Abacus, 99 Accounting Software, 139, 156–161, 183, 221, 223 Activenture
Index Abacus, 99 America Online, 297 Accounting software, 139, 156–161, AmeriTech, 184, 189 183, 221, 223 Ampex Corporation, 49, 188 Activenture, 289 Anacomp, 154 Activision, 7, 275, 284 Ansa, 256, 263 Ada, 310 Apple Computer, 202, 243, 247, 250, 260 Adabas, 146–148, 151 Apple [I], 202 Addison-Wesley, 307 Apple II, 202–206, 213, 217, 220, 221, Adobe Systems, 236, 261, 262 224, 227, 253 Acrobat, 262 Lisa, 247 Illustrator, 255, 263 Macintosh, 247, 253, 256, 258, 261, Advanced Computer Techniques, 57, 262, 306 58, 66–69, 74 vs. Microsoft, 250 Advanced Information Systems, 104 Application Junction, 256 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc., 239 Application Service Providers, 162 Adventure International, 277 Application Software, 117 Advisory Council for Applied Research Applicon, 160, 244 and Development, 24, 309 Applied Data Research, 6, 36, 57–59, Airline reservation systems, 65, 112, 66, 67, 73, 74, 79, 100, 101, 105, 107, 115, 149, 152, 153. See also SABRE 111–116, 122, 123, 148, 151, 168, Aldus, 236, 255, 261, 263 169, 184, 187, 189, 305 Allen-Bradley Inc., 106 Autoflow, 6, 58, 69, 100–107, Allen, Paul, 202–207, 253 113–116, 135 Allied Leisure, 273 Librarian, 116 Allways, 253 MetaCOBOL, 116, 135 Altair, 202, 204, 221 Roscoe, 116 Amdahl Computer Corporation, 143 Armand, R., 24 Amdahl, Gene, 143 Arthur Andersen and Co., 190, 195 American Airlines, 41–45 Arthur, Brian, 242 American Banking Association, 99 Arthur Young Business Systems, 307 American Management Association, Artzt, Russell, 182 66–69 Ashton, Alan, 254 American Management Systems, 165,
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