Colleges Can Subscribe to the B.M.7
540 30 August 1969 News and Notes WHITTET, Craig Dunain Hospital, Inverness, epi- of the Brompton Hospital), Fulham Road, SOCIETY OF APOTHECARIES OF demioldgy of alcoholism in the Highlands and Islands, £7,500 over three years, from funds pro- London S.W.3, on Fridays at 5 p.m. from LONDON vided by the Distillers Company Limited for 3 October to 5 December inclusive. L.M.S.S.A.-S. G. Taktak, A. M. Hasan, H. T. research into alcoholism. Abu-Zahra, K. G. A. M. Ghattas, L. S. Nakhla, Br Med J: first published as 10.1136/bmj.3.5669.540 on 30 August 1969. Downloaded from B. A. K. Al-Kazzaz, M. Amanullah, F. R. Akrawy, IX Congris National des Midecins de M. A. Shanif, W M. Umrani, A. F. M. S. Rahman, Strike by Ambulance Men M. M. Abdel Rahman, W. F. Abadir, J. Y. Hallac, Ambulance drivers withdrew services from Centres de Sante.-16-18 October. Details A. F M. Shamsul Alam, M. Impallomeni, D. B. from Secretariat, 3 rue de Stockholm, Albuquerque, 0. E. F. M. Fadl, M. Habboushe, 25 of London's 76 ambulance stations earlier G. Gordon, G. R. Tadross, F. S. Mina, M. A. B, this week, and the Federation of Ambulance Paris 8. El-Gothamy, A. A. Shihata, S. D. Sarkar, A. M. H Aboul-Ata, E. F. Sayegh, J. K. S. Wee, S. S. Personnel claimed that the strike action Michail, M. H. Rahman, A. R. I. Ahmed, Z. would be extended if its claims were not met. Symposium on Patient Monitoring.-24 Husain.
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