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THE TEESDALE MERCURY—WEDNESDAY^ TOVEMBER 22, 1899. perfeot." Over the head of Sir Alfred tire the words, Somo critics now doubt whether the relief of Kim- "Rule Britannia." There are some oopital illua' oerloy IO to be accomplished in the manner indicated MIDDLETON NOTES. j tratioQfl in Ibe number, including a view of the by the correspondents' cablegrams. The oensor, it is BOWES WATER SUPPLY. j Modder Biver Bridgo, reported to have been oom- BY FOOTBALL. BOLDRON WATER SUPPLY. argued would not allow the transmission of authentio THE SCHEME. I OUB OWN COKHESPONDINT.J j pletely destroyed by Boers: a pioture of the A public meeting was h-:ld in the Church School the and valuable detsiU. PROGRESS OP Woodlaud, 3 goal.; Barnard Castle, 1. At the monthly meeting of tbe Etirtforth Rural defenders Kimberloy— Diamond Fields Horse room on Wednesday evening last, to oonsider tbe of the From various sources oomo stories of tho Boers' Contrary to B:irnoy'a expectations Woodland got District Council, on Wednesdoy— Mr T. Ohipohafe, the Free Stato Artillery: goneral THE ENGINEER'S SECOND BEPOBT. advisability of forming a oommitteo of the Soldiers' Volunteer Corps: privations, and also of their louses ut LodyatnUb. tho better of their opponents in tho return leoguo J.P., presiding—Mr Wm. Portar submitted tho Tho monthly meeting of the Startforth Bural and Sailors' Families' Association for this district. j Tiew of Her Majesty's ships in Simon's Bay, including ±&ey seem to have given up the attempt to capturo game. What a complete turn of affair., Every following report having reference to the water supply District Counou was held on Wednesday. Mr T. The Bev. A. H. Ford occupied tbe chair, and in his i the " Powerful," " Terrible," " Doris," « Monaroh," the garrison. * credit is due to Woodland for their determination, at Boldron :—"The Committee oppointed by this Obipobaae, J P,, presided, aod tbo Clerk stated that opening remarks he thought tbat thore would be nod "Penolope": "The Oopo Town Volunteers called and, in the space of one woek, to turn a souod thrashing Counoil to deal with the above projeot met on the ho bad receiied the following report from Mr Parker, nobody but wbot would bo full of eympathy and out—reviewing the troops on the parade": "The of 6 goals to 1 into a victory of 3 goals to 1 is a ' Smart Gill Form,' last Friday, to examine the Newcastle-ou-Tyne, the enginoer, under date 14th admiration for our soldier, and sailors who were j D.B.O.V.B. Cycle Corps": and the "Capetown remarkable revival of form. Barney undertook tho spring, ond also to meet Mr Atkinson, ogent to tho 8 T RAY AlTToW S . Novomber :—" I accompanied your Committee, the upholding the honour of the old country, so many ! Higbla°der" Marohing to the Review." The " war journey with many misgivings, being short of both Lartington Estate, with a view of obtaining that Br SENTINEL. Lords in Trust of Bowes Moor, together with the miles owby from homo. While ho regretted that day by day " is duly reoorded. cheir regular full backs, BlackettandR. Walker filling gentleman's permission of its use. There wero " Nor sot down aught In malico."—Ot/ielio. Field BeevoB and others, on a visit of inspection to the other moans oould not bo adopted to settle disputes, the breach. On arrival further troublo arose, no present Messrs Weatberall, Allinson, Hunt, Tboi concert on behalf of Mrs Dixon is undertaken springs on Bowea Moor, yesterday, and made tho now that war in grim earnest was upon us, with its referoo having put in an oppearance. It iB about Thompson, ond Porter (of the committee), Mr The order for the embodiment of the 3rd Battalion in a kindly spirit by a number of accomplished following observations :—On the Deepdale Bide of attendont sorrow, misery, and privotion, we should time the Wear Valley Representative, seriously took Graham (eonitary inspaotor), Mr Atkinson (land j Durham Light Infantry has not yet arrived, and, vocalists, and, as tbo objeot is a most deserving one, Bavoo there are several springs near Bavoo Mire, endeavour to make the best of it, and try by all t'oe in band the referee question. Bernard Castle have agent), and Mr C. Alderson (occupier of tbe farm). moanwhile we give the roll of officers, rank and a good house is oonfldeutly anticipated. The late Mr but these oan only supply Bowee by taking the pipes me4ns in our power to alleviate and mitigate tbe been particularly unfortunate during this month, A discussion followed as to tho meritB of a continued name:—Colonel—B. B. Wilson; Lieut.-Ool. — J. around to tbe east of Bowes village, and making a suffering and de.titution of those who were engaged Dixon rendered invaluable aid in his lifetime in tho a. out of three league games played, their opponents supply from this source, when it was pointed out by Allison ; Major—B. 8. V. Grimsbaw ; Captains—H. reservoir on Station Bood. Tho adoption of this in war and also of those dependent upon them. local musical world, and it is both kindly and hove had tho pleasure of their own referee in two of several present at the time, who had known the P. Greenwood, T. G. Sowerby, H. J. 8owerby, L E scheme would involve on outlay of £140 more than sympathetic that in tho hour of need his memory them. Wo do not wiah to impute any unfairness to spring for many years, that it was fully acknow- Walker, W. H. Briggs, B. C. Soworby, W. K. Trotter," the amount required to convey tho water from Dry should be oberished, and his wife aod family not either gentleman ; we know how diflkult sometimes it ledged to be in every way suitable, and a most R, Fielden, H. F. Low, Lieuteoanta—B. L. Surtees; Bigg ond Bavoo. There are two springs m Deepdalo Mr H. C. Watson, the hon. .eo., thon gave a full forgotten. is for even a neutral person to so defioethe point, OB to excellent and reliable wator supply, Mr Atkinson noor ' Bavoo CaBtle.' These are, I believe, at aud complete explanation of tho foregoing oasooiation, [ seoond lieutenants—J. Grant, H. J. Kirkpatriok, j' give entire satisfaotion to oil, and the players in their fully realised tho requirements, and expressed his j 8. Berwick, F. W. S. Murray, K. J. W. Leather, F. sufEoient elevation to gravitate to Bowes, via Clint together with its objectB and aims, and referred to Owing to the death of his unole (Mr Bichard Hedley) exoitemont take liberties whioh otherwise would bo sympathy with those who suffered through tbe want Top, and conld be oonvoyed at a oost of £180 more the fuot that it was national in itB obaracter, ond H. A. Sowerby, J. T. Prosett, J. B. Wilkinson. penalised. The gome was late in starting, ond being of a good and pure Bapply of water, and, subject to it is announced that Mr Finlay will be unable to fulfil than the amount required to supply Bowes from neither political nor sectarian in its attributes. If a Captain and Adjutant—F. H. S. Sitwell. Captain very foggy weather, before tbe finish it was impossible tho approval of the trustees of the estato, of which bis engagement, and to sing at this ooncert. Mr Dick Ravoo and Dry Bigg, With reference to tho quantity committee was formed, of cour.e tho first ond ; and Quartormaeter—J, A, Parkes. Lieut.-Col. J. to follow tho ball. Both sides missed easy •onction he did not in tbe least doubt, without any Winpenny, of Stockton-on-Tees, with biB usual kind- of water yielded at the above-mentioned springs I primary duty was to colloct money, »nd although we obonceB, • Munro. Barney's forwards shooting shockingly bad, tho only hesitation gonerously granted tbe use of the spring in ness of heart, has volunteered to tako the place of his hesitate about pronouncing an opinion, as tbe reoont atiMiddloton might not hove many local cooes to look goal on their side being sbot by Chott from the half- question on what were considered very reasonable friend, rains have considerably affected tho various runners, after aud relieve, he thought wa should give oil tbe back line. Up to within ten minutes of time the terms, namely, £1 per annum. This sum i. to The Boers—mon, women, and children—have an # • and I could form no relioble opinion upon yesterday's more as a thank-offering. All subscriptions would score stood one each, when a consultation took plaao include way loavo, etc. The Committee reoommend ortraordinary fondness for sweetmeats, or "leoker- A tale is told of a looal farmer who sat up all night observation a as to tho permanenoy or otherwise of be loo&lly applied first, any surplus would bD for- os to the advisability of continuing the game in the that this spring and the terms as offered, be accepted. lijes," os they call them. It does not muob matter ia quest of falling stars. He was afraid that his hay springs seen for tho first time. With reference to tbe warded to the Durham County Fund, and should a fast inooming darkness. No orrangement however They also desire to convoy, through tho Clerk to tbe wbBt the flavour is so long as thoy look big and solid slacks might be burnt. This exceeds tho astronomical sobeme laid before you in July Iact, I may add that I surplus be again recorded, it would be applied was orrived at, and tho homo eleven knowing the Counoil, tboir high appreciation of Mr Atkinson for and chalky.