August 2021|Vol 85 No. 12 | Av— 5781

Upcoming Events: August

Virtual Sisterhood Meeting Tuesday, August 10, 2021 10:30am Details on page 8

CRS Board Meeting Wednesday, August 11, 2021 6:45pm

Bar Mitzvah of Eli Hagler Saturday, August 14, 2021 10:30am Details on page 10

Selichot Saturday, August 28, 2021 8:00pm Details on page 11

CONGREGATION RODEF SHOLOM 1119 ELM STREET YOUNSTOWN, OH A Message from Our Interim Rabbi PHONE: 330.744.5001 On August 9, 2021, we will celebrate Rosh Hodeh Elul, [email protected] the first day of the Hebrew of Elul. Elul is the WWW.CONGREGATIONRODEFSHOLOM.ORG month preceding the month of Tishri in which we RABBI PAULA WINNIG celebrate all our fall High Holydays. Elul is considered the INTERIM RABBI “warm up” to our observances of and because in it we

SARAH WILSCHEK add special liturgical readings to begin the process of repentance and renewal which EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR is highlighted throughout Elul to Rosh Hashanah, throughout the and concludes with Neilah on Yom Kippur. BOARD OF TRUSTEES The liturgy that we add includes the “Selichot” prayers. S’licha means “sorry” in NANCY BURNETT PRESIDENT Hebrew. The Selichot prayers are prayers in which we begin to apologize for the times we have missed the mark in the past year. These self-reflections however are JASON BOSTOCKY not said in the singular, rather most of them are said in the first-person plural. We TREASURER say: for the times “we’’ have done wrong; For the times “we” should have been ROBERT RAWL better. We speak in the plural here to emphasize that we act as part of and in TREASURER relationship to those around us. While we do not each carry the burdens of the entire DOUG ABBATIELLO world on our shoulders alone, we do collectively carry the responsibility for doing SECRETARY our unique part in building the world together with everyone else. This reminds us HIVELY that our individual actions have ramifications far beyond what most people consider PAST-PRESIDENT as we go about the daily act of living. Maimonides in his Mishneh Torah: Laws of Repentance, wrote that each person, each year must see oneself as being evenly NEIL ALTMAN balanced between innocence and guilt as must the entire world. If one commits a BRIGITT BERK sin, the person and the world tips towards guilt and destruction. If one performs acts of righteousness, one tips oneself and the whole world towards virtue and brings SALLY BLAU CO-PRESIDENT OF SISTERHOOD about their own and the world’s salvation and perfection. MILANA DIMENSTEIN When we act not just in our own interest, we help improve the world. When we act only in our own interest, we chip away at the communal foundations that hold us PHYLLIS FREEDMAN together and we begin the process that leads to a tearing apart at the seams of the BETHANY GOLDBERG fabric of society that holds us together. RON HEIMAN When we participate in the communal act of repentance and apology, we tie ourselves and our world more tightly together. When we work for the collective TEDD KUNKEL betterment of the world, we also increase our own chances for living safely and JESSICA LEV happily in the world. In Pirkei Avot (the ethics of our ancestors) 1:14, Rabbi Hillel famously states: “If I am not for myself, who will be for me? If I am only for myself, ALAN NATHAN what am I? If not now, then when?” TOD NEWMAN The month of Elul and the High Holydays remind us that we must both support PRESIDENT OF BROTHERHOOD ourselves and work for our own good, while always being aware of our place in and JANE POLLACK feel responsible for our world. KANDY RAWL May the month of Elul and the prelude to our observances of Rosh Hashanah, Yom CO-PRESIDENT OF SISTERHOOD Kippur and all the days in between, be filled with prayers for healing and strength. May we also remember that we are truly all in this together. ALAN SAMUELS Sincerely, HUNTER THOMAS


SAMIE WINICK Rabbi Paula Jayne Winnig | Interim Rabbi | Congregation Rodef Sholom RABBI FRANK MULLER, D.D. RABBI EMERITUS 2 A Message from Our Interim President

Dear Congregants,

The weather changes: the seasons change; we change our clothes; twice a year we change our clocks. And yet, we as individuals are reluctant to change our habits. We are so entrenched in our daily routines that we fail to realize changes are occurring all around us. We place arbitrary boundaries around us over which we are afraid to cross.

We live in a society of change and learning to navigate its nuances requires adaptability and the willingness to seek new paths to our destination.

As our community contemplates changes in our worship structure, we are tempted to look back upon our past - to gather about us our comfortable present. The future is filled with uncertainty in our personal lives and in our world, and yet life goes on. Each day is a gift filled with opportunity.

The Torah has referred to us as, “stiff-necked people.” We express discontent, we complain, we debate, we disagree with each other, but is strengthened by these conversations, and our ability to join together as a congregation or community is foremost in our collective response. We are united in envisioning a better world for future generations and ensuring those future generations of Jews in our Valley a place to return home.

As our congregation and our community face choices in the coming month, I hope we can face the challenge of change with an open mind. I hope we can look back at the history of Congregation Rodef Sholom with pride while looking forward to the challenges we face. Congregation Rodef Sholom will remain a vibrant spiritual community regardless of the outcome of the collaboration effort. We will continue to grow and serve our congregants; we will continue to fulfill our mission of respecting diversity, wide-ranging beliefs, and communal needs; and we will continue to be a “beacon of light,” a welcoming spiritual home for all who choose to join us.

May all our choices be for the good of all.

Sincerely, Nancy Burnett

Interim President


4 August 2021


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Service 6pm

8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Virtual CRS Board Shabbat Service Bar Mitzvah of Sisterhood Meeting 6pm Eli Hagler Meeting 6:45pm 10:30am 10:30am

15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Shabbat Service 6pm

22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Shabbat Service Selichot 6pm 8pm

29 30 31

**All programming will be hybrid unless otherwise noted.** 5 Yahrzeits In the rising of the sun and in its going down, We remember them At the blueness of the skies and in the warmth of summer, We remember them

August 6, 2021 Dr. Cecil Bloomberg *Milton Lev *Rosa Pollak Rose *Fannie Stern Schmidt

*Harry A. Cohen *Etta Levy *Rhea Rosenbaum *Dora Schwebel

*Marvin Frankle *Daniel Lippy Leonard Rosenberg Jeanne Post Stone

*Atty. Edward Friedlob Goldie Mayer Abraham Roth Dr. Douglas Wegner

*Robert Hartzell Gold Mary Nicholas Fannie Rudberg *Ernest Weiss

Abraham Klatman Cecila Pose *Esther Sauer *Frederick Wolff

Elizabeth Leibowitz Richard Roland Art Schanz Ethel Zimet-Zauderer

*Albert D. Leopold *Herman Rome *Frances Shermer

August 13, 2021 Helen Barr Bernice Froomkin Esther Kirshenbaum Samuel Shapiro

Joseph Bolotin, M.D. Esther Garwin Bess Rudberg Kristal *Louis Solinsky

*Irene Schwebel Boych Ruth Greenbaum *Lillian Laskovitz *Walter Spiegle

*Frank Cheloff Frances Griffin Helen Lev *Samuel Stolmack

*Dorothy Cohn *Jacob Grobstein Marian Liberatore Adele Strasfeld

Rose Davis Evelyn Halpern *Anna Livingston *Lillian Waldman

Dr. Marvin Epstein *Elliot Hansell *Clara Stern Lowendorf Dr. Margot Wegner

Roslyn Feltenstein Arnold Heiman Robert Pickel *Nellie Wohlgemuth

*Yetta Frank *Simon Hersh *Ida Roland *Adolph Zola

Ella Frank Hyman Hersh *Harry Schagrin

*Charles Frank *Anna Hoffman Max Schecht

Lillian Freed *Marvin Itts *Dr. Bernard Schneider

* Denotes permanent memorial plaque 6 YAHRZEITS CONT.

August 20, 2021 *Morris Bloch Sheila E. Goldich *Melvin Rosen *Milton Bogen *Harriet Newman Grad Saul Rosenberg J. Phillip Davidson *William McKee Jolley Harold Rosenblum Pamela Dutro Robert Jonas Phyllis Gordon Rubin *Cecile Ehrlich *Oscar Buck Kirchner Samuel Santer *Joseph Feldman Eileen H. Legow *Roberta Silber *Rachel Garrick Margaret Livingston *Hattie Traxler *Dr. Edward Gluck *Rebecca Millstone *Selma Wasserman *Isaac Gold Howard Nudel Louis Weingarten *Edward Lee Goldberg *Elsa Kaster Rome Rose Werner

August 27, 2021

*Denise Altman Charlotte Jubelirer *Alex Rudolph *Simon Biller Charlotte Kadis *Harry Schmidt *Sol Boych *Robert E. Kannensohn Donald Sherman *Selma Bradlyn Yaakoc Kassorla *Rose Shwartz Fenwick Broberg *Abe Katz *Lillian Shwartz *Louis B. Berger *Dr. Paul Kaufman Oscar Simon Selma Check *Jacob Klivans Bertha Levin Simon *Isadore Glick *Julianne Levine *Charles Simons Herbert Golden *Sanford Lipton *Walter Spiegle *Myron Goldstone *David Major Minnie Stein Burton Gyenes *Florence Malasky *Blanche Steiner *Emanuel Hartzell *Harry Malkoff *Isaac Sussman *Herbert Heller Katie White Miller Dorothy Beadling Tod *Sylvia Henkin Samuel Miller Dr. Stanley Weinberg *Atty. Max Henkin *Joe Robins *Bernard Weiss *Ida Bender Hodes *Nettye Kaufman Rosenbaum Martha Zenevich *Sarah Hutner Richard Rosenblum *Marjorie Zlotnick *Dr. Herman Ipp *Ruth N. Roth *Samuel H. Zoss

* Denotes permanent memorial plaque 7

8 Prayer - Study– Network– Get Connected! The future is ours to create!







Emily & Michael Fitzpatrick August 1st: (12 years) August 15th: Terri & Steve Anderson (40 years)

August 2nd: Margie & Steve Levy (24 years) August 16th: Judy & Sam Roth (57 years)

Louise & Fred Kannensohn August 3rd: August 21st: (58 years) Wendy & Stephen Weiss (28 years)

Jody & Stan Nudell (46 years) August 22nd: Paula & Fred Leeds (50 years)

August 4th: Leesa & David Edelstein (9 years) August 23rd: Bobby & Jim Pazol (62 years)

August 5th: Lisa & Blondie Levy (49 years) August 27th: Amy & Bob Hendricks (27 years)

August 6th: Kelly & Tod Newman (27 years) August 29th: Susan & Gerald Bostocky (52 years)

August 11th: Lynn & James Kline (48 years) August 30th: Claudia & Eric Axelson (40 years)

Marlene & Louis Epstein August 13th: August 31st: (71 years) Renee & Steve Sheakoski (46 years) Susan & Richard Sokolov (49 years)

Mazel Tov to the following members for a special birthday in August:

August 6th: Betty Rosenberg August 29th: Sheryl Roth

August 14th: Lauren Levy Jack Safier

August 23rd: Leesa Edelstein August 30th: Michael Rawl

August 26th: Steve Baroff

15 Todah Rabbah! Todah Rabbah to Doris Tamarkin and Anita Shapiro for helping the office put out the collaboration mailer to all of our congregants.

Todah Rabbah to Shriver-Allison-Courtley-Weller- King Funeral Home for sponsoring the Shabbat Service on August 6, 2021! BARUCH DAYAN HAMET PRAISED BE THE JUDGE OF TRUTH

It is with sorrow that we note the death of our member: Helen “Dutchy” Leebaw

May her memory be for a blessing and may her loved ones be given comfort and strength.

16 TZEDAKAH CIRCLE Endowment Fund In loving memory of: Oneg Fund In celebration of: Bernard Frank Shabbat Sponsor: Barry Schecht’s Special By Alan Frank By Shriver-Allison-Courtley-Weller Birthday In loving memory of: -King Funeral Home In loving memory of: Denise Altman In loving memory of: Dr. By Neil & Max Altman Esther Tabak By Dianne & Bert Newman In loving memory of: By Sandy & Gene Mallen In loving memory of: Helen “Dutchy” Leebaw In loving memory of: William Kunkel By Jill & David Scheibel Joseph Levy

Helen “Dutchy” Leebaw By Margaret Klein Music Fund By Sarah & David Wilschek and Family In loving memory of: Cemetery Fund In loving memory of: Elena Rebon In loving memory of: Dr. David Cohen Margaret Reese Rose Drabkin By Jenny & Alex Lloyd Oscar Hoffman By Barbara S. Drabkin, M.D.

In loving memory of: Syd Ruth Zoss Social Action Fund Selma Check Bogdane Zoss In celebration of: By Margie & Steve Levy and Family Gerrit Vossen Elliot Legow’s excellent In loving memory of: Margaret Lloyd Davis Dr. Samuel Zoss leadership of the YCCIC Bertha & Oscar Simon Committee Alberto Escandon Katie Miller By Brigitt & Rob Berk and Family By Dr. Kathy Zoss Samuel Miller In loving memory of: In loving memory of: By Marilyn & David Miller Carol Lynch Kaila Fine Gluck In loving memory of: By Alan Frank Emanual Solomon By Yetta & Paul Gluck In loving memory of: By Nina & Barry Solomon Sisterhood Fund Eileen Legow In loving memory of: In loving memory of: Helen Leebaw Shel Sacks Charles Z. Greenbaum By Christine & Elliot Legow Jerome Sacks Robert N. Greenbaum By Hilari & Andy Lipkin Rodef Archival Fund Ruth Greenbaum In loving memory of: In loving memory of: Joseph Beltz Dorothy Lackey Louis & Sidney Davidow Patricia Ware By Susan Orlin & Bob Lackey By Terry Davidow Epstein & Family

By Toni, Art, & Josh Greenbaum Marilyn’s Mitzvah In loving memory of: Tamarkin Chapel Meal Fund Denise Altman Fund In celebration of: By Neil & Max Altman In loving memory of: Paul Gluck’s Birthday In loving memory of: Dr. David Cohen Grace Cotlar Stan Freedman ’s Birthday By Kelly & Bruce Tamarkin By Brigitt & Rob Berk and Family By Charlotte Kaplan







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Our Sponsors Congregation Rodef Sholom would like to thank the following companies for their support in helping to underwrite the cost of the bulletin. We are very grateful for their generosity.


Please contact the Temple office at 330.744.5001 to help underwrite the cost of the bulletin.