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PAGE TWELVE THE ARIZONA REPUBLICAN, MONDAY MORNING-- , JANUARY 29, 1912. Jeasure Vehicles Discipline i MOTHERS Notice the Brand M The reason J or pleasure vehicles is here THE BIG HITH and wo have them to meet it. We have By D. E. DERMODY. It is the duty of every expectant Goldberg's Kemoval Sale of Men's Suits is the provided the nicest line of buggies of all mother to prepare her system for the Look them coming of her little one ; to avoid as Iris grades and stvles obtainable. far as possible the suffering of such 'Everything in Hardware." (Copyright, 1910, by the Pearson occasions, and endeavor to pass Publishing Co.) through the crisis with her health 124-13- 0 E. Wash. and strength unimpaired. This she 127-13- 7 W. Thayer may do use of E. Adams. Ezra -- nc "O through the Mother's Jen. implored hoarse!' Friend, a remedy that has been so Jen! I can't stand it any longer. PROPOSITION Brand long $19 in use, and accomplished so Let's talk about him." much good, that it is in no sense an What Is It? Simply Jennie broke into wild and experiment, but a preparation which thir fellow-passenger- s watched tho always produces the best results. It A plain offer to let you Is the'mark SafesSafes pair with sympathetic curiosity, as the is for excrnal application and so pen- have regular $25, $27.50 etrating in as to thorougldy of Highest youth placed his good arm about the its nature Stein-bloc- lubricate every muscle, nerve and ten- $30 and $32.50 h des- girl and led her to the bench, where Excellence All kinds and don involved during the period before and System they sat down. And when the girl "L" in Coffees, criptions. We carry baby conies. It aids nature by ex Suits for $19 each. A grew calm they talked about Patrick. panding the skin and tissues, relieves and Canned them in stock. Get our Jimmie's arm remaining around his tenderness and soreness, and perfectly big sweeping clearance prices first. sister, she slipped liers about him; and prepares the system for natural and of tremendous varieties Goods, Keep even in their great grief the thought safe motherhood. Mother's Friend of styles, patterns, col- It in Mind came, privately to each, that not since has been used and endorsed by thou- Go sands of mothers, aud its use will ors and sizes. It won't When Buying PiioenixWarelmuse little girl- - and boyhood had they so Mm held each other. be open long this of- woman in need of such a remedy. I Baking Powder. Cor. 3rd Ave. and Jackson St. The Colmer cottage was some dis- fer. Go to it for all Overland Phone 1231. tance from the car line. Hand in Mother's Friend Consolidated 131. hand, the brother and 3ister were met is sold at drug you're worth. Get a a block from the gate by their father, stores. Write for Suit for Nineteen whose spectacled eyes gave no hint of free book for E. S. Wakelin his emotion. Assured of Jimmie's well-bein- g, nr..ntn.,t ...nil. mmm he spoke jerkily. crs, which con Grocer Co. "There's somebody at the house tains much valuable information. This Season's produc- waiting for you," he announced. "You'd BRADF1ELD REGULATOR CO., Atlanta, Go. THE ARIZONA REPUBLICAN'S AUTOMOBILE never guess who." tions $13.50, $15.00, Neither manifested interest, both 5 opining that he was making much of a il?16-50$ft-2- GOLD AND TRIP CONTEST matter to minds. THIS little distract their ANNOUNCEMENT VISIT BALLOT But Jennie, never wanting In filial re- Now MUST BE spect, dutifully inquired: "Who is it, 1J daddy?" w THE SMOKE HOUSE 3kl VOTED For ON OR "Patrick ho got home ahead of ED S.-JA- Proprietor. GOOD FOR ONE VOTE BEFORE you." F E FEB. 8, 1912 "Father!" Jennie stopped, her 10 $10.00, $11.50, $12.50 m 7C hands on her father's shoulder, staring 1 And $13.50 V Ld 2so District up into his covered eyes with wild in- - ( rrcdulity. Jimmie too blinked at him Suits Now J Good only If presented at The Republican office on or before dumbly. Circular From Santa Fe I the above date. (X. B. Trim the blanks neatly for filing "Father!" gasped the girl again. "Is of Hotel Vendome Patrick well? How when did he get Headquarters Telling 319 V. Washington St. here?" the Transfer of Local Phone: Overland 1288. "Only an hour or so ago. He seems Properties to the Main Rooms Modern, with private well enough, but but there is some- GOLDBERGS' bath. Single or en suite. I Lease. Now Open for the Winter Season thing wrong. don't understand Line by about him. He 'pears to have been having a hard time of it. His clothes Officially verifying the information WHO ENJOYS COMFORT us bid on your window shades, sounls are torn and dirty, and and his face days ago. comes tin washing. dear, he published a few The average man who enjoys com-- 1 quvcr, doenn't it, but we can make you The Hotel at Castle Hot Springs needs And Jennie following letter, the of- don't know where he is nor why he circular from fort, appreciates good stoves, perhaps 'prices on shades that will make you Hot Springs, Arizona (Four Hours From Phoenix by Railway and camo here, He don't recognize me nor fice of I!. I'. Uipley, president of the more than antoher article of apparel. tell your friends about us. We've got Atchison.- - ToiK-k-a & S.inta Fe railway iJk-m- ' Hotel Automobiles). mother; don't even know who he Is Nettleton's Shoes are perfectly made one of the dandiest lines of furniture S t . t.t signed by official: ' 'tffiT himself. We must take care of him. system, und that from the bet leather, they conform to in town. When you leave this sum- - Wgf s.t Come on in the house." "Chicago, Jan. J2. 1311". tho feet. They keep their shape andjirwr we'll come and pack for you. THE IDEAL VINTER RESORT OF AMERICA. properties of the Santa Fe, Neither Jennie nor Jimmie spoke "Tho wear twice as long as ordinary .'hoes Ilarrows-Fooalie- e Furntiuie Co., 4th. fc Hallway company, The waters are the most curative known; a specific for rheuma- then. But as they passed in Preseott Phoenix and alway. look as well. Nettleton's avenue and Washington street. further California Itailway com- tism, stomach trouble, nervousness. Delightful pools for open-ai- r at the gate. Jennie ventured a remark, the Arizona shoes in all the leather and newest o Hail-roa- d pany, the Prescott & Eastern - ill bathing. The hotel accommodations are first class in every way. and one might almost have suspected Diehl Shoe Co. Youth feeds- on own flowery its " eomapny and the Hradshaw '- - - Mountain trails, hor.pback riding, and many other outdoor diversions. that there was a note of happiness In o pastures; in up - TOY wvi 1 company, hereto- pli.sures it builds a Hailroad tlu-pam- Surroundings are always cheerful. There is none of the gloom of a her voice. Mountain FOURTEEN COATS ON. lite that knows no trouble till e f operated by Fe. Pres sanitarium It is simply a perfect hotel and a perfect resort for people "Yes, we'll care for him," she said fore the Santa For you to have on fourteen coats of virgin is lost in that of & Kaiiway compan. who want to rest and enjoy life to the uttermost in Arizona's match- softly. cott Phoenix here in August would be very uncom-- 1 wif -- Sophocles have been sold to the California. Ari- less sunshine. Xo tuberculosis cases received. For additional par- Her father and brother had her by fortable. but a vehicle with fourteen : fc Hiilway company ! ticulars address zona Santa Fe coats of paint and varnish on is very either arm as they entered the little leased to the Atchisun company cottage parlor. Patrick, pale and and desirable. Every Velio Buggy is fin-- 1 noon. January REUTER-ELWEL- L COMPANY serge for operation, effective ishetf up with nine coats of paint By Having THE HOTEL MANAGEMENT grimy of face, his blue uniform the for- andj Your Clothes Cleaned at with mud, stood 22. 1912. The officials under five coats of varnish. All metal parts' Fancy Grocers HOT SPRINGS, ARIZONA. shredded and caked K" retained by a looking out, hut. mer nmnagement will or Fresh and vegetables re THE ARIZONA CLEANING WORKS window turned duties. These wivught iron steel. See them at fruits lo stare without intelligence at the In with the same titles and Ryan & Machinery Co., ceived every morning. Your phone desigiutod "Atchison. The Vehicle Jennie, after a low, pitiful, lines will be I3C to 140 orders will receive attention. truders. HaUway-Sant- a East Adams street. inarticulate cry. returned his regard Topeka & Santa Fe o Main 3 230 E. Wash Ovid. 714 of vacancy Now and Fe. Prescott & Phoenix lines." The New Cleanly Sanitary pained in 3ilcnce. A LITTLE HEAT. then the sailor passed a hand across headquarters will remain at Prescott, HOTEL STORY hopeless ges- Ariz." Makes the house feel comfortable his forehead with a tired, chilly nights mornings. Why Mrs. M. Story, Prop, ture. Jimmie finally advanced with o these and you . outreaching hand, calling his old com- people always growl about not have a hot air furnice that toonis.