December 8, 2019 IMMACULATE. CONCEPTION OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN Our Lady of the Chapel MARY 2nd Sunday of Advent Volume 7 Issue 49


The that used to call her there: she experienced it, however, anew on the morning of the 25th of And a great sign appeared in Heaven: A March, the feast of the , and in woman clothed with the sun, and the moon compliance with that inward call, she jour- under her feet, and on her head a crown of neyed to the Grotto, full of joy with the hope twelve stars (Apoc. xii. 1.) of seeing the Apparition again. She was The same day on which the fountain scarcely outside of the house when the people sprung up a workman of Lourdes, called Louis began to shout: "Bernadette is going to the Bourriette, having been over twenty years Grotto." Soon a great crowd assembled, and Our Lady of the Rosary almost blind of his right eye—an affliction oc- accompanied her on the way to the rocks of 15 Pepper Street casioned by some terrible mishap, was in- Massabielle. The Lady soon appeared to the Monroe CT 06468 stantly cured of his malady by an application little girl, as on the formr occasions. of this miraculous water. Other cures, equally "Oh my Lady!" Said Bernadette, "be so Fr. Adan Rodriguez (Pastor) wonderful, have been wrought by it. Hence it kind as to tell me who you are, and what your [email protected] is that although on the following Friday, 26th name is?" Assistant Priest: Fr. Santiago of February, the Lady did not appear; although the tenth, eleventh and twelfth apparitions The Apparition smiled, but did not reply. Richards Bernadette persisted, saying again: "0 my La- took place on the 27th and 28th February and (203) 261-8290 1st of March, without notably differing from dy, be so kind as to tell me who you are, and Emergencies: (203) 268-9200 those that had preceded them, Bernadette what your name is." having gone after the thirteenth apparition, The Apparition seemed to grow more which occurred on Tuesday, the 2nd of March, resplendent but answered not yet. Where- HOLY MASS to the Cure of Lourdes, and having told him upon Bernadette redoubled her solicitations, Sundays: 7:00 & 10:00 A.M. that the Lady wished a chapel to be built, and and repeated a third time, "0 my Lady! be so Saturdays: 7:00 A.M. processions made to the grotto, he, in conse- kind as to tell me who you are and what your Weekdays: See Schedule quence of the wonderful things that had taken name is." CONFESSIONS place, replied: "I believe you; but what you ask The Apparition seemed to become still in the name of the Apparition does not depend Sundays brighter with beatific splendor, and to be 6:40—6:55 A.M. 9:15—9:55 A.M. from me, but from the Monsignore Bishop, wrapped up, as it were, in its own felicity. Still Weekdays whom I have already made acquainted with all she remained silent. Bernadette addressed her 6:40—6:55 A.M. that has happened. I will go inform him of this again in these suppliant words: "0 my Lady! I and by appointment new request also. To him alone does it belong beseech you to be so kind as to tell me who to take action in the case." you are, and what your name is." HOLY ROSARY The fourteenth and fifteenth apparitions Sundays: After 7:00 A.M. Mass The Lady had her hands fervently joined, and at 9:40 A.M. took place on Wednesday and Thursday, while her face shone with the splendor of infi- March 3rd and 4th, and differed from the oth- First Saturdays: after 7:00 A.M. nite beatitude. There was humility in that Mass ers only in this, that an immense gathering of brightness. At the little girl's last request she about fifteen or twenty thousand persons as- unlocked her hands, and passed on to the sembled at the Grotto; and the civil authority right arm the corona strung in gold, whose To thee, O Virgin Mother, was very much discomposed by so large a con- stones were alabaster. Next she extended her who wast never touched by course of people. On that day, the 4th of arms and inclined them towards the ground, any spot of original or March, the fortnight asked for by the Virgin, as if to show to the world her virginal hands actual sin, I commend and terminated; after which period Bernadette full of benedictions; and then elevating them entrust the purity of my continued her visits to the Grotto, but without towards the eternal mansions whence, on that heart. experiencing the power of that voice within day, the Divine messenger of the Annunciation 300 days. OUR LADY OF THE ROSARY CHAPEL

MASS INTENTIONS: had descended, she joined them again with 1854. Did not Mary wish thereby to notify us We have Mass inten- fervor, and looking on heaven with sentiments of our obligation of keeping ourselves in strict- tions until January 5th, of unspeakable gratitude pronounced these est union with the Church, by believing and words: "I am the Immaculate Conception." professing all that she believes and teaches? 2020. We’ve made a Having spoken thus, she disappeared. And Ah! what a beautiful confirmation of the Defi- list for Fr. Richards. Bernadette, who had now certainly for the first nition pronounced by Pope Pius IX. four years. THANK YOU FOR time heard these words, used all her powers previous! Second, because this is the dogma YOUR GENEROSITY. not to forget them along the road. which best combats the errors of the present Fr. Rodriguez. "I repeated them to myself all the way," time, namely: Rationalism and Naturalism, which rest upon that diabolical pride by reason Examination of Conscience she said, “in order not to forget them;” and at every step she gave, until she had reached the of which the world now-a-days flatters itself Humility parochial residence, she repeated: Immaculate with the belief that it can act and speak from Mortal Sins Conception, Immaculate Conception, because itself, aided only by natural reason and worldly 1. Have I considered myself ca- she wished to convey the precise words of the wisdom, and needing not at all divine and su- pable of reading forbidden Vision to the Pastor in order that the chapel pernatural assistance. "Man," exclaims the books without permission- world, now, "is self-sufficient, and needs not books dealing with things might be built, as she candidly related. God." But Mary says, "I am the Immaculate contrary to my faith or de- Behold then the name of this celestial structive of morals—because Conception:" that is to say, I am she whom God Apparition, so much desired and so often I thought my judgment about has preserved from original sin, by reason of these things was better than asked for. The Immaculate Conception! One of which all men come into the world weak, igno- that of God and His Church the great dogmas defined in the nineteenth which forbids such reading? rant, and incapable of knowing of themselves century—one of the greatest glories of the 2. Have I decided that it could alone the true religion, and of saving their Sovereign Pontiff, Pius IX. ! Let us enter into do me no harm to attend non souls. Poor, haughty slaves of the devil and sin, -Catholic services even ourselves, and make the following though God’s law and the law what do you believe yourselves to be? Is not of His Church forbid it? MEDITATION. all this true? 3. Have I, with but a shallow and I. Consider the meaning of the words: l am III. Consider the duties which this title of mediocre training in religious the Immaculate Conception. The most holy Mary imposes upon mankind. First, it requires teaching, presumed to make Virgin did not say: I am Mary Immaculate; nor quick judgments about doc- of them a true, entire, firm and lively faith in trines I hardly even under- did she give herself this appellation: I am the all the dogmas of religion, because all are stood? one conceived without sin; but only, "I am the equally certain, having been defined by the 4. Have I made light of or even Immaculate Conception," as if to mark the par- Church. Second, it demands of them to abhor ridiculed certain doctrines or ticular character of this divine privilege. The laws of the Catholic religion, from their inmost soul the pernicious errors of as if I knew more than Christ Immaculate Conception! Always pure—always the times, namely: Rationalism, and all its or His Church? fair—always spotless! Never tarnished by even attendant consequences. Human reason is not 5. Have I shown my independ- the smallest stain— never, by the slightest enough of itself alone; it needs the supernatu- ence of God my missing Mass blemish—never, by even the shadow of sin! on Sunday without a reason ral aid of divine Revelation, as well as the grace by eating meat on Friday, Never in disgrace with God; always in favor of God, which supports human weakness and refusing to fast on days ap- with him. Never under the dominion of the elevates humanity to the supernatural order. pointed? devil; always in body, and soul, and heart unit- Third, it calls upon them in a special manner to 6. Have I practically expressed ed to God in strictest friendship. What a mys- practice holy Christian humility—a virtue the conviction that I know tery! How honorable— how glorious for Mary! more than God and His which teaches man to know himself, not to be Church by refusing to send And, dear reader, do we sufficiently appreciate proud of any talents he may possess, but to my children to a Catholic this privilege of Mary? Do we endeavor to entertain a poor opinion of his thoughts, no school, or by saying that I do draw near to her, no matter how great the not believe a Catholic educa- matter how sublime, of his words, however tion is necessary for a Catho- intervening distance, by a faithful practice of eloquent, and of his works, however great. Do lic Child? the virtue of purity, by flying from the occa- you comply with these obligations? Examine 7. Have I drawn others into sins sions of sin, and by keeping our consciences your thoughts, words, and actions, and effect a of impurity on the ground unsullied? that God’s law in this matter radical change in your life. is old-fashioned, impossible, II. Consider the motives that induced Mary Practice—Recite the Corona of the Immaculate unimportant, or harmful? to call herself the Immaculate Conception, Conception. 8. Have I practiced any form of which, as far as we poor ignorant creatures Ejaculation.—O Mary, conceived without sin, preventing conception in can conjecture, are the following: first, be- marriage because I main- pray for us who have recourse to thee! tained that God’s law could cause in 1858, this was the most recently de- not be kept, or, if kept, would fined dogma of the , having Taken from: The Immaculate Conception, result in too much hardship? been pronounced on the 8th of December, by Rev. Hilary Maurice Vigo, (1878) M A S S S C H E D U L E

Immaculate Conception of the 7:00 A.M. SUNDAY Blessed Virgin Mary W Intentions of the Superior 10:00 A.M. Missa Pro Populo DECEMBER 8 2nd Sunday in Advent

Resumed Mass of Sunday 7:00 A.M. Fr. Richards–Catholic Family Salvation Fr. Rodriguez–Special intention MONDAY Within Octave of the V 8:00 A.M. DECEMBER 9 Requiem Mass, followed by Rosary and Immaculate Conception 7:00 P.M. St. Joseph’s Litany

Within Octave of the 7:00 AM Fr. Richards– Medina Fako TUESDAY Immaculate Conception W DECEMBER 10 St. Melchiades, PM 8:00 A.M. Fr. Rodriguez– Cornel Mejia

St. Damasus I, PC 7:00 A.M. Fr. Richards– In honor of St. Joseph WEDNESDAY Within Octave of the W 8:00 A.M. Fr. Rodriguez– Steven McGuire DECEMBER 11 Immaculate Conception

Within Octave of the Fr. Richards– Huijie Zhang R.I.P. THURSDAY W 7:00 A.M. Immaculate Conception Fr. Rodriguez- Special Intention DECEMBER 12 8:00 A.M.

St. Lucy, VM 7:00 A.M. Fr. Richards– Robert Lites, R.I.P. NJ FRIDAY Within the Octave of W 8:00 A.M. Fr. Rodriguez– Sr. Mary Damian SM R.I.P. DECEMBER 13 Immaculate Conception

Within Octave of the Fr. Richards– Adeline Oliver Mother SATURDAY W 7:00 A.M. Fr. Rodriguez– Marie & George Schmitt, DECEMBER 14 Immaculate Conception R.I.P.

GAUDETE SUNDAY 7:00 A.M. SUNDAY R-V Margarito Rodriguez, R.I.P. DECEMBER 15 III SUNDAY OF ADVENT 10:00 A.M. Missa pro Populo

For those wishing to have Masses said, an expected stipend of at least $20.00 must be paid at the time of the request. (more may be offered) If this is to be paid by check, make the check payable to Fr. Rodriguez or Company of and Mary

December 8 5:00 PM Fr. Rodriguez December 15 NO MASS December 22 9:30 AM Fr. Batchiger December 24 Fr. Batchiger MASS TIMES AT ST. MARY THE VIRGIN 1520 Delaware St, Paulsboro, New Jersey 08066 *Mass may be cancelled in the event of inclement weather. For information: Call Mary at 856-228-4450 or Linda 267-994-4895 CHRISTMAS MASS CARDS and CHRISTMAS NOVENA CARDS which cost $5 and $10 each are available downstairs in the bookstore. Give each of your relatives, living and deceased, a most valuable Christmas gift. THANK YOU. Fr. Rodriguez. OUR LADY OF THE ROSARY CHAPEL

NOTICE TO NEWCOMERS Founded in 1973 in the wake of the disastrous Second Vatican Council, the mission of Our Lady of the Rosary Chapel is to maintain and restore as far as possible the traditional faith, values and liturgical practice of the Roman Catholic Church, and to provide a haven of sanc- tity where men and women of good will may grow in love for God and their neighbor. Please don’t hesitate to introduce yourself and ask questions. After Mass come to the Social Hall, and join us for coffee and refreshments. We hope your visit with us is a pleasant one, and we look forward to seeing you again and welcoming you as a member of Our Lady of the Rosary. We welcome Spanish-speaking guests, and confessions are heard in Spanish and English every Sunday and by appointment with the pastor. ANNOUNCEMENTS SUNDAY EVENING MASS: The next Sunday evening Mass will be on December 22, at 7:00 P.M. REPARATION TO THE HOLY FACE: First and second Sundays of the month will begin at 9:30 A.M. (before the Holy Rosary), and the other Sundays will begin immediately after 10:00 o’clock Mass. CATECHISM FOR CHILDREN: We will have Catechism classes for Children this week a few minutes after the 10:00 A.M. Mass.

Blessing of the Sacred Heart Chapel in Colima, .

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