Press release 09 September 2010 Ministry of Justice Agreement with South Korea on holiday employment Today Minister for Migration and Asylum Policy Tobias Billström and the Ambassador of South Korea in signed an agreement making it easier for young adults from and South Korea to work temporarily in the other country.

"Increased mobility is of great importance for Sweden. This agreement gives young people opportunities to get to know the culture and social life in one another's countries. I hope that this, in turn, will lead to more South Koreans seeing Sweden as a an attractive country to work in," says Mr Billström.

Background The agreement targets young people aged between 18 and 30. Provided certain conditions are satisfied, a visa or temporary residence permit will be issued for a working holiday/incidental employment for up to one year. The conditions include the following requirements: applicants may not be accompanied by children; they must have a valid passport and a return ticket or enough money to buy such a ticket; and they must also have sufficient funds to pay for their maintenance in the other country.

The agreement will enter into force on 1 November 2010.

Sweden has previously entered into agreements on working holidays for young people from Australia, Canada and New Zealand.

Contact Markus Friberg Press Secretary to Tobias Billström 2009

Press release 17 December 2009 Ministry of Justice Tobias Billström to take part in welcome ceremony for Serbian citizens Early on Saturday morning, 19 December, Minister for Migration and Asylum Policy Tobias Billström will take part in a ceremony at Brussels Airport to welcome 50 Serbian citizens. Accompanied by Serbian Deputy Prime Minister Bozidar Djelic, they are publicising the recently achieved visa-free access to the Schengen area by travelling to Brussels, Rome, Paris and Berlin.

Time and place The ceremony will take place at Brussels Airport (Zaventem) at 02.30 on Saturday 19 December.

"It is hard to overestimate the significance of the fact that, from 19 December onwards, citizens of Serbia, Montenegro and the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia can travel to the Schengen area without a visa. This means that the three countries are more closely tied to the EU and relations between the citizens of our countries and exchange between us are strengthened," says Mr Billström.

The 50 participants applied for a place on the trip, and the majority of them have never previously travelled outside Serbia.

Contact Markus Friberg Press Secretary to Tobias Billström

Press release 01 December 2009 Ministry of Justice Troika Meeting with Russia in Stockholm On the afternoon of Wednesday 2 December, a meeting on justice and home affairs will be held between the EU and the Russian Federation within the framework of the Permanent Partnership Council.

Russia will be represented by Minister of Justice Alexander Konovalov and Minister of the Interior Rashid Nurgaliev. The EU will be represented by Minister for Justice Beatrice Ask, Minister for Migration and Asylum Policy Tobias Billström and European Commission Vice-President Jacques Barrot. Representatives of the incoming Spanish Presidency will also participate.

Discussions during the meeting will cover the fight against cross-border crime, visa and migration issues and judicial cooperation in criminal and civil cases.

Contact Martin Valfridsson Press Secretary to Beatrice Ask Markus Friberg Press Secretary to Tobias Billström Jeanette Mattsson Assistant Press Secretary to Beatrice Ask

Press release 30 November 2009 Ministry of Justice Consensus on cross-border crime and migration in the Stockholm Programme At today's Justice and Home Affairs Council, home affairs and migration ministers discussed the draft Stockholm Programme. There was broad consensus on creating a more secure and open Europe where the rights of individuals are safeguarded.

The ministers agreed that effective measures against cross-border crime must go hand in hand with guaranteed legal security for the individual. Police cooperation needs to be made more effective, for example by making better use of Europol, and the rights of individuals strengthened by measures including the EU's swift accession to the European Convention on Human Rights.

The meeting also discussed the issue of setting up a special coordinator for combating human trafficking. The purpose of the proposal is to achieve better coordination and use of all of the EU's resources to combat human trafficking.

"Combating human trafficking is an important priority. We have highlighted this issue in various ways. In the Stockholm Programme we set out clear objectives for action against human trafficking. A coordinator is one way of further intensifying these efforts," says Minister for Justice Beatrice Ask.

There was consensus in the Council that the EU needs a flexible migration policy to meet future labour needs while illegal migration must be combated. The importance of a common asylum system that safeguards the rights of migrants and guarantees an effective and legally certain processing of asylum application were emphasised.

"I am particularly pleased that the EU now affirms that well-managed migration can be positive for all actors, the Member States and the EU as a whole, as well as for the country of origin and the individual migrant. This should be an integral part of the further development of a common immigration policy," says Minister for Migration and Asylum Policy Tobias Billström.

Further, the issue of strengthened solidarity between the Member States on migration issues and the situation in the Mediterranean was addressed. In this context, discussions also addressed the role of Frontex, the rights of migrants and the level of ambition in the section on asylum policy. The Presidency also aimed for a balance that would be acceptable to all the Member States and the Council took several important steps forward.

On Tuesday, the EU justice ministers will continue to discuss the Stockholm Programme. The Programme is to be adopted by EU heads of state and government at the European Council on 10-11 December.

The Stockholm Programme is to define the framework for EU police and customs cooperation, rescue services, criminal and civil law cooperation, asylum, migration and visa policy for the period 2010-2014.

Contact Martin Valfridsson Press Secretary to Beatrice Ask Markus Friberg Press Secretary to Tobias Billström

Press release 30 November 2009 Ministry of Justice Partnership for Mobility between the EU and Georgia Today Minister for Migration and Asylum Policy Tobias Billström and Georgia's Deputy Prime Minister Giorgi Baramidze have signed a Partnership for Mobility between the EU and Georgia, together with representatives of the European Commission and the other 15 EU Member States participating in the Partnership.

The Partnership for Mobility aims at broad, structured and intensified cooperation in the area of migration between the EU and Georgia. The Partnership involves a large number of cooperation projects to strengthen Georgia's capacity in the area of migration together with the EU Member States. The Partnership for Mobility with Georgia is a further prominent example of the good relations between the EU and Georgia.

The partnership with Georgia is the third to be established after the partnerships last year with Moldova and Cape Verde. During the Swedish Presidency of the EU, further steps have been taken to enable the EU next year to establish partnerships with more countries prioritised for cooperation in the area of migration.

Contact Markus Friberg Press Secretary to Tobias Billström

Press release 30 November 2009 Ministry of Justice Agreement to place the European Asylum Support Office in Malta At today's Justice and Home Affairs Council in Brussels, ministers have agreed to place the European Asylum Support Office in Malta.

"For the Common European Asylum System to become a reality, practical cooperation is of the greatest importance. I am therefore very pleased that we have been able to reach an agreement which means that the Support Office can be set up as early as next year, and that it will be based in Valletta," says Tobias Billström, Minister for Migration and Asylum Policy.

During the Swedish Presidency an agreement has reached between the Council and the European Parliament on the establishment of a European Asylum Support Office. This will enable the Support Office to be set up next year. The Support Office is to promote and improve practical cooperation in the area of asylum, support harmonisation efforts in the EU and facilitate work in national agencies. Ministers have today agreed that the support office will be located in Malta.

Contact Markus Friberg Press Secretary to Tobias Billström

Press release 30 November 2009 Ministry of Justice Visa exemption for citizens from the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM), Montenegro and Serbia The Council decided today to grant visa exemption for citizens from the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM), Montenegro and Serbia when entering the EU/Schengen area.

"Citizens from these countries wishing to celebrate Christmas with their friends and relations in the Schengen area can now do so without needing visas. The links between these three countries and the EU have been strengthened through this decision which is very important for the development of our relations. I look forward to the day when we can also decide on visa exemption for Albania and Bosnia and Herzegovina," says Minister for Migration and Asylum Policy Tobias Billström.

The decision is of great importance for the citizens concerned and is a major step forward in these countries' EU integration process. Visa exemption enables citizens from the Western Balkans and the EU to be drawn more closely together. New opportunities for exchange and cooperation are opened up.

Visa exemption will apply as of 19 December 2009 and include visitors travelling with a biometric passport for stays of up to 90 days within a six- month period.

Background The European Commission initiated dialogues on visa exemption with the Western Balkan countries in the spring of 2008. In connection with these, roadmaps were adopted containing criteria for these countries to meet in order for visa exemption to be introduced. These roadmaps were individually designed according to the needs of each country and require heightened document security, a well-developed asylum system, increased minority protection, advanced border cooperation and strengthened legislation to prevent organised crime and corruption.

The Commission's evaluation has now shown that FYROM, Montenegro and Serbia meet all the roadmap criteria.

Albania and Bosnia and Herzegovina still have some criteria to fulfil. However, the Presidency hopes that both these countries will now focus on the remaining reforms, so that decisions on visa exemption can be also taken for their citizens.

Since the regional aspect is important in this context, the Council and the European Parliament have drawn up a joint statement. The statement, which was also adopted at today's Council meeting, aims to encourage Albania and Bosnia and Herzegovina to meet the final criteria necessary for visa exemption to be introduced.

Contact Markus Friberg Press Secretary to Tobias Billström

Press release 28 October 2009 Ministry of Justice USA and EU agree on future cooperation on justice and home affairs During the meeting held today between the EU and the USA in Washington, the parties adopted a statement on the development of future cooperation in the field of justice and home affairs.

The EU was represented at the meeting by Minister for Justice Beatrice Ask and Minister for Migration and Asylum Policy Tobias Billström, together with Vice President of the European Commission Jacques Barrot. The United States was represented by Attorney General Eric Holder and Deputy Secretary of the Department Download of Homeland Security Jane Holl Lute. Together they presented the Washington Statement at a press briefing at House of Sweden. EU-US Joint Statement 28 October 2009 (pdf 117 kB) The Washington Statement establishes a common will to deepen cooperation between the USA and the EU for strengthened freedom, security and justice. The Washington Statement is intended to apply to cooperation for the next five years, the same period as that of the Stockholm Programme.

It contains a wish to simplify travel and trade between the EU and the USA. The parties also intend to improve the dialogue on asylum and migration.

The EU and the USA intend to continue their cooperation to fight gross cross-border crime, particularly regarding human trafficking and smuggling, the sexual exploitation of children and drugs crime. The parties emphasised the importance of cooperation between each other's law enforcement agencies.

The EU and the USA are also agreed in their cooperation to respect the rights and private lives of individuals and to strengthen the protection of personal data on each other's citizens.

"We are establishing a joint ambition to continue our cooperation to fight gross international crime. That's important. But equally important is that we are agreed on strengthening the protection of the rights of the individual. For the EU, this has been the most important issue in the negotiations," says Minister for Justice Beatrice Ask.

"It is important that the EU and the USA continue with their cooperation and intensify it with regard to migration issues, particularly when it comes to the exchange of knowledge and information. The Statement will provide good conditions for this," says Minister for Migration and Asylum Policy Tobias Billström.

More in-depth discussions were also held at the meeting on cooperation to combat trafficking in human beings, particularly with regard to the exploitation of children, strengthened security for personal data and visa issues. Instruments of ratification were also exchanged for agreements between the EU and the USA on extradition and legal assistance in criminal cases, which means that the agreements will now enter into force.

Contact Martin Valfridsson Press Secretary to Beatrice Ask Markus Friberg Press Secretary to Tobias Billström

Press release 26 October 2009 Ministry of Justice Ask and Billström to visit the United States On Wednesday 28 October, a meeting will be held in Washington between the EU and the United States.

The EU will be represented by Minister for Justice Beatrice Ask, Minister for Migration and Asylum Policy Tobias Billström and European Commission Vice-President Jacques Barrot. The United States will be represented by Attorney General Eric Holder and Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano.

The agenda includes issues relating to how the EU and the United States can become better at working together to combat human trafficking and in particular the exploitation of children. Strengthened security of personal data and visa issues will also be addressed.

When the meeting is concluded at approximately 12.00 on 28 October, the instruments of ratification of the agreements between the EU and the United States on extradition and mutual legal assistance in criminal matters will be exchanged.

The ceremony is open to the media and will be followed by a concluding press conference (valid press credentials are required for admission). The meeting will be held at the House of Sweden, the Swedish Embassy.

The ministers' visit to Washington also includes several bilateral meetings with representatives of the US government.

Contact Martin Valfridsson Press Secretary to Beatrice Ask Markus Friberg Press Secretary to Tobias Billström

Press release 11 September 2009 Ministry of Justice Tobias Billström to take part in migration symposium in Paris Minister for Migration and Asylum Policy Tobias Billström is to take part in the symposium 'Migration and integration: the new challenge of globalisation' in Paris on Monday 14 September. The symposium is being organised by the French Ministry of Immigration, Integration, National Identity and Development.

"Migration is a natural part of our increasingly globalised societies and economies. In times of economic downturn, it is important to remember that many European countries will soon have problems due to labour shortages and ageing populations. For this reason we must not succumb to protectionism, but rather we must develop a policy to meet future challenges," Mr Billström says ahead of the symposium.

Time and place Minister for Migration and Asylum Policy Tobias Billström will participate in session 1 between 10.30 and 12.30.

Place: Auditorium du Conseil Supérieur du Notariat 60 boulevard de la Tour Maubourg, 75007 Paris

Contact Markus Friberg Press Secretary to Tobias Billström

Press release 24 August 2009 Ministry of Justice Tobias Billström to participate in conference on resettlement Minister for Migration and Asylum Policy Tobias Billström will participate on Tuesday 25 August in a conference entitled 'Towards the common EU Resettlement Scheme - the road ahead', to be held by the Churches' Commission for Migrants in Europe in Sigtuna.

The theme of the conference is resettlement and the EU's ambition to establish a common resettlement scheme.

Participants at the conference will include Jacques Barrot, the Vice-President of the European Commission and Commissioner for Justice, Freedom and Security, Erika Feller, UN Assistant High Commissioner for Refugees, and Bjarte Vandvik, Secretary-General of the European Council on Refugees and Exiles.

Minister for Migration and Asylum Policy Tobias Billström will take part in the introductory panel discussion at 14.30.

Place: Sigtunastiftelsen, Manfred Björkquists Allé 2-4, Sigtuna, Stockholm

Contact Markus Friberg Press Secretary to Tobias Billström

Press release 13 July 2009 Ministry of Justice Press conference with Beatrice Ask and Tobias Billström ahead of ministerial meeting In connection with the Informal Meeting of Justice and Home Affairs Ministers on 15-17 July in Stockholm, Minister for Justice Beatrice Ask and Minister for Migration and Asylum Policy Tobias Billström are pleased to invite you to a press conference at Stockholm International Fairs.

Time and place External links Time: Wednesday 15 July at 10.00 Accreditation for the meeting Place: Stockholm International Fairs, assembly at the accreditation entrance on the Web site for the Swedish Presidency of the EU Accreditation for the meeting AND prior notification of attendance are required by 16.00 on Tuesday 14 July at the latest. For prior notification, please contact Jeanette Mattsson.

We look forward to seeing you.

Contact Martin Valfridsson Press Secretary to Beatrice Ask Markus Friberg Press Secretary to Tobias Billström Jeanette Mattsson Assistant Press Secretary to Beatrice Ask

Press release 17 June 2009 Ministry of Justice Minister for Migration and Asylum Policy to visit Malta

Minister for Migration and Asylum Policy, Mr Tobias Billström, is to visit Malta on 22 -23 June. The purpose of the visit is to hold talks with the Maltese Government and to form an opinion on the situation of migrants coming from Northern Africa to Malta.

- The migration situation in the Mediterranean is problematic and will be so also during the Swedish Presidency. As a small country, Malta is particularly exposed and it is therefore important to hold discussions with the Maltese Government. Is also an opportunity for me to gather information about the situation on the ground, says Minister for Migration and Asylum Policy, Mr Tobias Billström.

Contact Markus Friberg Press Secretary to Tobias Billström

Press release 10 June 2009 Ministry of Justice Swedish Ministers welcome Commission communication on the Stockholm Programme The European Commission today presented a communication on the 'Stockholm Programme' on the direction of EU cooperation on justice and home affairs up to the end of 2014.

"We want the Swedish Presidency to contribute to a safer and more open Europe. The Commission's communication lays a good foundation for the negotiations with the other Member States and with the European Parliament this autumn," say Minister for Justice Beatrice Ask and Minister for Migration and External links Asylum Policy Tobias Billström in a statement. Read more on the website for the Swedish EU Presidency "We will work for an ambitious Stockholm Programme with a good balance between fighting crime effectively European Commission and protection for the privacy of the individual," Ms Ask continues. outlines its vision for the area of freedom, security and "One of the main tasks in the area of asylum and migration will be to work for a common asylum system that is justice legally secure, accessible and based on solidarity between EU Member States," Mr Billström continues.

The EU's work in the area of justice and home affairs (JHA) is organised into five-year working programmes. The first was adopted in Tampere in 1999. The current Hague Programme was adopted in autumn 2004 and expires in December 2009. A new programme for the period 2010-2014 is therefore due to be adopted during the Swedish Presidency and will cover police and customs cooperation, rescue services, criminal and civil law cooperation, asylum, migration and visa policy. The working programme will be formally adopted by the EU heads of state and government in the European Council.

The Swedish Presidency of the EU intends to devote the informal ministerial meeting in Stockholm (15-17 July 2009) entirely to the Stockholm Programme. The Programme will then be dealt with in the JHA Council on 30 November to 1 December and in the General Affairs and External Relations Council (GAERC) on 7-8 December before it is adopted at the European Council on 10-11 December.

Contact Martin Valfridsson Press Secretary to Beatrice Ask Markus Friberg Press Secretary to Tobias Billström

Press release 15 May 2009 Ministry of Justice Tobias Billström to visit resettlement mission in Jordan On 18 - 20 May Minister for Migration and Asylum Policy Mr Tobias Billström is to join the Swedish Migration Board's resettlement mission in Amman, Jordan, where they aim to select Iraqi refugees for resettlement in Sweden. The purposes of the visit are to get first hand information about how resettlement work is carried out and also to encourage more EU member states to establish resettlement programmes in co-operation with the UNHCR.

At the Justice and Home Affairs council meeting in Luxembourg on April 6th 2009, Mr Billström invited his ministerial colleagues to join him to Jordan in order to spread the idea of resettlement. The Minister of Interior of Cyprus will therefore take part in the visit. Related Resettlement - Resettlement is an important tool in order to provide shelter for people who are in great need of protection Press release: Tobias and can not find a sustainable situation where they are. Sweden has a long tradition of co-operation with the Billström encourages UNHCR in these matters and I am looking forward to see how this works in practice, Minister for Migration resettlement of refugees and Asylum Policy Mr Tobias Billström says. Harmonising towards a common asylum system - It is important that more EU member states start working with resettlement. This is one of the questions that will be important to me during the Swedish presidency in the EU, says Mr Billström.

During the visit to Jordan the Minister for Migration and Asylum Policy will also meet with Jordanian ministers and the UNHCR.

Contact Markus Friberg Press Secretary to Tobias Billström

Press release 14 May 2009 Prime Minister's Office Ministers' engagements weeks 21-22 2009

Subject to change.

For further information contact the Minister's press secretary. Related Press contacts Calendar for Prime Minister Prime Minister's Office Calendar for Minister for Foreign Affairs Calendar for Minister for Trade Ewa Björling Prime Minister Fredrik Reinfeldt 18 May Travel in Sweden

20 May Party leader debate ahead of European Parliament election,

25 May Travel in Sweden

Ministry for Foreign Affairs

Minister for Foreign Affairs Carl Bildt 18 May Participation in GAERC, Brussels Visit to Göteborg, Sweden

21 May Visit to Warsaw Visegrad Meeting

24-26 May ASEM, Hanoi

27-28 May Visit to Phnom Penh

Minister for Trade Ewa Björling 18 May Visit to Göteborg, Sweden

19 May Visit to Almi Företagspartner (Almi Business Partner)

19 May Dialogue meeting on the export ban on Swedish snuff in the EU internal market

20 May Advisory Committee on EU Affairs, Riksdag Meeting with World Bank President Robert B. Zoellick at World Bank meeting, Helsinki

25 May Speech at Africa Day Seminar on Strategic Partnerships for African Development, Stockholm 27 May Main speaker and award presenter at SwedenBIO's Annual General Meeting

27 May Informal meeting with African ambassadors based in Stockholm on EPA negotiations

28 May Competitiveness Council, Brussels

29 May Visit to Tranås, Sweden

Press release 06 April 2009 Ministry of Justice Tobias Billström encourages resettlement of refugees At today's Justice and Home Affairs council meeting in Luxembourg Minister for Migration and Asylum Policy, Mr Tobias Billström, invites his ministerial colleagues to participate in a visit to a resettlement mission to Jordan carried out by the Swedish Migration Board.

The invitation is a follow-up on the letter sent by Sweden and five other member states in January 2008 to member states without a refugee quota in order to set EU attention to the resettlement issue. Thereafter, the EU has taken an initiative to accept Iraqi refugees in cooperation with the UNHCR. Download Invitation resettlement (pdf - Resettlement is a good and efficient instrument to use in order to offer people in need of protection shelter in 50 kB) an other country. The EU has taken steps in the right direction when it comes to resettlement, but in order to raise awareness for the need for resettlement, I now invite my colleagues in the Council to join me to participate in a visit to one of the Swedish Migration Boards resettlement missions to Jordan, says Minister for Migration and Asylum Policy, Tobias Billström.

Mr Billström's visit to the Migration Board's resettlement mission in Jordan will take place May 18 - 20. The Migration Board's purpose is to select around 200 refugees for resettlement in Sweden.

Contact Markus Friberg Press Secretary to Tobias Billström

Press release 24 March 2009 Ministry of Justice Tobias Billström at the European Business Summit On Thursday 26 March, Minister for Migration and Asylum Policy, Mr Tobias Billström, will speak at the European Business Summit in Brussels. The topic for his address will be "Economic migration - brain drain or brain gain".

Time and place External links Time: March 26, 3:45 PM - 5 PM European Business Summit Place: Tour & Taxis, Avenue du Port, 86c, Brussels

More information about the European Business Summit: www.ebsummit.eu

Contact Markus Friberg Press Secretary to Tobias Billström 2008

Press release 29 October 2008 Ministry of Justice Tobias Billström to visit India On 3-6 November Minister for Migration and Asylum Policy Tobias Billström will visit India. The purpose of his visit is to present Sweden's new rules on labour immigration to the Indian Government, business organisations and Swedish and Indian companies in India. In addition, Mr Billström will study how the new rules will affect the work of processing visa and permit applications at the Swedish Embassy.

"Labour immigration is a key future issue for Sweden. With an ageing population, both business and public sector actors must be able to recruit the labour they need. The current weakening of the economy emphasises the importance of preparing Sweden for the future. We are doing this by means of the new rules for labour Related immigration that the Government and the Green Party have proposed," says Mr Billström. Read more about labour immigraton Mr Billström's delegation includes Ulf Bengtsson, Chairman of the Swedish Association of Graduate Engineers, Annica Magnusson, head of the Swedish Migration Board's unit for work permit review, Hans-Olov Olsson, Vice Chairman of the Confederation of Swedish Enterprise and Christer Wallberg, CEO of the IT company Tacton.

Programme for the visit: 3-4 November: New Delhi. Meetings with representatives of the Government and opposition and of Indian business organisations and companies.

5 November: Pune. Meetings with the Swedish Chamber of Commerce in India and representatives of Swedish companies with operations in India.

6 November: Mumbai. Company visits and meetings.

Facts: There will be a Riksdag debate and vote on the Government Bill on new rules for labour immigration on 12 November. The proposed date of entry into force of the rules is 15 December 2008. Read more about the proposal under related.

Contact Markus Friberg Press Secretary to Tobias Billström

Press release 08 May 2008 Ministry of Justice Government bill on labour immigration The Government has submitted a bill to the Parliament (Riksdag) proposing new rules for labour immigration to Sweden. The proposal seeks to create more opportunities for labour immigration and to make it easier for employers to recruit from countries outside the EU/EEA and Switzerland. The bill is based on an agreement between the Government and the Green Party.

"I am very pleased that we can now present this bill to the Riksdag. It is an important reform which will have a major impact on people wishing to come to Sweden to work, and on meeting our future need for labour," says Minister for Migration and Asylum Policy Tobias Billström. It is proposed that the changes enter into force on 15 December 2008.

Facts: A Swedish employer who has advertised a vacant post in the EU/EEA and Switzerland and who has not found a qualified applicant within a certain period can offer the post to someone outside the EU. In this case, the new employee will be able to obtain a residence and work permit in Sweden. A key requirement is that the job offered provides a sufficient living and that the salary and other terms of employment comply with collective agreements or follow the practice of the profession or the industry. Labour organisations will continue to play an important role in determining whether or not the conditions for the employment are adequate. The Swedish Public Employment Agency will no longer be required to examine, in each individual case, whether the need for labour can be met through recruitment in Sweden. The employer's assessment of his or her own needs will thus be the deciding factor. Time limits for residence and work permits will be extended. To begin with, a time-limited permit will be granted for a maximum of two years. If the individual in question still has a valid contract after this two-year period, , it will be possible to extend the permit for an additional two years. After four years, a permanent residence permit can be granted. Contact between employers and job-seekers will be facilitated as much as possible. The possibility of obtaining a visa, for example to attend a job interview, will therefore be greater than at present. A person subsequently offered employment will not always need to return home to apply for a residence and work permit as is the case today. Asylum seekers who have found employment while their applications are being processed will, under certain conditions, be given a chance to apply for a work permit directly from Sweden. This exemption from the main rule - that residence and work permits must be obtained before entry into Sweden - means in those cases, that a person whose asylum application has been rejected does not need to return home to apply for a permit which is likely to be granted. After one semester of study, visiting students will be able to apply for a work permit from Sweden.

Contact Markus Friberg Press Secretary to Tobias Billström

Press release 22 April 2008 Ministry for Foreign Affairs Secretary-General of the OECD visiting Sweden Secretary-General of the OECD, Angel Gurría, is visiting Sweden on 22-23 April at the invitation of Minister for Trade Ewa Björling.

Time and place External links Press conference with Secretary-General Angel Gurría and Minister for Trade Ewa Björling Delegation of Sweden to the Time: Wednesday 23 April, at 11.00 OECD in Paris Place: Ministry for Foreign Affairs, Gustav Adolfs Torg 1 Read more about Angel Gurría at OECD's website Dr Björling and Mr Gurría will hold talks about the role of the OECD in the international economic system and trade policy issues of the future, as well as trade and climate change.

During his visit to Stockholm, Mr Gurría will also meet Minister for Enterprise and Energy , Minister for Finance , Minister for Foreign Affairs Carl Bildt, Minister for International Development Cooperation , Minister for Employment , Minister for Higher Education and Research , Minister for the Environment , Minister for Migration and Asylum Policy Tobias Billström and Minister for Local Government and Financial Markets .

On Tuesday Mr Gurría is giving a speech at the Stockholm School of Economics.

- - - - -

The OECD (Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development) has 30 member states. Its headquarters are in Paris.

Press release 25 February 2008 Ministry for Foreign Affairs Afghanistan's Foreign Minister to visit Stockholm

On Tuesday and Wednesday 26-27 February Afghanistan's Minister of Foreign Affairs Dr Rangin Dadfar Spanta will visit Stockholm. He will meet Prime Minister Fredrik Reinfeldt, Minister for Foreign Affairs Carl Bildt and Minister for Migration and Asylum Policy Tobias Billström.

The main subjects he will be discussing in talks with Mr Bildt concern the security situation and political developments in Afghanistan and the region, the role of the international community and the civilian and military involvement of Sweden and the Nordic countries.

Press conference with Dr Rangin Dadfar Spanta and Foreign Minister Carl Bildt Time: Tuesday 26 February at 17.30 Place: Ministry for Foreign Affairs, Gustav Adolfs Torg 1, Stockholm Please give advance notice if you will be attending the press briefing.

Extracts from Dr Rangin Dadfar Spanta's programme Tuesday 26 February

17.00 Meeting with Minister for Foreign Affairs Carl Bildt 17.30 Press conference 20.30 Meeting with Afghans living in Sweden (Swedish Committee for Afghanistan (SCA), Swedish PEN and others)

Wednesday 27 February

10.00 Meeting with the Riksdag Committee on Foreign Affairs

Morning Meeting with Minister for Migration and Asylum Policy Tobias Billström

13.45 Open seminar with speech by Dr Rangin Dadfar Spanta on the theme of "Afghan foreign relations" at Stockholm University

Afternoon Meeting with Prime Minister Fredrik Reinfeldt

17.00 Meeting and dinner with the Nordic state secretaries for foreign and defence policy

Contact Sara Malmgren Leave of absence 2007

Press release 12 September 2007 Ministry of Justice Conference of Ministers on Legal Migration On 13-14 September the Portuguese EU Presidency will be hosting a Conference of Ministers in Lisbon on the subject of legal migration. Portugal has chosen to make migration issues a priority area during its Presidency.

The conference will deal with the links between legal migration, integration, the effects of migration on development and how these issues interact with the Lisbon process and the EU's employment strategy.

The Minister for Migration and Asylum Policy, Tobias Billström, will be representing Sweden at the conference.

"Sweden believes that it is important for the EU to find more legal possibilities for people to come to Europe and work. Not least because most of the EU Member States are facing a future shortage of labour. When that day comes it will be important to have clear rules in place making Europe an attractive choice for those people looking to migrate for work. For this reason, the Government is aiming to introduce greater opportunities for labour migration to Sweden. This conference is an excellent initiative which will allow us to take the debate on legal migration to the EU a step forward", says Minister for Migration and Asylum Policy Tobias Billström.

"One of the most important future issues for the EU is how to promote circular migration which can help to meet the needs for labour in recipient countries and at the same time lead to positive effects on development in the countries of origin, and which will benefit the migrants themselves. I look forward to taking part in the discussions at this conference."

Contact Markus Friberg Press Secretary to Tobias Billström

Press release 02 September 2007 Ministry for Foreign Affairs Ministry of Justice Press conference in Amman this evening cancelled

Due to delays, the press conference scheduled for this evening, Sunday 2 September at Grand Hyatt Hotel in Amman, has been cancelled. The press conference may be rescheduled, and if so, a new time will be announced.

Contact Sara Malmgren Leave of absence

Press release 01 September 2007 Ministry for Foreign Affairs Ministry of Justice Carl Bildt visiting Iraq and Chad On Saturday, Minister for Foreign Affairs Carl Bildt, along with Minister for Migration and Asylum Policy Tobias Billström, arrived in Iraq's capital, Baghdad. The visit is in response to the invitation Iraq's Minister of Foreign Affairs Hoshyar Zebari issued to Mr Bildt when he was in Stockholm in March this year.

The aim is to get a better picture of the overall situation via discussions with representatives of different movements in Iraq, and to discuss the conditions for the long-term process of reconciliation in the country. In its recent Resolution 1770, the UN Security Council took a decision to seek an expanded role for the UN and the international community as a whole in Iraq.

During the visit, Mr Bildt will meet with Iraq's Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki, Minister of Foreign Affairs Hoshyar Zebari and Vice President Tariq Al-Hashemi, as well as representatives of the various smaller minority groups in the country. Mr Bildt will also meet with the UN Special Representative for Iraq, Ashraf Qazi.

Press briefing in Iraq: Time: Saturday, 1 September at 20.30 (18.30 Swedish time)

Venue: Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Baghdad

Press briefing in Jordan: Time: Sunday, 2 September at 19.30 (18.30 Swedish time)

Venue: Grand Hyatt Hotel, Amman.

Following the visit in Baghdad, Mr Bildt will travel to Chad, via Jordan, for a three-day visit. Besides the capital N'Djamena, the agenda also includes a visit to Abeche, and possibly a trip into the field

The aim is to study primarily the humanitarian situation in eastern Chad on site, to confer with the government of Chad and different UN representatives, and to discuss the conditions for a European peace operation within the framework of the planned UN operation in Chad and the Central African Republic.

Together with Norway, Sweden is already preparing to take part in the UN peace operation in neighbouring Darfur, in Sudan.

Contact Sara Malmgren Leave of absence

Press release 29 March 2007 Ministry of Justice Tobias Billström to visit Syria and Jordan Minister for Migration and Asylum Policy Tobias Billström is to visit Syria and Jordan between Friday 30 March and Wednesday 4 April. In the course of his visit, he will meet ministers and other representatives of the governments of both countries as well as a number of organisations working with refugee issues in the region.

Mr Billström wants to form his own opinion of the situation of Iraqi citizens in the countries around Iraq and the need for international support. The reason for the visits is that so many Iraqis have fled their country and been received by Syria and Jordan. There are about 700 000 Iraqis in Jordan and approximately one million in Syria.

"The situation in Iraq is serious and at present there is no sign of an end to the violence. It is therefore important that the international community acts to ease the situation that the influx of Iraqis is causing in these countries. It is important that the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) is given opportunities to work in the area and receives sufficient resources for this. We would be happy to see the EU contribute more extensively to this work," says Mr Billström.

Programme for the journey 30 March-2 April: Syria During his stay Mr Billström will meet staff at the Swedish embassy, who are working under intense pressure. He will also meet three ministers from the Syrian government and representatives of UNHCR and the Syrian Red Crescent.

2-5 April: Jordan Mr Billström will meet Swedish embassy staff, ministers and NGO representatives.

Contact Markus Friberg Press Secretary to Tobias Billström

Press release 26 February 2007 Ministry for Foreign Affairs Ministry of Justice Visit by Iraq's Minister of Foreign Affairs Iraq's Minister of Foreign Affairs Mr Hoshair Zebari will visit Sweden on 28 February - 1 March.

Time and place Press meeting with Minister for Foreign Affairs Carl Bildt and Minister for Foreign Affairs Hoshair Zebari

Time: Thursday 1 March, 17.30-18.00 Venue: Ministry for Foreign Affairs, Gustav Adolfs Torg 1 Please bring your press credentials.

The host for the visit will be Minister for Foreign Affairs Carl Bildt. Foreign Minister Zebari will also meet Minister for International Development Cooperation Gunilla Carlsson, Minister for Migration and Asylum Policy Tobias Billström, Speaker of the Riksdag , the Riksdag Committee on Foreign Affairs, representatives of the Social Democratic Party and representatives of Sida and a number of aid organisations.

The visit is the third stop on a tour that also includes Germany, Spain and Denmark.

The media are invited to a press meeting with Minister for Foreign Affairs Carl Bildt and Minister for Foreign Affairs Hoshair Zebari on 1 March.

Contact Petra Hansson Press Officer +46 8 405 57 42 email to Petra Hansson Christian Carlsson