July 2019 No 237 36 | Small airline for a small country MEA focused on the local Lebanese market 60 | Closing the loop Despite protests, Mansourieh power lines go live 72 | Initiatives to move forward Sustaining mobility in Lebanon www.executive-magazine.com Lebanon: LL 10,000 - Bahrain: BD2 - Egypt: EP20 - Jordan: JD5 - Iraq: ID6000 - Kuwait: KD2 - Oman: OR2 - Qatar: QR20 - Saudi Arabia: SR20 - Syria: SP200 - UAE: Drhm20 - Morocco: Drhm30 - Tunisia: TD5.5 - Tunisia: Drhm30 - Morocco: Drhm20 - UAE: SP200 - Syria: SR20 Arabia: - Qatar: - Saudi OR2 QR20 KD2 - Oman: ID6000 - Kuwait: JD5 - Iraq: LL 10,000 - Bahrain: - Egypt: BD2 EP20 - Jordan: Lebanon: Offering luxury. Audi introduces exclusive deals on premium models. % years years 0interest 5service 5warranty ETS F.A. Kettaneh (Kettaneh Frères) s.a. Audi Showroom: Mar-Mikhael, Charles Helou Avenue, Tel.:12 +961 1 560555
[email protected] www.audi-lebanon.com executive-magazine.com 170619_AUDI_Premium 0% Interest_21x27 .indd 1 6/19/19 11:27 AM July 2019 EDITORIAL #237 Groundhog Day Some repetitions have become part of our routine; it is amazing what human beings can learn to accept. We have become used to daily power cuts, as the electricity switches back and forth between state supply and generator, and to water shortages in the sum- mer and waiting for private companies to refill the tanks. We are only reminded of the pain when we pay the overpriced double bill for bad quality services. We pay, complain, accept—then forget. Beyond this nonchalant bourgeois attitude that chooses to throw money at the problem rather than revolt, there is one issue that is impossible to accept or ignore: the lack of mobil- ity in this country.