The God Delusion Delusion
Refl ections, Impressions & Experiences The God delusion delusion Graham Leo Principal, Emmanuel College, Gold Coast, Qld Background many scientists, who were atheists in their youth, but Whilst I was on sabbatical leave and studying at who have since turned to a belief in God. Oxford, in 2007, I heard from friends and family The simple response to Dawkins’ accusation is that there had been quite a lot of exposure in the that the evidence suggests that religion is not an TV media in regard to Richard Dawkins’ latest infantile response for many people, but in fact a book, The God delusion. Dawkins, at Oxford, mature response to a lifelong consideration of the holds the interesting post of Professor of Public real world. People of all backgrounds make this Understanding of Science. deliberate, mature response—scientists, historians, artists, musicians, lawyers, and so on. There is no Dawkins’ One of my course lecturers was Professor Alister hard evidence that can be adduced to this claim assertion is McGrath, who holds the post of Professor of Science of infantilism. Dawkins’ assertion is just that— just that—an and Religion, at another Oxford College. McGrath an assertion. It is not based on evidence. Any “ has written a number of books in response to evidence that is available points us to the opposite assertion; it is not based Dawkins’ books about religion. Two of these include conclusion—Christian faith is likely to be a serious, on evidence a response to The God delusion, called The Dawkins thoughtful, logical and deliberate choice. delusion, and an earlier one, Dawkins’ God: Genes, memes and the meaning of life.
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