Human Behavior Aspects of Fish and Wildlife Conservation an Annotated Bibliography

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Human Behavior Aspects of Fish and Wildlife Conservation an Annotated Bibliography 1973 USDA Forest Service General Technical Report PNW-4 This file was created by scanning the printed publication. Text errors identified by the software have been corrected; however, some errors may remain. HUMAN BEHAVIOR ASPECTS OF FISH AND WILDLIFE CONSERVATION AN ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY DALE R. POTTER KATHRYN M. SHARPE JOHN C. HENDEE Pacific Northwest Forest and Range Experiment Station U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service Portland, Oregon Abstract The bibliography covers nonbiological or human behavior aspects of fish and wildlife conservation including sportsman characteristics, safety, law enforcement, professional and sportsman education, nonconsumptive uses, economics, and his- tory. There are 995 references from 218 different sources. Also included are a list of reference sources used, an author index, and keywords, along with a keyword index. KEYWORDS: Recreation, wildlife, hunting, fishing, bibliography. Dale R. Potter is a Social Scientist with the Wildland Recreation Research Project of the Pacific Northwest Forest and Range Experiment Station. Kathryn M. Sharpe is a University of Washington student and a Recreation Research Technician cooperating with the Pacific Northwest Forest and Range Experiment Station, John c. Hendee is Wildland Recreation Research Project Leader for the Pacific Northwest Forest and Range Experiment Station. USDA FOREST SERVICE General Technical Report PNW-4 HUMAN BEHAVIOR ASPECTS OF FISH AND WILDLIFE CONSERVATION An Annotated Bibliography Dale R. Potter Kathryn M. Sharpe John C. Hendee 1973 CALIFORNIA RESOURCES AGENCY LlBRARY Resources Building, Room 117 1416 - 9th Str ee t Scramemto, California 95814 Pacific Northwest Forest and Range Experiment Station with financial assistance from The Wildlife Management Institute and American Petroleum Institute Robert E. Buckman, Director Portland, Oregon CONTENTS Page INTRODUCTION ................. 1 ABBREVIATIONS AND FREQUENCY OF REFERENCED MATERIAL .......... 3 OTHER BIBLIOGWHICAL SOURCES USED TO LOCATE REFERENCES ......... 13 ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY A . ............ 16 Be............ 26 c . ............ 48 D . ............ 62 E . ............ 74 F . ............ 83 G . ............ 89 H . ............ 103 I . ............ 124 J . ............ 125 K ............. 131 L ............. 143 M ............. 158 N ............. 181 0 ............. 184 P ............. 186 Q ............. 197 R ............. 197 Y ............. 208 T ............. 234 u ............. 244 v ............. 248 w ............. 251 Y ............. 265 z ............. 267 AUTHOR INDEX ................ 270 KEYWORD INDEX ............... 280 INTRODUCTION This annotated bibliography was compiled to aid students, teachers, researchers, conservationists, and managers seeking literature on nonbiological or human behavior aspects of fish and wildlife conservation. Examples of specific topics included are: sportsman characteristics, preferences, opinions, and attitudes; economic impact of sportsmen and wildlife; hunter safety and law enforcement; the wildlife profession, education, and administration; nonconsumptive uses of wildlife; and history. The authors were impressed by the great number and diversity of articles on human behavior aspects of fish and wildlife but dismayed at the lack of rigorous research on the subject.l The following table presents a categorized summary of the 218 different reference sources in which the 995 articles listed in this bibli- ography were found. This overview of articles and their sources suggests substan- tial concern with people problems by managers, reflected in talks and papers to conferences and by articles in their department-sponsored magazines. Reference Type Number Percent Conference proceedings 338 34 State Game-Conservation Department periodicals 142 14 Scientific journals 148 15 Conservation, trade journals, and outdoor magazines 122 12 Ph.D. dissertations, Master's theses 113 11 Federal-State-university-foundation s pons o r ed reports '10 2 10 Other -30 -3 995 99 For an earlier assessment of human behavior-uildlife literature see: Hendee, John C., and Dale R. Potter. 1971. Hman behavior and wildlife manage- ment: needed research. 36th North Am. Wi2dZ. Nat. Resour. Conf. Proc. 36: 383- 396. We hope this compilation of annotated references to the literature will provide needed impetus and information to increase the amount and quality of research and professional debate about human behavior aspects of fish and wild- life conservation. The abstracts accompanying most of the articles attempt to describe substan- tive content and conclusions rather than describing what the.article is about. This bibliography has several features to aid the user. (1) "Abbreviations and Frequency of Referenced Material'' gives the exact abbreviations for all journals, magazines, and other sources cited in the bibliography and the number of articles referenced. This list reflects the great diversity of sources in which wildlife conservation topics are covered. (2) The section "Other Biblio- graphical Sources Used to Locate References'' may be useful to readers seeking additional wildlife or natural resource materials. (3) The "Author Index" lists in alphabetical order all of the authors included in the bibliography; this includes all junior authors in addition to senior authors. (4) The keywords with each reference and the "Keyword Index'' will aid the user in two ways. The index is used like any book index--you look up specific topics of interest and go directly to the numbered references on that topic. In addition, the keywords , listed with each reference give a quick review of topics covered in that document and may include some topics not mentioned in the annotation. We apologize in advance for any injustices, inaccuracies, or omissions that are sure to result from the review of such a massive amount of material. Readers are urged to correspond with the authors regarding errors contained in this biblio- graphy. If appropriate references have been omitted, we would appreciate receiving a copy or knowing of their title and source. Our objective is the most complete collection of annotated references possible on the subject , "human behavior aspects of fish and wildlife conservation." These should be sent to: Wildland Recreation Research Pacific Northwest Forest and Range Experiment Station 4507 University Way N.E. Seattle, Washington 98105 Persons desiring publications included, in this bibliography should go to the reference source cited or write to the agency which sponsored the publication. Neither the Pacific Northwest Forest and Range Experiment Station nor the authors can provide copies of any references listed in.this bibliography, except material -jublished by the Station. The authors wish to thank the Wildlife Management Institute and the American Petroleum Institute for partially funding the compilation of this bibliography. In addition, the able assistance is acknowledged of the following students in compiling this bibliography: Robert Muth, Maureen McLean, and Mary Price, Univer- sity of Washington, Steve Lewis, Seattle Pacific College, and Glenn Uno, Washington State University. 2 ABBREVIATIONS AND FREQUENCY OF RE FEREN CED MATE RI AL~ Number of References Abbreviation Inc Zuded Source Am. Assoc. Advan. Sci. Symp. 1 American Association for the Advancement of Science Symposium Am. Fish. SOC. Trans. 3 American Fisheries Society Transactions Am. For. 34 American Forests Am. For. For.Life 1 American Forests and Forest Life Am. Nat. Assoc. Wildl. Manage. Inst. 1 American Nature Association and Wildlife Management Institute Ariz. Fish Game Dep. 1 Arizona Fish and Game Department Ariz. Game Fish Comm. Fed. 1 Arizona Game and Fish Commission, Aid Wildl. Restoration Div. Federal Aid in Wildlife Restoration Division Audubon 2 Audubon Auk 1 The Auk Biometrics 1 B iome t r i c s Bobbs-Merrill Co., Inc. 1 The Bobbs-Merrill Company, Inter-Univ. Case Prog. Incorporated, Inter-University Case Program Brigham Young Univ. Pac Southwest. 1 Brigham Young University and Pacific For. Range Exp. Stn. Southwestern Forest and Range Experiment Station Bull. Ecol. SOC. Am. 1 Bulletin of Ecological Society of America Bur. Outdoor Rec. .1 Bureau of Outdoor Recreation Bur. Res. State Wis. Dep . 1 Bureau of Research,’ State of- Nat. Resour. Wisconsin Department of Natural.’ . Resources Bus. Week 1 Business Week Calif. Fish Game 19 California Fish and Game L’ CoZZeges and universities represented by theses and dissertations are Zisted sepmateZy at the end of this Zist. 3 Can. Audubon Canadian Audubon Can. Raptor SOC. Canadian Raptor Society Colo. Div. Game Fish Parks Colorado Division of Game, Fish and Parks Colo. Outdoors 3 Colorado Outdoors Colo. State Univ. Dep. Econ. 2 Colorado State University, Department of Economics Conf. Am. Game Trans. 5 Conference American Game Transactions Conf. Int. Assoc. Game Fish 74 Conference International Association Conserv. Comm. Proc. of Game and Fish Conservation Commission Proceedings Conf. Int. Union Conserv. 1 Conference of the International Nat. Nat. Resour. Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources Conf. Nat1.-Acad. Sci. Res. 1 Conference of the National Academy Counc. Arctic Inst. North Am. of Science Research Council, Arctic Institute of North America Conf. North Am. Wildl. Nat. 27 Conference North American Wildlife Resour. Trans. and Natural Resources Transactions Conf. North Am. Wildl. Trans. 81 Conference North American Wildlife Transactions Conf. Northeast Wildl. Trans. 2 Conference Northeast Wildlife

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