CONGRESSIONAL RECORD— Extensions of Remarks E550 HON
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E550 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks April 22, 2015 paper and award-winning programs for the re- RECOGNIZING ROYAL STUDIOS AS Uptown Funk continues Royal Studios’ long manufacturing and recycling of used toner car- THE RECORDING HOME OF THE tradition of musical excellence and showing tridges. BILLBOARD HOT 100 #1 HIT, UP- the world what Memphis has to offer. I ask all For these bold business plans, Lexmark has TOWN FUNK of my colleagues to join me in recognizing received a wide range of environmental Memphis’ Royal Studios as the recording awards. These honors are an excellent reflec- HON. STEVE COHEN home for the Billboard-chart topping single, tion of the deep-seated commitment to envi- OF TENNESSEE Uptown Funk, and the dedicated work of Mark ronmental stewardship that permeates IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Ronson, Bruno Mars, Kameron Whalum, Law- Lexmark, from the CEO to the salesman on Wednesday, April 22, 2015 rence ‘‘Boo’’ Mitchell and the entire Royal Stu- the front lines. Corporate Responsibility Maga- dios family in producing a single with such a zine, for example, has ranked Lexmark 35th in Mr. COHEN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to soulful Memphis sound that has reached lis- its listing of top U.S. corporate performers on recognize Royal Studios in Memphis, Ten- teners worldwide. Many people have noted a range of indicators including environmental nessee for recording Uptown Funk, which has that Uptown Funk will be one of the hottest protection and corporate governance. topped the Billboard Hot 100 for fourteen hits this summer. If you don’t believe them, weeks and counting, marking the single as the Kentucky is rightly proud of its environ- just watch. longest-leading Billboard Hot 100 of the mental heritage. We come by the nickname f the ‘‘Bluegrass State’’ quite honestly. It is a 2010s. Additionally, Uptown Funk’s fourteenth week makes it only the Billboard’s eighth sin- land of diverse environments and lush, abun- IN RECOGNITION OF THE 50TH gle since the chart began in 1958 to hold the dant natural resources. To partner with com- ANNIVERSARY OF JOB CORPS top spot for at least as long and places it in panies like Lexmark, which do so much to a seven-way tie for the second longest #1 hit conserve our environment while being a HON. MARCIA L. FUDGE in the history of the Chart. The only single OF OHIO source of employment to thousands of Ken- among this elite group of eight to surpass Up- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES tuckians, is a source of great pride. town Funk has held the #1 spot for sixteen Mr. Speaker, it is a special privilege for me weeks. The single also leads the Hot 100’s Wednesday, April 22, 2015 to be able to recognize the outstanding civic Digital Songs, Radio Songs and Streaming Ms. FUDGE. Mr. Speaker, this year marks and environmental record compiled by my Songs charts. In a raving endorsement of Up- the 50th anniversary of Job Corps. For five friends at Lexmark. I offer my congratulations town Funk’s popularity, First Lady Michelle decades, Job Corps has helped millions of for your tremendous successes and offer my Obama with cast from the show ‘‘So You disadvantaged youths complete their high encouragement to continue to lead in this Think You Can Dance’’ performed a school education and transition into successful area. choreographed dance to the song as part of careers or higher education. f her ‘‘Let’s Move!’’ initiative on the Ellen Since the 1960s, Job Corps has brought RECOGNIZING THE FALLEN AND DeGeneres Show and at this year’s White public agencies and private sector businesses WOUNDED SOLDIERS FUND House Easter Egg Roll. The collaboration be- together to help nearly 60,000 of our nation’s tween Uptown Funk writer Mark Ronson, sing- poor and unemployed young people gain the er Bruno Mars and Royal Studios has swept skills necessary to build successful careers. HON. MIKE BISHOP the music scene in America and abroad, and More than 80 percent of Job Corps graduates OF MICHIGAN has given listeners around the world a taste of obtain jobs, enroll in higher education or enter IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the soulful sound that is unique to Memphis. the military. Wednesday, April 22, 2015 Uptown Funk is an example of born-and- In the 11th District, the Cleveland Job Corps bred Memphis musical talent. Ronson, a Center has been an integral part of the com- Mr. BISHOP of Michigan. Mr. Speaker, I rise Grammy-winning artist and a noted producer today to recognize and praise The Fallen and munity for over 40 years. The first Job Corps for talents such as Adele and the late Amy women’s center opened in Cleveland on April Wounded Soldiers Fund and its dedicated Winehouse, traveled to Memphis in February service to Michigan veterans and their fami- 9, 1965. The center’s new campus opened in 2014 looking to recruit singers for his music 2007 and now serves nearly 400 students lies. project. It was then that he visited Royal Stu- Founded in 2006, The Fallen and Wounded each year, providing them with a safe and se- dios and met owner Lawrence ‘‘Boo’’ Mitchell, cure environment in which to further their edu- Soldiers Fund was created to support Michi- the son of Memphis music legend and pro- gan-based servicemen and women who have cation and gain valuable technical career ducer, Willie Mitchell, and decided to record at skills. served and continue to serve in defense of the iconic studio. Ronson enlisted Philip Law- their nation. The Fallen and Wounded Soldiers Congratulations to Job Corps on 50 years of rence and notable Royal Studios familiars success. Its dedicated employees provide the Fund, an all-volunteer effort, has served the Steve Jordan, Willie Weeks, Kevin Parker, immediate needs of the men and women of continuity and quality training our students Trombone Shorty, Mystikal and Michael need to achieve their goals. The value of Job the armed forces, by helping injured American Chabon to work on the single. Uptown Funk vets pay their living expenses, granting assist- Corps is clear. Graduates are providing critical also features Bruno Mars’s band member and services for our economy and communities, ance to the families of the fallen, and pro- Memphian, Kameron Whalum, who is the son viding other necessities these courageous in- and it is important to maintain our commitment of Pastor Kenneth Whalum of Olivet Baptist to this exceptional program. I am excited to dividuals, and their families, may need. Church in Memphis and the nephew of This organization has been a vital resource see the impact Job Corps will make in my dis- Grammy-winning saxophonist Kirk Whalum. trict and our country in the years to come. for the veteran community throughout the The success of Uptown Funk is the latest state of Michigan. Since its inception nearly a chapter in the long and storied history of f decade ago, The Fallen and Wounded Sol- Royal Studios, one of the oldest music record- REMEMBERING PAUL TIPPS, OHIO diers Fund has raised over $4M through an- ing studios in the world. Housed originally in a LEADER nual events and corporate and personal dona- movie theater built in 1915, Royal Studios was tions. An astounding 95 percent of all pro- founded in 1957 and became the home of Hi HON. TIM RYAN ceeds end up going directly to Michigan vet- Records and the Hi Rhythm Section. Since OF OHIO erans. For these reasons and many others, I that time, numerous acclaimed artists have re- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES am proud to have been a supporter of the corded there, including Willie Mitchell, Al Fallen and Wounded Soldiers Fund since its Green, Ann Peebles, Bobby Blue Bland, Elton Wednesday, April 22, 2015 founding. John, Robert Plant, Snoop Dogg and many Mr. RYAN of Ohio. Mr. Speaker, I rise to re- The Fallen and Wounded Soldiers Fund is others. The studio has also recorded for Holly- member Paul Tipps of Ohio who passed away just one of many wonderful organizations that wood films including Opportunity Knocks, Pulp yesterday afternoon. assist American veterans across our nation. Fiction, Good Will Hunting, The Book of Eli, Paul Tipps was a great leader when political We will continue to count on the tireless and Love Jones, Six Feet Under and other films giants dominated Ohio. Paul stepped down as selfless organizations, such as The Fallen and and television shows. Uptown Funk marks Chairman of the Ohio Democratic Party in Wounded Soldiers Fund, for years to come, to Royal Studios’ first #1 hit since Al Green’s 1983, and Democrats with his help held the ensure that when our service members return 1972 Let’s Stay Together and the first Bill- top five statewide offices, both houses of the home they are properly and respectfully cared board 100 Hit out of Memphis since the 1976 state legislature, a majority of the state Su- for. hit Disco Duck by Rick Dees. preme Court, and both U.S. Senate seats. VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:12 Apr 23, 2015 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K22AP8.004 E22APPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with REMARKS.