The Foundation Years: preventing poor children becoming poor adults The report of the Independent Review on Poverty and Life Chances Frank Field Cabinet Office 22 Whitehall London SW1A 2WH Publication date: December 2010 © Crown copyright 2010 This document/publication can also be viewed on You may re-use this information (not including logos) our website at free of charge in any format or medium, under the Any enquiries regarding this document/publication terms of the Open Government Licence. should be sent to us at: To view this licence, visit
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[email protected]. Ref: 403244 /1210 December 2010 1 Contents Acknowledgements 3 IntroductionandRecommendations 5 Chapter1 APersonalCommentary 11 Chapter2 PovertyandLifeChances 27 Chapter3 TheInfluencesonChildren’sLifeChances 37 Chapter4 BuildingFoundationYearsServices 53 Chapter5 ANewFrameworkforMeasuringPovertyandLifeChances 71 Chapter6 OverviewoftheConsultationProcessandSummaryofFormalSubmissions 85 AnnexA LifeChancesIndicators–RecommendedMeasures 93 AnnexB OptionsforanewMeasureofServiceQuality 95 AnnexC ConsultationDetails 98 AnnexD FrankField’sPublicStatements 104 2 TheFoundationYears Acknowledgements 3 Acknowledgements AsthebulkoftheReview’sworkhasbeen IwishalsotothanktheteamofSeniorOfficials