The Entomologist's Record and Journal of Variation
>ss> HARVARD UNIVERSITY Library of the Museum of Comparative Zoology MCZ LIBRARY MAR 2 9 1990 ' JARVARD IVERSITY Entomologist's Record AND JOURNAL OF VARIATION EDITED BY P. A. SOKOLOFF, f.r.e.s. Vol. 101 1989 Ill CONTENTS Aberration of Gymnoscelis rufifasciata Bivoltinism in Eupithecia tripunctaria H.- (Haworth) (Lep.: Geometridae) — the S. (Lep.: Geometridae) in south-east Double-striped pug. C. W. Plant, 105. England. B.K. West, 57 Abraxas grossulariata L. (Lep.: Geo- Book talk W.J.M. Chalmers-Hunt, 275 metridae), has it been shifting its Hfe Brachypalpus laphriformis (Fallen) (Dipt.: cyclQl A. A. Allen, 13% Syrphidae) A^.L. Birkett, 59 Acleris abietana (Hiibn) (Lep.: Tortrici- Breeding Gnorimus nobilis Linn. (Col.: dae) in Aberdeenshire. M.C. Townsend, Scarabidae) in captivity. J. A. Owen. 19 208 Brimstone moth {Opisthograptis luteolata Acleris abietana (Hiibn. (Lep.: Tortrici- L.). (Lep.: Geometridae) B.K. West, 167 dae) - records and foodplants, M.R. Browne versus Watson: Round two. R.R. Young. 37 Uhthoff-Kaufmann, 61. Agonopterix carduella Hiibner (Lep.: Bryaxis puncticollis Denny (Col.: Psela- Oecophoridae) in October. J.M. Chal- phidae) apparently new to Kent. A. A. mers-Hunt, 39 Allen, 11 Agriopis marginaria Fab. (Lep.: Geometri- Butterflies in winter. A. Archer-Lock, 117 dae), the Dotted-border moth caught in Butterflies of New Providence Island, December, A.M. Riley. 35 Bahamas, A further review. B.K. West, Agrotis ipsilon Hufn. (Lep.: Noctuidae) 109 Butterfly in March. J. Owen, 187 records from Dorset, 1988. A.M. and D.K. Riley, 33 An apparently new species of Homoneura (Dipt.: Lauxaniidae) from north-west Cacoecimorpha pronubana (Hiibn.) (Lep.: Kent.
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