MCM Problem a Contest Results
2011 Mathematical Contest in Modeling® Press Release—April 15, 2011 COMAP is pleased to announce the results of the 27th annual repeater, low-power users (such as mobile stations) can Mathematical Contest in Modeling (MCM). This year, 2775 teams communicate with one another in situations where direct user‐ representing institutions from sixteen countries participated in the to‐user contact would not be possible. However, repeaters can contest. Eight teams from the following institutions were designated interfere with one another unless they are far enough apart or as OUTSTANDING WINNERS: transmit on sufficiently separated frequencies. Eastern Oregon University, La Grande, OR For a circular flat area of 40 miles radius, contestants were Harvey Mudd College, Claremont, CA required to determine the minimum number of repeaters Peking University, Beijing, China necessary to accommodate 1,000 simultaneous users, assuming Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY that the spectrum available is 145 to 148 MHz, the transmitter Tsinghua University, Beijing, China frequency in a repeater is either 600 kHz above or 600 kHz University of Electronic Science and Tech., Chengdu, China below the receiver frequency, and there are 54 different "PL" University of Western Ontario, London, Canada tones available to reduce the potential of interference. Then, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA contestants were required to determine how their solution changes if there are 10,000 users. And finally, they were This year’s contest ran from Thursday, February 10 to Monday, required to discuss the case where there might be defects in February 14, 2011. During that time, teams of up to three line‐of‐sight propagation caused by mountainous areas.
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