Activity sheet

Exercise 1 Write down the names of the three settlement parts of Aquincum at the correct spot and mark the aqueduct and the governor’s palace! Mark with a dashed line the course of the Roman !

Exercise 2 Mark on the timeline when the Romans conquered !

300 100 200 Birth of Christ

Exercise 3 Connect the emperors with events associated with their reign!

Conquest of Pannonia

First governor at Aquincum, as emperor grants Trajan city status to Aquincum

Division of Pannonia into Upper and Lower Pannonia

The “philosopher emperor”, who made a number of visits to Aquincum during the Marcomannic Wars Augustus

Exercise 4 From the main column in the crossword, you can find out with what the Romans used to decorate the floors of buildings!

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

1. The Latin name of the meat market 2. Lies at the centre of the “double baths” 3. The Romans used these to drain wastewater 4. The hottest room of the “large public baths” 5. Where the gladiators fought 6. Popular decoration of Roman houses and courtyards (they also frame the garden of the “large dwelling house"

Exercise 5

What does this picture show?


Summarise briefly how it worked! (3 points)



In which buildings of the Aquincum Civil Town did you see something similar? (max. 5 points)



Exercise 6 What are the modern names of these Pannonian towns?

Scarbantia –

Sophianae –

Savaria –

Arrabona –

Aquincum –

Exercise 7 What do these picture show? Connect the pictures with the correct description!

1. Aqueduct; 2. Latrine; 3. Underfloor heating; 4. Street with fountain; 5. Mosaic depicting wrestlers.