

Greg Smallwood, | 136 pages | 31 Dec 2016 | | 9780785154099 | English | New York, Moon Knight, Vol. 2: Dead Will Rise by Brian Wood

The definitive, chronological, and up-to-date guide and trade reading order on collecting Moon Knight comic books via omnibuses, hardcovers, and trade paperback graphic novels. Last updated November with titles scheduled for release through January Sponsor your favorite character guide by joining Alex in supporting CK on Patreon. Name: Email address:. Moon Knight debuted as a vicious, aerobic, anti-Werewolf bounty hunter with his own private helicopter in the pages of the 70s horror title Werewolf by Night. It was in his next appearance in a pair of Marvel Spotlight issues that his double-life as a and a cabbie was brought to light. Essential Moon Knight, Vol. Note that this collection omits the issues. It was followed by Volume 2, a 6- issue mini-series. After the end of his six-issue second volume an an appearance in Marvel Fanfare 38, Moon Knight joins the West Coast in with issue Moon Knight leaves the cast after issue 41, which is a relatively pivotal issue for his ongoing story. Due to the nature of this book — using inventory stories that had no other home, the issue actually fits into continuity here — prior to its release in This ongoing title was launched by writer with only a passing comment Moon Knight: Blackout Volume 2 the identity crisis that saw Moon Knight depart the West Coast Avengers. The series takes an increasing turn for the extreme towards the end of the run, morphing into full-on Image-style title with the addition of bombastic artist Stephen Platt on issue It has not been recollected since its original release. Moon Knight is a featured co-star in the Annual. Moon Knight is a featured co-star during this arc. Not Moon Knight: Blackout Volume 2. During Infinity War and other Infinity War appearances. Issue 4 contains action that continues through Moon Knight Moon Knight is a featured co-star in this arc. Not collected. A Chuck Dixon Moon Knight story. Moon Knight: Blackout Volume 2 integrate with Infinity Crusade, as shown below. Strange After the end of his series, Moon Knight is presumed dead and disappears from the for three years. Moench also writes a follow-up mini-series. Avengers, Vol. See Avengers. See Wolverine. , Vol. After his two Moench- penned mini-series, Moon Knight sinks back into relative obscurity save for a brief revival in . Black Panther These issues are a tie- in to . See Thunderbolts. Marvel Team-Up, Vol. A brutal extension of the original themes and supporting cast that might have qualified for Marvel Knights if it was released a few years earlier — it is that bloody, adult, and relentless. This is a two-page cameo of MK saving the lead of this series from a mugger. Available in hardcover. This is a substantial appearance fighting with and alongside and Ms. It fits in the middle of 25, as the end of 25 tracks directly Moon Knight: Blackout Volume 2 Secret Avengers See Secret Avengers. Moon Knight appears throughout this event — see Marvel Universe Event: for further information. 4 in Taskmaster: Unthinkable. Klaws of the Panther 4: See Black Panther. Now, rather Moon Knight: Blackout Volume 2 intentionally flitting between his multiple Moon Knight: Blackout Volume 2 personas, he is hallucinating that he is Moon Knight: Blackout Volume 2 alongside , Spider- Man, and Wolverine when really he is dishing out their blows all on his own. Unleashed Effectively a Secret Avengers miniseries. Collected in hardcover. Secret Avengers issues Avengers vs. X-Men: Moon Knight is briefly drafted into the fight, but does not make a significant appearance in the main series. He appears in the tie-ins X-Men Legacy and in Avengers See Marvel Universe Events: Avengers vs. Avengers This is a minor appearance. First up is . Ellis recasts the character as a sort of paranormal mercenary — a concept which fits neatly in with his history and which is taken up by both Brian Wood as of issue 7 and as of issue Original : Moon Knight is part of the primary cast of this event and appears throughout. See Marvel Universe Events. Captain America See Captain America. Marvel Universe Events. Written by with returning artist Greg Smallwood. : See Marvel Universe Events. Moon Knight co-stars in this supernatural event, though he is mostly in the background. Back to Crushing Comics. Also the upcoming Annual 1 with can be added. See Moon Knight: Blackout Volume 2 Moon Knight guide for more […]. Your email address will not be published. Appearances during Vol. Almost Moon Knight: Blackout Volume 2 Dr. Strange: Damnation has Mr. Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published. Moon Knight Volume 2 : Blackout - -

Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. Want to Read saving…. Want to Read Currently Reading Read. Other editions. Enlarge cover. Error rating book. Refresh and try again. Open Preview See a Problem? Details if other :. Thanks for telling us about the problem. Return to Book Page. Preview — Moon Knight, Vol. Moon Knight, Vol. Greg Smallwood Illustrations. When the entire city is thrust into darkness by a strange new threat, Moon Knight must use all of his weapons and personalities to defeat a very different foe! Then, it's a hostage situation in a high-rise, and Moon Knight must come to the rescue. But in this cell-phone camera society, he's doi "Season Two" of Moon Knight begins with a new creative team But in this cell-phone camera society, he's doing it on the world stage! What does this sudden exposure mean for Moon Knight: Blackout Volume 2 famously secretive hero? Brian Wood X-MenDMZ takes the writing reins - picking up from where Warren Ellis left offpushing questions from Moon Knight 1 back to the fore, and amplifying them a hundred-fold! Buckle up as the stakes get higher, the Moon gets fuller, and the Knight gets darker! Collecting : Moon Knight Get A Copy. Paperbackpages. Published April 28th by Marvel first published April 15th More Details Original Title. Marc Spector. Other Editions 8. Friend Reviews. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. To ask other readers questions about Moon Knight, Vol. Lists with This Book. Community Reviews. Showing Average rating 3. Rating details. More filters. Sort order. Start your review of Moon Knight, Vol. Feb 18, Jeff rated it really liked it Shelves: comix. Konshu, why hast thou forsaken me? A little over-simplified background before we get sucked into the quasi-sacreligous-Judeo-Christian-Star-Wars allusions: Moon Knight: Blackout Volume 2 Spector was a mercenary. He was in looking for treasure. He nearly got killed. He was brought to the altar of the god, Konshu. His heart stopped. Konshu appeared in a and made Mr. Spector his avatar on Earth, endowing him with Moon Knight: Blackout Volume 2. Enter: Moon Knight, crime fighter. Moon Knigh Konshu, why hast thou forsaken me? Moon Knight likes to dress in white. Wearing white in New York City Moon Knight: Blackout Volume 2 never a good fashion choice. A personal aside: I had the most comfortable pair of white pants ever. I decided to wear them to work one day. I took the subway to work. While waiting on the platform, I spied a nice comfortable bench to sit on. I sat down. When the train came and I went to get up, I found myself stuck to the bench. I now had green stripes on the back of my pants, and in my youthful zeal indifferenceI went to work anyway. This is why wearing white in New York is never a good idea. Thanks for keeping me on track, Goodreader, but I really did love those pants. This leaves Spector quite literally hanging. Bottom Line : Wood crams a lot into these six issues, including a dialogue on the nature of the vigilante and revenge, but the plot line has a tendency to wander. View all 9 comments. Aug 29, Anne rated it really liked it Recommends it for: Therapists looking for complicated revenge schemes. Recommended to Anne by: Jeff. Shelves: comicsgraphic-novelsmarvel-unlimitedread-in So apparently, Konshu isn't the god of Loyalty. Unlike the other 2 volumes in this run, this one has the honor of actually having a story arc instead of being loosely connected stand alone issues. I like it both ways, but this was a nice change of pace. And this was an excellent story! Warning: some spoilers below! Marc's shrink is using his connections to Konshu for her own nefarious purposes, and through hypnotism manages to get an audience with the god while in Marc's head. And then she flip So apparently, Konshu isn't the god of Loyalty. And then she flips him! Yeah, she gets Moon Knight: Blackout Volume 2 to leave Marc and go into her, all so she can get revenge on the man she says burned down her village when she was a child. Which is admittedly a really good reason to do it, Moon Knight: Blackout Volume 2 Spoilery thing happen, and Marc ends up having to try to save the bad guy without the help of his patron god. Or does he? Not only was this was a really good addition to Moon Knight's crazy mythos, but it preps you for what's coming next in Marc's journey with Konshu. If you're looking for something that's a bit offbeat, Moon Knight: Blackout Volume 2 definitely recommend checking out this character, and this run is not a bad place to start. View 2 comments. Jun 15, Sam Quixote rated it really liked it Shelves: best-comics Unlike the first volume, Dead Will Rise is more of a sustained narrative than a series of loosely connected but mostly standalone issues. A Moon Knight: Blackout Volume 2 of the good stuff up in the first volume is still here: the great Moon Knight: Blackout Volume 2 outfit, Mr Knight, the innovative artistic approach it helps that colourist stayed onthe James Bond-ish shenanigans thrown at Marc. But Wood brings his DMZ-tinged flavour to the story which is a heavily politicized narrative, focusing on third world atrocities and first world hypocrisies. He also explores the Khonshu identity further. One of the tried and true approaches to superheroes is: what are the characters without their superpowers? So if you like your superheroes a little more complex, unpredictable, and a lot more exciting, fellow travelers of the night, the Marvel NOW! Moon Knight is your guy! May 19, Sesana rated it really liked it Shelves: comicssuperhumans. I was really concerned about the direction this book would go in. I'd really enjoyed the first volume, and though I get that Ellis had told the story he wanted to tell and was ready to move on, I was kind of worried about seeing a new creative team on the book. It was going to be different, and I wasn't sure about Brian Wood. Well, it is different, and I think that's a good thing. Don't get me wrong, there's a definite sense of continuity. Wood doesn't take Marc Spector as a character into a dram I was really concerned about the direction this book Moon Knight: Blackout Volume 2 go in. Wood doesn't take Marc Spector as a character into a dramatically different direction, and the story around him doesn't feel wildly out of place compared to what had gone on in the first volume. Moon Knight Volume 2: Blackout - Google книги

Utenti registrati: Ci sono 1 utenti registrati e ospiti attivi sul sito. Cangiante Ultimi commenti. Recupera password. Non sei registrato? Iscriviti subito! Lista completa di Marvel Collection. Nel traffico di una piovosa New York, un cecchino in tuta mimetica dotato di tecnologia all'avanguardia sta cercando di uccidere il Generale Lor, dittatore e signore della guerra dello stato africano di Akima. Quando sta per Moon Knight: Blackout Volume 2 il soldato viene colpito da Mr. Knight che gli impedisce di portare a termine la sua missione mettendo in fuga il suo bersaglio. Mister Knight, ostacolato anche da un agente di polizia, lo insegue fermandolo nuovamente quando il soldato stava per centrare il bersaglio. A questo punto il soldato fugge nuovamente ma quando sta per aprire il fuoco contro il suo bersaglio Mister Knight lo atterra piombandogli addosso con il suo drone. Il telefono dell'uomo squilla. Nel frattempo il terrorista, armato di una bomba collegata a una tanica, ordina a un Moon Knight: Blackout Volume 2 di leggere un comunicato che viene trasmesso in streaming. Dopo aver chiesto a Flint di chiamare la sua psichiatra prima che la situazione degeneri, Moon Knight, senza farsi notare, entra Moon Knight: Blackout Volume 2 riuscendo a sorprendere il terrorista al quale gli spezza le braccia per poi tagliargli le Moon Knight: Blackout Volume 2 della mano per impedirgli che possa azionare la bomba. Moon Knight prende l'ascensore portandosi dietro la bomba. La polizia lo sta aspettando per arrestarlo ma all'apertura delle porte dell'ascensore non trovano nessuno. Il nostro protagonista esce in incognito mischiandosi tra i turisti mentre le televisioni rivelano che il presunto terrorista non aveva una bomba ma un diserbante. L'uomo era un impiegato che voleva rendere pubblico che il diserbante che produceva l'azienda dove lavorava aveva provocato la morte di bambini nei paesi sottosviluppati. A questo punto l'opinione pubblica si schiera con l'uomo brutalizzato da Moon Knight mentre quest'ultimo viene fatto passare per un brutale vigilante che ha selvaggiamente massacrato il povero impiegato. I due iniziano la seduta di ipnosi e il nostro protagonista insieme alla dottoressa si ritrovano sopra la sfinge di Giza a parlare del dio Konshu. Improvvisamente Marc prende il controllo della sessione portando la donna a scavare nei suoi ricordi. Marc cerca di dissuaderla affermando che la sua morte provocherebbe una guerra civile ma la dottoressa non demorde e riprendendo il controllo della seduta di ipnosi gli fa rivivere la sua drammatica esperienza. Al suo risveglio Marc si trova nello studio da solo. Tornata a casa, Gloria ha una nuova visione dell'orribile spettro con la testa di un uccello morto che cerca di convincerla a uccidere per suo conto il generale Lor. La donna cerca di resistere a questo comando ma lo spirito, ricordandogli l'assassinio di suo padre - un agente di polizia come lei - riesce a convincerla. Il giorno dopo Gloria si reca a lavoro facendosi cambiare turno. In questa operazione gli agenti vengono affiancati da un agente dell'FBI, la psicologa di Marc Spector in incognito. All'arrivo del generale Lor, accolto da manifestanti che urlano contro il dittatore, un uomo in mezzo alla folla salta dalle transenne e si Moon Knight: Blackout Volume 2 addosso al generale impedendo all'agente Roza - che nel frattempo aveva estratto la pistola - di ucciderlo. Marc Spector si trova prigioniero in una misteriosa struttura carceraria. Moon Knight: Blackout Volume 2 brutalizzato dalle guardie, sedato e sottoposto a una serie di interrogatori, giorno e notte. Le guardie indossano tutte delle maschere bianche e ogni richiesta da parte di Marc Spector di Moon Knight: Blackout Volume 2 un avvocato viene respinta. Nella sua cella Marc tocca le pareti ma una voce gli intima di allontanarsi ordinandogli di coricarsi per il ciclo di sonno. Konshu si manifesta e Marc gli dice che la psichiatra lo sta manipolando. Moon Knight: Blackout Volume 2 giorno dopo un altro detenuto lo pugnala e Marc viene portato in infermeria. Konshu si manifesta nuovamente e Marc gli dice che la psichiatra non si sta comportando come un protettore dei viandanti della notte. Improvvisamente Marc stordisce la dottoressa che lo stava visitando e fugge dall'infermeria. Riuscito a strappare uno dei pannelli che riveste la struttura, Marc scopre di trovarsi su un aereo in volo precipitando nel vuoto. Marc Spector precipita nel vuoto ma Khonshu lo salva facendolo atterrare nelle acque gelate dell'Islanda. Al fianco della donna Khonshu che le dice che sta perdendo il controllo. Elisa Warsame vuole che Lor muoia per far ripiombare il paese nella guerra civile e poter portare via il tesoro confiscato a suo padre senza venire arrestata o uccisa dai suoi concittadini che odiano il regime che lei e suo padre rappresentano. Mentre la giornalista contatta il detective Flint mettendolo al corrente su quanto scoperto, il nostro protagonista nei panni di Mister Knight, preso nuovamente il controllo di Khonshu, ferma la donna prima che possa uccidere il generale. Mostra gli albi del mese dell'editore Nascondi gli albi del mese dell'editore clicca e trascina per scorrere gli albi.