Anna off licence” located at 38 Bridge road, Saltley, B8 1TD

I do not believe that the application is in accordance with the licensing objectives as set out by the Licensing Act 2003. I would be grateful if you could take my concerns into account prior to determination and that the application be put before the relevant committee for determination.

The protection of children from harm. The shop is located in short walking distance of a nursery and primary schools (Rosary Nursery (playground is opposite the shop with the shop being clearly visible from the nursery), Rosary Primary School and Parkfield School), if the license is granted this would inevitably increase the risk of harm to children and their families contrary to the licensing objectives.

The prevention of crime and disorder. The area in which the shop is located already has a serious existing drug problem and anti social behaviour which will only be exacerbated should the above premises obtain a license and will adversely affect the residents living within proximity of the shop along with the wider community. The proposed license will encourage alcohol users from neighbouring areas to this secluded area and will only increase tensions in an already troubled area contrary to the licensing objectives.

The area already faces a high rate of anti social behaviour as mentioned above. Recent times, have seen an increase in knife and gun crime all which have been well documented in the media. If the license is granted this will increase anti social behaviour, especially in light of the premises being opposite a large car park, which I can foresee will further increase and encourage antisocial behaviour with groups using the car park to drink which will inevitably cause a public nuisance.

Whilst I appreciate the applicant is entitled to try and make a living in a way that he sees fit, but it is clear that the proposal has not been well thought out and will not excel in such an area. This is likely to turn the community away from using said shop whilst increasing tensions. Please also note there is two off licenses within walking distance from this premises and therefore there is no further need for such premises in the area.

Finally the shop is a small premises on a corner plot and is not sufficient to ensure that alcohol can be stored and kept safe, based on the layout without any expansion this would be difficult. The shop is clearly unfit in this regard.

Thank you for taking my objections into account and I hope after considering the above you will agree that the grant of a license for this premises will be contrary to the licensing objectives set out in the Licensing Act 2003.


67 Appendix 54

From: Sent: 04 June 2020 13:04 To: Licensing Subject: Licensing

Dear Sir/Madam

Please note that I strongly object to the licensing application by Krishnapillai Peteperan for the premises known as “Anna off licence” located at 38 Bridge road, Saltley, B8 1TD I do not believe that the application is in accordance with the licensing objectives as set out by the Licensing Act 2003. I would be grateful if you could take my concerns into account prior to determination and that the application be put before the relevant committee for determination.

The protection of children from harm. The shop is located in short walking distance of a nursery and primary schools (Rosary Nursery (playground is opposite the shop with the shop being clearly visible from the nursery), Rosary Primary School and Parkfield School), if the license is granted this would inevitably increase the risk of harm to children and their families contrary to the licensing objectives.

The prevention of crime and disorder. The area in which the shop is located already has a serious existing drug problem and anti social behaviour which will only be exacerbated should the above premises obtain a license and will adversely affect the residents living within proximity of the shop along with the wider community. The proposed license will encourage alcohol users from neighbouring areas to this secluded area and will only increase tensions in an already troubled area contrary to the licensing objectives.

The area already faces a high rate of anti social behaviour as mentioned above. Recent times, have seen an increase in knife and gun crime all which have been well documented in the media. If the license is granted this will increase anti social behaviour, especially in light of the premises being opposite a large car park, which I can foresee will further increase and encourage antisocial behaviour with groups using the car park to drink which will inevitably cause a public nuisance.

Whilst I appreciate the applicant is entitled to try and make a living in a way that he sees fit, but it is clear that the proposal has not been well thought out and will not excel in such an area. This is likely to turn the community away from using said shop whilst increasing tensions. Please also note there is two off licenses within walking distance from this premises and therefore there is no further need for such premises in the area.

Finally the shop is a small premises on a corner plot and is not sufficient to ensure that alcohol can be stored and kept safe, based on the layout without any expansion this would be difficult. The shop is clearly unfit in this regard.

Thank you for taking my objections into account and I hope after considering the above you will agree that the grant of a license for this premises will be contrary to the licensing objectives set out in the Licensing Act 2003.


68 Appendix 55

From: Sent: 04 June 2020 13:05 To: Licensing Subject: ANNA OFF LICENCE

Dear Sir/Madam

Please note that I strongly object to the licensing application by Krishnapillai Peteperan for the premises known as “Anna off licence” located at 38 Bridge road, Saltley, B8 1TD

I do not believe that the application is in accordance with the licensing objectives as set out by the Licensing Act 2003. I would be grateful if you could take my concerns into account prior to determination and that the application be put before the relevant committee for determination.

The protection of children from harm. The shop is located in short walking distance of a nursery and primary schools (Rosary Nursery (playground is opposite the shop with the shop being clearly visible from the nursery), Rosary Primary School and Parkfield School), if the license is granted this would inevitably increase the risk of harm to children and their families contrary to the licensing objectives.

The prevention of crime and disorder. The area in which the shop is located already has a serious existing drug problem and anti social behaviour which will only be exacerbated should the above premises obtain a license and will adversely affect the residents living within proximity of the shop along with the wider community. The proposed license will encourage alcohol users from neighbouring areas to this secluded area and will only increase tensions in an already troubled area contrary to the licensing objectives.

The area already faces a high rate of anti social behaviour as mentioned above. Recent times, have seen an increase in knife and gun crime all which have been well documented in the media. If the license is granted this will increase anti social behaviour, especially in light of the premises being opposite a large car park, which I can foresee will further increase and encourage antisocial behaviour with groups using the car park to drink which will inevitably cause a public nuisance.

Whilst I appreciate the applicant is entitled to try and make a living in a way that he sees fit, but it is clear that the proposal has not been well thought out and will not excel in such an area. This is likely to turn the community away from using said shop whilst increasing tensions. Please also note there is two off licenses within walking distance from this premises and therefore there is no further need for such premises in the area.

Finally the shop is a small premises on a corner plot and is not sufficient to ensure that alcohol can be stored and kept safe, based on the layout without any expansion this would be difficult. The shop is clearly unfit in this regard.

Thank you for taking my objections into account and I hope after considering the above you will agree that the grant of a license for this premises will be contrary to the licensing objectives set out in the Licensing Act 2003.


69 Appendix 56

From: Sent: 04 June 2020 13:08 To: Licensing Subject: Anna Off license

Dear Sir/Madam

Please note that I strongly object to the licensing application by Krishnapillai Peteperan for the premises known as “Anna off licence” located at 38 Bridge road, Saltley, B8 1TD

I do not believe that the application is in accordance with the licensing objectives as set out by the Licensing Act 2003. I would be grateful if you could take my concerns into account prior to determination and that the application be put before the relevant committee for determination.

The protection of children from harm. The shop is located in short walking distance of a nursery and primary schools (Rosary Nursery (playground is opposite the shop with the shop being clearly visible from the nursery), Rosary Primary School and Parkfield School), if the license is granted this would inevitably increase the risk of harm to children and their families contrary to the licensing objectives.

The prevention of crime and disorder. The area in which the shop is located already has a serious existing drug problem and anti social behaviour which will only be exacerbated should the above premises obtain a license and will adversely affect the residents living within proximity of the shop along with the wider community. The proposed license will encourage alcohol users from neighbouring areas to this secluded area and will only increase tensions in an already troubled area contrary to the licensing objectives.

The area already faces a high rate of anti social behaviour as mentioned above. Recent times, have seen an increase in knife and gun crime all which have been well documented in the media. If the license is granted this will increase anti social behaviour, especially in light of the premises being opposite a large car park, which I can foresee will further increase and encourage antisocial behaviour with groups using the car park to drink which will inevitably cause a public nuisance.

Whilst I appreciate the applicant is entitled to try and make a living in a way that he sees fit, but it is clear that the proposal has not been well thought out and will not excel in such an area. This is likely to turn the community away from using said shop whilst increasing tensions. Please also note there is two off licenses within walking distance from this premises and therefore there is no further need for such premises in the area.

Finally the shop is a small premises on a corner plot and is not sufficient to ensure that alcohol can be stored and kept safe, based on the layout without any expansion this would be difficult. The shop is clearly unfit in this regard.

Thank you for taking my objections into account and I hope after considering the above you will agree that the grant of a license for this premises will be contrary to the licensing objectives set out in the Licensing Act 2003.


70 Appendix 57

From: Sent: 04 June 2020 13:10 To: Licensing Subject: 38 Bridge Road, Saltley

Dear Sir/Madam

Please note that I strongly object to the licensing application by Krishnapillai Peteperan for the premises known as “Anna off licence” located at 38 Bridge road, Saltley, B8 1TD

I do not believe that the application is in accordance with the licensing objectives as set out by the Licensing Act 2003. I would be grateful if you could take my concerns into account prior to determination and that the application be put before the relevant committee for determination.

The protection of children from harm. The shop is located in short walking distance of a nursery and primary schools (Rosary Nursery (playground is opposite the shop with the shop being clearly visible from the nursery), Rosary Primary School and Parkfield School), if the license is granted this would inevitably increase the risk of harm to children and their families contrary to the licensing objectives.

The prevention of crime and disorder. The area in which the shop is located already has a serious existing drug problem and anti social behaviour which will only be exacerbated should the above premises obtain a license and will adversely affect the residents living within proximity of the shop along with the wider community. The proposed license will encourage alcohol users from neighbouring areas to this secluded area and will only increase tensions in an already troubled area contrary to the licensing objectives.

The area already faces a high rate of anti social behaviour as mentioned above. Recent times, have seen an increase in knife and gun crime all which have been well documented in the media. If the license is granted this will increase anti social behaviour, especially in light of the premises being opposite a large car park, which I can foresee will further increase and encourage antisocial behaviour with groups using the car park to drink which will inevitably cause a public nuisance.

Whilst I appreciate the applicant is entitled to try and make a living in a way that he sees fit, but it is clear that the proposal has not been well thought out and will not excel in such an area. This is likely to turn the community away from using said shop whilst increasing tensions. Please also note there is two off licenses within walking distance from this premises and therefore there is no further need for such premises in the area.

Finally the shop is a small premises on a corner plot and is not sufficient to ensure that alcohol can be stored and kept safe, based on the layout without any expansion this would be difficult. The shop is clearly unfit in this regard.

Thank you for taking my objections into account and I hope after considering the above you will agree that the grant of a license for this premises will be contrary to the licensing objectives set out in the Licensing Act 2003.


71 Appendix 58

From: Sent: 04 June 2020 14:38 To: Licensing Cc: Councillor Mohammed Idrees Subject: REF: Licensing Request for the sale of Alcohol from the premises of 38 Bridge Road, Alum Rock, Birmingham, West Midlands, B8 1TD.

Dear Sirs/Madames

My name is: Mr I live at Tarry Road, Birmingham B8 and have been living Here for 7-8 years.

REF: Licensing Request for the sale of Alcohol from the premises of 38 Bridge Road, Alum Rock, Birmingham, West Midlands, B8 1TD.

I would like to very clearly register my strongest objection to the application for a premises licence by Krishnapillai Peraparan of Anna off License to sell Alcohol at the premises of 38 Bridge Road, Alum Rock, Birmingham, West Midlands, B8 1TD.

The basis for this opposition is articulated below as we know that granting this licence for this premises will not promote any of the licensing objectives - including: 1. the prevention of crime & disorder 2. public safety 3. prevention of public nuisance 4. protection of children from harm.

I therefore request Birmingham City Council to completely reject this application based on the following grounds:

1. PREVENTION OF CRIME & DISORDER: *The application proposes that alcohol will be sold for consumption from the premises between 6:00am and 0.00, seven days a week. Granting a licence would provide a further source of alcohol within an area which already have a licensed premises approx. 600 metersaway located on 97-99 Arden road, Alum Rock, B8. Increasing supply is known to increase demand of alcohol with associated alcohol related problems. Allowing another establishment will no doubt increase crime, disorder and public nuisance which have already reached problem levels for the local police. * there is likely for increase in criminal activity as the local roads are already known for crime and drug dealing. * Gang member grooming is likely to increase and it’s vicinity to schools makes it more dangerous. * mugging and violent crime are already high in the area and increased austerity will make more people be violent to fund their drink and drug problems. * the particular location is already notorious for disorder, fighting and violence - remember the young motorcyclist beaten off his bike and set upon by youths on tv (within 100 yards of the premises). * bridge road, the local roads and the local car park opposite are known hotspots for drug dealing, gangs, car racing, violence and disorderly behaviour including fire lighting and granting a licence for alcohol will add fuel to the fire. *at risk individuals ( which are higher in numbers in the local area than many other areas) are at increased risk of being groomed or intoxicated into gangs/ drugs/ prostitution/ sexual exploitation and criminality or be victims to exploitation of violence. *this licence proposal increases the risk and possibility of people being employed illegally (eg. Cash in hand employment) alcohol being sold to minors (eg. Like fireworks) despite frameworks to prevent these happening already seems to be occurring and overlooked within the area. *increased consumption of alcohol will increase all disorderly related behaviour (in public life like erratic driving to private life like increased domestic violence).


2. PUBLIC SAFETY: *The shop is located in close proximity to a number of other Faith & educational organisations – namely St Mary’s Church, Umar Farooq Mosque, Madrassa Salafiyyah, St Mary’s Nursery, Rosary & Parkfield Schools & Nurseries. Having a premises selling alcohol nearby would certainly reduce safety for parents doing school runs, pedestrians going shopping as well as vulnerable adults living nearby being exposed to alcohol related problems and risks. *Health outcomes are already poor in the local area and an outlet selling more alcohol will only worsen the physical and mental health of the population. *the location and mini-roundabout already has had numerous car accidents associated with it as well as the local area having high levels of motor vehicle accidents and all this would definitely be worsened by allowing alcohol sales here. *increased car flow to purchase alcohol particularly in evenings will increase noise pollution as well as traffic pollution again worsening mental and physical life and health outcomes. *We have spoken to the other Faith organisations and they all support our objections. Our understanding is that the other Faith organisations will be putting their objections in writing also. *The shop is located in close proximity to the St Peter’s Housing Association - This is an association which homes people from really vulnerable categories. The local area also has social housing as well as some housing shelters for vulnerable families and by allowing any licence for alcohol sale will put all these vulnerable individuals at increased risk. *the local area already has lower social and economics outcomes and allowing alcohol sales will tempt more struggling individuals to be more tempted to turn to drink as an escape/release from their daily struggles.

3.PREVENTION OF PUBLIC NUISANCE *including many points from above. *antisocial behaviour would increase *people hanging around in cars or on the local roads or local car park would increase and in particular with such a local population children/young adults more likely to be introduced to alcohol and its related problems earlier in life. *increased litter of cans/glass bottles increasing local antisocial behaviour of youths kicking cans about and throwing glass bottles at all times of day and night. *this all leads to further down-grading of area so worsening local environment making it untidier adding to lower local self esteem and lower moods. * such licensing increases the at risk behaviour of vulnerable and at risk individuals to antisocial behaviour being considered more acceptable further putting individuals at more risk as well as further degrading the local area. * Residents in this area already suffer noise nuisance and antisocial behaviour at all hours of the day and night. They have endured this inconvenience since 2003 when the licensing legislation was first amended, and it is totally unacceptable to expect them to continue to do so.

4. PROTECTION OF OUR CHILDREN FROM HARM: *the local area is well known for having socio-economic deprivation, poor health outcomes and poor educational outcomes so adding another outlet for alcohol sales/ supply is going to worsen all outcomes for children. *many children are already in single parent families and increasing temptation to alcohol for the parent or the children will worsen outcomes. *already high rates of domestic violence and all types of abuses will be worsened by increasing alcohol supply. *with already limited disposable income any monies spent on alcohol will mean even less for basic essentials (eg. Meals or clothing for children). *again the risk of children being introduced early to alcohol and related problems is increased. *mental health and well-being is worsened with the increased supply/availability of alcohol.

73 My opinion is that allowing this off-license would only increase anti-social behaviour, violent crime and exacerbate the already high drug & drink problem we are facing in our community. Crime with disorder would increase, public safety with public nuisance would worsen and children would be more likely to be exposed to harm.

In light of the above, I would strongly urge and recommend that the Licensing Authority completely refuse this application based on the above reasons.

I would like a confirmatory email confirming you have received this email. I have also cc my local councillors and MP into this email.

Yours sincerely,

74 Appendix 59

From Sent: 04 June 2020 14:44 To: Licensing Subject: Letter

Dear Sir/Madam

Please note that I strongly object to the licensing application by Krishnapillai Peteperan for the premises known as “Anna off licence” located at 38 Bridge road, Saltley, B8 1TD

I do not believe that the application is in accordance with the licensing objectives as set out by the Licensing Act 2003. I would be grateful if you could take my concerns into account prior to determination and that the application be put before the relevant committee for determination.

The protection of children from harm. The shop is located in short walking distance of a nursery and primary schools (Rosary Nursery (playground is opposite the shop with the shop being clearly visible from the nursery), Rosary Primary School and Parkfield School), if the license is granted this would inevitably increase the risk of harm to children and their families contrary to the licensing objectives.

The prevention of crime and disorder. The area in which the shop is located already has a serious existing drug problem and anti social behaviour which will only be exacerbated should the above premises obtain a license and will adversely affect the residents living within proximity of the shop along with the wider community. The proposed license will encourage alcohol users from neighbouring areas to this secluded area and will only increase tensions in an already troubled area contrary to the licensing objectives.

The area already faces a high rate of anti social behaviour as mentioned above. Recent times, have seen an increase in knife and gun crime all which have been well documented in the media. If the license is granted this will increase anti social behaviour, especially in light of the premises being opposite a large car park, which I can foresee will further increase and encourage antisocial behaviour with groups using the car park to drink which will inevitably cause a public nuisance.

Whilst I appreciate the applicant is entitled to try and make a living in a way that he sees fit, but it is clear that the proposal has not been well thought out and will not excel in such an area. This is likely to turn the community away from using said shop whilst increasing tensions. Please also note there is two off licenses within walking distance from this premises and therefore there is no further need for such premises in the area.

Finally the shop is a small premises on a corner plot and is not sufficient to ensure that alcohol can be stored and kept safe, based on the layout without any expansion this would be difficult. The shop is clearly unfit in this regard.

Thank you for taking my objections into account and I hope after considering the above you will agree that the grant of a license for this premises will be contrary to the licensing objectives set out in the Licensing Act 2003.


75 Appendix 60

From: Sent: 04 June 2020 14:01 To: [email protected]; Licensing Cc: Councillor Mohammed Idrees; Councillor Mariam Khan Subject:

Dear Sirs/Madams

REF: Licensing Request for the sale of Alcohol from the premises of 38 Bridge Road, Alum Rock, Birmingham, West Midlands, B8 1TD.

My name is: I live at: Wright Road, B8 I work as: Self employed I have lived here for 8 years.

I would like to very clearly register my strongest objection to the application for a premises licence by Krishnapillai Peraparan of Anna off License to sell Alcohol at the premises of 38 Bridge Road, Alum Rock, Birmingham, West Midlands, B8 1TD.

The basis for this opposition is articulated below as we know that granting this licence for this premises will not promote any of the licensing objectives - including:

1. the prevention of crime & disorder 2. public safety 3. prevention of public nuisance 4. protection of children from harm.

I therefore request Birmingham City Council to completely reject this application based on the following grounds:

1. PREVENTION OF CRIME & DISORDER: *The application proposes that alcohol will be sold for consumption from the premises between 6:00am and 0.00, seven days a week. Granting a licence would provide a further source of alcohol within an area which already have a licensed premises approx. 600 metersaway located on 97-99 Arden road, Alum Rock, B8. Increasing supply is known to increase demand of alcohol with associated alcohol related problems. Allowing another establishment will no doubt increase crime, disorder and public nuisance which have already reached problem levels for the local police. * there is likely for increase in criminal activity as the local roads are already known for crime and drug dealing. * Gang member grooming is likely to increase and it’s vicinity to schools makes it more dangerous. * mugging and violent crime are already high in the area and increased austerity will make more people be violent to fund their drink and drug problems. * the particular location is already notorious for disorder, fighting and violence - remember the young motorcyclist beaten off his bike and set upon by youths on tv (within 100 yards of the premises). * bridge road, the local roads and the local car park opposite are known hotspots for drug dealing, gangs, car racing, violence and disorderly behaviour including fire lighting and granting a licence for alcohol will add fuel to the fire. *at risk individuals ( which are higher in numbers in the local area than many other areas) are at increased risk of being groomed or intoxicated into gangs/ drugs/ prostitution/ sexual exploitation and criminality or be victims to exploitation of violence. *this licence proposal increases the risk and possibility of people being employed illegally (eg. Cash in hand employment) alcohol being sold to minors (eg. Like fireworks) despite frameworks to prevent these happening already seems to be occurring and overlooked within the area.

76 *increased consumption of alcohol will increase all disorderly related behaviour (in public life like erratic driving to private life like increased domestic violence).

2. PUBLIC SAFETY: *The shop is located in close proximity to a number of other Faith & educational organisations – namely St Mary’s Church, Umar Farooq Mosque, Madrassa Salafiyyah, St Mary’s Nursery, Rosary & Parkfield Schools & Nurseries. Having a premises selling alcohol nearby would certainly reduce safety for parents doing school runs, pedestrians going shopping as well as vulnerable adults living nearby being exposed to alcohol related problems and risks. *Health outcomes are already poor in the local area and an outlet selling more alcohol will only worsen the physical and mental health of the population. *the location and mini-roundabout already has had numerous car accidents associated with it as well as the local area having high levels of motor vehicle accidents and all this would definitely be worsened by allowing alcohol sales here. *increased car flow to purchase alcohol particularly in evenings will increase noise pollution as well as traffic pollution again worsening mental and physical life and health outcomes. *We have spoken to the other Faith organisations and they all support our objections. Our understanding is that the other Faith organisations will be putting their objections in writing also. *The shop is located in close proximity to the St Peter’s Housing Association - This is an association which homes people from really vulnerable categories. The local area also has social housing as well as some housing shelters for vulnerable families and by allowing any licence for alcohol sale will put all these vulnerable individuals at increased risk. *the local area already has lower social and economics outcomes and allowing alcohol sales will tempt more struggling individuals to be more tempted to turn to drink as an escape/release from their daily struggles.

3.PREVENTION OF PUBLIC NUISANCE *including many points from above. *antisocial behaviour would increase *people hanging around in cars or on the local roads or local car park would increase and in particular with such a local population children/young adults more likely to be introduced to alcohol and its related problems earlier in life. *increased litter of cans/glass bottles increasing local antisocial behaviour of youths kicking cans about and throwing glass bottles at all times of day and night. *this all leads to further down-grading of area so worsening local environment making it untidier adding to lower local self esteem and lower moods. * such licensing increases the at risk behaviour of vulnerable and at risk individuals to antisocial behaviour being considered more acceptable further putting individuals at more risk as well as further degrading the local area. * Residents in this area already suffer noise nuisance and antisocial behaviour at all hours of the day and night. They have endured this inconvenience since 2003 when the licensing legislation was first amended, and it is totally unacceptable to expect them to continue to do so.

4. PROTECTION OF OUR CHILDREN FROM HARM: *the local area is well known for having socio-economic deprivation, poor health outcomes and poor educational outcomes so adding another outlet for alcohol sales/ supply is going to worsen all outcomes for children. *many children are already in single parent families and increasing temptation to alcohol for the parent or the children will worsen outcomes. *already high rates of domestic violence and all types of abuses will be worsened by increasing alcohol supply. *with already limited disposable income any monies spent on alcohol will mean even less for basic essentials (eg. Meals or clothing for children). *again the risk of children being introduced early to alcohol and related problems is increased. *mental health and well-being is worsened with the increased supply/availability of alcohol.


My opinion is that allowing this off-license would only increase anti-social behaviour, violent crime and exacerbate the already high drug & drink problem we are facing in our community. Crime with disorder would increase, public safety with public nuisance would worsen and children would be more likely to be exposed to harm.

In light of the above, I would strongly urge and recommend that the Licensing Authority completely refuse this application based on the above reasons.

I would like a confirmatory email confirming you have received this email. I have also cc my local councillors and MP into this email.

Yours sincerely,

78 Appendix 61

From: Sent: 04 June 2020 14:49 To: Licensing Subject: Off licensing

Dear Sir Madam

As a local resident i strongly object to the planning application from Krishnapillai Peteperan of Anna off licence 38 Bridge road, Saltley, B8 1TD

I have listed the following concerns

Local schools and nurseries on the doorstep of this shop putting the children and families at risk of harm.

Serious Existing drug problem which is only getting worse. Encouraging alcohol users to this secluded area is not welcome on my doorstep.

High rate of anti social behaviour in the area. Recent times have seen an increase in stabbing and shooting and well documented in the media.

Shop is opposite a large car park which i can forsee further antisocial behaviour causing a public nuisance

I will be eagerley waiting for your response.


79 Appendix 62



82 Appendix 63

From: Sent: 04 June 2020 16:13 To: Licensing Cc: [email protected]; Councillor Mohammed Idrees; Councillor Mariam Khan Subject: Objection to application

Dear Sir/Madam,

I would like to formally register my objection to the application for a premises licence by Krishnapillai Peraparan of Anna off-License to sell Alcohol at the premises of 38 Bridge Road, Alum Rock, Birmingham, West Midlands, B8 1TD.

The basis for my objection is stated below but ultimately the granting of this licence for the above mentioned premises will not promote/achieve any of the licensing objectives; namely:

1. The prevention of crime & disorder 2. Public safety 3. Prevention of public nuisance 4. Protection of children from harm.

I therefore request Birmingham City Council Licensing to Completely reject this applicationbased on the following grounds:

1. PREVENTION OF CRIME & DISORDER: o The application proposes that alcohol will be sold for consumption from the premises between 6:00am and 0.00, seven days a week. Granting a licence would provide a further source of alcohol within an area which already have a licensed premises approx. 500 meters away located on 97-99 Arden road, Alum Rock, B8 (AKSAJA Local Shop). Increasing supply is known to increase demand of alcohol with associated alcohol related problems. Allowing another establishment will no doubt increase crime, disorder and public nuisance which have already reached problem levels for the local police: · There is likely for increase in criminal activity as the local roads are already known for crime and drug dealing · Gang activity is likely to increase, which is a real issue especially with the shop’s vicinity to schools, nurseries and madrassah (where children are taught). · Mugging and violent crime are already high in the area and it will put our considerable aged population at increased risk · The park, local roads and car park which are potential hotspots for anti-social activities. This will only be compounded especially with more alcohol being available in the locality. o At risk individuals will potentially be put at increased risk, with alcohol addiction potentially leady onto other addictions and related crimes o Increased consumption of alcohol will increase disorderly behaviour in and around the premises – Children will be using Bridge Road & surrounding area to travel to and from their place of study (be it the nursery, school or madrassah) & will be at the very minimum exposed to these activities o For further impacts could we refer you to the following study ‘The impact of having an Off License An Investigation into the Environmental Impact of Off-license Premises on Residential Neighbourhoods’ · -

2. PUBLIC SAFETY: o The shop is located in close proximity to a number of other Faith & educational organisations – namely St Mary’s Church, Umar Farooq Mosque, Madrassa Salafiyyah, St Mary’s Nursery, Rosary & Parkfield Schools & Nurseries. Having a premises selling alcohol nearby would certainly reduce safety for parents doing school runs, pedestrians going shopping as well as vulnerable adults living nearby being exposed to alcohol centric issues and risks o Health outcomes are already poor in the local area and an outlet selling more alcohol will only worsen the physical and mental wellbeing of the local community

83 o Increased traffic particularly in evenings will increase noise pollution as well as traffic pollution again worsening mental and physical life and health for the local residents and community: o We have spoken to the other Faith organisations and they all support our objections. Our understanding is that the other Faith organisations will be putting their objections in writing also o We have spoken to the local residents and they fully support the objection – our understanding is that they have already voiced their objection and a petition has already been submitted to the Council. o The shop is located in close proximity to the St Peter’s Housing Association - This is an association which homes people from really vulnerable categories. The local area also has social housing as well as some housing shelters for vulnerable families and by allowing any licence for alcohol sale will put all these vulnerable individuals at increased risk o The local area already has lower social and economics outcomes and allowing alcohol sales will tempt more struggling individuals to be more tempted to turn to drink as an escape/release from their daily struggles.

3. PREVENTION OF PUBLIC NUISANCE: o Including many points from above o Antisocial behaviour will increase o The local residents and community especially children/young adults will be more likely to be introduced to alcohol earlier in life o Increased litter of cans/glass bottles increasing local antisocial behaviour of youths – The carpark opposite the premises already seems to be a hotspot for litter – The Council is routinely contacted about this concern. o This all leads to further deteriorating of local area which is already struggling with socio-economic issues.

4. PROTECTION OF OUR CHILDREN FROM HARM: o The local area is well known for having socio-economic deprivation, poor health outcomes and poor educational outcomes so adding another outlet for alcohol sales/ supply is going to worsen all outcomes for children. o Many children are already in single parent families and increasing temptation to alcohol for the parent or the children will worsen outcomes. o Already high rates of domestic violence and all types of abuses will be worsened by increasing alcohol supply. o With already limited disposable income any monies spent on alcohol will mean even less for basic essentials (e.g. Meals or clothing for children). o The risk of children being introduced early to alcohol and related problems is increased. o Mental health and well-being is worsened with the increased supply/availability of alcohol.

My opinion is that allowing this off-license would only increase anti-social behaviour, violent crime and exacerbate the already high drug & drink problem we are facing in our community. Crime with disorder will increase, public safety with public nuisance will worsen and children will be more at risk and likely to be exposed to harm.

In light of the above, I strongly object to this application and recommend that the Licensing Authority completely & unanimously refuse this application. If you would like to speak to me in regards to my objections or need more details on the contents of this letter or my objections then please do not hesitate to contact me on the details mentioned above.

Yours faithfully

84 Appendix 64

From: Sent: 04 June 2020 16:14 To: Licensing Cc: Rt Byrne Subject: Licensing Request for the sale of Alcohol from the premises of 38 Bridge Road, Alum Rock, Birmingham, West Midlands, B8 1TD.

Dear Sirs/Madams

My name is , I live on Clodeshall Road near this establishment. I work as a Nurse I have lived here for 26 years with my family.

I would like to very clearly register my strongest objection to the application for a premises licence by Krishnapillai Peraparan of Anna off License to sell Alcohol at the premises of 38 Bridge Road, Alum Rock, Birmingham, West Midlands, B8 1TD.

The basis for this opposition is articulated below as we know that granting this licence for this premises will not promote any of the licensing objectives - including: 1. the prevention of crime & disorder 2. public safety 3. prevention of public nuisance 4. protection of children from harm.

I therefore request Birmingham City Council to completely reject this application based on the following grounds:

1. PREVENTION OF CRIME & DISORDER: *The application proposes that alcohol will be sold for consumption from the premises between 6:00am and 0.00, seven days a week. Granting a licence would provide a further source of alcohol within an area which already have a licensed premises approx. 600 metersaway located on 97-99 Arden road, Alum Rock, B8. Increasing supply is known to increase demand of alcohol with associated alcohol related problems. Allowing another establishment will no doubt increase crime, disorder and public nuisance which have already reached problem levels for the local police. * there is likely for increase in criminal activity as the local roads are already known for crime and drug dealing. * Gang member grooming is likely to increase and it’s vicinity to schools makes it more dangerous. * mugging and violent crime are already high in the area and increased austerity will make more people be violent to fund their drink and drug problems. * the particular location is already notorious for disorder, fighting and violence - remember the young motorcyclist beaten off his bike and set upon by youths on tv (within 100 yards of the premises). * bridge road, the local roads and the local car park opposite are known hotspots for drug dealing, gangs, car racing, violence and disorderly behaviour including fire lighting and granting a licence for alcohol will add fuel to the fire. *at risk individuals ( which are higher in numbers in the local area than many other areas) are at increased risk of being groomed or intoxicated into gangs/ drugs/ prostitution/ sexual exploitation and criminality or be victims to exploitation of violence. *this licence proposal increases the risk and possibility of people being employed illegally (eg. Cash in hand employment) alcohol being sold to minors (eg. Like fireworks) despite frameworks to prevent these happening already seems to be occurring and overlooked within the area. *increased consumption of alcohol will increase all disorderly related behaviour (in public life like erratic driving to private life like increased domestic violence).


85 *The shop is located in close proximity to a number of other Faith & educational organisations – namely St Mary’s Church, Umar Farooq Mosque, Madrassa Salafiyyah, St Mary’s Nursery, Rosary & Parkfield Schools & Nurseries. Having a premises selling alcohol nearby would certainly reduce safety for parents doing school runs, pedestrians going shopping as well as vulnerable adults living nearby being exposed to alcohol related problems and risks. *Health outcomes are already poor in the local area and an outlet selling more alcohol will only worsen the physical and mental health of the population. *the location and mini-roundabout already has had numerous car accidents associated with it as well as the local area having high levels of motor vehicle accidents and all this would definitely be worsened by allowing alcohol sales here. *increased car flow to purchase alcohol particularly in evenings will increase noise pollution as well as traffic pollution again worsening mental and physical life and health outcomes. *We have spoken to the other Faith organisations and they all support our objections. Our understanding is that the other Faith organisations will be putting their objections in writing also. *The shop is located in close proximity to the St Peter’s Housing Association - This is an association which homes people from really vulnerable categories. The local area also has social housing as well as some housing shelters for vulnerable families and by allowing any licence for alcohol sale will put all these vulnerable individuals at increased risk. *the local area already has lower social and economics outcomes and allowing alcohol sales will tempt more struggling individuals to be more tempted to turn to drink as an escape/release from their daily struggles.

3.PREVENTION OF PUBLIC NUISANCE *including many points from above. *antisocial behaviour would increase *people hanging around in cars or on the local roads or local car park would increase and in particular with such a local population children/young adults more likely to be introduced to alcohol and its related problems earlier in life. *increased litter of cans/glass bottles increasing local antisocial behaviour of youths kicking cans about and throwing glass bottles at all times of day and night. *this all leads to further down-grading of area so worsening local environment making it untidier adding to lower local self esteem and lower moods. * such licensing increases the at risk behaviour of vulnerable and at risk individuals to antisocial behaviour being considered more acceptable further putting individuals at more risk as well as further degrading the local area. * Residents in this area already suffer noise nuisance and antisocial behaviour at all hours of the day and night. They have endured this inconvenience since 2003 when the licensing legislation was first amended, and it is totally unacceptable to expect them to continue to do so.

4. PROTECTION OF OUR CHILDREN FROM HARM: *the local area is well known for having socio-economic deprivation, poor health outcomes and poor educational outcomes so adding another outlet for alcohol sales/ supply is going to worsen all outcomes for children. *many children are already in single parent families and increasing temptation to alcohol for the parent or the children will worsen outcomes. *already high rates of domestic violence and all types of abuses will be worsened by increasing alcohol supply. *with already limited disposable income any monies spent on alcohol will mean even less for basic essentials (eg. Meals or clothing for children). *again the risk of children being introduced early to alcohol and related problems is increased. *mental health and well-being is worsened with the increased supply/availability of alcohol.

My opinion is that allowing this off-license would only increase anti-social behaviour, violent crime and exacerbate the already high drug & drink problem we are facing in our community. Crime with disorder would increase, public safety with public nuisance would worsen and children would be more likely to be exposed to harm.

86 In light of the above, I would strongly urge and recommend that the Licensing Authority completely refuse this application based on the above reasons.

I would like a confirmatory email confirming you have received this email. I have also cc my local councillors and MP into this email.

Yours sincerely,

87 Appendix 65

From: Sent: 04 June 2020 17:00 To: Liam Byrne; Licensing; Councillor Mariam Khan; Councillor Mohammed Idrees Subject: Bridge rd alumrock

Dear Sir/Madam, I would like to formally register our objection to the application for a premises licence by Krishnapillai Peraparan of Anna off-License to sell Alcohol at the premises of 38 Bridge Road, Alum Rock, Birmingham, West Midlands, B8 1TD. The basis for my objection is stated below but ultimately the granting of this licence for the above mentioned premises will not promote/achieve any of the licensing objectives; namely:

1. The prevention of crime & disorder 2. Public safety 3. Prevention of public nuisance 4. Protection of children from harm.

I therefore request Birmingham City Council Licensing to Completely reject this application based on the following grounds: 1. PREVENTION OF CRIME & DISORDER: o The application proposes that alcohol will be sold for consumption from the premises between 6:00am and 0.00, seven days a week. Granting a licence would provide a further source of alcohol within an area which already have a licensed premises approx. 500 meters away located on 97-99 Arden road, Alum Rock, B8 (AKSAJA Local Shop). Increasing supply is known to increase demand of alcohol with associated alcohol related problems. Allowing another establishment will no doubt increase crime, disorder and public nuisance which have already reached problem levels for the local police: · There is likely for increase in criminal activity as the local roads are already known for crime and drug dealing · Gang activity is likely to increase, which is a real issue especially with the shop’s vicinity to schools, nurseries and madrassah (where children are taught). · Mugging and violent crime are already high in the area and it will put our considerable aged population at increased risk · The park, local roads and car park which are potential hotspots for anti-social activities. This will only be compounded especially with more alcohol being available in the locality. o At risk individuals will potentially be put at increased risk, with alcohol addiction potentially leady onto other addictions and related crimes o Increased consumption of alcohol will increase disorderly behaviour in and around the premises – Children will be using Bridge Road & surrounding area to travel to and from their place of study (be it the nursery, school or madrassah) & will be at the very minimum exposed to these activities o For further impacts could we refer you to the following study ‘The impact of having an Off License An Investigation into the Environmental Impact of Off-license Premises on Residential Neighbourhoods’ · -

2. PUBLIC SAFETY: o The shop is located in close proximity to a number of other Faith & educational organisations – namely St Mary’s Church, Umar Farooq Mosque, Madrassa Salafiyyah, St Mary’s Nursery, Rosary & Parkfield Schools & Nurseries. Having a premises selling alcohol nearby would certainly reduce safety for parents doing school runs, pedestrians going shopping as well as vulnerable adults living nearby being exposed to alcohol centric issues and risks o Health outcomes are already poor in the local area and an outlet selling more alcohol will only worsen the physical and mental wellbeing of the local community o Increased traffic particularly in evenings will increase noise pollution as well as traffic pollution again worsening mental and physical life and health for the local residents and community: o We have spoken to the other Faith organisations and they all support our objections. Our understanding is that the other Faith organisations will be putting their objections in writing also o We have spoken to the local residents and they fully support the objection – our understanding is that they have already voiced their objection and a petition has already been submitted to the Council. o The shop is located in close proximity to the St Peter’s Housing Association - This is an association which homes people from really vulnerable categories. The local area also has social housing as well as some housing shelters for vulnerable families and by allowing any licence for alcohol sale will put all these vulnerable individuals at increased risk o The local area already has lower social and economics outcomes and allowing alcohol sales will tempt more struggling individuals to be more tempted to turn to drink as an escape/release from their daily struggles.

3. PREVENTION OF PUBLIC NUISANCE: o Including many points from above

88 o Antisocial behaviour will increase o The local residents and community especially children/young adults will be more likely to be introduced to alcohol earlier in life o Increased litter of cans/glass bottles increasing local antisocial behaviour of youths – The carpark opposite the premises already seems to be a hotspot for litter – The Council is routinely contacted about this concern. o This all leads to further deteriorating of local area which is already struggling with socio-economic issues.

4. PROTECTION OF OUR CHILDREN FROM HARM: o The local area is well known for having socio-economic deprivation, poor health outcomes and poor educational outcomes so adding another outlet for alcohol sales/ supply is going to worsen all outcomes for children. o Many children are already in single parent families and increasing temptation to alcohol for the parent or the children will worsen outcomes. o Already high rates of domestic violence and all types of abuses will be worsened by increasing alcohol supply. o With already limited disposable income any monies spent on alcohol will mean even less for basic essentials (e.g. Meals or clothing for children). o The risk of children being introduced early to alcohol and related problems is increased. o Mental health and well-being is worsened with the increased supply/availability of alcohol.

My opinion is that allowing this off-license would only increase anti-social behaviour, violent crime and exacerbate the already high drug & drink problem we are facing in our community. Crime with disorder will increase, public safety with public nuisance will worsen and children will be more at risk and likely to be exposed to harm.

In light of the above, I strongly object to this application and recommend that the Licensing Authority completely & unanimously refuse this application. If you would like to speak to me in regards to my objections or need more details on the contents of this letter or my objections then please do not hesitate to contact me on the details mentioned above. Yours faithfully

89 Appendix 66 From: Sent: 04 June 2020 17:29 To: Licensing Subject: Cause of Concern

Dear Sir/Madam

Please note that I strongly object to the licensing application by Krishnapillai Peteperan for the premises known as “Anna off licence” located at 38 Bridge road, Saltley, B8 1TD

I do not believe that the application is in accordance with the licensing objectives as set out by the Licensing Act 2003. I would be grateful if you could take my concerns into account prior to determination and that the application be put before the relevant committee for determination.

The protection of children from harm. The shop is located in short walking distance of a nursery and primary schools (Rosary Nursery (playground is opposite the shop with the shop being clearly visible from the nursery), Rosary Primary School and Parkfield School), if the license is granted this would inevitably increase the risk of harm to children and their families contrary to the licensing objectives.

The prevention of crime and disorder. The area in which the shop is located already has a serious existing drug problem and anti social behaviour which will only be exacerbated should the above premises obtain a license and will adversely affect the residents living within proximity of the shop along with the wider community. The proposed license will encourage alcohol users from neighbouring areas to this secluded area and will only increase tensions in an already troubled area contrary to the licensing objectives.

The area already faces a high rate of anti social behaviour as mentioned above. Recent times, have seen an increase in knife and gun crime all which have been well documented in the media. If the license is granted this will increase anti social behaviour, especially in light of the premises being opposite a large car park, which I can foresee will further increase and encourage antisocial behaviour with groups using the car park to drink which will inevitably cause a public nuisance.

Whilst I appreciate the applicant is entitled to try and make a living in a way that he sees fit, but it is clear that the proposal has not been well thought out and will not excel in such an area. This is likely to turn the community away from using said shop whilst increasing tensions. Please also note there is two off licenses within walking distance from this premises and therefore there is no further need for such premises in the area.

Finally the shop is a small premises on a corner plot and is not sufficient to ensure that alcohol can be stored and kept safe, based on the layout without any expansion this would be difficult. The shop is clearly unfit in this regard.

90 Thank you for taking my objections into account and I hope after considering the above you will agree that the grant of a license for this premises will be contrary to the licensing objectives set out in the Licensing Act 2003.


91 Appendix 67

From: Sent: 04 June 2020 17:31 To: Licensing Subject: Cause of concern

Dear Sir/Madam Please note that I strongly object to the licensing application by Krishnapillai Peteperan for the premises known as “Anna off licence” located at 38 Bridge road, Saltley, B8 1TD I do not believe that the application is in accordance with the licensing objectives as set out by the Licensing Act 2003. I would be grateful if you could take my concerns into account prior to determination and that the application be put before the relevant committee for determination.

The protection of children from harm. The shop is located in short walking distance of a nursery and primary schools (Rosary Nursery (playground is opposite the shop with the shop being clearly visible from the nursery), Rosary Primary School and Parkfield School), if the license is granted this would inevitably increase the risk of harm to children and their families contrary to the licensing objectives. The prevention of crime and disorder. The area in which the shop is located already has a serious existing drug problem and anti social behaviour which will only be exacerbated should the above premises obtain a license and will adversely affect the residents living within proximity of the shop along with the wider community. The proposed license will encourage alcohol users from neighbouring areas to this secluded area and will only increase tensions in an already troubled area contrary to the licensing objectives. The area already faces a high rate of anti social behaviour as mentioned above. Recent times, have seen an increase in knife and gun crime all which have been well documented in the media. If the license is granted this will increase anti social behaviour, especially in light of the premises being opposite a large car park, which I can foresee will further increase and encourage antisocial behaviour with groups using the car park to drink which will inevitably cause a public nuisance.

Whilst I appreciate the applicant is entitled to try and make a living in a way that he sees fit, but it is clear that the proposal has not been well thought out and will not excel in such an area. This is likely to turn the community away from using said shop whilst increasing tensions. Please also note there is two off licenses within walking distance from this premises and therefore there is no further need for such premises in the area. Finally the shop is a small premises on a corner plot and is not sufficient to ensure that alcohol can be stored and kept safe, based on the layout without any expansion this would be difficult. The shop is clearly unfit in this regard.

92 Thank you for taking my objections into account and I hope after considering the above you will agree that the grant of a license for this premises will be contrary to the licensing objectives set out in the Licensing Act 2003.


93 Appendix 68 From Sent: 04 June 2020 18:43 To: Licensing Cc: [email protected]; Councillor Mohammed Idrees; Councillor Mariam Khan Subject: URGENT ACTION NEEDED TO STOP OFF LICENSE OPENING ON 38 BRIDGE ROAD ALUM ROCK B’HAM.

Dear Sir/Madam,

I would like to formally register our objection to the application for a premises licence by Krishnapillai Peraparan of Anna off-License to sell Alcohol at the premises of 38 Bridge Road, Alum Rock, Birmingham, West Midlands, B8 1TD.

The basis for my objection is stated below but ultimately the granting of this licence for the above mentioned premises will not promote/achieve any of the licensing objectives; namely:

1. The prevention of crime & disorder 2. Public safety 3. Prevention of public nuisance 4. Protection of children from harm.

I therefore request Birmingham City Council Licensing to Completely reject this applicationbased on the following grounds:

1. PREVENTION OF CRIME & DISORDER: o The application proposes that alcohol will be sold for consumption from the premises between 6:00am and 0.00, seven days a week. Granting a licence would provide a further source of alcohol within an area which already have a licensed premises approx. 500 meters away located on 97-99 Arden road, Alum Rock, B8 (AKSAJA Local Shop). Increasing supply is known to increase demand of alcohol with associated alcohol related problems. Allowing another establishment will no doubt increase crime, disorder and public nuisance which have already reached problem levels for the local police: · There is likely for increase in criminal activity as the local roads are already known for crime and drug dealing · Gang activity is likely to increase, which is a real issue especially with the shop’s vicinity to schools, nurseries and madrassah (where children are taught). · Mugging and violent crime are already high in the area and it will put our considerable aged population at increased risk · The park, local roads and car park which are potential hotspots for anti-social activities. This will only be compounded especially with more alcohol being available in the locality. o At risk individuals will potentially be put at increased risk, with alcohol addiction potentially leady onto other addictions and related crimes o Increased consumption of alcohol will increase disorderly behaviour in and around the premises – Children will be using Bridge Road & surrounding area to travel to and from their place of study (be it the nursery, school or madrassah) & will be at the very minimum exposed to these activities o For further impacts could we refer you to the following study ‘The impact of having an Off License An Investigation into the Environmental Impact of Off-license Premises on Residential Neighbourhoods’ · -

2. PUBLIC SAFETY: o The shop is located in close proximity to a number of other Faith & educational organisations – namely St Mary’s Church, Umar Farooq Mosque, Madrassa Salafiyyah, St Mary’s Nursery, Rosary & Parkfield Schools & Nurseries. Having a premises selling alcohol nearby would certainly reduce safety for parents

94 doing school runs, pedestrians going shopping as well as vulnerable adults living nearby being exposed to alcohol centric issues and risks o Health outcomes are already poor in the local area and an outlet selling more alcohol will only worsen the physical and mental wellbeing of the local community o Increased traffic particularly in evenings will increase noise pollution as well as traffic pollution again worsening mental and physical life and health for the local residents and community: o We have spoken to the other Faith organisations and they all support our objections. Our understanding is that the other Faith organisations will be putting their objections in writing also o We have spoken to the local residents and they fully support the objection – our understanding is that they have already voiced their objection and a petition has already been submitted to the Council. o The shop is located in close proximity to the St Peter’s Housing Association - This is an association which homes people from really vulnerable categories. The local area also has social housing as well as some housing shelters for vulnerable families and by allowing any licence for alcohol sale will put all these vulnerable individuals at increased risk o The local area already has lower social and economics outcomes and allowing alcohol sales will tempt more struggling individuals to be more tempted to turn to drink as an escape/release from their daily struggles.

3. PREVENTION OF PUBLIC NUISANCE: o Including many points from above o Antisocial behaviour will increase o The local residents and community especially children/young adults will be more likely to be introduced to alcohol earlier in life o Increased litter of cans/glass bottles increasing local antisocial behaviour of youths – The carpark opposite the premises already seems to be a hotspot for litter – The Council is routinely contacted about this concern. o This all leads to further deteriorating of local area which is already struggling with socio-economic issues.

4. PROTECTION OF OUR CHILDREN FROM HARM: o The local area is well known for having socio-economic deprivation, poor health outcomes and poor educational outcomes so adding another outlet for alcohol sales/ supply is going to worsen all outcomes for children. o Many children are already in single parent families and increasing temptation to alcohol for the parent or the children will worsen outcomes. o Already high rates of domestic violence and all types of abuses will be worsened by increasing alcohol supply. o With already limited disposable income any monies spent on alcohol will mean even less for basic essentials (e.g. Meals or clothing for children). o The risk of children being introduced early to alcohol and related problems is increased. o Mental health and well-being is worsened with the increased supply/availability of alcohol.

My opinion is that allowing this off-license would only increase anti-social behaviour, violent crime and exacerbate the already high drug & drink problem we are facing in our community. Crime with disorder will increase, public safety with public nuisance will worsen and children will be more at risk and likely to be exposed to harm.

In light of the above, I strongly object to this application and recommend that the Licensing Authority completely & unanimously refuse this application. If you would like to speak to me in regards to my objections or need more details on the contents of this letter or my objections then please do not hesitate to contact me on the details mentioned above.

Yours faithfully

95 Appendix 69 From: Sent: 04 June 2020 13:43 To: Licensing Subject: Concern

Dear Sir/Madam

Please note that I strongly object to the licensing application by Krishnapillai Peteperan for the premises known as “Anna off licence” located at 38 Bridge road, Saltley, B8 1TD

I do not believe that the application is in accordance with the licensing objectives as set out by the Licensing Act 2003. I would be grateful if you could take my concerns into account prior to determination and that the application be put before the relevant committee for determination.

The protection of children from harm. The shop is located in short walking distance of a nursery and primary schools (Rosary Nursery (playground is opposite the shop with the shop being clearly visible from the nursery), Rosary Primary School and Parkfield School), if the license is granted this would inevitably increase the risk of harm to children and their families contrary to the licensing objectives.

The prevention of crime and disorder. The area in which the shop is located already has a serious existing drug problem and anti social behaviour which will only be exacerbated should the above premises obtain a license and will adversely affect the residents living within proximity of the shop along with the wider community. The proposed license will encourage alcohol users from neighbouring areas to this secluded area and will only increase tensions in an already troubled area contrary to the licensing objectives.

The area already faces a high rate of anti social behaviour as mentioned above. Recent times, have seen an increase in knife and gun crime all which have been well documented in the media. If the license is granted this will increase anti social behaviour, especially in light of the premises being opposite a large car park, which I can foresee will further increase and encourage antisocial behaviour with groups using the car park to drink which will inevitably cause a public nuisance.

Whilst I appreciate the applicant is entitled to try and make a living in a way that he sees fit, but it is clear that the proposal has not been well thought out and will not excel in such an area. This is likely to turn the community away from using said shop whilst increasing tensions. Please also note there is two off licenses within walking distance from this premises and therefore there is no further need for such premises in the area.

Finally the shop is a small premises on a corner plot and is not sufficient to ensure that alcohol can be stored and kept safe, based on the layout without any expansion this would be difficult. The shop is clearly unfit in this regard.

Thank you for taking my objections into account and I hope after considering the above you will agree that the grant of a license for this premises will be contrary to the licensing objectives set out in the Licensing Act 2003.


96 Appendix 70 From: Sent: 04 June 2020 18:47 To: Licensing Cc: [email protected]; Councillor Mohammed Idrees Councillor Mariam Khan Subject: Letter of Objection

Dear Sir/Madam,

I would like to formally register our objection to the application for a premises licence by Krishnapillai Peraparan of Anna off-License to sell Alcohol at the premises of 38 Bridge Road, Alum Rock, Birmingham, West Midlands, B8 1TD.

The basis for my objection is stated below but ultimately the granting of this licence for the above mentioned premises will not promote/achieve any of the licensing objectives; namely:

1. The prevention of crime & disorder 2. Public safety 3. Prevention of public nuisance 4. Protection of children from harm.

I therefore request Birmingham City Council Licensing to Completely reject this applicationbased on the following grounds:

1. PREVENTION OF CRIME & DISORDER: o The application proposes that alcohol will be sold for consumption from the premises between 6:00am and 0.00, seven days a week. Granting a licence would provide a further source of alcohol within an area which already have a licensed premises approx. 500 meters away located on 97-99 Arden road, Alum Rock, B8 (AKSAJA Local Shop). Increasing supply is known to increase demand of alcohol with associated alcohol related problems. Allowing another establishment will no doubt increase crime, disorder and public nuisance which have already reached problem levels for the local police: · There is likely for increase in criminal activity as the local roads are already known for crime and drug dealing · Gang activity is likely to increase, which is a real issue especially with the shop’s vicinity to schools, nurseries and madrassah (where children are taught). · Mugging and violent crime are already high in the area and it will put our considerable aged population at increased risk · The park, local roads and car park which are potential hotspots for anti-social activities. This will only be compounded especially with more alcohol being available in the locality. o At risk individuals will potentially be put at increased risk, with alcohol addiction potentially leady onto other addictions and related crimes o Increased consumption of alcohol will increase disorderly behaviour in and around the premises – Children will be using Bridge Road & surrounding area to travel to and from their place of study (be it the nursery, school or madrassah) & will be at the very minimum exposed to these activities o For further impacts could we refer you to the following study ‘The impact of having an Off License An Investigation into the Environmental Impact of Off-license Premises on Residential Neighbourhoods’ · -

2. PUBLIC SAFETY: o The shop is located in close proximity to a number of other Faith & educational organisations – namely St Mary’s Church, Umar Farooq Mosque, Madrassa Salafiyyah, St Mary’s Nursery, Rosary & Parkfield Schools & Nurseries. Having a premises selling alcohol nearby would certainly reduce safety for parents doing school runs, pedestrians going shopping as well as vulnerable adults living nearby being exposed to alcohol centric issues and risks o Health outcomes are already poor in the local area and an outlet selling more alcohol will only worsen the physical and mental wellbeing of the local community o Increased traffic particularly in evenings will increase noise pollution as well as traffic pollution again worsening mental and physical life and health for the local residents and community: o We have spoken to the other Faith organisations and they all support our objections. Our understanding is that the other Faith organisations will be putting their objections in writing also o We have spoken to the local residents and they fully support the objection – our understanding is that they have already voiced their objection and a petition has already been submitted to the Council. o The shop is located in close proximity to the St Peter’s Housing Association - This is an association which homes people from really vulnerable categories. The local area also has social housing as well as some housing shelters for vulnerable families and by allowing any licence for alcohol sale will put all these vulnerable individuals at increased risk

97 o The local area already has lower social and economics outcomes and allowing alcohol sales will tempt more struggling individuals to be more tempted to turn to drink as an escape/release from their daily struggles.

3. PREVENTION OF PUBLIC NUISANCE: o Including many points from above o Antisocial behaviour will increase o The local residents and community especially children/young adults will be more likely to be introduced to alcohol earlier in life o Increased litter of cans/glass bottles increasing local antisocial behaviour of youths – The carpark opposite the premises already seems to be a hotspot for litter – The Council is routinely contacted about this concern. o This all leads to further deteriorating of local area which is already struggling with socio-economic issues.

4. PROTECTION OF OUR CHILDREN FROM HARM: o The local area is well known for having socio-economic deprivation, poor health outcomes and poor educational outcomes so adding another outlet for alcohol sales/ supply is going to worsen all outcomes for children. o Many children are already in single parent families and increasing temptation to alcohol for the parent or the children will worsen outcomes. o Already high rates of domestic violence and all types of abuses will be worsened by increasing alcohol supply. o With already limited disposable income any monies spent on alcohol will mean even less for basic essentials (e.g. Meals or clothing for children). o The risk of children being introduced early to alcohol and related problems is increased. o Mental health and well-being is worsened with the increased supply/availability of alcohol.

My opinion is that allowing this off-license would only increase anti-social behaviour, violent crime and exacerbate the already high drug & drink problem we are facing in our community. Crime with disorder will increase, public safety with public nuisance will worsen and children will be more at risk and likely to be exposed to harm.

In light of the above, I strongly object to this application and recommend that the Licensing Authority completely & unanimously refuse this application. If you would like to speak to me in regards to my objections or need more details on the contents of this letter or my objections then please do not hesitate to contact me on the details mentioned above. Yours faithfully


Appendix 71

From: Sent: 04 June 2020 19:14 To: Licensing Cc: [email protected]; Councillor Mohammed Idrees; Councillor Mariam Khan Subject: Letter Of Objection

Dear Sir/Madam,

I would like to formally register our objection to the application for a premises licence by Krishnapillai Peraparan of Anna off-License to sell Alcohol at the premises of 38 Bridge Road, Alum Rock, Birmingham, West Midlands, B8 1TD.

The basis for my objection is stated below but ultimately the granting of this licence for the above mentioned premises will not promote/achieve any of the licensing objectives; namely:

1. The prevention of crime & disorder 2. Public safety 3. Prevention of public nuisance 4. Protection of children from harm.

I therefore request Birmingham City Council Licensing to Completely reject this applicationbased on the following grounds:

1. PREVENTION OF CRIME & DISORDER: o The application proposes that alcohol will be sold for consumption from the premises between 6:00am and 0.00, seven days a week. Granting a licence would provide a further source of alcohol within an area which already have a licensed premises approx. 500 meters away located on 97-99 Arden road, Alum Rock, B8 (AKSAJA Local Shop). Increasing supply is known to increase demand of alcohol with associated alcohol related problems. Allowing another establishment will no doubt increase crime, disorder and public nuisance which have already reached problem levels for the local police: · There is likely for increase in criminal activity as the local roads are already known for crime and drug dealing · Gang activity is likely to increase, which is a real issue especially with the shop’s vicinity to schools, nurseries and madrassah (where children are taught). · Mugging and violent crime are already high in the area and it will put our considerable aged population at increased risk · The park, local roads and car park which are potential hotspots for anti-social activities. This will only be compounded especially with more alcohol being available in the locality. o At risk individuals will potentially be put at increased risk, with alcohol addiction potentially leady onto other addictions and related crimes o Increased consumption of alcohol will increase disorderly behaviour in and around the premises – Children will be using Bridge Road & surrounding area to travel to and from their place of study (be it the nursery, school or madrassah) & will be at the very minimum exposed to these activities o For further impacts could we refer you to the following study ‘The impact of having an Off License An Investigation into the Environmental Impact of Off-license Premises on Residential Neighbourhoods’ · -

2. PUBLIC SAFETY: o The shop is located in close proximity to a number of other Faith & educational organisations – namely St Mary’s Church, Umar Farooq Mosque, Madrassa Salafiyyah, St Mary’s Nursery, Rosary & Parkfield Schools & Nurseries. Having a premises selling alcohol nearby would certainly reduce safety for parents doing school runs, pedestrians going shopping as well as vulnerable adults living nearby being exposed to alcohol centric issues and risks o Health outcomes are already poor in the local area and an outlet selling more alcohol will only worsen the physical and mental wellbeing of the local community o Increased traffic particularly in evenings will increase noise pollution as well as traffic pollution again worsening mental and physical life and health for the local residents and community: o We have spoken to the other Faith organisations and they all support our objections. Our understanding is that the other Faith organisations will be putting their objections in writing also

99 o We have spoken to the local residents and they fully support the objection – our understanding is that they have already voiced their objection and a petition has already been submitted to the Council. o The shop is located in close proximity to the St Peter’s Housing Association - This is an association which homes people from really vulnerable categories. The local area also has social housing as well as some housing shelters for vulnerable families and by allowing any licence for alcohol sale will put all these vulnerable individuals at increased risk o The local area already has lower social and economics outcomes and allowing alcohol sales will tempt more struggling individuals to be more tempted to turn to drink as an escape/release from their daily struggles.

3. PREVENTION OF PUBLIC NUISANCE: o Including many points from above o Antisocial behaviour will increase o The local residents and community especially children/young adults will be more likely to be introduced to alcohol earlier in life o Increased litter of cans/glass bottles increasing local antisocial behaviour of youths – The carpark opposite the premises already seems to be a hotspot for litter – The Council is routinely contacted about this concern. o This all leads to further deteriorating of local area which is already struggling with socio-economic issues.

4. PROTECTION OF OUR CHILDREN FROM HARM: o The local area is well known for having socio-economic deprivation, poor health outcomes and poor educational outcomes so adding another outlet for alcohol sales/ supply is going to worsen all outcomes for children. o Many children are already in single parent families and increasing temptation to alcohol for the parent or the children will worsen outcomes. o Already high rates of domestic violence and all types of abuses will be worsened by increasing alcohol supply. o With already limited disposable income any monies spent on alcohol will mean even less for basic essentials (e.g. Meals or clothing for children). o The risk of children being introduced early to alcohol and related problems is increased. o Mental health and well-being is worsened with the increased supply/availability of alcohol.

My opinion is that allowing this off-license would only increase anti-social behaviour, violent crime and exacerbate the already high drug & drink problem we are facing in our community. Crime with disorder will increase, public safety with public nuisance will worsen and children will be more at risk and likely to be exposed to harm.

In light of the above, I strongly object to this application and recommend that the Licensing Authority completely & unanimously refuse this application. If you would like to speak to me in regards to my objections or need more details on the contents of this letter or my objections then please do not hesitate to contact me on the details mentioned above.

Yours faithfully

100 Appendix 72

From: Sent: 04 June 2020 19:43 To: Licensing Cc: [email protected]; Councillor Mariam Khan; Councillor Mohammed Idrees Subject: Letter of Objection

Dear Sir/Madam,

I would like to formally register our objection to the application for a premises licence by Krishnapillai Peraparan of an off-License to sell Alcohol at the premises of 38 Bridge Road, Alum Rock, Birmingham, West Midlands, B8 1TD.

The basis for my objection is stated below but ultimately the granting of this licence for the above mentioned premises will not promote/achieve any of the licensing objectives; namely:

1. The prevention of crime & disorder 2. Public safety 3. Prevention of public nuisance 4. Protection of children from harm.

I therefore request Birmingham City Council Licensing to Completely reject this applicationbased on the following grounds:

1. PREVENTION OF CRIME & DISORDER: o The application proposes that alcohol will be sold for consumption from the premises between 6:00am and 0.00, seven days a week. Granting a licence would provide a further source of alcohol within an area which already have a licensed premises approx. 500 meters away located on 97-99 Arden road, Alum Rock, B8 (AKSAJA Local Shop). Increasing supply is known to increase demand of alcohol with associated alcohol related problems. Allowing another establishment will no doubt increase crime, disorder and public nuisance which have already reached problem levels for the local police: · There is likely for increase in criminal activity as the local roads are already known for crime and drug dealing · Gang activity is likely to increase, which is a real issue especially with the shop’s vicinity to schools, nurseries and madrassah (where children are taught). · Mugging and violent crime are already high in the area and it will put our considerable aged population at increased risk · The park, local roads and car park which are potential hotspots for anti-social activities. This will only be compounded especially with more alcohol being available in the locality. o At risk individuals will potentially be put at increased risk, with alcohol addiction potentially leady onto other addictions and related crimes o Increased consumption of alcohol will increase disorderly behaviour in and around the premises – Children will be using Bridge Road & surrounding area to travel to and from their place of study (be it the nursery, school or madrassah) & will be at the very minimum exposed to these activities o For further impacts could we refer you to the following study ‘The impact of having an Off License An Investigation into the Environmental Impact of Off-license Premises on Residential Neighbourhoods’ · -

2. PUBLIC SAFETY: o The shop is located in close proximity to a number of other Faith & educational organisations – namely St Mary’s Church, Umar Farooq Mosque, Madrassa Salafiyyah, St Mary’s Nursery, Rosary & Parkfield Schools & Nurseries. Having a premises selling alcohol nearby would certainly reduce safety for parents doing school runs, pedestrians going shopping as well as vulnerable adults living nearby being exposed to alcohol centric issues and risks o Health outcomes are already poor in the local area and an outlet selling more alcohol will only worsen the physical and mental wellbeing of the local community o Increased traffic particularly in evenings will increase noise pollution as well as traffic pollution again worsening mental and physical life and health for the local residents and community: o We have spoken to the other Faith organisations and they all support our objections. Our understanding is that the other Faith organisations will be putting their objections in writing also o We have spoken to the local residents and they fully support the objection – our understanding is that they have already voiced their objection and a petition has already been submitted to the Council. o The shop is located in close proximity to the St Peter’s Housing Association - This is an association which homes people from really vulnerable categories. The local area also has social housing as well as some housing shelters for vulnerable families and by allowing any licence for alcohol sale will put all these vulnerable individuals at increased risk

101 o The local area already has lower social and economics outcomes and allowing alcohol sales will tempt more struggling individuals to be more tempted to turn to drink as an escape/release from their daily struggles.

3. PREVENTION OF PUBLIC NUISANCE: o Including many points from above o Antisocial behaviour will increase o The local residents and community especially children/young adults will be more likely to be introduced to alcohol earlier in life o Increased litter of cans/glass bottles increasing local antisocial behaviour of youths – The carpark opposite the premises already seems to be a hotspot for litter – The Council is routinely contacted about this concern. o This all leads to further deteriorating of local area which is already struggling with socio-economic issues.

4. PROTECTION OF OUR CHILDREN FROM HARM: o The local area is well known for having socio-economic deprivation, poor health outcomes and poor educational outcomes so adding another outlet for alcohol sales/ supply is going to worsen all outcomes for children. o Many children are already in single parent families and increasing temptation to alcohol for the parent or the children will worsen outcomes. o Already high rates of domestic violence and all types of abuses will be worsened by increasing alcohol supply. o With already limited disposable income any monies spent on alcohol will mean even less for basic essentials (e.g. Meals or clothing for children). o The risk of children being introduced early to alcohol and related problems is increased. o Mental health and well-being is worsened with the increased supply/availability of alcohol.

My opinion is that allowing this off-license would only increase anti-social behaviour, violent crime and exacerbate the already high drug & drink problem we are facing in our community. Crime with disorder will increase, public safety with public nuisance will worsen and children will be more at risk and likely to be exposed to harm.

In light of the above, I strongly object to this application and recommend that the Licensing Authority completely & unanimously refuse this application. If you would like to speak to me in regards to my objections or need more details on the contents of this letter or my objections then please do not hesitate to contact me on the details mentioned above.

Yours faithfully

102 Appendix 73

From: Sent: 04 June 2020 23:05 To: Licensing Cc: [email protected]; Councillor Mohammed Idrees; Councillor Mariam Khan Subject: URGENT OBJECTION OF APPLICATION FOR A PREMISES LICENCE 38 BRIDGE ROAD ALUM ROCK BIRMINGHAM

Dear Sir/Madam,

I would like to formally register our objection to the application for a premises licence by Krishnapillai Peraparan of Anna off-License to sell Alcohol at the premises of 38 Bridge Road, Alum Rock, Birmingham, West Midlands, B8 1TD.

The basis for my objection is stated below but ultimately the granting of this licence for the above mentioned premises will not promote/achieve any of the licensing objectives; namely:

1. The prevention of crime & disorder 2. Public safety 3. Prevention of public nuisance 4. Protection of children from harm.

I therefore request Birmingham City Council Licensing to Completely reject this application based on the following grounds:

1. PREVENTION OF CRIME & DISORDER: o The application proposes that alcohol will be sold for consumption from the premises between 6:00am and 0.00, seven days a week. Granting a licence would provide a further source of alcohol within an area which already have a licensed premises approx. 500 meters away located on 97-99 Arden road, Alum Rock, B8 (AKSAJA Local Shop). Increasing supply is known to increase demand of alcohol with associated alcohol related problems. Allowing another establishment will no doubt increase crime, disorder and public nuisance which have already reached problem levels for the local police: · There is likely for increase in criminal activity as the local roads are already known for crime and drug dealing · Gang activity is likely to increase, which is a real issue especially with the shop’s vicinity to schools, nurseries and madrassah (where children are taught). · Mugging and violent crime are already high in the area and it will put our considerable aged population at increased risk · The park, local roads and car park which are potential hotspots for anti-social activities. This will only be compounded especially with more alcohol being available in the locality. o At risk individuals will potentially be put at increased risk, with alcohol addiction potentially leady onto other addictions and related crimes o Increased consumption of alcohol will increase disorderly behaviour in and around the premises – Children will be using Bridge Road & surrounding area to travel to and from their place of study (be it the nursery, school or madrassah) & will be at the very minimum exposed to these activities o For further impacts could we refer you to the following study ‘The impact of having an Off License An Investigation into the Environmental Impact of Off-license Premises on Residential Neighbourhoods’ · -

2. PUBLIC SAFETY: o The shop is located in close proximity to a number of other Faith & educational organisations – namely St Mary’s Church, Umar Farooq Mosque, Madrassa Salafiyyah, St Mary’s Nursery, Rosary & Parkfield Schools & Nurseries. Having a premises selling alcohol nearby would certainly reduce safety for parents doing school runs, pedestrians going shopping as well as vulnerable adults living nearby being exposed to alcohol centric issues and risks

103 o Health outcomes are already poor in the local area and an outlet selling more alcohol will only worsen the physical and mental wellbeing of the local community o Increased traffic particularly in evenings will increase noise pollution as well as traffic pollution again worsening mental and physical life and health for the local residents and community: o We have spoken to the other Faith organisations and they all support our objections. Our understanding is that the other Faith organisations will be putting their objections in writing also o We have spoken to the local residents and they fully support the objection – our understanding is that they have already voiced their objection and a petition has already been submitted to the Council. o The shop is located in close proximity to the St Peter’s Housing Association - This is an association which homes people from really vulnerable categories. The local area also has social housing as well as some housing shelters for vulnerable families and by allowing any licence for alcohol sale will put all these vulnerable individuals at increased risk o The local area already has lower social and economics outcomes and allowing alcohol sales will tempt more struggling individuals to be more tempted to turn to drink as an escape/release from their daily struggles.

3. PREVENTION OF PUBLIC NUISANCE: o Including many points from above o Antisocial behaviour will increase o The local residents and community especially children/young adults will be more likely to be introduced to alcohol earlier in life o Increased litter of cans/glass bottles increasing local antisocial behaviour of youths – The carpark opposite the premises already seems to be a hotspot for litter – The Council is routinely contacted about this concern. o This all leads to further deteriorating of local area which is already struggling with socio-economic issues.

4. PROTECTION OF OUR CHILDREN FROM HARM: o The local area is well known for having socio-economic deprivation, poor health outcomes and poor educational outcomes so adding another outlet for alcohol sales/ supply is going to worsen all outcomes for children. o Many children are already in single parent families and increasing temptation to alcohol for the parent or the children will worsen outcomes. o Already high rates of domestic violence and all types of abuses will be worsened by increasing alcohol supply. o With already limited disposable income any monies spent on alcohol will mean even less for basic essentials (e.g. Meals or clothing for children). o The risk of children being introduced early to alcohol and related problems is increased. o Mental health and well-being is worsened with the increased supply/availability of alcohol.

My opinion is that allowing this off-license would only increase anti-social behaviour, violent crime and exacerbate the already high drug & drink problem we are facing in our community. Crime with disorder will increase, public safety with public nuisance will worsen and children will be more at risk and likely to be exposed to harm.

In light of the above, I strongly object to this application and recommend that the Licensing Authority completely & unanimously refuse this application. If you would like to speak to me in regards to my objections or need more details on the contents of this letter or my objections then please do not hesitate to contact me on the details mentioned above.

Yours faithfully

104 Appendix 74

From: Sent: 05 June 2020 08:45 To: Licensing Subject: Licensing Application

Dear Sir/Madam

Please note that I strongly object to the licensing application by Krishnapillai Peteperan for the premises known as “Anna off licence” located at 38 Bridge road, Saltley, B8 1TD

I do not believe that the application is in accordance with the licensing objectives as set out by the Licensing Act 2003. I would be grateful if you could take my concerns into account prior to determination and that the application be put before the relevant committee for determination.

The protection of children from harm. The shop is located in short walking distance of a nursery and primary schools (Rosary Nursery (playground is opposite the shop with the shop being clearly visible from the nursery), Rosary Primary School and Parkfield School), if the license is granted this would inevitably increase the risk of harm to children and their families contrary to the licensing objectives.

The prevention of crime and disorder. The area in which the shop is located already has a serious existing drug problem and anti social behaviour which will only be exacerbated should the above premises obtain a license and will adversely affect the residents living within proximity of the shop along with the wider community. The proposed license will encourage alcohol users from neighbouring areas to this secluded area and will only increase tensions in an already troubled area contrary to the licensing objectives.

The area already faces a high rate of anti social behaviour as mentioned above. Recent times, have seen an increase in knife and gun crime all which have been well documented in the media. If the license is granted this will increase anti social behaviour, especially in light of the premises being opposite a large car park, which I can foresee will further increase and encourage antisocial behaviour with groups using the car park to drink which will inevitably cause a public nuisance.

Whilst I appreciate the applicant is entitled to try and make a living in a way that he sees fit, but it is clear that the proposal has not been well thought out and will not excel in such an area. This is likely to turn the community away from using said shop whilst increasing tensions. Please also note there is two off licenses within walking distance from this premises and therefore there is no further need for such premises in the area.

Finally the shop is a small premises on a corner plot and is not sufficient to ensure that alcohol can be stored and kept safe, based on the layout without any expansion this would be difficult. The shop is clearly unfit in this regard.

Thank you for taking my objections into account and I hope after considering the above you will agree that the grant of a license for this premises will be contrary to the licensing objectives set out in the Licensing Act 2003.


105 Appendix 75

From: Sent: 05 June 2020 10:54 To: Licensing Subject: New shop opening

Dear Sir/Madam

Please note that I strongly object to the licensing application by Krishnapillai Peteperan for the premises known as “Anna off licence” located at 38 Bridge road, Saltley, B8 1TD

I do not believe that the application is in accordance with the licensing objectives as set out by the Licensing Act 2003. I would be grateful if you could take my concerns into account prior to determination and that the application be put before the relevant committee for determination.

The protection of children from harm. The shop is located in short walking distance of a nursery and primary schools (Rosary Nursery (playground is opposite the shop with the shop being clearly visible from the nursery), Rosary Primary School and Parkfield School), if the license is granted this would inevitably increase the risk of harm to children and their families contrary to the licensing objectives.

The prevention of crime and disorder. The area in which the shop is located already has a serious existing drug problem and anti social behaviour which will only be exacerbated should the above premises obtain a license and will adversely affect the residents living within proximity of the shop along with the wider community. The proposed license will encourage alcohol users from neighbouring areas to this secluded area and will only increase tensions in an already troubled area contrary to the licensing objectives.

The area already faces a high rate of anti social behaviour as mentioned above. Recent times, have seen an increase in knife and gun crime all which have been well documented in the media. If the license is granted this will increase anti social behaviour, especially in light of the premises being opposite a large car park, which I can foresee will further increase and encourage antisocial behaviour with groups using the car park to drink which will inevitably cause a public nuisance.

Whilst I appreciate the applicant is entitled to try and make a living in a way that he sees fit, but it is clear that the proposal has not been well thought out and will not excel in such an area. This is likely to turn the community away from using said shop whilst increasing tensions. Please also note there is two off licenses within walking distance from this premises and therefore there is no further need for such premises in the area.

Finally the shop is a small premises on a corner plot and is not sufficient to ensure that alcohol can be stored and kept safe, based on the layout without any expansion this would be difficult. The shop is clearly unfit in this regard.

Thank you for taking my objections into account and I hope after considering the above you will agree that the grant of a license for this premises will be contrary to the licensing objectives set out in the Licensing Act 2003.


106 Appendix 76

From: Sent: 05 June 2020 15:12 To: Licensing Cc: [email protected]; Councillor Mohammed Idrees ; Councillor Mariam Khan Subject: Letter of Objection

Dear Sir/Madam,

I would like to formally register our objection to the application for a premises licence by Krishnapillai Peraparan of Anna off-License to sell Alcohol at the premises of 38 Bridge Road, Alum Rock, Birmingham, West Midlands, B8 1TD.

The basis for my objection is stated below but ultimately the granting of this licence for the above mentioned premises will not promote/achieve any of the licensing objectives; namely:

1. The prevention of crime & disorder 2. Public safety 3. Prevention of public nuisance 4. Protection of children from harm.

I therefore request Birmingham City Council Licensing to Completely reject this application based on the following grounds:

1. PREVENTION OF CRIME & DISORDER: o The application proposes that alcohol will be sold for consumption from the premises between 6:00am and 0.00, seven days a week. Granting a licence would provide a further source of alcohol within an area which already have a licensed premises approx. 500 meters away located on 97-99 Arden road, Alum Rock, B8 (AKSAJA Local Shop). Increasing supply is known to increase demand of alcohol with associated alcohol related problems. Allowing another establishment will no doubt increase crime, disorder and public nuisance which have already reached problem levels for the local police: · There is likely for increase in criminal activity as the local roads are already known for crime and drug dealing · Gang activity is likely to increase, which is a real issue especially with the shop’s vicinity to schools, nurseries and madrassah (where children are taught). · Mugging and violent crime are already high in the area and it will put our considerable aged population at increased risk · The park, local roads and car park which are potential hotspots for anti-social activities. This will only be compounded especially with more alcohol being available in the locality. o At risk individuals will potentially be put at increased risk, with alcohol addiction potentially leady onto other addictions and related crimes o Increased consumption of alcohol will increase disorderly behaviour in and around the premises – Children will be using Bridge Road & surrounding area to travel to and from their place of study (be it the nursery, school or madrassah) & will be at the very minimum exposed to these activities o For further impacts could we refer you to the following study ‘The impact of having an Off License An Investigation into the Environmental Impact of Off-license Premises on Residential Neighbourhoods’ · -

2. PUBLIC SAFETY: o The shop is located in close proximity to a number of other Faith & educational organisations – namely St Mary’s Church, Umar Farooq Mosque, Madrassa Salafiyyah, St Mary’s Nursery, Rosary & Parkfield Schools & Nurseries. Having a premises selling alcohol nearby would certainly reduce safety for parents doing school runs, pedestrians going shopping as well as vulnerable adults living nearby being exposed to alcohol centric issues and risks o Health outcomes are already poor in the local area and an outlet selling more alcohol will only worsen the physical and mental wellbeing of the local community o Increased traffic particularly in evenings will increase noise pollution as well as traffic pollution again worsening mental and physical life and health for the local residents and community: o We have spoken to the other Faith organisations and they all support our objections. Our understanding is that the other Faith organisations will be putting their objections in writing also o We have spoken to the local residents and they fully support the objection – our understanding is that they have already voiced their objection and a petition has already been submitted to the Council. o The shop is located in close proximity to the St Peter’s Housing Association - This is an association which homes people from really vulnerable categories. The local area also has social housing as well as some housing shelters for vulnerable families and by allowing any licence for alcohol sale will put all these vulnerable individuals at increased risk

107 o The local area already has lower social and economics outcomes and allowing alcohol sales will tempt more struggling individuals to be more tempted to turn to drink as an escape/release from their daily struggles.

3. PREVENTION OF PUBLIC NUISANCE: o Including many points from above o Antisocial behaviour will increase o The local residents and community especially children/young adults will be more likely to be introduced to alcohol earlier in life o Increased litter of cans/glass bottles increasing local antisocial behaviour of youths – The carpark opposite the premises already seems to be a hotspot for litter – The Council is routinely contacted about this concern. o This all leads to further deteriorating of local area which is already struggling with socio-economic issues.

4. PROTECTION OF OUR CHILDREN FROM HARM: o The local area is well known for having socio-economic deprivation, poor health outcomes and poor educational outcomes so adding another outlet for alcohol sales/ supply is going to worsen all outcomes for children. o Many children are already in single parent families and increasing temptation to alcohol for the parent or the children will worsen outcomes. o Already high rates of domestic violence and all types of abuses will be worsened by increasing alcohol supply. o With already limited disposable income any monies spent on alcohol will mean even less for basic essentials (e.g. Meals or clothing for children). o The risk of children being introduced early to alcohol and related problems is increased. o Mental health and well-being is worsened with the increased supply/availability of alcohol.

My opinion is that allowing this off-license would only increase anti-social behaviour, violent crime and exacerbate the already high drug & drink problem we are facing in our community. Crime with disorder will increase, public safety with public nuisance will worsen and children will be more at risk and likely to be exposed to harm.

In light of the above, I strongly object to this application and recommend that the Licensing Authority completely & unanimously refuse this application. If you would like to speak to me in regards to my objections or need more details on the contents of this letter or my objections then please do not hesitate to contact me on the details mentioned above. Yours faithfully

108 Appendix 77

From: Sent: 07 June 2020 14:06 To: Licensing Subject: Licence of 38 Bridge Rd B8 1TD

Dear Sir Madam

As a local resident i strongly object to the planning application from Krishnapillai Peteperan of Anna off licence 38 Bridge road, Saltley, B8 1TD

I have listed the following concerns

Local schools and nurseries on the doorstep of this shop putting the children and families at risk of harm.

Serious Existing drug problem which is only getting worse. Encouraging alcohol users to this secluded area is not welcome on my doorstep.

High rate of anti social behaviour in the area. Recent times have seen an increase in stabbing and shooting and well documented in the media.

Shop is opposite a large car park which i can forsee further antisocial behaviour causing a public nuisance

I will be eagerley waiting for your response. Regards

109 Appendix 78 – 1000 signatories have signed the online petition within the statutory consultation period.

From: Sent: 07 June 2020 23:59 To: Licensing Subject: Opposition to licensing business located at 38 Bridge Rd, B8 1TE, to sell alcohol for consumption

We, the below signed would kindly ask for the application for the sale of alcohol for consumption off 38 Bridge Road, B8 1TE to be rejected as:

o The Alum Rock area is already suffering from high rates of crime & anti social behaviour. Giving permission for another off-licence in a highly saturated residential area would only exacerbate issues.

o The shop is in close proximity to educational establishments (Rosary primary school, Parkfield primary school & The Village community nursery) and religious establishments (Zia ul Quran, Anjumanie Farooqie Azam, & Madrasah Salafiah)

o The shop is also in close proximity to the St. Peters Housing Association which provides accommodation to vulnerable residents.

o There is already an off licence located in close proximity on 97-99 Arden Rd Aksaja local shop (0.4 miles). So there is no need for another off- licence in a largely Muslim community that do not consume alcohol. In summary, allowing this off-licence would only aggravate issues of public nuisance, crime & disorder, bring little to no benefit to our community. We as a community always seek to secure public safety, & ensure that our children are protected from harm.

Thus, We, the local community would like to oppose the application for an off-licence on the aforementioned premises.

Please see the below link for a petition against this license. It will be ongoing and only closed at your request.

Many Thanks.


Appendix 79

From: Sent: 03 June 2020 21:29 To: Licensing Cc: Councillor Mohammed Idrees; Councillor Mariam Khan ; BYRNE, Liam Subject: Objection Letter - 38 Bridge Road, B8 1TD.

Dear Whom It May Concern,

Again, for the ease of administration, I have drafted a local resident objection letter (attached) in relation to the application for the sale of alcohol for consumption of the premises of 38 Bridge Road, B8 1TD.

Our local Councillor Mohammed Idress & MP Liam Byrne have also supported the rejection of this application on similiar grounds noted within the attached letter.

I will send the signatures via seperate emails as the files are too large.

Any queries with attached please do not hesitate to contact me on or via email.

Kind Regards


Appendix 79 Continued – 155 signatories signed the below petition


Appendix 80


















130 Appendix 81

From: Christopher Jones Sent: 05 June 2020 13:02 To: Licensing Cc: 'pmblicensing Subject: FW: [External]: [Possible SPAM] Re: GRANT - ANNA OFF LICENCE, 38 BRIDGE STREET, SALTLEY, BIRMINGHAM, B8 1TD

Good Afternoon Licensing,

With regard to the premises licence application for Anna Off Licence, 38 Bridge Rd, Saltley. B8 1TD

West Midlands Police have reviewed this application and are happy that if the below conditions are added to the licence, together with the operating conditions already offered by the applicant then the licensing objectives will be met and promoted. These conditions have been agreed by the applicant, via their agent, as per below email chain who is copied into this also.

· Licensable activity time amended to 0600x2300 daily.

· Premises not to sell any lagers or ciders over 6.5% ABV.

· Premises CCTV to cover the external of the premises to cover both sides of the building both on Bridge Street and College Road. External CCTV will have the capability of operating in low light conditions to provide evidential quality images.

If the above conditions are imposed onto the licence then West Midlands Police have no objection to this licence application.

Regards and thanks

Chris Jones 55410

Birmingham Central Licensing Team West Midlands Police

From: Patrick Burke Sent: 05 June 2020 12:50 To: Christopher Jones Subject: [External]: [Possible SPAM] Re: GRANT - ANNA OFF LICENCE, 38 BRIDGE STREET, SALTLEY, BIRMINGHAM, B8 1TD

CAUTION: This email originated from outside of West Midlands Police. Do not click links or open attachments unless you are sure the content is safe.

Good afternoon Chris

I can confirm my client is happy for the suggested conditions to be included in the Application for a premise license at Anna Off License 38 Bridge St


131 Appendix 82