Adress Production Company / School Titel: Living Like Heta Jürgen Haas Hochschule Luzern Design & Kunst Duration: 6‘12‘‘ 745, Viscosistadt Nylsuisseplatz 1 Language: none 6020 Emmenbrücke +41 41 248 64 64 Format: HD (1920x1080 px) 16:9 contact Person: Chantal Molleur 24fps [email protected] Screening Formats: Digitales File: ProRes422HQ-Codec (uncompressed) Digitales File: H264-Codec Adress Directors (compressed) DCP Bianca Caderas Neusatzweg 4 Produced by: Gerd Gockell 4102 Binningen [email protected] Production Company: Hochschule Luzern, Design & Kunst Studienbereich Animation Jürgen Haas Isabella Luu Pilatusblick 61a Country of Production: 6015 Luzern [email protected] Year of Production: 2017

Kerstin Zemp Directed by: Bianca Caderas Bodenmatt 17 Isabella Luu 6162 Entlebuch Kerstin Zemp [email protected] SYNOPSIS

Heta lives with her pet seal in her highly peculiar house full of curious rooms and endless corridors. Her entire life consists of carefully planned and conducted routines. When the latter get thrown into disarray, Heta‘s world begins to crumble, until she feels compelled to make an irreversible decision.

Link: PW: LLH_17 Bianca Caderas

Born in 1990 in Switzerland, she started off her further education with becoming a hairdresser. Soon after, her longing for art and expressing herself in a creative way brought her to the art school in Basel. After exploring different fields she settled for film, started studying 2D Animation in Lucerne in 2014 and received her Bachelor of Arts in 2017.

Isabella Luu

Born in 1993 in Switzerland, she has always used drawing to embody herself and express emotions. After graduating from high school she was able to expand her knowledge and passion for art at the preparatory course in Lucerne. Diving through this pool of creativity she found her happy place in studying 2D animation, wherein she received her Bachelor of Arts in 2017.

Kerstin Zemp

Born in 1993 in Switzerland, she was always very interested in arts and the moving image itself. Her graduation project in high school triggered her passion for drawn animation, and after a gap year working and exploring the world, she started studying 2D animation in 2014 and received her Bachelor of Arts in 2017

Isabella Bianca Kerstin


A Film by: Bianca Caderas, Isabella Luu, Kerstin Zemp Music: Moritz Widrig ZHdK Studiengang Filmmusik, Leitung André Bellmont Voices: Andersen: Raphaël Haab Heta: Claudia Wirth Juan-Fernandez: Matthew Grässlin Sounddesign: Giulia Schlüchter, Bill Bühler, Thomas Gassmann Foley: Dieter Hebbe Mix: Thomas Gassmann Additional Animation: Amélie Cochet, Arnold Wagner, Brontë Kolster, Lalita Brunner, Matthew Grässlin, Robert-Jonathan Koeyers Additional Coloration: Charmaine Bossert Acting for Animation: Alina Strähler, Christian Baus Mentor: Jürgen Haas, Otto Alder Mentorship Dossier: Gerd Gockell, Paul Bush, Ted Sieger Mentorship Thesis: Otto Alder Production Support: Ignasi Duelo, Jean First, Jeroen Visser Line Producing: Lea Hunziker, Ursula Ulmi Assistance: Lea Hunziker Administration: Bettina Ganassi Supported by: Gemeinde Entlebuch Executive Producer: Gerd Gockell Production: Hochschule Luzern – Design & Kunst / Animation Awards

2019 Best Sound Design, Watersprite Interantional Student Film Festival (UK) 2019 Innerschweizer Filmpreis (Switzerland) 2018 Special Jury Award, Uşak Kanatlı Denizatı Kısa Film Festivali (Turkey) 2018 Prix du Jury des enfants, Festival de Cinéma Jeune Public (Switzerland) 2018 Special Festival Film Award, Roma Film Awards (Italy) 2018 Special Mention, Celtic Animation film Competition (UK) 2018 Best International Film, Camberley International Festival (UK) 2018 Best Student Animated Film Award, Golden Kuker- Sofia International Animation Film Fest () 2018 Best Animated Film, LIVING SKIES STUDENT FILM FESTIVAL (Canada) 2018 Special Mention, Festival Premiere Plans d‘Angers () 2017 Craft Award, Balkanima (Serbia) 2017 High Swiss Risk Award, Fantoche (Switzerland)

Screenings 11.07.-14.07.2019 Special Program, Tabor Film Festival () ------11.07.2019 Screening, Thessaloniki Queer Arts Festival (Greece) 15.05.-17.05.2019 Screening, Flimmerfest () ------08.04.2019 Competition Internationales Kurzfilmfestival Landau La.Meko (Germany) 30.03.-31.03.2019 Screening MOHA Short Film Night (Hungary) 07.03.-10.03.2019 Nominated for: production design, animation, editing and sound design, Watersprite Film Festival (UK) 01.03.-10.03.2019 Animation, Washington DC Independent Film Festival (USA) ------16.02.2019 International Competition,FluXus Animation Film Festival (The ) 23.01.-24.01.2019 EUROPANORAMA 27.12.-28.12.2018 GO, Girls!, Alma d‘Arte (Italy) 14.12.-21.12.2018 International Competition, ISTANBUL INTERNATIONAL SHORT FILM FESTIVAL (Turkey) 10.12.-14.12.2018 International Short Film Competition, Uşak Kanatlı Denizatı Kısa Film Festivali (Turkey) 06.12.-08.12.2018 International Competition, Student Animation Festival DUM-D (USA) 05.12.-09.12.2018 Best of Écoles, Fête de l‘anim‘ (France) 28.11.-02.12.2018 International Category, Animasivo (Mexico) 30.11.-09.12.2018 Competition, London International Animation Festival (UK) 21.11.-25.11.2018 International Competition, Festival de Cinéma Jeune Public (Switzerland) 20.11.-25.11.2018 ANIMA Competition, Etuida&Anima () 18.11.-25.11.2018 Eject Competition, Interfilm (Germany) 09.11.-14.11.2018 International Students maxi, Festival AnimArte () 08.11.-12.11.2018 International Animation Film Festival - Gdansk (Poland) 07.11.-10.11.2018 Logo International Animation Festival AJAYU (Peru) 07.11.-09.11.2018 Over the Horizon, Global University Film Awards (HK) 02.11.-11.11.2018 Animation, Hyperfest - International Student Film Festival (Romania) 01.11.-15.11.2018 World Animation Competition, Leeds International Film Festival (UK) 01.11.-04.11.2018 Official Selection, CutOutFest (Mexico) 30.10.-03.11.2018 Kurzfilmwettbewerb, Zuger Filmtage (Switzerland) 24.10.-27.10.2018 Short film competition, Primanima (Hungary) 22.10.-28.10.2018 International Competition, Uppsala Int. Short Film Festival (Sweden) 18.10.-21.10.2018 Competition, TAF (Greece) 16.10.-21.10.2018 Panorama Section, ATAFF (Hungary) ------14.10.2018 Leinwand-Jugend, Kino Nische (Switzerland) 12.10.-17.10.2018 Experimental Screening, KisaKes (Turkey) 12.10.-14.10.2018 Competition Animation, Festival du premier court métrage (France) 12.10.-21.10.2018 Competitive Screening, ANIMAGE (Brazil) 11.10.-23.10.2018 Shorts & Shots, Festival of Madrid () 11.10.-16.10.2018 Student Films Competition, TIAF (Taiwan) 05.10.-13.10.2018 International and Swiss Competition, Animatou (Switzerland) 01.10.-06.10.2018 Animated Film for Adults, Tofuzi (Georgia) 28.09.-07.10.2018 Focus on Animation, Milano Film Festival (Italy) 28.09.-07.10.2018 International Student Competition, Anim‘est (Romania) 25.09.-30.09.2018 International Competition, Encounters (UK) ------22.09.2018 Filmblock 2, Upcoming Filmmakers (Switzerland) 21.09.-23.09.2018 Competition, Kinofest (Romania) 20.09-27.09.2018 International Students maxi, Anim!Arte (Brazil) 07.09.-09.09.2018 New Talents, Festival of Animation Berlin (Germany) 06.09.-09.09.2018 International Competition, Linoleum (Ukraine) 29.08.-02.09.2018 International Competition, Turku Animation Film Festival (Finland) 21.08.-25.08.2018 Student Films Competition, Imaginaria (Italy) 20.08.-31.08.2018 International Students, Anim!Arte Festival (Brazil) 13.08.-19.08.2018 Student Films Competition, Anibar (Kosovo) 12.08.-18.08.2018 FIFAK (Tunisia) 01.08.-05.08.2018 Shorts Programme, Pluk de Nacht (Netherlands) 22.07.-27.07.2018 Student Films Competition, Supertoon (Croatia) 19.07.-23.07.2018 Short Film Competition, Insomnia International Animation Festival (Russia) 18.07.-22.07.2018 Short Film Competition, Animaphix (Italy) 06.07-14.07.2018 Swiss Competition, NIFFF (Switzerland) 22.06.-29.06.2018 Short Film Competition, Valencia International Film Festival Cinema Jove (Spain) 18.06.-23.06.2018 Competition, The Melbourne International Animation Festival (Australia) 04.06.-09.06.2018 Student Films Competition, Animafest Zagreb (Croatia) 31.05.-10.06.2018 International Competition, Short Shorts Film Festival & Asia () 25.05.-02.06.2018 Student Films Competition, Zlín Film Festival () 10.05.-12.05.2018 Time Lime Film Festival (Italy) 09.05.-14.05.2018 Student Films Competition, Chilemonos (Chile) 07.05.-13.05.2018 Student Films Competition, Golden Kuker-Sofia (Bulgaria) 01.05.-06.05.2018 Student Films Competition, Anifilm (Czech Republic) 25.04.-28.04.2018 Opening Screening Festival du Film Court d‘Angoulême (France) 24.04.-29.04.2018 Cartoon Network meets Hochschule Luzern, ITFS (Germany) 24.04.-27.04.2018 Short Film Empowered Perspective, La Truca (Colombia) 11.04.-15.04.2018 Student Films Competition, Go Short (Netherland) 08.04.-14.04.2018 Out of competition, Animocje (Poland) 04.04.-08.04.2018 Competition, Jugendfilmtage (Switzerland) 20.03.-25.03.2018 Random home cinema (Poland) 19.03.-05.04.2018 Animation Unlimited HKIFF (China) ------16.03.2018 Ganz schön schräg Museumsnacht Bern (Switzerland) 15.03.-02.04.2018 International Competition Mecal (Spain) 08.03.-10.03.2018 The Living Skies Student Film Festival (Canada) 07.03.-09.03.2018 ŠOBLĖ FILM FESTIVAL (Lithuania) 07.03.-11.03.2018 International Competition Tricky Women (Austria) 22.02.-25.02.2018 RANDOM SESSION Animac (Spain) 20.02.&24.02.2018 MALT ADULT ANIMATION NIGHT 7 malt adult (USA) ------09.02.2018 ANIMATED SHORTS OF LUCERNE Bad Bonn (Switzerland) 09.02.-18.02.2018 International Student Competition Anima () 25.01.-03.02.2018 Graduation Film Shorts VOID (Denmark) 25.01.-01.02.2018 Upcoming Talents & Trickfilmwettbewerb Solothurner Filmtage (Switzerland) 12.01.-21.01.2018 Plans animés européens Festival Premiere Plans d‘Angers (France) 06.12.-10.12.2017 FANTÁSTICA ANIMAÇÃO TRASH - Mostra (Brazil) 04.12.-10.12.2017 European Young Talents Competition Programme Animateka (Slovenia) 07.11.-12.11.2017 Film School Day Programme Int. Kurzfilmtage Winterthur (Switzerland) 30.10.-10.11.2017 Competition Big Cartoon Festival (Russia) 28.10.-03.11.2017 Graduation Films Official Selection ReAnimania (Armenia) 13.10.-22.10.2017 Short Special Screening: Animated Madness! Warsaw Film Festiwal (Poland) 06.10.-14.10.2017 Programme HSLU Animatou (Switzerland) 03.10.-07.10.2017 Student Competition Balkanima (Serbia) 05.09.-10.09.2017 Swiss Competition Fantoche (Switzerland)

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