On Bounds and Closed Form Expressions for Capacities of Discrete Memoryless Channels with Invertible Positive Matrices Thuan Nguyen Thinh Nguyen School of Electrical and School of Electrical and Computer Engineering Computer Engineering Oregon State University Oregon State University Corvallis, OR, 97331 Corvallis, 97331 Email:
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[email protected] Abstract—While capacities of discrete memoryless channels are That said, it is still beneficial to find the channel capacity well studied, it is still not possible to obtain a closed form expres- in closed form expression for a number of reasons. These sion for the capacity of an arbitrary discrete memoryless channel. include (1) formulas can often provide a good intuition about This paper describes an elementary technique based on Karush- Kuhn-Tucker (KKT) conditions to obtain (1) a good upper bound the relationship between the capacity and different channel of a discrete memoryless channel having an invertible positive parameters, (2) formulas offer a faster way to determine the channel matrix and (2) a closed form expression for the capacity capacity than that of algorithms, and (3) formulas are useful if the channel matrix satisfies certain conditions related to its for analytical derivations where closed form expression of the singular value and its Gershgorin’s disk. capacity is needed in the intermediate steps. To that end, our Index Terms—Wireless Communication, Convex Optimization, Channel Capacity, Mutual Information. paper describes an elementary technique based on the theory of convex optimization, to find closed form expressions for (1) a new upper bound on capacities of discrete memoryless I. INTRODUCTION channels with positive invertible channel matrix and (2) the Discrete memoryless channels (DMC) play a critical role optimality conditions of the channel matrix such that the upper in the early development of information theory and its ap- bound is precisely the capacity.