GURPS Classic Grimoire
Mages struggle to probe th everal new sub-colleges also mysteries of life, death, time dd flexibility in dealing with and space. At last, we gather weather, electricity, their magical knowledge ice and acid. together — GURPS Grimoire, the ultimate An expanded chart resource for would-be i f spell prerequisites, sorcerers and and a handy table established mages. for quick reference, This indispensable are included. rulebook gives new, And Scott Paul powerful spells for Maykrantz, all campaigns, from author of GURPS Ice-Age epics to Creatures of the Night, expands the gritty cyberpunk GURPS Magic slumcrawls. tables for GURPS Grimoire generating has over 400 new Demons. spells, as well as two This book is new colleges. The completely adventurous — or the compatible with the desperate — can now rules in the GURPS manipulate time and Basic Set, as well as space using Gate Magic. hose in GURPS Magic, Savvy wizards stay current Second Edition. with Technology Magic, and give "machine power" and Open, then, and learn "rad" entirely new meaning trange new wonders . Written by Daniel U. Thibault and S. John Ross Edited by Susan Pinsonneault Cover by Peter Scanlan Illustrated by Guy Burwell and Ruth Thompson STEVE JACKSON GRIMOIRE Tech Magic, Gate Magic, and Hundreds of Spells for All Colleges By Daniel U. Thibault and S. John Ross Additional Material by J. C. Connors, Steve Crotty, Graeme Davis, Jeff "Rabulias" Gaines, Lee Gold, Raymond Paul Holmes, Thomas M. Kane, Phil Masters, Scott Paul Maykrantz, Lance McComber, Sasha and Ben W. Miller, Walter Milliken, Curtis M. Scott, Brett Slocum and Bob Traynor Edited by Susan Pinsonneault Cover by Peter Scanlan Illustrated by Guy Burwell and Ruth Thompson Title Page Illustration by Dan Smith GURPS System Design by Steve Jackson Steve Jackson, Editor in Chief Page Layout and Typography by Jeff Koke Interior and Color Production by Jeff Koke Print Buying by Andrew Hartsock Dana Blankenship, Sales Manager Most enthusiastic spellcrafter: Joe Jackson Spell suggestions and other useful comments by: Anthony Affrunti, Tom Bither, C.
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