John C. Lennox | 256 pages | 01 Oct 2011 | Lion Hudson Plc | 9780745953229 | English | Oxford, John Lennox - The - The Veritas Forum

He is a force to be reckoned Gunning for God: Why the New Atheists are Missing the Target. He is a professor at Oxford who has engaged in two major debates with and . The reason he wrote this book is because he felt he could more fully develop his ideas in writing. If you are curious about the New Atheists this book has a lot to offer. What this book really does is show how extremes on the side of atheism and religion can be dangerous for humans. So in that way I think this book is very balanced. John C. Lennox does not shy Gunning for God: Why the New Atheists are Missing the Target from historical facts. This book starts out fairly mildly and is somewhat funny in places. Then it becomes much more serious. There is also a great discussion on Jesus and the resurrection at the end. While reading this book a lot of my response was "Yikes. But as a woman who loves seeing two intellectual guys fight it out I must say I was very entertained. That way you know which side each is fighting for. I felt this book while intense at points had a very beautiful ending. I definitely want to read more books by this author. Email This BlogThis! Newer Post Older Post Home. Dr. John Lennox | The Trinity Forum

In chapter after chapter, analysing different aspects of their work, he finds their arguments flawed, their understanding of Christian belief skewed, and Gunning for God: Why the New Atheists are Missing the Target use of evidence faulty. Because they are led by a mistrust of religion which has spilled over into distaste and then blind-prejudice, the New Atheist literature if filled with misquotations, misrepresentations and unsupported assertions, which Lennox exposes and dismantles with some relish. For his part, John Lennox is a Professor of Mathematics at The , sometime lecturer in the Philosophy of Science, and someone who has publicly debated these issues with Dawkins and Hitchens. He also writes from distinctly Christian convictions — and wishes the reader to know why contrary to the New Atheist assertions to the contrary these form part of a seamless worldview with his science — and not in contrast or contradiction to it. The latter half of the book focuses more on in particular, and deals in detail with some of the critiques of Christian theology which have been raised, such as the morality of the Bible and the doctrine of the Atonement Jesus died in our place to reconcile us to God. Here Lennox finds countless examples of wilful? This remarkably combative book pulls no punches, and demonstrates many of the flaws in the writings of Dawkins et al. While no doubt Lennox would listen attentively if Dawkins were to be lecturing in his specialist area of biological research, it soon becomes apparent that he takes a very dim view of Dawkins ability to comment meaningfully in the areas of philosophy or theology. Gunning for Godmakes a strong contribution to this debate which has dominated so much public discourse about over the last decade or so. No doubt believers will be heartened by this book, and followers of Dawkins et al, very irritated by it. It deserves to be widely read, especially by people who have embraced the New Atheist worldview. At the very least, serious engagement with Lennox would help them to adjust any serious misrepresentations of Christian faith they have accepted from the New Atheist writers. This otherwise excellent book would greatly benefit from the addition of a proper index. Skip to content. Search for: x. We were amazed at how many thousands of Gunning for God: Why the New Atheists are Missing the Target watched our first webinars. But I also reject it because I am a scientist. How could I…. Gunning for God: Why the New Atheists Are Missing the Mark

He is a native of and went to school there. Lewis, and then went to the University of , . During his twenty-six years there he spent a year at each of the universities of Wuerzburg, Freiburg as an Alexander von Humboldt Fellowand and has lectured extensively in both Eastern and Western Europe, Russia and on mathematics, apologetics and the exposition of Scripture. He has published over seventy peer-reviewed articles on mathematics and co-authored two Oxford Mathematical Monographs and has worked as a translator of Russian mathematics. He also speaks French and German. He is the author of many books on the relations of science with religion and ethics, the most recent of which are: Informetika, Budapest, Harmat-Keve, ; Hat die Wissenschaft Gott begraben? Has Science buried God? Brockhaus, Spanish ClieBulgarianHungarian Worldview with Professor D. Goodingthree volumes published both in Russian and Ukrainian. Lion-Hudson, Kregel of Sceptic Magazine in Sydney, both in Gunning for God: Why the New Atheists are Missing the Target During the Cold War he made repeated visits over twenty-five years to many of the Communist countries and since the collapse of communism Gunning for God: Why the New Atheists are Missing the Target visited Russia repeatedly, speaking in universities and academies of science. He has been married to Sally for forty yearsand they have three children and four grandchildren and live in the countryside near Oxford. His hobbies are languages, amateur bird-watching, and astronomy. Lennox has spoken at several Trinity Forum Evening Conversations on topics such as science and faith, including:. Remember me Lost your password? Click here to learn about our online events. John Lennox. His website is johnlennox.