HOLY CROSS CATHOLIC CHURCH WELCOME TO HOLY CROSS CHURCH! Rev. Charles E. Otsiwah, Pastor (979)335-7551 and (979)335-4071 Rectory, Cemetery and Faith Formation Offices May 31, 2020 – PENTECOST SUNDAY REV. CHARLES E. OTSIWAH MOST REV. BRENDAN J. CAHILL P. O. Box 1325 BISHOP, DIOCESE OF VICTORIA 839 Church Street P.O. Box 4070 East Bernard, Texas 77435-1325 Victoria, Texas 77903 Rev. Charles E. Otsiwah:
[email protected] Patsy Krenek: Parish Catechetical Leader Faith Formation email:
[email protected] Evelyn Vacek: Cemetery Administrator Cemetery e-mail:
[email protected] Denise Tovar: Secretary/ Bookkeeper Rectory e-mail:
[email protected] Rectory fax: 979-335-7038 Sarah Kramr: RCIA RCIA e-mail:
[email protected] Parish Web site: eastbernardcatholic.org For updated or changes in our parish news, "LIKE" our Facebook pages -- Please bear with us in this time of trial, we are doing our best to help everyone have a good and safe experience Holy Cross Catholic Church, Holy Cross Faith Formation, and Holy Cross Cemetery. on returning to Mass with the congregation. If you would like to Lector, EME, or Altar Serve call the office, this Diocese of Victoria Web site: www.victoriadiocese.org would be extremely helpful at this time. As per Diocesan directives, Altar Servers must wear a mask and gloves and EME must wear a mask and 1 glove on the hand that holds the Ciborium (we provide the gloves). Thank you! SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE: Arrange with Father six months before wedding date QUINCEANERA: Arregla con el padre antes de los quince años Mass Attendance Last Weekend: no count SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION: Saturday from 4:00 PM to 4:30 PM and by appointment Your Gift to God Last Weekend: $5,844.00 ADORATION: Thursday from 7:30 AM to 7:00 PM SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM: By Appointment After Pre-Baptismal Instructions.