Egyptian 1967
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Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC July 1967 Daily Egyptian 1967 7-27-1967 The aiD ly Egyptian, July 27, 1967 The aiD ly Egyptian Staff Follow this and additional works at: Volume 48, Issue 187 Recommended Citation , . "The aiD ly Egyptian, July 27, 1967." (Jul 1967). This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1967 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in July 1967 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Santa Clau8 Gripe8 About SIUSummer· Santa made a special ap pearance on campus Wednes day to perform in a special film produced, directed and edited by the Cinematography I class. Santa was heard to say. "rm not used to working in such blasted hot weather." It was about 90 degrees when bis amics were filmed bv three other student thespians". The four students were tak Ing pan in a class exercise in making a four-minute movie. Steve Linle, a junior maj oring in radio-television. was the one sweating in the pillow padded red suit. Michae l HarriS, a senior majoring In journalism. was the producer actor. Dan Vance a senior ' .. #' majoring in theater. was the cameraman and Eileen Bend er, a senior majoring in speech, was contributing her talents as actress. Rain, Wind, Weeds , '. Cause Carbondale Mosquito Trouble '. Persistent rainfall and un n") ' 10 HO---Jollv St. Nicholas made a summertime appearance role as Santa Claus, Ei1len Bender was cast in a role, and Dan usual atmospheric conditions on campus in the heat of Wednesday afternoon . It was all part of Vance (ritdtt) was the cameraman , The construction crew (back have resulted in an increased mosquito population in Car the Fi1min~ operations of a Cinemato~raphy class. Micheal ~round) took it all in stride. Hards, left, is the producer actor; Steve Little SWCQts out his bondale this summer accord ing to James L. Burnett, sec Vi.iling Here retary of the Jackson County Mosquito Abatement District. Burnett said that because I>.i4 Chinese Journalist of the heavy rainfall the pro cess of larviciding, in which chemicals and oH are used Seeks Aid for Plans to destroy m03quito nesting places, has achieved little ef By Harry Hlx profession in the Pac ific fect. area." Another problem, Burnett If enthusiasm can make At sru, she Is visiting said, is the hampering of fog c:b.'eams become realities, Howard R. Long. chairman of ging operations because of the EGYPTIAN Mrs. Nancy Yu Huang has a the DepanmentofJournailsm, wind velocity. "Fogging just bead stan in realizing hers. and Charles Clayton, pro does not work during the day S~I,,_ 'ttUtM~ 1t..,~ Mrs. Yu Huang, publisher fessor of journalism. Both because of tbe wind, so the COrt....~I •• IlIi ...i. and director of tbe China Post of her "old friends" have operation is now done in the Thursclo,. Jul, 27. 1967 and professor of journalism at taught at National Chengchi early morning hours," he National Chengchl University University. In addltlontothelr added. Volume 48 in Taipei, Taiwan, is on cam teaching duties there, theyal Heavy vegetation is another pus in quest of assistance so worted pan-time for tbe factor in the increased mos for making her hopes come China Post and helped train quito problem, according to Hypothetical Project true. some of the paper's news Burnett, because of the pro Mrs. Yu Huang's plans are room personnel. tection it provides. twofold: one, s he hopes to The China Post, founded 15 ··Wc are now working with Literary Magazine establish a SinO-American In years ago by Mrs. Yu Huang, the city of Carbondale on a stitute of Journalism in Tai has a circulation of 15,000 weed cutting program in hopes pei; and. two, she wants to and Is the only English ' ian of destroying mo;quito nest see (he Asian Pacific Adver guagemorning paper In Free ing places." he added. Planned for SIU tisIng Association continue its China. The paper convened Burnett said that the m03- fll"growth and service (0 the to offset printing in April and quito probJem could be les S(U may soon have its own "The ma~a z in e is still a is now printed in full color sened greatly Ifpropenyown humor and literary maglzine. hypothetical project," said two days a week. Mrs. Yu ers would see to it that Such a m agazine may be Novick, a senior transfer stu Secretaries Open Huang said her paper is the ditches. waterways, and cuJ published this summCi", ac dent from Stanford University. first in Chinese history to go vens , are cleared of rubbish cordmg to Stuan Novick, ad He explained that the maga Summer Seminar offset with color. and materials that cause them ministrative assistant to Ray zine still needed to be staffed. Mrs. Yu Huang said she Is to become blocked and pro Lenzi. s tudent body president. "We need a business man StU's firstSummerSemfnar seeking advice and assistance vide breeding ground; for ager, anists, canoonists, ex for Secretaries will open [0- from the Depanment of Joum mosquitoes. perienced copy and layout night at the University Center allsm for Implementing her Midweek Siam Set people. typists and writers with 45 women from through. plans. One way sru can assist of all kinds," he said. out southern IllinOis pan- is "to send professors" to Gus Bode At VTl Thu Term Novick asked that interested icipating. help train newsmen, she said. students contact him a!: 549- Sessions will be conducted She wants the journalism in Students and faculty at VTl 50 17. or leave their names from 7 to JO p.m. Thursdays stitute to provide both aca- arc getting together for a and telephone numbers in the through Aug 17. demlc and practical training. weeklyrefreshmemhour inthe student government office in The seminar is designed to SIU is but one stop on her student cemer. the University Center. serve as a refresher course ··sounding out trip." Before The r efreshment hours arc He said salaries would be for currently em ploy e d visiting here, Mrs. Yu Huang scheduled from iO to 11 a.m. paid to the magazine staff secretaries and is offered by spent 10 days in New York Wednesdays for [he r est of from proceeds from the sales, the SIU Division of Technical City where she visited sev the summer term. if the first issue is success and Adult Education and the e ral publishers and advenis The idea was initiated by ful. business depanm('nt of V'fI. ing agencies. She reponed students on tbe programming Lenzi confirmed that stu Manufacturers' displays of that so far "'reaction has been board, Mrs. Ruby Summers, dent government funds had duplicating and cop yin g enthusiastic." Next, she Is Studem Center supervisor. been made available for the machines, dictating and trans- scheduled to visit some uni said. printing costs of the first cribing machines, and type- 'versities on the West Coast •. We have a number of new Issue or the proposed publi writers will be presented at and then she is going to the sludents this s umme r. and cation. at the seSSions, according East~West Center at the Uni lhe board fe lt that this is "We hope to pro'/idc 3 cam to Seminar Chalrma~ Paul verslty of Hawaii. Sbe has a good wa y for students and pus literary and humo: mag E . Mcinturff of the VTI also ma~ e several stops In Gus says the cJosest he ever faculty to get together in azine wh ich will provide an business English and pun- Europe. came to having a fixed opln. formally and gel acquainred opponunlty for all interested ctuatlon, shonhand, filing, re- The Asian PaCific Adver- outside the classroom," Mrs. ion was when he "'Iallced into stud'~nts to :.oncribute:' Lenzi ference libraries, typing, and Summers said. (e.... tin ........ Po", 2) one of those steel postS ce said. choosing supplies. mented into the sidewalk. Medical Bag, Drug. Stolen A warning has been Is s ued Tbe theft took place between by Carbondale police and a 9:30 a.m. and 12:45p.m. Wed local doctor that a medical nesday. according to Sgr. bag stolen from a parked car Donald Johnson of the Carbon at Holden Hospital contained dale Police. Sgr. Johnson said Ie thai dosages of "polluted" the dark brown alligator In morphine and dernerol. strumentbagwasthe thirdtaken " Use of tbe drugs could in CarbOlldale since January. mean instant death," a nurse Johnson added that It was in the doctor's office s aid thought tbe tbefts were efforts Wednesday. The drugs. which to obtain prescription pads to were outdated. wer e stolen obtain narcotics, or any along with $300 worth of narcotics that might be in medical instruments. tbe s rolen bags . Clil--NESE PUBLISHER--Nancy Yu Huan~ . publis her of the Chin. Post. was on campus Wednesday t o discuss plans for a Sino-Ameri can Ins titute of J ourna lism on Taipei (Fornosa), and for the ~ rowth of the Asian P acific Advertising Association. She is shown he re with Tae Guk Kim . a Korean ~ra dua t e s tude nt in journalis m. Journalist Seeks Daily Egyptian I'ubllsh.."d In ItI(> (kp.anmen( of Journal Aid During Visit Is m Tuc8da)' lhro u$:h Salurc1i)' Ih rou~houl the school Y(' ,u, ('X('('PI durlnll: Unlve rfill)' vacallon period,;, e umlnlUlon Wi!'('t ll, and (Continued fro .. Page 1) leAl 1 ho1l4.l)'11 b)' Southern lIIinolll Unhc r "'iI)', Carbondale.