Evaluation of 30-Day Mortality for 500 Patients Undergoing Non
medRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2020.06.10.20115543; this version posted June 12, 2020. The copyright holder for this preprint (which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder, who has granted medRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity. It is made available under a CC-BY-ND 4.0 International license . Title: Evaluation of 30-day mortality for 500 patients undergoing non-emergency surgery in a COVID-19 cold site within a multicentre regional surgical network during the COVID- 19 pandemic Veeru Kasivisvanathan, PhDa,b,λ Jamie Lindsay, MBBSa,λ, Sara Rakshani-Moghadam, MBBSa, Ahmed Elhamshary, MB BCha, Konstantinos Kapriniotis, MDa, Georgios Kazantzis, MSca, , Bilal Syed, MBBSa, John Hines, FRCSa, Axel Bex, PhDc, Daniel Heffernan Ho, FRCRd, Martin Hayward, FRCSe, Chetan Bhan, FRCSf, Nicola MacDonald, FRCOGg, Simon Clarke, FRCA,h, David Walker, FRCAb,i, Geoff Bellingan, PhDi, James Moore, MBAj, Jennifer Rohn, PhDk, Asif Muneer, FRCSa,b,l, Lois Roberts, BAm, Fares Haddad, FRCSb, John D Kelly, FRCSa,b, UCLH study group collaborators^ λThese authors share joint first authorship ^PubMed Indexed Collaborators: UCLH study group collaborators: Tarek Ezzatt Abdel-Aziz, Clare Allen, Sian Allen, Hussain Alnajjar, Daniella Andrich, Vimoshan Arumuham, Naaila Aslam, Ravi Barod, Rosie Batty, Timothy Briggs, Eleanor Brockbank, Manish Chand, Simon Choong, Nim Christopher, Justin Collins, James Crosbie, Louise Dickinson, Konstantinos Doufekas, Mark Feneley, Tamsin Greenwell, Alistair Grey, Rizwan Hamid, John Hines, Julie
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