SERVING THE NEWPORT - MESA COMMUNmES SINCE 1907 ON THE WEB: WWW.DAILYPILOT. COM TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 2001 'Dolphins' tale makes splash as Oscar nominee / • Co-producer of the mees for best documenldry short sub· " I heMd the new:. from G reg.·· m!>pued to continuf> m the· llf'ld by Ject for the lmax hlrn · Dolphins.• It "'You enter the film, but Judson Sd1d ·He phoned me at the late Robert \\lenu. 'Aho tdught Imax film, Corona del Mar 1s th e second lime MdcG1lhvrdy, home early m the morning - I was drdmd there you're entering with 300 native Greg MacGillivray owner of MacGilhvray Freemdn awak e. luckily he Cdlled dround ·He wds one of lhos~ lt'dchers Ftlms in Laguna Beach , has been other films that are very 7 I wds delighted thdt eve!) }f>dr Wtn<, th~ fdvonte got his filmmaking start at nominated for an Oscar. MdcG1l hvrdy who live!> m tedcher conle<,t, ~ :-.tdc G1lhvrdy Newport Harbor High. "I didn't really expect 1t, • scUd good. It 's surprising and Ldgund Bedch. qrt>w up in Corond recdlled He wd.. d vel) good MacGilhvray, spealang from d stu· shocking to be nominated." del Mdr H e remember~ dellvenng fnend to !>O mdn; kid.., dnd really Jennifer K Mahal dlo in Los Angeles where he WdS the Dd1Jy Pilot rrom 1955 to 1%0 kmd of pushed mt' to rouow Uus D AILY PILOT wrapping up soLtnd productlon on Greg MacGillivray on h1!> b1n·c le dround Corond thdl I redlly \\ dnll:'d to do, his company's Idlest film. · Journey owner of M acGill1vray Freeman H1ghldnd., dnd Shorechff wh1ch WdS mdkmg him When the Academy Awards are Into Amazmg Caves· "You enter Films and Oscar nominee "I got redll~ good dt sbngtnq the MacGill.Jvrdv W(•nt to LiC Sdllld annoLtnced March 25, locals W1.l.l the film. but you're entenng with paper under th(• door!>lep • he Barbdra dnd rndde d .,urftng ftlm have one of their own to cheer on. 300 other films that ar e very good ..,did whtle he Wd'> tht•rf• It \\d~ 1964. C orona d el Mar na tive Greg It's surprising and shocking to be Steve Judson. who co-wrote I ft.., llr!>t introduction to hlm· and the film - d ·,·pn e.,oteric.· MacGtllivray, along with co-produc­ nominated . It's been a very slrong ·Dolphin'>,· Sdld g ettmg nonunated mdktnq cdmc c1l '\Je'A port Hdrbor er Alec Lori.more, IS among the nom- year, lor documentary shorts • was not even on his radar screen I l1qh $(hC>ol I le !>aid he Wd!> SEE OSCAR PAGE 4

I " We've got to get in there and figure out what we're doing. We together helped create the problem." - Don Glasgow, c h ai r m~n of Corona del M ar's business improvement district Report on Ice Chalet

expected f

• Closed skating nnk 's former patrons pre trying to open a new one m Costa Mesa and plan to addre ~ the City Council tonight

Jennifer Kho 0 All'I' P ILOT

COSTA t-. I ESA rurnwr c U'>· tomers of the cto ... ed Ice Chc1k•t pldn to report to the C1tv CounnJ toniqht on the progress the) have mdde in their effort to get a new ice skatmq nnk tn the city The nnk . which had been d com­ murut) future and trairunq ground for Olymp1e ice skdler.. for almo~t 10 years closed last month There·s so mdny tron., m the fm: nght now that m; hedd l!> <,pmrunf! • said David 1art.lnez ldst Wc>t>k !\lartmez and other memh<.•r.., ol the mo\·ernent are cons1denn~ mam opllons. tncludmg trymg to "reopen the closed nnk temporrlnh dnd run 11 themselves, he said " We're going to tn to do a It m­ porary hx. but there are mdO; 1.,.,tie.., to be con sidered ,· f\l artmez ..,c11d "There is som e monPy but do '' l' want to throw good money dlter dn A.Rl HiOAll.Ju vA l '< P!l Q. old nnk that's gomq to get npped out Richard Jardine, right. of Newport Beach reads the paper while Morgan, a yellow Labrador, watches people at the coffee shop. even tually anywdy? And 1t abo .... depends on how muc-h IG J Segerstrom & Sons the ldildowner.I lS wtlhng to accornrnoddte us d5 well We're but there.., JUSt nothing concrete dl this 1uncture Victinl of its own success The group ffid) redC'h dn aqree· ment \\,th the ldndowner w1Uun the next fev. weeks !'\ lartmez ~dJ d Mat.his Winkler the com er of Edst Cod.,l Highway Many Ice Chdlet pd.rents said thev w ere upset at the Wd)' they were D All Y PILOT Corona del Mar businesses and Goldenrod Avenue Recently. a fourth one et up shop JUSt down treated at a Cit; CounctJ meeting t all began with a restroom - continue to grow, but that the street Jan 1S, when the\ d"ked counctJ or rath er t he lack of one. Drawn to the new gathenng members to help Lh'='m Sd\t> the Ice When Starbucks Coffee Co spot. Corona d el M ar resid ents, Chalet officials opened their fust growth is pressing the -seams began to hll u p the com er and Dozens of Ice Chalet skdlers .ind Newport Beach store on East spend more tune hangmg out. With paren ts m tended to '>pea k at th e ICoast Highway in 1992, the cty's of the community that came natural human urges meeting, put the 1SSue was not on the planners had only a vague idea Stdfbucks, concerned for the safe· agenda Mayor Llbby Cowan. w ho about what to expect. ty of both customers and employ· said she was not sure the counctl Foll

11111 Assemblyman John Campbell switches energy bills QA9IDS I OMll'IY FOUi • s • New proposal would cancel fines incurred by big power upon to do so. C amp bell's new bill. wh.ich the The utilities a em blyrnan tS hoping to have llJSTMIUO 2 users, such as Newport Beach-based Conexant Systems. had also induded heard 111 a policy romnuttce meet· MUCllRICl5 1 an •opt·out• lng today, would cAmcel the hnes 'Mii Clnton yanked the bill and repla~ ll with clause, which the and reqwnt th 1--6 to return som. .. 2 0M.V Pt OT a similar piece of Jegtslation. uU.llties· theu discoun · Campbell introduced the earlier sion froze, fordng Campbell also induded provt· Almost a month aft r mtroduong bill Jan. 29 to nullify a PubUc: Utlli· the compuu to ons th t would ~ Soutbem a bill that would restor the terms of ti Commlaion d on to freeze in 1 ..... rc.mam the pro­ Califonua Editon to proV¥ 30- nll&llO a contract between larger power big pow from exJUng thN gram end i n~ur aunu notice fore asking for a usen and tho utility compdill , rate plans. b ty hn when hutdown and lim1t cans utility Aslemblyman John Campbell (R· Many of lb tat 's h V1 t con· Jolm C...,.,..t lhey ref u d to rouk1 ma k to an 1-6 to one .a lMne) hP .:pulled hh bill olf th s of power bad entered Into butoftt.MUgh dahk tab the 1-6 pion. In which they coWd N wport Beath t'OodU or ln a nearly continuous rootloft, tU a IS ditcOunt on power ln mak r Con ant Syst for Campbell whole diStric1 iDdudes exchange for a proml:te to lbut ~ reCked up S3 mUlioo ~ 8Mcl> and down operations when called penal during January. SU ENERGY M8I 4

I• )

.. ( activities that will run from noon to 3 p.m. in the school's quad. Students from every high ~··EDIJCITION school in the county are invited to attend. Attendees will receive ear­ OCC to host orientation ly registration materials for fall for high school students classes. Tours are available for students Orange Coast College will host who are interested, and each its 18th annual High School Senior Day on campus March 27. senior attending will receive a More than 3,500 Orange Coun­ free T-shirt and barbecue lunch. ty high school juniors and seniors Information: (714) 432-5725 or are -expected to take part in the

2 Tuesday, Febrvory 20, 2001 / Daily Pilot Kids Talk IN THE CLASSROOM BACK Remembering nation's leaders WP asked Ii/th-graders at Calilornia Elementary School m Costa Mesa: What does Presidents Day mean to you?

"It's a day to honor our pdst pr<•s1dents and to cele­ brdte Geor{)C' Wdshing­ ton's dnd Abrdhdm Lincoln's birth­ days . And to take the day

off. H BRADLEY FISHER, 11 Costa Mesa

"It's about our past presidents. It's OK.· BULMARO CONTR· ERAS, 10 Costa Mesd

·Presidents -.,...... ,------. Ody means lo honor the presi­ dents that hved and CARL HIDALGO I DAll.V PILOT died ror A trumpeter with the Costa Mesa Ffle Department Color Guard plays the nattonal anthem for students at Kaiser Primary Center 1n Costa Mesa. us.• ANDRE BARBOSA, 11 Fountain Valley "It's honor­ scoop on ing the a The a presidents that were president.• ATHMA RAMDATH, 11 'IlIE SL S'IRIPES Costa Mesa Danette Goulet As the color guard's trumpet ·Presidents .------. DAILY PILOT Costa Mesa Orange Coast Lions Club player performed the "The Star­ Day means Spangled Banner,• cht.ldren began to thank hildren sat wide-eyed and visits Kaiser Primary to offer to sing softly. the presi­ wary, IJ..stening intently to It seemed an amazingly patnot­ dents who what they were told was second-graders a lesson in Old Glory ic reaction, until the ne~t segment rdn from Ctheir flag speaking to them. or the assembly. our coun­ It was an old. boonung voice It seems it was one of several try. If I had that gave a bit of history about Old Orange Coast Lions Club tried to explained how the appearance of songs children had lepned for the been presi­ Glory, including how it came by give students a better understand­ the flag that was flown in 1775, occasion. One after another, chil­ that nickname. dent when ing of the importance of the Stars with its British flag in the comer to dren sang patriotic songs accom­ Each morning before classes George Washington was and Stripes and the reasoning show ties to the mother country, panied by their music teacher on president, I would have begin, children all over the country the piano. place their nghl hand over their behind the reverence. was altered over the ye(U"S to helped to free the slaves, As children fl.led out, each was hearts and pledge their allegiance There is meaning behind the become the flag flown today. and I wouldn't make the given his or her own small nag and to their flag and country. flag's three colors. The children ln a show of proper respect for taxes high so that there were told: red for courage, white the flag. the Costa Mesa Fire an information sheet to reinforce wouldn't have been the It becomes second nature lo duldren, to recite that pledge. for liberty and blue for loyalty. Stu­ Department Color Guard present­ some of the information they had Boston Tea Party.• dents also learne9 that the seven ed the flag. learned. THERESA PFI EFE R, 10 In thelf third year of this somber red stripes and the six white ones When the men marched in, chil­ Costa Mesa -tradition, second-grade students at stood for the 13 original colorues of dren stood. Some covered their • IN THE O.ASSIWOM is a weekly fea­ Kaiser Primary Cente r learned a ture in which Daily Pilot education writer bit about the flag they salute each the United States. hearts. One student, Spencer Lind­ " It's a Danette Goulet v1srts a campus within the day. good way Students watched and listened say, 7, cupped his right hand over Newport-Mesa Unified School District and Speakers from the Costa Mesd to remem­ mtently as Lions Club members his eye in an attempt at a salute. wrrtes about her experience ber what the presi­ dents School lunch • The Mund\alble Lunc:h Salad contAlins taaed gniens. he..!ped do, cherry tomet~ aadten .,a- protein toUrUS such .s like how MENU TODAY 0-W, sun1'owet seeds, fruit yogurt. hon9y-roasted Lincoln Presidents Week recess today through Friday ~and drelslng. helped in the Civil War.• The Newport-Mesa Unified School District a*fen menu choices each day at elementary schools. Students may MONDAY No cNld Is dhcrlmlnated 91nst bec.luse of,...... col· STEPHANIE GARDNER, 11 r IGfunchable Lunch Salad or ltate fair com Costa Mesa choose a vegetarian entree if desired. The setectlon vwies °" Mtional origin. • "' disabitity. If It Is btliewd a cNd and may be either a selad, sandwich or hot entrw. SChool do(J, choice of fruit; choice of 100% fruit julce, hllbien dilcrtmiMted .Pnst. write Imme~ to the - Photos and lntervlewti lunches are St.75 each; the district does not acceptchedcs by Stefanie Frith choice of milk .awtMyof ~. Wlilt'llngton, DC 20250.

REAPERS HOTLINE CA 92626 Copyright. No news sto­ WEATHER lllD SURF · POLICE FILES (949) 642-6086 ries, ltlum1tioru, edltorlll metter Record your comments about Of~t.eif'ICMlbe r~oduced Without writtan ~­ the O&ily Pilot Of news tips TDJIUAJ\mS TIDES COSTA MESA mtWOn of c~t °"""""' Balboa TOOAY • FalrVlew Ro.ct A vehlclt burglary was reported In the VOL 95, NO. 46 A[)QRESS 61/48 first low HOW TO REA01 US 2700 blodc at 12~ p.m. Our addreu is 330 W. Bay St • Corona def~ 1:23 a.m ...... 2.0 Cost.I Mesa, CA 92627 • ....._ .,.,.9'11!•ct A 29-year.okf man was arrest.ct ntOMAS H. JOHN5C*. Orcu&atlon 61148 First high The Times Clfange P\A)lllhef County COsta Mesa 7:58a.m ...... 5.5 on suspkjon of manuf«turing f1be ~ ldentt­ COBRECJJONS (800) 252.g141 61141 TOWfoocaD. It Is the Piiot's Policy to prompt­ Second low ficatlon. receiving S1olen property, lmpenonatlng two ~ Newport Beach fcfltor ly c.orrect 1n etrors of w~ 2:56 p.m...... -0.6 people, convnittlng • vehicle theft. conspiring to btuk O.Wfled (949) 642-5678 61148 s.J. CAHN. ,....,. c.11 (949) 57~3 Display (949) 642-4321 Second high Newport eo.t the a.w and obtWtlng money ~ false pr~ at City ("dit(w EdhotW 9:11 p.m...... 4.0 rn '11J/47 9'AI p.m. Tuesday In the 3100 block. The"*' also~ ••A&KMAIW. l'NNewport ~ ~ News (949) 642·5680 ,._.. Editor two outstllnding W~ts . o.ffy Not (VSIS-1~ Ill~ Sports (949) 5 7oMUJ WIDNISDAY 1110C11R aw-. lllhed Monday through ~ ~ Spotts FIX (949) 646-4170 SUllP~ In Newport end C.osU Mesi, E-fNll: ~llypllotelatlmes com Strong west WWII First low SpotU £dltor N~IEAOt dlecriptlon5 ...... ilaible only by Mlln<>ffk• c..using big surl. 1:47 e.m ...... 1.7 DUMM--. • Wlilt ,.....,• .._, DrtW¢ P'ollce reported some- ~to The l1IMI Orange Businn OffQ ~9) 642-4321 ElCPe't heed-high to First Ng!\ ht County (IOO) 2SMt4t In.,_ luslnetf '• (949) 631-7126 ~w.wawlth 7:5.2 1.m ...... " ...... 5.S ont el~ stole dr• and tt:X*• r1mS worth S5,000 NJllMANP•Nl outside of Newport hid\ end Costa~~ to the fair condttJon$. • from a Jaguar In the IOO blodc at 2: 2l a. m. Mct.y The Pagi1De19* Oelly Not - w.lllble only by rinown MPKt left the ~ fitting on thr• p&.stic SftWMOCll... "*' for uo pet momJ\. S«ond a-...... dM,.. peld at c.c.w ~ Nll'ton'91& CA. CMms Include Ill ~ • ...... a,s ~ tNt tomeCMle ..... icq__,~ ~ •ote a cell phofM worth S150 during 1 birth­ • ~--- cNnge '°.,,,. .. ~~ ...... ~ di¥ ~ M • hon'9 In the ftrtt b60clt It 7 • m "*-,0 ..1560, cma...... 'MdnlldlJ. • . . Doily Pilot Tuesday. February 20. 2001 3 Running from a lifelong grndge that's for the birds

he other day I was sit­ intentions were pw-ely inno­ than I can remember. wasn't qwle as expert as bng ln the backyard in cent. We made notes of the One day back in the some of his fellow birds. He Ta little spot of sun eggs, their colors and the 1930s, I was the only one rrussed my head and tut the when I heard a bunch of types of birds attached to out at San Onofre. There I book. and bud poop birds squawking. U I hadn't each type of egg. We never sat on my redwood and bal· splashed all over the 91fl's known better, I would have touched a Uung. sa board, miles of empty face. End of romance. sworn tt was a bunch of par­ The birds, however, were ocean all around. A sea gull So when I hear a Dock of rots. I didn't wait to identify not receptive to us. innocent got me right on the head. U I birds ltke that, I hedd for the the buds, though. J ran or otherwise. They would fly go to the beach today, it's house. immediately m the house for around making little worried like I'm wearing a bull's eye. To my amazement, I safety. noises. then suddenly there It doesn't matter how many found out later that there It may seem strange to be Robert Gordner would be a screech, and other people are there. how actually is a Dock of parrots so cautious, but birds have it they'd dive bomb us. lflStead closely we're crowded in Corona deJ Mar. I don't in for me. THE VERDICT of actually hitting us, just together, I'm the one the sea know if parrots converse It all started back in the before crashing into our gull hits. wtth sea gulls. They may 1920s when I was a ltttle kid named Llnda Isle. heads, they'd drop a full It even affected my love JUSt have been saymg, · Hey, hVlllg m Balboa. I had a Instead of a lot of big dose of bird poop on our life. When I was in college, I there's some great peaches on the Jones' tree,• but Wlth friend named Albert houses with big boats in heads, then veer off. We'd wasµog to a 91fl I was , Spencer and we were both front of them, it was a sandy my luck, they were saymg. come home looking like interested in. She was sittmg •Let's get Gardner.• interested in shorebuds. Any 1Sla.nd on which shorebirds those guano-covered 1Slands in her car, and 1 had my foot time folks let us. we bor­ I'm not talang any tu.s nested. We rowed from the off the coast of Clule. on the running board wtth a chances. rowed theu rowbodt and White Bridge Beach, since Those shore buds must book balanced on my knee. headed for Shark Island ~ ousnamed the Montero have..put out the word A bird Oew over, said, •Ah, • RoeEJn GAltDNEA 1s a Corona Tius was long before the Street Beachr-to lpok at the because since then 1 have there's Gardner,• and let del Mar resident and a former area was dredged and llUs- eggs m their nests. Our been the target more times loose. This particular bud Judge His column runs Tuesdays

Volunteers come out for Sinus and Allergy: Laser Provides Relief new tutoring program for Sufferers of #1 Chronic Health Complaint • If you lufflr from==~ !11 continual cycles of infection. immediate shrinkage in the • New learning center ference will be the fact that llnus and llltrgy Pf Nual blocb&e is caused by swollen areu. the kids are going to be fed at you'N not llont • the U.S. swollen tissues in the nose THE RESULT at the Someone Cares Nat ~o~ Center for . Health called turbinates. Normally, the Once treatment is completed, the soup kitchen.• Stattst~ reports that smus and turbinates warm and bwn1dif)' you will be able to Meathe Soup Kitchen will feed The soup kitchen plaTIS to aJlergy ~lems are the num~ 1he air we breathe. Chronic more freely, reduce or eliminate greet the children with a snack one Chi'onic health . complaint patients often have hyper- deoendence.CX! over-the~ children, in both body when they arrive after school across the country, with over 60 reactive turbinates, a nd ma presc;nptJoo mediadions, and mind. and to send them off with a ml/lion sufferers. these swollen tissues restrict and expcn~ a new freedooi sack meal when their home· •Do Y°" encn? the ftow of air in the nasal from cDJ:onic nasal ~ l ems. Jennifer Kho work is done, she said. • Wike up M'tlrll dmll It njght? passages. This hyper-reactivity ~s swelling bas beai reduced, DAILV PILOT Merle Hatleberg, founder • Sutrw from tlnua heldlchla? can now be !f:ina~o r ~an~ of the soup kitchen, said she • Hive a lack of mld-dly energy? ...,.... lessened and nasal breathing. WI;STSIDE - About 40 thinks the two organizations • llomlng •dry moutti•? T ~a;.!:iylarl y. at night, 1s volwiteers signed up last week will work well together to help • UM deconglltlntl? callY unproved. to serve a helping of educa­ ...... ~-'--? Tb e p roce d ure is reach children on the north • l'VJU"'l-.tff- oerformed in less than half an tion to youngsters at the side of 18th Street. These symptoms are often hour and you are home the Someone Cares Soup Kltchen. "The kids that can't get to related to common nasal and ....._ same day. O ne of our ·1 really want to help,• said the Shalimar Leaming Center sinus disorders. J>i!ysicians will need to visit Knssy Ra1ger, a 15-year-old will have a very easy time to THE CAUSES ~ With you before your treatment to complct.c ~ eximinc the nasal volunteer who a ttended the get here.• she said. "The mam Nasal and sinus problems are L------=-----1 area lind Kientify any other Someone Cares Soup Kitchen's reason we have so many peo­ frequently the body's own ..._....._l*lddne*low, pro blems.· Treatment is Tulonng Program volunteer ple that come to the soup response to something inhaled or coq a ..., br • ...... _. ...,.._ gepera]Jy covered by most onentation Thursday. "I just kitchen to eat is because of a even eaten. Your body's pnvate msurances. really want to make a differ­ lack of education. If we can sensitivity to the irritant triggers THE TREATMENT For ...... &...&..-~ and an ence in people's lives. I really educate the children, maybe the release of histamine, wtiic:h Laser treatment is often ...... •num1GUU11 want to give.• causes swelling and COfl8estiOD effective in ending the chronic appointment with a CCNSD doctor, we can break the cycle." in the nose and smuscs. cycle of nasal problems. oontact the Cenw at The kitchen and Think The learning center IS aim­ Together, which oversees the ing to attract 80 volwiteers and ~~~=s= tbeA~~~== 800-792-0926 Shalimar Leaming Center. are is planning to serve 35 chil­ for other disease, often resulting and Zs significant and Vllllow ...... • coUaboraung to open a new dren initially, Johnson said. lponaored by the C.m.r. for Chronic: N.... and Sinus Dydunction learning center at the kitchen Aside from searchmg for Feb 26 volunteers, learning center The new center was going staff members are trying to to be calle d the Someone gather books. paper, pencils The Balboa Theater is on the move wn h the Balboa Cares Learrung Center but has and other suppltes so it may .1 Theater 2000 Fund. Thanks to chis early ;rnd generous been renamed the Soup spend the next week getting support, the opening of chc rcnova5ed Balboa Theater is Kitchen's Tutoring Program. the center set up, she said. closer than ever. Shalt.mar provtdes tutoring "The students are corning,• and academic help for Johnson said. "They will be These arc the first fitly donors co contnbucc S 1,000 co the Westside students in first here Feb. 26, and we will be Balboa Theater 2000 Fund! They will sec their name on the Uuough 12th grades, and the ready.• glass art wall in chc new Balboa Theater lobby forever! Someone Cares Learning Krissy Ra1ger certainly They did it! You can, 100! Center wtll follow the same seemed prepared Thursday. routine. Sdld Laura Johnson, "I've always been interest­ Call the theater at (949) 673 -0895 for mformauon on having YOUR name included! executive di.rector of Shalimar. ed in volunteering an~ have ·we're going to be helping through school, but haven't the kids wtth their homework, found the right place to vol­ and we will have an arts day urtteer mysell, • she said. "I'm AECOM Technology Corp. Rhodes Family: Win, Bryce. Emery & Adam and a cultural day with music going to try this out because Ev;.i Recd Armbruster Bill & Willie Richman or painUng, • said Johnson, I'm interested in the different Ron, Sandy, Mike & Jennifer Baers Arlene & David Rose who will also be the executive variety of people they have director of the new learning come in, and 1 think it would Jack Baldcmon Theresa & Brecann Schmidt center. "We will pattern that be g reat to have such an Dorothy Beauchamp C.J. Scgemrom & Sons alter Shalimar. The only dif- impact on little kids.• Phyllis & Charles Bell Tony & !

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W W W . ll ,l ll (' r j ,l g ll ,l r . ( () Ill 714. - 953~4800 ' , ' . SERV1NG THE NEWPORT - MESA COi'l\MUNmES SINCE 1907 ON »IE WEB: WWW.DAILYPILOT.COM TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 2001 'Dolphins' tale makes splash as Oscar nominee

• Co-producer of the mees for best documentary short sub­ . " I hedrd the news from G reg." insptred to continue in the field by Imax film, Corona del Mar ject for the !max film ~ Dolphins .• It "You enter the film, but Judson sd1d "I le phoned me at the late Robert WPnl1 who tdught is the second time MacG1llivray, home edrly in the mormng - I was drama there native Greg MacGillivray owner of M acGillivray Freemdn you're entering with 300 dwake. luckily - he cdlled Mound ·He wds one of those tedchers Films in Laguna Beach, has been other films that are very 7 I wds delighted • thdt eve~ yf:'ar wine, the favonte got his filmmaking start at norrunated for an Oscar MdcGslhvrdy, who lives m teacher contest.• l\1dc G1Jhvray Newport Harbor High. • r didn't really expect it,· sdld good. It's surprising and Lnt to UC Sdllta armounced March 25, locals will the film, but you're entenng with paper under the doorstep.• he Barbara dnd mdde a surfing film have one of thetr own to cheer on. 300 other films that are very good SdJd wluJe he Wds there It WdS 1964. Coron a d el Mar native Greg It's surpnsing and shocking to be Steve Judson. who co-wrote H1., first introduction to hlm­ dnd the film - d • vt-r~ es'oten c." M acGilllvray, along with co-produc­ nominated. It's been a very strong ·Dolphins," said getbng norrunated mdkmg Cdffi(' d i Newport I !arbor er Alec Lorimore, is among the nom- year for documentary shorts.• was not even on !us radar screen. I llgh School I le sd1d he was SEE OSCAR PAGE 4

"We've got to get in there and figure out what we're doing. We together helped create the problem ." - Don Glasgow, chairman of Corona del Mar's business improvement district Report on Ice Chalet expected

• Closed skating rink '!> former patrons are trymg to open a new one in Cosld Mesa and plan to address the City Council tonight

Jennifer Kho D AILY PILOT

COSTA MESA - rormer cus­ tomers of the closed Ice ChdlE't plan to report to the City Counnl torught on the progress they have made JO their effort to get d new• ice skdt;mg nnk m the aty. The nnk. whlch had been d com­ munity hxture and tra1rung ground for Olympic ice skaters for dlm~t 30 years. closed last month "There's so many iron'> in the ftre nght now that my head ts sp1nrung. • sdld DdVld Marttnez last week Martmez and other members of the movement are cons1denng man) opbons, mcludrng trymg to reopen the dosed nnk temporanly and run 1t themselves. he said "We're gomg to try lo do d tem­ porary fix, but there are many issues to be considered,• Martmez sd1d "There is some m oney, but do we want to throw good money after dn CARI HIDAlC,,1 DAIL'!' PILOT old rmk that's going to get npped out RJchard Jardine, right, of Newport Beach reads the paper while Morgan, a yellow Labrador, watches people at the coffee 'shop. eventually anyway? A n d 1t also depends on h ow much IC J Segerstrom & Sons, the landowner,) IS wtlhng to accommodate us as well We're talkmg, but there's Just nothing concrete at Juncture.· Victim of its own success The group may reach an agree­ ment wtth the landowner wtthm the next few weeks, Martinez said Mathis Winkler the com er of East Coast Highway Many Jee Chalet parents said they were upset at the way they were D AILY PILOT Corona del Mar businesses and Goldenrod Avenue Recently. a fourth one set up shop 1ust down treated at a C ity Counal meellng t all began with a restroom - continue to grow, but that the street Jan. 15, when they ask ed counnl or rather the lack of one Drawn to the new gathenng members to hel p them save the Ice · When Starbucks Coffee Co. spot. Corona del Mar residents Chalet · officials open ed their first growth is pressing the seams began to fill up the corner and Dozens of lee Chalet skaters and N ewport Beach store on East spend more time hanging out. With parents inten ded to speak at the ICoa st Highway in 1992, the city's of the community that came natural human urges meeting, but the issue w as not on the planners had only a vagu e idea Starbucks, concerned for the safe­ agenda. Mayor Libby Cowan. who about what to expect. ty of both customers and employ­ said sh e was n ot sur e the counctl Folks at City Hall envisioned a 165 or so Starbucks stores existed, year, the state alone was dotted ees, closed the store's restroom for could do anything about the dosmg kind of takeout coffee b ar, where and they w ere clustered mautly in w ith more than 500 stores. pubhc use. Then the other coffee of a business, allowed three repre­ people would drop in for a quick the Pacific Northwest. Starbucks Worldwide, the company operates shops, which did include restrooms sentatives to speak for three nunutes shot of caffeine and be on their - and the coffee craze it was part about 3,300 coffee places. for patrons, began experienang a each. way. An employee restroom in the of - would have made good stock A nd it h asn ' t been al on e. stream of pressed coffee fu ns from After the meeting, some parents back of the storage room seemed speculation but little else. Others, inspired by the company's across the street. said they w.ere so upset they h ave appropriate for those few coffee­ So the Coron~ del Mar outlet success, set up shnllar gounnet cot· ln September 1999, Starbucks' considered trying to recall Cowan induced emergencies. became one of the first 10 stores fee ch8.IJ1S. Soon, two more coffee So far, no recall paperwork has been Keep in mind, at the time, just that opened in Califorrna. By last places opened near Starbucks at SEE SUCCESS PAGE 4 filed.

Assemblyman John Campbell switches energy bills L 11111 QAWflDScar•nm fOlllM---- • ·s • New proposal would cancel fines incurred by big power upon to do so. Campbell' new bill, which the The utihUes o mblymon ts hopmg to have •MIMI 2 users, such as Newport Beach-based Conexant Systems. had also included beard in a polic:y meet· NIKIUtm 7 an •opt-out• lng today, would cancel the fi ftaul Clinton yanked the bill and replaced It with clause, wtuch the and req\.µre the 1-6 users to tum SUld wport Beac:h Mmkondu or lrked about th ('Oll\miMIOft­ In • nea.rty continuous motion. take a 15% discount on pciwer· tn maker Con ant S'fl1ems, for inU!llWNiCJnln the cmllltt, Qp .... Campbell. whoM diltric:t lndudes exchange for • promiM to lbut racked up S1 miUioD in Newport BMch and COlta Mela. down lbeir opentions w~ caUed penalties during Jamauy. SlEENnGYMm4 .. itctMties tlult will run from noon to 3 p.m. in the school's quad. Students from every h1gh fl'cino• school in the county are invited to attend. Attendees will receive ear­ OCC t.o host orientation ly registration materials for fall fol' high school students classes. Tours are available for students Orange will host Coast College who are interested, and each tu 18th annual High School Senior Day on campus March 27. senior attending will receive a More than 3,500 Orange Coun­ tree T-shirt and barbecue l~c,:h ty high school juniors and seniors Information: (714) 432-5'126 or are expefled to take part in the http://orangecoastcoJJege .c-om. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--~~--..:_~------~--:---- D 11ly Pilot 2 Tuesday, Febrvory 20, 2001 . Kids Talk I~ /tHE CLASSROOM BACK ,1 Remembering nation's leaders We asked filth-graders at Ca/1/ornia Elementary School in Costa Mesa: What does Pre.'J1denls Day mean to you?

"It\ <1 day to honor our pdc;t J>rl''>lclC'nts dnd to rele-

G!!CJr{J" Wdshtng­ tcm's dnd Ahrclhdm Lmcoln's birth­ dc1ys And to tdke the day off" BRADLEY FISHER, 11 C'ostd Mei.d

"It's about our past presidents. It's OK." BULMARO CONTR­ ERAS. 10 Costa Mesd

• Pres1denti. ------.. Day means to honor the presi­ dents that lived and CARL HIOAl.GO I OAlt.V Pll OI died for us .• A trumpeter wtth the Costa Mesa Fire Department Color Guard plays the national anthem for students at Kaiser Primary Center ln Costa M esa. ANDRE BARBOSA, 11 Fountdin Valley "It's honor­ "The scoop on ing the a a presidents that were president.• ATHMA RAMDATH, 11 'IHE SL S'IRIPES Costa Mesa Danette Goulet As the color guard's trumpet ·President'> -----~ DAILY PILOT Costa Mesa Orange Coast Lions Oub player performed the "The Star­ Day means Spangled Banner,• duJdren begdll to thank h1ldren sdt wide-eyed dnd visits Kfilser Primary to offer to sing softly. the presi­ wary, listening intently to It seemed an amazingly patnot­ dents who w hat they were told was second-grader~ a lesson in Old Glory ic reaction, until the ne~t segment ran from Cthetr flag speakmg to them. of the assembly. It was an old, booming voin> our coun­ It seems it was one of severdl that gave a bit of lustory dbout Old try. If 1 had Orange Coast Lions Club tried lo explained how the appearance of songs children had 1¥ffied for tht' Glory, including how it came by benn presi ­ give students a better understand­ the flag that was flown in 1775, occasion. One after another, chil­ dent when that nickname. ing or the importance of the Stars with its British flag in the comer to dren sang patriotic songs accom­ George Washington was Each mornin g before cld!>Ses and Stripes and the reasoning show ties to the mother country, panied by their music teacher on president, I would have begin, children dU over the country behind the reverence. was altered over the years to the piano. helped to free the slaves, place their right hand over their There is meaning behind the become the flag flown today. As children filed out, each wds and 1 wouldn't make the hearts and pledge their allegiance nag's three colors, the children In a show of proper respect for given his or her own small flag dnd taxes high so that there to their flag and country. were told: red for courage, white the flag, the Costa Mesa Fire an information sheet to remforce wouldn't have been the It becomes second nature to children, to recite that pledge. for lJberty and blue for loyalty. Stu­ Department Color Guard present­ some of the mfonnation they had Boston Tea Party.· learned. THERESA PFIEFER, 10 In their third year of this somber dents also learned that the seven ed the flag. Costa Mesa tradi!Jon, second-grade students di red stnpes and the six white ones When the men marched in, chil­ Kaiser Prun<1ry Center ledmec.J d stood for the 13 original colorues of dren stood. Some covered their • IN THE Cl.ASSROOM 1s a weekly fel­ Costa Mesa choose a vegetarlan entree If desired. The selection varies Muncheble Lunch Salad or lt4te fair com or, NltioMl origin, age or dlsebitlty. tf It Is ~ a c:hlkl wld may be either a salad, sandwleh Of' hot entree. School dog, choice of fruit choice of 100% fruit Juice, - Photos and Interview• lunches .,. s, .75 each; the dlstt'lct doe1 not Keept checks '*~~against. wnt. ff"' adl~ to the by Stefanie Frith choice of milk sec:nrtary of Agriculture, Wlilhlngton, DC 20250. ,.

READERS HQTUNE CA 92626 Copyric;iht No news sto­ WEATHER AllD SUIF (949) 642-6086 rlet, lllustra\IOn\, editorial mattar POLICE FILES or ~1JMmeMJ hel~ln CMl be Record your comments~ r~oduced Without wrlnan pef· the Dally Pilot or new\ tips TEWERAnm.5 1IDu mlufon of CQS¥'ight owner COSTA MESA Balboa TOOAY • ,..,,.,.._ lto.d: A vehlde burglMY was reported In the VOL 95, NO. 46 ADDRESS 61148 First low HOW TO REACH US 2700 block at 12:20 p.m. Our MSdreu IS 330 W Bay St , CMona del Mat 1:23 •.m...... 2.0 Cost.a Mesa, CA 92627 THOMASH.~ Ora.It.don 61148 First high • HMtMw loulevant A 29-yffr-okt man was arrested The Times Orange County l'UWrher CORBECDONS CosU Mesa 7:58 a.m...... S.5 on SUIPidon of manuf.teturing false gcwetnment &dentJ. TOWYOOO.O, (800) 252-9t4t 62148 It k the Pilot's policy to prom¢· Second low fk.-tlon. rece!Y1ng stolen property, lmpenonatlng two fdhof' • ~ Newpott Beach ly correct all edl. The man •lso had ••&&llMNW. The Newpott ~Mela News (949) 642-5680 ~Edltof Delly llllot (VSflS. t 44«>0) • P"l>­ Sports (949) 574--Wl two out:Nndlng w~ants. WIDfllllDAY llthed Monday ttwough s.turdly ~ Sports Fax (949) 646-4 t 70 WfOMCAST -c.'°" In H9wport ludl and Cost.a Mela, E-mail: dallypl~mts com Strong W11St swell Flm low ~Editor N~IEAOt ~ ..4Mlllable only by Maln<>ffb causing big turf. 1 ~47 e.m...... 1.7 .-~ .. ~ tO The TlmlllOrenge '""'*' Offb (949) 642-4321 Expect head-Ngh to Flnt high ...... , Dwtwes ftollee ntpOrt9d that toml" ,.,,.EdMor ec.intY (IOO) 151-9141 In ...... IUll,,_ Fax (949) 611-7126 MllMAM._ owlde of H9wport htdl and owm..d WwtS wfth 7:52a.m ...... s.s one .,teoedlv stole tires end IPOk• rlmi WOf1h SS.000 fair cOndftJons. ...,..,...,., Colta ...... ~to the Second tow from a Jeguar In the IOO block at n;z a.m. ~ The o.iey lltlot .,. ~llable only by ....,. MQCllWe(. 2;50 p.m,"""""""'" .. -0.6 unknown upect 5tft the CM titting on thiM pl.Mtk ,.,_, fot $20 per mon.., s.cond LOCA1'IOllt 1111 a..._ .... ldltot' ca.~ •t Cclta Me$ll...... *1ondh'9h CA. CPl'tc. lndudl .. ~ ... t:OI p.m-"""_,_J.t ...,.n.& ~ • ...... _ -.,: f'Oltc.e r..,otttd the\ tome«l8 ..9"dlocll-.J~ ... Ma ••~ Tt .,,...... ~to The lllct5t'I M ~ ..a Qtfl .,,..,.. wottt'I s150 during a blrttt­ ~~ ...... ~ ~Jftty • ... ., perty at I home In the ftnt blOctr M t:47 a.m. ~-··- "°" ,.0 .. tMO, '°"' ...... CdM ... wadi~. # ·- -- - • • .1 Daily Pilot Tuesday, Feb

~e other day I was sit­ intentions were purely inno­ than I can remember. wasn't quite as expert as ting In the backyard in cent. We made notes of the One day back in the some of his fellow birds. HP Ta little spot of sun eggs. their colors and the 1930s, I was the only one missed my bead and hit the when I heard a bunch of types oI birds attached to · out at San Onofre. 'fhere I .book. and bird poop birds squawking. U I hadn't each type of egg. We never sat on my redwood and bal­ sp,lashed all over the girl's known better, I would have touched a thing. . sa board, miles. .of empty face. End of romance. sworn it was a bilnch of par­ The birds, however, were ocean all arouptl. A sea gull So when I hear a flock of rots. I didn't walt to identify not receptive lo us, innocent got me right on the head. lf I birds like that, I head for thf> the birds, though. I ran or otherwise. They would fly go to the beach today, it's house. immediately in the house for around making little woqied like I'm w.earing a bull's eye. To my amazement, 1 salety. · noises, then suddenly there It doesn1t matter how many found out later that there It may seem strange to be Robert Gordner would be a screech, and • other people are there, how actually is a flock of parrots so caubous, but birds have it they'd dive bomb us. Instead closely we're crowded in Corona qlel Mar. I don't in for me. THE VERDIO of actually hitting us, just together, I'm the one the sea know if parrots ~nverse It all started back in the before crashing intQ qur gull hits. with sea gulls. They may 1920s when I was a little kid named Llnda Isle. beads, they'd drop a tw1 It even affected my Jove just have been saymg. "Hey, living in Balboa. I had a Instead of a lot of big dose of bird poop on our life, When I was in college, I there's some great peaches on the Jones' tree," but w1th friend named Albert houses with big boats in heads, then veer off. ,We'd was talking to a girl I was Spencer and we were both front of them, it was a sandy come home looking like interested in. She was sitting my luck, they were saying, ·Let's get Gardner.· interested in shorebirds. Any island on which shorebirds those guano-covered 1Slands in her car, and I had my foot time folks let us, we bor­ I'm not taking any tus nested. We rowed from the off the coast of Chile on the running board with a chances. rowed their rowboat and White Bridge Beach, since Those shore birds must book balanced on my knee. headed for Shark Island. misnamed the Montero have put out the word A bird flew over, said, •Ah, • R08EllT GARDNER 1s a Corona This was long before the Street Beach, to look at the because since then I have there's Gardner,• and let del Mar resident 4[1d a former area was dredged and mis- eggs ln their nests. Our been the target more times loose. This particular bird 1udge. His column1tuns Tuesda~

Volunteers come out for Sinus and Allergy: Laser Provides Relief new tutoring program for Sufferers of #1 Chronic Health Complaint

• New teaipmg center ference will be the fact that the kids are going to be fed at at the Someone Cares the soup kitchen.• Soup Kitche'n will feed The soup kitchen plans to greet the children with a snack children, in both body when they arrive after school and mind. and to send them off with a sack meal when their home­ Jennifer Kho work is done, she srud. OAtlY PILOT Merle HaUeberg, founder of the soup kitchen, sald she WESTSIDE 1 About 40 t,}ks the two organizations volunteers signed up last week will work well together to help to serve a helping of educa­ reach children on the north tion to youngsters at the side of 18th Street. Someone Cares Soup Kitchen. "The kids that can't get to "I really want to help," said the Shalimar Leaming Center Krissy Raiger, a 157year-old will have a very easy time to volunteer who attended the get here," she said. "The main Someone Cares Soup Kitchen's reason we have so many peo­ Tutonng Program volunteer ple that come to the soup orientation Thursday. HI just kitchen to eat is because of a really want to make a differ­ lack of education. If we can ence m people's lives. I really educate the children, maybe want to give.• we can break the cycle." The kitchen and Think The learning center is aim­ Together, which oversees the ing to attract 80 volunteers and Shalimar Leaming Center, are is planning to serve 35 chil­ collaborating to open a new dren initially, Johnson said. Sponsor.ct by th• Centen for Chronic Haul and Slnua Dysfunction learrung center at the kitchen Aside from searching for Feb. 26. volunteers, learning center The new center was going staff members are trying to to be .called the Someone gather books, paper, pencils "'T'he Balboa Theater is on the: move wich the: Ball:R>a Cares Leaming Center but has and other supplies so it may .J. Theater 2000 Fund. Thanks co chis early and gcncro~ been renamed the Soup spend the next week getting support, the opening of the rc:novaced Balboa Thcacc:r i.s Kitchen's Tutoring Program. the center set up, she said. closer than c:vc:r. Shalimar provides tutoring "The students are coming," and academic help for Johnson said. "They will be These are the first fifty donor~ ro conmbucc $1,0-00 to the Westside students in first here Feb. 26, a nd we will be Balboa Theater 2000 Fund! They will sc:e their name on the through 12th grades, and the ready.• glass an wall in the nc:w Balboa Theater lobby forc.-ver! Someone Cares Learning Krissy Raiger certainly They did it! You can, 100! Center will follow the same seemed prepared Thursday. - . routine, said Laura Johnson, "I've always been interest­ Call rhe thcarer ar (949) 673-0895 for information on executive director of Shalimar. ed in volunteenng and have ' h2ving YOUR name included! "We're going to be helping through school, but haven't the kids with their homework, found the right place to vol­ and we will have an arts day unteer myself, • she said. "I'm AECOM Technology Corp. and a cultural day with music going to try this out because Eva Rc:ed Armbruster Bill & Willie Richman or painting," said Johnson, I'm interested in the different Ron, Sandy, Mikc & Jennifer Baers Arlene & David Rose who will also be the executive variety of people they have director of the new learning come in, and I think it would Jack Baldersron Theresa & B~cann Schmidt center. "We will pattern that be great to have such an Dororhy Beauchamp C.J. Scgemrom & Sons after Shalimar. The only di!- impact on little kids." Phyllis & Charles Bell Tony & Kath y Shaw Family Dr. David & ~nn Benvenuti Nancy & Craig Smith William & Marion Bilford Mr. & Mrs. Frank H. Trane C· f A,_gwU", IT'S TIME FOR ... Molly & Neal Brockmeyer Marian L. Turpin 4 fk4t'g~out r ' " Ml CASA John & Kay Brown, Jennifer. Amy & Sarah John & Liz Wallacc Michael Craig ' John & Sandy w~man MEXICAN RESTAURANT Peggy & Timm Crull Roben Levin & Debra Winston-Levin OUR MEALS ARE A TRIP TO MEXICO George & Nancy Dahl & Family The Balboa Theater 2000 art wall ha' Marion Deeb & Family Al.SO OM OURMl MU: OUR room for 2,000 names - more namc!> "FISH TACOS" MARGARITAS ARE Chandler P. Desforges & Luke C. Desforges will appear in the: Daily Pilot in upcom- TOltTl llAK>UP Phil & Toni Doane CHIU Sill MADE WITH ing displays! ...,.. CHIU CHlUI 011mrm ~OLD TEQUILA! Eileen Forsberg The historic Balboa Theater 1s being Brooke D. Fulford 296 E. 17TH ST. COSTA MESA · 949·645·7626 renovated as a 350-seac performing an:s ... Martin & Virginia Furmanski theater. When open, it will feature live Doug. Julie, Taryn & Skyler Garn pe,rformanccs in music, dance, thcarer, Joe & Barbara GcnshJca musical the3ter, children"s perfor­ Elouise & David C'.ogcrty -Jc- & TR:\'OI' Miller mances and will show films. It will be a Mcca Going home for the Ncwpon Boch Film Louise S. Greeley Festival, and many other perforrmng - F.H. & Colleen Hall grouf>-'. The Balboa Theater r~nova ­ Mary & F.d HaJr don i.s pan of the maior rn1taliurion Edward 0 . HalVlljlAn family Foundation of the Balbo:a VillAgc:. HcMd Phdps Consuuction Co. AJI donations to ch< 8albo.i 1ncatcr Clint & Pat Hoox 2000 Fund arc wc..d~ucoble . Joi Dell Hurd Gayle & Ray Jona • ValanQe1 & Cornice Boie• Rl..wcl & Hannah Kully n,.lW.'Pllo • Romaa Sbacla • Blindt UWW flouncbrion t • Ve:nic:ala • Sbuttct'I • Bcdtprada Sjd & MUdmd Mayberry !L~ - William & ~th.llcync M'°'llough Michael & Ouurinc Muench Jim & Michdc Mum Kmny Vick & Chnatina O'Bedt Lorie & T642-8400 ;:.-,_,~ Doiiy Pilot '4 T~~. F.bruory 20, 2001 Freeman die;DB back that everyone bad to shoul­ pany. which with MacGWlvray CONTINUED FROM 1 to the dty and appealed the der some responsibillty, 'VlStoN· THtNG CONTINUED FROM 1 commission's decision to coun­ because city officials had Some in Corona del Mar at the head bas produced such lmllX experiences as "Everest• competitOf"S bega.rl to complain cil members. allowed more and more shops say that solving the area's •a1most beatnik kind of movie. to city officials that people At last week' heanng, the and restaurants lo open along parking problem was one of called •A Cool Wave of Color· and "Chronos. • in part seemed to like their restrooms city's seven e lected leaders East Coast Highway. the most pressing issues in - made a profit MacGillivray •ooJphln.s/ which but not their coffee. struggled to find a solution. "Somehow we've all the area. remembers traveling from explores whether the marine The complaints set off more Some, such as Mayor Gary helped this situation come Edward Selich, the chair place to place, narrating the mammals have emotions, is the than a year or discussions Adams, said they didn't have along,• said Don Glasgow, the of the city's Planning tum live. second in MacGillivray's series between company and city enough informabon tp make a chairman of Corona del Mar's Commission, also coordinates ·People would actually fol­ of films about the ocean. The offtdals. The coffee guys sug­ dedsion. business improvement disbict. a plan to bring the highway low from one screening lo the first, ",• was gested they lease an empty "What they're proyosing is "We've got to get in there under city control. Vision next,· he said. •1 just found a also nominated for an store next door, because the a fine use, • he said. "But J and figure out what we're 2004, as the project is known, swnroer of '64 photo where my Academy Award. original cafe didn't have think to ignore the parking doing,· he said. "We togeth­ plans to turn Corona del dad and my girlfriend, now my "I've got kind of a mission as enough space to put in more problem isn't the right thing to er helped create the problem.· Mar's main traffic artery into wife, were selling tickets at one a surfer and a scuba diver to restrooms, Finally, the City do.· Cool said last week that he a pedestrian-oriented shop­ of the first screenings.· make a series of films about the Council approved an expan­ Others seemed less con­ wanted to work with other ping and dining area. It was around that time that ocean and the importance of sion proposaJ Feb. 13 for the cerned with the parking prob­ business owners to figure out While Selich said the MacGillivray met fellow surf­ the ocean to everyone on land,· store. In addition to separate lem than the message a denial possible parking deals. group's efforts focused on dis­ ing filmmaker Jim Freeman. MacGillivray S4id, adding that restrooms for men and women, of the project would send to Another solution might be to cussions with Caltrans about They became partners, achiev­ he feels a sense of validation the remodeled cafe will include business owners. change street sweeping times the transfer of control. he said ing success by lensing such that the Academy of Motion nme more seats indoor and "I'm not looking for more a long the high.way's side that •once we get further films as ·Jonathan Livingston Picture Arts and Sciences chose four on the pallo. parking.• Councilwoman streets from morning to after­ along, we're jumping head Seagull• and doing the aerial to nom.inllte this film. Norma Glover said. "I tlunk noon, thereby adding more over heels into a parking pro­ work on "Towering Inferno.· When asked what he thinks RESTROOMS TO they have enough parlwlg. • parking spaces during rush gram. In tbe mid-'70s, the the chances of winning are. PARKING SPACES Referring to an earlier study hour. "To a large degree. we're Smithsonian Institution's MacGillivray said he put theu When the city's planning session on guidelines for But several days after coun­ a victim of our own success,• National Air and Space odds at 50-50. com.rrusSloners first looked at Greenlight. the city's new slow­ cil members had made their Selich said, adding that only Museum asked them to pro­ • 1t•s a really hard category to the project Ul December, they growth law, Glover voiced her decision on the store. Cool an areawide parking district duce a film for the museum's win with a film about aruma~ . deoded an increase in store concern that Newport Beach said he still wasn't sure what or parking authority could new lmax theater. The film, because generally documen­ space would brihg in more cus­ might not be as open to busi­ conditions he had to fulfill. solve the problem. "To Fly! ," still plays al the tanes that win are about sooal tomer~ . nesses as it used to be. With $50,000 already spent "We can't expect to solve museum to this day and is the causes,• MacGillivray said And that was d problem. ·nus whole hearing torught on leasing the empty store Corona del Mar's parking first large-format film to be "It's just a little tougher when With customers would come has, to a certain extent, sad­ next door for the past year (a problem on a business-by­ inducted into the film archives you come in with a film thdt more CdrS Commissioners dened me, · sh~ said. "I lhmk makeshift restroom already business basis,• he said. at the National Library of celebrates joys and wonders decided Starbucks officials this city needs to be proud of its exists there for Starbucks cus­ Wood said the Vision 2004 Congress. of an animal. IC I had dolphins needed to work out agree ­ businesses and treat them with tomers) and a proposed project, which includes resi­ Just two days before the voting, I'm sure I'd be in better ments with nedrby property respect.• $150,000 renovation, Cool said dents and business owners, prenuere of "To Fly! " in 1976, shape.· owners to use their parking Councilman Tod Ridgeway, company executives might not would probably be the best spaces dunng the morning cof­ who joined Glover and council approve the deal it city offi­ way to address the issue. fee rush, from 6 to 9 d.m. members Steve Bromberg and cials could revoke the permit " It is a problem that is Campbell's bill, known as That didn't work. Neither Gary Proctor in upholding the after an annual review. common in any kind of down­ ENERGY AB52X and also introduced m dld a condition or approval that appeal, agreed. Cool also complained that town setting,• she said, the special energy session, will requued the company to move ·we have put these people he'd discovered several other adding that business owners CONTINUED FROM 1 complement another 1-6-related back its storefront lo add more in an awkward position over a restaurants in the city that across the haibor on Balboa bill expected to come out of the seats on the pabo, because the restroom, · he said. "Tlus has didn't provide restrooms to its Peninsuld were "just dying said his bill would restore the office of Assemblyman Rod landlord vetoed the plan. tieen gomg on for two years, customers. to have some business come terms of the initial rate agree­ Wnght (D-Los Angeles). What A.J . Cool, the compa­ guys." "We're the ones that the down there.· ment. A spokeswom&n at ny's asset manage r for city seems to be going after,· Now that Corona del Mar "I thmk the bill is pretty Conexant Systems declined to Southern CaWorrua. Ne.vadd A SHARED RESPONSIBILITY he said. has become a shopping and cemented,• Campbell said comment on either proposal dfld Anzona, did do was talk to The fact that Corona del But city officials said this dining destination, it is find­ Friday. "It will make it so, m Campbell's bill may not be neighbonng bustness owners Mar has a parking problem was simply the way things ing that it traded one set or the future, that you can 'l change necessary Lf the comnussion to work out parlung deals was one thing everyone at the worked. challenges for another. the rules of the game halfway intervenes again to resolve com­ The owner of a slalloncry meeting agreed on. "There's no way that city "Wben (an arna) takes off, through the game.• plaints from businesses that say staff can be aware of 100% of it snowballs,· she said. "It's Since the introduction of they've been held hostage, Sdld what's going on out there,· gotten successful, and there's Campbell's earlier bill. the com­ Julie Puentes trom the Orange said Assistant City Manager a need to deal with that rrussion moved to waive the County Business Counal. Sharon Wood. "When we success.· penalties. But Campbell has "l tJunk the value of having said the commission's Jan. 26 a bill Wee that is that it's lever­ I'm not worried, ruling left some questions unan­ age for the PUC to work with swered. my agent is • our companies,· Puentes said Craig Brown ~. Insurance Call today lor

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Th•J. ·. COMMUNITY SAIDIT "The mayor has rolled up his sleeves The Daily Pilot wetc.omes lett.en on issues conceming Newport end COit.a ~ to make [Greenlight} work. ... There • UlTERS - MMI to Edrtort.1 P-oe EdltOf' are three things I want to say: Thank 5.1. Cltwt at the Dally Pilot 330 W Bay St., Costa Mesa, CA 92627 you. Thank you. Thank you. " • ltlEADBtS H01'UNE - Call (949) 642~ • FAX - Send to (949) 646--4170 -Aflanlffk. • E-MAJl - Send to dllilypllotOl•ri~ com the slow-growth init1at1ve's author. on his apprecia· All correspondence must include full name, homt­ tion for the work of the Newport Beach elected town and ~ numbef (for wrmc..tion purposes) leader and others to put the law to work The Pilot reserves the right to edrt all submlSSIOOS f()( darity and length. Doily Pilot Tuesday, February 20, 2001 5 LEnER TO THE EDITOR A thank you to Hoag Hospital nurses

aving just read ·Gift of the Heart• (Feb. 111 Goy Geiser-Sandoval regarding the wonderful EDUCATlONAllY SPEAKING Hnurses at Hoag Hospital, I felt I must write what that story means lo me. I Md open heart bypass It's time for surgery al Hoag·way back in 1974 and have had bve granddaughters and six great-grandchildren born a values there. l am familiar with the won­ derful care offered by the nursing . and support staff. czar-me Over New Year's dild again from Feb. 5 to 9, I was a patient in the Cardiac Care Unit. l was hav­ sat through last week's ing severe problems with my heart wport-Mesa Unified and kidneys. ool District board meet­ I was deeply touched by the ing concerning approval of four story. And to see one of my dar­ books, induding "Sociology and You.· I came up with a plan. ling, caring nurses, Josie Lo Coco, When the board reVlSes its book in the photo with that story melted policy, perhaps they will adopt 1t. my heart. At one point in lustory, Amenca During my time in the Cardiac bad a drug problem. The presi­ Care Unit, I was attended by so dent decided to take drastic mea­ many RNs, charge nurses, order­ sures to immediately eradicate lies and support staff that it was the pr;oblern He appomted a : impossible to learn all thel! drug czar to get Amenca back on names. Howeve r, all of them were track and wm the Wdr on drugs. outstanding m the ir care for me. What the dlstnct needs lS a Without exception all brought a "values czar• The vyes fill with tears of happiness. worn hedrt, l ~ay a hedrty God There are two methods the they gave me mstructions was so checked me over and updated me I protrused them I would be bless them one and all. czar could use to deode which warm and confidence-bwlding m on (the) procedures that were to back to Vlsit and personally repeat LEONARD M. MCNUTT books would rwt meet the my time of worry d.Od stress. follow. my thanks for their wonderful atti- Costa Mesd approval l.lst. One would be to poll all parents m the district · about thw values and what they consider controversial. U any book contaulS a subject that even one parent finds controveJ'Slal or MAILBAG against bis or her values, then open letter to Roeder: City needs a new mayor that book would not be Business perspective approved. It would not matter lam asking, speaking, and she came forward is much appreciated whether the book condemns or Janice Davidson by copy of this to tell the City Counctl about her approves of the behavior or .J want to thank R..tchard COMMUNITY COMMENTARY letter. that City concerns with the closing of the Luehrs for bnngmg to the read­ value, the mere mention of such Manager Allan a subject would excise its use. Ice Chalet. It was also the hrst ers' attention JUSt how much 1llis method would cut way Dear Allan Roeder: Roeder let me for many young people from the the busmess commuruty con­ down on distnct expenses: We As a citizen of Costa Mesa, I know it the Ice Chalet. These people were tnbutes to our beauuJul. clean wouldn't have any books. want to express my outrage at rules for the unsophisticated in the ways of and safe oty through sdles, Because there are parents who the way Mayor Libby Cowan 1s conduct of the government and only knew that busmess llcense, lrans1ent occu­ value Chinese or Arabic charac­ handling her duties as mayor of mayor have the Ice Chalet was being closed pancy tax and property taxes ters over those used to write this city. I believe that her changed so that down. ( "Busuiesses contnbute m the mayor now many ways to commuruty. • English, even alphabet books actions at City Council meetings Ubb C They didn't know what to do, could not be approved. bring discredit to her office, to Y owan has full autono- so they went before the City Community Commentary, Feb. A more sensible approach is to the council and to citizens of this my and can Council m an attempt, grasping 6) . And how they have proVld· choose one person's values and city. ride roughshod over the other at straws, to save something that ed the hnano al wherewithdJ tor the many ennchment facilities judge the approval of aJJ books I am hearing citizens referring council members. they consider very unportant. we all en1oy by that person. U books con­ to Cowan as "Queen Cowan,• ln our city, the office of mayor When you are m trouble, you tained words about a subject that is largely ceremonial and Cowan Those of us who don't have "Lib Libby, · "Extremist Libby.· automatically go for help. to open the doors for bus•ness didn't agree with the czar's val· "Secret Agenda Libby" and was not elected to that position. Our mayor's sarcasm hurt new ues, they would not be approved. Mayoral perks come from the every day can contlnue to con­ "lron Hearted Libby." l cannot young lives and older ones tnbute by shoppmg here m ow The rest of the books would get remember, ui all my years in this agreement of her-fellow council the district's stamp of approval, Many told me afterward that own conunuruty. We aJJ benefit city, when a new mayor has members, who expect that they they felt embarrassed at the and those values would be pro­ will, in their time, get a chance BJ. JOHNSON been perceived as being so harsh treatment they received. President moted at school. The passing of to be mayor for a year. Tius, wrong for this city. There is a lot of talk about a values to children would be except for the term of office, is Corona del Mdr Chamber of J have also observed Cowan recall, and it's not from me or Commerce taken away from their parents the way it's always been m Cos­ being openly rude to Council­ any of my groups. lf Cowan is and put in the hands of the val­ ta Mesa, as far as I know. man Chris Steel, who. to his cunous about Uus. she need only ues czar. However. in the past, mayors Responses to the new After some thought about credit. does not publicly return read some of the mall that I whose values r agree with the her rudeness. J am sure that had the good grace and manners understand Roeder gets, on Bush admiiflstratton to not act like dictators, and they most and think should be fol­ Cowan is counting on his good subject. The Republicans are in lhe lowed if there could only be one manners. How terrible to thlnlc would defer to the public and I have been told that •recalls the council. .White House. Get ready for a set of values for all 20,000 stu­ that Gary Monahan had to give never work•; however, Cowan is 1 receSSion I Cowan appears to·think that dents, J pick mine. So. I volunteer up his time just to let Steel have making so many people angry " SIDNEY ANO this to be the school district's first val­ the time that was his to begin she owns city. Cowan has that it might not be difficult to ELEANORE TRIGHER ues czar. I am not in favor of vio­ with. gone so far as to tell citizens who get them to sign a recall petition, Costa Mesa lence. I think our schools and The mayor wasn't even mar­ dedic~te their free time to help· shoutd one be arculated. society are way too violent So ginally polite when my husband, ing improve Costa Mesa that Many citizens I've talked to (George W.I Bush's election any book that mentions.assaults Campbell David.son, was put for­ they should move to some other has evidently spurred a wave of and batteries Is out History feel that Mayor Cowan is the ward for the Planning Commis­ dty lf they don't like the crime wrong person to be mayor of thls nostalgia for the old Orange books and novels that mention sion (Peb. 5). I received a num­ and other problems here. It County days oJ the John Blrcb · wars are out Any reference to a city and that she is causing ber of calls after I came home appears that Cowan w1Shes to •Costa Mesa to get a bad Society, with an outbwst weapon tn the book means it is against Planned Pan?Dthood Books that night, and many more (later make •her ctty• into some sort of reputation.• banned. about contact and the baruung of books. Can sports or that mention contact ont. (1 also receivedJ about 10 (e­ penna.nent slum. Kristalna.c:ht be far awayl sports are out Books where a mails), all expressing outrage at One woman was in tears after • JAMa DAVID50N Is~ of the contemptuous bobavior of a council meeting. It was her Citiuns fot the tmptowment of Costa LEON LYON friend shoves a friend are out. N wponCoast I favor equality, and U Mayor Cowan. fir5t foray into any sort of publac MG. we keep our 5tudents tn a bub­ ble; maybe they will value tt too. So, any boOb that mention slav· ery, bnperlelilm or even suggest that black people are better than green.,_,.., won't g t my aPIJl'(Jvel. ~'s face u. Wuuld you rath.« ~a ll*Dl:>er ol the tebool boud be UMt varu. czar cir me? Or, 8bould we be tmpollng one ~ valuei on another pa- 9Clll'I c:bildf Ne V&lu8I Che piV• o4al .... llO de? ..... whit boob c:a be opmed In. dw-­ l'OQIDf . . lili2Y ,,.. bipst ... for us. ls to "*' when wa'r1 ploylrlg ... hCM opion ·-" -- ~ 26 1Ptoree John v_,..., Corona del Mar High TOii llTCMllS girls water polo coach

6 Tuesday, February 20, 2001 • Sports Editor Roger Carlson • 949-57 44223 • Sports Fax: 9.49-650-0170 Doily Pilot GIRU WATER POLO SU VIEW LUIUI 8llU Wlftl POLO CUMPIOllS Rougher waters ahead • Cc:IM, Newport prepare to face tougher tests today in respective CIF quarterfinals. Barry Faulkner DAILY PILOT Back Bay girls water polo teams from Corona de! Mar and Newport Harbor high schools, whtch defeated first-round opponents by a combined 27-1 margin, will undoubtedly face more challenging opponents in CIF Southern Section quarterfinal con­ tests today in separate divisions. CdM (17-11). seeded No. 1 in Divi­ sion IV, host Brea Olinda (18-8) at 3:15. Newport Harbor (22-7), the No. 3 seed in Divi.slon I. visits El Toro (21-6) at noon. Sea Kings' Coach John Vargas said he was pretty happy with the team's 16-0 first-round trouncing of Cypress Friday. But he expects a tougher test from the Orange League champion Wildcats. "Hopefully, we can build from that (Cypress) game,· Vargas said. "I think we have some momentum going now. The biggest Uung for us, DON LEACH I DALY Pl.OT is to think when we're playing and have a plan. If we're thinking and ewport Harbor High 's Sea View League girls water polo champion Sallors. Back row, from left: Jenna playing with discipline, we should Mµrphy, Paige Ianstng, Heather Deyden, Jessica Ball, Jenna Booth. Erin Ball, Ell7.abeth Donald. Annie Wight play well.• N The Paofic Coast League tri-cham­ and CalWn Adams. Front row, from left: Casey Hill, Polly Dolkas, Erin Kelly Bates and Katherine Belden. pions are paced by sophomores Danielle Carlson (73 goals and 78 steals) and Christina Hewko (53 gOdl.s and 97 steals). Carlson had four goals agairlSt Cypress and Hewko added three. With a win today, CdM, last year's Division IV runner-up, would face either No. 4-seeded Laguna Beach (21-6) or Perunsula (15-10) in Friday's semilinal. The Artists have already oeson beaten CdM twice this season. Newport Harbor, eliminated in the • Tempo will be.a key whe n Sailors host first round last year, alter winning the Division I crown in 1999, polished off Pacific in tonight's CIF I-A second round. Esperanza. 11·1, in. a first-round Barry Faulkner home game Saturday. r The Sea View League champion Streaks on the line DAILY PILOT Sailors, coached by Bill Barnett and Brian Kreutzkamp, are led by Junior • Cc:IM girls soccer P ~Rwi- BOYS HOOPS Katherine Belden, a second-team All­ protecting unbeaten BEACH CIF selection a year ago who started - Tonight's ClF Southern Sec­ for the CIF championship team as a skein in Division IV; tion Division I-A second-round freshman. Tars gunning to end boys basketball playoff game Belden increased her team-high between host Newport Harbor goal total to 52 with a team-best four one in Division II. High (20-6) and Pacific from goals against Esperanza. She also San Bernardino (19-6) is a clas­ leads the team with 31 assists and Barry Faulkner sic matchup in several respects. around 80 steals. DAILY PILOT 1) It's a 7:30 battle between Senior Jenna Booth has 48 goals Pacific's free-wheeling up-tem­ and 26 assists for the Sailors. Senior Top-seeded Corona del Mar seeks to protect its 24- po style (77 .6 points per game) goalie Heather Deyden anchors the and Harbor's more structured, Harbor defense. game unbeaten streak, while Newport Harbor alms defensive-minded approach Should the Tars get past El Toro, (58.6 ppg). which they defeated, 6-3, in a non· to end a 22-game unbeaten skein when the two Back ~ 2) It's Inland Empire against league game Jan. 5 at Newport Har­ Orange County. bor, they would meet either No. 2- Bay representatives, com­ peting in separate divisions, 3) It's the Pirates against the seeded Santa Margarita (18-7) or Los Sailors. Alamitos (20-9) in Friday's semifinal. vie in the second round of STEVE McCAANK/DAl..Y P!l.OT The first Newport-El Toro meeting the CIF Southern Section Mascot mayhem and geog· Greg Perrine and GREG FRY I DAILY Pl.OT raphy aside, Newport Coach was tied, 2-2, at halftime. Newport girls soccer playoffs, today the Sallon host at 3 p.m. Coroma del Mar High's Elisha Morgan (15) and her Larry Hirst believes hls team's forged a 3-2 lead heading into the more-methodical game gives Pad.fie tonight. final penod, before pulling away with ,...CdM (24-1-3) visits Mar­ teammates travel to King High of Rlvenlde today for what both coaches deemed superior tin Luther King of Riverside a 3 p.m. duel wUh the Wolves In a ClF second-round game. his team a solid chance to become only the third team depth and condltioning. (13-8-2) in Division IV in the school's 71 varsity ·seasons to win two playoff Veteran El Toro Coach Don Stoll, action, while Newport contests. however, figures to have hts Chargers (12-6-4) hosts Edison (20-1-2) HIGH SCHOOL GIRU SOCCER PLAYOFFS MWe're going to try to keep the score low,~ said in top shape for today's rematch. in a Division Il clash. Hirst, who guided a Sailor squad ravaged by illness to The Newport game is Ocean View (11------and Edison. The a 55-50 first-round home biumph over Santa Fe. That scheduled for the school's 12-3) or Valley •we liiiow Tars handed the win allowed the Tars to reach the 20-win plateau for IOYl IOCCEI football stadium, but rainy Christian of Cerri- where their Chargers their only the third time ever, the second under Hirst, who conditions may force a tos (18-1-5). only defeat, a 2-1 is 95-42, 4-4 in the postseason, dwing bis six-season OF DfV1SION IV P\AYOff'S move to Harper Community Newport Har- strengtha are verdkt to open tenure. •· SeClond rowMI, Weclnesdlly, J p.m. Center. bor, the third- d th d , the season, then · 1 don't know a lot of their opponents, but I know Diamond Ranch at Estancia place team from an ey on t dropped a 2-0 Bishop Montgomery at Costa Mesa Coach Ron Evans' Sea the style of play, in general, in Riverside and San Kings, champions of the the Sea View have many nonleague deci- Bernardino is more up-tempo,• Hirst said. •1 know, in Pacific Coast League, post­ League, has won weal01 • sion in Game 10. their losses, they haven't scored as much (55.8 ppg)." JC MEI'S IASIETIALL ed their 13th shutout of the a pair of playoff ... The Sunset games, the ....., Soi'NI League champi- The San Andreas League co-duunpions, who have season in a 5-0 first-round advanced to at least the I-A semifinals the previous sountBtN CAUIOflMA STATI P\AYOff'S school's first post· ....1'p0ft HMt>Or ons, wbo surren- Flnt rowMI, Aidliy, 7 p.m. trouncing of visiting St. Paul with season triumphs, ~' c:Oech dered only one five seasons, needed a three-pointer eight sec­ Orange Coast (1~13) at San Diego CC (13· 10). Friday. onds left to stave off upset-minded Riverside Poly, 65- CdM, which has to advance to the goal in an 8-0-2 second round. league campaign, 64, in Friday's opening round. ICIEDUll outscored opponents, 97-17, Coach Scott Smith's Pirates, on a nine-game win­ this season, dominated lts The defeated wild-card have posted 10 of their 18 foe Loa.ra, 5-3, Wednesday, shutouts ln the last 11 ning streak, are led by 6-foot-2 senior guard Donnell TODAY first-round game, outsboot­ Jury and 6-6 senior center Chris Adams. ing the Swordsltlen, 34-1, then handled noy, 3-1, in games. In their last 15 ...... Jury came into the postseason averaging 26.8 Coflege men • Christian Herlt.-ge and receiving go4ls from Friday's first round. games, the Chargers have 8t V.nguard Uniwrsity, ?:30 p.m. five different players. Cooch Jason Sorrell's given up only two goals and points and seven rebounds, while Adams was chip­ College women • Olrlstlao Heritage Sailon have produced 10 have outscored opponents, ping in 20 points and 12 rebounds per contest. . 8t Vanguard Unlwrslty, 5:30 p.m. The Sea Kings, who advanced to the Division IV shutouts and have 63-11, for the season. The duo combined fot 33 points against Po~ which High schoOI boyl · OF Otvlslon I-A fell victim to 6·2 junior Anthony Bradley's thr~-point­ ~ second round: Padflc at~ semilinals last season, outscored opponents, 48-20. ·we know where their ~. 7'3/J p.m. opened the playoffs without The Tars ore led offensively strengths are and they don't er. Poly missed a layup as time expired to keep the ...... their top scorer. junior Alli· by sophomore forward Amy have many weaknesses,• • Pirates alive. High school 2:!' ·OF Division I Pl~ffs, son Harvey (25 goals), who Burlingham {1' goals), Sorrell said. •we need to Newport, in Its scbool-record·tying fifth straight ~ ..1'pOl1 Harbor .i El toro, sustained tom knee ca.rti­ while the back line of senior dominate the midfield and postseeson. is led by eenlor guo.rd Aaron (15.8 ftoon; oF 0MsJon IV f'tavo1fs. ~ts· ppg) and 6-6 center Tony Melum (17.8 points ltN Ofloda ft <#ON "1f ~. 3:15 p.m. lage ln the regular· oson sweeper Meredith Miller, shut them down up front Junior and more 11 boatdt per gemo). • loCICIW hnale. Evans said he would sophomore stopper Taryn We need to deny their fot· High sctiool gifts • OF DMslon II 1'1.yoffs. like to continue to rest Har­ Plamlon, Junior Amber Tay· wards the ball. then keep YaJna.1, a third-year vamty perfonner, acoied o fillCIMd found: [difOn ft Newport H.tb«, vey, unW the latter rounds, lor and Junior Lauren Birch· them from running at us game-high 22 points Prlday, including the team'• last 3 p.rn.; °" otvll6of\ rv ~ .aJlid though lbe ti oveileble on ffeJd (u w U 01 Junior wban they do g t the ball: two field goalt ln the 80 teCX>ndl to erue a 50-49 t(:iUnd: CoirON def Mar at M.L King. an •on-call basil.• rMerVe Kristen Na.bin) b p Edison topped nme.ca1 defldt. AAW1ide. l p.m. Klng, in l first venlty lhleld junlot goalie Kllaa OuJyon. 3--0, &\the &It round. Htm Mid Newport'• •tarting fiv woUld &190 . .. a I ~Miu and with 1\'I • Sorrell Mid dU Today's Winner will iDdude junior point guard Greg PerMe. Junior for­ Vllr9"fd .. ~ 2:lO p.m no ten.IOn, .= . woo th Sunldst League. has been the team'• advanc9 to 1bunday'1 qu&r• ward Erik Peterson and 6-8~ Nedim Pa)mc CollOt "*'. PQlnt Lome Naz..... Toc:l3y'1 Wlnn r will strength all teelOfl, terf:IDal agu.t tllther No. 4- (14 rebOundl Prldey), :':::.r ~ il p.m. advanat to 1bUnday'.I quar· Todey Will be the third IMded Claremont {2()..1-5) 'lbnlgbrt winner Will meet elU. No. 3 IHtled VU· t rfinal, agalnat tf.lher meeting betWffn Haibor or'l'bouMM OUi (1 4 ~·3) . =~~ 01 St John 8oeco (tM) In Priday4I quat· C.olege . c.I St* OomlnguU H• ...) "' "'"" wd. 1:.JO p.m. ~ • Doily Pilot Tuetday, FebNary 20, 2001 7 ~":. -- ~ ' - why flt OOUlt etlOUld no4 HOTICl~'-1'fr1 NOT1C! TO P\irluant to Seatlon N011C& or TaUl'rU grant""~ School t 905 Main SI • ptrmltll119 th• IUC• NOTa TO NOTICE Of' A HEARING on lhe rs Ho oo.oes7S '-* No CONTRACTORS tt100 al flt Pubic Con SAU TSIFlllll otOOMC Huntlnglon 8eacti cu11u1 blctd1 r to co.m.ACTOAS P!TITION TO P4MJtlon Wiii be held on 118*61 lWI 0ro. No CAWHG FOR llOI ~~in h~r= APNl•l9-162-67 YOU Lloet.. A or B or C·53 auOatlhM ~· tor INVl'TIHG IN08 ADMfflSTER MARCH 15, 2001 at ono101eo ...._,_.....___ School ot.tr1ct· I AJU! IN DBFAULT UN· Bids anal be rtotlv9d any moneyt llltthlltld by NOTIC£ IS HERCBV ••,,__ •• ._.. ~..... _..... • ...... perm lllng I • IUC 0... • NOTlC" OF ESTATE OF 1 45 p.m In Otpt L73 No 81384611 N'N Ho 04~ ._..,, ""''"' ctHIUI bidder 10 ...., A "' In lhe place ldenlified the Olttlfet 10 -.ire GIV(N tNt .,. 8oeld ol perlorrNnQt unci.< loc:altd al 341 The C11y ot2·10 High Diltlld IU4>ICIWl9 ..Wrlllfl tor 01!1.JNQUENT ASSESS· abovt. and end be IN T~allhe~ BERNARD J HAWN Drive South, Orange, YOU ARE IN OEFAULT Obtain Oocumen11 eny moneye WllhMld by MENT" AS SHOWN opened ind publicly contract or perr1\lttltlQ v~ Sclhool DIAlll ol aka BEftNARD CA 92868 UHOlA A DEED OF Ind Bid Due at. Hunt· lht Olatrfc1 lo tnav•• IELOW UNLESS YOU r.. d lloud 81 the ~ P41Yl!ltnt ot retention• Orange Councy CeltfOf JOHN HAWN IF YOO 09JECT lo DATED OS/17100 Beech Union 1)41tfortnance under the TAKI ACTION TO PRO­ ataled dale, llmt llld Hrn1d directly Into musr l ~on Ilia will bids up IO CIMlllO ~152 lhe granting al lhe pri­ IJHlESS YOU TAICE H h SetlOOI Oielrlct. oontrect Of permlnlnQ TECT YOUR PROP­ •A mandMoty tterow Ind lndudwlQr- 10 00 A M llon, ~ should lPC>MI TO 10 51 YOfl(lown A¥9.. rllentlOne MAY IY: ~ lowd To • · ~ ACTION PftOTECT peyment of l!RTY. TT BE well! wlll be Mid .t Maren 16. 2001 al the benelloanet u eortrn at Ille hOanng and 1tate YOUR "°""'"R-. IT ... y Purchaalng, Room 381 , d di SOL..D AT A PUBLIC .00 em Wedne.cley, llgl\ff: e>ittrlCI BuSlneN 0!1~ rn..,..-" I' ""' H II""' en CA ••rne reclly Into SAU! rF YOU NEED tted•IDl'S your objectiooa or lilt SE SOLO AT A P\J8UC un • .,..on a.• · Hcrow February 21, 2001 for IS/ 8'* McLene. 17210 Oek Street Foun­ ain11ngent ana wnnen object1<>ne Wtlh SALE If YOU NEED AH 92646, (714) 964"33311 BY: acw.nlng Board AN EXPl.ANAT10N OP contnieton not atten0- Olr.ctor Procure­ l&lll Vltley CA 92708 panons who mllY 1ng .,,...,~ lhe court btlore the E.XPlANATION OF THE ••I 4350 Signed: nu: NAT\JR.E OF THE lhe _ .. ment/E neroy Con· Al ltlas t.rne date and ~oe nte 1ddrH1 11611<1 lbo111 Diiiy PlloC F ebfwty 13 01 02 'BALL COHfACT A LAWYER. lngton BHch Union MrvltlOf\ HEREBY GIVEN Clw die w"us· HAWN rTOR or contingent cted· One HI of docvmenl• 20 2001 U ondlcaled In the Bod NOUCI Is flatatly gnoan t11at High Scnoof Olslrlcl, Or· Published Ntwp0r1 ruJ propcny On.aie A PEi1flO" FOR llor ol the 1a1neo IOf a TJJO $pecdic.aloOn Std dOGU· CTC Real Estala S.- lllQ8 County Callomil Beach·Cost1 Men Coull()' . Cahfomla, known PROBATE nu been noeo muat tile VoU' datlTI With relundable deposit ot and IP8Clfocabon1 FICA CTC F0tedoeur9 acting by and~ Iii Delly Pilot Febluaty 13. u 2.423 Minutcftlall Way menta Cly Cnns A. H.1..vfl 11'1 tne the court ancs mail a S200 per set SP&C1al ltl 1 Fictitious Butlneaa on hll!I II ttte o.t.nci S111>t1101 e;._,, Cl cov; to the personal rep­ s.r- CotponM.on • Governing Board, here- 20, 200 T33§ CotU Meu. Cahforru' handling auch 11 Name Statement PurcN11ng 091>41nmen1 OUI\' 9IJCIC)lnltcl IN'* lnalter referred to u and furlbu dacribcd in Cllifom1a. Coul'ly o• resent111ve appolnl8<1 by ov1rnogh1 dehvtry, will Tha l(lllow1ng 11210 08~ Slreet Fou,,.. ~t to the DMcl ol ·01STR1Cr. wlft ,_,..,. NOTICE OF E.lh1b11 ·A"· Loi 269 arid per~Ofl' ORANGE the court wtthln lour be 1va1labl• ar biddet'a are doing bliGlnesa as 101n Valley CA 92708 TNII tMCAad by JAMES up IO. but not I.tier 11\1111 SE I zu RE I l/ll4ch und I• Mled llllU. Ttell7IOO Protect: °&Id • 661 • ML1Ult..n..ous cbo Diane Naumann. J331 rept9&8 "~11~ 10 will not exp11e btfore eno ~ . m 1n OOOCI ooodl1ion Wl!hin a m at lht O.litnel M~· llCOlded 05/30/00 u Athletic Field Renov•· 11471/11488 O«tee of die Cowvy E Hwy COiona adm.· stc.r !I e es~!e ot lour monlha from the fl\le (5) days alter 1tie bid del Mar. CA 92625 tenaf'C& Otloce 1789'l ine dV".:<: .. n' 1nattumaru NO 11on • Ooeen View High AND NOTICE OF bcorder of •id counry opening dare hearing dete nolloed Newland Street. Foun ~,.,E PETlf10fll 2000028264t. o1 t Oii l)fll··· County RlcorUer ol Orw1Q8 day, Merct> 1 2001 PURSUANT TO aon uclusi•c riallli or BustneM and " ill 3':: :or:o' .~ ,.,1 the file kepi by thtl oourt This bu~ness 16 con­ ent at this 11me 10 t. o1 Cll.fom1a. Ocean V1e'W High over, ullder and be l:""l'~ IO proc.aie 'tt you are o person lrt­ c-ty. ~.. HEALTH AND W11Y Protu11ons Code duCled by husband oind COM11dered for lh• ~ The N h a'>J a'l c.odt01t terested 1n lhe tslale. ...a Ml "" 03l20I01 at School, 17071 Gothard. SAFETY CODE upon, Loe I for-~ Section 7028 I 5. and wile pro1ec1 1 you may Ille With the 200PM Al tne Ncr1h "°"' Huntington Beach or dalnbtc f1llt• &lid Public ContraC1 Code The Board ol Trustees ere ., " lao e IOf '- eruranca to ,,,. eo..niy LtGense C ·27 SECTION 11488.4 cireu c.etcv11J011 tablet, Have you • tartec:t coun • Requesi I()( Soe· Seebon 3300 the owner rv ..erves ttia nqnt to r., a.amc~a'IC'' n tt., r.-e CcunhOuH, 100 ow: Bids et\ID be rectr.ied On January 21. 2001 poltt, w11a and colldu11.1 d0ong busineH )'Al? c•al Notice (lorm DE· requires lhal ltie boddec 1ect any and all IJod.> •nd ll&pl Or :'i! J~ c..1 onw w.t, s.nca In the place Identified al 1515 South Co111 for el~cic11)', !depbonn "I'*. 2·2·95 154 J ol the rlling of an in. 111 POSS81~ the CllSSI· Diane Nauman11 to warve any lm,9u1a11ty T.. E PETli•O"I Ana. CA 81 publlt ....,.... above. and ahall be Drive. 1205, La Ouonta and CKbcr purpoea and ventoty end eppreul al hcahon of conrractor's This statement was lher Oln The nght i. Ii!;() reQ i.e~!~ Ji.11".>nl) to to N ~ tlo008r 1or opened end publicly IM Motel. Cost.a Mesa acco.11emcnu chm:co. and license noreo above II estate assets or ol any filed with the C<>unly rese"'9d by the Bo.1«1 .,t adr-on ~·e• ''le esiate ca.i> "' cnadl aa datalbe..,n c1p:>raval -nr and lnO u Professions Code MIZad W1th respect to at· E.cei>11n1 from IUd ..nd1 Name Statement Hendlf'aon, Etq. and unhl ltle Registrai of The loUowtng pa-.ons February 2001 Belore •.;;-.· ur.a•" •Cf'/ more IUlly 08ICrtb8cl "' cne s 7028 5 leged 111olat1on(s) ol a • ldcd llJ34th llllCfCSt tn Con1rac1ors venl1es to SBN 31542 aoo.. rel•lnCIO OMO ot p ' Secll()('t(S) of lhe Heallh common m uld to lA>I I are buSJne&.S as By. /SI P1trlck Ou1nn m;>ot!c1"' act crs ~ion c 1 8 ~ c~nd the 01Slr1ct 111111 Iha 5030 C.mpua Dr con­ Ho Sum Bistro 3112 Olreclor, ProcuremenV ttowever :re P"rsotl81 :z,11. ~ ~~ the ~ !~.-Safely Code oon·mlUJl•e UICfllems Iracror was properly Newpor1 BHch, CA n;:,,.,S1tee1::::::, Newport Blvd Nuwpon F1clllllea repre serta"~ll w· I be OllJ9NllOn. , "'Y ol II'« raqutros !hat the b«ld8f ~""'' You ere hereby &ad noo-caclwive 1111111 of locensld a1 Iha lime 11\e 92880 &acn. CA 92663 Publisro1 Newp1 r1 re<;u •• l 1.:i i; .e ~o!ICe !O real ,_,._,., delCttbed r,osses5 the class1- notlhed thll lhe Oistnc1 "'1Y over. undtt and upon bid was submitted Any Published Nuwport W1lhe-N1lly Inc 1CAJ Be1ctt·Co .1a M eta ontlle license noted above at Coun1y has ln1haled dcairable insrcss and licensed is subject to lf1ef 1-.ave W3•vt.:J noto<:e Darty Pilot Feb1oceadtogs to lorlert the Cfltsl. cetevision cables. penallle5 uncle! the law __T1.!.!, or consenled t~ tt>e 26 27 2001 92663 NEWPORT BEACH . CA submitted Pursuant to above-described prop· pipes. w11es and coodu1u and !NI contract be pro~ "·on -..,.. TM339 Wiii This buslne» 1 con· 9le6J The undanqted BUSlneM and erly pursuant to Heallh ror e~K)' . 1Clq>llcnn considered void II rhe 1110eoenoem ducted corf>')ra1oon T S l..o 2(XX).4 265 l U.­ TrustM Cl~ any p 0 I c 0 d and Saf ely Code ml ot.ller purpo$CS and license c1assll1ca11on by a adm1ni, tration i1J1horr; NOTICE Of TRUSTEE'S lllOllrty tor any onoDtTec:tnlSS essions e Sectlon 11488 4 KC011ucmcnu tbcrl:ID Have you Slarted No ST795lS74S Nata Qi s ' spec1he<1 hereinafter is will Qranted unless an SAL.I! T.S No 9' 4465 33 ~ "'• ~·- ...... _._ ~ ecllon 7028 15 no V doing business yet? rM1ia1 , sa Jfldlw Oeld Cl' be , _ No .....,.,....., "' -- .....,_,, payment tlhall be 11\itde ou 8fe lnstnicted that lt'WCll. dnlJLI. w11er. 111 tnal 11 1 ol soecially con­ Yes 5 7191 Trwt Ya&. An In 0.ltlll nteres'"'C :l"!'i>~ r:e~ an ...... _...., - CQrTmOn deslgnel>on for WOl1t Of matenal un- 11 you de&lre lo ooniost &lid steam pipes, ind tractor delin&d 1n u. W1ll1e·N1lly Inc ;.noer A 0eeo Ot "rusi 0..a obfee' on rr. t'\(' ~ L1<0r' MClAIJGtt.lll YOU Nf£ 1f any '1IOWn nt< ..n Tiie de th 1 C1 I tho l orte1ture ot this acc®uemenis 11\erec.o, and Sectoo 7058 ol the Cah· Edw81d Neill Jr Mllf 8 t992 t.illm Yo.; T and $hOWS ;}000 ca1;se ~~~Jus~~ tlc gra11 tile a.1tttcr I) TAKE ~ TO PRO- ~ ol 111e OOllQllLOt> ttte 0.stnc1 lhat ttte con- SeCIJOr'I I 1468 S. you of 1 hkc or d1U11111llr specially contractor hied with the County ~ i Ya. 'laeO Ni Elll* A ~E ..RING :>r TECT YOUR PROPERTY, :M9C:Uled l>y in. ~ lO tractor was properly must l~e a venlied claim kmd. !or t.lle benefit or die awarded Iha contract tor IT t#l.V BE SOlO AT be SOid plus rutONlll• licensed al the time the staling your interest In rcnalnins lou in u1~ Cieri\ of 01 ange COI I ml WOtl< 1n accordance wt1h ~ll CcTt&t L""'19' "'1'u PM n Oea-· ".~ Daily P1I04 Fat> 13 20 OF THE NA~ OF THE Ille 1nt0ill puOlatlOl'I ol Ille licensed 11 subject to ponor Court ol the uccpuns •nd r_r.,na lhe prov1SK>ns of Cahlor· II 'WWCr ~ 9111 llW !NI IOa\ec 31 i.: -~ - ·, 27, Mar 6, 2001 T338 PROCEEDING AGAINST Notica of Sala •S penah•es under the law County of Orange w11hm from uld Lot 269 cue· noa Business and PfOll8l1Y tor wlllCfl Ille aclclms Or1ve O Se(hon 70.59 IF •:Jv .£l.t. T 'O public a.ocoon wit to the 0!*""9 bOO m1y be Jns license classihcallon unless you receive menu. or a hke or d1s.111n1· Name Statement T1flte 1s of Ille es· CA 9266J.40l ~' the ~a • a ~ bidder lot cmh. cnan ine touic onclebteoness speofied heremaflei 111 oc1uol no11ce (Please tar kind. for tile bcndir or The tollo"Wing persons Pwel"toll'lblr 932.7~ ..1 sence All work must be petllO"I, f~U ;• I.ii! c:mttlm(a d-*cn..n on a oua In 11e1e11uan 10 cal/I, 11>1 that of 8 "speaalty oon· use 01 F00766) You ad)letnt lou or Mtd Tn~ comple1ed within 160 are doing buslneas as Ill toll • piA>lc &cllOn al ~ appea· at •ru • e~· 'll - ot r8IOtW blnll. a Trustat,.. ICX9PI c&tllo4tt"s lracior" 11 defined m mUS1 serve an endorsed will be sold II pubhc consecu11ve calendar Aida Shahan91an The Frmt Cl' The F~ Al a·: Slate o1~-.r .C•e:" YS t• ct-=* drlMofl b; • lllle ot dl«ks drawn on , scale 0t Section 7058 of the Cali· copy al Iha claim on the aucoon sate to die h1.&M11 days trorn !he date spec DOS 23961 Calle De la 1,,. """ er.., ,,.,_ To r,. feder1ll Ctedll \Don, or • MllOnll banil. a cneCll torn1a Busines. and District Anorney of Or· b1d4er on FnJay. Much 1hed on the Notiee .to M.agdolene •431 ~.. C...c c... .a· file ..... ne· c • t-"".c•! ....--i., dlllCk drW«I b; • llala or ore- 11y siai. 0/ ledeiaJ Professions Code. the ange Counly (Alln 09, 200t . 11 3.30 p m . l.a9una Hilts CA 9265 7 rht cnun ~forr rhc heannJ 1 Proceed issued by lhe •11 E O.~r "'"' ~ l9det8I -1QI and lcln u1'IOl'I. at a CNII Ot a 1eoera• awarded tho oonlrac1 fOf N E T ) Bl 401 C1v1C d11wn on a DIC or ODS. 2396 I CaUe uWllJa ~ oy .-e na Proceed shall not be is. De La !COO AM 10 the ~ pcnoa _, b\ -~ 111.)lne\ --.i. or 11-..inga llW\91 and loan lhl6 WOf11 lhell 119811 con- Cenltr 011ve W est, uonal b~ . a chccl. drawn M agdelens 14 31 If YO A sued pnor lo hve !SJ bOdlr Pll'IDll! • Ille I me -J' .l.R£ bar-. Secllon 11111 ... _ Santo Ana. CA 92701 by a .Ute or federal credit La!}Una Hiiis, CA 9265 7 5102ol'ttoe"*'*' F'.....c.t " Code assooation. "11' ilrvc1 a m&j()(tty 0 1 ,,.., da union. or a .h.~ dn~ ddys alter award Of the Siie !Q' call • ~' CRfD!TOR 0t • tonnarm• ~ 0t ...... ,..,, oar>11 _...... ·~ a~"'- with withtn lflirty (30) ys ot ...... - .. This business Is con· contrac1 and $hall not ~ ~ D)' e Sla'e '¥ .redltOf 01 :ht dtcuseJ and~ IO dO r:... ll$SOCll..... -···· ""''" •. ~.,.,...... by l llllle or redcrat D •· ducted by an 1nd1111dual _ In ,_ .... wiS be apedlecl 1n Sedlorl s1112 o1 tne p"""81on6 o1 ea111or- the h1r.g o1 tile ciallTI •n jft•s and ~ &UOCIMlOll. reQu•re that work be nnor.i tis* • cl.:> d._, •OU 11> Iii '°"' "lalfll held ... the ... .,..__...._.. the FNlllCYI Code . llflO noe BuSIOess and tile 5upenor Coun.C1v1I ... Hav e you slarted commenced less than b)a~a~ ·:J'edl' ;.,!! !tot coun cod m•• I "' _., .....-·- *'1hon:ed lo dO Cu.,_ in Professions Code 01v1s1on " "nas IU50C11uon. or doing busmess yet? No (5) dayt. from dale of is ltlO' ctlldl ~,_... COil) to lttfl persona ~ • .,_ ba6Dw. d SMC! Sect 7059 The failure to ttmely sa•111c1 banlr 1pcc1fied on Aida Shat>a n91an a a tr( • .a ngte, • . 11111 state Illa Wll be Ion Irle and venlled Secoon ~102 or IDe F1· suance ol said Notice Cft C1 ledctrai "1Wl!ll 8'ld 19presentabve appotnteo and...... ,... 1 8 9 Fa11uie 10 comple11 1he This s111ement wu ~IO and now"'*' ,,,..,., ,, 111 ·AS IS" Time • of Ille H · rww:11J Code and au!llor .... ~ s.Mgl by 1tte c:oun Wl!Nn 'ou• woril within lhe bme set hied w11tt lhe County b; ttoe inmae in the i... ccn:lllklrl. 1>u1 ""lllout ~ All wor11 must be :;:",~ stanng 8::, :e's~~ lUld to do busmcu in ctus l&E!QtllCfl OI -. ~ monltl' from itte da•e ~ 1na111r dalatied property ~ or -1'lflty. completed within 30 Scau The 1.1le ,.,, be form herein will resu" in Clerk ot Orange County 11 0 1 on 02108/2001 ~ "'.acnStO?o'n ftrat 1$$U8nal ol lettel'$ u under and i:u--tt ~ Ot tmolled, consecu11ve calendar ~_'.!Op' r~~YWI resultde1~ all nshc. ucle. lllld tn1Crt11 the 1mpos111on ol hqu1· provided tn Prooa1e Code '° • 20016854708 ·~ Coda 8'ld IUllolzec Deed d T~ dalariild ~ bk ~ diys from the dale spec- '"" ....- • lO dated damages lor each sedaon 9 I 00 The ~ rne below. The .. wil be "' _ _.____ _ to ,...._ flied on lhe Noloce 10 clared or order tor· ne by Ille tnu1cc. buc day 01 delay, on the Delly P•lol Feb 13. 20 IO CID !arw.& " Clll1c'11lll ~...... 11_, 101100 10 the Sllle Cal· wltllou1 covenanc or war· fQ( ~ing CllOl1ll wit no! amount ol $500 per day 27. Mar 6. 2001 T334 Tha ~ Trvcw mede~vMla!A_..... the ind«>ltflnesa Mand POrloceed 111sued by the llorn1a and d1strib ed rancy , cxprcu or impl"'° dtlCltl!IS .,,., llbl!'f IOI' .,, !IX?" before l(X)f 'TIOnltll "' ~·--~,, or Dy SllCI Deed ol Trust. atricl Notice lo reaardtn• mle. pouas1on. Each b1dde1 shall _...... • P-ed ...... i•- pu1,,suan1 10 t • Fictitious 8uslneS1 ~Solllle~ from ttte heanng date or encum'. lldvanotS thereund« Mil> ,...... ,. .._, 'ti ..., ~ ~ or encumbrances . 10 subm•t on Iha form lumlshed wi1h the con ' ~Name Statement addrtu ll'ID o!IW a>'llTOn ncbald above =· 1 ~OU MAY E>AMl"-E a:.C:.rd : .IO~ps;h~ =~~ ::',!': :;: fr,';' v~ ~ ~ale~ C~e~ct~on Ml~~ b:~t 1 !;U: tract dOcuments. a hsl al The lollow1ng per•.oos ~ ~ trr'( """' ~ tool d "8 MO.i!W Dy lllCI Oaeo1 ol contrae1 , and shall not 1148 w1lhout lurlher Ill ~11 ccr1tm NO tile proposed subcon are dotng busmess as ,...,. Sad - • • °' 'f'lde lhe r'e ~ ept ov me :curt W'lllO/t ~t OI ,... ll'l "r o;;;i•~=-' ~ Ille Trust wolll lfller1111 thereon tequore lhet work be nollCe or heani, TI OF DELINQUENT tractors on 1h1s projecl A) Orengo County Mort· If You are a ;>e ~" d Tn.tll. ..._. _...... in UICI ...... commenced lass than Published ewport ASS MENT re. as roquored by the gage. BJ Loe Caba~os Pll'9" or ·~ 19\lll"dln!i ·nterested '" 1118 os!l!e Ind 11111 dwg9I ~ . es ... ~- ·-· (5) days from date al 11- Beach-Costa Meu r11 ~ a tl'CJ"' yOf\lary 6. corded • trac11ng Faor Practices Newhope St 1100. brirCn IO ~ the ,_ co..n a Reque$1 ">< ~. Wider the tarnw .._~ al the Tf\IStee F I pl -... 13. 20. 2001 fNSTRU NT NUMBER ~ fVICllll'Ced b) llMS d "8 Deed d Th.tit, r... ""'o1 the uvsts auteo 1>y 81 ure to com e 18 .... 2027 T 2000043t3S n tile Ofli· Act. Public Conlrscr Fountain Valley CA Speoal Notic.e (IOl'ITI OE· 48 321 Oeld ~ tr, Ei.gane W • tw.on. Ilea. c:fwgaa. 11111 DMcl of Trust Oetad WCl'k witl1ln Iha bm8 sat - cl&! R=lrds Ounce Code Section 4100 el 92708 154) er ttie o! an ~ Arte 0... Moi!lsc a ">CI appra·sal al end....- d Ill ,..-n.. 0211S101 CTC Ru! Es1111 forll1 herein will reault tn NOTICE OF Councy. California The seq Wallace B Root"Cller ..,....,IDiy In accordance with 10044 Adams A~e ~Noa W!f As JOlf"' of • 1or the IDllli .-ncMC (II s.r- FKA ere ~~.C:mJ:~= ~r ~ APPLICATION TO 1111oon1 or tile a1 es~·• auecs or a"Y aaJe, u, Education Code • 343 Huntingt on TIW'lrl' • rum rac:ooed petrtion or 9000Unt at ~~~~de FOl9Closure Se<'lllCl9 d•" ol dol1vy In the SEU ALCOHOLIC ttle ttmc of die inmal ._., .. v.,_ _ , ~ 400 , pubha11on or NOllCC '7078.11 . \he Olatrlct Beach. CA 92646 on 512C/t992 • lnSUIJ~I P5 tC llodl t.t­ ~ 1111n-.c1 ID be arr.otn al $100 per day BEVERAGES of Sale. reuonably csu secriOfl 1250 " ~!II • Ml for1ll balcJw_ The CoonttyWlda INiy., Each b1i;lder shall Date al Filtng rnar.Oua pege f:t the ~ Rlcor1:s tor Speoai 'loOlloe b'lr ' be 9f9lllllr on Som VaMey. CA 93065 submit. on the lorm Appllcalion 1ncludonc taie ch.usu. cent of the o verall H1wa you sl.,led Qul1y Caif'7'11 _.,. mst 4 ol 111e1:ab!e lrom Die court 111 ~ d .. TNlllOt' Pnona· (IOS) !>2().SZ l . luml$hed With lhe con· February 2. 2001 advances made 10 senior dolier emount u • doing business ynP No The IClal lrmllnt d 111' ~ 7 Wallace B Rooecker Owtll J ~ a 8ai. tnfolmallon (~) 5 11- tract documents. a lt51 o1 To Whom It May ~ bcnor~ . recs characs. ~ MCh yMr for ballr'Cll al ... Dlll;llO' Cl•" PetltlOnat Chrlt A nwrled llWI • '* ecle 11111& By ISITruatee Sale the proposed subcon- cern eapcnxs of die TNiu:c. dlaabled vetlf'tn buai­ Trus statemPnt was laC4l'ld D)' h proc.-1)' IO ~ HaWll hied with Iha County Ind....- lllOPlllY. ~ Oll'ICer lroctors on lhis pro1ect The Name(s) 01 the attorney fees. eipciua n • • • enterprlaea IOtlll'ld~~.,.--= CHRIS A HAWN ~ l'Nliee:- · Thi CTC Ree.I Estate ServQs 11 as required by tho Appllcanta la/are required 10 protccc die (OVBE). Clerk of Orange County CM\& ~-Sid ..,..... Eacn bid on 02/06l2001 24025 CARA VEL Pl Wiil """"' a LM Corpe>. • <111>1 coledOt •l18IT'4llln0 Su1>1et11ng and Subcon- Klf>ES CORPORATION secuncy or ror tile ot.llcr w• be ac­ • the ~- al ... nllll CU>b­ rllllon fU Wo16 & ~ to OllllCI • oeot My tractlng F11r Practices The applocants hslad purpoacs itto.. cd 11y comp;inoed by 1 certified 20018854458 LJIGUNA NIGUEL CJ. lnb. ALM CofJ)oflltlan, lnformaoon OOlaltled wt11 be Act. Public Contract above are epplyong to contnct or br i&w and or caShters cnec+. Of bid Dally PoloC Fet> 1:J 20 '°" d "' IOce d Slila " ~u'"T S!.00 599 2 t fl .. -" Newport 8"c:t>-Costa Reoordld owY11118 • uMd lat 11\aC l)Ul'POla Code Section 4 t 00 el the [)eparlment of Alco- 1n1erctt on JI Ille abo•e bond 1n an omoun1 not 27~ Mar 6. 2901 T332 tender of.- ;.., cWI ' 02127/01 Hq holle S.V1rage Control lmOU1IU The lt1IOlllll on less than Ion percent M851 Oa11y ~ No. 02J20/01 lllOIOled te Tru elaa m-r 1Sl8801- In bodl -. Ol/06IOI Each bid WI be ac· lo sell alcoholic die d aie of sale may be 11~1 ot the lotal bid CN5~372 HA~N F'eo .mdl 11'<1 -..u d lllt P'OI_- d a.:111 Alccrda __ ~20 :M2 1 • companied by a oerttfied t>evereoee at crater Chan the ~ ford! pnce payable to the 20 21 27 :10()1 What Tl\lftlt' O.S Wl1I t.lla' in N cJlloa d h ~ °' csshior'e check or bid 580 ANTON BLVO allo•e The ule will be DISTRICT as a guaran· llac0"'9 _..,. IO Ille P91M ::..°""°8:.. eour:r a:: Fictitious ButlMH bo!>d In an amount not STE 101A COSTA conduct" cbe "°"' llC'pt, tee thll the bidder If Ks happens If propoaal 1s eac.pled a ardor.a • t m111ar ol CJfAt1t tlterc (l lf ()3.()l!(l001 11 2~ PM Name Statement leas lhan ten percent MESA. CA 92626 t'llO'anC.c of the <>nncc Piii» d Sale: M Iha Noftt1 The follow!~ persona ( 1~.. ) of lhe total bid Type al license(•) 11.f>- C"ic Cen1u . 300 E shall promptty Hecvtt """ Oiied 2112/2001 Vtt you don't Cap I/I) llJ(Jtdi •. BSC rtoncentrralOlllCounly are doinO buSlness es price, payable lo Iha plied for: 47 •. ON·SALE Chapman. Onnce. Cth· the Agr~ . lu'"'6h a ~ r....- s...o 10335 M1ae ea..u- 700 CMc Elder Md Elder. 407 OIS'T'RICT u a guaran- GENERAL EATING romia 92666 Tht on11· sat1alact0f}' F1lll'1ful Per· advertise? • S90 T VIO W.-.cN (lt!f/otl ~ NOTICE OF c.... ~ ..._, s... Costa Mesa St . Costa tff !hat the bidder, ii Ila PLACE ml llllllOr (record owner lormance Bond 1n an A- 1&1 Fbor !k11>1nt CA IAae u PETITION ,_ CA.~ d l9lplld Meu.. CA 92627 proposal la accepted. Publlslled Newpor! at Ole time die Nooce of amount not IMa lhln 9150£ Mir 5* ~ one hundred pefcent c... (JU> sn.1~ a. TO ADMINISTeR balli- lnCI °'* citwgaa; CSf\losta'°'!. ,Am,. SEttde, 'c· 40a7 ~H.. .f"omptly lue~~· e eachp· ClooatFa bru Mu a Od111q\1Cft ) 4-Nt CONROY'S ESTATE OF: $471,511281 , lllr1llled. .., 091 """ '"""~l ..... , a 0 a~11 1 I e atyU.6 wu recorded wu on (100"r.) o1 1'19 tOlal bid 0... Segirw T~1 MARY GREVAS S1rW111 ~ 01: rJt9 Mela, CA 92627 ..bsfactory Faithful Per- 13, ~1 20()! ~ 1.. Fintl. The undenl1ned pnce, lumish a Payment S.. ~ P1t&467 ARY oomnan :.1g..,., d This bullnut 11 con- lormance Bond In 1n Truaee discb11t11 any Bond 1n an amount no1 ?113 l/20 it27l'2001 FLOWERS aioSJR~E Mka ,.., ~ SalidM'll ducted by an lndMcalal amount nol IHa ltlan FIC1ltlout ButJrMN hab1t11y for any ~orr~· less ltlan one hundred NOTHING. · • ~ 8-itl. C-. Have you 11arted one hundred percent Name Statement ncu or die llfcct addreu peicent (I ()()'lo) of lhl to­ 2983 Harbor Blvd. MARY GROSE 929110 AA ~ ~1 . doing bueineea yte? No (100'lC.) ol the tot1I bid The followlng pereone tnc1 ot11u common oe111· tal bid pOoa. and lumlsl1 fciwntd~ \llM.rfl CASE NO. A208118 Thi wdal..,_i T~ SNton Am Eldef pr1ee, lumllh 1 P1ymen1 doing bullneea u l'WIOn. 1r any sbown cert1f1c.atn evidencing Call the 714.s.40.3l35 111 SELL 'fo all lletra. benefl· cllr:*lma .,, W. b Thia etatement wes Bond "' an amour1 not JOHN & ANNA abcrfe Oacecl F«Onwy that the reqwtd lnSUr· c1srr.1. credltora. cont· ll1Y hiOUOtd- d .,. filed wtth th& County IHI than one hundred CATANA OBA JANI 9. 2001 Monuccllo anoe • !fl effect 111 lhl Classifieds your home lngent creditor-a. and .._. ..,_ "' Cllw Clenl al Orange County percent~. 1.!! ~ KING, 20n Cha"9 St. Commumty HOOW>Owncrt amount. Ml k:ltlh in ltlt P4if80n8 wtio mey Olhef• oamrnan dMlgl11l11n. f on 01/23/2001 ial bid ,.._ .... ,.,.,_, , ,.. __ u~-- ,._,...... NloctaUOn By 1Cnm L through classified 7 general cond1tlon1 In (949) W1M be lnltrMtacl In !tit .,,, "'- ...,,,._ I no 2001H52t3t c:.rtlfleelN l\'ldenetng • ..,._... .._, ...... ,.. Momaoa. Scnoor Tniae the event of !allure to enter into the contract 642·5678 wN! or eetete, or both, ot. =-~:.i_~ ~ Pilot Jin 30, Feb ltlal the ,.quired inluf. ~~ Catan& 20n omc.r for Donald T MARY OAEVAS 0, 131 20, 2001 !320 •nee le in elfec1 In lhe Cherie 51' 7 • ,._ ~ Mclncyre. TNMCIC POii and a•ecut• the re GROSE aka MARV 0 .,_,, ._.,. ID .. atnOl.lll9 Ml forth In the " 1 ' ...,.,a omcc Boa 191 AllWim. 7 qulr9d dooum«ltl. auctl ()is<:ount ( ~ asket L GROSE ... MARY lacmbld.. Flctttloua BuslMH 98Mfll condilJona In Miu. Cllilomle ll2e2 CA (714) aecunty .. ~ 20 9111~191 bod be for· ~~ toot GROSE be the IVent of falkn to Anni A., 6JS-5J99 THJS OFn<1 t ! "' ., ' ' I h111 .I "·'\II' ~ w • 17 n feltied The Flilhl\A Per­ A PETITION FOR ~ ...... ID Heine Statement enter Into the contract Cherie S1 • • Colla IS ATT'f!.Ml'T1NG TO lormance Bond ellll re PROBATE has been ...... , ~ 10 ....~~towing pereonas· 1 and • •ec:ute the ,.. MMa. Caldomla ~7 COUEO' A DUT ANY ITlllln In l\M toroe and 91· Cr""' $m•1tr •"" QtWir1 CuNrJ far l l'U hied by MICHAEL M d Ill ~ d ...... -· 1 ~ quH9d ~. 9UCh ...!!!'.!.. ~__!. oon- INTOJJIA110N 01· Oi.ftct Cremation .. $495 PIERC£ In the Superior =d~ ~ ~ ~ LBT ~ SIMCe, bid eecurtty wll be for. ::;-;-""' ,.._.., tnd TAINW CAN AND YflLL ::=:.~ Immediate Ba.rial ..$995 Court of Calllornla, ~ flla .__ .. ~~ ~ Allle, !Nine, fefttd. The Falltllul Per· Hev• "OU llarled H UJ.ED FO~ THAT lhe Ot'*ll oondlllona COUf1tt o1 ORANGE A "-,.__ "" _ _.. fonnence Bond ehel re- ' ' Uil'OSE. The OIStRICT r• (l"'""" ,.....,,, THE PETITION FOR -....- wim.m l . T~•t . 41 "*"In f\.j bee - ... dolno bualn.. a ytl? TAC"6IOIU MNee the riahl IO ftjtd PBCI_,... PfnTI"l.n~nc ~ A'r.llbbk fur PROBATE rwquella ltlet Allllt. Mle, CA i... "'°'91 .. V'*fWI- "11, 211 pao 1121 any OI ell 'b.da or to ~~ v:.,1~ 18.l..UWAY FuncnJ Scn-1co, c.:mn..~ .anJ ~ MICHAEL M PIERCE ~" 7» =rnt i-tnMI 1e con- IM l*tod M ~ In nu etatement wet N011CE TO wllve eny ~lttlM or ln!Ofl'Mlitlee In any Mortuary .. Chepel c '''11'\HI .... 1 ..... \\1 :n..~....:ivri~ ~~ '= dl'*Cf by; an tndlvlclJel ttllr:'~s~ .. !!nrP CounlY 1n3 al the Ctlfot'nla APPUCA-.... TO lng1on 8"eh Union Oel9mllned the OtMrtl 111 •velteble tor ••· ITAT!Ml!HT OF °" ~ Mf42IO Labor C:OO., the~ RU ALC0Houc H~h School Oltlrtct. pre11•lllno ratH of 1 "OM In Ill loolly In STARTING cx!'t_ f'9 • kAlpt Feb 13.20. llVE .. AOH ~ r::H:*=no3: ~ 1 :..:..~;;:: ~~::n ~1 : -*" .. -- .. to be TH PETITION 19- IUSINES8 NAME ~- 0. 200 ~ Slate °' c.llfomla ,_ Dllt Of f'.Wl'I ~ OHdl CA -Olfb-l'IMdlAll c... of quellta aottlOltly to act- The lotloWlng per· detlnnlned IN ~ ~lcetlon : ~· (714) ~ """ ,. ~ ANEW ' lnhltef ,_ ...... eon(•),_ pre,amno ratH 1.. 2000 - 430b .. ""'* {tlelre) an· Actttloue 9uelneae of ~ ~.,.on•• fie h .. _.._,. "'°"*""" daned lht UN ol f'9 ...... '*8tl1Mnl lllllGM In .. In To ~ ft W., ~ =~ .~~ DmAJCT, - ~ lllrallon °' ~ Id. llOlllloll9 llulllneee '*""" The folo"'4ng pet9orll Mlli:fl .. ~ .... .,. ceM -· •Ny .,. ctlClllMd llPOfl (Thie~ "'41 ._ f'ORTV7 OE.SIONI, .,. C1oWto ~ M: l*fOmle 1107, Ooa Mele. CA t7W hYlltl llvd.. _,. .,. on • .... YU AUS • tngton IMc:I\ UnlOn ...... _,_ltlib°' 1ton1 ~ obta1n1nO 92&26 ttte fl.t9tln. ~ OtSTRJCT. • ~ TM ....,_ llltd .. ~ ~· ... n...... i • • • • • • • • • • oour1 IPC>f'O'Y., hfori TM ~ 8'.tel• 9.21'0 IN1 be oblelned upon ~ et9 ~ ..... -~-1 _,,,_ ~Ulco•ldet-- king ceN111 '*1 Im- MM ~ ,...,,_, to ""'"*- M et.t111. ,,..,..._ 1'tlt OUt• 11111 h DttpwlMl't· d ~ ~-:...... ~ .. •.,....=.:' ...... port.MC ectioN. how· lbow ... lied Ill Qr. 11142 IMM BIYG., lhel ,... • Otlfll'I d halla ...,.... OcwW01 __...... _ Ml. 1.-.. .,.,, .. .,...... -:. 8n01 Colny on INOO. t228. T-. ~ ._.~ • lllidJ .. to M I elc•"•flc ~ ~ ::...... ~ ...... ,. • be ,...... FU NO. f1Xl01831111 tt1'0 ... ·-..... "" at I t7'CI • - ,_ ~.,"' to ·aMI nallOe t In- TNe ...... CIO!'t' TI* ...... ii ~ ll'!'f -..OO.•MIOI ..., =--" lkVO m . W ._ ...._ nlll ... ~ ...... ,.. "'9iillS ~ """' ~ 1 ...... _.. 1Jt: If\ ...... I lflll tlllf _. ._ l'Wl A100 cotlA M!UA. ~...... naf1ed .. -1 -- I'll Ho..... • dht 1n11 ..., ,...... ,.._ tt"9 CA .. JW ....-.ct ~ Of .,,..,.. te lie laut•" CIU ti M .. .,.._ .,,.., No ,.... d ...... to i! GI ~ .... Ollf'lll9ca IOt ...... :r, .. •· ~J..11: w.~ ...... _ M. aw...... ,...... ,~ llw 111r. 41 "'°" l!W~~ ..... TNI ...... • ...... ,, h .. ~ tl ANO ...... ':';F :.-.:... A.i: =Wllllln aul'!'f'lr .. 1111 tied .- 119 ~ ... ,_.. 1W ~ h ~ IATWllQ .uc1 • .-- ...... ~ "4 CllMll. ., o.,.. OttMNW a.. *' a.. ~ Ho _..,. ..., rat .i ...... 4 ...... _ c:= _... .. C.. _.," .. ..__ 0. _..,. ':-: '::..: "' 0110~.a1 • Of\ ~.... = ::r, =. ':.: t--~..,__,.~ • a t M W• ... c...... ;n,~,,. 'n1A ~..,,=,~ =nr.:·-- ·~·-· ::.;r..... -~ ,., .. . Polley Monday ...... Friday S:OOpm Hntt'11 aml 1k1:1111irn·11 11 n· i.uh1r1·1 lo c• l11111Jlf' -.·i1ho111 llhl 11·<'. 'l11r pul 1li,hn Tu ~sda y ...... Monday 5:00pm rr~""'"" thr. ri~h1 1.(1 1·1•11 11or1 n·1· l 1111~ih . I I'\ iM· or N•j('l'I '"'~ 1·h.11111ilir1I 111lvrrtj~ni.•111. Pll'tt'i4' r1·pw1 till\ 1•rmr W<'clne~day ...... TuNday 5:00pm tlml "''*' f,.. in ro11r d u~i. ifi 1·d 111 I By Fax ByPbone By MaDlln Penoo: i111111c-tli;1tf'I) . TI1c- l>1oh 1'11111 U• 1·1·pt • ('"'+'') 6:l 1 -6~>9i (949) 042-3678 :i:W \Vc .... t Bu" S1n ·t·t TI1unuluy ...... Wt-Xt'l'jll (or the rn-111( 1l w ~ pu<·1> actuaJI~· 0N'11pi1•d I" 1lw n1111 Hours Saturday ...... Friday 3:00prn Crl'dll ('IUI 11111,· IH• ulluv. rd (01 1111' fir~t i11~ · r1 i1111 . Telephone 8:30am-5:00pm Walk-In 8:30am-5:00pm Sunday ...... Friday S:OOpm Monday-Friday Monday-Friday Index

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U1I IWldleap, bmJllal Vtew of Bey & Parle w11h l!lCl $2500 949-~ CREVIER BMW S ..llS OI national origin, OI private parlc1ng S2500lmo 714-835·3171 1n 1111en!IOll to make any 949.723~021 FOR PRIVATE DUTY 1uch p11lerenu ~m1tabon 440 BMW 5'281 '17 Of dlscrimtn,UOO • • Minimum 2 )'t:al'\ cxprncnn· w11h Ahhcimer. Dcmcnua or P\}t.h STUDIO APT WILOFT like:.~~~: ntW. no pets. comm·~ 1• ~11-~1• • • Auto, CD, blKtt TIMS newspaper will not lcltehenttte, entrence knowingly accepl any PfV poo! $2200 Mi-7f0.1219 • Live-In I U\'c-Ou1 / 4 hr/(, hr/ 8 hr / 12 hr ~heft Ava1bblr ('#29393) • Low mllea PANORAMIC VIEW perking. S1200/mo . Muet Sell lmmedlltelyl COAST COIN NEEDS 1dve11iaem1n1 tor rul • We olfor cxcdlrn1 bt:nrli1' / lr~ining I Top Pay I 401 K Pbn CREVIER BMW Hiiie which is in violation Catalina to Palos Verdes 949-723-49' 1 3 fldoty unclaimed I-beam OLD COINS! Gold. "Ivar. 714-83~3171 ol llM law Our readers 11e Exqui5tle hmo totally remod ste~ buildings Sllll cral&d jewelry, watches, antiques, colleclilllet 94H42•9447 h11eby lnlo1med that all riettl&d rn a lush lropteal 105 w/chW10gs, 40ft ~ 65h, Join th• LlvHOME Teaml r BMW S40IT '99 dw9111~ 1<1ven151111 1n this setttng Opell SAT-SUN 1~ APTS 50l1 x llott 'yYrll sell for WlflO'I, Sport. t7K ml rwwspape! are avallal>ll on 2113 CIHtVlew Dr. BALBOA belanoe o~ Cel Oetns TOP S$S/RECOROSI (4DSM475) 18K Ml an equal=ocnhy blsls. Ag! Collen Mi-27~2775 PENINSULA 800·478-1265 Jan, R & e. Soul. Roell CREVIER BMW To com n ol d49J "'>I '>' ~n CREVIER BMW I' ·-=-=I 235 111'8 & liJlcllenlas. dlC11llOll CIHtllt $50. Vleft ue •t ouf' webeltes 714-835-3171 tflEIW. •lncfedlble Cu11om.au11t APTS 5'tLeleCj on beauldUly Sllerp OIVlftlltr $25. HP Home 58' 5 581 oY9< 5000 1109 I landlc:aped gtOOnde 95UC OIQlnatr $50 Take ...... _ fOf' BMW 740! 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Phone 949-645 4UO related problems 1nclud1n9 electrical, booktlrlCOldl e..ut ong AA! t4i-nw120 • 40J. K1'111 • Paid 1'ICalbl cond. oeraoad. noMmlu 110 APTI p lumbing, mechonocol, ond carpentry Vmt021}08-$13995 OC · tn.t«ni~ problems E1Mch. $775,000 T0~, 1-~1 calle CADIU.AC CATERA '91 1204 collection Cid finence E'SIDE BACK BAY f•-'"'"" 40 l (It)/ profit shoring Quorierly bonus Agtn1 Mi-723-1120 chatoel 'Cut payments up low mt, beige, laJ\ !Ctlf, lar91! I Br Loll, no pelt, WANTED and"""""" program ofter six monlhs of service, (072132) $16,1168 c.. 11 '"' "'~" 10 ~ Debt coneolidaoon $875/mo. 329 Umve11<1y. CDWwre 3Br 2Ba Condo. -888-313-4744 Send/l'Cll< resume to: BEHR Staffing, PO Box NABERS NEW OCEANFRONT Unrt C Call 949-574·2031 w/w.g prot, w/d, bale. S80CV Fast Approval! No cr&dlt ANTIQUES Sonto Ana, CA FAX check (800)270·9894 (7 t 4)540-9100 Mo I 112 UIJI 2c g11f 604 112 1287, 92702, (71'4) Rare And SBR (CAL'SCAN) Agenl 94t-723-8120 ELEGANT SENIOR UVING Mans!c*! 949-644-8512 Oldet Style Furniture ABLE TO TRAVEL Opeo­ 2A 1 ·973.S, or you mqy apply in person on Cecllllc Concoure • EOJOY a spaC10U1 !Wfte, PIANOS l Collectibles lnga IOI 8 people No ••· Tuesday. February 20, from 1-4 pm at 3'400 V· ', Nornlat 114* clletl en111<1aonmen1. c1ah1, fun penence _..,., . AU (272S95) $ t4,988 HARBOR COVE Stunning ltfJS, 111WpOf11bOn, men/ ·~ · ~ W. Segeratrom Avenue, Santa Ana, CA. Cllennlng kvlne Tur11e- ~lion and IOOglllQ NABERS home 4b! 2 5ba wellt to COSTA NEUPORTE' rodl TM'hn 2Sr 21M. plOl'I ·$$CASH- ·-· PAID$$OllU­ lurnisll8d Elll*lM oeid EOE. (711)540:9100 Fah Is noc 11'1 MLS $8891( 941-841-8300 1~ LSIW=I Agtlo.m 949-632·2600 decorlWd, tvll l'l. S5G5tn - - .. --- trallling progr11m W01tl/ ------mnrlUll ISi! 5a • V1 i* MN54-2111 WflllUY ESTATES 11avet enhre USA .,,,111 OVER YOUR HEAD in Slrlurn SU '93 • lrnrNldiilt• lnendly­ unique yoong butlllHS dlbC7'r> Do you need more low milts uo. c:teenl RH1auren1 Cooke/Servere/Ho1talBu1Hr1 BRAHO NEW HOMES FAITDr group C1n Mindy bleelhlng room??? Debt (342882) $S,988 STARTINO AT IM5.000 1·888 · 92,·1999 needed! New conctpt In Newport Beach Fu eot11olidiitt00, no quail· NABERS SOME OH THE WATER (CAL'SCANI resume lo (141)72HT70 or tPPly In person lylngHI 'FREE c:oneu1tauo.\ 1714 )540-tt00 AOT. 94i-72:H120 34e1 VII Udo, Mewport lleedl. (800) 558-t548 ASSEMBLY AT HOME www anewhorlzon org Cetlllec Sevll1e ST'S 't3 Ms, Cralta, Jewelry Alto llcenffd, bonded, non- Slall, ledlet, Not1tllC8t ,fllec1tonlce, HWlllQ, typing DRIVERS-JOIN Davia prolltlNellonal Co (834006) 110,968 In your ll)lre limt Great T11napo11, America's Aat· tCAL"SCANI · NABERS pay No el(perience No bed Luder, 48 11•1• (714)54Q.1100 Fee. Wiii train C1ll S$1 NEED A LOAN? Try 800· 795·0380 UI 2 Ar>.ai =.i"'tr'F debt conaolldlllonl No II>" Ceclllc Sewille .. !™n l !CAl.. SCAH) =(800)548-3114 . $ee UI 0 p llcellon ten II Low 5711 rn1el moonrool CRYSTAL COVE WWW dav!Slranepott com t -800·883-9008 (805384) $16,188 Fab COfMf lot wfocn AVON. ~ lor•• (Cll'ICAN) Ext IM9 WWW ,.,_,...'t MAIERS Vltwa. 4bf • bollW ot Income? Mort hH1blt b111 com (CAL -SCAHI ,... (!14Mf100 Sbf. UpgnldH. cultoftl houri? lndtptnOenet? OfWt.RS NUDE> Ful '*"' ... ---. .. AYOH Im wt111 yell/It looll· benefiiafpranleed metr eulle. Prine only Ing for L11'1 talk btne Vetttan drMlls "°""11111 '1 t!20,000 s1et1nl1 ( 888 )Ul· 2886 ,32 cpn llatbtd & 31 qwn - IMi-717-7* (CAL'SCANl van Smlthw1y Molor XpreM: 1-1!00·247•8040 BUYING ASSIST www . amxc com DON'T LOSE l3t10 ICAL'SCAN) W1 BEAT 1ny otMr FtOERAl. EMPLOYMENT honll llrldlr or PAY 111,000 to '71,000 I* You $300I Free p!t. 1~ Dock Awl lor ...., lift ApprovlJ ,, , 5 ,..,/ s.c.rlo Duffy S2!IOlllo pU www. fAl/ OARYS ISUNO .,.. Biiiot llllnd, Pilme 11UJMI01 Ill Fnfllon lttlnd loca!lo!! !Mt-76M881 ~1f:"~~IM~I= Udt ... l1I lot .... AMOClaW, ..,.. Pf9f "" lo IJllft ..s ti.II 12!1 Of 1 ev. 1, alnt benlfltt. 'f"*"* ·lndti - "*"'°'..HJ'3:7!77 • f#llJI To Mt 119 lftwrvlew Chttttine • ..., ...... MM40-2371 Gt'9lll 1oc, rz - to tMlflMM!tZUO cfllllM. Cll ""

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