24 - THE HERALD. Thuni.. Aug. 20. IW

Plenty of cents here, Best ideas may ■ M and service their, goods. Ruppman does not .,.page 16 numbers in pribited advertising but Ruppman N E W Y O R K (U P I) - The "kOO ” telepbone said it must be mbauntial. sell products of its own. ___ . line systeifi is a wonderful aid to nuirketiiig Rm pm an’s 244ioor 800 n ^ b w but not, everywhere He said the use of 800 numbers In but, like everything else revoluUonary, it has calledWaloguo MarketWg. When a caU com­ marketing stiil is growing i|t an astoniming produced some unforeseen problems. es in the c l ^ l r s t asks, “ What Is your postal ppce despite softness in the general economic By Barbara Richmond ^ bank, a savings bank, is different For one, says Charles Riippman, bead of clinute. His company alone will handle two from the com mercial banks. He said Ruppman Marketing Services of Peoria, 111., number is ^ h e d into ^ Herald Reporter million such toll-free calls for infWmatlon peoploisave coins in banks at home if you advertise an 800 number on radio or puter the names and addresses o f the cIosMt While local banken aren't exactly and turn them into the savings bank. about specific prodgeU o r services this year Cool tonight; Manchester, Conn. television, the roof m ay faU in on you. driers for the products or ■iiijpng "Penniet from Heaven,” He said if other banka run short of and thousands o f companies are using 800- “ You just never know how many people are customer asked about appear on the cterks sunny Saturday ttere doesn’t seem to be a dearth of pennies his bank tries to help them going to pick up their phones in the nest few number lines. ^ ^ ' video screen, perhaps with other pertinent in­ Friday, Aug. 21, 1981 p e lv e s In any o f the local banks. Nevertheless, be said be is inclined to doubt out If it can. minutes and try to call the number,” he said. formation. .. . _ . Such it not the case in the W est and that 800 numbers and other home shopping —See page 2 25 Cents Richard Laugier, vice president o “ You may have 25 clerks on duty but enough ’The clerk then puts the caller s name and Manchester State Bank, said the methods are responsible for any decline in midwest where many banks are calls to swamp 200 will come within ten address in the computer. Later in the o®y> “ jc retail store traffic. These methods usually offering special inducements from problem of hoarding coins has minutes. It can be a nighWnare.” Ruppnian computer sends out dealer alert free soft drinks to cash to entice happened with all coins at one tim e or are linked to stores, be said, and give Ruppmap says this makes planning tough cards on the call and adds the caller’s name patrons to get the copper coins back (Another. He said on and off over the • shoppers information on where to find what on the budget and the m arketer’s blood and address to mailing prospect lists for years there has been some shortage they are interested in most conveniently and into circulation. pressure, but it also proves something impor­ other relevant Ruppman clients. , at the best prices.’ According to UPI, a spokesman at of pennies but his bank ■ always tant. People still do a lot of Impulse buying “ Everybody benefits,” RuppiMn said. He said fte burgeoning process of cable the Federal Reserve Bank In New managed to get what it needs. Tongue even if they don’t want to botner-to go to “ The caller gets information quickly and television two-way shopping communications York said the U.S. mint has increased In dieek, he said, “ When they run out stotes where thev encounter the point- free; manufacturers and retailers get a also will do that, so he doesn’t ekpect elec- r penny (Hoduction, but pennies are not of coins, they’ll sU rt nriaking paper • of-purchase signs and dl^lays that for direct salOs lead on the immediate inqui^ tronic marketing to have any really serious being returned to circulation, so the pennies and then you’ll have a pocket- decades have been the marketers’ tools lor and a mailing prospect for future orders.” Impact on the business of the nation’s banks need more. ful.” ^ . inspiring impulse buying. Contacted Wednesday,- spokesman Spokesmen at the local branches of retailers. OPEC ministers adn^it failure ” It’s clearly observable that the for some of the local banks said they Hartford National, Connecticut Bank Ruppman and similar firms use 800 Playing bridge overwhelming share of responses to 800- between moderate Saudi Arabia and than the current OPEC reference haven't had any penny shortage to & Trust and Heritage Savings and numbers, direct mail, expert placement of Sheik Ahmed Zakl Yamani rejecting private talks upstairs in the heavily numher broadcast advertising comes within Oswald Jacoby and Alan Sontag vrrite GENEVA, Switzerland (UPI) - At 2 p.m. (8 a.m. EDT) baggage of Loan, all said they hadn’t noUced any Yellow Page ads, sales Ut«:ature distribution guarded hotel. hard-liners like Venezuela and Iran. price of $36. date. minutes after the commercials are broad­ about bridge — every day on the comics the OPEC delegations was moved a proposal that OPEC set a new problem with a shortage of the co|>per and other computer-aided, services to help OPEC oil ministers admitted failure OPEC sources said the meeting "W e are silting there and trying to The reference price is a Tom Matrick, vice president of cast,” Ruppman said. There is no such easy page of The Manchester Herald. downstairs under guard, loaded into basic price for oil that would raise today after an five days of haggling would have opened today as a for­ get out." theoretical basic pcice for oil such Savings Bank of Manchester, said his coins as yet. way to measure the impulse response to 800 manufacturers and large wholesalers market average prices in the West about $2 and broke up their meeting wiUiout limousines and driven to Geneva ■The ministers asked their heads of as Saudi Arabia produces, and a barrel. mal "extraordinary conference" at agreement on a unified price for oil. aiport. which binding decisions could be states to intervene and for the first others vary charges depending on Hotel spokesmen said they had “ No agrM m ent — goodbye,” said taken if a compromise had been time extended the meeting to factors such as the quality of oil, been advised that the ministers “ N o,” Yamani said, shaking his Venezuelan Oil Minister Humberto reached during the night. Ministers today's fifth day - an un­ OPEC has largely ignored it for were ready to leave for home. head emphatically whoen asked if Pubiic records Calderon-Eierti as he rushed out of w e r e s h o rt and ir r it a b le In precedented session on the Moslem more than two years, charging a It was still not known whether the he would raise the Saudi price from the hotel to fly to Paris to catch a answering questions and Moham­ holy day - hoping the overnight range from $32 by Saudi Arabia to ministers could even agree to any $32 to $35 per barrel in return for Concorde jetliner for Caracas. mad Gharazi of Iran said “ nothing foniulintlon with presidents, kings more than $40 by sotne African joint statement to be issued in the other members lowering prices to Iraqi minister Tayeh Ab- has been done” when asked If tisi; and emirs would break the nroducers, event of a total breakdown. But the that level. “ Thirty-four dollars is Building permits dulKarim, shrugged, and said, consultations with their capllali i' id deadlock. failure of the ministers to get the maximum.” Subroto told reporters all T o Sabrina Pools for Joseph R. Ouellette for a pool at “Nothing. Everytoing stays as it produced movement. The 13-nation cartel had a fun­ together in a conference room After their unprecedented over­ ministers agreed on the need for a is.” "W e are in a quicksand,” indiinn- damental split between Saudi 66 Brlarwood Drive, 86,S80. _ „ . night appeal to their heads of state unified price structure and for a To James P. Tierney for a pool at 211 Ferguson Road, Saudi Arabia had steadfastly pointed to collapse of the price Arabia, which refused to raise its to break their deadlock, they Sian Oil Minister Dr. Subroto, the freeze on prices. He said they were refused to raise its prices to satisfy negotiations. price above $34 a barrel, and a group 1400. reassembled today for only five president of OPEC, said, after a aiming for a compromise price of To Russell Miller for Perley Trombly for aluminum its cartel partners and it appeared The unprecedented fifth day of fourth day of bargaining Thursday of countries including Venezuela meetings to prevent an pllout price m in u tes b e fo re b rea k in g up. $35. siding at 202 Henry St., $3,000. earlier today the meeting would end failed to produce a compromise and Iran that refused to charge less war opened with Saudi Oil Minister Yamani said they would return to To LaVoie Siding for Miklos Gyskeri for vinyl siding with no agreement. at 235 School St., $5,000. „ . . To Sebastian Gianni for D & R Used Car Sales for fire damage repair at 461 Main St., $3,800. „ . T o Richard W. Bushnell for a pool at 66 Thayer Road, Reagan knew Libya $1,000. . , To Stanley J. Bellefleur for Gunnar Larson for alterations to a carport at 42 Ludlow Road, $1,000. To Anthony F. Pagano for alterations at 369 Porter St., $2,000. o. ■To Dan McCooe for vinyl siding at 32 Durkin St., $2,- might attack planes 000. To Robert S. Flint for Lillian E. Griffing for reroofing •'So the exercises properly they awoke me ... to tell me about at 25 Green Manor Road, $1,700. LOS ANGELES (UPI) — Presi­ To Loren Stolp for a coal stove at 117 Butternut Road, required crossing to a certain extent it," Reagan said, shrugging. dent Reagan says he approved U.S. that (territorial) line." Reagan "There's a very good answer to $500. warplane maneuvers that crossed To Advanced Solar Systems for William L. Sheridan said, "and as I say, it is still inter­ that," he quipped, " I f our plants the line into disputed air space off for a solar domestic hot water system at 55 Candelwood national waters and 1 approved that were shot down, yes, they'd wake the coast of Libya, knowing the ac­ Drive, $2,995. tion might trigger the kind of armed — that we would do that." me up right away. To Steven P. Molochnick for Erda Kolhn for reroofing "These are international waters," clash that erupted this week. " I f the other fellows were shot he insisted. The U.S. government, at 40 Crestwood Drive, $1,700. The president, speaking Thursday down, why wake me up? " To U & R Housing Corp. for Dr. Robert Stoker for to a Republican fundraiser in Costa he said, was aware "that there On Thursday, tfuring what he vinyl siding at 375 Oakland St., $3,000. might be some harassment" from called a 'Yankee-Doodle day, " Mesa, Calif., found support for the To Advanced Solar Systems for, Dr. Joseph A. Libya and that possibility had been Reagan got a first-hand look at the downing by U.S. warplanes of two Prignano for a solar domestic hot water system at 384 specifically addressed by the F-14 in action while visiting the Soviet-made Libyan jets that at­ National Security Council. I,0(K)-foot-long USS Constellation - Bush Hill Road, $2,995...... tacked them over the Mediterra­ To Thomas Fisher for James Blair for vinyl siding at "If they actually became hostile a conventionally powered carrier — nean early Wednesday. and fired on our forces' ships or off the California coast. 57 Lakewood Circle North, $4,000. But while acknowlMging the ad­ To Lappen for Joseph and Lam a Reidy for a wood and planes, what would our response be The president clearly enjoyed the ministration was aware the Libyans coal stove at 26 Wetherell St., $1,000. might seek a confrontation with U.S. in these maneuvers?" he asked. display of aerial firepower the Navy There was, Reagan continued, To Sallie S. Townsend for a fence at 119 Coleman forces, he again denied the put on for his benefit. To the men of the Constellation, Road, $800. . . maneuvers w ere an intentional "only one answer to that question: To Sabrina Pools for Francis Sullivan for a pool at 115 the president said he was impressed provocation of Libya’s radical “ If our men are fired on, our men are going to shoot back." by the aerial demonstration, "but Carpenter Road, $6,000. leader, Col. Moammar Khadafy. To Lewellyn Pelletier for a fence at 145 Park St., $500. The remark brought loud applause what’s more important, it is also "Good lord,” said Reagan, “ we To Michael Talaga for William Jordan for a fireplace from the 350 Republicans in atten­ impressive to the enemies of send our ships into the Black Sea, and chimney at 20 Kensington St., $1,400. freedom in the world. just as the Russians send theirs into dance. To Robert Jarvis for Peter Kearney for feroofing at The president then turned to the ■‘And we had an example of that the Caribbean, to establish the fact less serious question of how closely just the night before last on the 181-183 Wadsworth St., $1,900. they are international waters.” To William R. Donnelly for alterations at 67 McKinley he monitored developments early He said a parallel to Khadafy’s carrier Nimitz.” St., $1,975. , . , UPI photo claim of territorial sovereignty over Wednesday in the aftermath of the As some 3,000 sailors cheered, To Walpole Woodworkers for Aaron Curtice for a tool Reagan said he wag.committed to a the Gulf of Sidra — far beyond inter­ brief U.S.Libyan dogfight. "Th ere's been a lot of talk and the 600-ship Navy -- "a Navy big enough shed at 11 Philip Road, $2,000. President Reagan, wearing a captain’s cap aboard the U.S. Navy aircraft carrier nationally recognized limits — To Andrew Ansaldi Co. for Joe Schauster for addition press has been very concerned to deter aggression wherever it and jacket, sits with Undersecretary of the Constellation off the coast of California would be the United States claiming at 22 Cumberland St., $20,000. because six hours went by before might occur." Thursday. the Gulf of Mexico as its own. To Mermaid Pools for Herbert Sargent for a pool at 73 Navy Jim Goodrich, loft, as he describes Milford Road, $2,800. what he sees in a fire power demonstration T o John Brodeur for Jean R. and Suzanne Brodeur for a fence at 400 Woodland St., $200. To Walter Kenefick for an addition at 16 Hamilton Drive, $5,700. , ^ , Fall election to pit vets against upstarts To John P. McCarthy for a pool at 90 Deerfield Drive, ty, but he is a long-time town $1,500. The Republicans raised a few To Annum Constroction Co. for Stephen Massaro for a turn around a losing baseball team mings. “ W e’re running on our employee who is already well By Paul HendrIe party in power here for the past 10 eyebrows by nominating three sign at 331 Center St., $1,275. with young, but inexperienced, record of 10 years of leadership. We known. years. relative unknowns, Mary-Jane To Anthony Botticello for alterations at 11 Perrett Herald Reporter Cummings, like the manager of an talent is looking for new ways to win can say with assurance that in those "Th e people in this community Dodge Pazda, Joan Lingard and experienced baseball team which the political ballgame. 10 years, through the mayoralities are careful," said Cummings. “ I Place, $5,000. This fall’s Board of Directors Donna Richardson Mercier, to join To Ken Fitzgerald for Alan Benford for alterations at He can’t afford to sit back and of Mr. Thompson and Mr. Moriarty think our candidates have displayed election may be shaping up as a con­ wins the pennant each year, is let­ incumbents William J. Diana.-Peter ting his players do their stuff this wait for the home runs, instead he and Mr. Penny, that we have been a rather careful and adaptable ap­ 4 Clyde Road, $3,800. test between the seasoned veterans P . D iR osa Jr. and P e te r C. To R.A. Valentine for a tool shed at 197 Vernon St., has to play an aggressive game and careful and responsible and that we proach. People know we have and the fresh upstarts. year, content to play for the big in­ Sylvester in the election run. stress toe fundamentals, in this case have tried.” listened. We have been stable in the $400. And the two slates appear best ning because he knows his players The Democrats stuck with their To Mitchell and Sylvia Hadge for reroofing at 50 tight organization and careful plan­ “ We have some fresh people with face of a lot of upsetting forces.” personified by the men in charge of have hit the key homers in the past. incumbents. Mayor Stephen T. Pen­ fresh ideas,” said Smith. “The peo­ "About half the voters in town are Cushman Drive, $700. Manchester’s political parties. 'Ihe Republicans are headed by ning. ^ ny. Deputy Mayor Stephen T, To Joseph L. Swensson Jr. Inc. for a dwelling at 52 And like any good baseball ple in there now are going to have to women," said Smith. "This is the The Democrats are led by their Vice Chaimum Curtis M. Smith, Cassano, James R. McCavanagh, managers at spring training, the two defend their positions. Instead of first time, 1 believe, that there’s Wellman Road, $35,000. Chairman Theodore R. Cummings, who rose from relative obscurity in Arnold M, Kleinschmidt and Bar­ To D.W. MacKinnon for Court House One for a floor the past year on the basis of his local party leaders optimistically boast being locked into a defensive posi­ been a slate in town with an equal a wlley veteran whose long bara Weinberg. and foundation at 3-C Tolland Turnpike, $4,000. tion, we will be free to develop new number of women and men on it. exp^ence in town and state politics organising for the Reagan-Bush about their teams. The only new Democratic To Daniel Fraher for a demolition of a one-car garage “We’re getting dam go^ vibes issues. I think it’s a very positive has taught him all the tricks of the campaign. nominee is James "Dutch” Fogar­ liirn to page B at 441 Summit St., $100. trade and helped him to keep bis Smith, like a manager trying to from out candidates,” said Cum­ thing.” T o Eugene A. Sierakowski for alterations and an addi­ tion at 101 Strawberry Lane, $3,500. To LaVoie Siding for Edwin Waraka for vinyl siding at Dennis returns 242 School St., $3,000. To Thomas R. Bellveau for a pool at 52 HoUister St., Ordinance to curb Today's Herald ^ To Albert Bombardier Jr. for alterations, repairs, to being storin aluminum siding and reroofing at 10-12 Bunce Drive, $6,- Back to school 500. John Yavis, chairman of the Manchester school ’To Mlruckis Roofing for Joseph Falkowski for roof CAPE HATTER AS, N.C. (UPI) - A hurricane for board, welcomes students back to school in a repair at 68 Alton St., $2,600. only one day, Dennis was downgraded to a tropical special commentary on today's opinion page. I’ ugc To Francis Maston for a tool shed at 36 Lyndale St., false alarms proposed storm again today as it thrashed harmlessly through the $300. School bus routes for Manchester,, and calendars Atlantic, threatening only shipping. To Rigid Mason Contractors for Kathleen Nadeau for The storm, which grew into a hurricane with 75 mph Miner. The department answered 8.- killed in Darien, Miner said, when for schools in Manchester, are published in today’s a chimney at 710 Middle Turnpike West, $1,100. By Nancy Thompaon winds after it left the Carolina coast Thursday, 096 false alarms last year, including he was shot while responding at Focus section. I’ agvo 16 lu 18. To Germano Bros, for Timothy Devanney for a fence Herald Reporter ^ weakened to 55 mph this morning in the open Atlantic break-in, armed robbery, water location of frequent false alarms. Students returning to Manchester High and at 836 P orter St., $1,940. , „ , and lost its hurricane status. Responding to the “ coloual waste flow and fire alarms, he said. “ Some people at banks are Cheney Tech may be displaced by renovation To Henry Lerch for Levitt Construction Co. for • solar Based on an average of 30 minutes amused when the police come At 6 a m. EDT, the National Hurricane Center in of manpower and energy’’ caused by projects. Page 20. domestic hot water system at 148 Mountain Road, $2,- charging in with their guns drawn,” Miami said Dennis was centered at latitude 38.0 north, a high nuriiber o f false alarms, time per call, for two officers Many curriculum changes are planned for 1981-82 700. ' responding, Mlper estimated that Lannan said. “ It’s a serious matter 65.5 west, about 450 miles south-southwest of Halifax, police and town officials this mor- in the M.nnchester public schools. Page 20. To Anthony Albert for a wood and coal stove at 148 false alarms cost $80,000 per year in Novia Scotia, It was expected to keep moving east- nlng introduced an ordinance to to those officers and to me. That Benton St., $800. ___ type of false ato)rm brings about northeast at 30 to 40 mph all day. tegulate alarm systems. pay alone. . To'T. Samperi for Raymond McGugan for a wood complacency, and that bringq about Gales extended 250 miles to the south and 200 miles to The proposed ordinance, which In addition. Miner said, false In sports stove at 10 l^ ll)r s St., $700. ___ the north of the center. Forecasters said the storm was trill be the subject of a public alarms are costly in terms of toe dead policemen.” 1V> D m id Forstrom for a fence at 256 Timrod Road, According to attorney Malcolm F. diffuse and was expected to weaken as it moved rapidly bearing at the Sept 1 .Board of danger they present to officers. Four teamk remain in Manchester softball tour­ $23,000. Directors meeting, .establishes fines Response to an alarm is “ highly Barlow, toe proposed ordinance sets nament ... Page 0. in the ocean...... To Charles A. Van Allen for alterations at 32 West up toe following restrictions: •‘Dennis is a threat only to shipping, toe hurricane for alarm system otm rs who have hazardous,” M iner said, because the / Center St., $11,700. officers must assume a felony is to • All aihrm systems must be center said in its latest advisory, adding rough seas and Tb J o s ^ P. Morlarty for a fence at 10 Earl St., $450. more than four false alarms in one progress and speed to the location of registered at the police department, high tides in Virginia and Maryland would gradually year of qperation. Index TO Kemietii C. Burkamp for a sign and fm ee at 811 with information including toe name decrease today. Forecasters advised small craft to re­ Police Chief Robert D. Lannan toe alarm. Main St., $200. False alarms are also a danger to of a person to turn off the alarm; Area towns ...... 7 L o tte r y ...... 2 said the proposed ordinance, which main in port. , . . J w, police because they create a “cry • Alarms which use a siren sound, Business...... 21 Obituaries ...... 8 Dennis, which poured much needed rain on drought- was revealed at a press conference woM” syndrome, where an officer similar emergency vehicles, would C lassified...... 21-23 Peopletolk ^4 oarched Florida, did little or no damage to the coasts of this morning, is the result of “ a C o m ic s ...... 19 Sports ...... 9-2 North and South Carolina as it flailed its way long-standing need to deal with false may be less than alert than normal be prohibited; IMNCHESTER NEWMGTON • Defective alarm systems would E d ito r ia l./ ...... 6 Television ...... H northward. Police reported power out in a few sections Yost writes ‘Herald Angle’ imisiftTMiie alarms.” because he has grown used to 1 “sras"' 1 1 ~S“ answering false alarms at an ad­ be. illegal; Entertainment ... 14-15 W eather...... 2 of North Carolina’s Outer Banks and some flooding of Harald Sports EditoiEditor Earl Yost keeps on top of sports • • t t a More than 9 percent of the calls sliwlnM I M l •maJsa .1 roads."' in h u regular colnnan. 'The Herald A ^ le ,” on the dally police respond to are false alarms, dress, Miner said. PleuM* turn to page 8 ' I~l'' ' ' sporU pages. according to Cpt. Henry "Bud” A police officer Was recently \V THE HERALD, Fri„ Aug. 21. 1981 - 3

2 - THE HERALD. Fri., Aug. 21. 1981 Cholera 22 Cuban refugees News Briefing lookout are ordered freed iOWItT porarily barred the government ftMMM Shoob set a hearing on the stay ATLANTA (U PI) — A smaU group from deporting any of the refugees motion for today. of Cuban refugees were ordered until another hearing is held Aug. 28. The Justice Department had said released today by a federal judge, The United States Catholic there were a ’’number of but government attorneys are Conference is working to verify begins criminals,” including murderers, in arguing that 225 other detainees sponsorship for the 156 men the the group scheduled for release. un VnATMW rOTOOMT • should remain In prison. government has no objection to Justice Department attorneys Castellan! said he was asking for a ATLANTA (UPI) - Health of­ releasing, but Sue Grescobiak, a asked U.S. District Court Judge stay on the release of the 225 Cubans ficials are on the lookout lor cases of program specialist for the group, Marvin Shoob late ’Thursday to stay because they “ have not been cholera in two Blast Texas counties said "our first priority is family Iran fight furious part of the order he issued reviewed by the admihistrative Crane will fly following the death of one man from reunification cases.” Twenty-two Wednesday releasing 381 Cuban review plan.” He said two Justice the disease and the hospitalization men fit that category, she said. By United Press International refugees from the Atlanta Federal Department panels would be set up BARABOO, Wis. (U PI) - The first Siberian crane to of another, the national Centers for Those who do not have family in Penitentiary, where 1,800 are in Atlanta next week to begin the be born and survive in captivity will have a little human Disease O>ntrol said today. this country will be screened for ad­ Iran’s Revolutionary Guards, seeking to end an Weather detained. review process and additional per­ instruction for its first flight today, and probably will ’The CDC also said the possibility mission to a special placement epidemic of assassinations, raided the headquarters of Resettlement officials said the sonnel would be supplied if needed. of cholera could not be rated out in program that involves three months never fly again. the opposition Mojahldeen Khalq In Tehran and fought a first Cubans to be freed would be Shoob ordered the release of 381 The rare bird, named Dushenka, w ill be taken to the furious four-hour battle with the leftist guerrillas in diarrhea illnesses that struck 40 of intensive counseling at any one of those who could be released into the detainees who were imprisoned in which six pewle were killed and IS wounded, reports others in the two Texas counties this 24 residences around the country. top of a hill near the International Crane Foundation care of family members — a group Atlanta after they admitted from Tehran'said. summer. Spaces for 200 refugees.currently today for its official first flight. Today’s forecast that numbers only 22 men. crim inal activity in Cuba. The For encouragement. Sue Rogers, an IC F aviculturist, In Tehran, Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini met Although the two East Texas are available in the program, Mrs. Assistant U.S. Attorney Robert detainees were among 125,000 ------, ------. „ Sunny today. High around 80. Clear and cool tonljght. cholera victims lived within 40 Grescobiak said. will run down the hill in front of the bird, flapping her Thursday with Iran’s new Cabinet and called for a purge Castellan! said the government was Cubans who came to Key West, Fla., miles of one another, the CDC said Refugees with serious mental or arms. . . of all ministerial and embassy employees who do not Lows SO to SS. Sunny early Saturday and partly cloudy in not opposed to the release of 156 last year in the “ Freedom Flotilla.” "A s soon as she (flies), she'll officially be the first they had no known ponnection behavioral problems that cannot be carry out their duties. the afternoon. Highs again around 80. Wind light and Cubans previously approved for Shoob, angered at government Siberian crane ever hatched and successfully raised in although "both were of low socio­ cared for by the program would not But the exiled leader of the Mojahldeen, Massoud variable today and tonight and light southerly on Satur- release by the Immigration and foot-dragging, said the refugees had captivity,” said Scott Freeman, an ICF official. economic status and often ate fish qualify, she said. At least 10 of the R ajavi, predicted in a West German interview ’Thursday d3y. Naturalization Service, but it been held long enough and the - Freeman said Dushenka had lightly lifted off the caught in local bayous.” group were found to be mentally IGiomeini will be overthrown in months despite his wanted the opportunity to review government’s plan would further regime’s all-ut attempt to crush the guerrillas. Cholera, an acute intestinal dis­ retarded. « ground once. the other 225 cases. delay their release. He also tem­ Dushenka’ s official flight probably will be its last. The biggest open battle ever with the guerrillas Extended outlook ease, is transmitted mainly through Since the rare crane will live the rest of its life in cap­ erupted early ’Thursday when the Revoultionary Guards ingestion of contaminated water. tivity, its wings will be clipped. surrounded the Khatq headquarters In Tehran’ s Extended outlook for New England Sunday through One case of cholera killed a 65- Life got off to a tough start for the buff-brown crane, Sharahrara district and blocked all roads to what the of­ Tuesddy ‘ year-old man in the city of Orange in born June 4. ficial Pars news agency described as an assassination Massachusells, Rhode Island & Connecllcult Fair Orange 0>unty, Texas, last June. Walesa threatens It niade its first movements outside the shell with the headquarters. weather Sunday through Tuesday. Highs In the 70s to to ’The CDC said "despite vigorous world gawking at it through television and newspaper Pars said three Mojahldeen were killed, six were low 80s. Overnight lows in the mid 50s to low 80s. treatment, he died two weeks after cameras. wounded and 16 arrested. Witnesses said three Vermont: Fair to partly cloudy through the period. admission (to a hospital) with renal Revolutionary Guards were killed and at least nine Highs upper 70s to mid 80s. Lows upper 40s and 50s. and pulihonary failure.” wounded. M aine and New H am pshire: Fair Sunday and Mon- Earlier, a 42-year-old man who Today in history Residents of the capital, reached by telephone from day. Chance of a few showers Tuesday. Highs in the 70s also lived near Beaumont, in Jeffer­ 'total' confrontation Doctors cautions Beirut, Lebanon, said the sound■ of ■ heavy■ shooting was to low 80s. Lows in the upper 40s and the 50s. son County came down with the li- heard all morning, and described the battle as lasting iness. A fter hospitalization and fluid On Aug. 21, 1940, Leon Trotsky, a prime WARSAW, Poland (UPI) - In an they were remarkably close to the That line came after repeated ac­ from four to eight hours. replacement, he improved rapidly, WASHINGTON (U PI) — Doctors are “ cautiously op­ builder of Soviet communism, was uncharacteristic hard-line warning. dangerous line Polish and Soviet cusations from’ the government that Long Island Sound the CDC said. timistic" an operation to.seal off a leaking nasai assassinated in Mexico City, where he had UPI photo Solidarity leader Lech Walesa said authorities have warned Solidarity Solidarity was trying to overstep its ’The CDC said although the source passage in White House press secretary James Brady’s Long Island Sound to Watch Hill, R.I., and Mon- the union’s next confrontation with not to tread. role as a trade union to become a lived in exile for three years. Here he Is In a of the disease was not found in skull w ill prove a success, but they won’t be certain for tauk Point, N.Y.: Small craft advisory in effect. the communist government w ill be After his remarks about in­ political party. hospital bed in his final hours, upi photo either case, strains of the bacteria Tall ship visits Northeast winds 10 to 15 knots today. Variable winds 10 “ total.” evitable confrontations, Walesa left W alesa’s uncharacteristic a few weeks. Income level down were found in standing w ater beside Brady spent the night in his room at George knots or less tonight and Saturday morning becoming “ I believe confrontation is un- Warsaw for the 200-mile trip home remarks came after he met behind the home of the first patient. It said Washington University Hospital after undergoing his southerly at 10 to 15 knots Saturday afternoon and Spectators line the shore of Portsmouth (N.H) Harbor as they avoidable.Xa grim-looking Walesa to Gdansk to deal with his step­ closed doors for an hour to persuade WASHING’TON (U PI) — In the biggest slump since the water, thought to be rainwater, fourth operation since being wounded in the March 30 evening. Fair through Saturday with visibility more watch the tall ship, Simon Bolivar, of Venezuela enter the har­ told fellow Solidarity leaders shortly father’s death in the United States. Solidarity printers to follow his World World II, the real median family income of had no obvious connection to the assassination attempt against President Reagan. than 5 miles. Average wave heights 1 to 2 feet today and bor under an escort of smaller vessels. The Simon Bolivar Is after the twoday national newspaper Solidarity national spokesman leadership and call off the Unions rebel Americans dropped 5.5. percent last year, driving house’s septic tank or well. Brady, 40, was reported in "very stable condition” the third tall ship to visit the small Now England seacoast town strike called by the union ended Janusz Onyskiewicz, who was left to newspaper strike on schedule. another 3.2 million people below the poverty line, the 1 foot or less tonight. ‘"These are the first cultureproved after nearly three hours of surgery. Late Thursday, a this summer. The Portsmouth City Council and the state of Now Thursday. deal with a barrage of questions A Solidarity spokesman said the W ASHINGTON (U P I) — Union officials are rebelling government says. cases of domestically acquired printers wanted to continue blocking hospital spokesman said Brady was “ back in his room, Hampshire have declared the week of Aug. 20-27 “Venesuelan “ The next confrontation will be a about Walesa’s outburst, said against draft proposals by the Reagan administration to Commerce Secretary Malcolm Baldrlge attributed cholera in the United States since government newspapers until awake and talking” total, confrontation. Now we need Walesa’s comments were a “ private revise enforcement of federal occupational health andd the sharp’ decline to a combination of double-digit 1978,” the CDC said. Friendship Week.’)’ Working through a quarter-inch incision below the left some time to survive a little longer, opinion and were not meant to be the authorities agreed to meet their "inflation and last year’s business recession.” National forecast UnUl 1973, the United States had eye, surgeons sealed o ff a nasal passage leak that has sqfty laws. then we can win,” Walesa said opinion of the union as a whole." strike demand for greater union ’The Census Bureau, in releasing the figures 'Thursday, been free of cholera for more than They contend the proposals are an effort to ad­ without giving specific examples. He said Walesa “ probably meant access to the media. hindered Brady’s recovery. said actual median family income rose 7.3 percent in ministratively put into effect changes the business com­ 50 years. In that year, a case of the Some observers said Walesa’s total confrontation over the issues of Walesa appealed and won after Hospital spokesman Dr. Dennis O’Leary said the sur­ 1980 to $21,020. But when pressed against the 13.5 per­ munity sought last year in legislation that failed to get CHy i t Feat Hi Lo Pep Louisville pc 83 62 disease was found in Port Lavaca, Government bears the media.” promising the printers unless the geons are "cautiously optimistic” the operation will S 67 hard-hitting words may have been through Congress. cent increase in consumer prices, it became a 5.5 per­ Almiquerqu^ c 91 63 .... Memphis ^ Texas, on the Gulf Coast. No source prevent any recurrence of the spinal fluid leakage that Anchorage cy 54 46 .11 Miami Beach r 67 75 liii electioneering rhetoric for But that was far from the only government made some positive The legislation was authored by Sen. Richard cent reduction. had raised concern of possible infection. Asheville r 78 63 .... Milwaukee c 87 62 of the Infection wa^ found. Solidarity’s first national congress controversial remark Walesa made moves soon Solidarity would call Schweiker, R-Pa., who now heads the Department of “ Real” median family income compares income Atlanta r 81 67 .... Minneapolis c 72 S3 In 1978, eight cases olcholera and another strike to shut down not only "We really can’t effectively assess how effective it 86 S .... Nashville cy 76 66 .10 next month. They also could have at the meeting. figures after adjustment for inflation as measured by Billings r was until after a couple of weeks, at which time Jim will Health and Human Services. -o Birmingham c 78 70 .06 New Orlens pc 90 74 three people with the disease — been meant to reassure wavering "The government has offered only newspapers, but state radio and 81 62 down on controllers United Auto Workers President Douglas Fraser said the annual average Consumer P rice Index. ’The basic Boston c 75 S6 .... New Yoiii c although they showed no clinical stupid propaganda,” Walesa said .elevision as well. be moving around and in different positions, and that Brwnsvil Tx.pc 87 .77 .... CHilahom Cty c 81 60 union members or to appease m ili­ the proposed changes, disclosed by Labor Department figures are for a family of four. signs of the ailment — were found In will test the effectiveness of the seal,” said O’Leary. Buffalo c 80 57 .... Omaha c 81 60 tant printers who wanted the about the nation’s lingering The bureau said the dip was “ the first statistically Chrlstn S.C. pc 78 70 .... Philadelphia c 89 50 Reagan ordered the mass firing in documents Thursday, “ would cut the heart out of the southwestern Louisiana. ’That out­ WASHINGTON (UPI) - The newspaper strike to continue. problems. “ We should not speak Now you know significant annual decline since 1974-1975 and the largest CharlU N.C. cy 77 63 .... Phoenix c 111 67 response to the illegal walkout that OSHA law.” Chicago c 78 G6 .... Pittsburgh c 79 51 break was traced to the eating of in­ federal government Is tightening the Whatever their intentions, politics, we should make politics. decline recorded in the post-World War n period.” began Aug. 3 when contract talks A 150-pound person exerts about "F o r this administration, law and order ends at the Cleveland c 79 S9 .... Portlamf Me. c 76 48 sufficiently cooked crabs caught in screws on discharged air traffic Walesa’s words were a dramatic We see it more clearly that without plant gate,” Fraser said. “ These changes parallel and ’The report said last year, 29.3 million Americans w ere' Columbus c 79 80 .... Portland Ore. c 73 55 Gulf Coast marshes. controllers, while hoping to avert broke down. political solutions nothing can be 12,000 pounds per square inch on the Dallas c 87 85 .... Providence c 78 45 change from the ones he has chosen Killings reported go beyond those of the Schweiker b ill... they would ac­ classified as poor, ah increase of 3.2 million from 1979. In the cable to federation Presi­ thigh bone while walking. Denver pc 90 60 .... Richmond pc 80 57 Cholera is characterized by further boycotts of U.S. flights by so carefully for the past year. And achieved.” complish in private all that the enemies of workers’ The proportion of the population below the poverty level Des Moines c 78 55 .... St. Louis c 81 59 sudden onset, profuse watery stools, controllers overseas by assuring dent Harry Henschler, Lewis said SAN SALVADOR, El Salvador (UPI) — Peasants rose from 11.7 percent to 13 percent. DMroit c 80 58 .... Salt Lak Ctypc 94 69 since the striking controllers are rights have failed to win in public.” Duluth pc 78 59 .... San Antonio c 91 69 vomiting and rapid dehydration. them the skies are safe. - found the bodies of 27 people who were beheaded with In a July 31 memorandum to AFL-CIO officials, the The 1980 poverty threshold for a non-farm family of El Paso c 89 64 .... San Diego c 84 71 Death may occur within a few hours Having fired, fined and jailed violating the law, “ we do not see machetes and dumped on a country road in western El HarUord c 82 61 .... Sah Francisc c 64 54 how it is possible to reen the federation’s director of occupational safety and health, four was $8,404. Indianapolis c 84 56 .... San Juan pc 89 72 of onset, with fatality rates in un­ members of the striking Salvador. They were among 68 killings reported in 24 George Taylor, blamed Thome Auchter, head of the Oc­ The Census Bureau obtained the data for its report Jacksn Mss. pc 86 72 .... Seattle pc 72 55 treated cases exceeding 50 percent. ^ofessional Air ’Traffic Controllers negotiations.” AOwnreuTS hours of political bloodletting in the country. cupational Safety and Health Administration. from a nationwide survey of 68,500 households in March Jacksonville r 83 73 .02 Spokane c 80 52 With proper treatment the death He added, ‘“you have our Kansas City c 79 56 .... Tampa r 85 73 i.'l5 Organization, the government said The massacre, discovered Thursday near the city ol 1980. Las V ^ s c 106 79 .... Washington c 81 80 rate is below 1 percent, the CDC ’Thursday it also w ill deny federal assurance that the U.S. air system Chalchuapa, was the second mass killing of civilians Little nrck pc 85 66 .... Wichita c 83 56 said. aid to dismissed controllers unable is being operated in a manner and at Los Angeles c 82 68 .... reported this month in E l Salvador where government It is transmitted mainly through to make mortgage payments. levels totally consistent with troops are fighting off a major guerrilla offensive. ingestion of water contaminated Late Wednesday, ’Transportation safety.” An Army spokesman said government troops in the Experts to testify with feces. The imposition of Secretary Drew Lewis sent a cable ‘The Department of Housing and northeastern province of Morazon recaptured the town routine sanitation measures is the to the International Federation of Urban Development, in an Internal of Perquin from leftist rebels, but said the road leading Lottery memorandum Thursday to its ATLANTA (U PI) — A judge summoned sociologists principal method of control. Air Traffic Controllers Association, into the town still was vulnerable to guerrilla attacks. regional offices, outUned and mental health experts to testify in today’s hearing which has considered boycotting A judge in Chalchuapa, 48 miles west of the capital, procedures to be taken if PA’TCO on the psychological effect of televising Wayne trans-Atlantic U.S. flights. S a v e £ said the bodies of 27 people who had been decapitated Air quality report members miss three consecutive Williams’ trial. Almanac ’The IFATC A, concerned about the with machetes were founcFby peasants in three piles oij Numbers drawn Maine daily: 380. mortgage payments and apply for S |S 0 The AtlanU Press Club asked Judge Oarence Cooper HARTFORD (UPI) — The state impact of the U.S. walkout on air Thursday in New England New Hampshire daily: a country road outside the town. to allow cameras in the courtroom during the Oct. 5 Department of Environmental safety, plans to meet Saturday to federal help. He said the bodies of 17 of the massacre victims were Connecticut daily; 701. 7591. “ If the mortgagor’s default was Bar& trial of the 23-year-old freelance photographer, accused Protection forecast moderate air discuss the situation. found dumped in a heap 6 miles south of the town, and 10 Connecticut weekly: 25, Rhode Island daily: 9045. caused by loss of employment of slaying two of the 28 young blacks killed oal harm quality across Connecticut for Last week, it suspended a decision Your Choice Chain more bodies were found in two separate places a mile 884, 938931, yellow. MassachusetU' daily: By United Press International related to the P A ’TCO action, the might be done if this trial is televised. today. ’The D E P reported moderate on sanctions and urged President further down the road. Vermont daily: 250. 9174. application should be rejected,” it $ 2 7 0 9 5 Oil Today is Friday, Aug. 21, the 233rd day of 1981 with 132 air quality statewide on ’Thursday Reagan to reopen talks with the said. • for all chain to follow. also. nearlv 12.000 fired controilers. The moon Is approaching its last quarter. saw models Save *40-*50 330 Chain Saw (82-4006) ’The morning star is Mars. reg $5.40 ’The evening stars are Mercury, Venus, Jupiter and • 7500 rpm (or cutlino ease • long life engine components • handles 16", 20"or 24" guide bars a automatic oiling e quiet Sale Capitol Region Highlights Saturn. Hunger striker revived operation (82-4337) 16" bar reg $319.95 Those bom on this date are under the sign of Leo. 7 Britain’s Princess Margaret was bom Aug. 21, 1930. (82-4338) 20" bar reg ‘329” later token to an outside hospital where treatment Con- / On this date in history; BELFAST, Northern Ireland (UPI) — Doctors In 1940, Leon Trotsky, a prime builder of Soviet com­ revived IR A hunger striker Pat McGeown with a drip in­ ’Two other hunger strikers have abandoned the deadly, munism, was assassinated in M exico City where he had travenous feed today, hours after the death of the 10th Man indicted Teachers to stay first-degree assault ’Thursday in Hartford Superior siX'inonth campaign by the Irish Republican Army for Court. lived in exile for three years. faster in a campaign at Maze Prison for political political prisoner stotus. Brendan McLaughlin gave up S e v e 5 In 1951, the United States ordered constraction of the The 17-year-old Ms. Torris was accused of firing prlsonerstatus. . . .u May 27 with bleeding ulcers and the mother of Paddy Homelite® XL-10 Chain Saw HARTFORD — Emmet Riggs, 35, of Hartford, EAST HARTFORD - Most of the 24 teachers world’s first atomic submarine. Government ministers and supporters of the »sts two shots into the chest and abdomen of a female (}uinn signed a medical waiver for her son July 31 on his • 10" guide bar • automatic chain oiling • 1.6 cuin has been indicted on a first-degree murder charge who received layoff notices last March, will be In 1968, the Soviet Union and other Warsaw Pact awaited the result of a special parliamentary election to companion, four months ago. She received an ad­ 47th day of self starvation. engine (26.2 cc) a wt 8 lbs 2 oz in the June 19 fatal stabbing of Jocelyn Howard, 20, back at work when schools open in September. forces Invaded Czechoslovakia to smash a drive to free chose a successor to IRA leader Bobby & n ^ . the first ditional three years on an escape charge stemming News of Devine’s d ea th ’Thursday quickly spread to Robert Fresher, assistant superintendent of the nation from Moscow’s control. hunger strike victim who won the British ParliamOnt of Hartford. from an unsuccessful dash for freedom from the the border constituency of Fermanagh-South Tyrone $ 8 4 9 9 Riggs, who is free on a $40,000 bond, pleaded inno­ schools, said some doubt exists about a French and In 1971, three officers and four convicts were killed In seat in a campaign from his prlson^cell. , . , Washington Street courthouse last week. where voters, guarded by armed soldiers and police, (82-4010) rag *99" Sale cent Thursday and asked to be tried by a jury. No a science teacher, but the other 22 teachers have an escape attempt at San ()uentin prison In California. Within hours of the death early Thursday of Michael Debbie Wilcox, 18, of Hartford, the shooting vic­ were choosing a successor to Sands as a member of been called back. The jobs of these teachers had MomelHa*XL- specific date was set for the trial. tim, has since recovered, officials said. • Devine on the 60th day of his fast for political stotus, HomelHa XL 12 s iig e s Assistant State’s Attorney Herbert Appleton been eliminated but reassignments were found A thought for the day: The Roman poet Horace said, relativs authorized doctors to save the life of McGeowm, Parliament. . , ... .u - 9 12" guide bar (62-4011) Sands, the first hunger striker to succumb in the Maze asked that Riggs’ bond be increased to $200,000 but "A n ger Is a short .madness.” 24, following a sudden deterioration in his condition, the elsewhere in the system. prison protest, died May 5 after refusing food for 66 O’Donneli said he believed the present bond was Northern Ireland O ffice said. days. C airo Silfl sufficient. He said Riggs had no previous criminal Devine, a member of the Irish National Liberation Ar­ McGeown was among six Republican inmates left record and surrender^ after he learned he was my, will be burled with fuU param iUt^ tonors & tw - fasting to death at the Maze In a campaign for political Warrant sealed day. sources in the extrem ist ^ p said. H e w ill ^ In- wanted for murder. stotus that began March 1. The inmates have made five Hom elite® Super E-Z The stabbing occurred at a Hartford cafe. ZBA against appeal teired at City Cemetery In Londonderry following a demands for improved conditions and dispensations Witnesses said Riggs suddenly pulled out a pocket HARTFORD — A Superior Court judge has iianfi|gHtfrj|pralb requiem mass at St. M ary’s Roman Catholic church. Chain Saw frorti prison regulations covering work and clothing. a 16" guide bar a automatic and manual chain oiling seal^ the arrest warrant served this week on Authorities began feeding McGeown IntravenMsly knife and stabbed Ms. Howard in the chest. Riggs VE RNO N — The Zoning Board of Appeals has a 2.5 cu in engine (40.9 cc) said he thought Ms. Howard was coming at him decided against appealing the decision of the courts Michael Joly, 22, of who is accused of kid­ Official Manehaitar Nme§papar after his condition worsened on the 42nd day of his $24995 with a knife, and drew his own and held it before which will allow Smart Set East, a local massage napping and murdering a 15-year-old girl last hunger strike through "unforeseen, serious and dis­ USPS 327-500 ‘ Vol. C, No. 274 (82-4016) rag'299** Sale him. He said Ms. Howard walked into the knife. parlor, to expand Its facilities. month. Ipt j u tressing complications.” The business is located in the E l Camino Plaza on Judge ’Thomas J. O’Donnell aald ’Thursday he Published daily except Sunday and certain holidays by McGeown was moved from the prison Infirmary and Route 30. Judge Eugene Kelly recently ruled in sealed the file, which contains details of the case, the Manchester Publishing Co., Herald Square, favor of overturning a 1979 ruling of the ZBA which because a Grand Jury is to bo called next week to Manchester, Conn. 06040. Second class postage paid at SsvB ^30 Police chief irked barred the expansion program. consider an indictment against Joly. ^ ^ Manchester, Conn. POSTMASTER: Send address At that time the ZBA was upholding Building “ If (prospective Grand Jurors) read about the rhangiM to ’The Manchester Herald, P.O. Bos 591, mmuta school suppHetl Homelite® Super 2 Chain Saw case In the paper,, we run into problems with dls- WINDSOR — Irked because a female police of­ Inspector Francis McNulty’s denial of the expan­ Manchester, Conn. 06040. ’I qualifidatlons” hwause of pre-trial publicity, with FREE carry case ficer was told she can’t wear a gun openly in the sion permit, saying It would be detrimental to the a 14" Powar TIpgulda bar and chain a 1.9 cu in engine O’Ctonnell said. To subscribe, or to report a delivery problem, call 047- courtroom r Police Chief Maxie L. Patterson has sound growth of the community. Dance Studio . ^ (31.1 cc) a excluilva Twin Trigger* Jply Is accused of the beating death of Diane 9946. O ffice hours are 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Monday threatened to withdraw the officer from Superior ’The town had just passed an ordinance designed 33 Spaulding CIrelu, last Hartlort | Maltei of Bristol, whose half-clothed body .was through Friday and 7 to 10 a.m. Saturday. Delivery ■) Court duty. to control the opening of new massage parlors and found In a wooded area about 100 yards from the sh ouldbe made by 5 p.m. Monday through Friday and 1^ announces ^ (82-4013) rag 109- The judge’s ruling has been termed "prejudicial” the expansion of existing ones. The judge agreed Sale •179“ path she was taking to a friend’s home the day of 7:80 a.m. Saturday. ' _ , I ' by the police union. Union officials said that male that McNulty acted properly under the new or­ Suggested carrier rates are $1.20 weekly, $5.12 f«r one officers are allowed to wear their guns when dinance but added that the zoning board fa ilM to the murder on July 17. month, $15.35 for three months, $30.70 for six months, a •••orlm tn t FALL I appearing to testify. The judge in question was give a good reason for rejection of the application. ’The arrest warrant describes evidence taken and $61.40 for one. year. Mall rates are available on Frances Allen. Officer Nadine Nichols, a five-year- from the slaying scene and from objects belonging REGISTRATION ■ veteran of the force, is the only one assigned to to Joly. It also contains information on the request. opan monday* cUfiftt (or children and edultt In J IBUCKIJUID A(iWAY.. ^-6123 ^ court duty every day, Windsor officials said. relationship between Mattel and Joly, police said To place a classified or display advertisennent, or to •JAZZeTAP*BAULET» | Douglas Stahouski, president of L«ca l 328 of the Woman sentenced the day of the arrest that the two were acquainted. 1840 NEW STATE ROAD WAMCHESTEB, CT report a news item, story or picture idea, call 043-2711. “ • e g i y International Brotherhood of Police Officers, said (m ic e hours' are 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday th rou ^ H u b male officers who routinely appear in court to HARTFORD — Sarah Torris of Hartforcl, was To be foimud Augual t* — iepl. I Friday. thing" answers your needs testify in specific cases, are allowed to wear their sentenced to 4-to-9 years after pleading guilty to guns openly, despite the ruling. 5 6 8 - 3 2 0 6 Gl* ^ G W A Y i THE HERALD. Fri., Aug. 21, 1981 - 5

X - THE HERALD. Fri., Aug. 21, 1981 Inmates Estate Mandanici asks probe to face of bungled FBI sting

$ 100,000 A 85,000 down payment on a 830,- been in Bridgeport for five or six charges BRIDGEPORT (UPI) — Mayor John C. Mandanici, charging federal 000 bribe was handed over to Walsh years. If they have something, the The estate of George A. Blagrove, officials were seeking “to feather in the “undercover operation” statement said, then the FBI should NEW HAVEN (UPI) - Three in­ who lived at 80 Pitkin St., has been their own nest,” has called for a authorized by the U.S. Justice come out and say it and arrest peo­ mates at the New Haven Correc­ awarded 8100,000. Blagrove was congressional probe of a bungled Department, which has been in­ ple. tional Center jail face criminal killed Nov. 5,1976 while standing in vestigating alleged corruption in the Meanwhile, the chairman of the FBI sting operation directed at the c ity ’s Board of Police Com-, charges for allegedly taking a guard a picket line at Dunham-Bush Inc. in city’s police superintendent. Bridgeport Police Department. hostage and trying to escape, state Newington Mandanici said ’Thursday he has missioners said he “probably” will) police say. A Superior Court jury awarded the had enough of the federal in­ The operation backfired when write FBI Director Williaml The three were among five estate 8200,000 but deducted 8100. vestigations Into his administration Walsh, suspecting he was being set Webster to complain of the tactics^ prisoners transferred from the 000 because jurors said the striker’s that culminated this week when up, turned the tables on the FBI and used by agents in the attempt to trdp medium-security facility to other conduct was partly to blame for his Police Superintendent Joseph A. arrested operative Thomas Marra, Walsh. state jails after they allegedly death. Walsh arrested an FBI operative 28, for attempted bribery. The Arthur DelMonte said he has jumped a guard Wednesday morning Blagrove was struck by a com­ who offered him a bribe. charge is pending in Superior Court. suggested that Walsh file charges of and held him in a locked cell for two pany truck when he stood in front of ‘"This is bigger than Abscam. This Mandanici said he would write harassment against the FBI and Justice Department because of the hours during an attempt to escape it while picketing the company’s has been going on for five years,” letters to Sen. Lowell Weicker, R- through a center window. strike-bound plant. ’The driver of the said the Democratic mayor, who Conn., Sen. Christopher Dodd, D- aborted bribe scheme. DelMonte When the attempt fa il^ , they truck, William Gould of New Bri­ controls a wide power base in Conn., and Rep. Stewart McKinney, criticized the FBI for “a poor returned to their celts and [released tain, was unable to stop because Connecticut’s largest city and is R-Conn., asking for a congressional manner of undercover operation." the guard unharmed, police said. someone had severed the brake lines rarely at a loss for words. investigation of the incident. Walsh, no stranger to state and Charges against the three include of the truck. Mandanici again charged the McKinney issued a statement federal investigations of the depart­ assault, attempted escape, criminal ’The jury, after four hours of government investigation was Thursday through his press ment he has headed for a quarter of mischief, kidnapping, robbery and deliberation, found Blagrove 50 per­ politically motivated and again took secretary and said he has never a century, has labeled the operation larceny, state police said Thursday. cent responsible for his own death a direct shot at U.S. Attorney favored entrapment. The statement “a Gestapo tactic” and said he Police said they were preparing and Judge Mary Fitzgerald Aspell Richard Blumenthal, who has said McKinney had no information learned of the scam from his infor­ arrest warrants for the inmates. LI about the incident, but the FBI have mants. Herald pholo by Pinto accepted the verdict. refused all comment on the bungled Corrections officials said three of ’The suit was filed by Luanne C. sting. the five inmates who were moved Building bridges Blagrove as administrator of her ‘"rhis guy Blumenthal wants to are in Somers state prison, but husband’s estate. She charged, the run for office,” Mandanici said. "I declined to say where the other two truck driver with negligence for Work progresses on a bridge over the Hockanum River at expressway's width and, eventually, relocate exit 93 from don’t know what office, but this is Poll says Moffett were sent. Police- said authorities Tolland Turnpike to Buckland Street. driving too fast for - conditions, what they’re trying to accomplish decided to charge only three of the Deming Street and Tolland Turnpike. The work Is part of the failing to sound his horn and UPI Photo off the federal payroll, using federal five inmates after an investigation Improvements to Interstate 86. whiph will Increase the operating a truck with defective money to feather their own nest. of$k incident. brakes. ’The company was also sued Final puff “It seems every second year when would have edge The disturbance started when a for falling to take precautions to I get ready to run we’ve got a guard let prisoners out of their preventthe sabotage of Its vehicles. created by Allynn Qooen of balloons at the federal Investigation,” said Man­ The release was delayed because Block D cells to clean up before Despite the fact a 84,000 reward FIve-year-old Jessica Oakan of Torrihgton HARTFORD (UPI) - Rep. Toby danici, who is seeking a fourth term the poll would haye bqen considered breakfast, police said. Two inmates Working topic of fall course was posted by Dunham-Bush for in­ Hartford Civic Center. Moffett, D-Conn., would have the gives the final puff to cdmplete a poodle in this fall’s local elections. as campaign contribution to then jumped the unarmed guard, formation leading to the arrest of edge in a 1982 Senate race with in­ took his wallet and shoved him into cumbent Republican Sen. Lowell Weicker had the results been made > Drastic changes in the nature and that began in 1973, “ Working: ticles on the subject in leading the person responsible for a cell with two prisoners who were • Eklward E. Lawler, III, direc­ Weicker, a recent poll by a national public earlier. meaning of working in America — Changes and Choices;; will serve as national business publications. tor, Center for Effective sabotaging the truck, no one has Weicker is expected to seek re- not involved in the incident. the basis of credit and noncredit In addition to Dr. O’Toole, the been caught. Connecticut survey GOP organization shows. and the dynamic effects on present Organizations, Graduate School of ’The survey also gave Moffett election in 1982 and faces possible and future society — are the sub­ courses at participating colleges series authors include: Business Administration, Universi­ ’The attorney for Blagrove’s.estate challenges from Bush, the brother and universities. • Robert Schrank, program of­ contended it didn’t make any would the advantage in three other Local 991 names jects of the fall 1981 Courses by ty of Southern California. possible races, including a three- of Vice President George Bush, Newspaper program. The fall series is coordinated by ficer, The Ford Foundation, New • J. Richard Hackman, professor difference who cut the brake lines Moore and Brad Peery of Westport, raffle winners Dr. James O’Toole, associate York, and authoc of “Ten ’Thousand because Connecticut law holds the way race with Weicker running as Publication of the 15-part series of organization and management an independent and a head-to-head considered a long-shot for the GOP “Working; Changes and Choices,” professor of management in the Working Days.” and of psychology, Yale University. operator of a motor vehicle liable Elderly survive on peanuts nomination. The winners of a raffle sponsored battle with Prescott Bush Jr. of will begin Sept. 8 in The Manchester Graduate School- of Business Ad­ • David W. Ewing, managing for the condition of the brakes, even by Local 991 of the American Courses by Newspaper, now in its Greenwich. In a three-way race with Bush Herald, Publisher Richard M. Dia­ ministration at the University of editor. Harvard Business Review. ninth year, combines the resources if another person deliberately running as the Repubican candidate Federation of State. County and Southern California. He is also • Michael Maccoby, director. makes them defective. ■ HARTFORD (UPI) - A majority general economically less well off 000 and only one in six had incomes Sixty-two percent of the residents Moffett was selected by 48.3 per­ Municipal Employees, which mond announced today. of the nation’s newspapers, than the rest of society,” the survey exceeding 820,000. One-quarter denied having problems paying their cent of the respondents to 43.8 per­ and Weicker as an independent. The provocative weekly articles director of the university’s Twenty Program on Technology, Work and of Connecticut's elderly citizens sur­ Moffett drew support from 35.8 per­ represents custodians and colleges, and universities in p r i n ­ found. refused to answer the question. fuel bills and only a handful had cent for Weicker in a two-way race. examine today’s employment scene Year Forecast Project in the Center Character, Washington, D.C., And vive on 85,000 to 810,000 a year, cent of the respondents with 33.2 maintenance workers in the ting topics of contemporary interest The results were released More than half of those inter­ received state energy assistance. Moffett outdistanced Bush 58.5 per­ that includes job frustration, ad­ for Futures Research, and was author of ‘"The Gamesman.” to newspaper readers and students buying less food to cope with infla­ percent favoring Weicker and 17.8 Manchester schools, are: Pauline ‘Thursday by Marin Sbealy, state viewed said they coped with infla­ ‘The study showed the elderly pop­ cent to 25 percent and trounced vanced technology, boredom, falling formerly chairman- of HEW • Richard N. Bolles, Director, at participating colleges and univer­ tion rather than seeking government percent favoring Bush. Maynard, first prize; Bev Salcius, commissioner on aging, who used tion by reducing spending, not by ulation differed from the state’s Westport author Robin Moore 66 incentive, increased leisure, Secretary Elliot Richardson’s Task National Career Center, Walnut sities. ’This program is a project of Bennet assistance, a survey concludes. On other topics, 46.3 percent of second prize; and Kathy Stimac, Force on Work in America. He is Creek, Calif., and author of “What However, the poll taken by the the occasion to blast President borrowing or dipping into savings. average population in that there percent to 13 percent. growing numbers of working University ^tension. University of Reagan for being insensitive to the were 8 to 10 percent more women; Moffett also was the favorite of those surveyed said they beiieved third prize. principal author of “ Work in Color is Your Parachute?” University of Connecticut Institute Half said they bought less food. women, new manager-employee California, San Diego and is funded fewer had much formal education Democrats to be the party’s Gov. William O’Neill was doing an All the winners are Manchester America” and “Energy and Social • Robert Coles, professor of psy­ for Social Inquiry found no evidence needs of elderly citizens. Eighteen percent said they had residents. relations. by the National Endowment for the “He (Reagan) has no direct trouble with some routine daily ac­ and most were now or at one time nominee for the Senate race, easily above average job while 36.9 per­ The 15 in an ongoing series of Change”, as well as numerous ar­ chiatry and medical humanities. Humanities. teacher to support the cliche that elderly cent said they strongly approved of The drawing was held Thursday at knowledge of what it is to be poor,” blue collar workers. outdistancing John Downey, the Harvard University; people are isolated, bored and un­ tivity, such as cleaning, laundry, the job President Reagan was doing. the Chamber of Commerce offices. Courses by Newspaper programs As far as crime and the elderly, former chairman of the state happy. Mrs. Sbedly charged." grocery shopping or transportation. Weicker was recognized as a She said she believed the ad­ only seven percent reported they or Department of Public Util6 percent .‘"rile elderly have a number of in­ But few reported making use of senator from Connecticut by 59 per­ terests outside their day-today lives ministration eventually will reduce programs designed to aid the elder- anyone in their households had teen to 2.7 percent. advances Social Security benefits, which two victims within the past year. ’The 830,000 poll of 800 state voters cent of the respondents while 52 per­ Utilities accused and they are socially active,” the in­ ly- cent recognized Sen. Christopher thirds of those surveyed by the in­ Forty percent had incomes low ‘"These data suggest that, across was conducted in June by the Senate stitute concluded. “The stereotype Dodd, D-Conn. Another 2.7 percent stitute depended on as their chief enough to qualify for food stamps, the elderly population as a whole, Republican Campaign Committee pf the elderly geptly m U ng on the thought former Sen. Abraham Marcia. Gunther, an English source of Income. ‘The rest said they but only S percent said they took ad­ crime may not be the major based in Washington, D.C. The porch swing is belied l>y the answers Riblcoff, D-Conn., who retired last teacher at Bennet Junior High . given.” relied on jobs, their own or someone vantage of them. problem it is often supposed to be,” results were released ’Thursday hy of polluting air School, has been named a vice prin­ the report said. Weicker’s office in Hartford. year, was still in office. ‘The institute based its conclusions else’s, for money. Most of the residents said they cipal at the school. on telephone interviews last year “I don’t like to scare the elderly... had heard of the “ meals on wheels” NEW HAVEN (UPI) — Two elec­ exceeding the limits for the amount Ms. Gunther succeeds Gwen E. with 1,000 people age 60 or older who but I see no handwriting on the wall program for homebound senior tric utilities, one in New York and of sulfur allowed in fuel, creating a Brooks, who was transferred to a lived in their own homes or that says Social Security will be im­ citizens, but only 2 percent par­ the other in Indiana, are aoci&ed of “nuisance condition” for Connec­ vice principal’s position at apartments. ‘There are an estimated mune,” she said. ticipated. About 15 percent of the spewing filthy particles into Connec­ ticut by polluting the state’s air. Manchester High School. 521,000 Connecticut residents over One quarter of those surveyed respondents said they take advan­ Krupp said the privately owned ticut’s air in suits filed in U.S. dis­ Ms. Gunther served last year as age 60. reported incomes of less than 85,000. tage of meals centers for senior utilities under public regulation trict Court. reading coordinator and language “Overall, the picture that Half earned between 85,000 and 810,- citizens. The Connecticut Fund for the En­ produce “ thousands of tons” of sul­ arts department head at Bennet. She emerges is of a population that is In vironment said it filed lawsuits fur dioxide, gas which change to was also the cheerleading advisor Thursday In'U.S. district courts In more dangerous sulfate particles as for the school. New York and Indiana in an attempt the air drifts. “She knows Bennet very to stem the drifting plumes of sulfur “That’s why Connecticut can be thoroughly and has assisted the ad­ Track backers get month dioxide polluting the state’s air. descrlb^ as ^ e trash can for other ministration in many ways,” The suits charge the Long Island wwind states. By the time the air Thomas M. Meisner Jr., principal of Lighting Co. and Northern Indiana 'fetSilhere It is heavily laden with Bennet said. “I have enjoyed Public Service Co. allegedly these splfate particles which are the working with her in the past and I look forward to working with her to prove they can do it violated the federal Clean Air ^ t . most dangerous air pollutants we “Both- suits are aimed at defen­ this year.” know of t ^ y , ” Krupp said. give owners sewer discharge and ding Connecticut from two huge up­ Ms. Gunther will continue to teach NEWING’TON (UPI) - Backers needed to build the track. wind sources of sulfur,” spld F r ^ Krupp charged the Long Island some classes during the cpming Alfred W. Oppenheimer, water permits because of fears of what would be Connecticut’s first horse urine and water draining from Krupp, general counsel for the non­ Lighting plants at Port Jefferson, school year because the vice prin­ horse racing track have been given executive director of the Division of profit environmental action group N.Y. and Northport, N.Y. illegally cipal’s position was reduced from Special Revenue, said the hearing the track would enter the New Bri­ another month to show they can con­ tain reservoir 1,500 feet away. which has more than 2,500-member emit 146,000 of sulfur dioxides a year full time to half time as a money­ quer financial and environmental should be held because be did not families. ' “in clear violation of the Clean Air saving measure last spring. believe tbe investors would be able However, a July letter from an hurdles that have held up the project engineering firm stated the horse The suits claim the utilities Act.” for nearly a decade. to make progress on backing or per­ mits by the end of September. stalls could be equipped with water­ UPI Photo The state Gaming Policy Board “It’s my personal opinion that proof liners and the urine treated to voted unanimously Thursday to hold nothing will be completed at that transform the ammonia gas Into Ivory ship on display Got a news tip? hearings Oct. 14-15 on whether to time,” Oppenheimer told the five- nitrogen gas. If you have a news tip or SPEAKERS MAKE revoke two licenses issued to Old member policy board. Evans said the advanced A replica of a Chinese dragon ship, made pany in Bremen, West Germany. The Ivory story idea in Manchester, Rock Road Ckirp. of Bridgeport on Agency staff prepared a report technology in handling the wastes from ivory and valued at $20,000, is on dis­ ship took 4,000 hours to craft. contact City Editor Alex May 7,1974 to operate the track In claimiiw Old R ^ Road failed to might meet DEP standards, and if UPI photo play at a Chinese-German importina com­ Girelli at ’The Manchester THE SOUND! Wolcott. meet conditions of the license all. goes well, he said, the paperwork Herald, telephone 643-2711. We all know it. But when wag the last time you saw a The vote came after Robert because it failed to obtain en­ could be completed by March 1982 Friendly geese Evans, the New Haven lawyer vironmental clearance to build the and the track operating by late 1982 system under $300 with speakers worth listening tol We track in Wolcott, which borders or early 1983. Focus/Food representing the firm, asked that his Two-and-a-half-year-old Phillip Testa of Meriden during a family outing In Meriden. 2 TV stations refuse to air design our systems around the speakers to give you the clients be given at least until Sept. Waterbury. Local permits issued for the track Menus, recipes and shop­ best serious listener sound value around. 30 to prove they could get the finan­ The state Department of En­ in 1971 are still in place. The Wolcott ping tips are featured in cing and environmental permits vironmental Protection refused to Planning and Zoning Commission Tlie Manchester Herald’s has extended to August 1983 a ad criticizing Ted Kennedy Focus/Food section, every special use permit that would allow Wednesday. Ul electric bills rise the track to be built on 350 acres in NOW OPEN ad does not preclude our running the town’s northwest section. IN MANCHESTER SPRINGFIELD, Mass. (UPI) - Democratic party for next year’s company a 16.5 percent profit Evans said Tliomas Croce, a horse other spots,, if they’re done more HARTFORD (UPI) - Higher Managers at two television stations election — was among several margin, the largest ever grants to breeder from Cranston, R.I., and The Professional Wateited People A t say they will not air an advertise­ Democratic and liberal senators professionally.” electric bills are In the offing for 396 Broad Street Tom Eaton, station vice president a Connecticut utility. president of the Connecticut Jockey ment by a conservative political targeted for defeat in the 1982 elec­ BORED? residents of the 17 communiUes in DPUC Commissioners Marvin Club, had a commitment of at least for WFSB-TV Channel 3, a Post- the New Haven and Bridgeport f c 4 7 - 0 4 0 0 group criticizing Sen. Eldward M. tions. Call: Loewith, Thomas Fitzpatrick and 823 million from Thomas A. Den- You Can’t Buy A Better Bed- Kennedy, D-Mass., because the ad Newsweek station in Hartford, areas who buy their power from Conn., said advertisements Peter Boucher signed tbe written tinger and Associates of Chicago. was done in poor taste and Is poten­ NCPAC is based in Arlington, Va. United Illuminating Co, decision authorizing the ap­ He said the state could make as Gilbert M. Lefkovich, station propos^ by Independent campaign tially misleading. 647-8301 The state Department of Public proximately 10 percent rate in­ much as $30 million from the track; Front Better Folks— For Less. manager at WGGB-TV Channel 40 in committees such as tbe NCPAC, not i^jinlmpog^ • Technics SA-IOS Receiver, Now slim line Officials at television stations in Utility Control gave formal ap­ crease for Ul, which already Wolcott could reap 82 million In tax Springfield and Hartford, Ckmn., Springfield said he rejected the linked ^ a n announced candidate, iM oitfsd fnM9^Q9 are alwByarejected under station receiver 20 ivatts/channeL prove ’Thursday to -a 841 million charges rates anriong the highest in revenue, and 800 to 1,000 new jobs Thursday rejected the advertise­ NPCAC ad because it was done in rate increase that will aUow the the natiim. would be created. ment by the National Conservative poor taste and was potentially mis­ policy. • BSR 360 WX Belt Drive Turntable. Wood Political Action Committee, which leading. William Pepin, station manager grained base, hinged dust cover, had planned to spend 880,000 to test Something Different...... With Someone A “We also thought the ad would be at WWLP-TV Channel 22 in O API 6 B Speakers, Beautiful 3-way speakers, the ad about Kennedy In the Springfield, said officials at the sta­ C»ET„ FACTORY DIRECT PRICING Hartford-Springfield area. misleading as far as Kennedy’s super efficient 12'* xvoofer, special mid-range drive tion were trying to work out a com­ FMlIne Good About Happy Birthday Earlier this year NCPAC an­ voting record is concerned,” CENTER* SUPER COMPLETE Lefkovich said in a telephone inter­ promise which may give NCPAC YourwII Is coming ' to capture critical' mid-range sound, ferro-fluid mw NMmI Ww M Lo4. W.llM' nounced Kennedy — who has no an- with A Herald Happy Heart SINGLE view ’Thursday. “But rejecting the some air time. (Manatiald area, call 429*2242) tweeter for maximum treble energy. $ ®® BED nounced opposition in the Only IS COMING TO 199 Including: Frame & Headboard Or tee can custom tatlor a system for you, select from top name ^ (Unfinished) KING or QUEEN SIZE brands such as Yamaha, JV.C, Polh, JBI-, SAE, Crown, . $6.00 MANCHESTER $24900 • Pedestal • Heater Acting chief elevated [TBSOQIRrmil^ NahamUhi, Bang A Olufsen & KUpsch speakers. • Mattress • Liner But McCabe did not want the job, Now opon for tho sooson OKMIN STAMFORD (UPI) - Mayor • HbUv Apfit— MM. Slat Louis Clapes has elevated acting suceedlng Chief Victor I. aanckas, Haaiid9t*TrySt-liu UytwtytoOii Pm fkm Scrvloi who died last November of a heart • Fmh Swoof C/tfor D it r police Chief John Considine to head JN.CT.* VERNON CIRCLE the city’s 240-member Police attack at the age of 43. • VpgtabI— CENTER’ Department. Clapes, disappointed over • Clapp Favorlta Paan • 'The appointment of the 25-year McCabe’s rejection of the job, bad "W C s ll.... called McCabe “ head and Due to winter kill of peach crop we will • OmCsssst.bm INI veteran of the force ended a con- carry shipped In peaches. 043-2711 Ijroversy started when Clapes said shoulders” above all other can­ OTBNt Ask for... 113 Main Street Manrheeler 6474)469 his first choice among 156 can­ didates, including Considine, a Maa.-WM. l$4 didates was New York City Deputy remark that raised a political furor MOUNTMN RD.« GLASTONBURY ;pam against the Republican mayor i iwMee beyewd VWe^ Sal. 9c m : » Police Chief John McCabe. I ___ THE HERALD. Fri., Aug. 21, 1981 — 7

6 - THE HERALD. Fri.. Aug. 21. 1961

y J> Area towns ! Commentary Andover Bolton /Coventry Let's make this the best year yet Rash to be assistant principal __ . . . ■'A «Mlt1 Iw k makes1.^. an... effort to atay I..ip A.!..,.!.touch M.;with4k WHiKs.fca«'.r - "T'^' reason is that many of the colleges For grades 4,5; and 6 there w ill be By John C. Yavis your calendar? For all of us who are are opening now before Labor Day some brand new science books to go students at the hijth school. at Bolton Elementary School creatures of habit, stop what you’re ’There will be some new faces (John C. YavU, chairman of the and vacations are ending earlier along with an up-to^late curriculum, doing, look* at the date among the teachers but a lot o f the Board of Education, wrote the wherever there is an older brother and at Bennet, with the main again—September 2—and realise it familiar faces will be back too. That BOLTON — Elementary school She said she is aware that Bolton following article to welcome or sister who must return to college. building having been turned back to is the Wednesday b efore Labor is one thing about which we aU can students and staff will see a new has one of the highest rated school students back to school.) So we thought we might as well start the town, junior high students w ill systems in the state, but that she is Day. be grateful-tbat we have a lot of face his year around the buildings. our schools earlier too. no longer have to cross Main Street. not awed or intimidated. Welcome back, to all those This year we’re starting school a experienced teachers yrho know how Anne L. Rash, a teacher and ad­ Let your board of education Thankfully, we are now rid of that ministrator from the Willlmantic " I t ’s not a place where an ad­ students eager to learn, to all those week earlier than in the past. Why? to teach and who know how to make members know how you like the new potentially dangerous crossing. school system, has been named new ministrator conies into and has to teachers, principals and other staff Well, there are several reasons. One learning challenging and even fun at school opening date. It will help us The High School too will be un­ assistant principal for the K-8 level, find solutions. You just keep trying who are raring to go, and to all those is so that schools can close earlier in times. . when we are scheduling the school dergoing changes, big changes, so replacing Catherine Sampson who to make it better.” parents who thought "that day June before the weather becomes Let’s remember why the schools Mrs. Rash has a bachelor’s degree calendar for next year. that all of you junior high students stepped down this year. would never com e." Yes, school will too hot. Of course, the weather can exist—so that students may grow in from Notre Dame in Maryland, a Whate are some of the changes in can look forward to a bright new By Richard Cody Superintendent Raymond A. Allen open on time, Wednesday morning, be warm in September too, so there knowledge and grow in their ability said Mrs. Rash is what the school masters from Eastern Connecticut store for us this school year? Well, "o ld ” school in a' couple of years Herald Reporter must be other reasons for opening to think, to reason for themselves. has been looking for. State College and is workiilg Sept. 2. Head Start students will be at when the work is all done. In the early, right? Right. One other Let’s continue to work to keep our BOLTON — The school ad­ "W e were looking for a person towards her doctorate at the Univer­ Have you marked that date on Nathan Hale and Robertson Schools. meantime we will need the patience ministration is preparing to again sity of Connecticut. schools the best that money can buy. who had a good depth of experience That will be different, not being all and cooperation of all those at the ask the town to replace the Center She has taught for about 15 years, ’There’s enough money to provide at the elementary level, particularly by themselves as they were at South high school as work goes on beside School roof. and is a part-time faculty member the essentials and more. The rest is K-4. And someone who would be School. But they will make the them. Superintendent Raymond A. Alien very knowledgeable and have at Eastern. In Manchester up to you, the teachers, aides and adjustment anc^.they will have the Tenth graders will be taking a new said this week he will recommend experience in curriculum develop­ She lives in Willimantic. students who make it happen in the advantages that Nathan Hale and social studies course on. Modem that the Board of Education inform ment and in in-service programs. classroom, and the parents at home John C. Yavis ^ the town the roof should be replaced Robertson offer, such as cafeterias, European History and a lucky few We believe she is strong in all of who give their encouragement to before the 1982-83 school year. these areas.” Sometimes' sale big gyms, and all those modern w ill have our superintendent, Jipa L et’s make this the best year yet The inside story He said he will make his Kennedy, as their teacher. Jim will all. He said all four interview teams classrooms that were redone just a in our town’s schools. reconunendatlon sometime this fall. Jack Anderson tells the inside be teaching just one class as he Good luck. rated her high. “ We have a very fine few years ago. ^hool officials said new leaks elementary administrator.” story in "Washington Merry-Go- have sprung in the south wing, and Mrs. Rash said Thursday she was Round” — every day on the opinion Anne L. Rash is shortsighted because of their severity the page of The Herald. looking for an administrative job, maintenance staff can no longer and that the Bolton school system repair them. A private contractor impressed her. 0L9 f^OCK/H^ may be hired, they said. is undisputed. The first floor of ■ “ Career wise,” she said, “ it’s 'There is an almost automatic Robert The school boa^ applied to the Man cited in accident what I want to do as my next step.” assumption in this conservative the Main Building become the town last year to have a new roof Walters She said the administrative BOLTON — A resident here was following too closely to a car driven day that when a public building location of the sheltered put on this summer, but was denied organization in Bolton “ is really cited with a violation Wednesday by Vanessa Rowe, 54, of 9 Mt. workshop and, temporarily, will the request by the Board of Finance becomes vacant as the result of Syndicated exciting,” since she will be respon­ after the car he was driving Sumner Drive, Bolton. after the Public Building Commis­ declining school population or house Cheney Tech students, Columnist sible for both curriculum develop­ slammed into the rear of another Police said Rowe was turning left sion determined the roof could last whose school is being expanded. ment and personnel. car on Route 44A, police said. on 44A when M iller hit the car. for some other reason it should another year with patching. She said he has no specific plans S te p h e n E . M i l l e r , 18, o f Police said Miller claimed he didn’t be sold immediately to some The move of Lutz will free its The PBC said last spring it would for when she starts, and expects to Brookside Lane was at fault in the see the brake lights of the car in private owner and put on the tax historic building on Cedar Street cost about $65,000 to replace the "spend some time’ learning. accident police said, when he was front of him. roles, where it is assumed then for use as a Manchester historic roof. The town finalized work last year to be productive. museum, very appropriate in the Attacks on replacement of the K-4 roof. The assumption that midst of the Cheney Historic The Board of Selectmen has con­ To report everything owned privately and District. The workshop move sidered using revenue sharing funds area hews taxpaying is more productive from Lincoln will open up space on freecbm for the roof. The town has now ac-V that anything public is open to for government offices there, in S E ru n cumulated about $70,000 in money To report news items from the feideral government. ’Towni ideological bickering under any the civic center of town. in Bolton, Andover and meeting action last year allocated Coventry, call or write circumstances, but that assump­ These shifts may not work out WASHINGTON (NEA) - The all revenue sharing monies for con­ Richard Cody at The perfectly, but they illustrate Declaration of Independence pro­ tion is open to attack on struction of a transfer station at Manchester Herald, that the town should not hastily ♦ if mised a government that derived pragmatic grounds if a town Freja Park. However, voters at Herald photo by Cody Herald Square, P.O. sells a building and finds later it jump to the conclusion that the its power "fro m the consent of the referendum this spring voted out the Box 591, Manchester, &/ governed.” But that commitment transfer station in favor of has to build one to meet a new only right thing to do with a Cn" 06040, telephone 643 cannot be fulfilted if the people are townwide pickup as the method used Summer wages 2711. 0 building that becomes vacant is QS)uth (y^kisor need. not qualified to provide informed to bring the town’s trash to the The town recently disposed of to rush to the real estate market Windham energy recovery plant. € t i A - consent. As part of the C ETA sjjmmer youth employment program, four buildings. The Buckland w ith it. Bolton signed a contract with the mtrvMCmtiMt-vcuauMw n .c .a . Informed consent requires Brian Evans, 14, of 22 Brookfield Dr.. Bolton, and Frank Platt, School and the old Senior If a town school, built at con­ facility in the December stipulating knowledge of the issues — yet much that when the plant opens, the town 14, of Center Street, Andover, assist supervisor Cindy Melo In Citizens Center have been sold. siderable public expense, PROBLEMS of the requisite information is in the must provide it with all its trash. cleaning all the buses for the coming school year at the An­ The sales were very probably in becomes vacant in the coming hands of public officials, elected and The plant is designed to bum dover elementary school this week. The fedepal program runs GOT YOU DOWN? days of lower school-age popula­ the best interest of the town. appointed, who supposedly repre­ refuse to create steam. When it for about seven weeks and Is designed to put spending money Ciril: tion, the town should consider The prying of Uncle Snoop The South School, on the other sent the best interests of the begins operating, the steam will be in the students’ pockets. hand, was not sold and the Main carefully before dumping it. used by the Kendall factory, which citizenry. is adjacent to the plant, to run 647-8301 Building of Bennet Junior High Careful thought needs to be WASHINGTON — Uncle Sam for an Important In theory, those citizens ought to machines. School is not being sold. given to the disposition of each turning into a dirty old man? raconiad moaaago Officials said since the money can There was a time when an in­ have full access to all materials Shopping tips ’The South School will become building and the right course for no longer be used for a transfer sta­ dividual's sex life was properly con­ affecting deicisions made in their the home of Lutz Junior one might not be the right course tion, the selectmen w ill hold a town %\o\ vacant Martin Sloane explains name. In practice, it doesn’t quite sidered none of the government’s Jack Anderson how save money at the Museum, whose contribution to for another. work that way — and that’s why a meeting to revoke the original ac­ business. But those days are gone grocery store — every the cultural welfare of the town strong Freedom Of Information Act tion and then ask residents where to forever. Washington Merry-Qo-Round they would like the money spent. Wednesday and^ Saturday is so important. ;|t93 The Nosy Parkers of the federal The school roof is one option. in Coventry in his "Supermarket FMlIng Good A l ^ government have investigated the Approved by Congress and signed Some others the selectmen have Shopper” column in The YourMlf It coming Manchester Herald. sexual habits of everything from into law by' President Johnson in been discussing are updating the (Mansfield area, call 429-2242) fruit flies to women athletes, all in 1966, the FO IA was strengthened by town plan, handicapped renovations at Town Hall and re-structuring the Quotes the sacred name of research. program if they won’t enroll volun­ amendment coalition of politicians, GORs^late In other areas once regarded as town hall to increase office space. Now some prurient bureaucrats in bureaucrats and special-interest strictly private, the employees are tarily. Allen said he hopes the town will the Health and Human Services groups uneasy about public scrutiny asked to divulge how often they go to Footnote: Dr. Dale Masi, a budget money for the project this COVENTRY — The Republican Town Com­ DIET our fans I ’d show them a Rose Bowl Department have proposed a of their work. mittee will nominate new candidates for the "M y job is simply to eat.” bars, whether they drink or use g50,000-a-year HHS consultant in coming spring. — Ed Koch, mayor o f New team .” questionnaire that is so explicitly charge o f the evaluation program, open position on its Town Council slate, and CENTER- drugs, and if so how much they President Reagan has never dis­ ■niSo Nolural Wav to Lose York City, saying he wouldn’t gel — Lee Corso, Indiana coach, smutty I can't even print some of insisted the controversial question­ will be caucus again in September, Chairman spend each week in these pursuits, played any enthusiasm for full dis­ IS COMING TO involved in the hiring of another explaining why his foothall team the questions. Those who are Robert E. Persons said Thursday. lite y are also asked to fink on their naires were scrapped sometime in closure. During the first six months Body found cook at Gracie Mansion, his of­ is scheduled this season to play curious might get to see the March. But the same questionnaires A spot opened up on the ticket when Fran­ friends, telling Uncle Snoop whether of .his tenure, the White House has cis A. Perrotti announced he was ficial residence. Four have Southern Cal. (Sports Illustrated) questionnaire for themselves by get­ wound up in proposals that were cir­ STAMFORD (U PI) — State police MANCHESTER "A s far as I know, I think I am the their associates also use drugs or quietly but effectively throttled the withdrawing his candidacy to assume the j-csigned in the past ihree'years. ting a job at HHS and then telling culated as late as July. The forms, today investigated the death of a only Cuban in exile who proclaims alcohol. flow of public infocmation position of superintendent in Mansfield. ; "M aking them,' yes. Seeing them, their boss they are having personal she said, were first proposed by Dr. woman whose partially decomposed OPENINB he would like to rule his country one Those seeking counseling help throughout the government. ^ body was found by a motorist Persons said the nominating committee ho.” problems. Don Iverson of the Public Health & AUG. 31st with their problems are asked to Thursday in a wooded area near exit will contact the people nominated by them day.” For that is the truly incrediWe Service. “ I assure you the question­ Attorney (General William French but who did not gain endorsement. He said ; — Marcello Mastroianni, actor, — Jorge Batista, 38, a Fort reveal how much money they have 33 of the Merritt Parkway. DIET Now, you’re closer to home feature of Uncle Sam’s latest ven­ naires will not be used,” Dr. Masi Smith, in one of his first acts after the com mittee has no specific people in mind saying he like to make films hut Lauderdale, Fla., fashion model, in the bank, how many unpaid bills The body was sent to the chief ture into sexual snooping: It was in­ said. “ The draft policy of the entire taking office, abolished the Justice but w ill be picking some ndxt week. ownership with all the fun doesn’ t like to go to the movies. lie-is the son of the late Cuban they have, whether they like their state medical examiner’s office in CENTER tended as part of the Employee program is still being decided.” Department’s procedural guidelines The committee had nominated George E. (Allenzione Magazine) dictator, Fulgencio Batista. (Time job and salary — even how many Farmington to determine the DavM Lafliowitx, niD. Counseling Service Program, set up QADDAFI ON THE AIR; Ubyan requiring federal officials to justify woman’s identity and cause of Ross Jr. and Dorothy K. W ilmot for the and spirit of a country club. Magazine) times they leave their desks without "When I took this job I promised “ to assist employees in dealing with dictator Muammar Qaddafi has withholding information from the death. State police said the death ticket, but they lost at the caucus to Robert 113 Main Sireel Manrheslrr 647-0469 permission. E. Olmstead and Incumbent Roberta F. problems in living, which impact on found a new way to spend his public on the grounds that disclosure w as b ein g in v e s tig a te d a's a V\festage Condominium introduces a mortgage Many of these answers could be Koontz who were nominated from the floor. work performances.” petrocash: According to U.S. in­ would be “ demonstrably harmful.” . clearly self-incriminatory, the kind Douglas S. Whipple was also nominated assistance program with interest rates far In other words, the very people Police said a motorist who of disclosures usually reserved for telligence sources, he is building tha from Uie floor, but failed to win endorsement. below current Dank rates. most likely to be troubled by Although Smith’s action probably s to p M t**® parkway in Stam­ Berry's World tlie psychiatrist’s couch or the con­ biggest radio propaganda network in Whipple is now running on the taxpayers was more symbolic than subsantlve, ford found the fully clothed body and strangers poking into the Intimate the Arab world.. association’s slate. For more information call or visit today. fessional box. But unlike psy­ called authorities. details of their private lives are the (iaddafi’s airwave attacks ap­ it sent a message throughout the chiatrists and priests, the ones at whom the questionnaire was parently won’t.be limited to the Old government; The Reagan ad­ government’s nosy bureaucrats are BUCKLAHD FARMS aimed. Already lacking the World. According to American in­ ministration Is not particularly in­ not bound to maintain confidentiali­ A emotional resources that would dustry sources, the-Libyan terested in unfettered freedom of in­ CORNER ADAMS ST. and allow them to handle personal ty. ' strongman is moving into the Carib­ formation and is encouraging College For Kids TOLLAND TURNPIKE In fact, it would be easy for an of­ problems without an effect on their bean as well. He plana to provide a bureaucrats to resist requests sub­ ficial or a fellow worker — (Across from Caldor’s) work, they w ere to be asked to bare S0,00b-watt trannnitter and om­ mitted under pirovlsions of the motivated by prurient interest, their souls to Big Brother before nidirectional antenna to the left- FOIA. thoughts of possible blackmail or A Manchester Commuhity College Community Services they can get the counseling help wing government of Grenada. Connoettout Valley simple curiosity — to identify the in­ The Federal Bureau of Investiga­ Program offering school-age children a variety of learning they need. The inquisitive question­ Copyright, 1981, United Feature dividual making the. confession. tion and the Central Intelligence NATIVE POTATOES naire would be their ticket of admis­ Syndicate, Inc. experiences In tfie erts end ediencee. Though employees are not awed to Agency have been campaigning for sion to the counseling program. put their names on the question­ several years in favor of testrictive ' My reporters Indy ^ d h w a r and 10 lb. bag * l i 3 0 naires, the forms do require the amendments tP the law, possibly! 'nmiM tor Taani 6 P r* -T w t (M M 10-16) 12 matUnai, Tuaidayz. 0/22-12/6, 3-4:30 PM.....640 Vivian Marino have seen the WorkthoD tor'niana (agMl3-17) 8 maaUnga. 8aturda)fa 0/19-11/7. 2-4:10 P M ...... 926 employee’s Social Security number even exempting those two agencies, questionnaire, which in some ways ilanrl|p0tpr Hrrald o S l) rin U lto S . S a t u i ^ #/28:i1/14.11:18 A.M.-12:18 P.M...... ^ NATIVE CLAPP PEARS — effectively destroying anonymity. a from all FOIA requirements. u J L m n (agM 6-8) 8 maaUnga. Saturdayt 8/26-11/14. 10-11 A.M...... W resembles the kind of "research” SgSSJpSr OWIdran (agM 8-11)10 maaOnga. Saturdaya. 8/12-11/14. 8:30-11 A.M...... $28 In fact, the professional Calebrating 100 years that has been the basis of best­ The F B I and CIA claim that their s i b . M counselors under contract to the of community service / .00 • ■ One & two bedroom homes selling books on human sexuality. It work is hamstrung by the law, but program are asked to rate $49,5(X) to $69,500. might even be titled, “ Sex and the Founded Got. 1,1881 neither has ever beep able to employees on how well they answer Registration by phone Is available at 646-2137 until 2 weeks Models open daily Government Worker.” provide a single convincing example the questions. E m ployew fear that before class start. Worid Famous from 10 am to 5 pm. Employees who seek counseling publlshtd by th* Manobtitar of FOIA-mondated disclosure that, the results of the counseling Publishlna Oo., Herald Squire, NATIVE CANTALOUPES Call collect: are expected to reveal the most . adversely affected their lawful mis­ sessions, along with the Social Manohaetar, Conn. 06040. Tilaphona Realstratlon In person Is available at the Community Ser­ at 644-3425. harrowingly intimate details of Security h^bers, were intended to (203) 643-2T11. sions. their sexual encounters, from how vices Office, 6:30 A.M.-4:30 P.M., Monday through , 3 0 * 1 1 , . reach the desks of senior officials. ec they kissed on a first date to the Mambar ot Unitad Praia Inlar- Moreover, the law already in­ Thursday. Despite protests from employees nattonil and Audit 'Bureau o* Clr- degree of satisfaction they achieve cludes exemptions that allow the. involved in the program and even oulasona. BUTTER A SUGAR CORN in various bedroom activities. They F B I and CTA to deny requests for In- "I’m trying to figure out how I can delegate from the office of the deputy sur­ Community Services are also asked if they are foriqation that would harm' Picked trash dally EVEflYTHINQ, so m« could spend the rest of geon general, the counseling Manchester Community College Another community by westage Development Croup, Inc. homosexuals. Hlohard M. Diamond, PubHshar "national d^ense or foreign policy” . nrogram is considered a model 60 Bldwell Street . Westago Condominium, 1159 Pleasant Valley Rd., So. Windsor, CJ 06074 our tern), here, on the ranch!” » Married employees are asked Dan Pitta, editor or compromise "investigatory files; f worthy of emulation throughout the Albx Oiraill. Clly.€daor Manchester, Ct. 06(140 d ox . whether they hit their children and compiled for law enforcement pur­ ^ federal government. And superiors whether they help with household poses.” y L m ay require employees to enter the mcc chores. L THE HERALD. Fri., Aug. 21, 1981 - 9

> ■ • 8 - THE HERALD. Fri., Aug, 21, 1861 Evans back In hit groove Obituaries Names added SPORTS Page 10 MIm Mabel O. B|orkman Miss Mabel D. Biorkman, 76. of to petitions 83B Charter Oak St., died Thursday at Manchester Memorial Hospital. She was born in Manchester May 23,1906 and had been a lifelong resi­ ' Walter F. Zingler of the Holl one director’s vbte decide an issue. dent. She was a comptometer Street Residents Association said Residents’ attorney Jon Berman operator at Travelers Insurance Co, this morning that petitions calling responds that the charter only says Four teams alive in softball tourney 7 1 before retiring in 1967. She was a for an ordinance that would block there must be no less than five affir­ the sale of the town garage to Multi­ member of Emanuel Lutheran mative votes to pass any issue. He Best for Reed’s was Guy with the defeat. Church and its We-Gals group and a circuits Inc. have been re-filed, with argues it Is proper to require more Two representatives from the Park Market, 7-5, sending the losers Jaycees, both sport perfect 3-0 and Tom Mac each getting three for ’Thrifty tallied at least one run in to the sidelines, and Turnpike ’TV Highland Park. Chambers with two safeties. member of AARP 1275. nine additional signatures. than the five votes. Independent League, champion record in the pMt-s^ason double Washington had little trouble dow­ every inning after starling off with The petitions were rejected Thrifty Package Store and runner- then did the same “favor” to Reed elimination play. S ^ n d game at Nightcap was a different story as three in the first. She leaves a brother. Leonard C. the Reed bats were silent, coming ning the Tees on the strength of an Bjorkman of Bolton; three sisters, earlier this yreek by- Town Clerk up Wilson Electric, and winner in the nightcap, 17-2. the same field Monday will bring Lone homer was accounted for by Washington Social Club also saw up with just five hits as ’Turnpike 18-hlt attack, Dan Socha. He also singled twice. Mrs. Sherwood (Linnea) Beechler, Edward J. Tomkiel, who declared Turnpike TV of the Nike League and together ’Turnpike and ’Thrifty, each A1 Little led the a way with the and Mrs. John (Isabel) Reid, both of they were five short of the required C h ^ r Oak king Jaycees are the action twice, beating Personal Tee with 2-1 won-lost records. ’The loser romped. Rich Gustafson and Scott Carman 1,485 valid signatures. at Fitzgerald, 11-1, and then bowing Pacing the potent 19-hit winning bat, cracking out three hits and Bill htenchester and Mrs. Luther (Viola) 991 pact only teams still alive in the Town will be eliminated. Tomlinson, John Jenkins, Bill each matched Socha’s hit total and Tomkiel now has 10 days to con­ Slow Pitch Softball Tournament to ’Thrifty Package in the second Deadlock 4-4 after five innings, offense were Pete Gourley and Brian Moran, Tim Bycholski and Alley of Port Richey, Fla.; and four Steve Crispino with homers. ’The Wilson, Bill Curry, Kevin Kelley and nieces and three nephews. firm the validity of the signatures. after last night’s play, r' ^ . game, 14-1, on the same diamond. Reed unloaded for three runs in the John DeAngelis each reached base Scott Hanson each had two hits for Funeral services wiil be Saturday Only registered voters may sign. Wilson and the Jaycees sat back Apparently two games in one sixth inning to pave the way lor the former also doubled and the latter the winners who comBW Social ni|^t was too much for both Reed added a single and triple. Darrell twice via hits. at 2 p.m. at Emanuel Lutheran However, since Tomkiel has already goes to last night while four games were success over the Marketmen. Chuck Barrera had two of his hurling for 18. checked all but the five new played, two at each Robertson Park and the Tees judging by the lop­ Bruce Macard, Kevin McCade and Netto and Dick Fontanella each Jenkins’ two bingles led the losers Church and burial will be in East stroked three hits and Greg Holmes team’s four hits. Cemetery. Friends may call at the signatures, it will probably not take and Fitzgerald Field. sided winning margins. Rick Murphy each lashed out two who collected just a half dozen. the full time. Monday night at 6 at Fitzgerald, hit, o«~i with Jerry Cosgrove and Jim Sweeney added two each. It was a different story the second Holmes Funeral Home. 400 Main AcUon at the North End park saw time around for the Socials sidelined St., today from 7 to 9 p.m. Memoriai Once the petition is verified, the directors Reed Construction topple Highland Wilson will cross bats with the Board of Directors has 45 days to gifts may be made to Emanuel The Board of Directors will be Lutheran Church. act on the petitions, or else the proposed ordinance goes before a asked to ratify, at its Sept. 1 -I#' town wide referendum. meeting, a collective bargalnling Mario V. DaPallogrInI UP) pliolo The petitions propose an or­ agreement between the town and Its VERNON — M ario V. The buoy man dinance that would require a iih- clerical workers. The pact between the town and DePellegrini, 84, of 85 Franklin Stonington. Hopkins has decorated his anlmous vote of the Board of Direc- Park West, died Wednesday at his Bounding out of his home with a "Hi, I’m Local 991 of the American Federa­ home with nearly 2,000 buoys. ,tors on any decision to sell th'e home. He leaves a son and three Hoppy the buoy man. ' is Franklin Hopkins of Harrison Street garage. tion of State, County and Municipal daughters, all out of state. Funeral That would, in effect, block the Employees has been ratified by the services will be Monday at 10 a.m. sale, since Director Gloria union membership. from the Introvigne Funeral Home Dellafera is on record as supporting It calls for pay increases of 7.75 Inc., 9 5 'E. Main St., Stafford the neighbors. percent in the first year and 8 per­ Springs. Friends may call Sunday Residents oppose the sale, cent in the second year of the two- from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. Memorial Party leaders plot because they blame Multi-Circuits year contract. donations may be made to St. for pollution, noise and traffic Edward School Fund in care of the problems in the neighborhood and Tentative agreement was reached Rev. Anthony P. Kuzdal. 101 High they claim that the company’s last month, with a mediator’s help, St., Stafford Springs. expansion will make matters worse. after more than six months of fall election strategy ’The company says the garage will negotiations. be used only for non-production pur­ Employees have worked without a Adollina Taratovich poses. contract since the end of June. ’The HEBRON — Adelfina Tarasevich, average clerical worker’s salary is have fared poorly in the past, have Town Attorney Kevin M. O’Brien 90, of 337 Jones St., died Thursday. Continued from |iuge I servative ideology and, instead, questions the legality of the now approximately $11,000. She leaves three daughters, two hugging the middle of the road. any impact on this ejection? ’The union represents about 80 We’re very interested in represen­ ”Of course, independents always proposed ordinance. He said it is a sons, six grandchildren and two “We are trying very hard to be distortion of the Town Charter to let employees. great-grandchildren. ting a cross-section of the town." pragmatic,” he said. “Our efforts have some effect,” replied Smith. Funeral services will be Saturday Both party leaders firmly, but are to become a grass-roots party.” “But the question will not only be of at 8 a m. from the Belmont Funeral cautiously, pointed to what they see Cummings said moderation is a the issues, but of the past history of Home, 19 S. Main St., Colchester, as the opposition’s weaknesses. Democratic watchword, too. the individuals involved. Aside from with a mass of Christian burial at 9 “ I talked to a lot of my “We’re a pragmatic party,” said that, until the Sept. 1 (petition) a.m. at St. Andrew's Church, Republican friends and they don’t Cummings. ’"The Democrats in this filing deadline, I have no com­ Plan to review Norwich. Calling hours are today see the Repubiican slate as showing town have resisted being labeled. ment.” ' from 7 to 9 p.m. any great strength,” said Cum­ I’ve been called everything, but "Peopie are going to weigh this Slow Pitch Softball Tournament action last mings. "There are no heavy hitters we’re a common sense party. We’ve (moderate approach) against the , Despite holding the ball in his glove, catcher night at Fitzgerald Field. (Herald photo by irresponsible and. unsubstantiated Jerry Griffin of Personal Tee found his foot there. But that doesn’t mean we’re listened, we’ve responded and we’ve Pinto) taking the Republicans for granted. gone in different directions. We’re positions of the independents,” parking tickets coming off the base as a sliding Bill Wilson of IN MFMOKIAM We always run scared. To take the not liberal. We’re not conservative. added Cummings. "’The way-out, the Washington Social Club scored In Town In loving memory of Raymond Can- voters for granted is fatal." We’re like this town — kind ot com­ whether oh the right or on the left, field who passed away August 21, “Any time you have the same peo­ mon sense.” make up those single-issue, narrmy, People with parking tickets may with parking tickets, who will have was Bill Tomlinson. The Socials socred 11-1 selfish groups that are not Kicking up a cloud of dust while scoring the 1974. ple in power for a particular time, However, not everyone agrees find themselves facing a town 10 days to appeal. If they choose to triumph. (Herald photo by Pinto) they tend to become out-of-touch that this moderation is a virtue. Two benefiting the vast majority of the appeal, an administrative hearing is first run for the Washington Social Club last Though his smile has gone hearing officer under a proposed or­ with the people,” countered Smith. maverick conservative Republicans people of this cqmmunity.” dinance unveiled this morning. arranged with the officer, where he night at Charter Oak Park’s Fitzgerald Field Nutmeg soccer play forever. “The people in there now are going have bolted their party to run as in­ Smith said the GOP platform is Deputy Mayor Stephen T. Cassano hears any evidence or arguments And his hand we cannot touch. to have to defend their positions." dependents. almost ready, but he declined to dis­ We will never lose sweet introduced the ordinance at a press and makes a judgment. His decision Smith said the Republicans are John Tucci and Edward J. Wilson, cuss specific issues that will be conference at the police station can be appealed to Superior Court. memories trying to build a new image as a both former candidates for public stressed during the campaign. Falkowski MVP Title bout Of the one we loved so much. ’The ordinance, which is the result If a person chooses not to have a grass-roots party. As part of this office who have lost badly, will be on The Republicans are said to be of a state law adopted this year, hearing, it is assumed the person is strategy, he said they have sent out the ballot this fall. developing a well mapped-out game guilty. A judgement is then entered, LAS VEGAS, Nev. (UPI)-World at MCC in September Wife and Family gives the town manager power to 3,0(y questionaires, to find out what Both claim the two major parties plan of what issues to stress at what appoint a hearing officer to review allowing the town to collect the fine Boxing Council super bantamweight issues the voters are concerned are not conservative enough. stage of the campaign. parking tickets. ’The hearing officer, without going to court. Wilffedo Gomez moves up to IN MKMORIAM about. ’"rhe Republican party, through Cummings said the Democratic who is not a member of tjie Police Legion honors challenge WBC featherweight king Manchester Community College All-New England Selection from Sunday, Sept. 13, action will get In sad and loving memory of our “We’re really trying to rebuild the leadership of Curt Smith, is platform is simy the incumbents’ department, can hear appeals on Salvador Sanchez Friday, setting and the Manchester Soccer Club Farmington. Coach Nick Cifaldi’s under way at 10 with a consolation dear Mother, Mrs. Julia Fidler who what, in effect, was a disintegrated completely li^ral In its candidate records. parking tickets and make the stage for one of the bMt clashes have joined together to bring a Post Junior College team will be game in the Youth Division followed passed away Agust 21st., 1966. party over the last decade,” Smith selection,” said Tucci, who un­ Cummings said the Democrats Double fatal between little men to take place in major new soccer tournament to returning ten veterans from a team by the Youth Division final at noon. judgments. that went 10-4-1 in 1980. Saturday’s Every day in some small way, explained. “We’re in a building successfully sought a GOP nomina­ will kick off their campaign with a ’The advantage of the new process, several years. M.C.C.’s Cougar Field in At 2 the College Division Final will tion for the board. “I don’t believe it “family picnic” in mid September. WESTON (UPI) - Two young ’The bout at Caesars Palace is September. action will also feature the first play followed by the Girls’ High Meniories of you come our way. phase and it’s very exciting to be in Cassano said, is that the town can people were killed and one person Time and years roll swiftly by. a building phase. If course, it’s a lot represents the people of Smith said the GOP campaign will gee a judgment on these tickets, baseball stars scheduled for 15 rounds, but Las ’The tournament is billed as the an­ round of the youth games. school match at 4. was critically Injured today in a one- But love and memories never die. of work too, but when you’re lean Manchester. Basically, the liberals also get under way in September. which allows them to collect the Vegas oddsmakers have designated nual (Connecticut Nutmeg Classic At noon Saturday the manchester Tournament officials will award and hungry, it makes for a better in both parties dominate.” Although things are calm now, car accident on Goodhill Road. Gomez the slight favorite to stop and will feature two days of soccer Soccer Club’s 12 and under team plaques to the winning teams in all fine, without going through court. Killed were Francis Miller, 19, of Player Award. Petersen also took Sadly missed by her daughters, political party. “I believe there’s no difference they are sure to heat up this fall. According to Cassano, about 10 Lone double award winner at the Sanchez. on Saturday, Sept. 12 and Sunday, coached by Paul Henrys will play divisions. In addition awards will be Anne and Julia. between either party,” said Wilson. “One thing is sure about this cam­ Darien and Lori Piotrowski, 18, of annual Manchester Ugion Baseball the Best Hitter Award while Gomez, who has been in Las the 12 and under club from South made to the tournament’s most Smith, who is seen as a moderate, percent of all fines for non-moving New Canaan. Suzanne Farrell, 18, of Sept. 13. said part of this rebuilding involves “At the top, there’s no difference.” paign,” said Smith. “Once the sails Awards Banquet last night at Krajewski was the Best Pitcher Vegas for almost two weeks, con­ Invitations have been accepted Windsor. Manchester returns a corp valuable player and outstanding violations are uncollected, amoun­ New Canaan was in critTcal condi­ honoree. Tim Wisnieski was Rookie- getting away from a dogmatic, con­ But will the independents, who are set, we’re going to go!” ting to between $6,000 and $8,000 Willie’s wss Jeff Barter. fidently predicted he would stop from the host college and soccer of veteran players with three years defender. All four colleges entered IN MFMORIAM tion at Noryralk Hospital. of-the-Year, Greg Turner was experience in soccer club play and each years. Barter, third baseman and out­ Sanchez within 10 rounds. club and by three other Connecticut have a strong soccer history and this In loving memory of Frank Police said the car in which the fielder, took the Rookle^)f-the-Year recipient of Most Improved while seven years experience in tournament is expected to become a Bausola. who passed away Agust 21, “Our goal is to be consistent,” Sanchez arrived in Las Vegas junior colleges in soccer clubs. In three were riding failed to negotiate Award and Outstanding Hitter Bill Masse was the Unsung Hero addition, the varsity girls’ soccer Manchester Recreation league play. feature in their schedules for years 1980; Cassano said. “ Maybe we can from Mexico Aug. 13 after experien­ a curve at the intersection of Cart- Award. Bob Piccln received the Award winner. cing visa problems and delays teams from East Catholic High and South Windsor is fielding a first year to come. collect half of that. bridge and Goodhill r^d s, went off ’The Junior club was 29-12-4 and No longer here to share our lives Alarm rule proposed “We are not going to let people get Most Imptoved Award, Alex l^ause of the air traffic controllers Tolland High have- accepted in­ select team coached by Gerry The two days of soccer will afford the roadway and struck a tree about won two championships. It took the and your loving smile, but will a free ride,” he added. Britnell received the Americanism strike. vitations to play. Smutney who has been associated the fans of these teams and soccer aways be remembered in our 3:30 a.m. Award, while versatile Mike JC-Courant League Smior Division with Manchester soccer for four fans in Central Connecticut an op­ Conlinueil fruiii page I Cassano said the proposed or­ If anyone can stop Sanchez — and Saturday, Sept. 12 will feature hearts. alarm at that location, Barlow said. systems. dinance is part of a crackdown on Falkowski was winner of the Most championship and the Chicopee, no one has yet - it’s Gomez. After a preliminary rounds between the years. portunity to view some of the best • Automatic dialer systems, Deputy Mayor Stephen T. Cassano “Many people have 60,70, 80 false collections that also includes an ef­ Valuable Player Award. Mass., Invitational Tournament. draw in his pro debut in 1974 the un­ four college teams and preliminary At 2 P.M. Coach John Fitzgerald’s junior college soccer in New Sadly missed. said the ordinance will benefit alarms and it doesn’t bother them,” Post 102 annexed the Zone Eight Moe Morhardt, former major defeated 24-year-oId Puerto Rican rounds between the four youth M.C.C. Cougars will take on long­ England in combination with some Wife, son and daughter which dial the police emergency fort to collect back taxes, begun in Directors plan number repeatedly when they go alarm owners because it will make he said. “It’s time abuses of the title and finished with a 20-13-4 leaguer with the Chicago Cubs who socred 32 consecutive knockouts. teams. Sunday will feature the final time rival Middlesex Community of Connecticut’s best youth and high 1977, and an effort to collect overdue is presently coach at Gilbert High in College, coached by the colorful Ed school girls’ soccer. off, would be illegal. them,more responsible for their system stopped.” water bills, begun last year. public session overall mark. . . ’This will be only his third fight at round for the college teams, the Ken Krajewskl and Chria WInsted, was featured speaker. the 126pound limit; he moved up girls’ varsity game and consolation Zimmittl. M.C.C. is coming off a Under the ordinance, an alarm Town Attorney Kevin O’Brien said Morhardt is a Manchester native IN MKMORIAM system would be allowed six false the tax collection has been largely ’The Board of Directors will con­ Petersen each received two awards after literally running out of com­ and finals for the youth teams, the strong 13-4-1 season which saw them In sad and loving memory of our duct a public session ’Tuesday, Sept. for their participation with the who played in the Legion program petition at 122 rounds. After winning girls’ varsity game and consolation go to the final game of the New alarms in its first year of operation Cliff fall successful. The program identified from 1952 to 1954. mother and grandmother Mrs. Mary and four each year after that. The $151,000 in-back taxes. Of that, $90,- 1 from 9 to 11 a.m. in the Board of Junior Legion team. The pair was the title in May 1977 he successfully and finals for the youth teams: ’The England Junior College Playoffs. Costly project McCann, who passed away August first two offenses beyond that would NEW BRITAIN ,(UPI) Scott 000 has either been collected or had Directors office in the Municipal co-winner of the Most Valuable defended it 13 times. tournament staff will also run a full Fitzgerald’s Cougars will be led by 21, 1961. result in $25 fines. Each offense collection arranged, O’Brien said. Building to hear comments and Sanchez, 22, of Mexico City, was a refreshment stand at Cougar Field returning veteran Matt Ayotte of LOS ANGELES (UPI) - Fire Parady, 20, of West Hartford fell 30 Glastonbury. Zimmitti’s Flying In our heart your memory lingers, after that would bring a $50 fine, feet from a cliff behind the Kennedy Committee only Under the old process, if a person suggestions from the public. 39-1-1 record with 29 knockouts. ’This on both days. protection and ambulance service Future sessions will be held the will be his sixth title defense since Action will get under way at 10 Horsemen will display good overall always tender, fond and trile; there with a maximum yearly penalty of Apartment buildings in New Britain ’The meeting called for Monday did not pay a parking ticket, the McEnroe step nearer team speed and the leadership of for the 1984 Olympics are expected is not a day dear mother, we do not $1,000 to any firm or person. and was in fair condition at New night by the VFW Post and town had to go to court to get a first ’Tuesday of each month from 9 capturing the corwn in February A.m ., Saturday with an opening to cost $7 million. Fire Chief John’ to 11 a.m. and the third Thursday of 1980 round game between Mitchell Mark Perez. The rivalry between think of you. If a business continues to dis­ Britain General Hospital. Auxiliary 2046, is for the Luau Com­ judgement in order to collect. these two teams is intense and Gerard said. regard the ordinance, even if it pays Authorities said Parady injured mittee only. ’The meeting will be at Under the proposed process, the each month from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. in “I don’t underestimate him,” said College and Post College. Mitchell Gerard told the city Fire Commis­ Sadly missed by. the Board of Directors office. Gomez. “He’s a good fighter, but it posted a 121-1 record last year on the should provide a strong and exciting sion Thursday that he expected to the fines, the police chief may order his wrist and head and was in the 7:30 p.m. at the Post Home, 608 East hearing officer will contact persons title in Cincinnati game. Saturday’s action closes out Her children and grandchildren his officers not to respond to an hospital’s intensive cqre unit. Center St. won’t go longer than 10. If it does I’ll way to a final ranking of No. 6 in the need a 50 percent manpower in­ country and No. 1 in New England. at 4 with a youth game between the ’The third round did not fare so quit.” crease at time-and-a-half pay to CINCINNATI (UPl)-Top-seeded No one really beleives Gomez will Coach Pete Bonnano’s Pequots will Ledyard and Wethersfield 12 and un­ cope with the Olympics. in F»ro'i Ktthf Suva John McEnroe marched one step well for No. 2 seed Jimmy Conner retire if he loses but he is taking the be led by fullback John Davis, an der teams. cloaer to the Cincinnati Association who was upset earlier ’Thursday by Cassano to oppose return ' Ofotard fiwah apptoa and-pBBdiM arw now'l ninth-seeded Vitas Gerulaltls. fight seriously. -ivXr of Tennis Professionals cham- A LOVED ONE fci a aMBB.______ploaship Thursday n l^ t with a 6-3, Gerulaltis, of Kings Point, N.Y.. 6-2 win over No. 10 seed Brian Gott- overcame several questionable line NA’nVK: BiMar a..Biwar Cam, ahaM a Uma Baana, calls in the tiebreaker to down Con­ to twice-weekly collection taeka. Oraan • VaBaer Bquaeli, Bailaa Cliard, DM, fiiod. Tenialaaa, Salad Baed • Baalon LaNiioa, Hal B Had ’The win seemed effortless, but the nors, ol Miami Beach, Fla., 7-6,7-6 Peppati, hapartad had Onion, PlakHng Cukaa • Onlona, Wimbledon champ was not entirely (73). It was Gerulaltls’ fourth win “I will oppose any efforts to and was “earmarked for capital im­ with his board members about what Aaani’ Bgiiaalt B Oaurmal Bquaeli, over Connors in their last five action the board has taken.” satisfied with his perfomjance. “I reinstate twice-weekly garbage provements.” FIlkSH : CanMoapaa, Bkiebarrlaa, Hue B Baadlai still could be moving better,” he meetings. pickup this fiscal year.” Deputy Cassano pointed out that Cassano added that he will ask Brapaa, Maatarlnaa, Phuna, Paaabaa, Barly Maaa, In other action, fourth-seeded Republican Director William J. General Manager Robert B. Weiss Your love li permanently Waleraialana, Umda, Orapalnin, Orantaa, NaOaa said. “I hit the ball relatively well Mayor Stephen T. Cassano said this tonight. ’The game is starting to Roscoe ’Tanner, of Kiawah Island, Diana was on the budget committee to include twice-weekly summer axprassad for a lovad one when morning. “We simply cannot afford their reeling place It marked by a come around a little bit. I wasn’t S.C., was eliminated, losing to to do it at this time.” that approved use of the money for pick-ups in the next bid for refuse tfBMMMf i u r i i nnbucTtmraiTO I Thierry Tlilasne of France 1-6,7-6,6- Lincoln Center renovations. collection, because summer is a Berra Guild Monument. Only Barra w------ian MMire - cimmiim------i i t u m i t t . happy with bow I played last night. Cassano, a Democrat, was respon­ Guild Monumanta era permanently There was an improvement 3. “Mr. Smith, if he is going to make time when garbage “might pose a ding to Republican Vice Chairman guaranteed by an tonight.” Other third-round results in­ Curtis M. Smith’s call for restora­ statements, should be accurate,” heaith hazard.” aeeoclatlon of monu- IBARREI cluded: llth-seeded Bob Lutz, Stow, ■STM McEnroe, of Douglaston, N.Y., tion of twice-a-week collection if said Cassano. “He should check ment manufaoturare. | f 3 | | | ryl entered the touinament shortly Vt., over Rick Fagel of Miami, 6-1, Visit our dieplay. ICC DfTAIII •• money becomes available. hfter a flmt-round loss In the Cana- 6-4: Independent board candidate Monamtalt, 4 9 * 9 F F 4 9 « f . 4 9 « » . , WQAL. . dlanOpen. EMward J. Wilson has called for an UB faculty may strike FANCY NATIVS ImiTiediate return to twice-a-week BRIDGEPORT (UPI) - Univer­ 'The school administration has 1 FANCY MAM awMH.IL m u m pickup. sity of Bridgeport faculty members offered a 5 percent salary Increase m r m UM H Formal's hoop champs Cassano criticized Smith for may go on strike if a contract settle­ without the adjustment. 3 9 * zm suggesting that the $63,000 the town ment is not reached by Aug. 31. Jack O’Hara, the association 1 9 9 * Ls. negotiating team chairman, . Tips from talented Instructor will make from the sale of the old With less than two weeks to go «l»aSeanie Were)a;taadwa»aart.a(wtelieryrfc>en» with triumph In playoff Linden Street Senior Citizens Center ’Thursday said the university’s offer before the contract expires, the 268- "We KIHQ could be spent to reinstitute semi- member American Association of was “a dream figure because it’s tv Jim Dleterle, Ron Cote, JeH Cappello and Danny Callahan Of In vrinnlng the loop title, Mike Jeff Lombardo, far right, former Manchester High standout and weekly collection. University Professors are just out of reality.” HiitUlng tooth and nail from whis­ Quesnel, Bob Healy and Ted PYavel watch Lombardo. Latter Is one of several Manchester Soccer Current plans call for using the bargaining with the school ad­ Gaylord Haas, association presi­ fHODUCtr tle. to whistle, Formal’s Inn nipped each canned 11 points for'the Inn. current varsity performer at Brown demonstratw P^OP®*' Culb members working with passing on skills to youngsters. monev to renovate Lincoln Center. ministration for a three-year con­ dent, said the school’s proposal was SAPORITI Irish Agency last night In the Best in defeat was Bob Lee with 24 control to youngsters during drill (Herald photo by Pinto) •It’ is not a windfall,”, said tract with 17 percent pay Increases “so tow that we find it hard to im­ Eastern Basketball League playoffs points. one out Is Mike Sardo while (I. to r.) Jeff Staniknas, M o Morlar- Cassano. who said the money from the first year and 8 percent, plus a agine what they’re going to ac­ MEMORIAL CO. at Charter Oak Park. 57-55. the Linden Street building’s sale costof-living adjustment, for the complish.” 470 Center 8t„ Manoh4Mter * 643-7732 was Included in budget discussions final two years. THE HERALD. Fri.. Aug.'21. 1981 - 11 10 - T H E H E R A LD . Fri.. Aug 21. l»81 Evans regains batting touch Co-leaderi

stop Bobby Grich’s hitting streak at and L'hris Bando singled o ff losing the eighth inning Thursday night to Stapleton and walked pinch hitter singled to score an insurance run. 21 games, the longest in the A L this By Fred McMane reliever Dick Drago, 4-4. After Toby drive in the tying and go-ahead runs Joe Rudi with two out. Dennis Eckersley, with help from year. Steve Stone, the 1980 A L Cy UPl Sports Writer Harrah filed Out, Bannister singled and help the Boston Red Sox snap a ^ b Owchinko replaced McCatty Mark Clear over the final two In­ Young Award winner, pitched a sees mark to score Hargrove with the winning Dwight Evans lost something four-game losing streak w ltjj^ 6-4 nings, gained credit for his sixth vic­ perfect inning for Baltimore in his run. Mike Stanton pitched 5 2-S in­ during the baseball strike and he is triumph over the Oakland A's. tory in 11 decisions. first appearance since May 16. Stone nings of one-bit relief to notlih his GRAND BLANC, Mich. (UPl) - feet on the 398-yard, par4 sixth. He hard-pressed to find it. “ I haven’t found my swing since Stapleton hit a solo homer in the was activated earlier ’Thursday. third victory in five decisions. Jorge Co-leader Hale Irwin predicts the escaped trouble on the 13th, where Evans was one of the better the strike,” Evans said. 'T m still second for Boston’s first run. Orta homered for Cleveland. Braves 6, Mels 4 . ^ . tournament record score of 14- his drive landed on the adjacent hitters in the American League Marching. Before the strike, 1 felt American Elsewhere in the A L, Oeveland At AtlanU, Phil Niekro pitched under-par 274 is going down. fairway, by booming a wedge shot the guy who was pitching next was nipped Seattle 6-5 in 14 innings and Angels 6, Orioles 2 during the first two months of the seven Innings for his 237th career “ If this weather holds, my guess over the trees and back into position . California topped Baltimore 6-2. At Anaheim, Calif., Don Baylor season, but since the resumption of in trouble. That’s how good 1 felt.” triumph and Glenn Hubbard to rescue his par. League In the lone National League con­ slammed a two-niA homer and a is that you can kiss this tournament the campaign he has been unable to The A ’s, whose winning streak homered and drove in two runs to “ The pin placements were kind of test, Atlanta downed New York 6-4. pair of doubles and Geoff Zahn com­ record good-bye. But there won’t be find the swing that placed him in was snapp^ at five games, took a 4- spark the Braves victory. Niekro, 5- difficult for the first day,” Aoki said Indians 6; Mariners 5 pleted a nine-hitter for his first-ever any tears shed, I don’t think,” Irwin that special position. 3 lead into the eighth after Cliff 4 , hurled a six-hitter over seven in­ through Tai Makino, a Japanese At Seattle, Alan Bannister’s 14th victory over Baltimore in leading said after shooting a 7-under-par 65 The hunt, however, may be over. Johnson hit a towering homer to put nings and moved into 40th place on journalist who acted as interpreter. and walked Jerry Rem y to fill the the Angels to victory. Loser Dennis in the first round of a 1350,000 event Evans, with only two hits in 12 them in front. But in the eighth, inning single scored Mike Hargrove the all-time victory list, ahead of Martinez. 84, surrendered nine hits Thursday. The tournament is known “ I was satisfied with my shots, with previous at-bats, singled to right losing pitcher Steve McCatty, 8-5, bases and set the stage for Evans. and gave the Indians their victory. Waite Hoyt. as the Buick Open. my round.” gave up a one-out single to Dave Following Evans’ hit, Jim Rice With one out in the 14th, Hargrove in seven innings but did manage to with the bases loaded and two out in Isao Aoki shared the firstround It would be a dream come true for lead with Irwin after they both shot Aoki, who joined the tour following, a bogey-free round of golf over the the Heritage Classic in March, to- Players must approve plan 7,001-yard Warwick Hills course, win an event in the United States.'^.. which plays to a par of 72. The tour­ “ The last four or five years I hafre' nament record of 274 was shot by had a lot of chances to play herejv-.** Julius Boros in 1963. The co-leaders held a onestroke Baseball unlikely to adapt over Canadian Dan Halldorson and a two-shot edge over Dave Hill, a native of nearby Jackson, Mich., This is a who now plays only selective tour­ naments. good field’v concept of split-season Checking in with 68s were Calvin Peete, Roger Maltbie, Bill Kratzert Hale Irwin and defending champion Peter both halves. It will be a best three-of-five series.” NEW YORK (UPl) — Commissioner Bowie Jacobsen, while 11 golfers were at Kuhn acknowledged that he considered granting a Kulin, having scrambled to arrive at an alternate 69 and 10 broke par by two strokes. bye to a double-winner but said that proposal had plan for the miniplayoffs, said ’Thursday that The Wadkins brothers, Lanny and distinct disadvantages. baseball is unlikely to adopt the split-season con­ Bobby, plus Bobby Clampett shot 69 he said. "Winning here would be a “ There would be a problem of an 8-day break if cept soon. while Dan Pohl, Bing Crosby winner final goal. It would be my biggest we gave a bye,” said Kuhn. “ Number one, all four “ I don’t think there's any real prospect of a split John Cook, British Open champ Bill thrill.” teams could sit around for eight days or number season,” Kuhn said while announcing the plan that Rogers, U.S. Open winner David Aoki has won $38,705 this year, two, two or three could sit around while a fourth is expected to remove the possibility of a club Graham and Greater Hartford Open placing him 85th on the earnings list, played someone else. We’re trying to c'reate losing a game to make the playoffs. " I don't sup- winner Hubert Green shot 70. ‘ "rhis but has been the leading money something that’s fun and exciting and to go with a )>ort such an idea and I don’t sense much support for is a good field,” Irwin said. “ And winner in Japan four of the last five bye just doesn’t fulfill that idea.” we’re already halfway there and years. the plan.” The new form at in effect throws out the first-half One lap around Charter Oak practice field rji. ■ : •■"•y-sOfii-X.' The new plan would send the champion of both this is only the first round. The Peete, winner of $69,403, nailed a standings except for the division winners at that halves against the second-place team of the second Park. The squads workout five nights a week, Monday thru pressure w ill be on the leaders to 5-iron 165 yards into the hole on the Candidates for one of the five entries In the Manchester Midget half rather than against the second best club Friday, from 6:30 to 8 o’clock. (Herald photo by Pinto) make more birdies.” 398-yard, par4 sixth for an eagle overall, the plan must still be approved by the Football League take part In a conditioning run at Charter Oak First place in the sixth-richest and "that sort of mellowed out my Players Association. event on the PG A tour this year is round.” Kuhn claimed the adjustment in the playoff for­ Integrity did worth $63,000 — $11,000 more than Hill played a round that included mat was necessary "solely to eradicate any possi­ the inaugural Buick Open was worth only 26 putts and noted, " I f my old, ble question of integrity.” The procedural revision altogether back in 1958. putter holds out, 1 might make a' changes the original plan only as far as a double­ not come up’ Irwin, 36, stands eighth on the tour dollar or tw o." He has played just 13 winner is concerned. Computer pairings today, money winnings list with $185,649, tournaments this year in winding If different teams win each half of the split Bowie Kuhn even though he has taken seven down an outstanding career. season, they will still face each other in a best-of- weeks of the summer tour off. Halldorson zoomed from nowhere five playoff series in accordance with the original That's because he won the Hawaiian to 36th on the money list last year at proposal approved Aug. 6. Open and finished second in four $111,553 and is 41st with winnings of Kuhn, under intense heat in the last week to point and Kuhn realizes clubs like Cincinnati and St. other events. $77,289 thus far. He tied for second at the Quad Cities earlier this year revise the proposal after two managers, Tony Louis — which each finished a close second in the Chris against Mandlikova “ I’m looking forward to next and is making a comeback after a LaRussa of the Chicago White Sox and Whitey Her­ first half — w ill not grasp the new plan with week,” said Irwin, who will com­ “ Nobody understands how it so that a loss six months ago will not pete in the World Series of Golf at layoff due to illness at the PGA. zog of St. Louis openly admitted they would lose enthusiasm. TORONTO (UPl) — (3iris Evert Mandlikova does not mind playing works,” she said, “ except the guys have as great an affect as one more Firestone. “ But I ’m not overlooking Kratzert tied for second in last games on purpose if it helped their playoff chances, “ I think you will have some teams disappointed Lloyd, your basic 17.478 on the E vert but she resents meeting her who work on it. My dad is a nuclear recent.” Under the present ranking, this tournament. It does carry year's Buick Open, when it was a said the hew plan isn’t perfect but w ill eliminate with the solution but the basic problem is to develop Women’s Tennis Association com­ so early in the week. < physicist and he sends things to Leaird said, it was possible that enough prize money to get my atten­ satellite event, while Maltbie is doubts about a club losing deliberately. something fair to the maximum number of clubs,” puter and Hana Mandlikova, a bitter Sensing that bluntness may be the " I t still has some warts, but no integrity warts,” Mars but he can’t figure it out Mandlikova could win the U.S. Open tion ” Good iron shots le t Irwin get playing in his 15th straight tourna­ he said. 13.473, meet today in the quarter­ only way to deal with computers, said Kuhn. “ In this unusual season, anything you do either.” — thus claiming three of the four close enough to the pin so that the ment. Kuhn said the integrity question was never con­ finals of the Canadian Open Women Mandlikova vowed that if the In­ has imperfections.” John Beddington, the tournament m a jors— and still not move past longest of his seven birdie putts was " I’d rather not be here.'j Maltbie sidered when the original format was developed. Tennis Championships because the justice is not corrected at the U.S. Marvin Miller, executive director of the Major director and Ana Leaird, a WTA number three in the rankings. only IS feet. said, “ but when you're playing well, "Integrity did not come up — it just slipped- computer /says they ought to. Open next week, “ I will make a big League Players Association, said the revision was public relations director, said Jaeger, whose win at the U.s. clay Aoki, who turns 39 on Aug. 31, you really hate to take a week off. through the net,” said Kuhn. “ When I became Not because it’s fair. mess.” Austin’s view was essentially Courts two weeks ago moved her sank birdie putts of 25. feet on the I ’m sick and tired of golf, but I ’m as much as could be expected, given the cir­ a'l^re of it, I asked the league presidents to develop Lloyd and Mandlikova both agreed “ Everybody knows that I am No. 2 justified. into number 2 rank, defeated Mima 432-yard, par4 second hole and 20 playing better." cumstances. a revision they thought was satisfactory.” Thursday that numerical injustice is in the world,” said the “ We make up the seeds based on Jausovec of Yugoslavia 84, 83, and “ Once the owners made a declaration that four Thurday’s plan eliminates the original concept |n being done under a computer the WTA rankings,” said Bed­ was gone from the courts by several teams were winners of the first half, then even which the team with the second best overall record ranking system that is so Einstein himself couldn’t devise a system that dington. “ I don’t understand the hours when the computer debate oc­ would qualify for the playoffs. That idea created sophisticated the players, members Only two better par didn't have bugs in it,” M iller said. “ I think this system. It’s very complicated and I curred. problems because it raised the possibility of teams of the tennis association and tourna­ change probably minimizes the possibility that you don’t think many people can argde Jaeger will play Rosalyn Fair­ losing on purpose to get in as the wild card team. ment directors fail to understand it. could end up with a situation where losing meant that Mandlikova is not the number 2 banks of South Africa, who pulled LaRussa and Herzog went on record as say(ng they Mandlikova, whose record the The seeding’ winning.” player in the world.” o ff the major upset of the tourna­ would forfeit games intentionally if it meant get­ past ybar includes the Australian What goes pn here, safe or out? Under Thursday’s revision, if one team wins both “ It would take a genuis to figure it ment thus far, downing seventh- and French Open championships Round One win ting into the playoffs. halves of the split season, “ that club would face the are wrong (ratings system) out,” said Leaird. seeded Wendy Turnbull of Australia Under the new plan, however, a team conceivably and finals at Wimbledon and the Cleveland’s Ron Hassey Is safe on error by himself and spread arms Indicating safe. second-place team in the second half of the season “ Basically the system is weighted, 64, 81. could be shut out of the Divisional Playoff despite U.S. Open, has managed to climb no Seattle first baseman Gary Gray when um­ Mariners protested but to no avail, (UPl in the Division Series, with the opening game in the Chris Evert Lloyd based on who you beat and in which Sylvia Hanika of West Germany posting the best overall record in the division* farther than fifth in the world photo) home park of the second place club and all round,” she said, while admitting ousted unseeded Deborah Jevans of pire Jerry Neudecker had a change of heart rankings. Even-her arch-rivals feel course during the season. England 81, 82. She will play Mar­ to tough remaining games in the home park of the winner of that actually it’s more complicated after calllna runner out (top photo) reversed that Mandlikova, and not 16-year-old than that. tina Navratilova who coasted past Andrea Jaeger (14.420) of Chicago, South Korean upstart Duk Hee Lee, putted the 14th for her lone bogey of Czechoslovakian star after ousting Leaird said the system was SH AKER HEIGHTS, Ohio (U P l) deserves the world’s No. 2 ranking. who lives in Alhambra, Calif., 8 3 ,8 the day. Barbara Potter 7-5, 64. already slated to be replaced by a — Round one of the $150,000 World Officials at the Canadian Open, “ I hit a lot of tremendous shots dTracy Austin, second-seeded and simpler one next season. One short­ 1. Championship of Women’s Golf was usipg the W TA as a guide, have coming that will be corrected is a Earlier Bettina Bunge withdrew won by the 66-year-old Shaker out there,” she said. “ Other than 3- seeded Mandlikova fifth this week to third-ranked (14.068), who beat Tigers in lead practice that gives equal weight to a from the third set of her second- Heights Country Club. putting from 40 feet at the 14th, I Regina Marsikova of Esposito never embarrasses himself meet Evert in the quarterfinals. round match with Shriver after thought I played w ell.” Czechoslovakia 82, 82 in a late loss throughout the year. A select field of 12 — 11 ‘"Ilje seedings are wrong,” said losing two disputed line calls. Little, a three-time winner this evening match to set up a quarter­ Mandlikova, for example, has professional and current U.S. USA and I like that, too. I ’ve been through in- ; Evert, who trounced Kate Latham “ It leaves a bad taste in your year, birdied all four par-5 holes. NEW Y O R K (U P l) — For most of his life, final against Pam Shriver, said the three upsets at the hands of 19th- Amateur Champion Juli Simpson temational competitions before and it’s a lot- : of Palo Alto, Calif., 6-3, 6-2 mouth,” said Shriver, 19, who was She tapped in from 2 inches at the ' Tony Esposito has been doing what he enjoys system is incapable of common ranked Leslie Allen. “ A bad defeat Inkster — had all they could handle ta pressure. You do or die. There’s no ; Thursday. “ Our quarterfinal match given an official verdict of 87 (7-9), 538yard fifth, knocked in a 4-footer most — stopping pucks. In all the years he has sense and its logic is a secret un­ can stay with you throughout the from the 6,225-yard, par-72 layout in for first time will be more like a final. She should at the 472-yard 12th; a 5-footer at the tomorrow. You’re playing against the world’s | year and never lose its weight. But a 7-5, 80. been at it, he figures he has stopped more derstood by only a few computer this Cleveland suburb. Sports top players.” : be at least No. 3 or No. 2 in the new system would allow for ‘aging’ Donna Caponi, the LPGA’s 480-yard 16th, and chipped in from 20 than 25,000 of them, which only proves to experts. Bob'Johnson, the University of Wisconsin j players,” he said. world.” second-leading money winner with feet at the 448-yard 17th. each his own. DETROIT (UPl) - Detroit Tiger Parade coach, who is handling the U.S. team, still : Now, with his team in first place, " I haven’t felt too good about my So even though he had been on skates for Manager Sparky Anderson is $159,095, and South African Sally has to cut his 33-man squad and that, he ad­ Anderson is thinking about what it Little were the lone players to break game in the last two months," Little only the last six days in the past three looking ahead at his team — but not Milt RIchman mits, w ill be tough. will take to stay there and what it par Thursday under ideal weather said. 'T v e had back problems and months, what do you think he was doing in too far ahead. Among his players are 10 members from- wili take to get his team over the —only recently have 1 been feeling Bloomington, Minn., Thursday evening? It is late in what is passing as a conditions. Bradshaw debuts Saturday better.” the Olympic team that beat Russia at Lake very large obstacle of its in­ Same thing. Stopping pucks. season this year but, for the first Caponi, a five-time winner on the Placid last year, including his own son, Mark, experience at the pressure game. “ I LP G A tour this year, recorded three Daniel, who won this event last “ I was a little nervous,” he confessed. “ I tim e in that season, Anderson finds now with the Pittsburgh Penguins; Jim Craig won’t'start watching anything until New York Jets at the New York get its first look at veteran wide birdies and a lone bogey in her 2- year when it was played at The didn’t wanna embarrass myself.” his Tigers in first place. Chargers in the early 1960s and later' of the Boston Bruins; Ken Morrow of the we get to the middle of Septepiber,” By Fred McMane Giants, Washington at Baltimore, receiver Isaac Curtis, who has been under 70 round. Little, a native of Country Club af nearby Pepper Fat chance. ____Islanders and Guy Lafleur of Montreal taking Anderson, accustomed to leading was traded to Buffalo where he Islanders and Steve ^ristoff of the North Anderson said. “ I won’t watch UPl Sports Writer St. Louis at Kansas City, Atlanta at slowed throughout training camp by Capetown who now lives in Del Ray, Pike, bogeyed three straight holes, Tony Esposito never embarrasses himself. turns on their lines, the Canadians should the pack or being near the top when guided the Bills to AFL cham­ Stars as well as such other. N H L performers a pulled hamstring. Baltimore - the 13th, 14th and 15th — to go Absolutely never. give everybody fits with the possible excep­ anything.” Minnesota, Pittsburgh at Dallas, Fla., sits alone in second place with he managed Cincinnati, is delighted Terry Bradshaw will make his pionships in 1664 and 1965. quarterback Bert Jones, recovering from 2-under to 1-over. A birdie at Here's a fellow who has been making his tion of the Russians. The Soviets are bringing as Hartford’s Mark Howe, Philadelphia’s About the inexperience problem, Seattle at San Francisco and Green a 1-under-par 71. the Tigers did a turnaround after pre-season debut Saturday against Rams’ coach Ray Malavasi says the 16th brought her back to par. in an outstanding team and Minnesota North Paul Holmgren, Montreal’s Rod Langway, he shrugged. “ They all react Bay at Denver. from a bruised shoulder, at least The four-way tie for third place at living tending goal in professional hockey 15 losins two of its first three post- the Dallas Cowboys and the the young Kemp has inherited some Quebec’s Robbie Ftorek and Steve Baker of differently. They might think it’s so On Sunday, Philadelphia w ill meet w ill have his favorite target back in 72 includes defending champion The greens were listed as the reason years, the last 13 of them with the Chicago Stars’ General Manager Lou Nanne, serving strik# games to Toronto. Pittsburgh Steelers’ quarterback of his father’s athletic ability. the New York Rangers. much fun. there won’t be any.” . New Orleans at Syracuse, N.Y. the lineup when the Colts face the Beth Daniel, Nancy Lopez-Melton, only two players managed to break Black Hawks, a guy who has won the Vezina in the same capacity for Team USA, believes The team recently launched a six- admits to being curious about R. “ He can play quarterback in this the Russians are the team to beat because What Nanne has tried to do was balance But before the Tigers get to the the Jets will be aiming for their Redskins. Roger Carr, who caught Jan Stephenson and Amy Alcott. par. Trophy three times, set a modern NHL game winning streak to surge atop “ I ’m kind of itchy ... I ’m kind of league,” Malavasi said. size and speed to counter-balance the middle of September, they must get fifth straight preseason victory over 61 passes last year to lead the Colts Caponi, who can go over the $200,- "There are a lot of breaks out record with 15 shutouts in his rookie season they’ve played together longer and their the American League Blast Division. The Dartmouth graduate says he Canadians’ high-powered scorers. worried,’’ said Bradshaw, in that department, ended a week- there that you can’t see,” said and is a good bet to wind up in the Hockey defense is little short of impregnable. through August. the Giants Saturday at the 000 mark by winning the first-place “ It’s nice not to be thinking about recoverinig from a broken toe suf­ Daniel. “ Every putt is a speed putt. “ We have an outside chance,” he says. “ Tony is our ace in the hole,” he said, “ These are two big series coming Meadowlands in New Jersey, but long holdout over his contract. Carr check of $50,000, went out in 33 when Hall of Fam e when he’s all finished, and he’s next year at this time of year,” fered befof-e training camp. “ I singling out Esposito. “ He’s our Hall of up,” Anderson said. “ Texas and they need good health more than a signed a new contract this week that she birded the sixth and ninth holes It is the kind of course that can jump going to embarrass himself? In an intra­ “ There are good ‘dark horses’ and bad ‘dark Aanderson laughed. His team waij haven't thrown a pass under Famer. You can’t win in a short series Kansas City are good teams. good triumph. Wide receiver Wesley reportedly calls for $600,000 over the from 20 and 10 feet respectively. up and get you. It's no doubt one of squad game yet? horses,’ and w e’re a good 'dark horse.’ idle Thursday before finishing up its pressure. I think I ’m ready to put without good goal-tending and we're.counting “ If we can take three of these next Walker won’t play because of an in­ next three years. The 38year-old native of Detroit the toughest we have played all Of course not. And he didn’t. Whatever chances the Americans have He 16-game homestand with three the team on the field. I ’m as curious on him to give us that.” six we ll be doing all right,” Ander­ jured Achilles tendon and backup dropped to 3-under par with a 8foot year.” He looked as good as ever, kicking out largely in what the chunky, 37-year-old games each against Texas and Kan­ Johnson also is banking heavily on son said. “ If we can go 4-2 — that as all of you.” receiver Bobby Jones is suffering birdie putt at the 10th, but then 3- rubber, smothering it and directing traffic Esposito will do for them in the net. sas city. The Cowboys, who have allowed Esposito. — — ^ would be super. from a tight hamstring. Starting during a spirited practice with Team USA, a As a native of Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario, he “ The past couple of years we’ve 502 yards passing In losing their first “ He looks good,” said the U.S. coach. “ Winning sure Is fun,” he said. comerback Bobby Jackson also has big underdog in the Canada Cup competition ordinarily wouldn’t have been eligible to play been looking forward to the instruc­ “ He’s playing with the same enthusiasm ‘.‘I’m glad these guys are learning two games, will be forced to defend an Achilles injury and defensive end starting Sept. 1 in Edmonton. Canada, for Team USA, since it is made up exclusive­ tional league and wondering where against Bradshaw’s passes without everyb<^y else is pnd he's an All-Star goaUe. - Mark GaStineau may be out with an All predicts KO by Cooney Russia, Czechoslovakia and Finland are also ly of players from this country, but that little we Wore going to get 18 new - that.” IS We. feel this is the best U.S. team ever safety Randy Hughes, who dis­ participating in the 12-day competition and matter was taken care of 10 days ago when he ankle injury. WANTED assembled. Our competition will be a lot located his right shoulder again last does not feel he must live up to his Chicago’s All-Pro running back bout “ with a top con­ the winners of the Cup can lay authentic officially became a U.S. citizen. " I think my COLUMBIA, S.C. (U P l) license to box In Richland tougher than the. U.S. team had in the Olym- father's reputation. Walter Payton is another player County Thursday, said he tender” at Carolina claim to world supremacy in hockey since U.S. citizenship is great,” said Esposito, who *^adshaw will be watched closely, — T h r e e - t im e w o r ld ' pics. You have to remember Canada has had Pittsburgh trades Milner “ Thereirtfever has been any who figures to get more playing plans a Nov. 1 comeback C o lis e u m . every nation is being represented by its very lives In Elmhurst, III., just outside Chicago. but that’s nothing compared to the heavyweight boxing cham­ TO BUY a many players in the Olympics, but none of pressure,” he said. " I love any kind tim e Saturday against Cincinnati. best professional players. “ I ’ve been pursuing it a long tim e.'I left Sault iTilcroscopic scrutiny that rookie pion Muhammad All says Ste. M arie to go to Michigan Tech in 1663 and them w ere professionals. This Is the absolute of sports and football, especially, is Payton has carried the ball just Canada looks strong, and why not? quarterback Jeff Kemp will be fun because I’m a quarterback. he’ll be a four-time champ have made my home in the States since. I was best in each country. We’re going With the to Expos for Montanez seven times for 47 yards in the aEAN With such stickouts as Wayne ‘"The Great after a bout with Gerry best players ever developed in this country. forced to endure when be takes the You’re In control. ’That’s an extra Bears’ first two exhibition losses, One” Gretsky of Eklmonton, Mike Bossy, paying m y taxes here all the tim e and never Cooney in Columbia next No team can have an excuse and that includes field against his father’s old team, reward. T and Chicago has scored a grand total Bryan Trottler and Denis Potvin of the two- had a vote, so I thought I would like to do the San W ego Chargers, Friday year. raOIECT YOUR HNiSTMOT! USED C M S PITTSBURGH (UPl) The more valuable to the Bucs over the ‘T m glad the Chargers gave my of seven points. time Stanley Cup champion New York that. Now I get a chance to play for Team All,' who turns 40 next Pittsburgh Pirates have traded -long run. Peterson said he sees Mon­ night. - dad an opportunity way back about Bears coach Neill Armstrong says your driveway before winter. Lowest------Kemp, son of Ckingreasman Jack Feb. W, predicted Cooney Seal coat ’ veteran pinch hitter John Milner to tanez as a pinch hitter and part-time 20 years ago,” ’ he said. “ But It the two facts are related. ■ expert service with top Quallty^rubberlzM Kemp of New York, is expected to will take the world crown CARTER the Mon&eal Expos for journeyman player who could become a regular doesn’t enter my thinking concer­ “ No offensive team would be the 8oSe%'.*Ftopair work' «i^ '♦Hl'nU get plenty of playing time when the by knocking out Larry first baseman Willie Montanez. first baseman depending bn the ning how I will prepare for the same If you took a Walter Payton available. Realdentlal and commercial. For a free Rams face the Chargers in a Holmes. “ Then It’ll be All A lt^ g b Milner, a substitute first health of W illie Stargell and the game.” out of Its lineup,” Armstrong said. estimate and prompt service call: Whalers unveil veteran, first round draft pick nationally televised game. Pat and Cooney at $20 million baseman and outfielder, was other first basemen, Jason Thomp­ In other NFL preseason games “No question we’re going to be yrlll.start 'for the Rams, but apiece,” AU said. “ This Days:64e41W6 HIqMs; 2aS-40M Veteran Rick MacUlsh, former Ron Francis, 18, the Whaler’s first director of hockey operations for the Pittsburgh’s top pineh hitter at the son and Bill Robinson. ‘ ‘’Taking all Saturday night, Oakland is at New doing some things differently offen­ 1 HARTFORD lUPI) - The Hart- Whalers, described MacLeish, an things into consideration,; I thing two other Los Angeles quarterbacks shall be the greatest high scoring center of the round draft choice, said he was time of the trate. General Manager England, Cincinnati at Chicago, sively when the regular season asphalt ItMIHaSl MMcb ! ford Whalers Thursday Introduced off-season acquisition^ and Francis, Moiitanez can help the team at this — veteran Bob Lee and Jeff evening of all time.” LAUMN iMi SEAL COATIIM CO. Philadelphia Flyers, said he was eager to learn the ways of the N lIL , Pete Peterson said in announcing Houston at Tampa Bay, Miami at starts than w e’re doing now.” Tel. M0-64M two new plavers. one a veteran and as major Whaler investments for tim e more than Milner,” said Peter­ Rutledge — are Injured. All, who received a ready to put his talent and even if it meant spending most of the deal Thursday he felt the Detroit, Buffalo at Oeveland, the Cincinnati, 2-0 in preseason, w ill Mhe other a draftee, that club of- son. . . Kemp's father played for the experience to a winning season for the year in the minors. now and for the future. seldom used Montanez would be ■'firials hope will boost the NHL L arrv Ploau. head coach and " loam 's fortunes. his new team. ) 12 - THE HERALD, Frt., Aug, ai, 1961 THE HERAlD, Fri., Aug. 21, 1981 - 13

Where to go/What to do Scoreboard FOCUS/ Weekend TV'Novies/Comics

Musical revival EASTERN LEAGUE BOSTON OAKLAND Srim taM 1M9 TJI 449 (S ec^ H alf) abrhb) abjh.bl. l a M M l i i * 749 429 EAST HADDAM - Michael P. Price, executive Remy2b r. 2 I 0 Hendnn If b lip North m O lM liR w bli 2J9 director of the Goodspeed Opera Houae, has an­ W L Pet. GB Evans rl 4 0 12 Murphy cf 4 0 10 Rice II 4 02 1 GrouSb 40 10 b M * 94 $2449 nounced the third show of the IMl Goodspeed Baseball Glens Falls 33 21 .611 - M n H 99 $11129 Buffalo 27 28 .491 64 Ystrzm lb 3 10 1 Armas rf 4 111 LansfrdSb 5 0 3 1 Spencer lb 4 1 1 0 s p o m it iiih : rriMi994$nM9 season will be a revival of “Bloomer Girl’’ with Lynn 25 31 .446 9 performances beginning Sept. 16 and running Holyoke 25 32 .09 94 Gedman c 5 0 0 0 Johnsn dh 4 111 South Stapitndh 52S lD rm rgh2b 4 0 0 1 m im 1149 411 499 through Nov. 22. Bristol 32 21 .601 ~ Hancck cf 6 0 10 Newman c 4 0 10- DUKE SNIDER lU i* 499 199 “Bloomer Girl,” with lyrics by E.Y. Marburg, Reading 30 98 ii36 34 Valdez ss 3 01 0 Stanley ss 3 011 a Ivtwsi 249 0 0 0 music by Harold Arlen, and book by Sig Herxig and West Haven 27 29 .482 64 RudI ph 0 Heath ph 10 0 0 GW * 97 $1491 Waterbury 22 33 .400 11 Nichols pr 0 10 0 World CbampioMblp of Wotnon’i OoU NATIONAL LEAGUE M M i7 4 $ t7 4 9 Fred Saidy, starred Celeste Holm when it ran on (Second Thursday’s Results Hoffmnss 0 0 00 lateniewed by Johi Bacchia Bv United P r ^ in ten iatlm l East ^ .Glens Falls9. Holyokel ToUls 39 6 12 6 Totals 37 4 8 4 At w aker Height!. Ohio. Aug. S TrlMa 74-1 $99489 Broadway for 657 performances in 1944-45. W L Pet. GB Bristol 2. West Haven 1 Boston (11200009(^6 (Par72) Set during the Civil War, the story Is based on St. Louis 6 2 .7S0 - Lynn 6. Waterbury 1 Oakland 020 011009—4 Duke Solder, a Hall of Fatner who hit 407 home rwu, played for Donna CaponI i l J m l i M9 499 219 BuffaloO. Reading 4 E-Gross. Remy, Valdez. LOB-Boston the Dodgers (1947-02), M els (1903) and Oiants (1904). H elscu r- Sally Uttle experiences of Amelia Bloomer who espoused New York 6 4 .600 1 13 Oakland 7. 2B—Lansford. HR— WWrti 499 W Chicago 5 5 .500 2 Friday's Games rm tly a broadcaster tor the Montreal Expos. Beth Daniel /7I iN k ni 2J9 temperance, women’s rights and the abandonment SUpleton (4). Johnson (11). Nanejr Lopet-Meltoo Montreal 4 4 .SOO 2 Glens Falls at Holyoke ^ IP H RERBBSO %AMil4$4429 of hoop skirts. The score Includes “Right as Rain” , Pittsburgh 3 7 .300 4 Waterbury at Lynn JanSiepMnaoo 33«~72 Philadelphia 2 7 2S West Haven at Bristol Boston I’m seire yon are happy that the strike has esMed. Amy Alcott 3349-73 NHi*9ll97J9 “I Got A Song” and "Evilina” . West Buffalo at Reading Eckersley(W6^.)ersley 7 8 4 3 1 2 I sure am! I didn't think there would be a strike. All they Pat Bradley 3949-72 TriMi 924 $49329 “Bloomer Girl” will be "directed by Michael Houston 3 .700 - Saturday’s Games aear(S 4) 2 0 0 0 0 2 bad to do was change a few numbers a year ago and they JaneBtalock 3949-76 Atlanta 3 TOO - Glens Falls at Holyoke Oakland Kathy Whitworth SM9-76 1149 429 3JI Montel who received critical accolades for/his M eaty (L8-f. 72-3 8 5 5 5 5 would have had it settled. Everyone got stubborn. B u ll hope Cincinnati 4 .566 14 West Haven at Lynn 0 0 1110 Jenny Lae Smith 3949-76 direction of Goodspeed’s “She Loves Me.” San Francisco 5 fOO 2 Buffalo at Reading Owchinko everyone puts it in the past and puts it off aa a bad experi­ JoAnoe Gamer 3649-77 1499 Meanwhile, George and Ira Gershwin’s “Funny Los Angeles I 5 .500 2 Bristol at Waterbury Heaverlo 0 2 0 0 0 0 ence. a-Joli Simpeon Inkater 4144-41 Underwoodmueiwuw »1 1-3»-*» “ 2 0 , 0 . 1 2 a*amateur 4114 $4MI Face’’ continues through Sept. 12. For reservations San Diego 8 JOO 5 to 91 $ iaJ9 Thui^ay's Result INTERNATIONAL LEAGUE Owchinko pitched tol batter in8th. Yon hit more heme rwas daring th e lOOdn than a^y nther for either musical, phone the Goodspeed box office, Atlanta 6, New York 4 W L Pci. GB Heaverlo pitched to 2 batters In 8th. l^nyer. Bow dU ynn become aneh n canM eaf hem e ran By United Prats IntemaUonal 1914 $32M9 Friday's Games Columbus 81 46 .643 — WP-Underwood. T-2:6B. A-17Ji03. BukkOpen 873-8668. (All Times EDT) Richmond 73 53 .579 8 U tter? At Grand Blan^m ch., Aug. 30 tU I M l «I9 San Francisco (Griffin 5>6i at Chicago Tidewater 66 59 .524 15 CLEVELAND SEATTLE If it wasn’t for Branch Rickey I wouldn’t have Ml very (Par72) I 4J9 iW (Kravecd^),2:35p.m. Rochester 60 66 .476 21 ab r h bi ab r h bl many homers. I would have been a very frustrated Mtter IsaoAoki 323946 San Diego (Mura 4-9 and Lollar 1-5) at Charleston 59 66 .476 21 ■ M l Dilonelf 70 2 1 Cniz2b 6 2 2 2 and would have had to learn a lot of things on my own. I Hale Irwin 334945 iliM liM I Pittsburgh (Blbby 4^ and Rhoden 6-11.2, Pawtucket 59 67 . 468 22 Ortarf 6 12 1 RandleSb 7 0 3 1 Dan HalMorson N49-4B Stowe paintings 5:06 p.m. Syracuse f/* 70 .440 254 Hargrvlb 3 1 1 0 Pacloiicf 50 11 don’t think I would have been the player that I was. He Dave Hill 364947 G 94 $11179 Montreal (Gullickson 3-6) at Atlanta 'Ihicdo f>0 77 .394 314 Hassey c 3 01 0 Zlik dh 5 0 10 taught me the strike tone and how to Mi the ebange-up and BiULoefUer 364947 I992I42179 (Perry6-4),7i35p.m. Thursday's Results Thomtn ph 1 0 0 0 Burrghs rf 6 0 0 0 the off-speed curve to left-center with authority. Calvin Peete 374949 HARTFORD — Known chiefly as the author of New York (Leach (Hh at Cincinnati Columbus 11. Richmond 2 Bandoc 3 0 10 Gray lb 3 110 Roger Maltbie M 44-69 M l 7JI ^ (LaCoss 2-6),7:35 p.m. Charleston at Tidewater, ppd., rain Harrah dh 6 12 0 Simpson cf 3 0 0 0 Dake, what was yaar greatest achievement? BlUKratsert M4MB I M l M l “Uncle Tom’s Cabin” and more than 30 other Houston (Sutton 5*7) at Philadelphia Syracuse 4, Toronto 3. exhibition Hayes3b 3 110 Bochte If 6 12 1 We were team-oriented in those days. The things that stick Peter Jacobsen 294941 M l books, Harriet Beecher Stowe pursued a lifelong (Espinosa 2-5), 8 :Q6 p.m. Friday’s Games Bannstr2b 3 12rB ulllngc 4 120 Mark Lye 294949 WMIIUI Los Angeles (Reuss 6-3) at St. Louis Charleston at Tidewater Stantonp 0 00 0 Narronc 2 0 d 0 out were^thinm that happened to the team more than indi­ Tom Shaw M 49-W avocation as a painter of watercolors and oils. (Andujar3-3).8:35 p.m. Columbus at Richmond DonPooley 3936-69 G 14 $11121 Nearly all her known paintings and sketches are Mannng cf 6 0 3 1 Andersn ss 3 0 0 0 vidual things. I know t h i ^ have changed now, because the 1124 mt48 Saturday s Games Toledo at Rochester Kuiper2b>r 2b 2 0 0 0 Meyer ph 10 0 0 numbers are very important. All that mattered to ua was Tom Jenkins 394949 plant and flower studies, landscapes, and tree San Francisco at Chicago Syracuse at Pawtucket Rosello2b 1 0 0 0 McHnry ss 10 0 0 AlGeibergw 992949 Houston at Philadelphia Saturday's Games Kelly ph 1012 who was in first place at the end of the LanayW^ns 393949 I IMI 4J9 121 drawings. Montreal at Atlanta. 2, twi-night Charleston at Tidewater Dybzns 3b 2 10 0 The ’55 season lu u ^ t^ o down as ^ MggM ttolll in MarkMcCurober 3936-49 m M l 128 New York at Cincinnati, night Columbus at Richmond Veryzer ss 6 0 0 0 Bobby Wadklns 3936-69 .Most of her works are in the collections of Stowe- San Diego at Pittsburgh, night Toledo at Rochester life. I did not get the MVP that year. Campy (Roy Cam] Totals 6 16 6 Totals 51 6 12 5 la) beat me out by a couple of votes. I got tne ^ibrting'News^lorting Howard Twitty 334949 G4WG14IIMI Day Foundation' in Hartford. Rarely exhibited, When the i^aups' family of Manchester, and friends, get Shown rehearsing they are, left to right: Charlottejpewey, Vills Los Angeles at St. Louis, night Syracuse at Pawtucket Cleveland 100 000108 000 01- 6 G ll^ Olltert 3 9 » -4 9 except as part of the restoration of her last home in Seattle 140000 000000 09-6 award and the New Yora Baseball Wnters award. But peo­ Bobw Clampett 364949 NrGaG14 $1IM9 ^together, it’s bound to be an evening of good music. Three Paups, Tallvaldis Paups, llga Paups, Kathy Crane and John DP-Cleveland 2. Seattle 3. LOB- ple all over the world were'hoping that the BrooUyn Dan Pobl 3743-70 TriGcG 14>2 $$S7J9 Hartford, these paintings will be shown in a new Clevcland 12. Seattle 9. 2B-Harrah. John Cook 3949-70 » 9481 M t $3$M14 exhibit, “Harriet Beecher Stowe:' Painter.” The ^ '"Ihiembers of that family, and three friends, will entertain Aug. 23 Mueter. (Herald photo by Pinto) Gray. Cruz. Hayes, Dilone, Randle. Orta Dodgers would win in ’55, and we did. Andy North 3646-70 HR—Orta (4). SB-Cruz2. S-Bannlster. Another great thrill was when we woo In L.A., because I Jim Nelford 3949-70 show will run through Sept. 11 in the exhibition at 7:30 p.m. at St. Mary’s Church in "Music for a Summer Eve." AMERICAN LEAGUE 3649-70 (Second Half) IP H RERBBSO was bom and raised there. Bill Refers / gallery at the Mark Twain Carriage House, 351 Far­ ^ st Cleveland David Graham 3949-70 Jai Alai Entries mington Ave. Open daily from noon to 4 p.m., the Waits 1 1-3 6 5 5 2 0 Last year yon were ladncted bste the Hall at Fame attar Hubert Green 3645- 70 W L Pet 3646- 70 Detroit NEW YORK ATLANTA Spillner 7 5 0 0 3 5 years ot waltlag. How Important was that ladactloa toyaa? Steve Melnyk FRIDAY (EVENING) exhibit is free of charge. ab r h hi ah r h bi sUntn(W.3-2) 5 2-3 1 0 0 0 5 Mike Sullivan 3645—70 Donna McKee Giunta, guest curator, has Toronto Seattle It was vem important for quite some time. Each year I Buddy Gardner 3949-70 IM 'Music For a Summer Eve' Milwaukee Wilson cf 4 2 2 0 Butler If 42 11 l.M > 2.lir«Si Taveras ss 6 13 1 Wshngtn rf 4 12 1 Abbott 6 6 2 2 2 2 would get a few more votes and my hopes would get higher. EdFiori 3949-71 assembled a variety of Mrs. Stowe’s artworks. Baltimore Rawley 2 3 3 3 2 0 Jim Simons 3749-71 tiM ibW i New York Brooks 3b 4 0 0 0 Horner 3b 1111 Then I sat down with my pastor and be made me realise that Included in the collection are watercolors, oils, Kingmn lb 5 0 0 1 Chmbis lb 4 0 11 Andersen 1-3 1 0 0 0 0 Gil Morgan 3649-71 Ihrtni IksH Boston Clark . 1 1-3 2 0 0 1 0 it was out of my bands. And that you come lnt6 this world Lon Hinkle 3649-71 gouaches, sketches (in pencil, ink, and watercolor), Cleveland Valentin rl 4 0 10 Murphy cf <£000 t t m tik m t o l Mazzllli If 2 10 0 Hubbrd2b 4 112 Drago (L. 4-4) 41-3 4 1 1 1 0 with nothing and you leave it wiib nothing. Wouldn’t you John Fought 3749-71 examples of painted furniture “ by Mrs. Stowe’s AlHxitt pitched to 2 batters in 7th: know it! The first year that I thought It was unimportant to Lynn Janson 3749-71 MEN) Oakland 667 - Stearns c 3 0 11 Campp 0 0 0 0 Rex Caldwell 3749-71 own hand,” and designs for chinaware. Since 1875, Seattle 636 - Flynn 2b 3 0 0 0 Benedict c 4 0 0 0 Rawl^Hawley pitched tot 3 batters in 9th. be inducted, I was inducted. jorgnsn ph 10 11 Ramirz ss 4 0 0 0 T-3:47 A-7.630. Stan A l^ lt 3946-71 when she entered two paintings in a group exhibi­ Chicago .600 4 3749-71 Texas .566 I Bailor2b OOOONiekrop 2 000 m a t do yoa remember aboat two ot this year’s tadacteea — Lindy Miller tion in Hartford, the works of Mrs. Stowe have Kansas City 6 .454 Harris p 1 0 0 0 Assistn ph 10 10 Fred Couples 3946-71 Family presents a concert Johnny Mlxe aad Bob GIbsoa? California 6 .333 Hodges ph 1 0 0 0 EMiller pr 0 10 0 Denis Watson 3946- 71 1 M N i ta n IN m bM * seldom been on display. Minnesota 8 .273 L,cach p 0 0 0 0 Royster 2b 10 0 0 Mize was one of the purest Mttera ever. He was rarely Ed Dougherty 3946-71 7 ksRGIn^M* L W M ta fooled by a pitch because be had that 3-inch stride. I always David Edwards 3349-71 Thursday's Results Cubbag ph 10 10 3943-71 California 6. Baltimore2 . Buitanop 00 00 BALTIMORE CALIFORNIA marvelM at his Mtting when he was not playing against ua. Scott Simjraon ab r h bi ab r h bi a r y Hailberg 3549-71 Tree anniversary Boston 6. Oakland 4 Searage p 0 0 0 0 Gibson was a fierce competitor. We had many knock­ D.A. Weibring 3649-71 AM By Barbara Richmond Clevelands. Scattlcr<, 14 innings DMillerp 0 0 0 0 Bumbry cf 4 110 Carew lb 5 12 0 3349-71 HARTFORD — The Old State House will be the this past June. She completed school Mueter is a New York City native. Staub ph 10 0 0 down, drag-out battles. I took persouM pride in batting Danny Edwards l.mnmiaih ZENfCn Schumann and Chopin, and the Friday 's Games Dauer2b 4 12 0 Burlesn ss 3 110 Barry Jaecfcel 3946-71 i t (All Times EDT) Marshall p 0 0 0 0 Singletn rf 4 0 0 0 Lynn cf 2 0 0 0 ag aii^ guys like Bob Gibeon. I was fortunate against Mm focal point of a month-long celebration of the 125th premiere of the new piece by early by getting all of her credits. He received his bachelor's degree in Totals X 4 9 4 Totals 31 6 7 6 George Archer , 3946-71 INnMbm fSiISuh Herald Reporter Chicago (Bauingarten 5-6) at Toronto Murray lb_ 4 0 2 2 Ford rf 4 2 10 because! Mt Mm very well. Tommy Valentine ^ 3939-71 anniversary of the falling of the Charter Oak Tree. Muetet". Ilga and Kathy are receiving some piano from Hartt in 1968 and then etroit (lx)pcz 4- York 1. Atlanta 1. LOB-New York 9. Dempsey c 4 0 10 Ott c 4 0 0 0 TedGoln 3949-72 full-fledged concert to which the Atlanta 6. 2B-Butlcr. 3B-Wilson 2. Bclangr ss 3 0 0 0 Hobson 3b 4 0 0 0 My first All-Star Game was in 1950 in CMcago’s Comisky 20, to coincide with citywide programs focused on Church, 41 Park St. The suggested with the New 'York Philharmonic . house. He was also a teacher in the I ).8 p.m. Bob Byman 3746-72 public is invited. International School in India for two Minnesota (Williams2-5) at Milwaukee Jorgensen. HR—Hubbard (4). SB— Ripken ph lOOOCmpnrsSb 0 0 0 0 Park. The fans had voted in three outfielders and none of Lynn Lott 3949-72 preservation. Ilga Paups, a mezzo-soprano and a minimum donation is $3 for adults Orchestra, whom Kathy is studying (Caldwell 8-Ti), 8:30 p.m. Stearns. E. Miller. Totals 36 2 9 2 Totals 34 6 9 5 them were center fielders. Burt Sbotton was the National Mike Hill 3746-72 On itisplay will be; Charter Oak memorabilia, years and in 1976 he returned to the Cleveland (Barker 6-3) at California IP H RERBBSO Baltimore 101000009—2 Manchester resident, was planning and 11.50 for children and senior with. . . . j . - League manager and my manager at Brooklyn. He said he Chip Beck 3746-72 Kathy, who is studying a combina­ United States and has since been on (Forsch 9-Fi), 10:30p.m. New York « California 300 010 30x—6 ^ Bob Gilder 3749-72 lllm taH Shl, archives of early insurance history in Hartford, and a farewell program for John citizens. A reception will follow the Baltimore (Palmer 3-Ti) at Oakland Harris (L2-3) 3 4 4 3 2 0 E—Belanger. DeClnces, Ford. DP— would put me in CMter instead of Hank Sana', so I made the J.C. Snead 3649-72 the art work of noted American and Connecticut ar­ concert. tion of dance and clarinet called the faculty at Hartt as opera and (Kingman 3-4), 10:Xp.m. Ldach 2 0 0 0 1 0 California 1. LOB-Baltimore 7. Cali­ team. All kinds of stink was raised. Finally, it waa decided Bobby Cole 3746-72 Mueter, pianist, who is moving to "Harlequin” , is the first vocal coach in the opera depart­ Boston (Ojeda 1-1) at Seattle (Parrott Boitano 1 1-3 2 2 2 0 1 fornia 7.2B--Dauer, Murray. Iarew2, Jerry Heard 3649-72 tist Kenneth A. Larson who has designed a spedlal Washington to attend Washington . Because there will be another Searage 1-310011 Enos Slaughter would play center and Italph Kiner and . American to do so. She’ll be ment. 3-6), 10:X> p m. Baylor2. Burleson. HR—Baylor (10). Buten Baird 3746-72 MmM series of pen and ink interpretations of Hartford State University to work on his group meeting at the church that ^turday's Games Miller 1-3 0 0 0, 1 1 IP H RERBBSO Sauer would play. Shotton apologised for putting so much Tommy Aaron 3649-72 past especially for the exhibit. Guest curator for leaving soon for Germany for a stay He began composing only within Texas at Detroit Marshall 1 0 0 0 0 0 Baltimore pressure on me and explained bow Chicago fans would boo Tom Purtier 3949-72 m aster’s degree in composing. He night, those attending the farewell Kansas City at New York Atlanta D. Martinez (U-4) 7 9 6 4 3 2 Jim Colbert 3746-72 the exhibit is Ed Carter, retired vice president of concert are reminded they can park of six weeks at the home of the past three years. One of the Niekro (W5-4) 763344. us. We certainly did get it from those fans. will also be staff accompanist and Chicago at Toronto Stone 1 0 0 0 0 0 Jeff Sanders 3949-72 the Travelers Insurance Co., and associate curator in the St. James School parking lot Stocchausen, a composer, and wil) great honors he has received is Minnesota at Milwaukee, night Camp (SII 2 3 110 California Ben Crenshaw 3649-72 coach. Cleveland at California, night HB’P—by Niekro (Wilson). WP— Zahn(W8-6) 9 9 2 2 0 1 Did yoa ever coaUder maaaglag? is David Smyth, curator of the Cradle of Industry. or the upper parking lot of St. James study clarinet and dance. The com­ being one of the finalists among George Cadle 3949-72 MTs s Paups said first her brother, Boston at Seattle, night Searage. Balk—Harris. T"2;2B. A—4,787. T-2:24, A--24.323. At one time I did. But I like broadcasting. I sleep very well Larry Rinker Included in the exhibit will be the largest chunk of poser is planning to have Kathy do a hudreds of applicants in an opera 3649-72 Talivaldis, a tenor, said he would Church. at night. I will iuat leave managing to the guys who were put Allen Miller 3949-72 I-BiSAirti IbwSMH. Charter Oak owned by the City of Hartford and performance at La Scala in competition. For this he wrote a on the earth" tohandrt die the strains ( (25 men. Phil Rodgers 3647- 72 join her for the recital and “before I Miss Paups and Mueter perform l.lMB»laSi tin . Is, special items made from the original tree. Italy. Last summer, Kathy one-act opera. In the three years he Bill Britton 3949-72 S. I«»iaM i (M b S B tn i knew it, my father Vilis Paups, a extensively together in a lot of Lat­ Barry Hanrell 3745- 72 T. Ubkpi Lkw-hwl, Simultaneously, Travelers Insurance Cos., will pre­ vian concerts “But it will be the won an international clarinet com­ has also written three songs for Scott Watkins 3746- 72 baritone, also joined us and we had a petition in Colorado. male chorus and they were John Schroeder 3746-72 hN ls WBa^^vWMawHi station, too — in a 1962 NBA game at Hershey, Pa. Bal 12. Hnt T.IMMbnM till—Dm Runs Batted In IlM ItN ?jN Ml Q. With mnning backs like Billy Andrews, Joe Cribbs and National League — Foster, Cin 56; I ham Ml U.M slated Sunday Q. Is boxing the only sport that gives no indication of the Schmidt. Phi tt; Concepcion, Cin 46; James Brooks in recent years, can yon tcU me how Anbnm II>V*i Ml score antU the end of the contest? Has there ever been an Kingman. NY tt; Garvey, LA and •MSil-THMI Ih h m ia w ever managed to lose a football game? — FJB., Mobile, Ala. Buckner. Chi 41. tM M b a M attempt to have the scoring posted on a round by round American League — Armas, Oak 48; M utaM iN JI The answer, in a word, is Bryant. That means the vener­ basis? It might reduce the likelihood of some of the incom­ TilMa T4-IHIMI stituted a Broadway show every able Bear Bryant up the road in Tuscaloosa, at the Universi­ Bell, Tex 47; OgiTvie and Ttomas, MU U nkpiN h* The Singii^ Savoyards, a group of prehensible decisions. — Richard Ridenhonr, McKinleyvIlle, 45: Evans. Bos M. talented performera drawn from the third year. ty of Alabama. He managed to keep the Tigers in submission CaUf. Stolen Bases '* I'iirstiM ~ UM Ml UN National League — Raines, MU 53: membership of the Manchester Rehrorsals start in January for (tb^ were S-d last year) because he attracted the type of The same situation pertains in professional wrestling, if I Mkh hitMi IN IN supporting cast you ne^ to make brilliant runners go. North, SF26: Scott. MU and Moreno, Pit IDSnabWi IN Gilbert St Sullivan Players will pre­ the 1002 spring production of Gilbert you want to caU that a sport. Also in horse shows, when 23; Collins, an21. M N iH IM N & Snllivan’s “lolanthe.” This BemdesTAndrews, now the hot runner of the NFL’s strong subjective judging is required. There was an experimentxper American League — Henderson. Oak sent a concert of lii^t, murical Atlanta Falcons, was primarily a blocking back in college. 37: Cruz, Sea 33; Dilone, Cle 20; M M k M tN ill selections on Sunday at 3 p.m. at the operetta typIcaUy ’ features duringig a ■beavyweljgbt championsMp fight to show the• tround- LeFlore, Chi 19; Bumbry, u l 14. TiSiik SM NUN Mnh|iMete«e A ^.to the list of fine ex-Aubum runners, add Chester Wilus, by-round scoring in on television. This was .when Pitching RM: Simanmih Wesley Houiq — West S ev an ’s melodious scores and the a rookie making a strong impression this summer with the NBC aired the S m t i9 , f977, title bout between Muhammad Victories IWbZirrs ILM 4J8 Ml Lawn, 20 Hartford Road. Admiasion satiric wit of W.S. GUbert. The Oakland Raiders. He also played very UtUe while in college Alt and Eamie ^ v e r s . The fighters were supposed to be National League — Carlton. Phi 94; im m tmrnrti m m original New York cast featured Valenzuela, LA 94; Seaver, Cin 93; I Iwgiki lifM m U free. . in the shadow of Cribbs ana Brooks. kept in the dark, but Angelo Dundee, AU’s trainer, stationed Hooton, LA 84; Rogers, MU and P^ormers will. include Chria, sudi well-known performers as Lin­ a man in the drexaing room to pick up the telecast and rush Ruthven, Phi96. M d iM tlM I da Ronstadt, Rex Smith and Estelle M mHMSIUI Hand-Parliman, Lynda Nadeau, Ann Q. Can yon please tell me how leog aad what years did the scoring to ringiiM. Therefore, All was able to coast the American League—Norris, Oak94: Parsons and the Los A ng d u troupe ~ ~ f for the Saa naacisco Morris. Det 94; Forsch. Cal 94: 12 TrilNliM4WM9 Stelmat, Naomi Wolf, John Callahan last couple of rounds, knowing in advance he would pick up pitchers ti^ with 8. rwffc and Don Julio Chamberlain. Pierre includes such personalities as Pam average as a Glaat? — Joe the decisioD. He a ta y ^ out of the way of a possible haymak­ Earned Run Average 4lm*MMli Ml 4M 2J9 (based on 1 inning per each team's Marteney will be the accompanist. ’ Dawber of “Morit and Mindy,” pop er by Shavers. Part of the suspense of boxing is the judging. I M M il9 Ml singer Andy Gibb, and comedienne "llie Duke’joined the oiants at the tail-end of his Hall of games played) ^ • M m lilim IM ’On program is beinf presented' Natlongl LMgue — Ryan. Hou 129; Joanne \yorley. Fame career, in 19M, when be was an old S7. He batted .210 Knepper. Hou llfi: R euu, LA2JB; Blue, IM * 14 lu ll 19th HOLE by the Manchester Arts Council for in 91 games, more than half of them limited to pinch-hit SF2.»: Seaver. Cin2.«. M i i i a N N M M the Manchester Chamber o f' The Manchester Players is a non­ American League—S tew art,^ ! ISR\ Tfinli4-14$38U9 profit group and pixxsendf Of ife appearances.. He spent the Ifirst 10 years of his career with McCatty. Oak 149: Barker, Cle 2JO: BMc (^MDineroe. the Dodgers in' ~Brooklyn '' I andan Lm Angeles, the 17th with tte Parting shot: Honeycutt.Tex3.85; Trout.Cbi2.7l. • IlMWM 2UI Ml Ml Country Club The Manchester GijjiSXiUa pnxiuctiona are donated to New York Mets. He retired1 afteri his M gle Giants season. , Strikeouts 31m fJl 129 Sullivan Players ht a local cultural worthwhile area charities. National l^ g u e — Valentuela, LA11&: Rellrsd Swiafers- Bill 9 •ra m i lUI institution whidi was fornaed in Members are drawn from It oostf to be a champion. The NFL allots 92,100 Carlton. Phi 104: Soto. Cin94: Ryan. Hou Bongston 87, Bart Brown Q. Taking late eeneldrratlan Bert Jenee’e lajarlei the past 87; Sutton. Hou83. «*Wi 94 $79129 1047. Initially conceived at • Idandiester and surrounding towns apiece for Super Bowl rinis handed out by the winning M nH93$19U9 , enple of years, srhnt do yen see te be the weak spot of the team. But the Oakland Raiders exceeded that handout American League — Barker, Cle 77; 70, Ed McNamara 70, Jim workshop dedicated to the pertor- ■ and give freely of their time and Blyleven. Cle 76; Leonard, KC M; IHM944INU9 Royamko 71, Bob Mclntoah by ap|voximately 9500,000 In designing and awarding Flanagan. Bal64: OavU, NYtt. mance of the worki ot Gilbert & talent in perfecting performances 100 rings (half of thsm to players, the rest to coaches, Saves ^ \ ■ tM%9vkns 1M9 M* 71, AI Varaiard 71, Ed DIk Sullivan, it has more recently 6ub- that have been critically acclaimed. National League — Sutler, StL 14: • Ml 71, Bltt Mtisl 71, Al Puxso team liinlied partners and front-office personnel). The Minton. SF U: a m p . Atl 11: Lucm. SD Tfmrnimm JeflE.,ML^ally,NJ. ^ rings would cost maybe 910,000 each if you tried to and Allen. NY to. 4 Imlaaii 299 71, Dan PaloaU 7>, Earl Hopefully, for Bert Jones at least, hii iiyuries are in tte buy one over the jeweler's counter. American League—Oossage, NY 17: %IMi2>flllJ9 Andaraon 7S, Jim Cooper past. SO-year-old qnarterbaefc made a fliM comebaefc In Fingers. Mil 16; Quisenberry. KC 11, M mH M $9U9 7>. Savoyards, rehearse tor a concert Sunday at 3:00 Farmer. Chi and Saucier Det 10. « MMb 974 M2L19 Chrlo Parllman of Coventry and accompanist Pierre i m , throwing 23 tonebdown passee and picking up 3,134 Marteney of Manchester, members of the Singing p.m. (Herald photo by Pinto) 1 I< - THE HERALD. Fri.. Aug. 21. 1961 THE HERALD, Fri,, Aug, 21. 1981 - 15 Yankee Traveler Tu rn e r Try jazz, sand castles or a country fair a n sw e rs stands, or handcraft and home certs. Children under 12 are $7.S0. become olA,yourself at the annual day, and the Cambridge Symphonic By Lisa J. Behren Classic Jazz Band with Dick economics exhibitions. Don’t miss The concerts start at noon, but the sand castlp'building competition on Brass Ensemble will herald the ALA Auto and Travel Club Hyman, Bob Wilber, Major Holley; the horse-pulling o t^ e horseshoe- Oliver Jackson; Doc Cheatham and gates open at 10;S0 a.m. For more Steep Hill Beach in Ipswich, Mass., competition winners at an awards Written for UPl pitching contests on Sunday. information call (401) M7-S100. Saturday. ceremony at 4:30 p.m. guest Ruby Braff, and M el Lewis More highlights ofv the opening On the fourth weekend in August and the Jazz Orchestra with guest Fort Adams will also offer Beginning at 10 a.m., this Last year, close to 2,000 people weekend include a conqert tonight the ALA Auto and Travel Club Zoot-Sims. visitors an added treat. Saturday beautiful stretch of shoreline will be worked on sand sculptures — so get c h a lle n g e and Saturday evenings by\tte coun­ recommends taking.in the renewed On Sunday you’ll hear A Salute to may be the final day of Newport filled with carefully-sculptured there early and find a.good spot. try music troupe Jack D. Johns, a Newport Jazz Festival, a sand cas­ Lionel Hampton and his All-Star Yachting Race Week. More than ISO animals, unusual objects, and of Registration is $8 (including fireworks show on Saturday night tle building contest on the Band; Nancy Wilson; Dave Brubeck cruising yachts w ill assemble at the course, sand castles. paiU n g) at 10 a.m. on the beach. and Childrens day Sunday. By Kenneth R. Clark Massachusetts North Shore or one and his quartet; Dizzy Gillespie and Newport Yachting center. If the five Anyone can enter the contest, and Steep Hill Beach, connected to ’Ihe remainder of the fair will UPl TV Reporter of New England’s oldest fairs in his quartet with Milt Jackson; Art scheduled races last until Saturday, you may use any tools or Crane’s Beach, is 2 miles east of feature daily horse racing, a variety Marshfield, Mass. Blakey and the Jazz Messengers the state park is the best place to decorations with your design. There Route 133 on Massachusetts’ North of concerts every evening, a talent NEW YORK - It didn’t Uke Ted Turner long to The sound of trumpets and with special guest A1 Grey, Buddy see most of the competition. For are four different categories; design Shore. night Aug. 26 and harness racing answer the challenge hurled last week at his Cable News saxophones will fill Rhode Island’s Tate and Mike Renzi. more information call (401) 846- professionals, children, families, Aug. 30. Network by ABC and Westinghouse. Fort Adams State Park Saturday As you listen to some of 4994. and none-of-the-above. Winners will The 114th annual Marshfield Fair The fair will be held at the No sooner did they announce formation of a 24-hour, and Sunday during the famous New­ America’s best known and loved To reach Newport, the ALA receive T-shirts, certificates, rib­ begins Fri., Aug. 21 and runs Chorus at band shell Marshfield Fairgrounds on Route all-news cable television service to compete with his port Jazz Festival. A fter a 10-year musicians, you can picnic at the 21- • suggests taking your best route to bons and one "golden shovel” thnugh Aug. 30. It will be 10 days of 3A. It will be open from 9 a.m. to Atlanta-based operation than Turner announced forma­ absence, the grandfather of jazz Route 138. It’s at the junction of award. entertainment and exhibits, amuse­ Sunday at 7:30 p.m., the Silk City Chorus, Manchester's chapter of chorus has placed high in statewide and Northeast District competition. acre state park overlooking tion of a second scOPvice — “ CNN-2” to compete with festivals returns to its namesake. Routes 138 and 114 on Narragansett While artists are molding their ment rides and crafts shows. 9p.m. daily; 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. Sun­ Also on the program will be three well-known quartets: the current Narragansett Bay. ’Hiere will be theirs, adding that he had intended to do so for quite the Society for the Preservation and Encouragement of Barbershop Saturday’s stars include Buddy Bay. Once you’re in Newport, follow masterpieces, spectators can soak There will be something to do to days. Admission is $2 for adults and Northeast District champions, the Sound Assurance, plus the Family food and refreshments as well as some time. Quartet Singing in America will perform at the Bicentennial Band Shell up the sun or listen to free outdoor keep every member of the family free for children under 12. Rich and the ,Buddy Rich Band; more than a dozen craft displays. the signs to Fort Adams State Park. “ Plans ahd a budget for CNN-2 w ere formulated over at Manchester Community College. Under the direction of VIn ZIto, the Affair and the ACME Music Company. McCoy Tyner quintet; Dexter Gor­ concerts. ’The Silver Stars Steel smiling. You can see the 4-H Marshfield is located 4 miles east General admission tickets are |15 a year ago,” he said. don quartet with euest Art Farmer; Instead of listening to artists, Orchestra w ill nlav throughout the livestock shows, fruit and flower of Route 3 on Route 3A. in advance, $17 on the day of the con­ Turner, beleaguered by leaks and rumors of plans he • Asylum Hill Congregational Church: Summer had intended to reveal Monday at a Boston press con­ Concert with the works of Buxtehude. Purcell, ference, took to his own cameras Thursday to announce Telleman, Chopin. Milan, Giuliani and Ives, Saturday the impending birth of “ CNN-2” — a headline service at 7:30 p.m. very similar to the “ News-Channel” unveiled Aug. 12 by • Connecticut Calacoan Society: Benefit concert. Boy has never kissed; ABC Video Enterprises and Westinghouse’s Group W Saturday at 8 p.m. at The Sounding Board, In the Satellite Communications. basement ot First St. Paul’s Church, 571 Farmington Appearing on CNN’s “ Take Two” program. Turner Avo., Hartford. Cinema said CNN-2 will be “ a compact hard-news sei^ e Theater • University of Connecticut Health Center: catering to viewers who want a quicker, mdfe-eentnse Concert ot contemporary jazz and rhythm and blues, summary of the day’s events.” He said it will be Wednesday at 11:45 a.m. In the central courtyard at he doesn't know how EAST HARTFORD operational Jan. 1, 1982. • Goodspeed Opera Houae, Eaal Haddam: "Funny the health center In Farmington. Free. S.O.B. (R). Fri 7, 9:35; Sat 2. 7. Poor Richard’s, 4S7 Main SI. 9:35; Sun 2, 4:15, 7. 9:35. The competing ABC-Group W News-Channel, which Face,” the George and Ira Gershwin musical, through (5S2-1S22) — S.O.B. (R|. Fri and DRIVE-INS DEAR ABBY: I won’t th read s Turner’s operation because it proposes to give Sept. 12. Performances Tuesday through Friday at the truth would have to be Sat 7:30. 9:30. 12: Sun 7:30. 9:30. East Windsor, Rout# 5 (623- beat around the bush. The aw ^^he programming for which Turner charges cable Showcat# Cln#mat, 936 Silvar told, would it not? 8:30 p.m., Saturday at 5 p.m. and 0 p.m. and Sunday 3079) — The Fox and The Hound fact is, I ’ve never kissed a systems 15 cents per hookup, w ill have a similar format, Lana (566-8810) — Arthur (PQ), (G). Last Flight of Noah's Ark (G). ANOTHER MOTHER at 5 p.m.; matinee Wednesday at 2:30 p.m. (873-8668) girl and I ’m 19 years old. but it is not targeted for operation until next spring —' Fri and Sat 2:30. 4:50. 7:15. 9:35. Fri-Sun at dusk. DEAR MOTHER: You • American Shakaapearo Thaatar, Stratford: 11:40: Sun 2:30. 4:50. 7:15. 9:35. Isn’t that ridiculous? It all D e a r A b b y , after the January launch of Western Union’s new Manchoatar, Routaa 6 and 44A make a point that 1 had "Othello,” starring James Earl Jones and directed by Condorman (PG). Fri and Sat (649-6000) — The Fox and The started in grade school Westar 4 satellite. Peter Coe, through Sept. 5. Performances Tuesday at 3:50. 7:10. 11:30: Sun 3:50. 7:10. Hound (G). Fri-Sun 8:15; Last not conaidered. also Aristocats (G). Fri-Sun 2:10, when ap older kid told me • * * "W e’re going to beat them on the air at their own 8 p.m., Wednesday at 2 p.m., Thursday and Friday at 8 Flight of Noah's Ark (G). Fri-Sun Abigail Van Buren 5:30. 9:50. that kissing a girl wasn’t K m gam e,” said a CNN spokesman in a telephone Interview p.m., Saturday at 2 p.m. and 8 p.m. and Sunday at 3 9:40. DEAR ABBY: I heard Et Cetera Stripes (R). Fri and Sat 2:15. Mansllald, Routes 31 and 32 — all that easy — there was a you give the commence­ from Atlanta. p.m. (375-5000) 4:45. 7:25. 9:55. 12; Sun 2:15. Cannonball Run (PG). A Change right way and a wrong Turner said his new operation will consist of a con­ b Hartt Opera Theater, West Hartford: "Cabaret,” 4:45. 7:25. 9:55. of Seasons (R). F.M-Sun at dusk. ment address at Westridge way, and if you didn’t know tinuously updated 30-minute “ wheel” of hard news, with the popular musical, today and Saturday at 8 p.m. at First Monday In October (R). Brown School for Girls in Fri and Sat 2:30. 4:45. 7:20. 9:40. Horne Haig how to kiss a girl, you'd be a five-minute “ window” in which cable systems will be • American Cratta Festival: An exhibition and sale, Pasadena last June when the Millard Auditorium, University of Hartford. All 11:45: Sun 2:30. 4:45. 7:20. 9:40, iHouKR/concmii/ better-off not kissing one at invited to insert local news headlines. Another advan­ sponsored by the American Concern tor Art and iNTXiiaTATX as 6XIT aa sturtn uam with a little cooperation, DEAR LAURA: my daughter graduated. I seats reserved. (243-4442) „ An American Werewolf in Lon­ ■AST NAMTFOfto aaa-aoo all. So I never kissed a girl tage claimed by NewsCSiannel in the marketplace battle b lartuMrs Tlwsisr FtsOvsI. StochMdgs, Mass.: Craftsmanship, today through Sunday on the grounds don (R). Fri and Sat 2. 4:30. 7:15, •AMSAm MATIWa OAH.V you’ll catch on fast. B eau lifu ll wish every high school girl pmiTw*ow ONtv st.ao because I was afraid I ’d do with CNN was that NewsChannel will have cutaways for 'Tw o for the Seesaw” by William Gibson, through ■of the American Shakespeare Theater, Stratford. 9:45. 11:55: Sun 2. 4:30. 7:15. Trust me. in the country .could have 9:45. Peopletaik it wrong and I’d get • » • regional news in its 18-minute format — a flexibility un­ Aug. 30 In. the Playhouse. Performances nightly Hours: Today from 5 to 8 p.m., Saturday from 11 a.m. DEAR ABBY: Being the heard your closin’g Heavy Metal (R). Fri and Sat laughed at. available to CNN. except Monclays. "Mr. Zero,” based on the Elmer Rice to 8 p.m. and Sunday from 11 p.m. to 6 p.m. (378- 1:30. 3:20. 5:10. 7:35. 10:05. DEAR ABBY: I have mother of an adopted child, remarks. Will you please Now the situation is Turner said he will have additional details Monday play, through Aug. 25 In the Unicorn Theater. Perfor­ 7321) 11:55; Sun 1:30, 3:20, 5:10, 7:35. Mondale — the most talked-about nine children between 8 I read with interest the share them with your The biter bit “Excellent” Gershwins worse than ever. I ’ve gone when he attends the CTAM Cable convention in Boston. mances nightly except Sunday. (413-298-5576) 10:05. A N A M H R K A N candidates for the 1984 nomina­ and 13 years old, most of pros and cons of adoptive readers? # Marathon Boat Race: The Nutmeo Chrome Deadly Blessing (R). Fri and The FB I got caught red-handed George and Ira Gershwin are all through high school and • Csndlewood Theater, New FaIrfieM: "Best of W h R K W t Y U tion — endorse his bid for the them adopted. I would mothers sending "progress MR. L., PASADENA, Grand National Flatbottom Marathon Powerboat Sat 2:35, 4:55. 7:30. 10. 12; Sun when it tried to set up Police the first recipients of a new one year of college with While Turner and the boys from the ABC-Group W Burlesque.” starring Sherry Britton, through Sept. 6. Senate in 1982. gladly w rite out a progress reports” to the natural CAUF. Racing Regatta, Saturday starting at noon at the Pitkin 2:35. 4:55. 7:30. 10 IN U Y N H O N Superintendent Joseph Walsh of Award for Excellence in Musical very few dates. I’m fairly spread shoot it out for control of cable news, another Performances Tuesday through Thursday at 8 p.m., Superman II (PG). Fri and Sat The latest California Poll report to any mothers and mother. DEAR MR. L.: Was Street boat ramp on the Connecticut River, East Hart­ PolyGf.im Piclures Bridgeport. Conn, in an Abscam- Theater created by the good-looking, friendly and battle is taking shape over cable cheesecake. Friday at 8:30 p.m., Saturday at 7 p.m. and 10 p.m. 1:30, 4:15. 7:10, 9:45. 12r Sun W shows Brown's popularity at an fathers who wanted to If we had sent yearly this it? ford. Free admission. 1:30. 4:15. 7:10. 9:45. \ l m%t rN,.l like bribery operation. Goodspeed Opera House of East have many girls as friends. Playboy and Penthouse magazines have been and Sunday at 3 p.m. All seats reserved. (746-9423) all-time low because of his know how their children reports to the mother of “ When you leave this STORRS Walsh personally arrested a Haddam, Q)nn. I have no trouble getting bristling, growling and baring their centerfolds at each • Trinity Square Repertory Company, Providanca, b Muster ol Ancient File and Drum Corps: One of handling of the Medfly crisis. were. Some of these our adopted son, here is a school, your first order Tranalux Coll#gu Twin, Rout# government operative allegedly The award is to be made an­ dates, but I never take a other for years. It could only follow if one of them got R.I.: "The Flyinq Karamazov Brothers,” through Aug. New England’s largest annual musters, Saturday, children came to me from sample of what we would of business should be to 195 (429-6062) — Eye of the given $5,000 by the FBI as down­ nually for contributions to the girl Out more than once into the cable television business, the other would not be ' 30. Performances Wednesday and Thursday at 8 starting with a parade at 11 a.m., at Recreation Field, Needle (R). Fri 7. 9: Sat and Sun agencies, some were given have written: equip yourself to be in­ payment on a $30,000 bribe to American musical theater. because eventually she’ll far behind. p.m., Friday at 7 p.m. and 10 p.m., Saturday at 5 p.m. Westbrook. Free. (339-6436) 2. 4:30. 7. 9. to me personally. I am “ Child suffered seizures dependent, self- Deadly Blessings (R), Fri 7:05. Wolsh to fix a police towing con­ Composers, lyricists, libret-/ expect me to kiss her, and grateful to all their In May, Penthouse said it was getting in. and 9 p.m. and Sunday at 2 p.m. and 8 p.m. (401-351- The m ost fun Cloning to order due to brain damage. supporting and in, con­ • Alcort Sunflth Regatta: Class event for the 9:05: Sat and Sun 2:15,4:35.7:05. tract. tists, actors and directors, p a ^ when she discovers I don’t Publisher Bob Guccione announced formation the 4242) parents. “ Extreme language dif­ trol of your own destiny. Connecticut Governor's Trophy, Saturday starting at 9:05. money can buy < City detectives watched FBI Alexander Haig and Lena and present, are eligible. know how to kiss, it w illb e PET Network over which, this fall, he will run “ truly • Ivoryton Playhouse; Ivoryton: “Kiss Me, Kate,” My twins were given up ficulties indicate that child “ Learn a skill, so you 10:30 a.m. from the Bantam Lake Yacht Club, Bantam. VERNON agents watching the bribery Horne have the most popular The Goodspeed is th^nnly all over. adult entertainment” — everything from free-wheeling the Colo Porter musical, through Saturday. “I Ought at birth by a Korean will require special educa­ will never have to ask (583-9394) CInu 1 A 2, 57 Hartford Turn- attempt. Walsh said he was "con­ philtrums, among Americans theater in the country d^nued I’m too embarrassing to game, talk and panel shows to living portraits of the pik# (649-9333) — For Your Eyes ■woman. There are no tion. your mother or your To Be in Pictures,” Nell Simon’s newest comedy, will sidering civil and criminal who have cosmetic surgery. entirely to old and new American admit this problem to records of who she was or “ Pets” who grace his centerfold. open Aug. 27 and play through Sept. 5. Performances • Tuning In With Animatr. A discussion of animal Only (PG). Fri 7:10, 9:30; Sat 1:30. Qrthurl “ We have called in psy­ father or your husband charges against the FBI and the The philtrum is the area musicals. others — they’d die Thursday, Playboy publisher Hugh Hefner announced Thursday and Friday at 6 p.m., Saturday at 6 p.m. and communications, Saturday at 1 p.m. at the American 7-10 o 10: Sun 1:30, 4. 7:10. 9:30. where in Korea she lived. chiatrists and neurologists or your boyfriend — or -OWOTf. Department of Justice" and a between the nose and lips. Its current production is “ Fun­ laughing. So tell me. Dear formation of the Playboy Channel over which he will run Indian Archaeological Institute, Route 199, br-VTcV:...... How I would like to tell her heaven forbid, your 9 p.m. and Sunday at 8 p.m. (767-8702) More and more Americans are in an effort to determine suit charging entrapment. ny Face,” the 1927 hit by the Abby, what do I do? Pay a that the twin girls she bore freewheeling fiction, fashion, humor, interviews and . • Waatport Country Playhouae, Waatport: “The Washington, Conn. (868-0518) asking plastic surgeons to give what to do about our son. govrnmeni — to lake He also said he wouldn't return Gershwins. total stranger to teach me are now 13 — both honor “ provocative pictorials and Playmate centerfolds” Merry Widow,” a comic operetta, through Saturday. “The boy seems unable care of you.” • Tour ol Historic Homaa: Celebrating Old Lyme's the $5,000 to the FBI unless them features like those of how to kiss? beginning early in 1982. “Educating Rita” by Willy Russell, starring Lucie Arnaz students in seventh grade, to relate to his peers. His * • * ordered by a court. various celebrities. NEVER BEEN KISSED The Playboy Channel, in concert with Rainbow and Laurence Luckinblll, opens Monday, Aug. 24, lor Architecture, a tour ot homes, gardens and lanmarks, Quote of the day - musically talented and ability to comprehend is Do you have questions The American Nasal and IN OHIO Programming Service, initially will depend upon a one-week run. Call for performance times. (227- sponsored by the Lyme Historical Society, Sunday budding artists. minimal and his future about sex, love, drugs from 2 to 5 p.m. Adults $5, Students $2. Rain date: Facial Surgery Institute’s list of John P. Wilson gambled and DEAR NEVERi Save Escapade to carry its programing. Escapade is a New 4177) Second best Each of the others has appears dismal.” and the pain of growing 7:00 the most popular models in­ lost $400,000 but kept his sense of your money and atari York-based adult-oriented cable service that recently b Firat Annual Puppat Feotival, Hartford: Perfor­ Aug. 24. (434-5542) . „ . special talents. Nothing Our progress report up? Get Abby’s new a Arts and Crafts Show: Saturday and Sunday at 9:35 California Gov. Edmund G. cludes : the lips of Brooke Shields humor. He turned down an offer dating. When, you gel the won a sizable franchise in Boston for its R-rated movies. mances by the Spring Valley Puppet Theater of New earth-shaking, but news of would have been very booklet: “ Wbal Every Ocean Beach Park, New . Call tor Information. Brown Jr. says he will not seek and Robert Bedford, the eyes of of $2 million for his oceanfront urge to kiaa a g irl who “ Whoever gets there first will win,” said Stein of the York and the National Marionette Theater of Hartford, 7:10 them might mean depressing. And since the Teen-Ager Ought to (447-3031) FINAL WEEK ^ 9:30 the Democratic presidential Crystal Gayle and Paul Newman, Spanish villa in Santa Monica, aeema receptive, lead something to women race to bring what he called “ romanticized feminine today and Saturday at the Civic Center Shops, Hart­ the ears of Bo Derek and Don c h ilA natural mother was Know.” Semf 82 and a • Outdoor Antiquaa Faallval: Saturday from 10 “FOR YOUR EYES ONir ! nomination (for the third tim e) Calif, and instead put it up for with your lips — gently nudity” to the living rooms of America. ford Civic Center. Free. (525-3131) somewhere who gave them in no position to help, it long, stamped (3 5 cents), in 1984. Rickies, and the cheekbones of auction, where it fetched only and slowly. Just act as • Fairfield University Playhouss, FalrlMd: "Pure a.m. to 5 p.m. at the campus ot Connecticut College, □ up only after some long and would seem unnecessarily self-addressed envelope Instead. Brown told the San Jane Fonda and John Travolta. $160,000 — from the same com­ though you know what Little Pearl on the Train Tracks,” presented by the New London. (528-0322) NHin!!! listen to swvie ovsr CM United A/lists painful pondering. Feel cruel to inform her o f the to: Abby, Teen Booklet, Francisco Chronicle, he hoMS to Dolly Parton made the list. The pany. Wilson, 42, an antique you're doing and don’t Connecticut Center Acting Ensemble, through Satur­ • Outdoor Antiquaa Show: Sponsored by the Fair- RNM. Sound it GREAT! Speakers free Jo use my name. above. On the other hand, 12060 Hawiborne Blvd., have Sen. Edward Kenned^and big-chested singer and Cary dealer, quipped, “ I get to keep all worry about it. day. Performances today and Saturday at 8:30 p.m. field Rotary Club, Sunday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Isa seiiliMe. WALT DISNEY L/fURA BILLINGTON if one had agreed to submit Suite 5000, Hawthorne, PRODUCTIONS former Vice President Walter Grant have nice noses. my monogrammed towels” .... Regardiess of how in­ (255-5411, extension 2204) Unquowa Road, Fairfield. (255-3887) IN MAPLE AVENUE, an annual progress report. Calif. 90250. experienced you are. b Downtown Cabaret Theater, Bridgeport: "The e Ooodapoed Oarahwin Festival: A showing of the WA. film "A Damsel In Distress,” Monday, Aug. 24, at 8 I King and I,” the Rodgers and Hammerstein musical, opening tonight and playing through Oct. 11. Call for p.m. at the Goodspeed Opera House, East Haddam. 14Ut Disney performance schedule. (576-1636 or 576-1634) (873-8668) Prodaetkoast TW HORSELESS CARRUUiE I b White Barn Thaatsr, Waatport: “Catholic School b Blarra Club Waskand: The second annual- workshop and outings weekend sponsored by the iMDsianiuanB...... ojb Girls” by Casey CurttI, today and Saturday "Lola” by T V ton igh t Claire Richardson and Kenward Elmsile, Aug 29 and Connecticut Chapter ot the Sierra Club, Saturday and nw MUB UKID...... MO 30. Call for performance times. (227-3768) Sunday at the White Memorial Foundation, Litchfield. ami M iB tMsia...... o.f6 b Sharon Playhouse, Sharon: “Same Time, Next (527-9788 or 537-5302) m N O T n N n ...... 7 .N Year,” through Saturday. Call (or performance times. • FIra DapartmanI Carnival: Sponsored by the 6KX) ^ WHd Wild World Of Animate C D B Tha Krypton Factor Four Jock and Miaa Ellla aaoalataa Without Armour" 10S7 Marlon# 2d)0 East Farmington Volunteer Fire Department, through FamHyFaud Americana pit their phyalcal and daapita tha nawtywada' happinaaa. Dlotrlch, Robart Donat. A aacrat (BMevts-Olam— ee)— "Eseapo (767-8702) ^(X)C1}OOCI n« wb H sN svar" 1B4 7 Errol Flynn, Ids SbivbB grtM bMb 6f iMb Saturday at the Robbins Junior High School, Wolf Pit ^ CMco And Th « Man □D Face Tha Mualc mental prowaaa againat each other (Repeat; 00 mine.) agent halpa a Czarina (tea Ruaalan B SSO,0 0 0 Pyramid whan they face the challenge of 'The 9 New York Report okitlonartaa. (2 hra.) LupbM. A musician Anally rWums to PRIME RIRS OF KEF • ■•••aBBBaaBBBBBBBBBBB7BDB Road, Farmington. Opens at 7 p.m.; parade at 6 p.m. GD sJokar'aWlld S bln lallhlul Italian wlln tflar lbs (S) Profaaalonal Rodao(Contlniiaa B CNN Sporta Report on what’a fayptpn Factor.' B Freeman Raporta A one hour BportaCantar Saturday. happened and what’a ahead In 0 B B Comedy Theater'Why national call-in, In-depth talk ahow Dr. Beett On Habrawa dlsNIusionmsnt ol an sifsir with Ms CMXEB...... 7.00 From Daytima) From Maaquita, brottisrs Asnesa, ( 119 mins.) Taxaa Ua?' Tha live weak old marriage of a i thallva audience. 12:1S s a w M u q p m i i H ) Dr. Scott On Habrawa (Contln- MacNatKohrar Report cottage profaaaor and hia auto I Connecticut FrImaTIma B ABC Nawa NIghtSna Anchored QD BportsCsstw B Fight BackI mechanic wHa ahowa tha firat algna I IndapandanlNawa byTadKoppal. 3 :1 8 Ma From Daytima) (D Nsws (fi) Sporta Now Flral complata B Flah of atrain whan whan their teenage 10:B0 ItxSO PG aporla report of tha day'a B Tic Tae Dough daughtara from pravloua uniona via S Newark And Realty (S) Top Rank Boxing From Tolowa. 2:2 0 happanlnga. 7 :8 0 for tha attention of tha earn a DiokCavattBhow B CFL FeolbaB Calgaiy Stsm- EVEIV SHT. M M IE EAST K LLY NMGEIIS (B) Talavlalon Tonight Pravlaw on fundaoma cottage atudant. ■aaabaU Boaton Rad Box va BCTVNstwwkBO Dfdors vs Ottawa Rough RMws OD TMSiunMaaiY & Studio Saa B Mavis-(Tbflllsr)** “ Ths qatawB$i.04MUiiii» a Mauda tha beat bale for talavlawing that B B Wall tlraat Weak With Loula Seattle Marlnara ... liras A lt Osm. B «4 , L HtftforO 2S9-2737 D Q A iy 0 Jim Rockford: Prhrata night. Bukayaar ‘Deflation Ahead?' ______-11«0 B Bugsnusn TbNsnl" 1B7 6 Mshryn Douglas, M u s i c BHN) Shsllsy Wintsrs. A timid Ills olsrk Inyaatipator rsnis a dsorspil sparlmsnt from Restaurant and Night Club ifi) RomagnoUa* Tabla'AMaalfrom 93 BaaabaB Kanaaa City Royala va d ) ThsOukssOf Mssssrd WlthoM ThsOihwNmsVoih New York Yankaaa ItyvaNaw body missing, snd snothsr stolon, QD Mannix Fso gis To night An hour ol which lbs previous tsnsnl had BILL Qanoa' Tha Romagnolla taka you Isspsd to har dssih, snd his atap by atap through tha raclpaa for York at thta time. tlwOuksshsvsIlisIr hands lulltrylng B Noatalgla Theater psrsonilily nows, kilorvlnvra and FRIDAY AUGUST 21 A SATURDAY AUGUST 22 QD PMMagaMna to prova that thay'ra not body BfportaTonlghtAtlthaMghllghta nsignboraappssriobaeonanirinpta • Maneheater Bicantannial Band Shall, Sappla col piaalll, Lingulna al paato drlvsMmlosulcldn.(RatsdlO( hrs., DAVIS FAMILY MURRAY and Macedonia. 9 ) Oood Bvaning, Captain A snaMiara. (Rapaat; 6 0 mlna.) from aH tha action with Nlok Charloa 1:18 2 Tbs Ubispyrgntsd Bonny MM 2 0 mlns.) Manchaatar: Silk City Barbershop Chorus. Sunday at IN 6HM mualcal comedy tribute to network (D a NPLPrs-taaaonPoolbaH andBobKurtx. CALOOB p l a z a fcXlT 93 OF-F 1-86 talavialon'alongaat-runnlno Loa Angatas Rama vs San DIago UBAFBsSgtousFHm 2ras SOW SERVING BEER & WINE 6 4 9 - 5 4 8 7 7:30 p.m. (rain date Monday). Weaoly Bolek Polka (Si Nawa World Daily nawa 8 1:20 d ) CossmunItyCsIsndw htghllghta. national and ohildran'aaarlaa 'Captain Qiargara OD Bhia sVaOn Network Fraaanta Band featuring pete Pantaluk on trumpet, Tuesday at International. Kangaroo;'atarrfngtha Captain,Bob ffl) CFL cn. I Foatbaa Calgary Stem- *Fjaatwood Mao And B. J. Thomaa* qiAmwIea'sToglO Join us for our delicious Kaaahan, along with Jean Staplaton, oadara va Ottawa Rough RIdara 9 ) After BaiWiyThaaMa B><6«ta-<0rama)-tk "Adam’s d ) Mavis-(Mysisty)— H "Bbai- 7.30 p.m. (rain date Thursday). 6 :3 0 loab Holmss And ths Spiddr (C Carol Burnett And Frianda Barbara Mandrall and Mika Farrell, QD Movie-Bwlb" 1BB1 RandolpbBcoM,OavM BiM I Amsiioa'aTopIO ' Brian. A gunman taraad ntwapspsr- CDnovIbdAdvs—ura)* H "BomBd (fount ^n{^qui^f • tW B ilO M tli Celebratlon^ot Long Island Sound I MoflsyBns Financial, businass with har mail. director and tha aaamlar aide ol Btavana, Pamela Hanalay. Tha aaga Dinner* served till 9i30 (Rapaat) movla making. (Rated 10 (8 hra.. SO of FhIMip Kant and hla family man still has to saa bln guns to AadTbdHMd— CNy” 1BBO Johnny Harskt photo by Hsndria with folk music, sea ahantlea; Clearwater and other HAPPY HOUR and oonaumsr nawa, with hasvy vasoulsb tbs ouUawa. (2 Mo.) ■bdllIsM, Bus England. A girl told I 'luncheon & dinner thasla on tha Wall Straal day. a__ Frlmanasia-110Fils Satalllta rnlna.) oontinaaa by tracing tha Revolution- LUNCHEONS«DINNERS*BANQUETS ships, fraah seafood. Free. Whitnay TIIL director (563- ary Waryaara. tilt Into alavwy to a wsallhy Emir, Is f Naara raporta from around tha nation and B laohaoBb 'Throat to the Rain specials daily" tha world. Malor avonta d tha day Foraat* Fllmad antkaly on location, ^ 11:4B B U m ils -n r a m a )- “BusfcsloM sMsdbyBamba.tbslunglaboy.Inbw Rt. 83, Ellington, CT 072-7327 3283). Os— Iv F itsoii" EarlOwanaby. snorts to ssosps lbs TNddas CNy.' 3-7:30 Movla-^ 7:M Baathara Camlort DIxIaland Ja it Mendelssohn, fsaturlrq) Yuzko Horgome as soloist on 1017 Sullivan Ava., South Windsor CD DoMoo Donna Culvarbooomaa losss his lob and lio ss conslanl raporls; Nsw sdssk, Frssm as page of The Manchester twice been datayecl by rain. It begins at 7:30 , ■ B OsBy Numbars Band, Donna Mllla. Rabart Wahl, !AKI H0 M( SlRVICt NOW JU IIAB II the violin. Satufday at 8:30 p.m.;,Boaton Symphony ArmaU’s Shopping Plaza Man Margaral Humaa, Sara tha new Mra. Ewing aa aha and Ray MbuInHona ot Ufo In Now Voih. Raporta, Sports Updats add p.m. . ' j 7 :2 0 (I)Houlb-<0 >amb)**tk “ BnlBht Herald. ' (D FWISasailna Davidaon. marry, and tha cold war batwaan ahd Tanglewood Festival Chorus, Sunday at 2:30 p.m. ^ AN In Tha Family i r THE HERALD. F ri„ Aug. 21. 1981 - 17 16 - THE HERALD. F ri„ Aug. 21, 1981 Manchester school bus routes listed School Manchester school bus routes Wadsworth, E. Middle Tpke. ft N. Elm, Oakwood, Oakland, Pond. Continued from page 16 Goodwin, Greenhill, Henry. Benton, E. Middle Tpke ft Earl. E. Hollister, Nye. Pitkin, Princeton. Bus 31 Trip 3 Bowers Parker (471), Rachel, Summit Middle Tpke ft Cobum, Lawton ft SUrU St 8:30. E. Center ft (453), Shady, Tolland Tpke. Union. Philip A Kane. 818 Charter OA. KounUin Vill (at tennis court), Lydall. Plymouth, Ferguson. Parker (70-180), Plymouth, Here are the Manchester Vernon, Lawton ft Weaver. Wood- Trip 1 East Cathditc Cobum. E. Center ft Cierard. E. Woodbridge, Woodland (33) Trip 3 Buctcley 8:45, Highland Park School. Bus 18 New SUte A Pine Ridge, New Kennedy. Richmond. Pitkin, Richard. Stephen, Walker. Bus 5 Bus 8 Bus 22 bridge ft Jensen. 7:50, St. James Center ft Cone, E. Center ft school bus schedules for Start! at 8:35. Hamilton & All atudenta from : Battista, State A nilliard, Hilliard A Carpenter. Parker (138) (328), SUrU at 7:15. 507 U k e St.. U ke calendars Sdwol. Trip 2 tiling Trip 2 Headstart — 1981-82, prepared by the Trip 1 MHS Trip 1 MHS C arpenter (S ). H am ilton ft Bruce. Chatter Oak (141), Kane. Trip 1 Assumption Adams, W. Middle Tpke A Ambassador. Grisson, Westfield. ft LydaU, Vernon ft Lydall (N). Parker. 6:40, Bowers School. Trip 1 St. James All students from: Benton. All StudenU from : Cobum. Cone. Robertson SUrts at 7:30. 746 Parker. Carpenter (N). 8:45. Buckley Nike. Lakewood Cir., PUlip, S. SUrts at 7:40. S. Main St Parkade Apta. (Middle), Tower A Ludlow. Montclair, Stephen. SUrU at 7:50. OakUnd ft South. Vernon ft Richmond. Vernon ft W. Manchester Board of SUrts at 7:30. Keeney St Bush SU rU at 7:88. W. C m U r St Goodwin, Green Manor. Sanford, Stophens, Parker (125-359), Oakland St Gleaaon (thru Gleason Schwl. Main. Warren. Hackmatack, S. Main A Lakewood Oliver. 8:80, filing Junior High Richard. Salters, Putnam, W. Ver­ Baldwin ft Bryan. Bryan ft Car­ Vernon. Kennedy ft Hamilton. SUrU at 7:55. 57 Falknor. Olcott Education and the Hill (turn around via Glendale. C o o f n , O n U r t Alexander, W. E. Middle T|fte, Branford, Jenson. Gerard. E. Center (483-488), ft South). Baldwin ft Bryan. Bryan All atudenu from: HamllbNi, (S),.S. Main A Fem, Gardner A School. non. Manchester man, ElberU ft (Concord, Tolland Kennedy ft Richmond. Scott ft ft S. Adams. W. Center ft Hyde. W. Wlnthrop. Camel), Keeney St San- CeaUr St McKee (3. comer), Nye. Ardmore, Constance. Franklin. ' Manchester Bus Service ft Carman, Concord ft Elberta, 717 Carpenter, McDivltt, Wildwood. Carriace, Spring A Tam, Blue AH students from: Salem, Tpke ft Union, 795 Tolland Tpke, Flagg. Scott ft Colonial. 7:45, East Center ft McKee, Center ft Proc­ Una, Keeney It Briarwo^. 7:45. Trip 2 lINng Waddell a Dudley, Adame St Conway, Marshall, Coburn. Inc. Tolland Tpke. 886 Tolland Tpke. Ridge A Bette, Porter A Whitney. W. Middle Tpke (428488) Tolland Tpke ft N. Main, 1507 Plea­ Catholic High School. tor, Park ft Chestnut. Chestnut ft Manchester High School. CenUr, CenUr a Falknor, Foun- 7:50, Manchester High School. Bus 15 Ferguaon, Porter A Pitkin, (1188), Adams’ (838), Downey, Starts at'8:00. Scott A Flagg. Sept. 1 —Teachers’ conference. sant Valley (former 660). Croft ft All StudenU from ; Ambassador. (^urch. Center ft Rosemary. 8:20. All students from: Brlarwood, U U VUltge, HUUard a Adune. W. Trip 2 Bennet All studenU from: Baldwin, Bus 12 Autnmn A Wellington,' Charter Dover, Jsrvis, New State. Falknor, Scott A Kennedy, Scott A Qilonial. S ^ t. 2 —School opens; half-tiay session for Windsor, Drexel ft Burnham, Cushman, Carpenter. Cliffside, Bus 32 Robertson School. Curry, Heather. Huckleberry, Trip 1 ROTC Middle Tpke a Deerileld. 7:55, St. SUrts at 8:00. Hartford Rd. ft Bryan, Carman. Concord, Oakland Oak A Kane. 1:18, Aanmptlon Center (780-884), Evergreen. N. School — Golway. 8:18, filing Tolland Tpke ft Adams, 756 N. Dearborn, Esquire. Grisson,. Keeney (368-648), Lamplighter, elementary schools, fuU- All itudent! from: Squire Carter A Blue Ridge, Blue Ridge Starts at 8:30. Chaiining A Ruby All students from; Downey. W. dle Tpke., Greenwood St Marion, Kerry:^.Monh. Union (13-01), N. Oct. 21 —Half-day session for all schools; teacher MeXan, Sntiminr, Lytieae, High, HllliUwn (180-200). ^Tnlikspll Tpke. Baldwin, Avery. Carman, ft Sheldon. Oakland ft Rachel, Lakewood (s), S. Main & Shallow- Homestead (1), 184 W. Middle VilUge. A Bette, 114. Bine Ridge. Blue (RenUI Oft). 8:48, Waddell School. Middle Tpke (1006-1208) Starts at 8:00. Glendale St Lydall — Esquire, Colonial St in-service day. A U n ad tr, W. Middle Tpke (488), (lOO-up), Horace, Keeney (102- Concord. Pond. Comwall. Bryan, Trip 2 Headstart — Baldwin ft Bryan, Bryan ft Car­ brook, Gardner ft Wyneding Hill, T{Ae (2). 40 Cambridge, Wood- ftidge A Birch MU„ W Villa AH students from : Squire School (5444). Wlnthrop, Wlnthrop It Garnet, Dtepwood. 138), Server, Chalmers, Udwell, Oakland (359-up), South, Burnham, man. Deming ft Concord. 800 G ardner it Fern tlow end). bridge ft Mather (S). Woodbridge Trip 2 Bennet Scott, Sheldon St Oakland, Hilliard Louiaa, Birch kRn., A W. Carter, Village. Nov. U —Veterans Day; schools closed. Robertson Keeney It Santina. Keeney St St Canterbury, Broad — Woodland. Trip 3 Buckley Overland. Llnwood, Leland. Croft. Pleasant Valley. Tolland Tpke, Tolland Tpke ft G a rd n er St Carriage. 7:55. ft Avondale (SB), Parker ft Nye, SUrt* «t 7:55. Bush HiU St Glen­ 110 Birch Mtn., 94 Highwood, Nov. 18, 19, 23 and 24 -Half-day session for StsrU at 7:58. Henry St N. Elm. Bus 33 Brlarwood, Keeney It Nutmeg. W. Center St McKee. Welberell St Trip 2 Iliing Buckland, Pleasant Valley ft Manchester High School. E. Center ft Benton (6). Spruce ft dale. 377 Bush Hill. Bush Hill St Highland A Highland Park Mkt„ Starts at 8:25. Vernon A Scott, elementary schools, fuU-day session for secondary Summit ft Flower. Wadsworth ft 8:13. Bennet Junior High School. Bidwell. 8:26. ROTC. Starts at 8:10. Oaklaad a Trip 3 Keeney Street G oft, Chapel ft Tolland Tpke, Trip 1 East Catholic All students from: Bruce, Pearl (2). Spruce ft Oak (2), Hillstown, UUlelown St Hills, 838 Highland, Highland A Bus 21 Vernon A Knollwood, 710 Vernon. Huntington. Durkin ft Burton. All students from: Glendale. schools. Sheldoa. Oakland a Rachel, 899 Starts at 8:30. Squire Vill 7:45, East Catholic High School. Carriage. Fern. Dartmouth. Spruce ft Wells, Summit- & Hillstown erUon Please turn to page 18 Trip 2 Bennet. Lamplighter. Bus 9 Helaine. Hudson. Harlan. Mc(^be. Hills, Redwood, Debbie, Joan, Rachel. Ck>nconl ft Elberta, Avery Ludlow. Vernon ~ Knollwood. All students from: Vernon (408- Dec. 24 through Jan. 1 —Holiday recess, schools Trip 3 Buckley Villa Louisa. Spring ft Spring St. Sch()ol. Starts at 8:05. Spring 8f Tam Trip 3 Keeney Street Trip 1 MHS Ralph. Galaxy. Lorraine. ft Deming, Tolland Tpke — N. Kennedy ft Hamilton. Richmond'- 451) (710.780), W. Vernon, Sage. closed. Ext., Spring ft Tam, Gardner ft Main. Tolland Tpke — Buckland. SUrU at 0:35. Griaaon a Shep­ Bus 28 Timrod. Gardner ft Carriage. (east corner). Gardner & Starts at 7:30. Vernon ft Rich­ Litchfield. Bridge. McCann. Bus 19 Flagg, Flagg ft Scott. Scott ft Kennedy (237359). 122-148). Blahop. Jan. IS —Martin Luther King Day; schools Starts at 8:30. 390 Hillstown, 428 Burnham ft Drexel, Hilliard ft pard (N), 108 Grisaon, Grisson a Gardner ft Wyneding Hill, S. Main Carriage, Gardner & Fern (low mond, Vernon ft Knollwood, Ver­ Wetherell (19), Keeney (56-79). K enney. Parker ft Mather. 7:50. Woodstock. Hillstown. Ralph It Galaxy (W), Adams. Hilliard ft Duval, closed. Shoppnrd (S). 0:48, Buckley Trip 1 East Catholic ft Line, S. Main ft Fern, S. Main ft end). Gardner & Wyneding Hill. non ft W. Vernon. Vernon ft Trip 1 Assumption St. James School. Ralph It Galaxy (E ). 88 Hills. Trip 3 Keeney Street Woodland ft Heming. 8:15. St. Feb. 12 through 19 -Mid-winter recess; schools School. Lakewood (S), Hackmatack ft 596 Gardner. S. Main & Shallow- Taylor. Taylor ft Haylln, 182 W. SUrts at 7:48. Wetherell A All StudenU from : Shepard,* Please turn to page 17 -Starts at 7:20. Wyllys ft Hillstown It Bamwood, Keeney It b'idget's School. AH StudenU from : Grisson, Keeney. 7:45, Cast Catholic High brook. S. Main & Fern. 8:20 Bennet Vernon, Kennedy ft Woodstock E), Starta at 8:35. Lamplighter St Utchfield, WeUlerell A Bidwell. Lexington. Scott. Knollwood,. closed. (Lincoln’s Birthday Feb. 12, Washington’s Highwood (S). Porter ft Ferguson, Santina. 8:50, Keeney Street Sheppard. Ferguson ft Garth. E. Middle l^ke School. Junior High School Kennedy ft Scott. 7:50, Manchester Valleyvlew, Valleyvlew 4i Keeney ft Primer, Ketoey ft Birthday Feb. 15) School. Trip 2 Robertson ft Ludlow, Greenwood ft Indian. All StudenU from: Blue Ridge. Ail students from: Carriage. High School. Ledgecrest (S), Briarwood St Nutmeg. Keeney ft Bush Hill. All students from: Bamwood, March 10, 11, 15 and 16 —Half-day session for Vernon ft Marion. Vernon ft Law- Bobby. Bruce, Carriage, Country Sunnybrook. Fern. Gardner (434- All students from: Kennedy. Nutmeg. 8:45, Keeney Street Starts at 8:25. Tolland Tpke - - Bush Hill ft Glendale. 214 Bush Galaxy. Hills. Hillstown. Ralph. elementary schools; full-day session for secondary Bus 23 ton. 7:40, East Catholic High Gub. Camp Meeting, Diane. Dart­ 596). Wyneding Hill. Timber. Kent, Knollwood. Montclair, Rich­ Jefferson. 717 Tolland Tpke. 815 Hill. Bush Hill ft Hlllltown, Santina, Stillfield. School. mouth. Fem, Gardner. Hillcrest. Shallowbrook, Spring i606). mond. Sess, Scott. Sage, Taylor, All students Irom: Briarwood Tolland l^ke. 662 Tollar^ Tpke, Redwood ft Hillstown, Rali^ ft schools. Trip 1 St. James ^ All students from: Butternut, Hackmatack. Keeney (91), TImrod (101-up). Tonica Spr., Vernon, W. Vernon. Woodstock. (200-2S8). Heather, Lamplighter. 969 Tolland Tpke. 1507 Pleasant Galaxy (E ). Redwood ft Ralph March 24 —Half-day session for all schools; Lookout Mt.. Joyce. Bobby. Coun­ Ledgecrest. Valleyvlew, Saddle Valley (former iM ). Burnham ft (W). Wetherell ft Hillstown. SUrU at 7:05. Main St F lo w a , Conway, Dale, ConsUnce, Elsie. LakewoDd, Mayfield, Primer, S. Bus 6 tester In-service day. Ferguson. Elizabeth, Greenwood, Main, Sunnybrook, Spring. try Club, S. Farm. Trip 2 Iliing Hill. Windsor, Burnham ~ Drexel. Croft Spencer ft Channlng. 8:15. Main a Delmont, Main a Grove, School Golway, Oakland Highwood, Jean, Ludlow. Lawton, Timrod, Tonica Spr., Thayer, Trip 1 MHS Starts^ at 8:00. E. Center ft - Windsor. Tolland Tpke ft Assumption Junior H l^ School. April i —Good Friday; schools closed. N. a a Trip 3 Main Adams. 729 N. Main. 619 N. Main, When All Else Fails April 19 through 23 —Spring recess; schools Rachel, Baldwin St Carman, Meadow. Mtn., Overlook, Porter Villa. Louisa. Wyneding Hill. Pitkin, Porter ft Pitkin. Ferguson Starts at 7:35. Olcott It 5. Tolland Tlike a Union, 70S TolUnd (340), (Quaker, Vernon (92-158). Starts at 6 25. S. Main &Sunset, ft Holier. Ferguson ft Garth, E. Bus 13 N. Main ft Stock Place. 8:50, Trip 2 Keeney Street closed. Adams, Olcott It Falknor, Falknor Robertson Snhool. Tpke. 006 Tolland Tpke, ToUand Trip 2 Iliing Lakewood Circ., & Bruce, S. Middle Tpke ft Ferguson, E. Mid­ SUrts at 8:25. 156 Hillstown. 188 May 31 —Memorial Day; schools closed. SUDE PROCESSING It Center, Crestwood It Deepwood, Trip 1 MHS AH students from: Tolland Tpke T ^ e a Chapel, F^eesant Valley St Trip 2 Bennet Starts at 8:00. Hamilton ft mm Main Si Sunset, I.akcwood Cir. (N) dle Tpke ft Finley. 640 Lydall. HllUtown. 130 Woodside. Woodside Crestwood It Ferndale. 7:50, (472) (717-up), Burnham, Croft, June 16 —Last day of school. In the event of bad Croft, 381 Bncklend, 084 N. Main. Starts at 7:55. 880 Tolland Tpke. Carpenter (S), Hamilton ft 8{ Bruce. S Main & Fern. 417 S. Lydall ft Cliffsi(ie. Lydall ft Starts at 7:35. W. Middle Tpke ft ft Terry, Hillstown ft Wetherell. Read the Instructions Manchester High School. Windsor. Pleasant Valley, N. 7:8IL S t Jnmen School. Tolland Tpke ft Chapel, Oiapel ft Carpenter (N). 8:15, filing Junipr EXPOSURE ROLL $1.99 Main. S. Main St Shallowbrook, 596 Esquire. 8:20, Iliing Junior High Wedgewood, fountain Village (at 636 Wetherell. 540 Wemerell. 320 weather, days will be added in June. AH students from: Olcott, AH ttudenU fram: Flower, Elro, Burnham Ext., Pleasant Valley ft Gardner^ Gardner St Wyneding tennis court), 1006 W. Middle Tpke, Main. Stock. Wetherell, Wetherell ft Bidwell. High School. Preston, Salem. Thomas. Thomp­ School. Delmont, Grove, N. Main, Rachel, Croft. 590 N. Main. 8:25. Bennet All students from: Hamilton. Hill. Gardner & Fern (lower end), All students from: Porter. Ray­ W. Middle Tpke. ft Hendee. W. Horace ft Packard, Wetherell ft EXPOSURE ROLL $1.39 son. Falknor, Center (732-895). Elementary school report card conferences (half­ Buckland, ToUend Tpke., Windsor, Junior High School. Carpenter, McDivitt. Grisson, Gardner St Joyce. Gardner St mond. Boulder. Pitkin. Meadow. Middle Tpke. ft Parkade Apts. McCann. 8:45, Keeney Street Gardner (W). Theresa & Virginia. Coolidge. Love. Moore. Hyde, Bus 17 day sessions) —Nov. 18,19,23 and 24; March 10,11, Pond, Burnham, Carman. Sheppard. PRINTS FROM SUDES Devon, Adams (470-565), Edmund. Waranoke. Steep Hollow, (Middle. 7:50, Manchester High School. Charter Oak & Sycamore. 8:45 15 and 16. Oakland. Crestwood, Deepwood. Deerfield. Plymouth. Ludlow, Green Hill. School. Trip 1 St. Bridget’s All students from :. Chalmer, The Holy Bible Trip 3 Buckley Martin School All students from; Dover. 3 FOR 99C ,. Foxcroft. Linnmore. Garth. Ferguson. Mountain. Ar- Horace, Overland. Packard, Secondary school quarters end Nov. 6, Jan. 22, Bus 29 Starts at 7:45. Porter ft Pitkin, Trip 2 Waddelt SUrts at 8:35. Cushman ft Tracy All students from : Village. Nike. nott. ^ Iton Center Rd., E. Middle Downey, Eklison. Heodee, Jarvis. Hillstown (156-269). Hunter, April 2 and June 16. Hillcrest. S. Main (417). Fern. Trip 2 iliing Tpke. Cliffside. Lydall. Esquire, W. Middle Tpke., Wedgewood. Pitkin ft E. Center (students McCann. Wetherell (91-652), Wood- SUrts at 8:S5. New SUte ft Pine Trip 1 East Catholic (C ), Cushman ft Scott. Kennedy ft Gardner. Joyce, Bobby, Phyllis. crossing stop both sides of E. Ridge. Adams ft HiUUrd, 365 Richmond. Richmond ft Dorset, SALEM NASSIF^. Ambassador. Vernon (354), West­ Whitney. ^Ide, Server. Starts at 7:10. E. Center ft Starts at 8:00. Center It Stone, Kennedy ft Kent. 8.45, Buckley Charter Oak. Sycamore. Virginia, minster. Center Street), Parker ft Stephen, Adams, 88 Englewood, 58 Pitkin, E. Middle Tpke ft Finley. Adams It Tinnmore. Adams It Wedgewobd, 616 W. Bliddle Tpke. Shallowbrook. Sunset. Trip 2 Iliing Vernon ft Constance. Vernon ft Instructions For A E. Middle Tpke ft Parker. E. Mid­ School. Foxcroft, W. Middle Tpke. It Richmond, Vernon ft W. VemM, W. Middle Tpke ft Parkade ApU All StudenU from: Kennedy (27- xCAMERASHOP/ W il Trip 3 Bovi/ers Starts at 8:00. Broad ft Bus 20 dle Tpke ft Princeton. E. Middle Wedgewood. 8:20, Iliing Junior W. Vernon ft Taylor (IdR on Taylor East Catholic (M iddle). W. Middle Tpke ft 83) (188-205), Cushman. Tracy, Starts at 8:25. Parker ft Jensen. Windemere, Woodland ft Fleming Tpke ft Summit. 7:40, East 5 oDtiuvIn* Aug^O, 1001 M High School. — left of Hamilton). Hamilton ft Trip 1 St. James Parkade Apts. (E ) 8:40, Waddell Montclair, Richmond. Dorset. Parker ft Bliss. Cushman ft Tracy (at empty lot), Hilliard ft Full And Meaningful life Catholic High School. All students from: W. Middle Grisson. Hamilton ft Kmnedy, School. Ellen. Vernon (480-499), Kent, (W). Cushman ft Tracy (E). Scott Fleming, Hilliard ft Broad. 8:15. Starts at 7:30. Green ft All students from: Bolton Bus 2 Tpke. (512-692), Englewood. Kennedy ft Bishop, Kennedy ft Sept. 1 —Faculty meeting. AU StudenU from: Englewood, Sass. ft (Colonial. Parker ft Lydall (W. tiling Junior High School. Princeton, Woodland ft Reseht, Center. Boulder, Cobum, Delmont, Wedgewood. Stone. Deepwood. Scott. Parker ft Lydall. 8:15, St. Sept. 2 —School opens. AdiE^, New SUte, Wedgewood. Trip 1 MHS corner). 8:40. Bowers School. All students from: Broad (\ l- Woodland ft Fleming. WoodlaM ft White. E. Center, E. Middle Tpke. Main St. Manchester 643^I3gg] Adams (482-537), Crestwood. Deer­ Bridget's School. HlUlard (521-563), W. Middle Tpke Starts at 7 30. Spring & Gardner. 156). Loomis, Lockwood, (^lum- Duval. Broad ft Windemere. W. Sept. 7 —Labor Day; no school. field. Devon. Edmund. Foxcroft, (4S4^p) Spring & Tam (east corneri, 46 , Perkins. Center (423-633), Fair- bus. SeymouK, Hilliard, Margaret. Trip 2 Robertson Middle Tpke ft Homestead, (^m - jBibles & B o o k s Oct. 12 —Columbus Day; no school. Camp Meeting, Charter St Blue view, Ridgewood. Lilac. Bilyew. Duval. Frederick. brldge ft Alton, Cambridge ft Starts at 8:25. Oakland ft Oct. 27 -Four-hour day; tests for sophomores Ridge. Blue Ridge St Bette, Blue Alexander. Gristwold. Cumberland, Brent (143-176). Oxford, Begelow — Liberty. LIGHT FROM COD LIFE FOR MAN Beacon. Baldwin ft Bryan. Bryan and juniors. Ridge St Birch Mtn., Birch Mt. St Bus 10 Schaller. Castle. Butter. Hemlock — L ^ e . 7:50, St. James ft Carman. Carman ft &ldwin, Nov. 11 —Veterans Day; no school. Bus 24 Carter. West. Trip 3 Keeney Woodland. Bolton. Fleming, Hoff-' School. Trip 1 MHS man. Turnbull. Elberta ft Concord (west com er). All students from: Tanner. 7:50, Manchester High School. Starts at 8:30. Hackmatack — S. 840 Main Street • Manchester. Conn. 06040 Nov. 25 -Four-hour day. Trip 1 St. James 103 Avery. 899 Parker. 746 Parker. Hilliard, Woodland, Oxford. Alton. All students from: Bette. Blue Main, 89 Hackmatack, Keeney It Starts at 7:25. Hillstown ft Nov. 26 and 27 —Thanksgiving recess. Starts at 7:18. Haclunatack St 8:45, Robertson School. Durant, Little. Horton, Broad. DISCOVER lEANS PLUS LOW, LOW PRICES! Ridge, Carter. Camp Meeting. Wetherell. 390 Hillstown, Briarwood, Bush Hill It Keeney. All students from: Oakland (359- Dec. 23 -Four-hour day. Judith, Horace St Packard, Chan­ Cobb Hill, Duncan, Gardner. Hillstown ft Redwood. Ralph ft Homestead. Hawtht^ne, W. Middle Glendale It Wlnthrop, Garnet It Trip 3 Bentley 368), Oakland Terr., Beacon. Dec. 24 through Jan. 1 —Christmas holiday. nlng St Ruby-Squire Village, Kimberly. Spring (323-628). Galaxy (E ). Ralph ft Galaxy (W). Tpke., Hemlock. Lodge. Have You Read Your Creator’s Bush Hill. Bush Hill It Glendale. Starts at 8:30. Main — Bigelow, Avery. Baldwin, Bryan, Carman, W eth erell Si Hillstown, 04 Timber. Timrod, Tonica Spr. Keeney It Erie. 8:45. Keeney Bush Hill ft Hillstown. 377 Bush Jan. 15 —Martin Luther King Day; no school. Bigelow ft Liberty, Hemlock ft Concord. Cornwall. Pond, Parker Trip 2 Iliing InatrucUona Lately? Redwood, Redwood St Debbie, Street School. Hill. Bush Hill ft Glendale. 7:55, Feb. 12 through 19 —Winter vacation. Lodge. Russell ft Memorial. 8:45, (746-699), McIntosh. Lorraine St Joan, Hillstown St Trip 2 Bennet All students from: Garnet. Manchester High School. SUrU at 8:00. Center ft Jarvis. Bentley School. April 8 -Four-hour day. Bush Hill, 384 Bush Hill, Bush Hill Starts at 7:55. Spring — Gardner. Zinthrop. Hackmatack (1-89), All students from: Hillstown. All students from; Alpine, April 9 —Good Friday; no school. St Keeney, Lamplighter Si 46 Camp Meeting. Carter & Blue Erie. Keeney (453-701 >. Briarwood Hunter, Woodside, Wetherell (602- Anderson. Bigelow. Hemlocks Valleyvlew, Valleyvlew Si Ridge, Blue Ridge & Bette. Blue 113-90). Bush Hill (503-676). 658). Bush Hill. Glaxy. Garnet, April 19 through 23 -Sprin g vacation. Liberty. Main (370-458), Russell. Ledgecrest (N)-, Brlarwood li Ridge St Birch Mt.. Birch Ml. — W. Glendale, Hills. Joan. Lorraine. May 31 —Memorial Day; no school. ^ -n' • Lamplighter, Hackmatack Fem Bus 3 E. Middle Tpke to Clarks). 137 Mountain, Porter ft Oak Grove, . Nov. 25 -E a r ly dismissal day. (top), Gardner St Carriage. New Bolton Rd., 857 E. Middle Starts at 8:00. 240 Lake, 119 Porter ft Pitkin. 8:20, Bennet ON ALL YOUR Nov. 26 and 27 —Thanksgiving recess. G ardner St Joyce, Spring St Trip 1 MHS Tpke., 877 E. Middle Tpke. (turn Lake. Greenwood ft Indian. Gardner, Spring St Tam, Highland Junior High School. Dec. 24 through Jan. 1 -Christm as vacation. Starts at 7:20. Hartford Rd. St around via Greenwood, St. Paul Greenwood ft Marion. Vernon ft All students from: Mtn., Porter, it Candlewood, Charter Oak St Waddell. Hartford Rd. St Waddelt, Plaza). Lake ft E. Middle Tpke, Knollwood. 710 Vernon, 182 W. Ver- Adelaide. Ferguson, Green Hill. Jan. 15 —Martin Luther King Day ; no school. Vlr^nla, (liarter Oak St Kane.. W. C enter St Waddell. 7:40, 119 Lake Street, 131 Lake Street, floq. W. Vernon ft Kennedy, Dale, Ludlow, Munro, Finley, Ar- Feb. 12 through 19 —Winter vacation. 7:99, St. James School. Manchester High Schos)l. Lake ft Cider Mill Rd. (right on Kennedy ft Kent. Kennedy ft nott. Pitkin, Bolton Cen., Oak All students Irom: Kane, All students from: Hartford Rd.. April 9 —Good Friday; no school. Cider der Mill). E. Middle Tpke ft Bishop. 8:25, Iliing Junior High Grove. Riverside. E. Middle Tpke. Pbyllii, Dartmouth, Tonica Spr., Bunco. Oval. Campficld (110-144), Finley. 94 Finley. 8:45. Highland School. BACK TO SCHOOL NEEDS April 12 through 16 —Spring vacation. (3iarter Oak, Carriage, Spring, Academy. Waranoke, Butternut. W. Center. O’Leary, Pioneer Park ^hool. All students from: Lake, t/Uy 12 —Curriculum day; no school for students. Village, Somerset, Sycamore. Seaman. Trebbe, Waddell. All students from: E. Center Greenwood, Indian. Overlook. Ver­ Trip 3 Highland Park May 31 —Memorial Day; no school. Fem, Philip, S. Main, Nike, S. Wilfred. Dudley, Hathaway, Tyler, (512), Cook, Welcome, E. Middle non (710-780), W. Vernon, Kennedy Starts at 6 :2S. S. Main ft Warren, June23—Last day of school; early dismissal day. Farma, Gardner, Tlmmd, Shallow­ Lyness, McKee (240-244) Tpke. Riverside, Finley. Lake. (122-up)p Kent, Sass, Sage. S. Lakewood ft Bruce, Bruce ft N. ■MiwtbM P8r tsstm j p M sm t a iir c«*8i brook, Sunnybrook. New Bolton. Plymouth. Knollwood. Woodstock, Bishop. trip 2 Bennet Lakewood, ( ^ r t e r Oak ft Kane, Snow days will be made up at the end of the Trip 2 Bennet Starts at 7:50, W. Center St 1" school year, June 24 through 30. starta at 0:06. Spencer St Chan­ McKee. W, Center It S. Adams, SCMPTO nlng. 8:20, Bennet Junior High Center & Falknor, Fountain School. Village (at tennis court). Foxcroft SO^offI Ball Point -All atndenta Irom: Squire St Deerfield, Deepwood It VUIagn. Crestwood. Center It Roosevelt. • 8:20, Bennet Junior High School. Pens MCC Trip 3 Keeney Street All students from: McKee (152- 91c I any SUrta at 0:88. Brlarwood St 181), Lyness. Adams. O’Leary. Aug. 24 —Fall semester begins. Strawberry, Huckleberry A Seaman. Pioneer, Hartford Rd. Super Saver! westciox Strawberry. 0:48, Keeney Street (533). Olcotl, Falknor. Center. Aug. 26 and 27 —Student orientation. TAKES Y O U Aug. 31 and ^ p t. 1 —Professional staff opening School Downey. New Slate. Crestwood, AU StudenU Irom: Brlarwood Foxcroft. Linnmore, Dougherty. j Alarm Glodi workshops. (98-100), Huckleberry, Strawberry. Ferndale. Edmund. Hyde. BACK TO SCHOOL Sept. 2 through 15 —Classes begin. , Whitney, Herkins, Griswold. Deer­ Sept. 7 —Labor Day; no classes. field. W. Middle Tpke., Alexander, MR MM BM P8r Mma I MIMIW Bus 26 Ridgewood. M 818 H8« (NT eil«8R Oct. 12 —Columbus Day; no classes off campus. WITH A GREAT SELECTION OF Oct. 22 —Last day to drop courses without penal­ Trip 1 St. James Bus 4 FALL FASHIONS TO MIX 'N' MATCH! ty. StarU at 7:28.86 Camp Maeting, Oct. 31 —Last day to make up Incompletes. tIS Blue Ridge, 11 VUla LouUa Trip 1 MHS • 5 0 « » f i 5 0 * Nov. U —Veterans Day; no classes off campus. (turn around at Vllo'a), Birth Mt. WITH THIS OOUFON Nov. 25 —Thanksgivlnq recess begins; no classes. A Carter W „ Porter A Oak Grove, Starts at 7:30. Highland It OFF V V «nK™ eoo«>«| »n Autumn A Scatbarougb, Autumn A Candlewood, Highland It Wyllis, BLAZERS! Nov. 30 -Classes resume. L y ^ l e , Autumn A Oak, Oak A Highland It Porter. E. Middle any S SuMaM • AMY NOTEBOOK; Dec. 20 -Classes end. CUnwood. 7:66, St. Jamea School. Tpke ft Finley (turn L), 180 New $49.90 5 SuN8Ct nuMieoii , ^ / Dec. 12 —Fall semester ends. All atudenta Irom: Camp Bolton Rd.. (turn around at T I V p p o r K O O pO ep Dec. 29 -F in n griales due in registrar’* office. Moating, Bella. Blna Ridge, VlUa Clarks). E. Middle Tpke ft Lake, SWEATIRSI wool blends in Louiaa. Lyndalt, E. Eldridge, 240 Lake. 640 Lydall, Lydall ft Date Center, Olanwood, WalUngton, Aahworth, Cllffslde. Lydall ft Esquire. 7:55, solids and tweeds Jan. 18 —Spring semester begins. Laneaater, Portar, Green HUI, Manchester High School. (RRlorel) from rag. *2.98 i rag. *1.79 Jean, Scaihonugh, School. All students from: Bolton Ctr., # System Notabooke Jan. M and 19 —Professional itafi opening Candlewood, Cllffslde, Esquire, famous makers workabops. Trip 2 tiling Finley. Flagg, Highland, Jan. 20 —First day of classes. StarU at 8:08. (Moott A Adami, Highwood. Lake. Lydall, E. Middle in fashion colors SKIRTS! Feb. 12 —Lincoln’s Birthday; no claaaea off cam- Waddell A Dudley. W. Center A Tpke. (779-1109). New Bolton, in wools and Lyoaee, W. Center A Victoria. Porter, Scott. U —WaUtington’s Btrthdar, no dassea off, CwtAT li Eklgtrtoo. AU fludtnU from : Canter (881) I TJP I ^ CCOUPON O l Trip 2 Nathan Haie KNICKER CORDS blends, solids campus. ' ( l| l ), Thomea, Edgerton, W. SUrts at 8:05. Huntington ft M arr h IS —Last day to d n ^ couraea without O n le r (188), Dougherty, Olcott, Wadsworth, 460 Main S t . (Center ft at $2().90 and plaids 5 0 ^ OFF I I penalty. Cerol, lliainpaon, Victoria, Proc­ Church. Church ft Chestnut, ' M ai^ 15 —Spring recess begina for general tor, McKee, Cheater, Weddell, Church ft Park. 8:20, Nathan Hale tha nawaat atyla in from 18.90 Tyler, Preaton, McKinley, Schppl. MIYTKIIIIOS I >6^ coleege courses. OXaery, lyn eis, Satman, Bunce, AH students from; Center. fall faahioni March 20 —Last day to make up incompletes. Hyde, D u ^ , Fnlay. Orchard. Church. Chestnut. UMGHBOX I li Iilarcb 21 -O asses resume for general college Locust. Garden, Linden. WE ACCEPT CHECKS. MC/VISA AND I tfl| > 3 Cornerstone Wadsworth. Huntington. Main n g . *8.79 f - rag. 9-19 9 —Good Friday; no clasaaa for general BMMi at 1:81. Oaoler A New- (406). HAVE A CONVENIENT LAYAWAY WITH THIS COUPON lUM, OanHr A AlMHnder. PIM A college courses. Walnat, Oak A Nonneo, P a lter A Trip 3 Highland Park April 9, lOandU—No classes for community ser­ Nyt, Parker A Mather, Shehkm A Slarti at 8:3S. 818 Autumn. vices courses. OakiMd. 8:80. Caratratcoe School. Theresa h Virginia. Charter Oak — 1 St Sycamore ibothiMidal..Autumn X l o c a t e d A T : May IS -Last day of classes. St School. Autumn & E. EMrIdge. MON.-8AT. 10-9 May 17 —Final grades due In registrar's office. BUS 27 8:45. Highland Park School. K MART PLAZA SUPPLY DEPARTMENT, WHERE YOU I^ y 27 —Commencement for CLua of UH. All atudenls from: Anaaldl. Trip 1 St. James Autumn. Ballltla. Chaathr Oak. VERNON SUN. 12-9 '' I M U at T:S8. Brookfield |3I8-.442I. Patriot. Sycam ore. F M ALL YOUR RACK TO SGHOOi HEEDS Thereaa 872-4003 THE HERALD. Fri., Aug. 21, 1981 — 19 18 - THE HERALD. Frt., Aug. 21, 1981 PBANUTS - B c h i i l z ACROSS DOWN Anawer to Previoua Punie I PON^KNOWWHATYOU SEND HIM OUT HERE-. m b u r WHAT HOh) CAN YOU 6UARP 1 Emigrate 1 Meadamea D ______QDCZKJHQUaU CLASSIFIED ADS EXPEqUSTOPOIFA I'LL BARK AT HIM.' C D d u i : ] c U rth d iQ r KINPOFA OUk MOUSE IF YOU'RE 5 ____ Liia. (abbr.) WATCHP06 5ITTIN6 OUT HERE BURaAR COMES INTO painting 2 Exude m O C K D Tpa TTiTvl E V E R Y OUR HOUSE.. 9 Jeaui 3 Hungry □ a n □ Manchester school routes AREVDO’ EATIN4 □ □ D O the monogram 4 Greek letter D A Y B D D n Q Q A M tU« t 2 2 , m i '' 12 Debatable 5 Fabricate A N D 13 Bird data 6 Public E)DC!3 Q lS n session • (o school: Pitkin it Put­ Trip 2 Verplanck basiador. 28 Stephen. 25 Richard, Marshall: 8:25 - 483 Center; 8:50 Qraater MiooMa than you hava □ □ B i n n Q (^onlinueil from pugr 17 m oney IN axparlancad In Um paat la iHtaly 14 Man of 7 By birth nam. E. Center it Parker. Grisson W agon 3 23 Village. 88 Park. 17 Grave. 18 - W illiam s: 9:00 - Newington. □ i n n c i D E ) 6:16 — New State and Pine influence 8 Adder it $hepard (N). Lydall it Am­ Ballon; 7:55 — 103 Lockwood: 8:25 _ M A N Y ' thia coming yaar bacauaa you'll □ D D O n p Trip 1 St. Bridget's Rid((e, 38 M orse; 8:30 - Verplanck •'I know axactiy what you want (abbr.) 9 ------"the bassador. Oakland it Tudor. — Intensive Education Center. r W A Y S E H D Q □ if Kvdwood, Ralph it Galaxy (E). . School. ami will datina your goala more 15 Poet Pound 'Terrible" Oakland it Rachel, N. Main it 7:55 — Center and Newman. m ake; □ n c i D ii i a Redwood it R al^ (W). llillstown W agon 19 16 Momento U n lw . 634 N. Main. 251 Buckland Channing and Ruby (rental office). Trip 3 Robertson d99f1y. 10 Boy Scout if Barnwood. 252 Bush Hill. Bush 18 Billowy (Turn around via Pleasant Valley. Hartford and W ilfred. Pine and W agon 17 L IO (M y 2>>Aiig. Rather activity o l n i D n Hill it Bell. Bush Hill it Glendale. 8:40 — Tolland Tumpikei and Trip 1 Silas Deane Windsor). Woodland it Duval. High. Chestnut and Church: 8:15 — than ahopping around today, expanae Glode. 871 Tolland Turnpike; 8:50 7.05 - 51 F in la y 8 t.. 230 8:60 - 285 W. High St,; 7:16 PHISCILtA’S POP -V Ed Sullivan 11 Exude Bush Hill if Keeney. Keeney it St. Bridget’s School. . you'ra apt to buy what you Rka 19 Over (poetic) Oxford it Cambridge. Hemlock it — Robertson School. 643-2711 chsocdut IcHecKOur ^ 17 Spanker 32 On edge 49 Compary of Santina. Keeney it Briarwoo •ACHTTARNM (Nov. 23-Oac. 8:25 — 39 Englewood. 94 Del- mellow Olcott it S. Adams. West Center it Milford, Woodbridge and Green 21) TMs should atm bo a plaaa- 60 Caln'a brother 47 46 49 SO 51 52 53 54 Hyde. W. Center it McKee. Center mont, 41 Avondale. 86 Green Manor. Parker and Mather, ant day, though you may not ba Bus 34 Manor: 8:45 ~ Martin School. m i m 61 Family of it Proctor. Center it Rosemary, Colonial and Scott. 7:40 — abla to do things exactly as medieval 55 56 57 Rockville High School. Trip 1 East Catholic (Ttestnut it Church. Chestnut it you'd Ilka to because of ad|ust- Ferrara Park W agon 6 Trip 2 Buckley mants you'll have to make to 50 60 6t Starts at 7:35. Highland & MEMTi please othera. 62 Cut lawn 64 Candlewood. Highland it Gardner, Trip 1 East Catholic 8:25 — 12 Conway. 90. Indian. 629 PUIS CAPMCOmi (Dae. 22-lan. 12) 63 Space agbncy 62 63 Autumn it 'rhercsai Autumn it Lydall: 8:40 -- Buckley School. (abbr.) > 7:35 — 93 Ferguson: 7:45— Ea.st You'ra a vary afliciant parson - 4 School. Autumn it Oak, Autumn it Headstart 3 trip 3 Keeney Street SMMKIE ALLEY OOP — Davo Grauo 64 Pack away Catholic High School. NI'UM iailM IM HSIVOM HI today. You know how to gat Porter. E. Center it Spruce. tMnga dona. However, aasod- OUR BOARDING HOUSE Center it CJhurch. Fountain Vill (at 12:30 — Nathan Hlile: Squire Trip 2 Washington 8:45 — 72 Pitkin . 51 Overland: , GO, DINNY! THOSE DANG IDIOTS ataa might not give you the full WELL, IT UXJK3 AS IF WE CAN'T I CAN SEE tennis court). 7:45. E^st Catholic Village (at rental office), at 9:00 — Keeney Street School. ARE SHCOnN' AT US' ^ 8:05 — 197 Gardner; 8:15 — credit you daaarva. OUR WORK IS DONE, THANK YOU ) NOW WHY THE High School. playground, at Queens Court AT DR WONMUGf FELLOWS /"COLUMBIA WAS Green. Hartford Rd it Wilfred. Washington School. ACNIAISUS (Jan. 2 »M i. It) II UK.WUN , ^ e n o u g h ! / SO SUCCESSFUL! - y WILL HAVE PACON AfWLlNP ^ THE HOOfUBURdER EVEN All students from; Ansaldi. you a A aodaUzing with a bual- Autumn. Birch, Academy. Benton. Cooper Hill it West, Cooper it Trip 3 Martin THE HUN,CAPTURING THE SraEFLIl THEN d > 0 ^ Bissell. Charter Oak. Church, High. Cooper & Summer. Camp­ W agon 13 HOUSE naaa contact today, put the THAN 8:25 — 54 Queens Court. 65 emphasis on having fun rather JU16E5I WE'LL APPEAL i NATIONWIPE.' Downey. E. Eldridge. Florence. field it Cooper Hill, Campfield & Foley. 68 Lyness, 91 Cooper; 8:45 n a t u r a l l v r i x ^ H I 0 Hartford Rd. Hackmatack & Trip 1 Rockville than on trying to maks a deal, To LOVER6 OF Philip. Grandview. Highland, — Martin School. tTHAMPAkSNE Prospect. S Main it Spring 7:10 — Gardner and Fern (low NASSIFPS Talking dollars doHan might. spoil ETIOUETTE ANP >AVE PRWCHbE^ Knighton, Kane. Linden. Lyndale, SPORTS everything. PORVOU W V5IF< < 5 L A $ 5 6 ^ Porter (56-74). Park, School. W agon 7 end). Summit and Flower. 2 Mam SI. FINE Wells. Scarborough. Somerset, Woodland and Turnbull. North 643-711 1 » ■ PISCIS (Pab.!. 20 Match 20) It •yoU'-HAK-KAFF- AAAPE Main and Union. Oakland and that* Is something you want to 'rheresa, Westminister. Headstart 4 Trip 1 Cheney Open Dnily 9 9 INVE-&T EARLY.' F R O M Tudor: 7:40 -- Rockville High FARR’S 991 Main do today to plaaaa somaone 0URNEP PUT 7:35 — East Middle Turnpike and you love, you'N pull It off more T rip 2 H eadstart — 12:30 — Robertson: N. Main it School. LI6HT Finley, 899 Parker; 7:50 — Cheney 647-9126, eucceaatully If you don't Involve Robertson Cambridge. Hilliard it Adams. W. Trip 2 Martin JManchester Tech. Mm or her In the act. BULS$! Middle Tpke it Parkade Apts., Starts at 8:00. Main it Cam­ 8:20 - 98 Oakland, 223 Oakland. ARMS (March 21-AprH 19) Broad & Lockwood. W. Middle Trip 2 Bowers bridge. Alton it W. Middle Tpke. 134 Rachel. 759 Tolland Turnpike. Companions will try to over­ Tpke it Homestead. W. Middle W. Middle Tpke it Homestead. 8:15 — 32 Channing, 11 Wilfred. 31 Keeney; 8:45 — Martin School. look your faults today, but you Hilliard it Adams, W. Middle Tpke Tpke it Alton 20 Wilfred. 137 Wethereli. 26 must ba vary careful not to ba FNANK AND ERNEST - Bbb ThnvM it Parkade Apts. (E). Broad it Packard. 21 Avon. 87 Strawberry; W agon 14 Probate Notice too critical of theirs. Harsh l^ockwood. 8:20. Robertson School. 8:40 — ^ w e r s School. NOTICE TO CREDITORS DANCO’S oomments will evoke unpleas­ Trip 1 Glastonbury ant leaponaae. Trip 3 Verplanck W agon 1 ESTATE OF STANLEY H. m o t t o t S , 7:20 -9 7 Arcella, 838 Hillstown; STEINER, aka STANLEY Hairstyling For Men TAUMW (Aprs 2048ay 20) Starts at 8:30. Ruby it Imperial Trip 1 Assumption W agon 8 ?:45 - Glastonbury High School. HAROLD STEINER, deceased Q UMaaa you kssp a tight raign (sandpit). Hartford Rd. it Wilfred. on your axpsndlturas today, -A PLACE FOR Trip 2 Bowers The Hon. William E. FitzGerald. aj 8:40, Verplanck School. Trip 1 Talcottville 7:55 — Kennedy and Hamilton. Judge, of the Court of Probate. BA( ( TO SimOL SPEUALt^ thsro'a a good chance you All students from: Ruby. 3 T r - ; ; Queen and Wellesley; 8:10 — 7:45 - 165 M cKee St.: 8:00 - 8.20 - 20 Knox. 25 Forest. 109 District of Manchester at a could spend beyond your evffRVTHlNfi AMD Imperial. (Queens Ct. Wilfred. Assumption Junior High School. ...■■niC O U PO N liMMMBr- Talcottville School. Prospect. 66 Thayer, 22 Florence. hearing held on August 10. 1981 budget. Don't let extravagance Trip 2 Robertson Trio 2 Bennet 113 Benton, 175 Summit; 8:45 — ordered that all claim s must be gal otrtol hand. BveinrTMiMfi a l u Bowers School, presented to the fiduciary on or aiMPh (May 21-Jiine 20) Bus 35 8:20 — 170 Ralph Road. 213 8 :10-240 U k e . 148 U k e ; 8 20 - Playing tavorltss today couM o v r t h e p l a c e : P UKE TO FOR6ET» , Bidwell. 20 Horace. 116 Keeney. before November 10, 1981 or be 6 Bennet Junior High School. more daapty hurt the feelings ______CfBMWWAtaa-TMRag.taa.TMRagUBFatBTMOU______^ Trip 1 Cheney Tech 169 Briarwood. 4 Fairfield; 8:45 — W agon 15 barred as by law provided. Sherrie L. Anderson. ol on# w)k> already taels ha Robertson School. Starts at 6:30. Spring it Gardner. Trip 1 McCartin Ass't. Clerk ^ hasn't bean appradatad. Treat KIT 'N' CARLYLE — Larry Wright Keeney it Linwood. Center it thoaa you cars lor egua2y. 7:20 — 217 Autumn, 2 Thompson, The fiduciary is: Winter at Bess Eaton, Spruce it W agon 2 Trip 3 Robertson 26 Channing; 8:10 — McCartin Frances Steiner Waldc CANCm (June M-JMy 22) School. School it Autumn. Autumn Your compaaalon, and aympa- Trip 1 Assumption 8:30 — 8 Nike Circle. 66 Gardner. ■ School. 28 Tuttle Drive, 253 W. Middle Tpke., Manchester it Lyndale. 6:45. Pitkin it E. 471 Porter. 14 Uwton, 744 Lydall, Acton. MA 01720 llW ara aaMy arouaed today, a Center. Manchester Green Bus 7:55 — West Middle Turnpike 123 Richm ond: 8:55 Robertson Trip 2 Bowers 029-08 In the Stop & Shop Plaza behind Mr. Donut tact wMoh wW cause you to THE BORN LOSER — Art Sannom Terminal. Vernon it Marion. Ver­ axtand yoursaH on behalf of and Homestead. Hilliard and School. 8:30 — 36.5 Adams. 245 Adams, [...SHB R0AEA\6gRlMe7 non it Greenwood. Vernon it W. olhats. Don't apo9 It by aetingv p r o o f ’ Duval. Fountain Village at Foun­ 413 Woodland. 70 Congress. 22 647-9879 Ybu lU fiau- i c c d y t , Vernon. Kennedy it Scott. 6.55. superior. tain: 8:10 — Assumption Junior W agon 9 Union Place. 98 Oakland; 8:50 — OMjyi(SSHB

I • THE HERALD. Fri„ Aug. 21, 1981 - 21

20 - THE HERALD. Frt.. Aug. 21. 1961 Renovation under way at Cheney BUSINESS / Classified Construction jobs displace students Social Security card no longer easy to get

In its recent proposals to control the flow of Illegal issued to about 5 W million persons — primarily young names; an old and new driver's license; utility bills and bank statements showing bqjh names. By Nancy Thompson said he does not anticipate problems aliens into the U.S., the Reagan White House ruled out ^ people reaching working age, but also to babies for with students this year. .. the use of a national “ work identity card,” or, as an whom bank accounts are being set up and legally ad­ If you were born outside the U.S. and are not a citizen, Herald Reporter you need evidence that you are in the U.S. legally to get “If any problems were going to alternative, the Issuance of counterfeJl-prbof Social Your mitted immigrants. a Social Security number. Any document issued by the Geography courses may come up, they would have come up Security cards to all of us in the workforce. The steps we ' If you are a U.S. citizen applying for a number for the in June (when construction first time, you will need two documents: one to prove U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service will serve. experience a sudden surge in pop­ take, said .the president’s statement, “ must be consis­ Money's your age and citizenship and another to prove your iden­ But those who want the cards in order to work while in ularity this fall as students at started),” he said. “ In June the kids tent with our values of individual privacy and freedom . ’ ’ the U.S. must show evidence that they have been Manchester High School and Howell put up with it. I was really Im­ Cost was a key, if unmentioned, factor in the decision. Worth tity. The best proof of age and U.S. citizenship is a birth authorized for employment by the Immigration and Cheney Regional Technical p res s ^ with the way the student A |2 billion price tag could be attached to Issuing work certificate (or church record showing the date and place Sylvia Porter Naturalization Service. reacted to the dust and the noise and idffltity cards or reissuing counterfeit-proof Social of birth). Other acceptable documents include cer­ Vocational School try to find their If lawfully admitted, but not permitted to work here, classes among the construction. the distractions without taking it as Security cards. As a substitute, the administration tificates of naturalization and U.S. passports. To prove foreigners can be issued numbers to set up a bank ac­ With both buildings in the midst of an opportunity for disruption.” would bold employers responsible for checking on the your identity — that you are who you and the documents count, for instance, but the Social Security Administra­ major renovations, classrfinding lerardi warned that students immigration status o f. employees and would fine say you a re.— you need a document that shows your tion flags their SS records. If they ever do go to work skills will be in great demand as should not take the split school as a employers 9500 to 91,000 for each illegal alien found on name along with your signature, photograph or other and give the Social Security number to an employer, the construction workers take over the chance to slide through supervision. the payroll. identifying information. This could be a 'passport, . Immigration and Naturalization Service will be classrooms and students relocate. Both buildings will be w ell super­ How would you, as an employer, check on the im­ marriage license, driver’s license or school record. notified. Principals at both schools said vised, he said. migration status of employees? Under the Reagan plan, not as simple as it was some time ago, when you may You must submit original documents, not “ I ’m being tracked,” you mumble? But of course. students can expect to be displaced “ I w ill not tolerate any disrup­ you could examine any two of the following documents; have obtained your card. Tim e was when you could walk photocopies. The documents will be returned to you. If (Job hunting? Sylvia Porter's comprehensive new 32- during the coming year. Students at tions of the Cheney atmosphere,” he a birth certificate, driver’s license. Social Security card into any Social Security office, claim that you had never you n e ^ any help in getting such documents, get in page booklet “ How to Get a Better Job " gives up-to- Cheney Tech will be split between said. “ H any problems do arise, they or draft registration card. You, the employee,- also applied for a number previously and walk out, card in touch with any Social Security office for assistance. hand. Mainly out of concern over the growing number of date information on today's job market and how to take two buildings — the Cheney building will be dealt with swiftly and wouM be required to sign a form certifying that you are If you lose your card or n e^ a new one because you Illegal aliens. Congress changed the law about five advantage of it. Send $1.95 plus 50 cents for postage and on West Middle Turnpike and the ■ firm ly.” e ltt^ a citizen or her legally. are changing your name — for instance, in case of years ago to require that an applicant furnish evidence handling to “ How to Get a Better Job," in care of this Main Buiiding of Bennet School on lerardi said he hopes to begin Note: Tills procedure would not meet the problem of marriage or divorce — you must be ready to present of age, identity, U.S. citizenship or lawful admission to newspaper, 4400 Johnson Dr., Fairway, Kan. 66205. Main Street and MHS students moving into the new parts of the counterfeit documents and even might stimulate traffic evidence showing your identity under your old name and under the new one. Sufficient documents are: a Make checks payable to Universal Press Syndicate.) w ill find their classes meeting in the building in February so that work in these manufactured records.) the U.S. marriage certificate or divorce papers showing both Copyright 1981 Universal Press Syndicate auditorium, cafbteria or other un­ can start on the shops in use until H ie procedure for obtaining a Social Security card is In an average year. Social Security numbers are likely places. then. While renovations at MHS are Just “ We’re over the dust period. beginning and w ill not get into full We’re over the noise period. Walls Tax law changes swing until later this f^ l, Cheney are going up and ropfs are going Tech is fully disrupted by construc­ on,” he said. “ It’s like watching a flower grow. Little by little. It goes Pan Am sells tion, which began in the spring. “ We w ili be able to use the shop up.” areas, possibly the cafeteria and The renovations at MHS are mere saplings compared with the mighty Municipals less attractive possibiy the gym — and that’s all,” The cafeteria at Howell Cheney Regional Vocational Technical part o f th e ca feteria , an d th e vyh|te w all o n th e left Is th e o ld — Cheney Tech Principal Lawrence oak of the Cheney Tech work. While School Is being expanded. The brick wall on the right Is the new cafeteria. (Herald photo by Pinto) work oil installation of a new roof its hotel unit lerardl said. “ It looks like a bomb By Mary Tobin seemingly attractive despite the new tax law, market even more so.” hit the school.” ' began last week, work on the bulk of UPI Business Writer a sharp drop in price takes a further toll. An official with a large bond firm said “ it's NEW YORK (UPI) - Pan million — 23.6 percent better than Cheney Tech students^ will alter­ the renovations isn’t expected to James Lebenthal, who heads a municipal gotten to the point where even triple-A rated American World Airways late 1979. NEW Y O R K — Cities and states have had a nate between classroom and shop begin until October. bond firm bearing his name, used a municipals are having to pay 12 percent to Thursday approved the sale of its sub­ Grand Metropolitan, Britain's 12th rough tim e raising needed money in the bond experience, moving from the Bennet The roof will cause minor disrup­ hypothetical two-income couple with an an­ borrow and even at that yield every bond sidiary,.. Intercontinental Hotels, to largest company, has extensive food, market and the new tax laws could have a building to the Cheney Tech tions in the school’s schedule, MHS nual income of $50,(XX) to figure that a 12 per­ brought out recently is worth less than it was. Grand Metropolitan Ltd. of London liquor and hotel operations further devastating impact on the tax-exempt building', every three weeks. Principal Jacob Ludes III said. cent New York state tax-exempt bond, now “ There's no question that the new tax law for $500 million. worldwide. sector. Students in grades nine and U will Some classes may have to move yielding around 28 percent for a New York will hurt,” the official said, “not only ' The sale of the profitable sub­ Intercontinental will operate as a The new law lowers the tax on unearned in­ be ai'one building while students in temprarlly to the auditorium or City resident, will yield the equivalent of 26 because of the reduction in tax-exempt sidiary, approved by the Pan Am separate unit within the Grand come from a maximum of 70 percent to 50 grades 10 and 12 are at the other. cafeteria while work is done in their percent in 19^. benefits but because it will give investors board of directors in a meeting at its Metropolitan organization and w ill re­ percent “ making tax exempt municipals at E very three weeks they w ill switch. classrooms. Disruptions and For a resident of a state with no state tax, more incentive to o into the stock market or New York headquarters, has been tain its trade name and present least 20 percent less attractive,” said Vincent All students will report to the changes w ill be of short duration, he such as Connecticut, the same $50,(XM) income to stay with money market funds." rumored for weeks because of Pan management, with Paul C. Sheeline Tese, tax counsel for Century Securities, a Cheney Tech building in the mor­ said. couple now gets an effective yield of 23.5 per­ Lawyer Tese also pointed out that the Am’s current financial troubles. continuing as chairman and chief bond trading firm. ning, where the appropriate grades Ludes decided during the planning cent on a 12 percent issue and would see that reduc^ attractiveness of tax-exempts comes Pan Am had a net loss of $218 executive officer. High interest rates and the depressed bond w ill get on buses to the Bennet stage that the school would not lose drop to 21.4 percent. at a time when federal funding for cities is million, the highest in its history, on^ The Pan Am spokesman also said market already have hit he municipal sector building. They w ill be brought back attendance days because of con­ To illustrate the effect of the price drop, being cut drastically. revenues of $1,968 billion during this the “ present close business especially hard. to Cheney Tech at the end of the day struction. A master plan of Tese noted, for example, one tax-exempt “ There will be more of a squeeze in otlier year’s first six months. relationship between IHC and Pan Henry Kaufman, chief economist at to catch buses home. classroom is being created by Nell issue that sold last week at 97 (100 is par or areas, such as sales and property taxes, if H ie purchase was made in cash and Am w ill continue” and Intercontinen­ Salomon Brothers investment banking firm , “ 1 feel like I ’m orchestrating the Lawrence, director of vocational $1,000) with a 12 percent coupon was going for cities are forced out of the bond market," the closing deadline is expected to be tal will continue to use Pah Am’s noted recently that cities as large as Chicago land at Iwo Jima,” lerardi said wry­ education for the public schools and 90 early this week. That means an investor Tese said. “ Cities will have less for capital Sept. 30, a Pan Am spokesman said in worldwide computer reservations and have had to pull back planned issues to wait ly. a teacher at MHS. had lost almost $100 on every $1,000 of the in­ improvements such as roads and tunnels. We an announcement early Friday. communication ystem. for a drop in interest rates and smaller local There will be no hot lunch To prepare for the shuffling of itial Investment, if he could even find a could see greatly reduced municipal ser­ Intercontinental, a wholly owned Pan Am began the Intercontinental bond issues are being crowded out complete­ program at the school throughout rooms, the school purchased 500 lap- market. vices.” subsidiary of Pan Am, operates and hotel chain in 1946 with a hostelry in ly- September, and possibly longer, boards and a dozen portable “ The withdrawal of speculators and in­ But Lebenthal is optimistic. manages 97 luxury and first-class Belem, Brazil. In the 1960s, it moved “ There has been a two-year bear market lerardi said. Cafeteria equipthent is blackboards to turn any available vestors from the municipal market has made “ If the administration's tax cuts are cor­ hotels and hotel projects in 48 coun­ into the Middle East, Far East, for municipals, which in Itself has created just arriving at the Chenev location space into a classroom. it extremely illiquid,” Tese said. “That rect, if the budget cuts are correct and if the tries in principal cities around the Australia, Africa and Europe, in­ difficult conditions,” Tese said. “ Many in­ and w ill not be installed until the end According to the contract for the coupled with the fact the new tax program supply-side theory is correct and if indeed we world. It had a pj0dx income o f $41.6 cluding Yugoslavia. vestors aqd speculators have been burned and of September. There may be gym roof, a section of roof must be severely curtails the rationale for being in increase productivity, then all interest rates million on 1980 revenues' of 9^3.5 aren’t anxious to repeat the experience.” facilities at the Cheney Tech loca­ removed and replaced in one day so municipals in the first place makes an illiquid are going to come down,'-Lebenthal said. ' l-i. . ' Although yields are at record levels and tion -- if other rooms can be cleared that no ropm is uncovered over­ out so that the 15 rooms o f furniture night. That means that classes will now stored in the gym can be moved not have to vacate a room for more out. than one day in most cases, Ludes UlEimSING “ Certain areas of the school will said. wveMisiig be off limits for at least six ’The general renovations which months,” lerardi said.'“ In effect, are scheduled for later this fall w ill RATES be more of a problem, Lawrence Classified 643'2711 the students and the faculty w ill be Minimum Charge split in two.” and Ludes agree. EMPLOYMENT 23— Homes (or Sale 35— Heating-Plumbing 4 6 - Sporting Goods 50— Misc (or Rent $2.10_for one day The renovations will include 12:b0 nboa the day M 9 H g P S 24— Lots-Land (or Sale 36— Flooring 47— Garden Products Construction on the school 46— Antiques 1— Lott «nd Found 13-Haip Wanted OV-Investmenl Property 37— Moving-Truck ing-Storage closing in more than half the win­ before publication. 38— Services Wanted renovations are ahead of schedule, 3— Portonalt 14>-Busines8 Opportunities 26— Business Property 49— Wanted to Buy AUTOMOTIVE P E R W O R D dows in the building to save energy, 27— Resort Property lerardi said. Originally, the project Deadline (or Saturday is 3»Announcem«n(t IS— Siluetiori Wanted 4— Entortainmeni 28— Real Estate Wanted 1 D A Y 14(t was scheduled for completion in modernizing the science MISC. FOR SALE RENTALS 6t— Autos (or Sale 12 noon Friday; Mon- 5— Auctiona 62— Trucks (or Sale December 1982. Now it looks like laboratories, creating special EDUCATION 3 D A Y S 1 3 « d ay’e deadline is 2:30 MI8C. SERVICES 40— Household Goods 52— Rooms (or Rent 63— Heavy Equipment (or Sale work m ay be finished by September classrooms for new school 64— Motorcycles-Bicycles Friday. FINANCIAL 10— Private Intlructioni 41— Articles for Sale 53— Apartments (or Rent 6 P A Y S 12(P of 1982. programs such as computer science 10— Schools-Classes 31— Services Ottered 42— Building Supplies 54— Homes for Rent 65— Campers-Trailers-Mobiie A worker carries building materials down a hallway at Howell Cheney Regional Vocational Technical School. (Herald photo and business office simulation, Phone 643-2711 6-»Bonda*Stoci(t>Mortgages 20— Instructions Wanted 32— Pamting-Papering 43— Pets-Birds-Oogs . 55— OtficeS'Stores (or Rent Homes 26 DAYS lilt Despite the disruption, lerardi 33— Building-Coniracting , 44— Musical Instruments 56— Resort Property (or Rent 66— Automotive Service 9— Paraonal Loans * HAPPV ADS $3 00 PER INCH b y P in to ) expanding the industrial arts area, f0->insuranca REAL ESTATE 34— Rooting-Siding 45— Boats 6 Accessories 57— Wanted to Rent 67— Autos tor Rent-Lease and making extensive renovations to the classroom and athletic areas. The state Department of Educa­ 13 tion gave its approval for the plans Help Wantod 13 Halp Wantad 13 Help Wanted 13 Help Wanted 13 Help Wanted last week. Bids for the $4.5 million In Manchester schools project will be let within the next F U LL T IM E Gas station JOBS OVERSEAS: Big SEWERS: Established nationwide pillow two weeks. Bids will probably be attendant to work full ser­ money fast. $20,000 to $50,- WANTED manufacturer has im­ awarded in September, with actual OFFICE vice station in Manchester 000 plus per vear. Call 1- nights 3 p.m. to 11 p.m. 6 mediate full tim e openings. work beginning in October, 716-^-6000. Ext. 1636. days a week. $200 a week to Newspaper Experienced preferred. Lawrence said. ASSISTANT start. Experienced P A R T T IM E Condo Day shift, 5 day week. Full Until the contractor is hired, it preferred. Must be honest maintenance person AREA benefit program including w ill be impossible to schedule the T o u r ComniuHity Newspaper' and dependable. For ap­ wanted. 64 unit adult com­ sewing incentive. Apply at Immediate need (Starting classes and know how much disrup­ pointment call 243-5457. plex in Vernon. Must be Pillowtex Corp., 49 Regent Curriculum changes coming September), fascinating work ADVISOR Street, Manchester, Ct tion to expect. ’The planned con­ capable and experienced. in pleasant surroundings with E.O.E. M/F. struction is already causing public contact. Must have Live-in possibility. Ideal Gontac Gerlinda BABYSITTER - Mature Challenge program, which is run by for graduation. In addition to taking students will be able to take the problems with athletic schedules, excellent typing ability for retired. Call 872-1260 By Nancy Thompson Board of Education in June ap­ course this year, FitzGibbon es­ (minimum 55 wpm). be able woman needed to care for only Monday-Thursday 6-8 ANTONIO’S Frank Pisch of Manchester, is to get American History, all students Lawrence said. ’The swiinming pool, Announemmmnta 3 Hmlp Wmntmd 13 RESTAURANT and Pizza, Herald Reporter proved the recommendation of a timated. to do detail work without children ages 1 and 6 in my p.m. students to actively participate in beginning with this year’s for Instance, w ill be “ shut down for close supervision, some 956 Main Street, committee that studied the science The other major elimination is the South Windsor home. (V er­ their lives and education, using sophomore class will have to take a long tim e,” but how long or when FLEA MARKET; Every P A R T T IM E bookeeping experience non Circle area). Monday 647-W Manchester. Cook, cooks Curriculum changes in the curriculum last year and added either Modem European History or end of the evening credit program. YOUR AD desirable, personal maturity CLERICAL ASSISTANT - ______Manchester public schools will skills learned in the classroom in it w ill begin is unknown at this point, Sunday 10-5. Coventry an­ SALESPERSON to sell to Friday, 7:30 to 4:30 p.m. helper and kitchen help. earth science to the program. The program began about six yean and a sense of humor. H(wrs situations outside the classroom. the Americas or the Soveiet Union he ^ d . tique center, 1140 Main Newspaper Subscriptions. Call after 5:00, 644-9614. for fast paced growing cmApm m o w as \n Monday - Friday. Part bring students down to earth, The board also approved the piMM M a mm- 6:30 am>S pm. Five days a The Manchester program will iiA and Eastern Europe. ago as an alternative for students The administration had con­ Street, Coventry. ~Dealer Go door-to-door with our appliance^stribu^ ‘^Distributor^ time and full time transport them to modern Europe purchase of textbooks to be used in TSa SaraM M week through mid November. Honors and advanced students who might otherwise drop out of sidered scheduling that type of work space available, t i'elephone news carriers four Offers good earnings. For available. Apply in person and introduce them to the world of elude camping trips and possibly a\ the science program for those school. Students in the program during vacations, but there is too litraMyaMla- 7b-960e. evenings a week, Monday HOUSEKEEPERS - after 9 a.m. Monday - weekend on a sailing schooner or ^ will take Modem European History. Call Mr. Beck at p f e caU 5M-37M for“ te: computers. grades. The previous curriculum did attended classes in the evening and ■ i SM I ••••aaaaeaaoadsao******* thru Tnursday 5:30 to 8:30. W eekends only, H ealth Friday. trip to a nearby city. Pisch saip Regular and basic students will much work to fit into the number of 646-1222 Ext. 2148 The changes students will find in not require textbooks. earned credits for their diplomas. « f 0 ^ Salary plus bonus. Call ■ Care Facility. Come in per­ tervlew. EOE. students in the program learn skills study either the Americas or the vacatiim days, Lawrence said. the school program this fall include: Last year, 112 students participated □ EMPLOYMENT Mark Abraltis, Manchester son for application ana in­ According to J. Gerald FitzGib- Soviet Union and its satellites. The renovations are expected to • A m ajor revision in the elem en­ by using them to plot maps or fdllow Herald 643-2711. terview, Monday through ‘‘We think it’s a significant in the evening credit program. be complete In the fall of 1983. tary science curriculum, adding bon, the assistant superintendent of directions. They remember what Friday 9-2. Must have own strengthening of our academic According to Superintendent of Ludes said he does not anticipate CASHIERS - Kitchen help Why Not Get Into The earth science fo the physical and life schools for curriculum and instruc­ they learn because it has been IS y M p a v i n g c o m p a n y transjrortation. Silver Lane requirements,” Fitz Gibbon said, Schools James P. Kennedy, the, scheduling problems to spill over days or nights and sciences already in the fourth tion, the course will keep a heavy proven useful, he Mid. RN*S PART TIME, All NEEDS experienced truck Pavilllon, 51 Applegate ellminaUon of regular driver educa­ . Into behavior or discipline driver for Mack 10- weekends. A p ^ y in per­ emphasis on hands-on experience in Junior high students w ill also get MHS Principal Jacob Ludes HI shifts at Student Wealth Lane, East Hartford. Exciting World of Advertising? through sixth grade curriculum; tion and the evening credit program wheeler. Class n required. son; Kentucky Fried the middle grade science program. to experience the world of com­ has said the full-year course will problems. He has.Instituted a Service. Physical qssess- (Next to Showcase • The integration of Adventure m^nrhfBtfr Good benefits. Telephone Chicken, 300 Burnside emphasize reading and writing. The represents major changes in the stricter discipline policy, reducing Cinema.) Challenge, an "experimential It will expand the material covered puters this fall when a computer ment skills necessary. Call Avenue, East Hartford. We Need An curriculum and the school policy, the number of class cuts allowed 7424190. education” program that provides in the course, he said. literacy program expands to include course is designed to strengthen ver­ or write to Peg Maloney, “ This change will insure a com­ which were forced by financial and placing more studenbsJn^ Closed Itfralb Director of Nursiiw, Box children with actual experiences on seventh grade students at both bal skills, be said. necessity. ’The Board of Education U-11, University o f Conn. mon core of knowlege. It will build a junior highs. The program operated Another change In the MHS study .halls rather tkatfin an open a cantping trip or sailing schooner, had to cut 9730,000 from Its original ADVOmSING SALES REP. floor under eur program, he said. curriculum is the creation of an campus situation. ^^-r* Storrs, a . 06868 at 468- to the'ninth grade science course; on a test basis at Illing Junior High budget owing to cuts by the town “ We think it strengthens and adaptive physical education course. “ In my experience. It draws the 4700. E.O.E. • Expansion of a computer last year and was so successful that bMrd of Directors, increased in­ rounds out our program, with the Students who are unable to par­ student body and faculty together,” literacy course to inclucle all all students w ill take It. surance costs and decreased federal FEATURE WRITER - For Three Days A Week. ticipate in regular gym classes Ludes said m the‘Conatructlon work. seventh grade students at both addition of earth science.” The course, which Includes □ NOTICES This U a part tim e position kld$ and state funds. When the board adopted the new experience on microcomputers, because of physical problems will with flexible hours. Appli­ Bennet and Illing junior high Although the evening credit Ideal lor the college graduatfe; or the Mother who le looking to aupplement the curriculum, FitzGibbon pointed out teaches the seventh grades to take this course. cant must have had some family Income. schools; program has been discontinued, that the addition of earth science to “ understand the computer, its “ We will taylor a program ap­ Loaf mnd Pound 1 previous writing • Addition of a second social adult evening school will be held. the elementary curriculum is in line applications and its uses in the propriate to their needs and Foous/Food on .experience. Please send EARN EXTRA MONEY. WORK studies course to graduation Courses will be tapght at Illing IMPOUNDED: Collie samples and short letter BenetItM Include: with recently released recommen­ workplace,” FitzGibbon said. abilities,” FitzGibbon said. requirements at Manchester High Junior, high school because MHS Wednesday ' dations from a state study which ’The other big changes at MHS are sliephard cross male. outlining your background 3 OR 4 Ho u r s a n ig h t . '• etowanl Almoiphw* • q m Mltoag* School; will be renovated this year. Course Menus, recipes and shopping tips Brown and wMte - white to The Editor, Box 0, cited a deficiency in that area. The course was designed last year both eliminations — driver educa­ • OeodOar •eaAOaftOIOurBmHInelOOttiAnnhMnMy Vm t • Creation of a special physical broxdiures are now available at town are featured In ’The Manchester feet. Andover Dog Warden, Manchester Herald. Please • Hoadays A Vour OMhdar , nSaM* witomeWla) In the ninth grade science in response to the Increasing tion and evening school for credit. education course for MHS students libraries and many area banks. Herald’s Focusfood section, every 742-7305 or 742-SOSO. do not call. . CALL IVAN AT 647-9946 program. Adventure Challenge will number of jobs, homes and other Both were dropped because of who cannot, take regular gym areas — “ even toys” , FitzGibbon Wednesday. provide a practical experience to go budget cuts. •••■•••••••••••••••••••A. Ftr A CwBliiifM hiltniM M k hary M o n o 9 ml 10 AJL c1bS8€3• said—that are computerized. BRIDGEPORT AT THE MANCHESTER along with classroom learning. ’The Annoimeomontt 3 • Elimination of the driver educa­ It’s a way of. acquaint^ the kids The driver education program will \ Iff O PE R A’TOR - A m hours, program has been operating in other Shopping tips News for senior citizens good wages, excellent In- tion program during (he regular with computers,” he said. “ We do be offered after sdwol and during ^ * « » «ceiient in- schools since 1977. It will be in­ the summers but will not bo offered Martin Sloane explains how to ' Members of the Manchester RIDE Needed to and surance befits. Apply In EVENING HERALD high school day and an end to want everyone to know about the FR O M M ahcbetter and person Metronics Inc., iianrt|rstrr Brralh 643-2711 tegrated into the ninth grade save money at the grocery store — Senior Citizens Center know what’s evening courses given for high computer, so we’re teaching them.” during the regular school day. In ad­ CC8C. weekdays. curriculum at both Bennet and Illing every Wednesday and Saturday in .happening by reading Wally Fortin’s Route 6 and 44A, Bolton. school credits. At Manchester High School, the dition, the fee for the course w ill in­ Telephone 6464434. junior high schools on a trial basis his ‘‘Supermarket Shopper” column regular column—every Tuesday and EOE. ’The major change is the revision biggest curriculum change is the crease and few er students w ill be this fall. in ’The Manchester Herald. Saturday in The Manchester Herald. in the science program for students added social studies credit required admitted to the course. Only 260 in srades four, five and six. The The goal* of the Adventure

' l l s,. 2a - THE HERALD. Fri- Am. »1, 1981 •••••••••••••••••••••••• NomM W>f Soft 22 Homoo Far Solo tS Nom M P€^ Boh ' >99 Homoo For Solo 23 Aportment! For Pont S3 Aportmont! -For Rent S3 Hom ooForSM 23 Hpmo For Solo 22 •••••••••••••••••••••••• aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa H0tp ITm M > 19 W t f M 19 Hbtm& ^ o r Bah " 99 Homm$ For Boh 2 9 Nom M For Solo SS •••••••••••••••••••••••* •••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••» A FREE RENTAL SERVICE for landlords, TOWN OF MANCHeSTER open 7 days. Call for APMTIIIfliT b r a k e s , details: G H 561-1 TENMITS transmission, good running P art'th n * condition. Needs body The Recreation Department needs part-time 3 ROOM APARTMENT - We own Z90 apartmanta in work. $400 firm. Telephone D. W. FISH REALTY CO Manafleld, 10 mllaa from empk^ees for their Winter Program. 6480737. $225 plus gas, heat and Mancheater off I-M. utilities. StOT^ Excellent achool ayatem, Recreation Attendant - General office duties In­ 243 Main St. Manchester Tel: 643-1591 refrigerator. References, Motorcyclee-Blcfcle! cluding registrations, bank deposits, ll|^t typing and walking dlatance to ahopa and security. Call 6481976 or theater. Renta atart at tWO.OO phone w oA. $3.6S - $4.25 per hour, 10^20 hours per Hours • Daily 8:30 AM - 8:00 PM Vernon Circle Vernon 872-9153 7 4 2 ^: beforeI 5 p.m. per montli. We will not be 1979 CM-400 T, Excellent week, for 11 weeks, September through December. Saturday 9:00 AM • 5:00 PM going "Condo." condition, asking $1100. MANCHESTER - One 8900 miles. Call 5286849. Recreation Leader - Responsible for close supervi­ 487-1437 WILLIAM fISH TONY WASILEFSKY BEVERLY DIPIETRO MARILYN MAWHINNEY PAUL OLIVER FRANK BORYSEVICZ BOB PRAH bedroom apartment, stove, TOWN OF BOLTON ; sion of children 2 to 5 years of age while parents are refrigerator, heat paid. 1976 YAMAHA DT125 - ZONING COMMISSION ; attending classes. |3.42 - |3.95 per hour, ap^ Just 1 ^ . G II, 561-1&1. DONALD FISH LORRAINE BCUTIN JIM GOETCHEUS DAVID THIBODEAU VINCENT STRIANO JOE SCIARRA MARGARET STECKO^ Dirt, street, excellent con­ proximately 20 hours per week, for 27 weeks during dition. Asking $600. The Bolton Zoning Commission will hold a public, the school year. Applicants may bring their own M A N C H E S T E R - 3 OfHeeo-Storoo for Rent Telephone 643-77tt. hearing at 8:00 p.m. Wednesday, September 2, 1981 in. children age 2 and over. bedroom, complete eeooeeeeeaoaaeeeeeeeeeee the Community Hall to consider the following; kitchen, priced right. $275. WORKSPACE OR 1979 - 1100 YAM AH A _ Revision of several definitions contained in the Zoning. No classes are held on Manchester school vacations G n 561-1221. SPECIAL - Under 6,000 aiding. Newer gaa fumacea, electrical i STORAGE SPACE FOR Regulations to improve clarity aqd provide a more con-, holidays or snowdays. circuit braakera. Large kitchena. i RENT In Manchester. No miles. Excellent condition. ALL AREAS: Apartments Extras. Telephone 646- sistent format. Applications are available at the Personnel Office, lease or security deposit. and houses available. If Reasonable rates. Suitable 3037. • Town Hall, 41 Center Street, Manchester, Connecticut. you don't see it - ask for It. 2. Revision of flood zone restrictions to assure that any! for small business. Retail construction meets federal standards. Further information Is available by contacting the G II, 561-1221. and commercially zoned. KZ400 Deluxe 1978 Recreation Department, M7-3084, tetween 8:30 and Call 872-1801, 10 to 5. KAWASAKI,' fairing, 3. Revision of Section 2A and 13 to improve clarity of in­ 4:00 Monday through Friday. 649-2813 SOUTH WINDSOR; fur­ baggage-rack, saddle bags, nished one bedroom, stove, tent as to format of regulations and powers of the ZB A. An equal opportunity employer.______VKRNON 922,800 MANCHESTER 940,000 STAFFORD SPRINOS 989,900 NEWLY RENOVATED low mileage. $1350, 688- MANCHB8TER refrigerator, private entry. 310 square feet o ffice 6201 Ask for andrea. 4. Increase the time allowable to use a trailer Tor human TOWNHOUSE CONDO HAVE RIOHT PLACE CHARMING $200 Includes utilties. G II 3 bedroom "L" RANCH on quiet cul-de-sac street: 1 car at­ Foroot Hlllo available. Main Street occupancy from one to fifteen days. PART TIME EARN GOOD MONEY Finely decorated Townhouee end unit with louthern will lell quicid Alum, elded 5-f room COLONIAL: 3 561-1221. 1974 YAMAHA TX 500 - expoeurel Uke new conditloni 2 patloe for berbecuee - ed> bedrrfomt; Eet-ln-kllchen with Ilke-new ceblnett; Welk-up tached garage: Nice starter home; Owner Is anxiousi Immaculate 7 room Rataed Ranch, i car garage, location with ample MAINTENANCE or Han- FULL TIME OR PART ettle for lole of etorege or extra bedroom; Large ancloead batha. fireplaced family room. Slldera to large I parking. Call 649-2891. Good condition. New rear 5. An application of Charles and David Minicucci to up­ dyman. Laurel Manor, 91 ditlonal square footage and close to parking. Fully EAST HARTFORD - Burn­ TIME. Become an Avon apptlanced kitchen. See It todayl porch with picture windows and a lanced In yard; Oas Heatt covered deck, V, acre park like grounda. Desirable I tire. $595. Call 295-9123 grade and expand the existing Anderson Trailer Park to Chestnut Street, representative. Call 523- location. Offered at tW.tOO. side Avenue - 3 bedroom, after 5:00 p.m. an adult mobile home park under Section 8B11 of the Manchester. 9M1 or 646-3685 for details. ' fPoaafbla Oiniar flnMcIng) porch, yard, basement. Kids ok. $350. G II, 561- Bolton Zoning Regulations. PACKAGE STORE - Hours DENTAL ASSISTANT Lombardo & Associates 1 2 2 1 . BASEMENT STORAGE 6. Adoption of regulations applicable to Mobile Home 2-8. 6 days. Call 648-7647 WANTED for a specialty AREA with dirt floors. 1979 YAMAHA 1100 Parks. after 2 p.m. office in Vernon Circle. 649•4002- 3 and 4 room First room 18Mi ft.xl5 ft.; SPECIAL - custom seat, Pleasant working con­ APARTMENT - for rent. second room 23 ft.xl5Vk ft. 002-08 PART TIME TELLERS ditions, many benefits. [iHeat, utilities, parking, $30 monthly. 6480717. custom paint, asking. $2,- wanted Thursday evenings Experienced preferred but MEW HOm ES curity deposit. No pets. 695. Call 228-4077. Ask for and Saturdays. Contact not necessary. Telephone 64890M or 6481827. 5,000 Ft. Will sub-divide in Don after 6 p.m. Eileen Fritz, 646-4004. ContBRENNiry CspBS Small Sections. 35 Oakland STATE OF CONNECTICUT 872-7852. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION EOE. MANCHESTER 9110,000 2Vk Baths, Fireplaced Study. Street, Manchester. Heavy 24 WOLCOTT HILL ROAD SItuotlon Wontod IS MANCHESTER 994,900 LOCATIONI LOCATIONI •105,000 Every day someone traffic area. Excellent PRODUCTION parking. Low rental fee. Weekend events WETHERSFIELD, CONN. MANCHESTER 988,000 TIMROD ROAD This 9 roam quality bulk CO LO N IAL home la located In the somewhere is getting WORKERS - established HOUSEWORK WANTED - MANCHESTER FIXER Executive BILEVEL In excellent condition on park-llke over- Rockisdge area of Manchester with the town reservoir results from his Classified The Herald provides a lUIlLDINGfS) AM)/OR S I'RliCTl RE(S) I'O UK nationwide pillow Experienced. Steady. sized lot; 2 lirsplacse: King sized master bedrdbm; Qradous Zi nsser Agency 6 room COLONIAL CAPE: Nice neighborhood; Sptclout across the street and mature woods behind. The amenities Ad. Try one yourself and comprehensive calendar of RKMOVED manufacturer has im­ Reliable. Machester area. rooms; Fireplaced living room end Family room; 1 car at* Family room; This home Is a must see In one of the most of this home go on and onl Call today tor. your private Reeort Property “ where to go and what to Sealed bids for the removal or demolition of mediate full time openings Please call 649-5007. tached garage; Good in w ^m e n t for the handy personi desirable nsighborhoodsi showing. iti) 646-1511 see. Rent for all types production do," every Friday in the building(s) and/or structure(s), wili be received by the workers. No experience Condominium! 22 COTTAGE FOR RENT at Focus/Weekend section. Commissioner of Transportation in Room 148 at 24 necessary, we will train IF YOU PURCHASE A HOME FROM D.W. FISH, IN OUR LOCAL AREA, TWO BRAND NEW LISTINGS MANCHESTER - 2 Coventry Lake. Excellent Wolcott Hill Road, Wethersfield, Connecticut, until you. Day shift, 5 day week. HISTORIC CHENEY FULL DOMMMD CAP! bedroom, garage, base- condition. Two bedrooms. MANCHESTER - $42,900. S or 4 Uim OOM t 11;(K) A.M, September 1, 1981 after which they will be Opportunity for advance­ Manchester Gardens. WE GUARANTEE YOU WILL NOT HAVE THE EXPENSE OF TWO HOMES. COLONML MANY IXTHAS— ■ ment, yai^ for prts. $250. G Available Sept. 16th to Oct. publicly opened and read aloud. Bids must be submitted 3rd. Call evenings, 649- ment, and a full benefit Owner moving. Must sell. 2 ElOHT ROOMS Sota-Drapea -MIrror-FIrapiaca llxturea- II, 561-1221. Probate Notice on Proposal Form CON 114J in bid envelopes provided darkroom, wall-to-wall carpeta-FIra alarm 6896. program offered. Apply in bedroom Townhouse Con­ 248' FMIK-UKE YARD by the Department of Transportation, which may be person at Pillowtex Cor­ do. Save a lot b; RECENT ROq^ PRINT, system covertible also to burglar alarm. EXCELLENT SIX ROOM •••••••••••••••••••••••• Court of Probate. District of Manchester secured in Room 145 at 24 Wolcott Hill Road, poration, 49 Regent Street, from owner! 64! TAG SALES INSUUTNM. CONVgNIINT APARTMENT - $400. No IVanted to Rent SI PLAtTUID WALLS NOTICE OF HEARING Wethersfield, Connecticut. The telephone number is 566- Manchester, Ct E.O.E., 0 OR 0 BEDROOMS HIQH SIXTHS pets. References and ESTATE OF JACOB F. MULLER, M/F.______^ n n i S H E i r s NOTICE IMMACULATEI security. Lombardo ti RESPONSIBLE COUPLE deceased 4750. Associates, 649-4003. with no children or pets □ REAL ESTATE UIW ElOHTIESI BOFHHIL RWT0M^6474413J Pursuant to an order ol Hon. "All persons are invited to bid without regard to race. , taUAL HOUOIHO OOnOTUNITY will house sit your apart­ William E. FitzGerald, Judge, Let a Classified Ad help color, creed, national origin or sex." STRANO GIGANTIC WICKER TWO FAMILY TAG EXCELLENT SIX ROOM ment or home. References dated August 6. 1981 a hearing will you sell no longer needed HOUSE - $575. No pets. available. Call for more be held on an application praying but use ful items. Call 643- Hornet For Solo 23 SALE! Dealer going out of SALE: dining room, and S U N a S H A o e To demolish or dismantle each following ITEM, the con­ All rM l MtAt* advertized In thie newspaper Is sub|eot to the business. Must sell References and security. details, GOOD REALTY, lor authority to compromise and 2711. lEAL ESTATE kitchen set, many other settle a disputed claim in favor of tractor must have a current Demolition License with Federal Fair Housing Act of 1968 which makes It Illegal to adver­ Glastonbury. This enchanting Ranch has both Iximbardo & Associates, 5681277. LAKE SEBASTICOOK, everything immediately at household items. 205 Hop said estate against Scott Ingerto as 172 L CENTER STREET. MANCHESTER tise any prafaranca, limitation, or discrimlnabon baaed on race, lavish living room (lUzJS) and king size bedrooms, the State of Connecticut. NEWPORT, Me. Summer discount! Second mark-'' River Road, Bolton. 649-4003. in said application on file more ful- color, religion, sax or national origin, or an Intention to make any JVi baUis, I fireplaces. Z car garage. 2.7 acres. 67 HELP WANTED FULL home, custom crafted. down! Items priced from SUNDAY ONLY. 84. AutO! For Sale o , i, appea/s. al the court ol Probate Item #1, 76-88-20, l-IG-86-l(34)8 — 2‘/z Story Frame TIME - Clerk-Cashier Furnishings, boats, $49,000. ''SPOTLESS ft COMFORTABLE” such preference, limitation or discrimination. Thia nsvmpaper will $1 to $30. Saturday August Lovely country setting with tricklln brook and, E X C E L L E N T •••••••••••••••••••••••• on September to, 1981 at 11 ;00 a m. small pond. Mlnnechaug Mt. area. Close to three House, 1089 Tolland Turnpike, MANCHESTER. Former needed third shift 11 p.m. - Pine Cone Realty, New­ not knowingly accept any advartlsamant for real aetata which Is In 22nd 10 a.m.-4 p.m. All ROOM APARTMENT A Dawn E. Graboski. Ass't. Clerk ANTIQUES TO TAG country clubs. property of: FRANCES E. BARLOW 7 a.m. Apply in person port, Maine 04953. 207-368- violation of the law. items brand dew. 63 South SALES & Farm fresh $3W. No-pets. References 039-08 Monday thru Friday, 9 4315. Free catalog. Road, Bolton. Apt. 32 and security. Lombardo & Cal. Days Liti. Damages roduce too! Shop early for 1972 CAPRI. Good running a.m. - 3 p.m. 7-Eleven (Back entrance). Think ie best deals, every Sun­ Associates, 649-4003. 30 $25.00' •••••••••sseaaaaaaaaaeea aeeeaeaaeaaeaaaeeeaeaaaa «ith Real Estate 6484126 condition. Needs some Proltulc Notice Store, 513 Center Street, SEASONAL HEATED Cot-1 Ahead To The Holidays. Bday 8 a.m. - 3 p.m. The Commissioner of Transportation body work. $300. 646-0450. NOTICE TO C EDITORS Manchester. tage. Needs paint. Take Polntlng-Poporlng. 32 Houootiold G oods 40 CASH AND CARRY! Eastern Conn. Flea Market EXCELLENT THREE 030-08 COLONIAL ROOM APARTMENT - ESTATE OF ROBERT S. over mortgage. Call i at the Mansfield Drive-In 1971 T -B IR D - 54,000 PORTERFIELD, deceased FULL TIME AND/OR anytime Friday, Saturday, CONTEMPORARY SUPER TAG SALE: Draf­ $240. No pets. References INTERIOR AND Theater (Jet. 31&32) is original miles. Excellent The Hon. William E. FitzGerald. Part time employment at FURNITURE available at ting, drawing, engineering, 7 Rooma. 1 full and 2 half haUia. Modem kitchen and security. Lombardo & Sunday and Monday. 7Vl- EXTERIOR painting, open through November! running, body, and in­ Judge, ol the Court ol Probate. INVITATION TO BID Bolton Ice Palace. 7630. paper , Carpentty wholesale prices. Custom art supplies and graphic wiUi new cablneta and dlahwaahei. Larger foriM l Associates, 649-4003. Dislrict ol Manchester at a hearing SECTION 00010 1 dining room, paneled den, 2 generoua olze terior. F-all power. Telephone Mr. Morris: 646- Work. Fully msureo. J.P. and standard sizes art materials. August 21- held on August 18. 1981 ordered . badrooma. Walk-up attic, walk-out baaemeift, to Negotiable. Serious only - Sealed Proposals for the General Conlracl. including all Subeonlracls. 8024. M A N C H E S T E R - By avitilable. Visit our factory 23rd,»Friday- 12 noon-7 MANCHESTER MAIN that all claims must be presented Lewis A Son, 6489658. large aharded yard. In Bowera School area. Matt 6483409. (or the Renovation and Addition. Manchester High Schmil. Manchesler. owner. $63,900. Three MANCHESTER — Ifa hard to Imaglna a showroom Monday - Satur­ p.m., Saturday 85, Sunday STREET - 3-4 room apart­ to the ■ fiduciary on or before Connecticut, will be received by Mr Maurice Pass, Direelor of Ceneral SALES CLERKS AND Bedroom Cape. Featuring; day 9-5 p.m. Andre Fur­ 183. 611 Palisado Avenue TAG SALE - Moving to ment, heated, hot water, November 18. 1981 or be barred as Services. Municipal Building. Manchesler. Conneclicul, until 2:00 P M Colonial aa^nlca aa thIa fw thO prico. Thraa H O M E D E C O R PMbricIt Rgeflcy 1968 DODGE WAGON - CASHIERS: wanted part Birch Kitchen Cabinets, No P A IN T IN G A niture Industries, 125 (Route 159) Windsor, CT. California - everything appliances, no pets. by law provided. E.D.S.T., on Tuesday. September 22. 1981. at which lime Ihey will he badrooma, full baaamant with ahowar. Dvar- Nice condition. Automatic Sherrie L. Anderson. time evenings and Edwin Rd., South Windsor. goes! Saturday, August Parking,^ security. publicly opened and read. Wax Floor, Dishwasher, DECORATING 6484206 transmission, power Ass't. Cterk weekends for modern phar­ Wall-to-Wall Carpeting, alzad 2 car garago, covarad porch, naarar oil GARAGE SALE RAIN OR Z2nd and Sunday August Telephone 5287047. Wallpapering and steering. Pretty and The fiduciary is; All Bids must be accompanied by a Certified Check of the Bidder, or a macy. Pleasant * working humor unit, beautiful yard. A .plaaauia to ANTIQUE FULL SIZE bed SHINE; 9 Coleman Road, 23rd, 185. 13 Cedar Street, Sherwood Porterfield Hickory Paneled & f Removal. Free Estimates. economical. Telephone643- Bid Bond in the amount of 10% of the total Bid. and made payable to the conditions. Retail Carpeted Rec Room. ahow. 972,000. and dresser Telephone Manchester. Tools, spor­ Manchester. Follow MANCHESTER 3, 4 and 5 ROOM fi7 Wellington Road. Fully insured. Call after 8932. order of the Town of Manchester. experience necessary. Garage, treed yard, gas 4:00 p.m., 647-9724. 649-7650. ting goods, much mis­ orange signs. 120 Avondale Road APARTMENTS in 2 fami- Manchester. CT 06040 Apply in person at once: heat, energy efficient. cellaneous. Thursday, 0344)8 The successful bidder will be required to furnish a satisfactory Perfor- MUST SELL 1975 BUICK mance and Labor and Materials Payment Bond in the full amount of the Liggett Parkade Phar­ Close to busline, schools, Friday, Saturday and Sun­ TAG SALE - Friday and 6 4 6 - a O O O Building ControeUng 33 6 Room Cape (1 unfinished). 1 baUi. 1 car garage. LA SABRE - All power. Contract. After opening of Bids, all Proposals shall stand available fur macy, Parkade Shopping shopping. Available for day 9 a.m. till dark. Saturday, 9 Edison Road, 9 Article! lor Solo 41 Good condlUon. Bowers School. |81,W0. Call. $1400 or Best offer. 55 acceptance for a period of sixty *60) days. Center, 404 West Middle September 1st occupancy. to 5. Probate Notice FARRAND Homestead Street. Turnpike, Mancester. By appointment. 649-1464. REMODEUNG - Cabinets, TAG SALE - Saturday GLASTONBURY - char­ Cpurt of Probale. District ol Copies of the Plans and Specifications may be obtained at the office August 22nd., 10 to 4. Laura THREE FAMILY TAG ming two bedroom, Manchester Russell Gibson von Dohlen Inc.. 281 Farmington Avenue. Farnungton. Roofing, Gutters, Room SURPLUS JEEPS, CARS, Drive, Hebron. Take Lon­ SALE - Saturday and Sun­ HowlaiHl Realtors modern appliances, NOTICE OF HEARING Connecticut, on or after August 24. 1981. upon deposit of Seventy live Additions, Decks, All types TRUCKS. Car Inventory of Remodeling and ALUMINUM SheeU used don Road off Route 85. Fur­ day, August 22nd and 23rd, carpets, kids ok. Just $325. ESTATE OF DAISY L. BRINK, (| 7 5 00) Dollars for each complete set, refundable upon return of each 643-1108 valued $2143 sold, for $100. deceased set in good condition within ten (10) days of receiving bids Checks shall ••• bbbbbgbgbbgbbbbggbgb # Repairs. Free estimates. as printing plates, .007 niture, dishes, clothes; 9 to 4. 70 Pearl Street, Locators, 236-5646 (sm. MAACO AUTO PAINTING Similar bargains available. Pursuant to an order of Hon. be drawn in favor of the Architect. Business Proporty 26 Service! Offered 31 Fully Insured. Phone 648 thick 50 cenU books and household items. Manchester. fe e )' William E. FitzGerald. Judge, HAS AN Immediate each or 5 for $2. Phone 648 ■OAT YARD FOR R A U Call for information, 602- The Drawings and the Project Manual will be available for inspcclion at 6017. 941-8014, Ext. 7816. Phone dated August 18.1981 a hearing will opening for an experienced PIZZA RESTAURANT, 2711. Must be nicked up Includes Business and Real Estate, located on M A N C H E S T E R - 2 the tollowing locations: General Services' Office, 41 Center Street, QUALITY call refundable. be held on an application praying auto body person. Can accommodate 40. Can before 11 a.m. ONLY. Lake Pocotopaug In Elast Hampton. Office and bedroom duplex. Base­ that an instrument purporting to be Manchester. Conneclicul 06040. office ol Russell Gibsun von Dohlen Inc DESIGN/DRAFTING LEON CIEZSYNSKI and the F W. Dodge Plan Room. Avon Park South, 10 Tower Ume. Avon. Telephone Dave at 647-9928 no longer take care of it. BUILDER. New homes, sbowroom, repair bays, plus 44xl2-foot Uve*ln ment, garage, no lease. the last will and testament of said SERVICE - Residential, 1965 CHEVY II for parts. Connecticut 06001. or stop in at 291 Adams dm-cna Call 646-8050. additions, remodeling, rec CAMPING EQUIPMENT AUGUST 22 and 23rd. 184 TAG SALE: Saturday, Trailer, gas pump service, boat storage area and Pets ok. YZ25. Locators, deceased be admitted to probate as A g o o d a p p roa ch commercial. Specialty floating docks. Mercury Motor Franchise. |U5.- Telephone 6482924 after 4 Street, Manchester. 10x14 Camel Carin Tent. p.m. Childrens clothing, August 22, 9-4. Antiques, 2385646 (sm. fee) in said application on file more ful­ The Town of Manchester is an equal opportunity employer, and requires when house hunting • Buildings, Additions, rooms, garages, kitchens 000. Call for Information. LOCAL FRANCHISE FOR $75. Coleman 2 burner gas­ household Items, mis­ clothing, gas range with p.m. Ask for Mike. ly appears, at the Court of probate an affirmative action policy for all ol its Contractors and Vendors as a Renovations. References. remodelM, ceilings, bath on September 16.1981 at 2:30 P.M. GUIDANCE SECRETARY he to take a cellaneous. 50 Thayer space neater, small old condition o( doing business with the Town, as per Federal Order 11246 SALE - proof of $1,000 per Call Larry, 742-8201 tile, dormers, roofing. oline stove. $15. Telephone SPACIOUS 2 bedroom - Sherrie L. Anderson. - Coventry Public Schools. ______jk and pencii. On Road, Manchester. (Off refrigerator, odds n' ends. F. J. Spitecki ReaHnr 1971 OLDSMOBILE week profit with absentee ANYTIME. Residential or commer­ 6483067. n ew d e c o r c o u n t r y Ass't. Clerk Typing skills reouired, a house-hunting tour, if Dartmouth Road, off 122 Summitt Street, ipliances, CUTLASS - 2 door, 4 barrel The Town ol Manchester reserves the right to reject any or all Bids, cir fossible, consider owner., Total cost $75,000. cial. 649-4291. kitchen, aj 037-08 to accept the lowest responsible bidder, and to waive any informalities, shorthand preferred. Con­ LOAM SALE - Delivering 5 Spring Street.) Manchester. 6482121 carburator, dual exhaust, fringing along a cannera Call collect 1-401-724-8198, HOUSECLEANING In­ pritirlvate par ;ing. $225. omissions, excess verbiage, or technical defects in the bidding, if, in Us tact Mr. Mahoney at 742- ards. $60 tax included, headders, pin stripped, as well. It Is a good idea Mr. DeCristoforo. doors and out. Reliable DESIGN KITCHENS, yai Locilators 2385646 (sm. fee) opinion, it would be in the best interest of the Town of Manchester to do 7334. EOE. Saind, gravel. Call 6489504. posi-traction. No rust. $800 to write down the name, with references. Call Herb cabinets, vanities, counter firm. 742-7814 after 4 p.m. Probate Notice so. 646-9767. Machine may tops, kitchen cabinet fronts VERNON - cozy 1 bedroom Town of Manchester. PART TIME - Pantry Per­ address and phone Court of Probate, District of Connecticut Services OtIorod 31 custom woodworking, Articlee lor Solo 41 Roome for Root 52 Apertmonta For Rant 53 - utilltes paid, carpets, Manchester number of each owner. answer, leave message. TAG SALE SATURDAY TAG SALE: Miscellaneous 1968 PLYMOUTH - Robert B. Weiss. son, making salads, light appliances too. Under $200. NOTICE OF HEARING 'Die name and number colonial reproductions. AUGUST 22nd. 185. Toys, household items, ——V ...... *...... Excellent running condi­ General Manager prep. Contact Chef. REWEAVING BURN ALL AREAS: Apartments Locators, 236-5646 (sm. ESTATE OF CLARENCE A. J.P. Lewis 6^9658. miscellaneous items, iw s, glassware, jewelry, COIL BED spring. Double GENTS ONLY, - Central Manchester High School Cavey’s Restaurant. Call of the real estate PINBALL MACHINE - tion. Some body damage to PORTERFIELD, deceased HOLES. Zippers, um­ childrens toys, games, bed. $35. Excellent condi­ and houses available. If fee) Renovation and Addition 643-2751 professional handling Reconditioned Pinball stereo, dishes, etc. 79 (Cot­ right rear. Asking $200 or Pursuant to an order ol Hon he showing will be brellas repaired. Window ERIN MASONRY tage Street, Manchester. much more. August 22nd, tion. Telephone 6481625. youlu ddon’t see it - ask for it. 031-00 WOULD LOVE TO Machine (Arcade size.) best offer. Call 646-4397 William E. FitzGerald, Judge, given to you. Make shades, Venetian blinds. BUILDERS, INC. concrete 9:30 - 4 p.m. 70 Agnes G II, 561-1221. Homeo lor Rent S4 CLEANING WOMAN FOR WATCH your child in my Best offer. Call soon; Bill STONE FREE LOAM. after 5:00 p.m. ' dated August 18.1981 a hearing will notes on all special Keys. TV FOR RENT. and masonry construction MOVING - INDOOR TAG Drive, Manchester. 6482693 for appointment. SMALL HOME - Own Marlow's, 867 Main Street. state licensed home. at 5687764 after 5:30 p.m. Pick up or delivered. Call VERNON - Heat included. be held on an application praying points of interest and and repairs. Insured. Call SALE, Saturday and Sun­ that an inslrumenl purporting to be transportation. Snacks and lunch included. weekdays. 6481775 or 644-2769 7:00 1975 MERCURY INVITATION TO BID note the specific 649-5221. 647-17M. day, August 22nd and 23rd, MANCHESTER - Fur­ King sized three bedroom the last will and testament ol said References. Call 649-5824 Call Carol 646-8402. a.m. to 10:00 p.m. with basement. Kid’s o.k. MONARCH $1495. Can be SECTION 00010 1 problems which are ob from 83. Gothes, tools, an- nished sievin g room for seen azt 79 Summer Street, deceased be admitted to probate as after 5 p.m. BRICK, BLOCK, STONE - 2tk ROOMS AVAILABLE - Call now. Locators 2385646 in said application on file more ful­ Sealed Proposals lor the Fixed Equipment for construction ol Ihc vious in each. Later, ELECTRICAL SERVICES WAT tiu(ies, miscellaneous. 31 DogO'BIrdo-Pete working gentlema. $150 a Manchester between 4 and Concrete. Chimney LICENSED DAY CARE - TAG SALE - Saturday heat, hot water, (sm. fee) ly appears, at the Court of Probate Renovation and Addition to Manchesler High Sthmil. Manchesler. your real estate - We do all types of Elec­ Golway Street, ...... *...... , month phis security and Connecticut, will be received by Mr. Maurice Pass. Direelor of General MATURE, Responsible Repairs. “ No Job Too Verplanck School area. ••fUt GOOD HOME NEEDED appliances, security, 6 p.m. on September 17,1981 at 2:00 P.M. irofessional will be able trical Work! Licensed. Call Manchester, (Upstairs.) August 22nd 9 a.m . 40 references. Share modem Services. Municipal Building, Manchester, Connecticut 06040. until 2:00 person to care for our six Smali." Call 644-8356 for Meals Included, any age Thomas Drive, for pair of unusual blue- references,. lease. Call BOLTON - Carpeted two Sherrie L. Anderson. o use this information after 5:00 p.m., 6481516. bath, free parking, no VOLVO 1972 144E - fuel in­ Ass't. Clerk P.M. E.D.S.T., on Thursday. September 17, 1981. at which time and month old In our home 16- estimates. accepted. Telephone 643- Manchester. Somethong eyeu beige and wWte after 6:30 p.m. 6483911. bedroom duplex with gar­ 20 hour week. Must be in finding other houses Rt S9 II Camlno Mua FOUR F/tMIUES - 39, 42, iking. Telephone 643- jected, automatic, runs 0364)8 place they will be publicly opened and read 6776. CONCRETE AND Vamon ■782s n for Everyone! kittens. 6386581-342-0671. 2 12 2 . age. $300's. Locators 238 flexible. References. Call especially suited to your 53, 68 Leland, Saturday & V______FOR RENT - 2 bedroom well. 113,000 miles. $1,000. All Bids must be accompanied by a Certified Check of the Bidder .ora requirements. A couple PAVING - Concrete 5646 (sm. fee) 649-3847. DAY CARE/NURSERY Sunday 9 to 3.- Round oak apartment, no utilities, no 'Telephone 646-4762. Bid Bond In the amount of 10% of the tou l Bid. and made payable to ihc of pictures of each driveways, foundations, Qerden Produclo 47 ULTRA ROOM - with Probate Notice PROGRAM - STATE table, flush doors, kitchen pets. $275 monthly. E A S T H A R T F O R D - order ol Ihe Town of Manchester. floors and all other con­ CHRYSANTHEMUMS - privileges, extremely ------Court ol Probate, District ol EXPERIENCED LEGAL house are good for later M&M P&H, Manchester set, swing set, bike and Telephone 7489828. 1979 CHEVETTE - 2 door, Licensed. Three understan­ crete needs. Also, blacktop Many varieties. M Moun- i-easonable rates for full or Family sized three Manchester The successful bidder will be required to lurnish a salislactory Perliir- Secretary needed full time. reference and to show 649-2871. Small repairs, WATER It AIR - Complete TAG SALE - Route 85, 22,224 miles, automatic, ding teachers. Enclosed driveways. For your free parts, oven, range, sink, , tain' Road, Glastonbury, partial board. In exchange bedroom house, NOTICE OF HEARING mance and Labor and Materials Payment Bond in the full amount ol Ihe Telephone 649-5277. other famiiy members. remodeling, heating, Kingsized Waterbeds, star- Bolton, Saturday 22nd and TWO BEDROOM, one bath new brakes, radio, snow Contract. After opening ol Bids, all Proposals shall s t ^ available for play yard, play room, estimates call Andre Char- air conditioner - great near Minneachaug Golf no cooking in my kitchen. appliances, yard, kids. ESTATE OF IRENE T. If you aro Intoraatod baths, kitchens and water ting at $199. "The Sunday 23rd. 10-5. ranch. Large yard, com-, tires. Excellent condition. acceptance for a period of sisly (60) days. snacks, lunches. Learning bonneau A Sons, 5287551 buys. Course. $2m . Locators 236-5646. BRZEZINSKI. deceased STOCK BOY for after­ In Invasling aoma heaters. Free estimates! Professional Waterbed Househ.old items, craft •••••••••••••••••••••••• Telephone 649-0102. pletely furnished, available $3900. Telephone 647-9925. experiences. Keeney evenings 644-9188. ••••••••••*•••••••#••••* (sm fee) Pursuant to an order of Hon. Copies of Fixed Equipment Plans and Specilicalions may be obtained at monay In ramodallng People.” Broad Street, William E. FitzGerald. Judge, noons, evenings and some School District. 2Vk - 5 TAG SALE - Saturday and supplies, clothes, lots AnUquee 48 September 1,1981 to April the office ol the Consullant, F. Jaworskl. ft Associates. 203 New Britain old bulldinga or Manchester. Apartmento For Rod! 8 3 dated August 14.1981 a hearing will Saturday's. Apply in per­ C A M Tree Service, Free years. 646-4864, Sunday August 22n(l and more. •••••••#•••••••••••••••• 1st, 1982. $6M per month GLASTONBURY: 6 room Avenue, Hartford. Connecticut 06106 or the Architect, Russell Gibson -•••••••••••••••••••••••• be held on an application praying son at D&L, Manchester ranovating an apart- estimates. Discount senior ••B«BBBBBBBBBBB««**BBB*« WANTED - ANTIQUE plus utilities and security von Dohlen Inc., 281 Farmington Avenue. Farmlngtun. Connecticut 23rd, 9 to 4, U Bank Street, MANCHESTER - family home, basement, laundiw, that an instrument purporting to be Parkade. mant bulm citizens. Company RooHng 34 USED OVERHEAD TAG SALE - Saturday deposit. Sorry, no pets. 06032, on or alter August 24.1981, upon deposit of Fifty (150.001 Dollars, UCENSED DAY CARE In Manchester. FURNITURE, Glass, sized Five roomer. porch. Kids ok. $4^. G U, the last will and testament of said Manchester owned and GARAGE DOOR: 7 feet August 22nd. 10 to 4. CaU 6483690. lor each complete set, refundable upon return of each set in good condi­ Bia TCDFORD REAL my South Coventry home - Pewter, Oil Paintings or Available now. Locators 561-1221.______deceased be admitted to probate as P A R T T IM E operated. Call 646-1327. large yard - close to ROOFER WILL INSTALL 8. feet com p lete. $65. MOVING! Oak service tion within ten (10) days ol receiving bids. Checks shall be drawn In ESTATE: CENTURY THREE FAMILY TAG Antique items. R. ' 2386646 ts ■WsJUiloPirti NOTICE TO CREDITORS cing. Attics, celiars, gar­ PROF^IQNAL FOR SALE: Kenmore di8 CaU 643-2301.______condition ol doing business with the Town, as per Federal Order 11246 STATION Attendant for HEATING - Water pump Rain date August 23. 9-3. of extras. $175. Uicators TOLLAND ESTATE OF WALTER II you hava any ages cleaned. Ali types PAINTING - Interior and hwasher, one girls 3 speed Rooms tor Root 52 e a s t HARTFORD - 6 / weekends only, for a full specialists. Also, 2016 Hebron Avenue, 236-5646 (sm lee)______IZIKEWICZ. Jr., deceased quaatlona plaaaa bo trash, brush removed. exterior. Conunercial and bicycle 26 inch. Telephone PRIVATE SPACIOUS 4 room home, fireplace, The Town of Manchesler reserves Ihe right to reject any or all Bids, or s e r v i c e s t a t io n In remodeliim service or Glastonbury. Parrott cage, B764231 M M 6 7 The Hon. William E. FitzGerald. to accept the lowest responsible bidder, and waive any informalities, aura to aak. Picket, Spiit Rail, 6488137 after 3:00 p.m. MANCHESTER rooms. Sunporch, garage, extra bath, kids ok. $425. Manchester. Elxperienced residential. Free es­ repairs. Free estimates. crib mattress, dishes, fur­ SOUTH WINDSOR - Coxy Judge, of Uie Couh of Probate, omissions, excess verbiage, or technical delects in the bidding, if. in Us DID YOU KNOW? Stockade Fences installed. Extremely nice room. heat, hot water, Locators, 236-4656 (sm. District of Manchester at a preferred. For more infor­ timates. Fulty insured. 648 TAG SALE SATURDAY, niture, all kinds of one bedroom. 'Utilities in­ opinion, it would be In the best Interest ol the Town ol Manchester to do Ask why the former 5284)670. GO-CART, 5 bp, Tecum t Augusf 22, 182. 135 Green Working gentleman appUances. Working cou­ hearing held on August M. 1081 mation, please call 243- 4879. household and mis- cluded. $200. Locators 238 teef so. owner is selling his eh, engine, two wheel ' Road. Rain date Sunday, preferred. Kitchen ple. No children or peta. ordered that all claims must be 5457. house. Determine as LICENSED DAY CARE drive, band brakes, mag cellaneohs articles. privileges. $50 weekly. 5646 (sm. fee) $340. Security and 1969 FORD LTD: running presented'to the fiduciary on or Town of Manchester LEE PAINTING. Interior August 23rd. No previews THREE BEDROOM newly condition. $150. Telephone weii If there are any HOME - Will watch your A Eheterior. "Check my HovMpholB G oods 40 wheels. $300. Telephone please. •#••••••••••••••••••**** Strano Real Estate, 648 references. Telephone 648 refinlshed aluminum sided 'before November U, 1881 or be Connecticut aaaaaaataaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa p l e a s a n t Q U IE T 6486122. barred aa by law provided. NEEDLECRAFTERS: structural difficulties. child or infant days. Call rate before you decorate.'' 6382783. ArUeloo lor Solo 41 1578. 4714 after 5 p.m .______Ranch. Available - im­ Robert B. Weiss. 6480262. USED •••••••••••••#•••••••••• COMPLETELY Sherrie L. Anderson. Creative Expressions D ^ n d a b le. Fully Insured. TAG SALE - Saturday RENOVATED 4 rooms, mediately. Close to bus and SURPLUS JEEP. Value Asi't. Clerk General Manager ___ 1------REFRIGERATORS, SCREENED LOAM CENTRAL LOCA'nON, - EAST HARTFORD - fur­ needs part time Instructors 6481653. August 22nd, 10 to ? 17 29 CANNING JARS - $9.00 2nd floor. Middle aged per­ highway.. $500 monthly, $3196, sold for $44. Call 312- The fiduciary Is: Manchester, Connecticut A C O M P L E T E WASHERS, RANGES - Gravel, Processed (oravel, Free parking, kitchen nished one b ^ room 2 ^ plus security and Barbara Izikewici and managers in your area. Ashworth Stpeet. Expen­ dozen or all for 820. sons preferred. Non- 742-1143 ext. 8426 for infor­ Manchester High School CARPENTRY service. Clew , Guaranteed. Parts , stone, and fill. For privileges, security and rooms. Carpeting base­ references. Call Mr. 131 Summer Street Excellent training INTERIOR PAINTING, sive, inexpensive, silver, National Geographies, smokers. No pets. Securiw mation on how to purchase Renovation and Addition Counters, remodelinffi & Service. Low prices! veries call George Written references ment. $55 weekly. O I I 561- Rotnmanor Mr. Green 848 Manchester. CT 06040 provided. Call 1-800-81^ over ten years experience, antiques, jewelry, mis­ 19681971 50 cents each. and references. CaU 649- bargains like this! repairs, concrete work. No lowrates; ' ...... B.D.Peai-l