Pacific Citizen Is a Membership Publication of T.Rtainment 10 the Affair
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PER SPEC • GARDENA TEENAGER BOOKED FOR ~ Jerry 10TH TIME BY POLICE IN 4-YR. PERIOD • Enomoto lIS Slnl.1 Char,ed with Furnllhln. Nltl Prtlldtnt (I) Dan •• roul Dru,1 to I Minor on School Groundl ITIZEN DETENTIO CA~tl'S M.mb."hlp Publl,allo", Japan ... Am"I"," CllilnI ....... US ,,"Olr 5't., Los AntI.I.. , Co 90012 (2151 MA '·44n GARDENA - Nincteen-year nine previous arresla since For 8 10nR time actions of old Mark Tanaka. 1252 W. 1964. The teenager wa! lIrsl Publlsh.d Wllkl, Empt LIU Wllk 01 111. y~ ClaJa 'ostatl ',Id II Los AnItIts. CallI. the Hous. UnAmerlean Ac 140th St.. was arrested last anested by Los Angeles po th'ities Committee have been week on the Gardena High lice on May 15, 1964 on su " I " wed with distaste by spicion of burglary, He wa. FRIDAY, JUNE 7, 1968 Edit/BU8. Office: MA 6-6936 TEN CENTS Americans who reject the ap_ School campus and charged "gllil~' with furnishing dangerous released 011 May 18 aft e l' proach of by ossoci drugs to a millOI'. Los Angeles counselling. aUon''. and witch hunting Gardena police arrested tactics. olten used by people police were c a I led to the school by Boys' Vice Princi Tanaka on suspicion of burg under the guise 01 patriotism, pal Gerry Horowitz. lary Feb. 13, 1965. The teen Sumlfomo-JACL BUDDHIST CHURCHES Of AMERICA Once again Ulls body h 0 s ager was agnln picked up Los emerged into the spoUight of A Gardena High student Angeles Police on Nov. 20, public attention, this time by told police than Tallaka had ope~ oUered to sell him four secon 1965 on suspicion of g l' and collegiate INAUGURATES fiRST NISEI BISHOP suggesting that "detention theft-auto. eentel'S" might well be the al capsules during the morn Ing nutrition period. Tanaka answer to the control of ghet Rel.ased t<> II10thcr Rev. Takalhi Tlull Call. IUII.1 Faithful to rioters. Fortunately re was arraigned this past week scholarship plan and a preliminary hearing I. On March 25. 1966. Tanaka to Underltand Ecumeni.m, Black Controversy sponsible public figure; such scheduled for early June. was taken into ClistOdy for su as Altorney General Ramsey LOS ANGELES-College .tu Tanaka h as a record of spicion of possession of marl ... dents are being sought by Ja In bonor of the new Bishop Clark, Asst. Attorney General juana. The boy was released pan e s e Americans CItizens Tsuji and testimonial dinner J. Walter Yeagley. and Rep. to rus mother alter his ar League chapters as candidate. in honor of the rettrtng Bla John C. Culver. a sensible rest as a burglary suspect member of 'the HUAC have in the newly established Na hop Hanayama in the church Aug. I. 1966 . tional Collegiate Scholarship ball. whIch wa. emceed b,. set the record straight. Vandalism, drug Hermosa Beach poUce ar Unfortunately the temper of category being administered Carl Sato of Arizona. rested Tanaka on May 15. by National JACL through our times i. such that the 1967 for being drunk. He was Inaugural Dinner d amage done by this kind of use by Orientals given 90 day s probation. the oUice of National Youth release by a "responsible" Director in Southern Califor Messages were given b:r Then. on Aug. 12. 1967, the nia. Rev. Chester Smltb, executive public body can often esca teenager was again arrested late beyond repair. I am Two $500 scholarships were director of the San Francisco under scrutiny by Hermosa Beach police on Council of Churches. and struck by the fact that TiUe suspicion of theft and su CHAPTER HONORS-Mis. Keitsu Kono !left) receives donated in this coilege cate gory by the Sumitomo Bank Sellchi Shima, consul general 11 of the Internal Security spicion of being drwlk. the Cleveland JACL Community Service Award and Act of 1950 is described as COO elects Nisei of California In order to en ot Japan in San Francisco. On Aug. 25. 1967. Gardena Mrs. Joe Kadowaki, the JACL Service Award. Judge Words of appreciation were containing certain specific police responded to a call of courage and assist those stu minister president Paul D. White, Cleveland law director, addressed the dents majoring in banking. fi delivered by Rev. Kenryo conditions which must be met a disturbance at Taco Beil. belore anyone can be locked Cleveland JACL installation, impressing members with nance, business administra Kumata of Seattle. represent.. 1700 Redondo Beach Blvd. his intimate knowledge @f Issei-Nisei history as well Ing the Ministerial Associ up. LOS ANGELES - A good The officers said they saw tion, economics, or related 0 as explaining Mayor Carl Stoke's program for the city. fields. ation; and Dr. Ken Yama In explaining this situation, t u r n u t of representatives Tanaka staggering in the Mr. Yeagley concludes by from J apanese. Chinese, Ko - PC Photo by Jiro Miyoshi Students in these majors guchi of Pasadena, president parking lot. Unable to stand of BCA. saying, .. It would be abso rean and Filipino groups erect. the teenager was falling will be given preference as lutely unconstitutional to do unanimously elected the Rev. against the parked cars, po they compete nationwide for Dr. Kilruo Taira of Fresno the two awards. what Rap Brown accuses us George Nishikawa as the first lice said. delivered greetings to Bishop of doing." Unhappily. it re president of the Council of Nom I nat ion s are made Tsuji In whIch he pointed out quired no such Act to do Oriental Organizations (COO) Drunk Charge. PLANNING COMMISSION TAKES LONG through the respective J ACL that Buddhlsm wruch saw its something absolutely uncon May 20 at International Insti Tanaka was arrested for cbapters and tbere Is no spe inception in India and its stitutional to 110.000 Japa tute. being drunk wben he appear LOOK AT JACL PROGRAM, POLICIES cified amount as to numbers Bishop Takashi Tsuji flowering in Japan is "now nese Americans in 1942. Serving with the pastor of ed incoherent to the officers, of students that a particular In the thresbold ot its new During the oratorical con S ag e Memorial Methodist chapter may nominate. SAN FRANCISCO - Inton development on American police said. ing rus oath of office in Eng test at the NCWN-DC Quart Church in El Monte and past The youth was again taken LOS ANGELES-The Nation cial civil rigbts committee Chapter nominations will be soil." erly a few weeks ago, one chairman of the Nisei Minis open up to July 15. 1968 and lish. Rev. Takasru T s u j i into custody on M a l' c b 15, al Planning Commission v..':'IS meeting cbaired by Okura. The BCA, Dr. Taira said, young orator urged the J ACL terial Fellowship are Phoebe candidates must complete ap wearing Ibe brocaded robe of 1968. for being drunk. police Jeffrey Matsui. associate di a bishop assumed the bishop bas taken a signHicant step to work toward elimination of G. On, v.p.; Remy Altar, sec.; convened here over the Me rector, and Henry Kanegae, plication and submit required said. While booking Tanaka. morial Day weekend to studY ric of the Buddhlst Churches to elect a Nisei. Bisbop Tsuji, this very Act. It may be Mary Cbun Lee Sbon. treas. the officers found a red cap 3rd v.p., also participated. documents by July 31. 1968. to tbe stewardship of Its or somethmg to think about. J ACL operations and policies of America in an elaborate Herbert Leon, from the Wel sule resembling seconal In the A final report Is expected ganization. Trus Act and t b e Supreme In general. Kaz Horlta. past ceremony held in the chapel fare and Attendance office of suspect's pocket. by the end of June so that Court decision declaring our EDC governor and planning of the Buddhlst Churcb of In the 70-year history of L.A. City Scbools. presented chapters will be able to re Evacuation "constitutional" a documented study of Orien On March 18. a drunk com chairman, presided. ~r BCA, this was the first time view the various recommen S. f. State student Francisco bere on May that a bishop bad ever taken cast ominous shadows 0 v e r tal student problems. He as plaint was filed with the Dis Those able to attend were our Democracy. trict Attorney's office. A dation. and considerations of The inaugural ceremony his office speaking in Eng serted that individual acts of J err y Enomoto, president; fered by the Planning Com van d ali s m and drug use count of possession of dan Tom Shimasaki, 1st v.p.; Dr. opened promptly at 4 p.m. lish. mission. LETTERS among young Orientals sbould gerous drugs was rejected by David Miura, 2nd v.p.; Yone with the strtklng of church CanadlaD-1Ionl the district attorney's office Executive reorganization arrested at sit-in bell, and a choral presentation I am encouraged by the re be recognized with m 0 r e Satoda. treas.; Pat Okura. thought given to remedies of due to the amount of evidence Frank Chuman. Dr. Roy Ni was a major Item of study. by the Oakland Buddhlat Rev. Tsuji was born In MU- cent letters to the P .C. ex SAN FRANCISCO - Thomas Choir. slon City, 40 miles from Van- personalized belp. held and lack of a chemical shikawa, past pres.; Kumeo calling for a president-elect, pressing the viev,rpoint of M. Yamasaki. 18. who wa. Some 60 ministers from all couver.