Alvin E. Cook
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Volume 58. Number 41 Price Id. Warburton, Victoria, October 11, 1943 UR world has lost its faith. We crises of our uncertain existence, the are bankrupt of confidence. The ALVIN E. COOK heartaches aid the cares, are the out- O despairing cry of human souls ward urge to obey Heaven's summons who, in the tempest of life, have lost to come, to call, to find deliverance. their anchor, is frequently heard: "I by which the ship is guided across the The great heart of our world civi- once believed in God. I attended church deep. His mind knows no care, his lization is bleeding. In every part of regularly, but I'm through with it all emotions are subject to no fear. But the globe the life's blood of human now." one day, dark clouds appear. A howl- happiness is flowing deeply down the "I once believed in God and attended ing gale arises and lashes the sea into gutters of despair. Men and women, church regularly." That was in the its most furious mood. Distress sig- looking out on a world of hate, become days of comparative peace preceding nals reach the ship from several of bitter because they fail to find the the present avalanche of ruin and its neighbours who are going down in evidence of a God of love. There are destruction. But now that the war- the angry waters. Should our tourist abundant evidences of the love of God. clouds throw their shadows over us, trust himself still to the experienced But we must remember that the god now that human lives are being daily captain and the ship, or should he that the world has chosen is Satan. extinguished by the thousand, now jump overboard and swim for it? He is "the god of this world." 2 Cor. that homes and cities are being turned Foolish question! I agree; but 4: 4. He is the sinister power whom overnight into shattered wastes, "I listen! In spiritual spheres today this so many are worshipping and follow- refuse to believe in a God of love with very thing is being enacted before our ing. All who choose to serve Christ, power to rule in the kingdom of men !" eyes in the name of common sense and to join His kingdom, automatically be- Let me illustrate the reasoning: A logic. Many, intimidated by the storms come aliens in an enemy land. Small man sets out on a long sea voyage. of life, are relinquishing their faith wonder, then, that the true Christian For weeks the sea remains calm and in the Captain of our Salvation; they so often is harassed and even perse- travelling is pleasant. The tourist are jumping overboard to battle in cuted. builds up an absolute confidence in their own puny strength with the swell- Two thousand years ago, our glo- the captain, the ship, and the charts ing waves and adverse tides of sin. rious Commander, the leader of the It is exactly the reverse of that forces of heaven, came to this realm which God has counselled us to do. on a mission of conquest. His object In the words of the Psalmist He ad- was to smash the opposition of the vises: "And call upon Me in the day enemy. The plan, revealed in Col. 1: of trouble: I will deliver thee." Ps. 20, is a paradox in the science of war- 50: 15. This is a day of unprecedented fare. "Having made peace by the trouble, a day of distress and per- blood of His cross." Peace by blood! plexity. But the troubles of life, the Peace by a cross! But more than that, 41. • ILLUSTRATION: A BISLEY LIGHT BOMBER AND ITS CREW IN SILHOUETTE. [Registered at the G.P.O., Melbourne, for transmission by post as a newspaper.] 3 WA V! IN I JEAN, WIMP I1, Peace by the blood of His cross. Peace summons. The important thing is to may have right to the tree of life, and by sacrifice, not by destruction. Man- respond. may enter in through the gates into kind invariably makes peace by the The Word of God indicates that a the city." Rev. 22: 14. blood of enemies, but here we have number will respond. John gives a We can never keep God's holy law a different principle at work. Peace picture of them in Rev. 14: 12: "Here unless we have approached it through by the blood of His cross. And it is are they that keep the commandments the portal shadowed by the cross; and the only foundation for lasting peace of God, and the faith of Jesus." In we cannot enter the pearly gates un- which this world will ever know. this troubled world, they indeed have less we have approached them through The peace which the nations make peace. the path of His commandments. The by the blood of the enemy is imposed, The pathway of His commandments people with the commandments of God arbitrary, short-lived; while it does is not only a pathway of peace, but and the faith of Jesus will have the last it amounts to no more than a ces- also leads us to the glory gates of the right to enter in, and they will enter sation of open hostilities. But the kingdom of God. "Blessed are they in, and there they will find the fullness peace purchased by the blood of His that do His commandments, that they of the promised rest and peace. cross never forces itself upon us. It is voluntary, optional, and free indeed. That is why so many people are miss- ing it today, they do not put in their Tithing in All Ages claim for it. "Ye have not, because ye ask not," says James: which is the Bible Study No. 48. same as saying that we may certainly have that peace even in these dark 1. SINCE tithing is based on the 3. Tithing was obligatory in the days of despair, if we will but ask. right of ownership, and since God, by patriarchal age, for we find that Abra- See James 4: 2. virtue of creation, owns the earth and ham and Jacob paid tithe. Gen. 14: Three thousand years ago the ser- all in it, therefore it follows that man 18-20; 28: 20-22. vant of God, Elijah, stood on Horeb's ought to pay rent for the use of His rocky summit. A great and strong property till God gives man possession 4. It was likewise obligatory upon wind rent the mount, but God was not of the earth at the end of probation, Israel before Christ. Lev. 27: 30, 32; in the wind: after the wind, an earth- according to His promise. Rom. 4: 13; Num. 18: 21. quake, but the Lord was not in the Gal. 3:29; Matt. 25: 34. 5. Christ taught that all ought to earthquake: and after the earthquake, continue to pay a faithful tithe, even a fire, but the Lord was not in the fire. 2. It will furthermore be necessary to pay tithe as long as God has His of garden herbs; hence the tithing Our world is racked by the winds chosen servants to preach the gospel system is binding during the Chris- of strife, burned by the fires of envy, of the kingdom, whom He pays out of tian dispensation. Matt. 23: 23. ruined by the volcanic eruptions of the tithing fund. 1 Cor. 9: 13, 14; 6. The New Testament ministers the pent-up forces of hate; the deafen- Num. 18: 21. ing din rouses even those who dwell were supported upon the same plan carelessly in the isles, from the peace- as the Levites; viz., by the tithe. 1 Cor. ful tenor of their dreams. But the 9: 13, 14; Num. 18: 21; Heb. 7: 8. Lord is not in the mighty upheaval or 7. Those who have used the tithe for the consuming conflagration — these themselves, ought to add one-fifth, or are the work of another power. And 20 per cent, when they pay it back to yet, through it all, the still small voice the Lord. Lev. 27: 31. of God is sounding, "Call upon Me: . I will deliver thee." We, like 8. When one pays a faithful tithe, Elijah, must not be moved by the he thereby says that God owns the mighty demonstrations of destruction, earth and everything in it. but like him, we must respond to the 9. But when anyone does not pay still small voice and to that voice alone. tithes he virtually says that God has "And thine ears shall hear a word no claim upon him, but that he himself behind thee, saying, This is the way, owns all that he possesses, unless he walk ye in it." Isa. 30: 21. God is believes that Satan's claim to own the calling today, and all who will may earth is true and valid, in which case enter the path of peace, through the he ought, if honest, to pay Satan for blood of His cross. The path of peace gAe .eatcl'a Netitage the use of his property. Luke 4: 5, 6. is the path of His commandments, the 10. During the Jewish dispensation path of perfect obedience to His law. ALICE L. CROSBIE "Great peace have they which love Thy we find that the Levites also received law: and nothing shall offend them." The day is done. various offerings and gifts besides the Ps. 119: 165.