OCEANIA NEWSLETTER Oceania High Performance Umpire Development Program 2011 Continued
Volume 1, Issue 1 Oceania AGM 2011 October 2011 The Oceania Netball Federa- At the AGM several new initia- formance Umpire Development tion (ONF) AGM was this tives were reported, which have Plan was being implemented, year hosted by Papua New the potential to progress the Oce- with some great results and sev- Guinea. ania region positively in the fu- eral potential umpires identified ture: for future nurturing with a view PNG were fabulous hosts and to having 2 International Umpire the accommodation at La- The Region has established Game appointments from within the mana Hotel was outstanding! Development and High Perform- Pacific in the near future. ance Advisory Groups. The pur- PNG also hosted the 4th an- pose of these groups is to lead the The Pacific Netball Partnership nual Pacific Netball Series, strategic direction for game de- funding and work plans in Sa- which saw Fiji, Samoa, Cook velopment and high performance moa, Vanuatu and Cook Islands Islands and PNG compete for in the region. The advisory are providing solid platforms for the overall winners title for groups will be chaired and led by these countries to build on in the 2011. More about the Pacific country delegates. coming few years. Netball Series on page 3 & 4. Year 1 of the Oceania High Per- Read on to find out more... Oceania Netball Federation Executive, Country Presidents & Delegates Back: Mata Tuatagaloa (Samoa), Patsy Hockin (Cook Islands), Frances Lasekula (Vanuatu), Tui Hicks (Samoa), Bev Barlow (Samoa) Middle: Alini Sovu (Fiji), Noelyn Luahiti (Solomon Islands), Julienne Leka (PNG), Hitolo Moka (PNG) , Jeanette Yiu Hing (Vanuatu) Front: Carole Maddix (NZ - ONF Executive), Tina Browne (Cook Islands - ONF President), Briar Martindale (NZ - ONF Executive) Welcome Tonga Netball Association In 2011 the Oceania Netball to meeting „Ungatea Kata The Oceania Netball Federation Federation membership in- (President) and other members membership is as follows: creased to 10 countries.
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